>Resident Evil 7 (2017)
>Mega Man 11 (2018)
>Monster Hunter: World (2018)
>Resident Evil 2 (2019)
>Devil May Cry 5 (2019)

What's next for the best video game company in the business right now?

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>3 garbage fighters in a row
Call me maybe

On a somwhat related note, I’m going to Japan this summer. Is there anywhere that i can pick up some capcom merch? Maybe some Resident Evil and Street Fughter stuff?

the Phoenix Wright trilogy on home console is pretty sick

>Street Fughter

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SF4 was fine though.

Dragons Dogma 2.

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DragDog2 but they also need to restructure their fightan game division

Forgot SFxT already?

I havnt played that many Capcom games. But their games mostly are not very long affairs and seem to lean on replayability to get their moneys worth.

A fighting game that doesn't shit the bed, redeem Dead Rising or Lost Planet, maybe release an rpg (DD2 or BoF) and revive an old franchise.

Legends 3

How many times do we need to teach you this lesson, crapcom shill?

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Ace Attorney 7.

Mark my words.

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Truly /ourcompany/

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Clock Tower collection

>Resident Evil 7 (2017)
gimmicky shit
>Mega Man 11 (2018)
nostalgia-bait shit
>Monster Hunter: World (2018)
dumbed-down, mass-appeal shit
>Resident Evil 2 (2019)
dumbed-down, mass-appeal gimmicky, nostalgia-bait shit
>Devil May Cry 5 (2019)
nevermind slut fighter v, am i right? lap it up, consumers.

The game company of the white man.
Jews and niggers need not apply.

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capcom has always been absolutely completely on fire
next best is ubisoft since they made rayman

its been 8 years so a new Mahvel would be nice

SFxT is really fun but the business decisions with the game(on-disk DLC characters) and the weird gem system plagues the game.

Name 1 game company better than capcom on this day and age

Ace Attorney, I can feel it lingering in the air

Give me Breath of Fire 7 you fucks

>S-Stop ta-talking about the best game dev company REEEEEEEEEEEEE

LMAO get rekt.

try not to ride their dick so hard, it's not like they can't slip again

Epic post my fellow Yea Forumstard.

Still can't believe they changed their logo to this. They're really doubling down on hiring that racist guy to do voice work in dmc.

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Sure if you completely ignore their fighting game division.

not OP but right now capcom is putting out some good shit, DMC5 is my personal favorite atm. they could very easily fuck up once again but right now they're doing very well in comparison to any other companies

I beg of you

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>caring about fgc shit


did someone say EPIC?

time to derail, let's talk about fortnite. How many games have you won?
I legitimately have won around 5 games by doing absolutely nothing


Ah, yes, I too love hilariously dumbed down gameplay. Is your favorite Fire Emblem game Awakening?

answer me retard



>monster hunter world
dmcv is great though

From Software and Monolith. I'd mention CDPJR, but I'll hold judgement until Cyberpunk 2077 releases.


It's lost in limbo. Never to be resurrected or brought back.

You don't want Capcom making another Darkstalkers. You haven't liked Capcoms last two fighting games. Why would you want them making a new darkstalkers?

I can't even imagine being this easily pleased.

Isn't their fighting game division under the management of a new guy now instead of Ono?

What has Monolith made that's worthy of note?

i mean how many game companies can shit out 3/4 good games in a year

Don't reply to shills

Not a lot, but gotta stay contrarian over everything.

yes monster hunter man took over
ono was generally just a pr guy afaik anyways

Another Okami, Dragon's Dogma 2, and Viewtiful Joe. Please.

funny how easy it is to spot nintendies

Metal gear collection for PS4/ switch

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Are you really this autistic that you cant understand why would people be happy with modern capcom?

Kind of hard not to when they have released nothing but Street fighter, RE, and Western made spin offs a sequels that killed franchises for 10 years.
Now for the last two years they have been doing nothing but Westaboo games made by japanese.
What they were known for and excelled at.

It's a return to form for them.

Stay assblasted autistic shill

quit replying to obvious bait you faggot

>Why would you want them making a new darkstalkers?
Why do people want them making a new Street Fighter or Marvel?

no u

They don't.
People expressly want them to take a fucking brake from fighting games since it is all they were fucking doing and focusing on for 10 years

vsav is the best fighting game capcom ever made, do you really want to tarnish that? pretty much everyone who worked to make vsav (dirty beret, a team within capcom) does not work there any more. A new darkstalkers would only serve to present the characters to a new generation, and if you want their battle planners to try to manage something that is pretty much the least casual entry in any of their series then I have no hope for you.

They've been releasing plenty of RE and MH during all these years too. It's just Capcom focusing on their best selling brands and it's very likely they'll keep doing the same.

Darkstalkers was never good, only good thing was the sprites and design. As fighting games they're trash. Vampire Hunter is very mediocre and VSAV is nothing but dash and mash garbage on crack with pressure and mixups worse than most anime fighters.

Let's hope it stays dead and the 5-10 furries in socal and cincy that actually care about this dog shit game outside of japan can stay in their autistic bubble

MH has it's own team that nobody else works for. Hell, The CEO's and CFO's of Capcom don't fuck with or tell the MH team to do anything because it's their cash cow and the only thing that kept them afloat for the last 10 years of fucking terrible decisions.
SF/Vs take talent from other parts of the company and smash them to the fucking grindstone to pump out fighting games.

Capcom is full of talented people. They have just been mismanaging their shit since Inafune uttered his shitty "make westerners make the games" plan.

>blew its load by releasing so many awesome games over a couple years
Sorry gamers, you'll be waiting 3 years AT LEAST until your next Capcom title.

A developer that pumps out a effortless pile of shit every 9-12 months tend to be the worst developers.

Ryozo Tsujimoto is now in charge of the fighting game division, maybe he fixes some of that shit.

Now Street Fighter 6 with the depth of third strike when?

More like KKKapcom!

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>CDPJR better than Capgod

What? Is muh witcher 3 better than DMC V? Yeah right, gtfo of here.
Honestly, you should quit gaming.

Glad capcom is starting to understand his strong points, it's our duty as consumers to support their products so that they will understand that they don't need bad practices to make profit!

Capcom acts like a western dev now. So that means they finally hired a good shill team like Ubisoft.

Why would they actively take someone off their cash cow to try and fix a Genre he has nothing to do with?
This can only be bad for MH.

He's a producer not a game designer so the gameplay of MH isn't going to take a huge misstep because he's working at a different division now.
MH is already on a good direction and they probably know what needs to be done to make people love those games so as long as they don't change their management strategies too much I don't see MH losing a lot of steam over night. Their fighting games have had a lot of bizarre decisions that aren't always related to the core mechanics of the game (SFxT and Infinite are decent fighters ruined by shitty business practices) so changing producers and head managers can certainly prevent such things from happening again or at least not to the same extent.


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They'll always be crapcom.
Go fuck yourselves crapcom shills.

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DMCV isn't on Switch you underage retard.
