Who could defeat him?
Who could defeat him?
Other urls found in this thread:
*blocks your path*
Just remove Toon World/Kingdom from the field and you nuke a Toon board.
Too easy.
Toon Link
Blue Eyes is a cute girl
Also probably Geralt or a experienced hunter from the Monster Hunter games
Literally anything competent from any point in this game's history. I'm talking early meta could shit on it.
>Nu toon monsters don't require toon world anymore
Fuck this game.
Toon monsters were never useful outside of the anime
What if there was a Toon Relinquished?
My mothafuckin' goddamn nigga.
My wife!
*blocks your path*
>want to play card game for children
>have to read novel any time I play a card
The old game was more fun and I'm never buying a video game of it until it lets me play online in lobbies with only old cards
Raigeki, it’s dead
>tfw even before synchro your favorites were never useful
>summon 5 skull servants
>they don't actually mean any trouble
why does it lie to me?
Nice trap card, fgt.
*blocks your path*
Yeah, I love getting Yata-Locked, too. Someone, get the traditional Yea Forums Yugioh thread copypasta. You know the one.
>it's dead
i fucking hate white mana
did yugioh survive all these years just because of the edgy names and themes that it compelled to autists?
>metal raiders
>invasion of chaos
>dark crisis
>flaming eternity
>shadow of infinity
>cyberdark impact
>gladiator's assault
>labirinth of nightmare
>phantom darkness
Good. Old toons were dogshit and having your entire deck shutdown by one Mystical Space Typhoon made them unplayable.
Click until you get a monster card. That card is now your waifu. How fucked are you?
Where any of the vwxyz combos any good?
_ ____ __ ____ ___!
>make a mechanic literally designed for the sole purpose of limiting board flooding
>forget to add "can only link summon once per turn" or "links can't be used as link material"
>game became so OTK heavy and board flooding was made 10000000x easier
Anyone who defends link summoning is objectively a retard.
>getting the town slut as my first click
Well fuck.
How the fuck was "pick 40 cards on the limited and semi limited list and throw them in a pile" good in any way? Are you one of those retards who Summoned Blue-Eyes without Tributes against his friends in the school cafeteria and thought that was what the game was really like?
decks nowadays have less than 5 trap cards
wtf user,i got this
I got Sky Striker Ace - Raye
I forgot these guys are even a thing. Girls with big guns are nice
Got iron cage on the first and Backup Operator on the second. Could've definitely done worse.
Kujaku Mai
I assume this makes me a scalie, I guess?
Ghost Girl is Mai done right. Prove me wrong.
>cyberdark impact
>the good ones
That set is quite possibly the worst set in the history of the god damn game. Almost all the GX sets are bad, but that one is notoriously shit.
yiff in hell
Please no
nooooo i fucking hate trickstars
>he thinks people still use traps
hahahaha. You have no idea how modern yugioh works, do you? It's all about the hand-traps now.
>it's another "I REMEMBER THE OLD DAYS" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me summon summoned skull unga bunga me equip axe of despair" thread
>it's another "well when /I/ play I [long list of backwards house rules that ruin the game]" thread
>it's another "I Solemn Exodia!" thread
>it's another "my 60 card deck of one-ofs beat peep!" thread
>it's another "why do I need a magnifying glass for a card, and I'm not talking about Reinquished, TER, or Last Turn!" thread
>it's another "archetypes (anything non-generic) killed the game but Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, HFD, Heavy Storm, and the rest of Chaos/Goat staples are totally ok" thread
>it's another "is mirror force banned????" thread
>it's another "monster reborn needs to stay banned" thread
>it's another "Synchros/Xyzs/Pendulums killed the game (forgets Airblade Turbo and DAD Return)" thread
>it's another "holds up summoned skull let me have fun the wrong way" thread
>it's another "any card thats black or white is sin!" thread
>it's another "pls mak dark majishiun gud" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me hate speed and combos" thread
>it's another "unga bunga we need no white" thread
>it's another "I hate kozmo" thread
>it's another "I hate settingu scales" thread
>it's another "solemn is negated by jinzo" thread
>it's another "lol remember when he attacked le mooooon" thread
>it's another thread full of anime-only secondaries who miss le "golden" days
>it's another "why do you keep slaughtering my gate guardian deck with these 'ritual beasts', they arent even blue!" thread
>it's another "muh kozaky lock" thread
>unga bunga another beatdown only unga thread
>it's another "g-guys why can't I use my Stardust Dragon from Starlight Road again???" thread
>it's another "Ring of Destruction on Peten!" w-what do you mean it missed timing???" thread
>it's another "flips Despell you activated my trap card!" thread
fuck everything
>reinstall devpro because darklords got support fuck yeah
>no option to play against a CPU anymore
I-its a girl r-right Yea Forumsros?
