Can we have a civilized discussion about Halo, and why 2 is the best?

Can we have a civilized discussion about Halo, and why 2 is the best?

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Other urls found in this thread: 2 Rebalanced Maps.rar

it's literally the least significant of them all.

But it's the most fun. 3 was over the top and 4 was short garbage. Haven't played 5.

Halo 2 has best MP buy Halo 1 has best SP.

>fastest multiplayer
>no fall damage
>cool weapons and dual wielding combos
>best maps

It was the closest Halo has been to a fast paced arena shooter.

I hate to be OP and the one who says this, but let's focus on single player

Dual Needlers were incredible. Sad they got nerfed in 3. 2 had a better campaign than CE, but I think I like 3 just a little more. I never cared to get Xbox Live so I don't have an opinion on multiplayer.


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2 has the best campaign. Admit it anons: you were all super invested in the story's cutscenes and marine/elite dialogue.

Well I have good news for you faggots. Halo 2's remake looks goddamn beautiful. You're gonna love this campaign all over again.


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haven't played anything other than the mainline 3, but driving a scorpion tank down that bridge and shooting down wraiths in the sky was the reason I picked up an xbox in the first place after being a dedicated PC/nintendo kid for my entire life. along with gears 1

Because 2 ain't the best.

But the needlers were better in 3.

>in the sky

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CE didn't have fall damage if you were good, and was played at a much faster pace. Halo 2's weapon spawn system was fucking retarded.

Are the books any good or worth reading? I'm sitting here questioning whether to pirate them all or not.

>halo 2
>better multiplayer

Why does no one ever mention the button combos like BXR, BXB, and double shotting?

That's what put it over the top for me. The maps and the speed of the game plus the button combos was intense.

halo 2s engine was prone to some hilarious bugs from time to time

>Contains 90% of the story and was the one that made console multiplayer FPS big
>I-It's insignificant

>the best
It had the worst MP and second worst campaign though. If you were unironically wasting your time with Halo 2 and missing out on the golden age of Halo Custom Edition on PC then you aren't a true Halo fan, just some dumb console kiddie.

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why is halo getting spammed so hard? its not good. it doesn't doing anything that hundreds of other shooters do exponentially better. stop it.

I refuse to believe anyone who didn't play CE first honestly believes its the best. It's so fucking clunky and awkward compared to the rest of the (Bungie-made) series. The vehicles are godawful, the balance is atrocious, it looks like shit, literally all it has is nostalgia when compared to 2 or 3.

>why are you guys talking about things i don't like!
silly oldman

MMC got announced for PC.


The ttk in 2 was huge, you could only kill after 2/3rds of a magazine was gone.
Fall damage is a good thing
Dual wielding ruined balance and the weapons were also reduced in damage and function, things like plasma stun was removed.
Many of the maps were too large and the spawns were a huge problem. Infact the maps were signed with Moba in mind.

Threadly reminder:
>genuine boomers and halo vets prefer Halo CE for it's simplicity
>normalfag zoomers who are new to halo but pretend to be tough old veterans of the series say that Halo 2 is the best to get street cred
>more casual boomers and doomers along with bandwagon jumpers like halo 3, not just due to it's gameplay but mostly due to the nostalgic bliss it provides for 2007 as a whole
>halo ODST is liked by doomers and patricians wanting to stir up some conflict
>halo REACH is prime doomer status, like Halo 3, beloved not for it's gameplay but for it's nostalgic memories
>no one likes halo 4
>only zoomers like halo 5

Halo is the most mediocre game series that hit big, that has ever been made.

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So? If a shit collection of shit games comes out does that mean nu/v/ has to have a massive coming out party to show off how much of a faggot redditor they are? If it was just one thread, fine, but its constantly multiple threads clogging up the catalog.

these are three pretty shitty posts user

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Keep seething, faggot. Halo was and still is fun as hell.

>Halo 3

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are you retarded

>added depth and lore to the campaign
>further revolutionized console FPS
>established XBL, the biggest multiplayer system for the next 10 years
>implemented the ranked skill system
>set the stage for H3 which is just a polished version of H2

yes, at least all the ones pre-343. Reach is solid and ghosts of onyx is kino, cole protocal and contact harvest are pretty good for the lore too

I was 10 when Halo 2 came out.

