Is this game worth buying? Is the gameplay any good or is it a movie? Hard mode: No consolewars
Horizon Zero Dawn
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I had fun with it. It's not a movie
It was good, graphics are insane
Yeah, I was considering buying it but wanted to know more about it. I can handle games with a lot of cutscenes as long as it's not on the level of Quantic Dream or something.
one of my favourite games of all times
it made me sad, a rare phenomena
top 10 ps4 games. maybe top 5. the next one on ps5 is gonna be insane
If you've ever played Far Cry it's basically a carbon copy with bows instead of guns, and robot dinosaurs. The story is pretty neat if you like sci-fi.
>the next one
what are you talking about?
It's fun, I found getting the platinum very comfy when usually I just find it a pain in the ass
theyre working on a sequel. on ps5 most likely. maybe cross gen
Top 5 PS4 games?
It's not like far cry at all...
I enjoyed it. They did world building right. The combat is fluid and fighting certain enemies is a lot of fun.
>carbon copy
Yea nah. The only thing they share is a map that expands based on your discovering/taking over certain points on the map.
Did you beat the game? If so you'll know the story was left in such a way that there's no way there won't be a sequel.
I don't know how to respond to such an inaccurate assertion
for me personally
It's good if you have nothing else to play. It goes on sale all the time so you might as well wait for it to get discounted again.
not even that user, but other than the map opening up, name a single way that this 3rd person Assassin's Creed-esque, robot dinosaur having, sci-fi based post apocalyptic no gun or vehicle having game is in ANY WAY shape or form close to Far Cry.
Lol I meant what are your top 5 PS4 games
RPG elements ruin what would otherwise be a decent third person shooter. I think the open world a tad too large for its own good, and the crafting system feels tacked on, as well as skill tree. The human AI makes me sad.
It was awful for me.the characters are so one dimensional and don’t forget the forced diversity.The combat is not even that good and mostly involved rolling around like an idiot constantly.its no better than assassin creed or another Ubisoft game but since it is made by Sony and has great graphics people consider it game of the decade.
It's not inaccurate. Saying it's more like AC would be more accurate... Except, way better in everyway (including the usual "towers-unlock-the-map type bullshit)
It was overall a pretty great, but I got jaded with it once I was around two-thirds into the game.
Why didn't anyone tell me this game has dungeons? Why didn't they focus their efforts more on Faro bases?
>since it is made by Sony people consider it game of the decade
Yeah, that bothers me a lot. Some people can't judge a game based on its own merits and have to base their opinion on console warring.
>or is it a movie?
not even close, outside of the intro and ending of the game, there's barely any cutscenes
>Yea nah. The only thing they share is a map that expands based on your discovering/taking over certain points on the map.
Tallnecks are towers.
Bandit camps are outposts.
You collect animal skins to upgrade your abilities.
You collect herbs to craft medicine to heal yourself, with your health separated into 3-6 chunks.
Stealth takedowns, detection system, throwing rocks, etc..
This is just a cursory analysis, I can go further but they're the same game
I really liked it. Doesn't ever get stupidly easy, and demands command of your skill as a player to succeed, but upgrades and new tools are largely significant additions to your toolkit, which I liked. Only real complaint is the RNG with the modifications, but they're not super important and pretty simple to farm in the late game if you're that worried about it. The cutscene/gameplay ratio is like 10/90, and the sidequests are decently varied. HUman enemies are the only real combat letdown, as they go down very easy, and a fair few of the side quests and one activity chain is all about human combat. The Complete Edition is like 20 bucks now so I'd say jump on it if you have a PS4. It won't set your world on fire, make you rethink video games or whatever, but it's a really good game.
You gotta get over the existence of brown people, bro. Even the most annoying PC bullshit in this game is easy to overlook. Hell, aloy gets hit on by black dudes and Twitter-dykes and turns them all down. It's pretty white-power, untainted Aryan femal fantasy as far as games go nowadays. Aloy knows her place.
I forgot to mention the dialogue choices in this game are pretty fucking meaningless.
Yeah it’s alrifht, I’m pretty tired of big open world AAA bullshit but there’s enough stuff there to still be a decent ride. The combat is fun.
Perhaps you missed this part:
>basically a carbon copy with bows instead of guns, and robot dinosaurs. The story is pretty neat if you like sci-fi.
There are only 6 tallnecks in the whole fucking game though so they feel kind of like an actual event instead of just 'oh boy let's climb the tower...again'. There are like what, five bandit outposts? Really these things feel like far cry in design philosophy but the fact that there are so many different types of 'dungeon' or 'tower' like these two and the cauldrons mean that it doesn't feel monotonous.
