Get fucked

get fucked

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Phase 4 is also not available to buy separately from the Deluxe bundle. What the fuck KoeiTecmo

well that sucks for them because i was going to buy a few but now i wont

For what reason?



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>Our game bombed in the west, what do we do?
>Try to penny pinch the six who bought it!

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Straight up garbage articles from some of the most insecure manbabies out there. It's like the right-wing ResetEra; nothing but constant bitching.

>nothing but constant bitching
Just like you.

Both of you are bitches
now fuck

god fucking damn it i just bought a PS4 , well fuck now i gotta get a xbone ,thank god i hadn't bought the game yet

Funny, you would've thought they would exploit the core audience in Japan knowing they would pay whatever for their waifus while trying to get any dollar they can from the west.

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>Not using a downloading the DLC for free

Haha, console cucks lose again

This is the most pointless shit in the world, why would they do that? Guarantee it's going to get patched back in at some point once they realize how stupid this is.

>playing Dead on Arrival to begin with

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Is this the last DoA game? It feels like it.

>Koei Tecmo
They really like to shot on themselves dont they? Wouldnt be surprised if in a couple of months they changed this, the same way with lewd stuff not being in the game.

How do the prices compare?

>it's going to get patched back in at some point once they realize how stupid this is.
it wont just look at doa5 for pc anyways


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>enjoy game
>nobody else likes it

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Just in: Individual costumes coming exclusively to the Epic Games Store.

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wow, I have to buy $100 DLC for extra outfits?
>hurr durr just buy the outfits individually
oops looks like the shills were lying yet again

as much as i hate EGS i would laugh my ass off if this happened

Are there even positive new regarding this game? This has been a disaster from the day it was announced.

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For the sake of my wallet, I hope so.

They walked back a lot of the changes, made costumes much easier to unlock, went back to the more ecchi style with the unlock costumes (more classic, less redesign and tame), and the DLC is back to traditional DOA sexy standards. Lobbies coming soon, Ranked is easy enough to go through to get all the achievements. The game is still fun.


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xbros win again

Suck more money off of dumb horny 15 year olds

They want to force morons to buy the DX edition and season passes.

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They backtracked on everything else. If enough people bitch about this they'll probably walk it back as well.

I would think they'd make far more money off of horny retards impulse-buying multiple individual costumes than they would asking people to pay the entire cost of the base game 3 times over for every costume at once, because nobody except the horniest of idiots is gonna pay that much for the one costume of their waifu they want most.
That's what I'd like to think, anyway

not really. boobs still smaller, no lobbies, swimsuits still missing

and you'd be wrong. their marketing research likely concluded forcing fewer people to buyer the pricer bundles is more profitable for them in the short term. because they can always flip and sell everything piece wise later on (if ever).

This latina is packing some heat, wish Marie had smaller boobs tho

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>marketing research
i hope it's not the same marketing team that told team ninja to remove the fanservice outfits, shrink the boobs, and focus on esports. companies fuck up all the time, and team ninja's marketing research is clearly horrible at their job

>was willing to buy my favorite characters and their outfits that i like and give them money
>need to buy giant ass bulk packs for characters and outfits i dont want
>not getting any money now
G fucking G koei

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The deluxe edition costumes are basically swimsuits.

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Not really, no. Most of them are wearing shorts or pants so it's not even close.

Whatever you say dude. Point is they are clearly doing fanservice costumes.

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5 only had three swimsuits at launch and they were locked behind the upper level survival ladders.

it should be obvious their entire decision making pipeline is fucked up seven ways to sunday