It wasn't that bad
It wasn't that bad
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I thought it was good honestly, I have like 60 hours in it or so. The only thing I wish was different was that you could replay missions and building interiors would remain open after you completed the missions in them.
no one said it was you down syndrome dickhead
Also wasn’t good
Clearly you weren't on Yea Forums around the time the game came out
Watch Dogs 1, maybe. 2 is alright.
>taking game release day 1 hour 1 opinions as facts on an anonymous board
>listening to Yea Forums's opinion of a game that has nonwhite characters
It's alright but the 1st one is actually better.
Both games really need Xbox One X updates
>1st one is better
The first one is shit I got to that stupid train mission and quit. Amazing I even sat through that boring gta clone for so long
I stopped playing when I realized that melee killed enemies, I wanted to do a non-lethal run.
I played the game on the highest diff thinking there was a cheevo for it and there wasn't. MFW.
They dumped the atmosphere of the first game for no apparent reason
Watch Dogs was fucked by by Ubi's incompetence and 8th gen consoles being shittier than expected, but it had potential to be great
I loved doing the convoy side missions in the first game where you could set up an ambush. I hated the changes they made to 2 at first but I got used to it. I hope they go back to the guy and style from the first game because I preferred it over 2.
I'm too lazy to find it but there was an apparent leak that said Watch Dogs 3 will take place in London and star an asian female as the protagonist
that sounds about right...fuuuuuuuu
I'm sure they won't. They'll keep acknowledge the game but it won't go back to atmosphere of the first game. It's ascreed situation all over again
>great setting of a the third crusade
>actual Assassin’s i.e. middle eastern Islamic cult from that time period
>actually can play the game without markers just by paying attention to the game
>the rest of the game sucks ass by virtue of being the first game in the series and the devs didn't really know what would work and what wouldn't
>ascreed 2 comes out
>very solid game but no atmosphere of the first game
>everyone praised it
I really hope they will get the darker tone of the first game back in WD 3 because it's supposed to bet in London rather than Bay area and UK is going full 1984 mode right now so there's a chance. Also I love the idea of it being set in London because WD doesn't really need to have firearms
it made sense that the protagonist from watch_dogs 1 was a murdering psycho since you lost your friends and family and youre fighting a mental breakdown throughout the game.
this can't be said about the protagonist in 2. He's just this dude with barely any backstory or progression, story is more "for the lulz" than anything yet you go around murdering half the city.
The English "Asian " or the rest of the world Asian? Because I don't want to play as a poo or pakistani
No, asian as in chink
>I don't want to play as a poo or pakistani
If it's a female who cares?
>sorry lass gotta arrest you of no' avin' your "taking off hijab" loicense
isn't Yea Forums shitting on Sekiro right now and that game's absolutely godlike? WD2 wasn't even that great, so what else would you expect?
>to bet in London
*to be set in London
Played through it and never used guns only the taser and Stun Launcher. Mostly used the drones and emps to mess with the opposition.
Only time I usd lethal was to kill the gang members responsible for killing your mate who worked at not-apple.
Thank god you wrote this, I wasn't able to extrapolate at all what you meant
Is reddit down?
This and the horizon zero dawn thread, anons talking like these generic open world cookie cutter games are actually worth playing.
Fucking niggers
nothing pisses me off more than weak limpwristed little "anarchist" wannabes. do you fucking realize that bigger stronger and more powerful men are going to run the world and either kill you or enslave you if actual anarchy took place right? fucking idiots with their spray paint and "punk" clothing. fuck you
>completely insufferable cast of characters: the game
unironically same. i felt like young whipper snapper san fran hacktivists running around killing cops wasnt really fitting
tr. im a boring old faggot and hate young people for having fun
You all right there user?
I'm 23 you gay retard
>that 23 year old boomer who hates fun
so when does france genocide its populace?
He black tho
Unironically more cyberpunk thank 2077 is going to be and thats fucking sad.
all the hacks and toys were only thing keeping the game from being shitty gta clone
but most people ignore those since its faster to just shoot everyone
then act like it instead of a pissed off 45 year old in flyover state #14 you fucking loser. you aren't "woke", you're an annoying bitter tard
>spray painting giant A's on walls and tearing up your jeans in the back yard so you can pretend to be an anarchist before you've spent enough time in the real world to understand the flaws in your ideas is "fun"
13 year old zoomers dont belong on Yea Forums
lmao no senpai
people made fun of the game because of the sjw shit in it, but in terms of actual gameplay, it was a huge step up over watch dogs 1
watch dogs 2 didn't get torn to pieces like 1 did
Writing was shit, gameplay was a responsive cover shooter with pretty good drone stealth elements, but ultimately just another generic third person cover shooter so who cares.
Deal with it boomer, we're taking over #fuckthesystem
how is a 23 year old supposed to act?
Very underrated game that Yea Forums shat on because they couldn't get past some goofy characters. The PvP modes are extremely fun and I love how sandboxy the game feels.
