Add a new difficulty mode

>Add a new difficulty mode
>Its not made with how the game is designed in mind

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>BOTW master mode

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>OP starts shit thread
>OP is a faggot

>Difficulty = have two enemies that shouldnt be together in the same fight

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Sounds like 200cc

200cc is fucking amazing though, learn how to brake casual

>calling someone a casual over mario kart

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>have difficulty options other than normal/default
>they're all artificial difficulty - meaning literally the only thing they change is enemies have more hp / do more damage / there are more of the same enemies

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>and/or you have less health / do less damage / there are less or no recovery or save points or items

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>Add hard mode to epic yarn 3DS
>Devil spawns and the music gets interrupted everytime he does
>You get new hat powers that are basically abilities to trivialize the challenge anyway
>But levels also have no checkpoints

Who the fuck balanced this

Fucking FO4 survival mode revamp.

>Locking a difficulty behind a toy

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What's genuine difficulty?

Different world set-up, different obstacles, different enemies, enemies spawned in different places, enemies having different AI, bosses working differently or having additional attacks / mechanics / phases, making the player play smarter and actually learn new things, etc.
Basically anything other than just changing numbers and calling it a day.

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Uncharted 4 on Crushing

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making the attacks hurt you more isn't artificial difficulty. You have to play better to compensate. Although I can agree on giving the enemies more health, as this usually just wastes a shit tonne of time

200cc is really fun especially since it requires players to master a mechanic they ignore for most of the game, but some maps, like Cheese Land, are definitely not designed for those speeds.

>Bosses who have a last resort attack after they die

I will never understand why some devs still do this.

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>Uncharted 3
>The part on the ship where the grenade and big machine gun fuckers arrive

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Mario kart 8 200cc?

its like a movie I guess

The electrified guys that shoot beams in DMC4 are normal enemies and they pull that shit too

Rondo of Blood had great last resort attacks.
You'll get hit by the one from the first boss then after that you stay on guard until the boss is confirmed dead

>higher difficulty just makes enemies die slower while you die in one or two hits

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Not really, enemies having more hp means you need to rely on status effects and such that you wouldn't normally ever use. I agree if the game doesn't give you any options besides unga bunga attacks but that's almost never, even in Skyrim/Oblivion where the difficulty is really bad about that you have options.