Whats the context behind this gif?
What could of made him act this way?
Sure, but how would you fuck everything?
This card is such shit.
Does it have a peen tho?
It's reversed, user.
>Prank Kids pow-wow Park
ehh...honestly not the worst.
I could stick my dick in that
I always thought the Toon cards were the coolest as a kid and I wanted the Pegasus starter deck so bad. Never did get it though.
What the...
fuck yeah
uhhh okay???
dark bribes u
raigeki's u
get fuk u magic fag
They're troll tier deck. There is a reason why their basic stuff still cost a lot of money.
Crimson Crisis was the most edgy. Dark Strike Fighter and Arcanite Magician came in that bad boy.
My WoW toon
pretty lucky desu.
only beat by the Fur-Hire.
It a powerbond searcher.
red shorts black mouse, the strongest toon
this guy and you may end the tread there
uhhh okay???
lapse of certainty u
silence u
get fuk u yugioh fag
>using bling prices that always costs retarded
If you want to see all the toon card on your spare time.
>Using prints from forever ago as reference
Come now, user.
Toon Kingdom is still $12-15 though which is fucking stupid
How fucked am I?
>slavic noises in the background
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post?
Those are Ultra and Super Rares from Tournament Packs, which make very rare and expensive. Both of those cards were reprinted a few times and go for a few dollars.
>mfw I look at my binder pages full of each Toon card
I bet my bf could kick your bf's ass.
>haven't played Yugioh since 2005
>want to pick it up again
>see some of the modern cards
>yeah, nvm
See you dumb nigger
i can work with this
>not calling me out on how it cannon soldier and how exploited they are
Your point? It sucks now, that's fact. Same as every other fucking card game that outlives its welcome.
Don't be discouraged, user. A friend of mine was the same as you, yet he got all the key concepts and card effects after a week of practicing. You just gotta put your mind into it.
Hell yeah a fucking machine anime bitch as a waifu
wow you sure showed him
>Hey guiz le everything sucks now do I fit in
Fuck off.
hmm, would i fug a fish?
>benten and Idaten
I'm good with this, would've preferred Dakini tho.
I'm finally saving this goddamn pasta.
I made one of these for every series. Should I post them?
>tfw was shit the day it came out.
I didn't say everything sucks, faggot. Modern Yugioh does though, for sure.
way too slow, way too much investment. Even when they had decent effects, no.
I hope that you would. I don't know how you would, but I hope that you want to try.
Oh baby...
classic yugioh was worse. you were just too young to see it, and now you're too nostalgia-blinded.
Last year, maybe. Aside from Azathot and Thunder Dragon Colossus, the current format is actually pretty good. Although Salad is pretty annoying. But it surely isn't busted. Anything is better than last year, the year of the FTK.
>be MTGfag, play at MTG locals
>duel links comes out
>small yugioh craze sweeps over the local scene of nostalgia
>"Hey user, you ever play any yugioh?"
