She is a very nice, cute and funny plantgirl alien from the planet Saranga. What do you say to her?
This is Kanna
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd tell her that there's already a Blaster Master thread, the ditz.
im not going to buy your game but i'm still going to fap to you and there's nothing you can do about it
Now watch as it slowly shrivels up and dies with like 12 posts as Kanna's thread hits the bump limit.
Is her game good? If so I might pick it up
Based secondary.
>No thread on any of the H boards
I would ask her where the fuck can I get a relatively complete edition of her lewds.
The Archive is so big, damn.
I'll make it a little bit bigger.
How big are we talkin' about?
>The Archive
i'm gonna need you to give me a link
Can someone do feet art for Kanna? I love the current art, but they’re all melon-focused.
I just want something different.
Ikaros would adore this memegirl.
Funny how years ago, Yea Forums mocked user for jerking off to floor tiles. Now, most of Yea Forums would jerk off to floor tiles if it had a pair of tits added to it.
Isn't she a damn moron?
that makes it even better
She's just innocently naive, not hateful and judgemental like the rest of us. Meaning she'd never say no or be rude to people. Imagine.
times have changed. people were degenerates before, but now most people are just more open about it
>not wanting to fuck a rafflesian retard
We should really slow down on these threads, though.
>comparing Kanna to creepy weirdos who jerk off to inanimate floor tiles with no womanly features
Fuck off normalfags.
I've had it open in a separate tab since yesterday
it's still being added onto as well
I agree, no way Drawfags can keep up constantly posting unfinished and uncolored material each thread.
I want paizuri from Kanna-chan!
I've always had a thing for plant girls.
meant for
>cute and funny
You're using that meme wrong.
You would jerk off to a girl with a floor tile head if she had tits.
Imagine having Kanna as a roommate who is super nice and can NEVER say no so long as it isn't hurtful to you or her. Imagine.
I didn't say that. I'm saying people are more open about what they jerk off to. Floor tiles far from Kanna
you are a blessed person, user
also tell me about this plant's game, is it good?
>posting the old one.
guy said hes not updating that one anymore.
this one is the new one. Theres even More here madman is dedicated.
Imagine if she liked your natural body heat and was always giving you BIG hugs and wanted to cuddle all the time. Wouldn't that be silly hahaha
Same, I’d love to see what her “stems” look like.
It's good. Has a fitting soundtrack for the situation the hero is in, a radical counter that let's you do some cool shit, bosses that are decently challenging and two distinctive modes you switch between.
holy shit where do they find this stuff?
I thought the other archive was big enough but god damn
That's alright user. You'll be spreading a seed one way or another!
I want to fertilize her
But you’re very cute!
wait just a fuckin minute
cursed image
is this that one artist who always draws r63 versions of sonic characters or is this Sonic's mom?
Haha imagine while cuddling she feels your member pitching and grabs it while asking what that is, you'd naturally give a very flustered reaction as she starts to tug at it.
This better sprout into more Alraune/plant girl porn.
>this is one of the few images not in the archive.
I have literally never heard about you before today, but you have amazing tits. I wanna suckle on them.
Watermelon bread.
her skin would be slippery and squeaky like a latex suit. Although soft, it would squeak if she was wet
>melon bread
The best kind of bread tbqh.
hahaha what the fuck
does it count as Kanna? It's more of a cosplay
Worse get ever
Is rhat suppose to be a bad thing? Latex is a hige fetish for me mostly for the sensation.
Melon rind would make for a very uncomfortable titfuck.
How will evefags ever recover?
Nigger do you not see the net indents caused to the melons? It's not literal melon rind. They're pillowy feather soft.
sonic no
so many of these are bad
why would a plant need big melons?
I want to run my tongue in between those juicy melons
In other news. Mother of God.
To reward human males for their time spent together. Kinda like every plant if you take good care of it the end result is tasty, healthy fruit for keeping them healthy, cared for and alive.