The narrative really jumps the fucking shark towards the end.
I just bought this game a few days ago and I'm really enjoying it. I just got to the part where you get a "mount" feature and I can tell I'm going to enjoy the 100% completion
Hardest setting is actually pretty satisfying, because you get two hits and you're toast; to me that makes perfect sense considering these massive robotics are literally bashing into your rawhide clothing at incredible speeds. Weapons and armor are not tiered, but instead all have tradeoffs and reasons to use them for certain situations.
oh. in no particular order. dmc 5, red dead, resi 2, horizon, gow. ill also mention doom, and nier. kh3 was ok. persona 5
the snow dlc is one of the best looking and feeling ice/arctic themed things I've experienced in a game.
That kind of shit doesn't really affect me. I don't care if a character in a story is black, female, gay or whatever as long as they don't make a point of it and let you know every second.
>the fact that there are so many different types of 'dungeon' or 'tower' like these two and the cauldrons mean that it doesn't feel monotonous.
Except Far Cry has dungeons too. Or at least, had. FC5 was an abomination. I'd bet the people disagreeing with me haven't really played Far Cry as I have. I think you're getting thrown by it being 3rd person, but the aiming may as well be 1st person because your reticle is accurate as if you were aiming from 1st person
The only hard part about 100% is the hunter lodges and even that's just because they're all time based for your score so if you're good at that, you'll get it no problem
Bought it, played it for about 2 or 3 hours. never touched it again
I am not even racist but this game just feels so forced and characters are not very realistic.Anyway it was not in anyway biggest problem with this game. The biggest problem for me was the open world. It was empty and shallow as hell.
This. I could forgive almost everything except that garbage Bioware wheel. Should've removed it, tighten up the character dialogue, and develop a consistent Aloy.
Battlefront 1 hoth maps spoiled me rotten, so I look forward to contesting that once I get to that portion of the game.
It does effect me when it takes away the immersion and some of sort of realism.
Fair enough. My only issue with all the races in this game is that they all look so normal. I feel like after a few centuries people would have all blended into something beyond corn-rows and butch-buzzed hair styles
I hated it at first but then learned to love it
Its pretty good if you can overlook the SJW shit, everything regarding the tribes is complete garbage but the old world info you find through the game makes up for it, you should play it on the hardest level though, so you have to use the game mechanics and each machine weakness since in anything below that you can bruteforce your way and it gets old really fast
Hunting is fun. Exploration is not fun
The mercenary guy was the best part of the game. You didn't fucking kill him, and get locked out of your platinum, did you?
Hm. I guess I can see how it would feel that way. To me, this is the one open world game that should feel empty. All these machines making it so the average person is scared to leave the walls of a city. And Aloy is supposed to be seen as special because of her lack off fear against the machines. Maybe I just enjoyed travelling a lonely journey through nature.
I thought everything was patched ages ago to prevent any missable trophies
Far Cry is the only Ubisoft series I've played to be honest, so if they're as samey as I hear, perhaps it is more like AC? I haven't played AC though, so I can't say.
I had played FC Primal right before playing HZD though, which indeed had you using spears and bows and arrows, with HZD adding basically robot dinosaurs to that. I can't imagine two games being more similar without being in the same series, though maybe that's just why "ubisoft open world" has become a meme.
Dude. Evil corporations.
Shouldn’t have made it open world. It added nothing to the game.
The main thing is that it's hard as fuck and you can't keep the only good weapons in the game. Normal difficulty isn't even fun to play imo and the game looks so good it often gave me a headache
Okay I see why you would feel that way. I guess it not being first person somehow made it more immersive for me somehow. I felt boxed-in with farcry primal as if the open-ness was an illusion. I dunno. Maybe my tastes have just gone to shit lately but HZD just hit the right spot for me where most shit lately wasn't holding my attention. Maybe it's just the idea of humans nearly going extinct in the future grabbed me (I did just come off of Automata before HZD so that could be why)
Death Stranding parallel universes confirmed.
Do you think perhaps had they made it the size of God of War (still "open" but very much contained) would have been better for HZD?
Most likely.
It's not even played in the same perspective
>Forced diversity
what does this even mean in the context of horizon
You can get every skill in the game no problem right? The wiki is confusing with what is possible with base game vs frozen wilds edition.
Are the takedown skills in all flavors a requirement in this game? Feels like a crutch/anti challenge.