>I personally got into yugioh during 5Ds and stayed until mid-zexal
>take out grandsoil psychics (2012 era deck, almost 5 years old at this point) that I brought with me since I'm too lazy to take it out of my backpack that I take to the LGS.
>smash the lightsworn player so hard that nobody wanted to play with me
>they all join in on mocking muh card games on motorcycles and white boarders
I didn't take it personal, since it was a fad anyways that was gone in like a month, but it kind of hurt.
whatever you say, friend. I know you were like 2 at the time so you wouldn't know.
I'll take a look at the new stuff and see if I can get back into it. I was thinking about picking up the switch game when it drops.
I'm disappointed, but really it could be so much worse.
How is this not a thing yet?
>have Unity in my hand
>Stick hand in my anus before offering it for the handshake
Well, user? You dont want to be disqualified, do you?
I was 14 the first time I tried bringing my 'unbeatable' 79 card dragon deck to a tournament, only to get humiliated by yata lock.
you're a buffoon.
Rulings state you only have to accept the concept of a handshake rather than actually doing it. Pretty impressive how managed to fit the whole thing in there though.
I scoop in response. Nice try, fag.
Oh man, yata was a bitch. Got hammed by that fucking card so many times. Either way, I still think classic was better. Complexity doesn't make a good game.
classic yugioh had zero diversity, no skill in deckbuilding, and formats were just tier 0 garbage after tier 0 garbage. modern yugioh is tedious because of hand traps and shit like firewall+gumblar, but it's a hell of a lot more open and diverse than classic was.
Harsh. They were just sore losers, mate.
The reality is that the game HAS changed, but as the other user said, it's not like classic Yugioh was very balanced to begin with. If you look at the old worlds lists, the game was literally, unironically 9/10 of the same deck, Chaos Control. The game has seriously gotten faster, and it might not be for you, but to say that the game was good before and is now bad is wrong.
The game has always been a clusterfuck. At least now you usually have options as to what clusterfuck you want to play. The past 6 months have been good, we've had solid triangle formats with multiple rogue decks taking YCS and regional wins, so the game is certainly healthier than it was for most of 2018. Event attendance has been so through the roof that they unironically had to have a second tournament on the same day as YCS Dusseldorf because they ran out of room for all the registered players.
I bought a legendary collection box and pulled this nigger as my only hollow
You know what it did have though? S O U L. I will check out the new shit though and see if I like it.
this guy FUCKS
>the game rushed out by konami in order to sell merch for a mediocre horror shonen, never intended to actually be played
oh yes, tell me more.
This is just Zero with a dress
You're telling me you wouldn't fuck Zero with a dress?
Yummy yum!
You mean the Bandai set that never made it outside Japan? Yeah, they did rush that.
I'm calling God on you.
read em and weep.
Not him, but Zero is a robot (male).
As someone who hasn't played the game in years. what is the best way i can pick up the game and play at a semi-competitively relevant level?
oh my
she cute
I said konami, not bandai. The OCG was not ever designed to be played.
And you wouldn't fuck a robot?
I pay three mana to play a face-down creature. Your move, Yea Forums.
at least pet the dog while you pound the LP out of her
If it looked female and identified as a female, then yes I would.
>making wild, unfounded claims
I got a cyber dragon husband
unga bunga equip axe of despair summoned skull
Well it's gotta be den protector, the only actual good morph.
ah, so you're implying these cards were meant to be played?
>hey user, nice collection!
>wait, why do you have these cards in your portfolio?
>Links made Duston’s dumb gimmick not even work anymore.
>sold as a trading card GAME
>marketed as playable
>starter decks
>rule books
>booster packs
Yeah, you're right. They weren't meant to be played.
>he doesn't run the pickles lock
Ok, Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, who the FUCK is Luna?
Promo cards are always either shit or op.
>starter decks
didn't exist when the game was first released.
please, keep going, this is amusing.
Well we will find out when i attack it with my Charizard
>Mocking the white borders.
Synchros are the most aesthetic card the though.
