Are the 8bitdo controllers good?

Are the 8bitdo controllers good?

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They must be, they cost plenty.

they're ok, not really worth their price unless you REALLY want a bluetooth controller

Is op a faggot?



It's the Beats of retro controllers. They're okay but way too pricey for what you get.

If you get the pro versions with sticks then yes


if you dont like the 4 buttons there is a cheap hack you can do by placing those little paper ring protectors (for note book paper on 3-ring binders) on the board connectors to help make it mushier.

otherwise its the best 3rd party controller company ever created.

I got one cheap and think it's alright.

They're pretty good, but for my money i'd prolly rather get an eeekit wireless one. It comes with the Switch layout which kinda sucks, but it still has a lot of cool shit like gyro for Steam games. And it's like 25 neetbux.

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I bought two bluetooth receivers and they are so convenient for pc. I can use any ps3/ps4/xbox controller and it will map the butttons correct. I can also use the controllers on a switch although the ps4 controller has some input lag. Haven't tried the ps3 controller on switch yet. Can't get them to work on retropie though. Works 100% in menus, when the game starts they stop working, even after deleting the controller configs.

>the ps4 controller has some input lag.
I was thinking of getting a usb dongle to use my PS4 controller on Switch. Never heard of any input lag issues. Is it bad?

Just buy a ps4

They're the only option for something in that form factor.

But if you just need a PC controller, buy the logitech F310

They have shit d-pads. Supposedly the M30 has a good one, but the only video I saw testing it was deleted.

The D pad on them is fine, it has a central pivot

On the M30? One review I saw for it also claims the d-pad for it creaks.

It's very noticeable. I never did a firmware update though, maybe that would help.

I have an SF30 pro sitting on my desk

I got one specifically for RetroPi. Cannot fault the controller, it feels great and works well. But I use the Pi more for PS1 games, so the controller is useless in this aspect. My fault, but I have an Xbone PC controller to wire in that works really well.

So... if you are playing actual retro, then yes, it's great.

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I have an SN30 GP and the d-pad sucks. Granted, I mostly use it for emulating Pokemon games but that's no excuse.

Firmware updates are definitely a good idea with the 8bitdo devices if you're having input lag

Hm, maybe I'll try the mayflash one, people do seem to recommend it over the 8bitdo one.

I've used 2 8bitdo controllers and they were both garbage. Awful dpads and one of them was falling apart in weeks (it was the dogbone styled famicom one, don't remember the model number). And I take care of my shit so no idea what was up with that

Also OP's pic isn't great. The sticks and increased size do nothing but harm the ergonomics of the original snes controller, while the lack of grips makes the sticks less comfortable to use than something like an xbone controller. Basically it's a middle ground that's mediocre of two different things. I'd just use a standard SNES controller for 2D games and an xbone for 3d

If you're main use is a switch, that's probably a good idea. My nephew has a switch so I never really tried to fix it. If for a pc, they are perfect. No input lag on my ps3/ps4 controllers and they were really easy to connect.

I have a NES30 Pro and SN30 Pro controllers and they are good controllers. SN30 Pro is godly.

Only 8bitdo product I've used is the DIY kit for a Mega Drive controller. It works well enough, but the options for remapping of buttons are really limited so whether it'll work with a game or not is kind of a crapshoot. There's also no real warning if the battery is running out, it just immediately starts having severe input lag and you know you have to charge it. It's fine for the price overall, though.

>no analog triggers

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Yes they are good, perhaps the best quality you can get under $50 or so but there are cheaper options.

Have had my SNES30 (no sticks, out of production now) for over a year and it has held up very well. Good battery life, works with Switch and Android tablets easily, D-Pad is good but not amazing, build quality is great. The new models are pretty ugly though.


I really like mine, it's solid and reliable, but they're pretty average value.

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The dpad on sn30 pro has sensitivity issues with telling apart cardinals and diagonals making fighting games nearly unplayable, but some bits of tape can fix it.

>no analog triggers
That's a good thing though

I don't understand, why is wireless bad for PS1?


Have the stickless one.
Feels like they would just get in the way.