Meh, all these diferent artists drawing her, yet they all feel kinda samey and blend into each other. can we have like something else besides her doing a pose with her hand up and smiling at the camera?
>so many of these are bad
Then how about you make some of quality smartass?
I dunno take it up to the user that runs it. its pretty damn obvious that he doesn't like the image considering in the archive we have literal beginner/Amateur art scribbles.
>cute and funny
I think you should stop using memes that you don't know the meaning of, OP.
So do you fart out oxygen or what?
sonic buddy ol pal oh god oh fuck what did they do to you jesus this worse than D.A and Guantanamo
This character single-handedly restored my hope in videogames.
kek nice
I guess anything that's quality. Unlike this post where someone was making fun of the trend even if the trend was one day old.
Would dump the boring bitch eve and marry Kanna like a true chad would.
i was too busy looking at sonic that I didn't notice your 0's
can't you just go to /trash/ and make a plantfucker thread? you are going to burn her out before the month is even close to over
no, just more imagery and I wish I was there
Still waiting for outrage culture to burn out, sweetie.
Would piss work?
>Heh, time to water the plant, hehheh...
Just for you autistic user.
Stop shilling your twitter
It has burned out, problem is people are still trying to relight the wick.
Stupid me forgot the link.
I cant, I am immune to marketing tactics.
I can watch porn for free
much better desu
>Giant melons
>thin waist
>wide hips
what's not to like?
>pretending Barneyturd doesn't make his own threads
Wanna know how I know EXACTLY who made this image?
watering can = my dick and cum
Can't wait until cosplayers jump on the train and ruin it for everyone
Everyone draws her until her legs and I wanna see some feet
Possibility of allergies from her pollen?
I really wish Kanna was real Yea Forums. Splash of my favorite alcohol on her melons and her melon juice and I can have as much fruit cocktail as I want.
But they have to cover their faces, that's a requirement to be the character.
Damn, they really gave her big ass fucking titties. Respect.
Only shitty gened sòyboys are affected by stipid shit like gluten or """"""allergies"""""" meaning you aren't worthy of enjoying Kanna's melon's.
>oppai tiles
Shit taste
No! Not plant waifu!
how do I get a plant gf bros?
It'd be like how I love to pet my brother's cat, but I get bad sinuses every time. I'll just grit my teeth and push through
>tfw youre not weak minded enough to be pulled on liking a bizzare looking character just because it has absurdly large unfitting breasts
Feels good man.
I'll just pop Zyrtec like its fucking Pez and bury myself in those squeaky melons.
>10 bazillion years of evolution
>plants that do all kinds of incredible shit to live and thrive
>none have evolved to milk cock for nutrients
The world is a cruel place
Tripfag has a shit opinion, what a shocker.
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
I have been aware of her existance for not even a full hour and I want her
>plantgirls will NEVER be real in your lifetime
help me, please
they really did. it's an amazing feat really
Did the first game get nearly this amount of attention?
>still so much of an attention seeking whore that you use a trip
What kind of herb are her pubes made of?
I had never heard of the series until all the plant tiddy threads desu
Nope, but thanks to best girl the second game is getting all the attention. And what surprise the game is actually fun!
It actually sold pretty well but didn't get a lot of fanart.
You think the game itself is getting attention? Half this thread thinks the game looks like shit and the other half doesn't even know what game she comes from.
nah. I played on the first one on 3ds but threads weren't this constant, and with everyone making a new thread 10 minutes after the last thread this thing will crash before next month. Luckily porn is contant so art could come out despite her spotlight is gone to the next fotm
For people that don't know how to rid themselves of pest
So, how many people actually played the game? I know that the only good Blaster Masters are the NES one, Zero and Zero 2. How could they drop the ball so hard until now?
>evecuck STILL seething over his thread being on life support
>that trip
>that post
the ironing
Playing the game now and saving as much watermelon waifu fanart as I can.