Yes they did, son. Now I know you were 2 when LOB came out.
Kaguya, Moon Princess.
That bait is so fucking awful I almost earnestly replied with you can't target a creature to attack and it can't even block because it doesn't have reach.
Princess Kaguya?
Going to assume Kaguya...?
>thinking LOB and the starter decks released overseas were the first packs released for yugioh
oh my, please, tell me more!
I think you mean MY Charizard, user. Enjoy your crab
red eyes black dragon catapult
>tfw no depressed qt gf
Play Spellbooks.
that was my best Digimon. He was a fucking Ultimate
>released a full 2 months after the game's release
wow, you sure showed me.
He's right, in the OCG, the starter decks came out June 28th, 2001.
Meanwhile Vol 1 booster came out in Feb of 1999.
Doesn't matter. It was designed to be played and it's ludicrous to suggest otherwise.
At least it's a lady...
This has got to be one of the absolute worst cards in the game. I remember getting this in the first booster pack I ever bought when the game was new and getting pissed off because even then I knew this card was a piece of shit.
>thinking a starter box released two months after the game's release is at all the same thing as a starter deck
you're amusing. the starter box was a random 50 card collection of the cards shown in the anime and manga, as well as the toei movie.
not in any competitive sense. It was meant for kids to screw around with, which is why there's nothing resembling balance. There is no soul in the original yugioh.
Hell yeah!
>tfw no stoic valkyrie waifu to protect me
It was going to just be a cheap cashgrab like a lot of other random licensed card games that have come out over the years, until the anime made it super popular suddenly and they started milking it and turning it into a real game
It was not, it was designed as a reference to Magic during the original manga run of Yugioh. Yugioh was never intended to become about Duel Monsters.
there are a metric fuckload of cards that have no business existed. Think of all those vanilla 5+ cards with both less than 2000 att/def
that's not what you said, friend. You said "The OCG was not ever designed to be played.". Which is inaccurate :^)
You guys are retarded.
Thank you Kaiba for your autism.
And thank fucking god. We would have gotten instead of the proper cards we have today.
it's really not. the game itself was an afterthought, meant for kids to really make up their own rules.
shit, it was made to tie into the manga, season 0 anime, and the bandai movie, all of whom had different rules from EACH OTHER.
Does yugioh have a format similar to magics draft where cards like that would see play?
Who's talking about the girl?
there's speed duels, and konami has toyed with draft formats, but they never caught on.
a lot of larger locals scenes also create cubes for drafting, but they make those themselves.
>Are you one of those retards who Summoned Blue-Eyes without Tributes against his friends in the school cafeteria and thought that was what the game was really like?
The game really was like this.
Do you just not know about OG yugioh at all or am I getting bamboozled? This started in 1997, 2 years before any DM merchandising came around.
It featured Duel Monsters twice for a total of 5 chapters throughout 60 total. Twice as much time is spent on Bakura's DND game.
There's Goat Format, which is essentially yugioh using only cards from around 2005 and earlier or so, and Speed Duels which is what Duel Links is. But even in those cases, vanilla monsters that need a tribute are pretty awful let alone one like Sand Stone with horrendous stats.
He probably didn't even watch the anime or knew about Joey crossdressing just to win some girl contest.
I know all about it. I was just saying it's crazy to suggest that the game was never intended to be played at all when Konami made and released vol.1.
remember that time dark yugi electrocuted some thugs forcing joey to join their gang?
he doesn't.
there's barely any reason to ever use vanilla monsters in general, nevermind those that require a tribute. Just a poorly thought out or executed concept
Not gonna say it's a shame they don't see play. I wasn't happy when i drafted this fuck.
I might have to try duel links at some point tho i haven't play yugioh in forever so it might be a fun change of pace
Supposedly Battle pack 3 is the most fun to draft, since it has a unique rule that every card counts as every type and attribute. This makes it actually possible to do interesting strategies and combos without having to deal with type mismatches.
