What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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They were ahead of their time with loading the game with a disgusting amount of microtransactions.

Unbalanced piece of shit

Dev couldn't patch bugs to save their lives.
Dev came up with an unsatisfying basic cycle then made it worse
Dev bad at balance made an asymmetrical multiplayer game
Dev put way too much fucking money into making the game and putting hype into it
Dev didn't spend more time developing characters and lore.
Turtle rock did a lot fucking wrong but if Evolve were a AA title instead, a neat, moderately niche game and budgeted as so it would have done fine. But they tried to push it as a AAA mega millionaire and when they finally fucking figured out that an asymmetrical multiplayer game will literally never achieve those numbers they loaded it down with microtransactions.
They should have made the hunting cycle slower, have teams spend more time tracking the monster/the monster spending more time on hiding and evasion rather accepting he's getting domed and trying to not get their dick punched in.


>let's release a trigger sensitive game
>with Can it Run Crysis levels of graphics
>on consoles that can't handle it
>so that it runs at basically 25fps average
>and filled to the eyeballs bleeding levels of chromatic aberration that literally will make your eyeballs bleed

Then when it flopped, they tried to re-release it on PC as a free to play. But nobody gave a fuck about it by then.

Quite literally the studio that made Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 amazing, went and made a console version of the same game type and decided to cash in on the "your eyes can't see beyond 24fps anyway, also filmic/cinematic experiences." They paid the price.

>Multiplayer game that doesn't reward retards with instant gratification every 2 minutes.

Basically dead on arrival in the modern day and age.

Everything posted above, but also dumbing it down for the F2P version


They had a team that really wanted to make a co-op game with cool monsters and instead got pushed into making something with a "competitive" angle in order to get any funding. From the very start they admitted they had no idea how to properly balance the game; the game only worked when the dev team "roleplayed" how they wanted the wanted it to work. The instant someone actually tried to win it broke. And that's just design issues in game. Outside of it, all the DLC controversy hurt the games reputation and the $60 price tag was also pretty bad. One dev mentioned that THQ may have been willing to let the game be F2P before THQ went belly up and they went to 2K. Also mentioned that "something" kept the dev team back from releasing updates more than once every 3 months which was another big issue.
Makes me sad because she deserved better

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I want to have intercourse with Wraith. She very much plays into my weird childhood fascination with the Alien films

Meteor Goliath could just stand under spawn and kill a disorganized team at level 1.

Kraken was unkillable if they didn't let themselves get boxed in or you didn't have a Griffin.

Griffin trivialized a lot of the hunter gameplay.

Just know that you will likely never see her in anything other than this dead fucking game and is doomed to be forgotten by everyone but a couple ayy fuckers. God damn it

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Most of the game was spent running away

It was impossible to balance.
At low levels of play the monster dominated, at high levels of play the monster had nearly no chance of winning.

Bad, boring gameplay that people pretended to like because they thought it was innovative (actually it was a blatant rip off of a source mod, but whatever).
Nobody actually wants to play a hide and seek or ring-a-rosy game for 10-15 minutes while the monster levels up, especially when a monster being unskilled means that the game is over before it starts.
Asymmetrical games only work when guys doing the hiding are hiding because they're waiting to launch an ambush against stronger foes.
L4D, AVP, NS, splinter cell there are games where asymmetric gameplay works(ed) because the stealth side is fully capable of attacking the moment the game starts... as long as they wait for the right moment.

Evolve basically broke every single fps gameplay rule there is to break
>No instant gratification, most players in the game won't even get a kill.
>Damage soaks.
>Zero skill shooting.
>Extremely slow rounds with no rematches.
>One bad hunter can sink the whole team.
>Monster is capable of becoming unbeatable in combat.

There were many ways to make evolve a good game e.g. respawning hunters, multiple weaker, smaller monsters, hive that the hunters have to find and destroy etc. but the devs just straight copied the hunter and hunted mod despite the fact that it was never popular for obvious reasons.
The DLC scandal was just a convenient scapegoat for the fact that the gameplay sucks, which is why virtually all of the playerbase dropped it in a week.

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I'm upset I'll never get to play as my favorite bug boy slim again

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This, payed hype followed by no content and massive amounts of microtransactions.

>Dogshit balance
>Overblown hype
>Three monsters on launch
>Absurd amount of microtransactions
>Gameplay wasn't even fun to begin with
>Run around for fucking ages till you meet the monster, run after it some more when it pussies out and then get fucked by it cause it just evolved to be viable in a fight and your teammates can't coordinate for shit
It was a shit game made by greedy retards
I hope back 4 blood bombs and they never get work in the industry again

I really enjoyed the worldbuilding and characters, I hope someone salvages them into a more competent game.

>I hope back 4 blood bombs and they never get work in the industry again
I wouldn't expect it to succeed, given that the success of L4D owed a lot to the fact that there weren't a whole lot zombie FPS games out there at the time and basically no co-op ones. Now the market is absolutely flooded with shooters, zombies and co-op survival and half of them are free.

God I loved almost every single character in this shit game. I could listen to their banter for hours.

When are we going to get good class based shooters again?
I would pay good money for Dystopia:Source to be a full game.