Is it true people got really mad that you played half the campaign as the Arbiter?

people were expecting an epic battle on earth but that was cut and delayed to Halo 3. people were more mad about the cliffhanger ending, only retards would hate on the arbiter parts

Threadly reminder:
You're a huge faggot

Threadly reminder:
5 > Reach

Campaign was pretty bad and unfinished. Very few memorable missions.
Multiplayer was great because of the Xbox Live boom but jesus fuck was it a glitchfest full of modders and standbyers that only exacerbated the broken ranking system.

Way to oust yourself as a newfag. It's "neo-Yea Forums".

Superbouncing was fun as shit

How were people doing that thing were they were getting their banshees to move at 2 times speed while flipping constantly?

Learn how to use filters you fucking retard.

He was black.

Yes. Things I remember people bitching about when Halo 2 first came out:
The Arbiter
Playable elites
Duel wielding
Vehicle hijacking
The beam rifle
Energy sword
I remember reading Gamefaqs and the IGN forums at the time and everyone was shitting on the game.

The Halobabbies grew up and are finally getting their bone with the PC release. Never mind that Halo is just a shitty consolized Unreal/UT.

Unreal was never good and UT ended up stealing from Halo with the second one anyway

>Unreal was never good
That just makes Halo even worse.

Aside from the cliffhanger ending, 2 has the best writing and dialogue out of all of them. 1 was good for it's fairly simplistic storyline and worldbuilding, 2 improved on tenfold, the dialogue of the major characters felt more mature. 3's writing felt like a step backward, becoming more hammy in an attempt to be "epic"

Halo was never as bad as Unreal 2, like I doubt even Halo 4 was even close to as bad as Unreal 2 was. Christ Unreal 2 was bad

Halo Reach is the only good halo game.

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based Iphone poster using bait to bump the thread

Unreal 2 tried to be Halo and failed miserably. It had much better graphics, though. That engine was amazing for it's time.

halo(original trilogy) is that weird game that groups of boomers and zoomers hate, and both boomers and zoomers love

>literally the worst bungie halo game

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i play the triplogy in order once a year or so, and the jump in polish from 1 to 2 always impresses me being on the same console. 3 really didnt seem like as big of an improvement.

it is objectively the best written and scored game of the series, it would have been the best game objectively in the series had it not been for overambition and the xbox being a fossil

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1 was the best in all respects. 2 introduced the space pope and a whole bunch of incredibly retarded expansions of the universe, while 1 was "oh shit we're stuck on this ancient alien artifact oh shit some ancient plague has been released." Simple and effective instead of bloated and retarded. Halo 1 on PC was a blast as well and had godly mods.

How did he survive Halo CE? He was right next to the ship when it blew, with that Elite

>muh simple shooter
>gah my simple bad alien
>ew plot and dynamic characters in my shooting game

>The Great Journey waits for no one... not even you, brother.

isnt there a comment concerning that in the intro for Halo 2?

the typical response of someone who thought halo had a good plot after 1

>sorry gunns, classified

>T. pc aimbotting pablo

>introduced the space pope and a whole bunch of incredibly retarded expansions of the universe
and it was infinitely more interesting then the generic zerg ripoff monsters. the Covenant always stole the show with their unique designs anyway and making Halo 2 mostly about them was a good thing

there is a reason it's so typical

What is Halo 3 ODST? Is it like an expansion pack campaign for Halo 3 that they sold as a standalone game, w/ Halo 3's multiplayer included? Could you play MP with Halo 3 players?

Proof you can get a bunch of cool one-liners and build an engaging plot around it
>The cable, I'm going to cut it
>Permission for what, Master Chief? To give the Covenant back their bomb
>I am a monument to all of your sins

pleb filtered

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but Halo 2 PC has more spics than Halo CE. Both are mostly spic though

halo 2 gameplay was great, the plot sucked and set up the rest of the series for failure

My ASS! Well you can just forgit about those adjustments to your A2 scope!

