What would you like to see in future Star Fox games?
What would you like to see in future Star Fox games?
Get rid of everything that isn't rail shooting. Give me a fuck awesome score attack railshooter with like 12-15 stages with branching, hidden paths
That's literally all I want why is this so fucking hard
Okay, hear me out. Remember Kirby's Epic Yarn? What if the next Star Fox game had yarn kirby as a secret unlockable pilot
Something like what Ubisoft did with starlink and keep the humans, their presence scares the furries away.
Get the Starlink guys to do it.
This, they have the right idea, just need to drop the toys part and focus in creating a expanded universe. Keeps the humans, they add a lot and keep the furries away.
i'd play a starfox 64 remaster
Some of this.
And this is why is impossible to have a star fox thread in Yea Forums.
>Keeps the humans, they add a lot and keep the furries away.
Either you haven’t actually played Starlink, or you’re a colossal faggot (or both). The humans were the worst parts of the game, especially because so many of them were absolutely repulsive to look at or listen to, like the bulldyke “tough grrrl” pilot.
i didn't even know about the 3ds game.
for them to not exist lol
How is Starlink?
>t. Roastie
Just let Star Fox die, there's no audience for it
Nintendo flat out doesn't know what to do with Star Fox.
Need more Wolf in the next one.
>just make it like star fox 64
doesn't work
>just make it different
doesn't work
i've given up on star fox
>especially because so many of them were absolutely repulsive to look
They were blatantly SJW era human characters. And frankly I got nothing against human characters existing in Star Fox, I just want NINTENDO to design them so they look decent. Say what you will but I have nothing against the humans in Mario Odyssey being more realistic than Luigi, Mario, etc. Let Nintendo's designers do the humans because they know what's visually appealing, not loser westerners who are all about political faggot correctness.
Holy shit.
Do what Star Fox 2 was going to do and have multiple playable characters with slightly modified Arwings. You pick who you want to play as and up to two partners and travel around the Lylat system doing missions based on your location and recruit new members (primarily Kat, Fae and that other girl whose name I can't recall) with thier own abilities.
Missions are a mixture of rail shooters, target eliminations or dogfight encounters and some other things. You get paid for your work and the money is spent upgrading and repairing your equipment.
Plot should not revolve around fucking Andross. Leave him dead. Let Star Fox visit other systems in the universe besides the Lylat System.
So who would be the villain? But yes Andross is one of Nintendo's weaker villains. He's less popular than Octavio from Splatoon.
Just don't let this man anywhere near it and everything will turn out fine.
go all in on starwolf
This. They got it right the first time. SF became horsefuck the second they introduced out of vehicle combat. I love Arwing, tank, and submarine. Simple as.
It won't turn out fine unless they get a solid concept to construct the gameplay. Not only that but Star Fox needs a cemented identity.
Ugh...I wish they'd make a normal standard refined Railshooter. I want this just to watch it FLOP so that you purists see that your genre is garbage that doesn't sell. We almost have that with the last game, but it flopped for the wrong reasons 1) another re-imagining of the first game 2) unwanted garbage motion controls.
Damn it and now you bastards use that as an excuse to say "Railshooters can easily sell as good as Zelda, it's just that we got another Star Fox 1 remake and bad controls give it another chance!" Fuck you and fuck Miyamoto for ruining a good moment in Star Fox history the moment that fantards see railshooters DIE.
I want a game about firing some torpedoes into Falco's cloaca if you know what I'm sayin.
I mean engaging in gay sex with a bird man by sticking my phallus into his genitalia slit that in this fantasy scenario would also have a dick in it similar to what only a few species of birds and reptiles have.
Star Fox Assault, just get the 3rd person parts to function properly (and make real beginning-to-end levels for them) and do the 64 pathways thing
I'd love to have the Great Fox act as a hub between missions, similar to what they do in Starcraft II. Being able to move around the rooms and talk to people about current events is super comfy.
I miss Sin and Punishment.
>fuck Miyamoto for ruining a good moment in Star Fox history the moment that fantards see railshooters DIE.
Once Miyamoto truly retires from work/his job Star Fox is effectively dead. No one at the top cares about this failure series. Pikmin is more successful than Star Fox I think. And young blood entering Nintendo doesn't give a fuck about revitalizing or trying new things with Star Fox the way they're altering Legend of Zelda's gameplay with Breath of the Wild. The young blood only cares about popular and profitable series like Zelda or inventing their own new series like ARMS and Splatoon.
Star Fox belongs to a bygone era and soon it will truly and permanently be dead. All we need is to wait and see Miyamoto go away. That will cement the death of Star Fox.
2 is my favorite entry in the series, so what I would do is just make a bigger & better version of it using newer technology. 2 is mechanically sound imo, all of its flaws are thanks to SNES technical limitations, which would be resolved on a newer console.
>frame rate not shitty
>many more planets
>dozens of possible maps for each planet and battleship, not just one per difficulty level
>have to fight your way inside enemy battleships instead of the approach being an automated cutscene
>multiple types of enemy battleship, more space bosses, each planet has a randomly selected unique objective instead of just going inside a base and shooting the reactor
>customize your Arwing's appearance and stats/abilities
>certain levels are on-rails: opening defense of Corneria, special boss encounters, the final approach to Andross' fortress
I also think Assault was basically sound, if they could iron out the kinks with the on-foot gameplay that would also be an ideal direction to take the series.
>Miyamoto is the only one keeping Starfox alive
>Miyamoto is also senile and a detriment to any project he touches
I just want more good Starfox games. I love this series.
Star Fox is the first piece of media that set me on the road to being a furry as an adult
Krystal fanservice and panties
I think it's more that sci-fi doesn't have the same level of universal appeal as generic fantasy. Also generally the sci-fi nintendo games are a lot more niche in terms of gameplay and have darker plotlines
I'm sure you're not the owonly one
He seems to be able to keep gimmicks out of Pikmin though, I don't know why he had to shove gimmicks into Star Fox.