>konami made
Konami got the rights from the og creator.
>muh card game
Konami very first video game about the franchise was not about the card game. It was Monster Capsule.
fair warning, the competitive scene is super crushing to people who've not been playing since it was released.
You literally added nothing to the conversation with that post.
I don't like how Konami USA censors cards. Back when I played as a kid, the shop I went to had both Japanese and English cards, and it made me realize how faggy the English cards were in comparison.
They're more lax on censorship nowadays, the Rokket monsters had their art untouched and the Igknights' gunblades are still in tact aside from a few shell casings getting removed. Ankhs are alright now too
Whoops didnt mean to to give 2 (Yous)
Im a dumb phoneposter
It's still the number one thing that prevents me from getting back into the game. Like, that and Konami being a company that I just don't wanna support in general.
The powercreep is disgusting sometimes. I mean, look at this shit.
>special summons itself when your opponent does a link summon, which they are pretty much guaranteed to do
>literally says "+1" in the card text lol
>allows you clear bricks out of your hand
>decent stats
>negates AND destroys anything that targets any of your monsters
People are arguing here about whether the actual card game made by konami was meant to be played. Of course by the time that game came out the franchise was already going in the card game direction. The discussion is actually making me doubt it myself. Though if it wasn't meant to be played seriously they probably changed plans real quick since the game had official tournaments from the start, and they introduced expert rules early on. Expert rules include stuff like high level monsters requiring tributes. Japanese wiki mentions how originally the game was all about buying the starter box to get a Blue Eyes and the first one to summon it wins.
I can find no info on the internet on when exactly were expert rules introduced, or if they were there from the start as an alternative, but monsters not requiring tributes seems to me the reason why most early level 5 and 6 monsters are not worth it. Wiki also mentions how level stars meant nothing at first, my guess is they were only there for flavor because the manga has them.
Early Yu-Gi-Oh history is fascinating.
I haven't played seriously since PK Fire was at full power. Good lord how could this happen in less than 5 years? I remember getting a free Pilgrim Dante from Beatrice or milling a Graff being good value, this is too fucking far.
I don't know about you, but I was pretty happy to pull one even though I don't play the game, anymore. Next Master Rule will make it Meklord tier.
I got too many screencaps from that dump one user did.
Post the one where Joey tell Yugi they should mate.
Wtf I can't stick my dick in this.
You obviously know you're not arguing in the spirit of what's meant by the phrase "never intended to be played". It was created as tie-in merchandise first and as an actual card game second. Was it playable? Technically, but no effort was invested to ensure it had any sort of long-term viability as a card game.
It's a good card but requires:
Going second
Enemy not having a negate
aka it's shit
>all those hole
Its like youre not even trying.
lucky fuck
I don't have that one on me, sorry.
Don't forget it works on one specific category. Thanos dragon will go the same way as this card in a few years.
I like how these harpy ladies are more on the beauty side and less on the dyke side.
post decks you ran in real life
>six sams
>rock stun
>evilswarm (fuck dragons)
>yang zing
Mai is in her own league. She was done very right.
I like you for running Rock Stun and GK because I ran those myself, but go choke on a bag of dicks for running six sams, holy shit opening gateway was the absolute worst.
>Junk Doppel
>Geargia with Rank Ups
>PK Burning Abyss
>Mai distance herself from the group
>GG didn't
>Mai half ass her friendship with Tea
>GG mentor and look after Blue Girl
>Mai lose everythihng
>GG won, even though it to a pathetic guy
>Mai tries to be that GO GIRL duelist
>GG is literally Cat Woman in Yugioh
>Mai went full retarded because she doesn't have friends and went into the dark side and get mind controlled
>GG was mentally prepare even after her brother got kill
I only had access to 1 gateway when I played them. it was still a cheap move, I'll grant you.
