haha, I can relate
Haha, I can relate
ive only ever played on playstation so i just hit cross instantly
fuck xbox
Never had a problem with this. Regardless of which console I'm on, I know which button is X.
Never had an issue when switching to different consoles and controllers.
Fuck trannys and fuck niggers.
thats why gamecube always throws me off. If someone asks me "how do I do XYZ" or vice versa my muscle memory cant find it cause the buttons are all fucked up.
on the other 3 it's instantaneous
Yes on the playstation the face buttons correspond with shapes not letters
This will make it easier to find.
Only ever have this problem when I bought my first Xbox but I adapted quickly enough
I'm giving you another (you) just in case you really are this retarded.
You're retarded.
I only have a problem when it's a quick time event, otherwise I just know what to press based on what it does. Like I know I need to jump, not that I need to press x to jump
What do you call the red button? Circle? Not O?
That'd work, if a cross wasn't generally recognized to be a
inb4 religion shit
it's not, that's just what a cross is generally known as; it becomes referenced as a different shape when turned
X = X
= Cross
just like a square is generally called a diamond if you turn it (i.e. like a baseball diamond)
not to mention that I've heard games call it "X" and I have never in my life heard any game refer to it as the "Cross" button
Bunch of 80IQ niggers
>ive only ever played on playstation
Only casuals haven't owned at least one from the big 3 brands.
Gamecube is the only one that ever really throws me off because of the odd layout with the huge A button in the middle, I actually have a GCN controller adapter specifically for that reason. I grew up on Nintendo and Sony controllers so I am just so used to them. I use an Xbone controller on my PC but different button prompts have never been an issue when I do SNES/GBA or PS1 emulation because the layout is so similar.
I only really had this issue when playing JC2 on PC with a dualshock after originally playing it on PS3. The game has a lot of QTE sequences but the button prompts are for an Xbox controller, so it took some time to get used to. For most games however, you just learn which button does what and never have to think about what letter or symbol is printed on it.
I got an adapter for switch to use my PC's XBone controller for it, and my god the A/B X/Y switch is fucking nightmarish like goddamn
The Dpad almost makes it worth it, though.
>im a casual for not buying BING BING YIPPIE!
SNES/Switch and Xbox/Dreamcast are the only non retarded ones
why is this controller such a fucking abomination
Square: Doubt just doesn't have as much impact, y'know?
Where I'm from, we called it "ball" instead of circle.
Its basically a saturn controller with the option to choose between a stick and a d-pad, both centered for your hand and with their own trigger
i think it was good for transitional period between 2d and 3d. if you look at ps1 games, they rarely used the d-pad for added functionality. in my experience most games just assigned movement to both the d-pad and the analog stick. whenever you'd use the analog stick, the d-pad would just be taking up space between your palm and your thumb without providing any added functionality, and it made my tiny hands ache when i was younger. with the n64 controller, you could hold it near the d-pad for 2d games or near the analog stick for 3d games with no wasted space.
>press the x button to proceed
The Gaecube buttons were so comfortable. Literally the ONLY controller (other than maybe Gensis) designed in a radial pattern to mimic the circular rotation of a thumb. No one ever brings this up. Cross pattern is overrated.
I know it looks ugly to your stupid ass boomer self, but its very comfortable and natural when you hold it. Nintendo magic, righttt
no x button
i don't have much problems because it's often accompanied by a visual cue like the design and color of the button
On all 4 controllers, the placement of the X button moves clockwise.
Can't say it's ever been an issue for me and I mostly play on PC.
or counter-clockwise?
it's fork you fucking casual
not cross
fucking zoomers
>le Reddit brain number
the icons on the buttons do have area though you low IQ nigger.
Blame Genyo Takeda. The left third of it is useless in 95% of games. I love N64 games but it's hard to defend this nonsense controller made for 3-handed people.
here's your controller bro
>having this kind of problem
literally a casual detector test.
Yes, Nintendo, PC and Sony
fuck janny
X is a cross, same as O is a nought, as in noughts and crosses, the most basic game ever.
>X shaped dpad
Thats actually pretty brilliant, sounds really comfy except for platformers.
I don't know why, but something is aesthetically pleasing about this
Put hand on left for 2d game, put hand on middle for 3d game
>The X button on the Xbox controller isn't green
missed opportunity
It's actually called fork retard
>he doesn't have a third hand on his chest
Same. For whatever reason my brain recognizes the controller in my hands well enough by feel that it "just works." It also helps that no SNES game has ever said "press X."
For PSX games it was because the PSX had the normal controller and the dualshock, so if they made a game with additional controls that limited it to the dualshock they were putting themselves out of the poorfag market, like with the few New 3DS games that didn't work on the normal 3DS. So they just added analogue support but couldn't do too much in case you didn't have one.
The N64 didn't have this split so it just wasted space and wasted a control method.
How does this resemble a fork in any way?
Great for Q*bert.
It forks.
In Japan they use chopsticks which is what the X represents, crossed chopsticks. And since it's written in English they translated it as "fork" because English speakers don't use chopsticks.
Gamecube logically makes the most sense with its shape-based buttons.
>xbox controller
>not abcd
>not abyz
Someone explain this shit.
Except it doesn’t retard. If something isn’t forked it needs to branch off from something. You know, like a fork does? An X originates from a single point. Stay in school.
>Be me
>Use my switch pro controller on PC
>Have to use xbox layout
>go to play on switch
>get confused with the fucking xbox layout
Why Microsoft?
