Did you get any Spring units? I got spooked by Spring Xander.
Did you get any Spring units? I got spooked by Spring Xander
Got Palla when there was no greens, I guess I'll try getting Catria now instead
I got Vero on free roll, eat shit Verofag lucklets
I want titty Spring Kagero but probably is not worth the investment due to the low % of getting her
>rolling on 3% banners
>at all
I’m suffering
sniping more blues to fix her IVs
I hope you don't think that 8% banners are any better
That’s where you’re wrong kiddo
they’re certifiably worse and I’m very much aware of that
>he didn't roll on Surtr's banner
Finally got Spring Camilla after all this time. Now I just need her dream version and the new legendary version.
I have every fucking alt for this whore and each one has shitty IVs.
Her base speed isn't going anywhere unless you do a retarded amount of investment like full merges, dragon flowers, and give atk/spd solo
>fortnite dance
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, user-kun~
I'm moreso referring to her lack of ATK boon. HP is so pointless. It doesn't really matter anyway since I already have a Bride Snacks and GigaNino to fill my green tome flyer position until I get a Bunny Veronica.
It's just funny that every time I see that fucking bitch she's useless.
The fuck is this? New Fire Emblem?
I'm a faggot that rolled 200 orbs on Vunny and didn't even get her. Ask me anything.
Heroes shit.
Spent 400 orbs on Catria merges. got:
4 Spring Catrias
1 Lute
1 Olwen
1 Ninian
The Olwen and Ninian hurt. Lute's alright. She's up to +3 now.
Hope I can get at least 1 more Catria from TT orbs tonight.
How many orbs did you have?
How long have you been playing?
I burned through 160 orbs for any of the 2019 units, I was mainly aiming for Bruno. Got him, gave Loki B slot Dazzling 3.
160 orbs, F2P. God, what the fuck I feel so dirty. I only wanted to do it for gameplay but what if I don't even use Loki after a month. I have never pulled for skills till this year.
day 1
i pull for skills all the time. skills are just as valuable as heroes, if not better. Hector ain't doing shit with his DC, for example.
I have a friend that only uses 5*+10 of units you find in the 3*/4* pool, so they spend all their orbs on skills.
Don't worry user, you are going to get her with the tempest trials orbs
Damn dude, wish I had his fortitude. Props.
I've gotten 3 Hectior (OG) off banner spooks. I'm getting convinced skillfag pulling is what I should focus on. You can never had enough DC skill fodder.
>I only wanted to do it for gameplay but what if I don't even use Loki after a month. I have never pulled for skills till this year.
That's why I'm trying to be more careful with my orbs. I rolled a Nailah and I haven't used her anymore, then I tried for Velouria and got nothing. Right now I got 170 orbs and as much as I want to roll for Vero, I rather save since I already got Bride Sanaki and pegaNino.
why don't you just stay in your containment board you fucking retard?
>free roll for Palla
>get +atk Laev
It all went better than expected.
Between the 3 banners I want a total of 7 spring units, I'm not about to spend any dosh tho so if I get a single one of them I'll be pretty pleased with myself