>A random collection of 40 cards selected from both fakes, legitimate Japanese cards, secondhand cards and two new booster packs I was blessed to have bought for me.
Little me was so easily amused, it was so much fun even though we didn't really know what we were doing aside from the basic rules.
I really want to play Yu-Gi-Oh, Duel Masters and Digimon card games properly.
Could you guys please tell me the best Yu-Gi-Oh game I could play for free or emulate? Preferably with pre-built decks to get me started.
>tfw you finally legitimately summon Five-Headed Dragon.
I felt like the king of games himself.
>dick burns
It would be extremely painful
The original Expert Rule has never been used in the TCG. Tribute Summons has existed in the TCG since the beginning. And I sincerely doubt you actually experienced the original Expert Rule from the OCG, which lasted until like some random as fuck Set in Series 1 that no one can even actually document.
>And I sincerely doubt you actually experienced the original Expert Rule from the OCG
What if I was Nippon
Most players in Japan that are playing YGO now have never experienced what Series 1 was like, let alone some random guy on 4channel on Yea Forums.
Full, 3rd-party Yu-Gi-Oh experience with others, for free: YGOpro
Most recent Yu-Gi-Oh release: Duel Links
Slightly older, not entirely terrible Yu-Gi-Oh game that you should never pay actual money for: Legacy of the Duelist
>play any card game
>draw a card and look at it
>giggle like a maniac regardless of what the card is
>opponent literally always on edge
What was Pegasus obsession with too cards?
That seems too amazing, so what's the catch?
There is no AI. Also you have to join a discord server to get the DL link, even if just for a few seconds.
No cpu opponents, you have to experience the pressure of playing card games with real people
So it's not this at all then? It has the download link and also says that it has AI.
I am sorry, but I'm pretty confused right now.
Go to /dng/.
I did not know that we had one, thanks for the help.
Unique archetype that had a weakness that the main cast were genuinely too retarded to exploit, and was more powerful than anything they had otherwise. Also they are a fun design twist over more BADASS dragons and demons.
The Japs hold Tom and Jerry in high regard.
>get Ruin
Why does this particular card keep coming to me in various ways? I got her normal form in a random booster. I got the ritual spell from a friend who happened to ask me if I knew or had the card it goes to.
Its a sign, user. She might be your spirit monster.
She's cute! I'm happy with my first pick.
....is she good though? I haven't played in a while; idk what the meta's like these days.
Pegasus had a hard life. His waifu i ded and can't live without her. Cartoon and laughter help make him forget about reality for a second. Also what this user says in the spoiler. Up until that point, all monster cards were your generic demons, dragon, warriors, etc. Toons were a giant contrast to this in regards.
>either of those things
>hurting cartoon characters
It's like you've never seen a Bugs Bunny short, neither stand a chance because they're invulnerable.
Because Konami hates supporting Toons outside the bare minimum.
> If this card is Special Summoned: You can send cards from the top of your Deck to the GY, equal to the number of cards your opponent controls.
Yeah, this is an okay effect since the GY is basically your second Deck, now.
>what the meta's like these days.
Remember the infamous BUY BLACKWINGS? Now it BUY SALAMANGREAT!
>use to love Yugioh
>they have changed the game to be unrecognizable
>synchro monsters
>black and white cards
>cards that are both magic and monster cards
how did things go so wrong
They need to sell cards, user. They can't keep having the same thing without getting stale. At the very least, they at least bother give older archetype a chance when they get more support.
You got old and couldn't keep up? It'd be like bitching about mega evos or whatever in Pokemon
oh goodness, when you put it that way it just triggered a whole flood of memories of the original Ruin for me. I have some hobby money going unspent, maybe I'll use it for a pet deck for her
Hah of all the changes I've seen in new yugioh, this is one of the few I just straight up understand and like without any complaints.
Do they have any snappy abbreviations for cards that are in the "removed from play" area?
New mechanics aren't necessarily bad, you know.
Synchros and XYZ are merely what fusions and rituals should have been.