>Half this thread thinks the game looks like shit
>and the other half doesn't even know what game she comes from.
also wrong
how can you do both. i've been at these threads for hours. I'll play later though
I remember the last kanna thread I was on. Some faggot tried to drive a wedge between bowsette and kanna fags. Why would they do that? What happened to "through dick, unity?"
>want to post fanart but a lot of it is nsfw
oh well
Yeah I knew about the first game but I never played it. Never really heard anyone talk about it. 2 getting announced the the big boobs seemed to have threads everywhere.
Good on the game though. They did a smart thing.
Stop, why even bring that up but to do the same, faggot?
1488 1776
#America #Freedom #Liberty
Our World. Our Time. Our Future.
A Holy American Empire to rule the world for 1000 years.
America, the Heartland. Jesus Country. Western Nations as satellite states. Maintaining individuality and autonomy. Retaining history. Australians stay Australian, but with American Freedoms and Liberties. British stay British, the French, French, etc.
Full Freedom and Liberty.
The biggest baddest empire this humanity has ever seen. Waiting for Jesus Christ to save us. With Holy Spirits help. God protects us from Jewry and any form of oppression.
This is so the European(white) male can live well. That's all its about. So we can start families and continue the works of our Father.
Retain our history, thousands of years in the making. A global effort by the commoner. For our greater good. We craft our future.
Remove Kike. Remove Foreigner.
One last War. Our World Forever After
S H A D I L A Y ~ B R O T H E R S
Yeah I actually bought the game because of all these threads and I've enjoyed it so far.
Waiting for Plant Penetrator to draw her.
>implying thats a bad thing
God I love drawing this stupid thing almost makes me wanna buy blaster master
I want to fuck a thicc pancake waifu
Lmao, seething discord tranny that Yea Forums is actually appreciating a woman in games instead of typical AAA or sòyshit indie trash.
same here. I only played the NES one and this is a pretty good successor
Game is solid and it has nice eyecandy.
First one?
Yeah I might download it too because why not.
>almost makes me wanna buy blaster master
Why not? It's fun.
looks good, user.
It got some hype when it first launched and then a bit more when it gave away it's crossover dlc for a couple weeks but it was never quite like this.
>waifu2x is back up
At last, I can clean up a fuckton of Kanna pics with ease.
Game's worth a buy, definitely
bae leaves
what's that?
So how long until frogs and wojaks run to the mods to ban these threads?
Oh fuuuuck, can't wait
It's ten bucks, I'd practically pay you to play it if you drew something else.
Did you know? Plants have no biological limits on growth. Given the proper conditions they can continue growing as fast as they can until they die.
Taken them alot longer for them to notice because unlike bowsette were not as widespread.
Eh it just doesnt look like my kinda game
Well my newfriend, it's basically an image upscaler that also removes noise (jpeg artifacts) from pictures.
Square melons.
Drawfags, get to work.
>Giantess Kanna
Boner, please...
Its like a HD program for picture
Literally google it.
Just remember to keep watering the plant and making it happy.
>Notes and sources on the archive
Non lewd artist here. I chuckled
I just BINGed it. Nifty program!
>as progress continues we see more of her body
So does her watermelon bra imply she lactates watermelon juice? Or does she just make regular breastmilk?
>Non lewd artist here.
You can change that tho
This might sound like a lolifag request, but how long before we see a little sprout/sapling Kanna fanart?
I'd give it a few days, but the outrage assholes will kill it eventually like they have everything else on Yea Forums, save for themselves.
No wonder this place doesn't feel like it's about video games when everyone's always itching to whine about every single flaw something has and every controversy under the sun instead.
I like to think watermelon juice. Tasty.
>someone actually posted an :orig on the first try
I love you, no homo.
Indeed, though it would feel weird to drink something cold and refreshing from a nipple instead of warm and soothing
I still have :large files saved, but that's because I'm fucking lazy.
gonna draw Kanna feet and you cant stop me
They better be roots or we will riot and egg your house.
