Who thought this was a good idea

who thought this was a good idea

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The N64 hardware engineers obviously. And I don't exactly blame them because there wasn't much experience designing 3D oriented controllers at that point in time (no, the saturn 3d pad doesn't count because that was a rushed POS)

I did :)


black is a good controller colour.

its boring

my p-nus


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>TFW you think up of a game idea that makes use of the N64 controller's weird layout
>No one will want to play it

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It never ceases to amuse me how Nintendo was so unsure of the analog stick that they put it in the secondary position rather than the primary position that the D-pad enjoys, but the vast majority of N64 games I played never used the D-pad at all.

atleast it had a joystick

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Jungle Green or bust.

The controller was designed during Mario 64 because shiggy was obsessive compulsive about the player feeling a sense of freedom.of movement to the point that I heard he spent hours chasing rabbits as Mario with different controller prototypes and this shitty stick was the best design they could come up with.

>6 face buttons
At least it got one thing right.

Just say the game's best experienced with a N64 controller and adapter. People will buy adapters for their PCs if it's good enough and N64 controllers are everywhere

kys neo-Yea Forumsermin

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It just werks™

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WHAT were they THINKING?

t. I can't hold this controller without three hands

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Japs are weirdos

There's nothing wrong with the N64 controller you dumb zoomer

Not only is the overall design shit, the analog stick was absolute trash. I owned a N64 back in the day, and I still think the dualshock was infinitely superior.
The N64 was a comedy of errors.

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Dualshock 1 was released AFTER the n64, so the base controller that came with the PS1 didn't have the joysticks

but they've made the best controller design to date

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yea but its still great and was bundled with all the ones that sold after

Fucking retarded zoomers are the only ones that don't know how to hold an N64 controller. Really shows how underage Yea Forums has become

Transparency is the most kino visual that any controller can have, prove me wrong

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I like how slim the grips are.
They make the controller feel wide

The same people who made this really comfortable to hold controller and then gave it the most butchered button layout and worst right analog known to mankind

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It honestly felt really good to hold the controller like that. Especially the z trigger. Innovative Nintendo is best Nintendo.

it was me jams.
the author of all ur pan

The best controller that gen was the Saturn's though.

The analog stick sold me on the N64. Ridge Racer and Crash were great and all but when you go from that to the smooth analog controls of Super Mario 64 and Pilotwings (the only two launch) the choice seemed obvious.

There are obviously vastly more Playstation games I hold as classics now, and I'd never be able to suffer through Donkey Kong 64 or Banjo Tooie now, but I dont regret the decision. Lots of multiplayer memories and Starfox 64 is still my shit.

I can't, but atomic purple is the worst transparency color. transparent black, white, clear and even halo green are better

>blocks your path

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Can we agree the xbawk controller is objectively the most comfortable and best for general PC gaming?

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But God is it comfortable.


They didn't know if the Analog stick would become popular or not so they designed the n64 controller so that if the stick itself bombed you were left with an expanded Saturn controller which they knew was better than the SNES controller.

That was a POS. The 360 shits on it in every way possible.

i would agree to that
although I would give the Wii U Pro Controller a close second

>stock controller completely unsuited for 3D, less buttons than the stock PS1 controller
>3D pad is debatably an "upgrade"

No because the D-pad is garbage and the asymmetrical joysticks are retarded.

Despite having no gaems and arguably fucking worthless console, the one thing Playstation has going for it is its consistent controllers. I think the wii-classic pro is the best controller but thats just me.


your mom's exact words when she first saw you.

noob-tier insult. It's good if you're still in grade school but most people expect this kind of response. It's almost meme tier because "your mom goes to college" kinda took it to the ironic degree.

5/10 exactly what I expect out of vee

suck my micropenis

It was good, it's not very comfortable to hold but compared to the Dualshock it was superior in practice. Analog stick doesn't slide as much and better for precise movement and not having to press 4 essential buttons with just your thumb was much better.

6/10 still vee tier but slightly better due to self deprecation

I loved playing arcade perfect games on the saturn. What do you mean less buttons than the stock ps1 controller? You mean the controller that just had a lifespan of one year? It had 4 buttons plus 4 in the back. The Saturn's had 6 in the front 2 in the back unless I'm remembering shit wrong.

