Demon's> ds1=bb>ds2>Sekiro=Ds3

Demon's> ds1=bb>ds2>Sekiro=Ds3

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Other urls found in this thread:

im so lonely, i didnt ask to be born into this hell

>DS2 above anything
lol no

Me too

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JESUS CHRIST why the fuck did you had to post her, i completely forgot about her

Sekiro is not a souls game.

who dis


Beautiful Angel Ciara invades more boards I see.

more Jewish tits pls

Is there a story behind her?

There's no going back

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Why did Sekiro turn out to be so bad..

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fuck off

Shit taste, BB is the worst post Armored Core 4 From game

I'm 4 hours in and really enjoying it so far.


>ywn farm pure bladestones in demons souls with her for hours on end

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That's the most basic bitch list ever.

Is this the tranny thread?

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Is she better now?
Is the boomer still around?
She looks better now

>I showed you my labia answer me

ok but who?

She ditched the boomer got herself a fatass her age.

>All these newfags

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> mhw> nioh > ds3 > gow > bloodborne > seiko > god eater 3 > ds > ds2 > demon souls

why are we here bros...

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gow sucks fucking dick

>ds2 not on the bottom of everything
no it's not a meme it's just that bad

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And is still better souls game

have sex

Impeccable taste

Who hurt you?

nioh was so disappointing. thank god I pirated it

>that face

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have sex with me

Sure thing user just leave your window unlocked tonight.

have a stroke

Nice bait user

Seems good so far

Nioh > all

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Lol same here haha.

Sekiro > Bloodborne = Dark Souls 3 > Nioh > Dark Souls 1 > The Surge > Dark Souls 2

All games on that list are still 8+/10 though.

sekiro has the worst combat tho

It's safe to assume a tranny

I'm a dexfag though, always used the Uchigatana and parried everything so it's literally made for me.

literal bottom of the barrel girl, would rather cum in a trashcan.

just to suffer









>tfw no mentally unstable gf
How do I Get one?

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Just date a girl.


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They don't tend to be social people at all, so it'll be hard finding one that isn't through school, college or job.

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You are all pathetic for fawning over some random girl on the internet. Aren't you ashamed of yourselves? Don't you have a better purpose in life than getting looked at by a girl?

Wow she is so beautiful, I wonder if she wiould be willing to marry me

i'm pretty ugly though, pic realated

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says the roastie

Dude, she was snorting cocaine when she was 14, are you implying she's not a roastie?

My parents always told me l was only very VERY distantly Jewish, only like one great great great great grandparent on my Father's side. But when I see these Jewish girls I see all the same marks that I have; the skin, the thick eyebrows, the greasy heavy light brown hair, the sunken in eyes, the detached earlobe, everything is the same. I wonder what else I was lied to about.

Beautiful Angel Ciara is 1/8 Jewish, and 7/8ths Irish. A Kike Mick if you were.

stfu shes pure

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So everyone has done a little cocaine she was young everyone makes mistakes.

>Dude, she was snorting cocaine when she was 14,

{{Citation needed}}

She spent like 4 years doing so, she got kicked out of her school for giving drugs to little kids, she was sent to rehab, and after she left she was raped.

Playing it now. Beat drunk sumo and Shinobi hunter but what the hell this Ogre boss is so terribly designed.

If you weren't a newfag and did some research on her instead of just saving pics of her and making up her life in your head, you'd know this.
Right now she's dating a 30 year old, btw.

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bet she got that creampie.

They broke up shes with someone else now.

>dob: 4/20/2000

What the heck

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>doing research on random nobodies that /r9k/ obsesses over for no discernible reason

Nah get fucked.

Bullshit. How could a 14 year old even afford that?

Mostly through her druggie boyfriends.


I never get why people suck BBs dick so much.
It's easily one of the most overrated games and while it's not quite as bad as DS2, it's about the same quality as DS3 which also wasn't that great.

I've played an hour of Sekiro and I can already tell it shits all over DS2 and DS3.

>You will never hold her down and brutally rape her until you give her a nice, warm and sticky creampie.
Why live?

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Only thing better Sekiro does is more interesting NPCs . It's gameplay is boring and repetitive. 90 percent of the skills you learn are pointless and the parry command isn't responsive.

That's the proof that she was raped.

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we're becoming old men user

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You are.
Maybe it's time to get finally get off your ass before it's too late.

Time flies .