As long as they're accurate to the official art I'm ok with it.
Is there a difference between :large and :orig in terms of quality?
I'm asking because I've been fervently following Archive user's tracks making sure that the 185 images I have are all originals.
you can see her nips. they're faint but they're there
>just bought watermelon candy
Its over for me bros..
Depends, if the original is within Twitter's size limits to begin with then they'll be the same, if the original is over the limit then :large will be compressed to fit
At least make them rooty
As long as they're real girl feet and you BTFO root fags because everything below her neck is already a root anyways.
im with ya senpai
Huge melons
Her chest is definitely green
Is that really official art?
based melonbros
So basically always stick with :orig. Got it.
Another question I've been asking the threads a few times is what other sites should I shake down?
I've been going through:
Gelbooru/Sankaku Complex
Any other sites besides FA?
>can see ropes through shirt
>cant see nips
canonically no nipples lmao
why would a plant need nipples?
Can you only pollinate her through her head/vagina or does her skin absorb sperm too
Now I want to buy two copies of this game.
I guess you could check other imageboards.
Same reason plants make fruit, to attract pollinators with a tasty treat
To leak nectar to attract those that would pollinate her.
I don't know why do I still comming to these threads, I've just masturbated too much already, like 12 times today this is not hkjk
Her vagina is obviously a massive pistil with a vagina like opening.
That just means they're roundy-moundy. Like here:
you beat palutena user's record. see if you can survive round 13.
Maybe she has inverted nipples.
>mfw when I ate sourpatch last week
I think I have to go buy a gallon of Arizona watermelon
>pistil slides inside your urethra
>implying she wouldn't be the doing the pollinating
>Pistil gives you a veeeeery gentle urethra brushing to ensure optimal flow of sperm
>insertion during penetration while drinking and being smothered by her melons simultaneously
>all while she has a smug look on her face from drowning you in pleasure and her fragrance
>the possibility of giving out from sheer pleasure and sensory overload
What have you done user?
Make them humanoid feet and have them be green like the rest of her bod.
Well, she's still a kid, so she probably hasn't developed them yet.
But her tail is peach, it'd make sense for her other extremities to be another color.
>Yea Forums in a nutshell right now:
With those literal watermelons as breasts I doubt it
Is the dendro thread on /trash/ this boner-inducing?
Somebody post the gif of a plant being squeezed and it leaks lewdly.
Not enough ass fanart.
jesus christ this shit looks straight out of the /aco/ OC drawthread, how fucking low can your standards be
I still stand by this being the greatest boss ever made
>t. Jealous drawlet
this and you may as well end the tread there
what does this even mean
post more!
>tits and ass
How perfect.
I kinda wanna take a brake from commissions to draw her
Melon-flavored milk is a thing in some places
>Futa Kanna
There should be a colored nipple version of this.
I kinda want you to as well.
>Finished the game just now
When's Leibniz DLC
Dark green or red/pinkish?
Dont mention that it triggers people
Dark green preferably
Red/pinkish so it's like watermelon
watermelon colored.
I'm just mad cause it's always normal ass dicks. No bananas, no cucumbers, not even whatever plant that gif is of. You people are boring.
>jesus christ this shit looks straight out of the /aco/ OC drawthread
I fucking wish it did, but the idiots are too busy migrating to and from /tg/ to actually make something this appealing.
Ask me anything.
It's funny that some artists are doing alternates with both types of colors
Do you prefer crunchy or smooth peanut butter?
>object head girl with le sexy body
Draw it user id imagine it would look like a stamen my self but thats not that attractive
I appreciate the melon joke.
>Futa Kanna
get to work drawfags
Crunchy for toast, smooth for a sandwich.