>analog sticks aren't X shaped
Almost perfect
But you cut z and c
also Nintendo does it backwards because japan thinks right to left.
I would actually like this layout
hey hey people
I've only heard yuropoors call it that
We just say X
I would assume all former English colonies (except America) would call it noughts and crosses.
Except it's not an X, it's a fork and the center isn't the origin point, it's the forking point. You're looking at it wrong because you think it's the letter and not the "shape".
You have small hands. Hold from the left to have access to both the pad and the stick using your left thumb. Use your right middle finger to press Z. Left and right index for L and R, right thumb and right index for face buttons. Left thumb for Start.
Unless you have tiny baby hands, then go buy a PSX.
You might have autism.
It can't "fork" out from the centre point if that's the start. It's why a Y is a for but an X is not. The Y starts as a single like and forks out into two. The X is two separate lines intersecting.
I was losing my shit when I was playing Gundam Breaker 3 and Nioh. GB3 uses O for confirm, and I literally deleted at least 5 different suits because I just wanted to update a suit I had. Why the fuck did they do that?
Because you never used the D pad AND the analog stick together, so why bother mushing it all together when you can make both equally comfortable to hold?
its pronounced X not X you doofus.
Go look at the flag of Scotland. Has a saltire on it which is called St Andrew's CROSS. Literally an X nigger
>called Xbox
>not all the buttons labeled "X"
Microsoft confirmed to be a cuck
why are modern controllers more fragile
Well I feel foolish
Because in general the two main coordinates listed in a 2d plane are x and y, with z only coming in with 3d
That's a third party controller, not an official controller from Sony. It was probably made in China where 叉 can refer to either a cross, chopsticks, or the kind of fork you eat with. It has nothing to do with a forking symbol.
I have a bigger problem with the fact that in nintendo games, the button on the right is "confirm" and the one at the bottom is "cancel", while in every other console is the opposite.
Why cant they label them normally like xbox does?
Imagine if every pc vendor had its own keyboard\mouse layout.
It's the same for playstation in Asia. O is accept, and X is cancel.
Originally on playstation O meant accept and X decline, which based on shape makes sense but then why was O colored red and X blue?
anyone else feel that they were a NGC controller their whole life?
Whats the point of this?
Perfect for isometric games
This. I've never owned a Xbox in my entire life
People will defend this but it’s pretty telling that nobody made controller like it in later generations
My old brain is so hard wired to the SNES layout that every time there's a quicktime event in a new PC game and I'm using an Xbox windows controller I hit X instead of Y and A instead of B.
Ever wonder who loses those "hit the button now" events designed for ages 4 and up? IT'S ME.
Who is the cocksucker that flipped them after a decade of the other way?
Fine, its a new controller for a new system. Cool, great.
Call them button cupcake and button gorilla's scrotum, I don't give a shit.
Just don't take something that works and fuck with it.
It makes sense. Japs read from right to left so they'd put the "yes" option first, meaning on the right.
>Who is the cocksucker that flipped them after a decade of the other way?
They took it from the Dreamcast, which had the same layout.
And the Dreamcast took it from the saturn, simply cutting two buttons from the 6 button layout and leaving the other 4 as they were.
And the Saturn took it from the genesis, merely adding the xyz sequence to complement the abc sequence.
It was a logical progression.
There was also a 6 button controller for the Genesis the came out a little before the Saturn
I bought an xbox one on black friday and I regret it everyday
>this thread
>all these buttons and use time/jump is still tied to one
Start at edge, move towards the center of the button, fork into 3.
And the wii
It’s fine. I had no trouble picking up and playing Super Mario 64 in Christmas of 96 as a 7 year old. Why do people act like the controller isn’t intuitive?
the plague station controller is such an ugly disgusting piece of shit. And the shit digital cross causes blisters... it's such an abomination. And, the horns are the worst part next to the flimsy analog sticks. Truly a work of the devil
i love it
Maybe like a fork in the road?
>2 d-pads
I'm surprised that after switching to an xbone controller on PC, I didn't really have to re adjust. Not only do I avoid having to find fucking ps3 button mods
my housemate had a legit problem with this like I didn't think this was actually real. who here honestly gets confused with this?
fixed it bro
I just switched the button mapping on my PS4 for X and O. No more issues!
Nintendo is the only one who didn't change it. Sony literally thought people in the west would be too retarded to use X as cancel.
I was showing someone Fire Emblem on GBA and they were most used to Xbox, but then there was a question to accept an extra side quest, and I told him to press A to accept. And he pressed B because he thought it was A because that was how it was on Xbox. I still get annoyed when I think about it, I put so much effort into that file.
Calm your fucking tits zoomer. Its really NOT hard to defend. It was the first controller with an analog stick, they weren’t sure how people would respond, so they gave it a third handle so people could balance it while using DPad. Its hard to dispute that the controller is quite comfortable despite its looks.
>Why do people act like the controller isn’t intuitive?
because it's not.
>It was the first controller with an analog stick
No, it wasnt. The Sega 3D Pad came out a year before the N64.
Cute cax
Do you call the triangle A?
And the square ro?
>Having such a bad brain that you can only remember one face button layout at a time
It has to do with linear equations
y = a + bx
Don't ask me why though
>a and b
>not n and m
It's m and q you double nigger
You call it box
That's still not a letter, and it's more retarded than if it was one.
Wasn't there some shitty 3rd-party one for the SNES even before that?