>worst game in the series
>the best
Get out

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>the plot sucked
oh boy, ok tell me how

>Games without Flood>>>>>>>>> Sloppy chicken shit>>>>Games with Flood

Well he's a particularly fine mood

Wouldnt that mean every Halo is shit but for Reach around and ODST?

Only after it became easy to pirate and play
Which is why PC CE was LATAM central for decade and a half

Halo CE was the only good one. 2 ruined the series and it never recovered.

how? 2 sets up 3 which was great and then the series effectively ends full circle in 3.
4 is completely disconnected from 2 and 5 is only related to 2 because of the arbiter who is nothing like the arbiter.
Fuck you, you've never played halo

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halo ce was the worst of the original trilogy

I have a love and hate relationship with Halo 2. I was 15 when the game originally came out in 2004 and I got up to the late 30's to early 40's in most of the modes (with exception of a few) but christ did that game have fucknig issues ranging from gameplay imbalances to cheating. I think around September 2005 is when I just all around stopped playing the game entirely due to the sheer amount of hackers that infested matchmaking which meant your rank would get brutally fucked if you lost (especially at higher ranks). It got so bad that hackers would have you spawn in a particular location and then use instant kill rifles on you. And let's not forget the early days of 2004 and early 2005 where people would use the standby glitch to autowin rounds.

Anybody check out the Ruby Rebalance mod?

t. assmad sonyfag

Does anyone have that picture some user made, comparing old Yea Forums who actually drew meme pictures and new Yea Forums who just copy and paste reaction images over old pictures in MS Paint?

>the best
Why is master chief made out of glass and gets almost insta killed on any difficulty?

Tell me more

The plot sucked for every halo game besides 1 because 1 was the only game that kept it simple. Halo being good was always about it having the best controls for any FPS game, that went away and then the series faded. Not saying the campaign missions stopped being good, but the story was garbage.

>on any difficulty?
how bad are you? halo 2 has the worst difficulty balance because its either too easy or borderline unfair

>Halo being good was always about it having the best controls for any FPS game

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>the plot sucked
>because it wasn't simple.
>halo 1's sucess had nothing to do with the story
you literally don't know what plot means, congratulations and thanks for playing.
I dub thee big dumb

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yea dipshit, the biggest competitors at the time was timesplitters

besides that there were only incel PC users

Halo 2 mod that changes some things around in Campaign so Legendary is more balanced. 2 Rebalanced Maps.rar

Things I remember.
>No one hit kill Jackal Snipers
>Most weapons received a buff
>Flood and Brute health have been reduced so they can be killed with things other than instadeath combos
>No more one hit kill melees meaning melee is actually a viable tactic
>Hunters received a buff to be a little more threatening
>Player health increased and enemy damage reduced while still being higher than Heroic
>Allies AI has been improved as well as some enemy AI primarily for Zealots.
>In addition to damage buffs, several weapons have received an increased rate of fire

It's my least favorite of thr bungie titles
>you die in seconds because everything around you is stronger than you
>gameplay is mostly you hiding behind objects until your armor fills up again
>as soon as you enter a vehicle they can take less damage than before

3 is better by a long shot.

>halo being good has nothing to do with story
>for a fps
it set the gold standard for the fps genre you retard
>then the series faded
>2 beats 1 in sales
>3 beats 2 in sales

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Damn I used to do all those. First time I BXR'd someone they thought I was cheating it was so new. How did you double shot again? Press Y Y with perfect timing or something between BR shots?

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Why does Halo CE Anniversary look like such shit compared to this beauty?

yeah im sure if halo ce's campaign was shit the series would've still found the success and beloved following it had.
You know like all the other shooters at the time with good controls and bad campaigns.

one, blur studios and two, halo 2 wanted to feel like a movie so the cut scenes had a cinematic flare to it.

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Ah, an unpopular opinion to rival my own. I think Wolfenstein 2009 is the best in the series.

but Unreal managed to get a sequel

did it get the following halo did?
You are a retard if you think halo's success had nothing to do with it's plot and characters

I want a qt Spartan gf

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>I can't read

how so

>"I know, Ill reply with EBIN reaction images. That'll show him, plus it means I don't actually form my own argument or formulate my own thoughts which means people can't call me out on being retarded."