Also I'm anxious about getting the skill that adds a ground stab, because I would prefer to just spam my spear attacks on them and not be forced into a drawn out stab animation. Feel like skipping those two skills entirely.
you can get every skill
if the game is too easy you can play on the higher difficulties
The down animation makes you completely invincible while you're doing it and is much stronger than spear attacks
>Far Cry with bows and robot dinosaurs
It's not a movie, it's actually really good. The story isn't great, to be honest I think it backfired on Sony. Everything else is great.
You can get all easily in base if you do all the extra shit. Once you have frozen wild the level cap becomes 60 and they add a few skills I believe so when you're doing base shit it feels as if you can't get them all until you realize how much game is actually in front of you
How do you get good in this game/what should I be using? Like I'm not doing bad, but it's obvious I'm not playing optimally.
I'm level 26 currently with lots of metal shards, resources etc because I don't know what to buy and use, so I'm interested in any suggestions.
It's really good. The fights with the machines are fucking great and you need to get really creative when dealing with large machines like the Thunderjaw(OP's pic). The story is good, but not amazing. The beginning is cutscene heavy and the game has lots of dialog, but most of that is during story missions which are still mostly gameplay.
I was really pessimistic about this game because I let Yea Forums meme me into thinking it'd be a TLOU style movie game (it isn't, Yea Forums just hates anything that's a sony exclusive[still, fuck sony]) but was pleasantly surprised. 8.5/10, I still need to play the DLC, though.
The diversity actually has a perfectly reasonable story explanation. But you wouldn't know that since you clearly didn't finish it. Not that i can blame you, it's a rather long game and there's no point in forcing yourself to play something you don't like.
>I let Yea Forums meme me into thinking it'd be a TLOU style movie game
Exactly what I was afraid of, but since a lot of people here said it's not a movie, I want it a lot more.
The tribes and how blacks and whites live and work together is nonsensical and almost everyother characters is black or women.Don’t forget how one dimensional And uninteresting they are.
I downloaded this on launch and for whatever reason just never really played it. Pretty sure I was getting hardcore into Overwatch at the time.
But all these replies here are gonna make me give it a second chance
>The down animation makes you completely invincible while you're doing it
I'm playing on the hardest setting already and I like the challenge. Things like being invincible during a really high damage attack make me feel like I'd just be cheesing the game. I have no idea if the game balances this out on the other end by adding in a saturation of enemies and situations where fishing for ground stabs could help you keep up easier or not. I'm weird like that, I know...
Thanks for clarifying, I will not be so worried about experimenting with skills then.
t b h aI'm pretty sure a lot of it is because somebody on the dev team likes muscle girls
there's got to be at least 3 of them that are important to the story (counting Aloy)
Teb and Avad both lust after those sweet ginger abs
I started it expecting nothing more than a game about good graphics with no substance but it's actually a good game with a very beautiful story
I reccomend it
Good: Combat vs. Machines, world building and lore, art direction
Meh: Voice acting ranges from shit to good, fighting humans can be shitty but there are also some elite units added in the Expansion that were kind cool to fight, too many data logs for background story, world has some cool places to explore but the side quests suck in the base game. Expansion fixes this somehwat by having more varied side quests
Bad: Fighting normal humans, stealth in general, final boss is kind shit, some good characters but most of them are kind too "safe" and arent memorable enough
Blacks and whites already do that, and this is even further in the future so it stands to reason that society is even more racially integrated?
How is having blacks or women in the game forced diversity? They exist in equal numbers in real life
>blacks and whites live and work together is nonsensical
explaining this so retards stop replying to you
don't mouse over the spoiler if you don't want a ridiculously huge plotpoint ruined
The reason there are so many different races mixed up in the tribes is because GAIA needed to make sure that the new humanity would have sufficient genetic diversity to breed effectively, but since she had a limited selection of human DNA to work with, and a finite supply, she opted for mixing up the races in order to cut down on inbreeding. she could only rebuild humanity once, after all
Why is this the first time I've heard of this?
They didnt even mix up the races you moron. The races are clearly distinct. It's actually less believable this way.
Being the dumb primitives with limited options that they were, they would have just all race mixed when they got released into the wild and ended up with a bunch of brown people. Yet there are clearly white, brown and blacks
Imagine blasting that face with cum though
Societies are still quite segregated.Anyway I guess I am expecting too much from a game. Nothing wrong with having blacks and women in the game as long as they are interesting characters.
you might be mentally ill user
Great argument.