I cant remember single instance of anyone I knew bitching about the N64 controller having a weird shape. I do remember a lot of my friends who had PS coming over to my house to play goldeneye or super smash bros though.

Too bad the console itself was complete dogshit.

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>nights pad influences dreamcast controller
>dreamcast controller influences gamecube controller
>gamecube controller influences 360 controller
>we now have the standard of modern controllers

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Goldeneye was literally the only N64 game I played with friends.
I cannot count how many PS1 games I played with friends.
I was a rabid Nintendo fanboy back in the day, and even back then I ended up regretting my decision to get the N64.

>better specs
>too hard to program
>Sega of America killed it off entirely
Nah it had the best arcade ports of that gen easy. If you liked fighters the Saturn was were it was at. (except Tekken 3)

>asymmetrical joysticks are retarded.
>Playstation has no games
>Playstation has always had best controller

I've never seen one post be so completely wrong.

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Now this is good bait. 8/10 well meme'd friend!

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It was retarded
The Switch controller is a slightly irregular Xbox controller
They lightly admitted that 20 years of whacky controller design was a bad idea
Took them long enough

Aside from twisted metal I can't think of a single PS game on the same multi-player tier as smash, perfect dark, goldeneye Mario kart/party/tennis. Shit son you even needed a special attachment just to have 4 people at once.

>Sony: D-pad should be primary!
>Microsoft: No, stick should be primary!
>N64: *Does both*

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>doubles down on his shit opinion
Oh dear.

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The N64 controller is nothing short of an abomiation.

I'm an absolute Nintendo fan since forever, but that doesnt change the disgusting design of the N64 joystick and overall controller.

Yes, they had their reasons and yes, it works just fine in the long run and is even somewhat comfortable in shorter sessions, but it will never in a million years make sense as to WHY or WHAT made them chose to go with this design.

In another ideal universe, we got multiple controllers akin to the PS1. One with a joystick and one that was a simple D-pad only.

I know Nintendo as a company has been about innovation and taking risks... but what the fuck.

The second reason my N64 ended up gathering so much dust was that shitty fucking analog stick
The first reason was the serious lack of games worth playing.


This one here is the GOAT.
Change my mind.

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I don't understand, how did you miss Smash Bros, Mario Kart 64, Mario Party, and Perfect Dark which were pretty much best of gen multiplayer titles?

Needed 2 more face buttons.

>In another ideal universe, we got multiple controllers akin to the PS1. One with a joystick and one that was a simple D-pad only.

You're a fucking retard. 1 standard controller > any number of gimmick controllers

>serious lack of games worth playing

Man look you can be a Sonybro or whatever but when you say such stupid shit it doesn't sound like an opinion so much as trolling.

Start + Select vs Start

its true. theres literally nothing left to revisit in the n64 library but the ps1 library is so vast and incomprehensive it has jems out the ass

Anyone that purchases a Nintnedo console knows that its not for the 3rd party support.

You are buying it to play 1st/2nd party titles and if you're lucky to get a few good ports of 3rd party games.

So you're telling me you wouldnt want a first party equivalent to the hori pad? For what little the n64 really makes use of the D-pad I think it would have been justified.

>mismatched plug color
>doesn't say nintendo
the chinese generally are the ones selling knockoffs

flimsy as fuck
my friends and I went through 20-25 of these one summer playing soul calibur for 6-8 hours a day

user, what the hell are you talking about?
The N64 controller was absolutely fine. True, the stick worn down with time but it's the same with any controller. The analog stick and the Z button felt comfortable and 99% of the games there didn't use the D pad, had non essential options on it, or could be used to control the character just the same as the analog stick.

Weird because my pals and me absolutely loved SC and never needed to change even one.

SNES had great 3rd party support. The fact that Nintendo doesn't anymore is their own fucking fault.
>You are buying it to play 1st party titles
This is the ultimate in cope posting. Nintendo treated 3rd party devs like complete shit, and they are still paying the price to this day.

needs a second stick

>OOT and majoras mask
>perfect dark, goldeneye
>Mario 64/party/tennis/kart
>conkers bfd, if you're into that kinda thing
>smash bros
>rogue squadron, shadows of the empire
I was a fan of my PS. Hell I played that fucker till the laser burned out. But to say the N64 had no good games is just insane.