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is this that heroin addict ciara

>Egg girl was 11 years ago
>we never got to see her asshole

at least post a cute girl

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Why doesn't Yea Forums get any cute girls were is our queen at?

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she stuck the sharpie in there tho

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>is this that beautiful angel ciara

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Sekiro shouldn't be listed, it's not a Soulsborne. For a time I thought Soulsborne fags had become the cancer that killed Froms ability to be creative and they would just shit out Soulsborne clone after clone.

Thankfully Sekiro has given me hope, they just need to make another new IP or Armored Core 6 and we're all set.

back in the day before the mods cared about anything. Yea Forums sexy beautiful women threads were the best

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>kojima 2 months of HRT

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Who needs girls when you have Quentin and the diamond dogs

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cute boy

how is she these days? still with her dad bf?

How about a Kings Field?

Because now there's people here who lose it the moment they see a girl and start posting about how they are biologically inferior etc etc.

no they broke up

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She looks too young honestly.

did she say why? and what ever happened to sunny? i miss her

8ree was also the cute

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>reminder cole sprouse fucked her and broke up with her because she's fucking crazy

Shit movie. That still is the only good thing to come from it.

I wonder what shes doing right at this moment. Hopefully not playing that shitty game Sekiro

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Contrarian: demon souls
Casual:Dark souls 3
Pleb: dark souls 2
Patrician: bloodborne
Normalfag: dark souls 1
This is not an opinion, but a fact. Don't even reply me.

When i was a teen i was obsessed with tomboys/reverse traps and had a huge crush on her gifs with short hair

Now i just like regular girls and i realized that me liking tomboys was just because i was afraid of interacting with womanly women and i just wanted something on my comfort level.

She looks like she'd get blown away with a strong gust of wind

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she looks crazy

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Having yellow fever as a latino sucks.
They don't like me.

Shadow Tower is a better Kings Field

I've had a sore throat for over a week. Not sure if strep and I should go to a doctor or if it's prolonged because I keep hacking up mucus.

Well that's sad, I am latino too but unlike you I haven't encountered a single Asian girl

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Please come to brazil

im not kidding brazil has tons of jap girls

I was trying to remember the name of that but my brain wasn't cooperating, I'd be fine with that too

I went the other way and realized I'm bi and a cute guy would also do it for me..

>/r9k/ cocaine addict whore

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I cannot describe how not funny this image is.

Like this is levels of not funny that I forgot existed.

God damn. Do you really think posting this image was worth the mental real estate and time of mine it consumed.
Do you really think it's even worth the premise of considering it's worth clicking on that image.

I will straight up square up on you if you ever think about posting this shit again.

I just can't like guys at all. Super dainty traps are okay, but they exist exclusively in 2D.

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posts SFW pictures for the first two weeks
gets kicked out of her private school ((for giving drugs to other children))
posts nudes on /soc/, Yea Forums and /r9k/
posts nudes on reddit, thousands of upvotes
posts videos of herself pissing on reddit, ten thousands of views
starts to cut herself seriously
((tries to commit suicide, is hospitalized))
stops brushing her teeth

Wtf is wrong with women

actually based

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source: dated a girl when i was a teenager that would get coke for free and broke up with me to 'date' her dealer because i didn't do or sell coke

A-user, are you ok?

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>hey Carl, did you bring your tent?

Based. Ignore the other fags, redditniggers need to die

Name one person who hasn't done coke at least twice.

By having sex with drug dealers?

Myself. I've never done an illegal drug besides a tiny bit of underage drinking.


Nigga everyone tries coke stop lying.

>trying to take care of his health while being courteous about it
>threatens his life like some pyschopath

coke isn't popular outside NA/SA

i never did coke, but i snorted ritalin a couple times

>tfw thirsted on by sub 4/10s
Trade places?

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Who was in the wrong here?

Which part?
Also I like that one Tic Tic Tac song. I need more music like this.

Is she actually a heroin addict?

More of a logistical/transportation thing. Coke is far more expensive in UK/Yurop and it's going to be the weakest, most cut shit in the world.

Thinking of trying tinder.
Any advice? I'd figure a sperg like myself would mostly get 3's
but I was hoping on getting experience and climbing the ladder

That's only proof that an examination took place. It doesn't prove rape.

São Paulo and Paraná (esp. Londrina and Maringá region)

a tall jap girl moved next door to me today and i walked her to university, she's kinda awkward but sorta cute

If you didn't use Tinder in 2012-2013 you missed out. Don't even bother using it now.