Did Pokemon or Magic get fucked with so heavily? Only card game I ever played was yugioh. Maybe this is normal
la di da faggot, hopefully trap cards are monster cards, your deck is your hand, and you actually have to attack your own life points to win now.
You dont fuck up what wasnt broken
>snappy word for removed from play
Banish, that happened in 2011, gramps.
>>it's another "archetypes (anything non-generic) killed the game but Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, HFD, Heavy Storm, and the rest of Chaos/Goat staples are totally ok" thread
unironically yes. if you hate magic and traps you hate yugioh. battlecruiser monster smash featuring four page textboxes is all a product of a shit game design philosophy that tried its hardest to make spells not good.
It banish, and even that is a gameplay.
>did pokemon get fucked with so heavily
Yes. Every TCG does, magic is one of the few who doesn't because they have rotation.
Pokemon has rotation too, but that doesn't stop them.
Can you hook me up with who that is?
Oh yeah also:
>my deck is perfectly designed where 90% of open hands can tutor the exact string of cards in order for me to get my 50$ extra deck monster onto the field t1, creating a lock that only another turn 1 50$ extra deck monster cam break
>Wait, why are you chaining card draw into burn spells? You'll lock me out of the game in one turn! None of those cards cost more than a dollar and they are all easily replacable with other card draw or burn? That deck is illegal! Ban eleven cards to make it go away!
fuck you
They're Jackie Chans of no trabble
Who are you quoting, my dude?
I'm sorry. But I find this Barrel Dragon the superior version.
that's because you're an idiot
>chomp and rape your field
YGO could really need more formats. Like for example make something where special summons don't exist (maybe including XYZ and etc). Fusions and Rituals might still be okay since they're pretty shit to begin with. Just make building a field worth something.
So why did Pegasus in the anime use toon cards for?
How come Dinosmashers Fury is not competitive?
I am a YGO brainlet but my bro always rapes me with his Dino Deck.
It's incredible how stupid uneducated opinions like these still float around. Formats in yugioh become solved formats fast enough already, making splinters of them would only make the problem worse. Nothing would get innovated, there'd be tier 0 decks in every one and no reason to deviate from it.
In addition, the fact that people still say rituals are shit even after Gishki and Nekroz became a thing never makes me not laugh either. Same for fusions with Shaddolls.
I don't mind the recoloring (e.g. what they did to the cannon on Gustav MAX, changing it to green) but the fucking glow censoring makes it all look stupid as fuck.
Kind of cute
Well at least now there is a proper Gun Dragon archetype, from a Rival user no less.
Neat I guess. I miss watching the YGO anime.
5Ds and regular YGO were the best. Even liked the Meklords, although the rushed dub ending was shittier than I could have imagined.
Then make banlists for them? All formats in magic have their own banlists, because there are cards in each that break the game. Like this fucker being banned in formats like commander where you start with 30 or more life.
You're in luck. VRAINS is literally 5Ds but in Cyberspace/Hoverboards. The main character is somewhat an asshole and hate dueling, but use it as a mean for revenge. Its slow at first, but gets better over time. His rival is pretty fun to watch.
Serra Ascendant isn't banned in Commander
I kind of just fell off towards the middle of ZEXAL, and then I barely watched any of ARC-V at all, I did think the girls in it were super fucking attractive though, especially the purple haired one. It's more just the lack of them airing on TV any more, plus lack of time to watch it.
>Super Conductor was just a big Rex with some machinery strapped onto it
>Ultimate Conductor is this abomination
a competent design comitee
It like that rex was inspire by something that was release earlier.
worst use of the suwa mythology though. even touhou's take is better.
>there is your other 3500 atk dino
Me likey
This looks pretty cool, what fucks it in the meta?
I thought he is supposed to be a fusion of Super Conductor and pic related?
>summon 5 skull servants
>opponent kills them all
>summon a 5000 atk king