Baba is (YOU)

h e l p .

Attached: baba is having an existential crisis.png (1624x860, 63K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Babar is dumb

best puzzle solving in the world

I can't remember exactly how I did that one, but I think that I had to get baba to the other side of the crab while it was not you, then set baba to you again

IIRC I had rock become you after I got the rock past the crab

how do you push it the space past the crab?

Bumping cause these threads are super comfy

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I'm way past getting mad at NL, but it's still amazing he's actually a fan of puzzle games. Then again if I managed to get hundreds of more hours of entertainment out of games than a normal player, I'd prefer the genre too. The scary part is he actually finishes games like this. He is nothing if not determined.

Boiling River can suck my cock

With Push, duh. How else do you push blocks.

But Boiling River is easy. Did you mean Evaporating River?

I seem to be having more trouble on the ones that people call easy for some reason.

>find Volcanic Cavern easy
>find Chasm almost as easy
Figures I'd have no trouble with the abstract nonsense, but give me a standard swap or teleport puzzle and I want to start throwing shit.

Attached: Baba Is Sick.png (204x204, 2K)

I'm on tiny pond...doesnt seem that hard from what I heard...

Tiny Isle is next and it's even more Fun!

It sucks because he is actually so much better than I am.

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Holy shit I just figured out how to do this one.
It takes forever to do though

I'm completely blanking on this one I think i'm supposed to sink the rocks into the water but after that I'm just stuck

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Don't you think it's weird that Hedge is Not Push? It's not a superfluous rule.


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You can use text to push the rock. I'll let you figure out the rest.

Something tells me this is not the right way to do this

Attached: Not flag is box.png (1440x830, 76K)

This is the best track in the game, prove me wrong:

Seeing as text is float, could you not push "Not" into the hedge, allowing Baba to reach the flag pretty much instantly?

Hedge was stop so nothing could be pushed
Instead I did Not Rock is Push and pushed the water out of the way so I could do Not Baba is not You

That's giving me flashbacks to Meta-3.

I just did this one, it was neat. Here's a hint: you can bring the Up with you.

I mean, I think I'm on the right track, but...

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do you mean you can bring the UP from that right room, over to the center room? Cause I've already had that much figured out, but beyond that I'm clueless.

fuck me, okay I got it.
this game has a way of making you feel dumb, doesn't it?

Bring it further than that. You're on the right track.

I am dumb?

push is absent.

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Push is absent, but you are not

There is exactly 16 solutions to that puzzle, 10 of them are complicated but 6 of them are easy to see. You clearly out yourself as a brainlet by not easily seeing one of the solutions. I recommend doing some light reading and math problems to work out your logical thinking.

Look at all this projecting. Look at it. It's fucking everywhere.

>tfw u r too fucking stupid to enjoy what is clearly a great game

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There are thousands of solutions to getting laid, yet you can't figure out even one of them. Between you two, you're the brainlet.

So this mofo wants 2.99 separate for the soundtrack when anybody can find decent quality oggs in the game files?

game is good

This pretty much


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I'm assuming on broken playground I'm supposed to become text and use the box to realign myself and become Keke again at some point but I don't see a reason for it yet. Is this the right thought process or am I off track?

>it's another locked in a box with only wrong answers episode

Attached: lug.jpg (400x400, 22K)

>only 2 levels left to complete on the overworld map
>increasingly miffed that I spoiled the game for myself by noticing the rules on the map and the level restart function which are basically glaring warning lights that all is not as it seems
I'm assuming I'm about to jump into the rabbit hole?

Attached: rules and restart.png (1920x1080, 65K)

You need to create a win condition, but you can't teleport text.
You can teleport an object and then turn it INTO text.

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I figured I could teleport an object and then turn it into text,[/spoiler] but I can't see a win condition from that. If I turn the flag into text, then I no longer have a flag to stand on even if flag is win. Same with box. I'll keep thinking about it I guess. thanks.

Nevermind I'm a fucking idiot

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I did the easier version by turning myself into two keys and just pushing the win box outside and turning Baba into the win condition, but that's impossible here.

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>Skull House
What is this gay Baba jail?

You never need to move the win condition in this one

I've thought about that. I tried to eliminate the water block above it and get "Baba/Key is you and win" from the top by being both the keys and baba and moving the whole "baba is you" phrase up and to the right at once but it doesn't seem to work out with the space provided

I still can't do it. Near as I can tell I need to have "is win" positioned in the top right, while flag is you. I step into the water as the flag, and in doing so I push the word "keke" down so the flag teleports at the same time as I become Keke. Theoretically, the only way to get the text into this position is by becoming the text, but I see no way of becoming the text and then leaving it in the right spot while becoming the flag. Am I on the right track at all or am I overthinking this?

Do you want another hint?

You don't need to move You horizontally

??? IS ??? ??? WIN
[ ] YOU

vinesauce is strm

You don't need to take so many steps simultaneously. Just get a win condition up there first, then you can teleport back and set the rule [X] IS WIN, and then work it out from there.