>wanting a gf with no sex drive

that doesn't excuse the awful art style and shitty weapon reskins. I remember watching the alpha footage and they had the AR from reach and bought the game only to find out that it was just a place holder, it would have made so much sense with the lore.

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well they reused alot of reach assets which narratively makes sense but killed all the charm of halo, you know, cause reach sucks dick.

Don't care about MP, for SP
1=2 >>>> 3 >>>>>>> the rest


>Not wanting a qt Spartan gf who lets you do kinky stuff with her just because it makes you happy and she loves you.


Oh so we're going to do this?

eat shit faggot
Halo 3>Reach>ODST>2>CE

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According to Halo threads, every Halo game is bad, apparently
Still though best level goes to Delta Halo

>a confession of being a tasteless retard
there is nothing to do

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2 has the worst campaign in the series though.
>lol no ending because we're incompetent and ran out of time

..which is halo 2
a flawed victory but a victory

>cliff hangers = bad

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>Duel wielding
Probably one thing I do not like either.

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fuck jackal snipers
fuck drones
fuck elite ultras
fuck gold sentinels
fuck the flood in general
fuck the heretic leader
fuck the prophet of regret
fuck tartarus
fuck banshees, ghosts and wraiths
but most of all, fuck you bungie for putting all these in one game

>ywn get to play through MAW with your brother again
>ywn get to play through Cairo Station with your brother again
>ywn get to play through Arrival with your brother again

I wish I could turn back time.

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Yes, a game that abruptly ends and literally does not have an ending is a flawed narrative and overall a failure of a game.

But ODST and Reach are shit.

better ending it there rather than carrying it on through nothing but duct-tape and glue like CE did

How come the AI could use the side guns but not the player?

The entire series has a simple plot. Wtf are you talking about?

>game that abruptly ends
>does not have an ending
but it does though, the covenant is split, humanity and the elites allied and you saved the galaxy, the only thread that wasn't finished was literally one, and it was killing the last pope, two of which died in the game already

because fuck you

t. boingo

halo 2 and 3 were too complex for him to get.

Yea Forums used to play CE all time time but I don't think anyone does that type of stuff anymore here

it really doesn't as soon as they try to include the Covenant's side

>it really doesn't as soon as they try to include the Covenant's side
It introduces new characters and gives new perspective but it hardly makes the plot any more complicated.

>it really doesn't as soon as they try to include the Covenant's side
This that's why they removed that crap in Halo 3, made the game better for it.

Seeing the Covenant's perspective and infighting firsthand was one of the best parts you fucking troglodyte

no they didn't retard

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CE is maximum comfy and I have nostalgia for. But fuck the campaign is actually very repetitive, 2 is much better.

the series truly never peaked, the original 3 are all classics that come with their own strengths and flaws.
And as flawed as 2 is, even more than 1 and 3 in some respects, it's the only one i'd call a masterpiece albeit a flawed one.

It was a small part of Halo 3.

It was boring as hell, his levels sucked ass too.

"Halo 2 had the worst multiplayer."

>This is what Halo 3 fans actually believe.

MP tier list: 2 > 1> 5 > 3 > 4 > Reach

SP: 1 > Reach ........... thats it.

it was underwhelming, Halo 3 had the best multiplayer.

it's the fourth cut scene involving the elites and their side of the war

Yes, and it doesn't drag on like Halo 2, Arbiter shit got cut in Halo 3 and he was made a side character for the most part.

Halo Reach is not the best Halo game, this is the same zoomer shit saying Pokemon Gen 5 is the best: it's just retards grasping the ~2010 game and holding it up as the best.

he had the best levels in halo only rivaled by chief's in the first half of halo 1.
You only dislike the levels because you don't like the arbiter

His levels were linear scripted shit with the worst version of the Flood and worst version of the Brutes, just long ass always that either blended in with his armor, blended in with the enemies, or was too dark to see shit. Let's not forget the clearly not playtested gondola section which is glitchy as hell.

ODST had the best campaign and nobody can tell me different

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You mean one of the worst.