I am just saying races were handled poorely in the game but you resort to nonsensical insults.
Got bored the fuck out after a couple hours
It's great, story, visuals, combat are all good. Only problem is that it isn't as replayable as it wants you to believe it is.
Will Yea Forums ever grow out of its "oh noes there are blacks and wymyn in MY GAME"-phase? Ever since the /pol/-tards escaped their containment board and came here all reasonable discussion has been polluted by whiney snowflakey shit. Who the fuck cares if a game has a nigger or a cracker in it, it literally doesn't matter.
>who the fuck cares if a game has a nigger or a cracker in it
meaningless in terms of gameplay sure but if you're paying attention to the story Aloy's words and feelings actually do matter
considering humans make up maybe 5% of the combat you'll be doing, 95% of the combat in the game isn't like far cry at all, none of that other stuff you brought up is specific to far cry either, pretty much all AAA games have those systems these days cause they're "supposed" to
people shit on GOW, but praise this? I have to feel its the you know who invading.
there isn't any sjw shit, at all.
I completed it, is a very good game but I haven't played it again, would gladly go for it one day tho.
it adds a bunch of beautiful shit to look at, and collectibles, and enemies to fight, and resources to gather, and then you find new quests and people cause you're actually exploring
how can you say that if you actually played the games? the mechanics of gameplay are nothing alike, combat is radically different
okay so you didn't play the game clearly, you're a joke, kys zoomer
you know nothing about genetics bud
you can't explain how races were "handled poorly" in this game in a rational way that isn't just about you being a racist
I think one of the negative things in this game is that you see 70% of the robots early game so the game becomes extremely repetitive later
the combat is alright but there's many weapons that could be fusioned into one like the many bows that throw elemental arrows.
the hunting guild is easily one of the best parts in the game but it's a shame it's so short
it's legitimately one of the few reasons to own a PS4 Pro. great open world game.
I thought racism was the majority opinion on Yea Forums.
It sucks. Only cool or good thing about it is hunting robot dinosaurs. Story sucks, animations suck, graphics are meh, sound is meh, music is meh, Aloy is ugly and unlikable, writing is trash, dialogue is trash, mission design is mostly trash.
HZD is the most 5/10 game there is.
Bloodborne and GOW are better reasons
>Only cool or good thing about it is hunting robot dinosaurs.
Luckily this is the majority of the game by far
oh yeah forgot to mention that the combat gets repetitive, isn't deep at all, and the controls can be ass. The loot system stinks. Gear system stinks. RPG mechanics and progression are mediocre.
>I am racist because I don’t like this game
When are you gonna go back to your containment website and stop being scared of /pol/
Gonna buy something for cheap. This or Yakuza 0?
I know, this thread reeks of faggotry.
It's just another generic AAA open world game, people are talking like this game is worth anything.
True,Funny how dark souls 3 is hated here but this trash gets praised like its game of the decade.
It's worth $10-15 or so. Dino fights are fun until you realize how badly you can break them. Human fights are laughably horrible and entertaining in that regard.
Fighting the robots is fun. Because of that it has some of the best combat of any open-world game, and that in-turn makes the exploration really fun, especially when you are still low-level and the fog-of-war is still there.
Beautiful game too
GOW is a boring ass movie game. I enjoyed it but the gameplay was repetitive and after completing the story I would never go back and touch that schleck.
even tlou isnt really a moviegame, probably has longer uninterupted gameplay segements in the mid/late game than DMC5 does
Once you master the robot combat, the DLC comes in and kicks your ass for thinking you got gud
gameplay is great in GOW and much better than HZD
it nails the ubisoft formula better than ubisoft games
and is even able to have enemies that are actually interesting to fight
Yeah, Agreed
I loved both of them. GOW was better, but HZD was more of an addicting timesink (and GOW was a timesink too w/ all the ARPG shit). I beat GOW 100% on NG and NG+ GMGOW and spent a lot of time farming purple mods on ultra hard in HZD. I'm pretty sure I put more hours into Horizon
only if your a numale libtard
this game is a serious case of "it only gets good 6 hours in". Really though it doesn't get good until you get out of your homeland and are loosed upon the desert and the rest of the game world. The very beginning especially is a slog, and the enemies in the beginning area are too small and too easy. As soon as they open the gates to the outside you are confronted by a massive electro bird robot.
Its shit. The aesthetics of the game are the best part of it, everything else is a massive letdown or a bore.
I'll probably try it again then. I got real tired of seeing grazer herds over and over again real fast.