So why is it I can have plaed well over 40 games on my PS3 back in the day and have NEVER had any notification telling...

So why is it I can have plaed well over 40 games on my PS3 back in the day and have NEVER had any notification telling me I need to delete shit to play a new game due to lack of storage space for data but Im at like...around 10 for my PS4 and its already fucking full?

pic is not my specific list of games, just an example.

Attached: PS4 applications.jpg (1920x1080, 171K)

Gotta upgrade your hard drive man. This is one of the main reasons why i stopped playing my ps4 also im too lazy to buy a hard drive for mine.

Your example has a lot of MMOs, which historically have had fuckhuge storage requirements. WoW in 2004 needed 17gb, and thanks to grafixfags the space reqs have only gone up.

More importantly, just upgrade your system drive. Storage is cheap as shit, and swapping out the drive takes maybe 5 minutes.

Shit could be worse:
>have like 160gb free space
>want to install Red Dead 2 (105gb)
>says I need to clear 30 fucking more gb before I can install it

Tried to hook on my external HDD, shit doesn't work and doesn't even give you a proper error message

have you tried playing 2 or 3 of those games, finishing them, and then installing new ones?

How small is your HDD?
No external? What year is this?



Developers purposely inflate game sizes because people for some reason correlate that with the game's quality or value.

Attached: 1528748751005.jpg (225x225, 8K)

>Can't install any games because my capture gallery takes up hundreds of GBs.

H-help me...

theres a way to do it user, just look up a guide, assuming you didnt.

Im poor. its the standard 500GB

1tb externals are like 50 bucks user.

Still why is it like this? I didn't need to do this before it irritates me.

It literally walks you through on how to reformat the external HD so it can sync up with it.

Filesizes go up because

1. High-res textures and high-quality audio files
2. Developers don't bother with compression because
3. Storage media is cheap as shit

When a 1tb drive costs less than $50 and a regular Blu-ray can fit 50gb, developers aren't going to bother trying to squeeze every last bit of data into some tight package like they had to on DVDs that could handle maybe 7-8gb.

I believe they do it so you don't play other games than theirs and so buy their dlc and sequels

It is 2019.

most people never upgrade because they need specific storage compatible with ps4 consoles. And you need reinstall the entire system software manually: the file ( is around 2GB in size, and it took around 4 hours to download because slow Sony servers

Attached: 1527260033564.jpg (1280x720, 391K)

>slow Sony servers
PS3 never has these issues downloading shit, I swear to fuck the PS4's network card is just hot trash.

so...just buy an external hard drive?

On PS3 just a portion of the game is installed. On PS4 the entire game is in the HDD.

that sounds retarded