Look how they massacred my ranger

look how they massacred my ranger

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literal objective improvement


the differences are so minimal

you must be autistic to even care

>from blue to purple
>she was referred to as ugly and insecure about her image even amongst her new tribe, suddenly she's porn material haha me likey awooga

Are you blind? She looked better before

Eyes are awful, otherwise looks fine but they got rid of her exposed thighs so I will never forgive them,

she wasn't even ugly before

read the lore brainlet

>After all, her features were smooth and symmetrical, entirely devoid of warts and coarse whiskers.
you're fucking retarded. the whole point is that her notion of beauty was entirely based on the appearance of the drow, who were a hideous-looking people. when she, surprise surprise, turned out to be beautiful she considered herself ugly based on these standards.

literally retarded

the joke of her lore is that the drow people are all hideously ugly and Traxex was basically a supermodel by human standards but was considered ugly by their weird gremlin drow standards.

is this a godfather reference

This is now a 7.20c rant thread
[soiler] techies should lose the XPtalent or the damage talent. I am tired of brainless picking so and ignoring team fights for 30 minutes, only blowing up bombs when two or more people are standing on them, and sitting solo in a lane so the can hit 25 and pick damage. They then build assault and hit for a whopping 300 damage every second, but never get close to killing anything. They then shit talk the carry for having no farm or levels encaustic they’ve been pushed to t3s and have been playing 4 v 5 for 30 minutes. The techies then thinks he’s the carry and the only one competent on the team, and reports everyone who called him on his shit after the game is lost. [/spoiler]

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no it's a jojo reference

its better though

What cool shit has happened in dota in the last like 2 years

I stopped playing in 2016

Techies shouldn't be on Ranked EVER.

we have new heroes and items, map redesign, roshan moved, shrines to heal in jungle, talents instead of stats.

game became shit and dropping players, only dotachess saved it for a moment thats why you see high playerbase when literally 400k ppl played only dotachess.

Custom games are the only reason to keep playing

alright, I haven't read the lore or played dota in a good while, my point is she bad now

husk still does husk things

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i just looked up a comparison right now and damn i never noticed her old version to be la creatura tier
her face shape and lips makes her look like she was modeled from a niggress

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>tfw the inevitable windrunner remodel that gives her big tits

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yeah, no shit sherlock.

it's called going back to roots

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Nah they’d probably touch up Morph or someone like DP first.