I agree. Really the series is great because of the source material and nothing else, it's the universe that makes it so good. Although props to them for actually visualizing it.

>His levels were linear scripted shit with the worst version of the Flood and worst version of the Brutes, just long ass always that either blended in with his armor, blended in with the enemies, or was too bright to see shit. Let's not forget the clearly not playtested gondola section which is glitchy as hell.

I agree, chief had shit missions in halo 2

it was one of the best, shame it's length is short.
Better than reach in almost every way

and 2 does more for the universe than all the games so thats part of why it's peoples favorite.

no its an entirely new game from the perspective of a member of the odst instead of cheif, its a fucking great self contained story.

but yeah the multipier is just halo 3s

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Slow movement speed, shit maps, no button glitches, awful equipment that further slowed the game down, trading melees/kills. I can bet you're a shitter who played nothing but Big Team Battle.

Chief wasn't the one holding Halo 2 back since his levels were more open-ended and less scripted. Arbiter was so bad that they removed his campaign from Halo 3.

I don't hate 2, but I honestly remember so little of any of it. When I played it I thought that it improved on many little things from the first game, but I can't remember what exactly. I just can't remember. I can't remember.

>slow movement speed
>shit maps
>no shitty exploits that ruin the multiplayer
>awful equipment
No fun allowed
>trading melees/kills
I can agree

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>the arbiter
kino for a bit then a bit shit
>sacred icon
>quarantine zone
kino shit middle then kino end
>great journey
bit boring

>were more open-ended and less scripted.
nope, all chief had was delta halo, meanwhile arbiter had quarantine zone, uprising, and the great journey.
And everything good about halo 2 came from the arbiter pleb, chief was sidelined in 2 to make room for an actual dynamic character tied to the themes of the story

E3 that year was maybe the most hyped I've ever been for a game, this campaign footage was great and the multiplayer gameplay seemed incredible too. The only other thing I possibly got as hype for was HL2, again with the pre-release gameplay. I wish I could be as enthusiastic about anything anymore.

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Every level Chief had in Halo 2 shitted on Arbiter's it would have been better if they made that Arbiter shit a spin-off game.

awful opinion

yea that misleading gameplay footage was sure cool too!

Great opinion, even Bungie realized that by Halo 3.

you are that guy huh

This still pisses me off to this day, this and Halo 5, two peas in a pot filled with disappointment, Arbiter and Locke really should have been spin-off games.

More like to appease the screeching autists who hate added depth

they did that because 12 year olds thought the arbiter was shit because he had a personality

All of H2 is linear. In fact the only non-linear moment of the entire trilogy is the second half of the second level of CE.

>tfw get xbox hueg for crimbus
>fire up halo ce
>land on halo for the first time
>spend days playing split screen, listening to linkin park, playing runescape
>watching naruto air for the first time on toonami

I wanna go back bros this isn't a nostalgia thread ik

2 was the worst of the bungie trilogy

what? they just wanted chief to get fair treatment after he did almost nothing in halo 2 and even then arbiter still was more a fleshed out character

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Yeah, I'm going to be that guy.

chiefags are delusional

CE was the worst of the trilogy plebian

They did it because Arbiter's levels sucked and his story was boring that only some lore nut would give a shit about. The only reason Yea Forums likes that shit so much is because most of you guys are Xenophiles from tumblr.

And Arbiter's levels are even more linear, that's the point.

I agree

there is no that guy.
you are the same guy who shows up to shit on the arbiter in halo threads

Halo 2 had the best music of the series
>those guitar riffs when you finally corner the scarab
>everything about Delta Halo
>Never Forget

Delta Halo>>Sacred Icon

No, we're based.

>one good song

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Of all the objects our lords left behind, there are NONE so WORTHLESS as these Oracles!


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The assault rifle is pretty fun. Other than than, the first one had a cooler campaign.

You shut your filthy whore mouth user, Never Forget Reach, take your shitty OC game and begone

This is still the best line in the series

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you don't need to know anything about the lore for arbiter to be interesting, in contrast chief does.
You say the same shit every thread faggot.
You say his story is boring but have no leg to stand on that front and for your life can't give a cohesive reason why chief's story isn't.
And we told a thousand times, Yea Forums typically likes well written characters, as long as he is not black or gay.

