Reminder that every Halo game that matters is gonna be playable via Steam. What a time to be alive...

reminder that every Halo game that matters is gonna be playable via Steam. What a time to be alive, Halo was meant to be played with m+kb

Attached: plz.jpg (708x398, 89K)

Except Halo 4. Nobody wants to play that.

it has the cutest cortana though

Attached: cortana8.gif (500x269, 1.91M)

>lines where her nipples would be glow when she's excited
what did they mean by this

We'll finally get better models for SFM porn.

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>Halo was meant to be played with m+kb

i don't know why people always say this when, in the end, it was optimized for and released on a console. i mean play it however you want but

they were horny and bored, like everyone playing Halo 4

What about ps4?

Stealth sexualization slipped into H4 before they went full sjw.

Revisionist history, basically.

Cant wait, hope the in game chat is as active as it was back in the day, flaming everyone is part of the charm

Halo was designed to be played with a controller.

she was talking with chief, of course she's excited

Attached: chief4.png (800x750, 403K)

>Halo was meant to be played with m+kb
Just tried to play Halo CE on PC with an xbox controller because that's how I played it back in the day.
Is the PC version different so controller sucks, or were the controls really this bad? I don't remember them being this bad but holy shit

Only the halos with non-hitscan weapons will be fun to play with a mouse.

Yes. But it works damn well with m/kb
Noscoping and headshot weapons truly destroy scrubs now.

This, egotistical PCfags.

Halo CE misses a lot of stuff that's just standard in today's FPS genre
It's like going back to play Perfect Dark on N64

Do we have any confirmation that they're going to remove the autoaim? Even the first game had it on PC.

I hope they leave it on for controllers, for anons just wanting to use the controller for nostalgia. At least for the campaign.


They should have it in multiplayer too. Otherwise nobody will be able to play Halo properly (bumper jumper). If you use mkb I don't see why you'd feel threatened by it.

Because it's obnoxious to have and interferes with aiming when you use a mouse

Not just Halo
Every FPS is meant to be played with mouse and keyboard, at least 105 vertical FOV, minimun 120fps and 2k resolution

Attached: 1376469002270.jpg (317x310, 19K)

>It's like going back to play Perfect Dark on N64
It's not that bad at all I don't know if MCC improved the controls but there's hardly any difference between 1 2 and 3 controls wise.

As if the battle rifles and shit would somehow be optimized with spastic CS GO speeds.

>a game series purposefully made slow and floaty in order to be more accessible for consoles was meant to be played with m+kb

Nigger I've been playing Halo 1, 2, and the recent 3 on PC since 2004 and played 3 & Reach on 360. Controller is just objectively better for BR and sniping.

Isn't there a chance that m+k just makes the game too easy? Or it's almost like playing a dated game and you see past the nostalgia?

>Controller is just objectively better for BR and sniping.
the only reason this is even remotely plausible is if the autoaim on the controller is superior to your ability to aim with a mouse

2014 called grandpa