The n64 is my personal favorite Nintendo console. With that said, the controller does become uncomfortable after about 1-2 hours of use. It doent make it unusable though.

It works perfectly fine otherwise, and with proper care there isnt any real worry about the joystick.

The Dreamcast controller has to be the worst first-party controller I've ever had the misfortune of using. It's ergonomics are just so bad, it's too thin, the grips are too small, that analog sick hurts your thumb, there's only one analog stick, cord routes out the bottom, VMU was gimmicky as hell, just terrible. And that's not even counting things it's missing that are standard now like bumpers, analog stick button click, wireless/wired choice, built-in rumble etc.


why do no other analog sticks have the limp dick problem every N64 controller has?

The 90's...

I had the clear red one. It also started splitting appart at the seams. Turns out the clear plastic tends to be weaker.

im not saying it doesnt have games but im saying everyones already beaten all those by now theres nothing left to undust on it

No. That thing is hideous and unnecessary.

Youre dodging the point. By the n64 era Nintendo was without a doubt a joke to 3rd party developers.

Even Rareware as a 2nd party was tiring of their business model.

holy fuck

n64 is actually great controller idea
rather than have controller that prioritize dpad or prioritize stick, why not prioritize both? this makes games that use dpad muuuch better because devs didnt feel need to use control stick
issue is the stick too weak. so flimsy. the only piece of nintendo hardware that i find to be weaker is the switch's screen
i use wii u pro but sometimes use gamecube if i can
i hate the 360 controller. buttons suck, triggers suck, dpad sucks

>It's ergonomics are just so bad
Now THIS is bait. The ergonomics are simply perfect, I've never used a more comfortable controller in my entire life.
You could have debated any other feature except this one.
Sorry but you blew your cover, master baiter.

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Nintendo's N64 analog stick is the only one of it's style in the mainstream. It's vaguely similar to what a ball mouse from the era would use with a geared roller for each axis. This construction made it much more prone to wearing out.

I got ahold of some relatively fresh N64 controllers a few years ago, opened them up, opened up the joystick housing and put a bit of white lithium grease in there to try to cut down the friction of plastic-on-plastic contact. They still work pretty well, but they also haven't been used to a particularly heavy degree, so only time will tell if that was effective life extension technique for the controller.

except no game ever used the d pad

The overwhelming majority of PS games are shovelware. The amount of actual classic gems in there is no greater than the N64, and if you haven't beaten them by now I don't know what else to say.

100% serious, I've never had a controller on a home console cramp my hands so bad, the only things that come close are various Game Boys.

>imagine being such a cripple that you can't simply use it with the outer prongs

nice controller but I heard you wanted to enter the shadows of the empire cheat code with only 2 hands

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nope ur just talking out ur ass theres about 300 n64 games and 1200 ps1 games and just because ps1 has shovelwear that doesnt matter when there are still hundreds of hidden gems, id say there are 150 quality titles on ps1 but only 30-50 on n64 and thats pushing it

there aren't 150 quality video games ever made

PS1 had more good single player games, n64 had the best multiplayer games which is why it holds up better now

nope you are in denial, theres a reason ps1 sold 60m more copies than n64 and ill give you a hint it starts with th- and ends with -ird party support

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I had a PS1 and my neighbor had an N64, N64 was way better

besides MGS1 I can't think of any reason I'd pick PS1

u like baby games its ok

it was every multiplayer game, for every sport, shooters, fighting games, etc

>talking out of your ass
>hundreds of hidden gems buried in the pile of shovelware that is the PS library
The irony.

Do you seriously think 25 years after it's release you're going to suddenly find all those amazing worldbeating games that everyone else missed? The fact is that each console had a few dozen really good games with a good solid lineup in their top 10. Claiming that playstation had hundreds more good games than N64 is asinine. You wanna spend the rest of your life playing through pic related rather than admit that the N64 had some amazing games be my guest.