You gay nigger

>Why yes, the arbiter is my favorite character. Master Chief? Haha, no thanks, I don't need my ego stroked as a blank self insert.

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Outskirts>>The Arbiter
Delta Halo>>Sacred Icon
Regret>>Quarantine Zone
High Charity>>>>The Great Journey
You're right, it does look even.

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Halo 2 has better lines than any other game, I can still hear every part


>vehicle combat against unique opposition or bland and boring gondola rides with press b to win

3 > CE > Reach = 2 >>>>>>>>>>>> dog shit >>>>>>>>>>>> 4 > 5

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>one good song
Get the fuck out

>tfw no needler assault rifle

Would have been tits.


Reach's campaign sucked
Bungie thought they could write a better battle of Reach than Nylund and utterly fucking failed at it

He was clearly made for lorefags with all that forced story shoved in there.

>Uprising? why thats my favourite level! how could you tell?

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Your taste is pure feces, 2 has one of the best ambient OSTs of all time.


Still better than 5's literally non-existent story

quarantine zone is an all out race between the flood and covenant to the index only it's the inverse of halo 1. It's open, and a huge battle between you and your elite soldiers vs humans vs flood vs sentinels.

>reach is good

>By the Prophets...What have these brutes done.

>A zealot! So much for a stealthy advance!

5's multiplayer was better than Reach's

DESU i like 5's multiplayer. it's just not fucking halo.i got halo 5 to PLAY HALO

>The hunters have come to our aid Arbiter! They will fight by our side

This level was fun even before I found out turning on the thunderstorm skull turned all your allies into ultras (thus making then all sword elites).


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>Ha! Over so soon?

>He was clearly made for lorefags
>literally zero lore about him existed before he was introduced in the game
>literally no lore is needed to empathize and understand his character and arc
>chiefag complains about lore
>forced story
he was literally the protagonist, god who beat you when you were 15 and told you empathy, depth, perspective. dynamic characters, world building and dichotomy was a bad thing

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>tfw assuaulting the brute base at the end with your small army of elite and grunt bros

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Halo 5 was shit but at least it had a story, Reach was the start of Destiny.

why did it choke him instead of infecting??

Your pal
Wheres he headed

He was the protagonist just like Locke and got pushed down the shitter just like Locke. Moral of the story is if you want to make another main character, make a spin-off.

not even the flood wanted that wrinkly bastard

it was a mercy

It is Halo, even with sprint.

Based. Reach had invasion and the campaign was kino, Reach has some of the best maps as well.

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Regret wouldn't shut the fuck up and Gravey didn't want another Prophet around bitching about his sermons being complete

>he's so desperate he has stooped to comparing locke to arbiter
you forgetting the part where people like the arbiter and halo 2 was a critical and commercial success compared to captain hunt the truth, all exposition and no character nig

Anyone calling Halo 2, ODST, or Reach the best, they're contrarians, ignore them.


>and the campaign was kino
>Tip of the Spear promises the largest vehicle battle in the history of the franchise
>just kidding lol go fight some assholes on a ridge, maybe you can look down and see us having fun out in this desert plain once in a while

actually, now that I think about it, H2 does have a non-linear section with the banshee platform part, meaning chief's campaign is actually more linear than arby's

Arbiter wasn't liked until Halo 3 but as a side companion to Master Chief afterward, he was forgotten with Master Chief's popularity eclipsing his.

halo 2 is kino, reach is uninspired garbage

what does that have anything to with what i said?
you are a fucking broken record in these threads

>ignoreing that the Anniv blur cutscenes destroy bungies cinematography, pacing and all ingame cutscenes rule
>the arbiters cutscene loses the 1:30 segment of the Mausoliuem suite
>all the fucking pointless changes to the sound direction
>turning High Charity into the flanderized dark blue shit as the rest of the 343 covenant
>turning johnson into Chris Tucker
>Lord Clint Easthood
>new cutscenes arnt ingame with the anniversey graphics

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contrarian's choices
>2, 3, Reach
casual's choices
>4, 5
no one's choices

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Just correcting you.