>Zoomers: the videogame.
It was forgotten in Yea Forums after like a week, when that happens the game is usually decent.
>le quirky gang of youngsters living in San Fran and #fuckingthesystem
>cracking quips and making sci-fi references while "uncovering" how the system fukn sux
>they do all this by rampaging through the city with live ammunition and high explosives, killing who knows how many civilians and civil servants in the process, and actively targeting folks who are just trying to do their job by keeping these nutjobs out of restricted areas.
>honorable mention to casually draining passer-bys bank accounts, causing tremendous amounts of vehicle damage, and putting out false gang hits.
But hey, they found out that the smart cars grade your life value by your level of income and education! DeDSeC R001z, amirite?
Fuck this game.
Generic shit
Wished that car had a real ai
For all that hate you sound like you've played it a fair bit
i would fucking hope he played the damn game before shitting all over it
what, do you shit all over games you've never played like some kind of faggot?
Games? I don't play games like some faggot.
Even if the gameplay was good (not especially), the writing and characters were so thunderfuckingly awful the game was irreparably ruined.
Seriously, fuck this painfully horrible game.
No wonder you fit in here so well
It was in fact extremely good. Like a light-hearted cross between GTA and Deus Ex.
>He didn't play nonlethal
>extremely good.
underrated is one thing, but let's not get carried away, user.
Marcus going nonlethal doesn't change the fact that Wrench is manufacturing IED's and each hackerspace has a 3d printer+workshop to build firearms.
I honestly kinda loved it. I thought the level design was extremely strong, mixing open world gameplay and relatively open ended stealth was a great twist on both and the fairly light hearted, slightly futuristic Silicon Valley atmosphere was quite endearing. I think it was my game of the year that year.
user, Yea Forums IS reddit now
I actually kind of agree. The puzzles were cool, and the fact that you could use your copter/jumper to enter an enemy compound without even leaving your car was a fun mechanic. San Francisco is a pretty interesting setting for a video game also.
>ubishit open world games
Retarded reddit zoomers
it is, in fact, a video game (meaning it did not happen in real life) so im happy to report there noneed to be so fucking angry
>this whole post
The only bad thing is your DedSec gang
Call the first one edgy if you'd like but at least Aiden had a clear motive and if you kill an enemy, it would make sense
While this one is literally just edgy youth fucking around for no clear reason. They also clearly print guns, so killing while doing "mission" is probably a normal thing for them, at least that's the implication, which makes them more of a terrorist.
Wrench is cool tho
The cringe was off scale. None of the characters, starting with the unlikely black hacker you play as are likable at all. Like in ME:A, you don't really want to interact with your crew because they are literally retarded/cringy/uninteresting as hell, and it proves once more that no respectable writer would touch videogame work with a ten meter stick.
They should've removed firearms and focused on adding more hacks and fleshed out gadgets instead.
That seems to be the philosophy for WD3. Apparently it's going to be non-lethal only.
good, honestly
now they just need to make it so calling someone on a cellphone doesn't deafen and blind them and it'd be the best stealth game in the last decade
>it proves once more that no respectable writer would touch videogame work with a ten meter stick.
Red dead redemption 1 & 2 clearly proves you wrong here. Stick to Yea Forums, kiddo.
>everyone either makes $60000 or is homeless making $100
Dropped game after that. Also boring lame gameplay
No, it really was awful. WD1 was no masterpiece but at least everything about it made some sense.
Average at best.
>>everyone either makes $60000 or is homeless making $100
That's just San Francisco, though.
Thanks for the input.
>Hey Marcus who would win in a fight between Aliens and Batman?
>hates gta clones
>hates Ubisoft
>hates BoTW
What does Yea Forums want in an open world game?
Actual constructed levels designed by a human being.
Which is antithetical to open world games design, so fuck open world games.
Something that Watch Dogs 2 actually had.
Watch_Dogs 2 is a really, really good game. It's kinda crazy how good Ubisoft are at systems-driven sandbox design. WD2 did a lot of the NPC interaction stuff RDR2 gets praised for, but did it in a low key way.
Yea Forums shits on every game when it comes out, unless it's Nintendo
you're supposed to play it like metal gear
It's 9 bux on Steam atm, buy or pass?
Basically this. There's no way Yea Forums would ever have a positive opinion of a modern AAA game that featured black/leftist protagonists and trannies depicted in a positive light..
>t. noguns faggot
It's a fun junk food kind of game. The best things about it were definitely playing stealthily, doing the hacking puzzles (good variety), and exploring with a custom music playlist. It tried to be like the movie Hackers and failed, since the story and characters are obnoxious of course, but at least the core gameplay was fun.
I honestly would've preferred if this series had no killing, though that would obviously prevent it from being a decent GTA clone--meaning even fewer sales. Don't know what to expect from a third game, if it happens. I'll be bored if it's just a hacktivist group again.
Why not
You can literally SWAT people or start a gang shootout in the game on anyone.