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guys where can I get a ps2 controller that isnt all digital buttons, but also doesnt break the bank, because alot of the cheaper knockoffs ive seen are not 100% compatible

Just emulate and buy a Chinese knock off with USB cable for 7$. That's how I got my snes, N64 and PS all set up. It's great.

you still need pressure sensitive buttons for emulating do you not? also ps2 doesn't emulate super well for me, ALSO I want it to play couch coop games at friends house, specifically baldurs gate dark alliance, which also happens to not work with PADEMU in OPL otherwise I would use a ps3 or ps4 controller

You can thank Miyamoto for going full retard on "muh make sure every button feels different so tards dont look down at the controller

The layout was fine for any game worth playing on the thing. Not saying it was optimal but it worked. The joystick on it is horrendous though, pretty much every original one that saw any amount of use is disgusting

cuz user has shit taste

The ones I got work just fine. And I've got the snes and N64 to both work splitscreen with multiple controllers. Haven't tried the PS yet but I can't see why it wouldn't work as well.

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Best controller

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>VMU was gimmicky as hell
wtf man VMU was based

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Was this as uncomfortable as people say it is?

Not the same user, but the ergonomics did suck. The cable coming out of the bottom was bad and the "handles/grips" of the controller were turned inward instead of outward. What an awful controller. The stick also had no grip on it either.

only for handlets and children

it was unnecessarily huge but still pretty ergonomic

the fix was basically what Xbox has now, which I don't understand why they didn't go with in the first place because MS already made controllers at the time with almost the same dimensions as the current xbox controller

one of the best
not perfect
D pad is shit making is hard to play games that best with a d pad
playstation and xbox had its ups and downs

Black N64 from the system launch

I don't know what everyone sees in this thing, it's my least favorite controller of all time. Not counting egregious ones like madcatz shit or most pre-NES controllers.
It doesn't do anything better than average, and is overall just kind of uncomfortable and ugly.
And I bought a 360 at launch.

The Wii-mote + nunchuck does what the N64 wanted to do, but actually successfully this time, and not retarded.

Actually true. Wiimote and nunchuck is the comfiest controller ever devised. It's crazy how much of a downgrade the joycons are in comparison.

Always the P1 controller for me, followed by the normal grey controller, followed by the two Madkatz controllers my hideous stepsiblings brought over. God damn were they disgusting.

the fact that it took everyone as long as it did to figure out the analog stick, let alone two of them will never not be mind boggling. I think back to that aliens game review where the guy is saying how weird the relatively modern control layout is and shake my head. Just one of those things that's stupid obvious once we got it.

It's pretty good. I use a Dualshock 3 though, even though its dpad is mediocre its better than the 360s.

especially since PC had already done it

And if the 'single controller for each hand' idea finally takes off further than just Nintendo, we'll be looking back at old controllers that limit your hand position and wondering why they stuck around so long.

at this point I'd be surprised if we see any major controller overhauls. For as much as everyone likes to fling shit about which bing bong wahoo box is better, they pretty much have a vested interest in not being radically different from each other. Nintendo is the odd one out but their status quo is basically to have a gimmick these days.

But that's wrong though. The Saturn 3D Control Pad influenced the Dreamcast controller and The Duke. The 360 pad is based off Japan's Xbox Controller S (which is based off the Saturn Control Pad which is based off the Genesis Arcade Pad) which came out before the Dreamcast did.

Meant to say GameCube at the end there, not Dreamcast. The Xbox Original came out before the GameCube did, the two systems did not influence each other's controller deisgns.

Which is where PC players come in to save the day. Theoretically, they aren't tied to a specific brand, and will use whatever hardware they want. Which means they could spread the popularity of a unique design.
I've heard we've already got easy Joycon synching to PC, but only as a single device and not a paired set.


Just imagine if Nintendo had had the courage to put the analog stick on the left side. They would have been credited with singlehandedly inventing the modern controller. Even third party manufacturers at the time had the right idea.

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The Z Trigger was a good idea, except that it was in your left hand, which kind of broke the immersion for righties.

Why is this such a common low effort bait thread lately?

*Blocks your path
>sorry bro this is the only controller left

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>who thought this was a good idea

Literally everyone. Thats why every joypad today copied its analogue sticks rumble features. They're standard now.

Say thanks to Nintendo

It is a good controller. If you think it isn't, your opinion is invalid for any number of reasons that you're not willing to reveal.

The real question is who the fuck thinks the playstation controller is good. The left thumbstick is not in resting thumb position. Nintendo knew Dpad primary was dead back when they made the n64, and Sega knew it too.


>held it the wrong way for the first night and my hand was fucked for a day

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