Agreed the Chief was very kino.

I don't see Chief's ass getting into killer instinct, boy

That's what it was, gameplay is just cause of hardware limitations cuck boy

And it was boring a poorly designed too the Phamton also made it feel linear.

yeah, if only he was as kino as halo 2's lead character

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Everything about arby in that game is absolute kino.

Killer Instinct wasn't huge.

God, I fucking hate Reach so much.

you realize you don't need to stay with the phantom

If he was so kino, why did he get shoved to the benches in Halo 3?

Then don't fucking advertise it as something that it isn't, dumbfuck
Just like they advertised the Sabre mission being more expansive than it really is
Or the campaign being actually good instead of bullshit

Too many reddit babbies who got a 360 for their birthday in 2007 screaming about 3 for those with more experience and refined taste to discuss the kino that is Halo 2.

>wanting a PTSD hulk born pre 2530s that could pick your car up with one hand
>having to live with the fear of pissing THIS off
>wanting your life to turn into a fucked up version of the Predator and the Terminator as you are hunted down by the most fucking shredded super solider in existance

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Game feels like it tells you to do that instead of fucking off to do what you want.

No because it's the worst of the originals.




unironically this

2 > 1 > Reach > odst > 3

This, why does Yea Forums always have to be contrarian retards to fit in?


Dumbass go watch the mission again and you see an army of vehicles

you mean the bases dunno, why did chief get benched in 2

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So it's a reddit thing, I knew you faggots were being contrarian, this is also why you act like ODST and Reach were good because reddit doesn't like those, right? Pathetic.

stop replying to yourself we get it

ODST is good

reach is TRASH

i like how you have created this false narrative that contrarians like 2, odst, and reach.


>honestly reach isn't good at all halo 3 is where it's at, how are you supposed to deal with armor lock anyway?

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Those are the only Bungie Halo games that got destroyed by the fanbase so yeah, I'm pretty sure it's contrarian.

>halo 2 destroyed by the fan base

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>he was too young to remember

>literally too young to remember that site was an autistic laughstock and according to the majority of the fanbase halo 2 is only second to halo 3 for best halo game followed by ce


you have failed to convince me, gaming is full of retards as always.

>reee why is my sequel different mommy I hate change :(

>Everybody who has a different opinion from me is only doing it to be a contrarian

Do tell, what is it like having brain damage?

This sounds like the same excuse a 343 shill would make.

You mean the worst in the original trilogy.

I don't know, you tell me?

I still can't believe they chose to bring back multiplayer for Reach of all things, instead of 2 or 3 for the MCC on steam. Do they hate money? Halo 2 or 3 online multiplayer being revived would be Fucking. Huge. People would lose their goddamn minds. They could have done it, it would have been easy. But no. Why?

the site was a cesspit of a bunch of faggots that couldn't cope with change. I'm sure you fitted right in.

don't talk about ce like that, it's a classic user

Don't be mad because everyone celled out Halo 2's problems back then.

Halo 2 is the worst of the original trilogy.

That's explained in the First Strike book. I forget though, because it's been like 15 years since I read that.

>because someone made a site

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The fuck is this reclaimed bullshit and why am i just finding out about it

>second rated best halo game on average
guess which one is first?
I'll give you a hint, it's not ce

3 > CE > 2


not according to polls in the last 6 years

>rather than make my own threads about vidya I enjoy
>I'll cry about what other people enjoy and call them reddit

Giving a response that an eight year old would have, have you even played a Halo game, kid?

take off those nostalgia goggles.

Basically that scene isn't actually canon, in reality is he survives as some sort of slave for a few weeks until he and the chief just happen to cross paths on their way home and basically just read the fucking books you pleb.

>in the last 6 years
>taken by zoomers who think Halo 3 is a retro game

so Yea Forums are we going to be hosting big team battles when reach comes out?

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Imagine being so assblasted that you make an entire website

I played them all, bitch boy.

No u

>Contains 90% of the story
What did you mean by this?

Introduces arbiter, miranda, multiple halos, tartarus, prophets, gravemind, elites rebellion.