>cool root tail
>interesting melon/melon bread/lace look
>humorous use of a claypot for her face
lighten up, stick in the mud
Its not the best but I did somthing like a thread ago
It's a double pun with melon bread look, thanks to the strings.
i love it, user. do you have a blog? please tell me you do more futa art
>defending big booby vidya waifu of the week
did you see the edits of your work ?
What happens if I over water her? Do I need to buy her a bigger shirt?
fuck off and go be miserable by yourself.
I just started posting on twitter since tumblr decided to ban lewds but as of now no futa just yet
I saw the vagina one was there more?
sorry massed up and posted this here by mistake So think this game is going to get a physical edition? Getting really tired of buying these great indie games you to get an announcement that they are getting a physical release a week leather!
you'd better
there were two vagoo edits. I dont know which one you saw though. they were both decent.
Thanks for the contribution.
She'll die, retard
If I drew it it'd look like a 8 year old with Alzheimer's drew it, so I tend to not bother.
What the fuck is going on
Never been in a Flavor of the month waifu thread before?
new waifu made them Yea Forumsegan
You know, i was going to stop there and do a new one, but that's actually not a bad idea (my anatomy is trash so might as well try to improve it)
Id rather not shill myself
I saw that second one, they're pretty nice for people who like vagina.
I'm bobby hill
You gotta start some where
I'm confused. Who is this and why is there so much art of her?
This poster is Bobby Hill.
you mean week
The planet is called Stranga, (Strange/Stranger) everything on it is bizarre.
Nintendo Switch game character.
Big melons.
Imagine those watermelon tits in your hands. Imagine squeezing and kneading away at their perfectly spherical masses. You lean forward to nub a nipple with your lips, failing to resist giving it a long, slow hard camel lick, tasting a bright juice splurt out and assault your tongue with a sweet wetness
wat geam?
Blaster Master Zero 2.
unironically I started eating more vegetables since I saw her
Blaster master zero 2
Both nipples in my mouth, sipping her juice like i was dying of thirst
will she grow if you fertilize her
you killed the joke faggot
Ah just watched the trailer. I see why she is popular. Now more importantly
Have the drawfags made G-Sophia robutt porn yet? I want to fuck that tank.
I don't want art of that though I'm curious when that'll happen but funny enough I do not see many plant-related characters be fertilized
Well cuddles and hugs could be nice. Her hug potential is great and there is only 1 hug art for now. If someone will draw scene from perspective of guy who lays on his back while plant is on him and cuddles, this drawfag will be a legend.
Fucking Germans I swear...
holy shit, my favorite pokemon dressed up as my favorite trainer and she's got DYNAITE tiddies and thighs
god damn this picture is perfec
Hey. Consider the following.
>Have the drawfags made G-Sophia robutt porn yet? I want to fuck that tank.
Gotta ask clang general for that.
I scroll through this entire thread and I still don't know what master blaster is
Do I want to?
>he doesn't remember when Yea Forums would jerk off to sharks, socks, and planes
That's when I know I'm too old for this site anymore
Do you have a Switch?
why add nipples but not add color?
Always remember you're just a click away from /d/.
Keked and checked
blaster master was an NES game
two games on the switch have been made as part of the series under the name "blaster master zero"
this is the second one
>clang general
It's an old NES game about driving in a space tank and occasionally getting out to shoot things the tank can't reach. It got a remake on switch a little bit ago and now that remake got a sequel.
I might buy one very soon for my night shift receptionist job, I'm stuck here until 6am with nothing to do
Would she even have nipples?
Yes, it is easy to see a plant girl developing nipples to attract pollinators
I remember sharktits and planes with fuel nipples, but I dont remember socks.
Also sexy Bionicles
it is exactly what it sounds like.
It also had a fucking ASS KICKING book. Must have read that fucker 60 times.
10/10 would hot glue
it's not a funny joke to begin with shitlord
>sharks and planes
Those memories are buried deep in my mind. Don't forget the dolphin guy
I kind of still find that sexy
I should browse /aco/ more often
I like green, i like big tits and i don't know shit about these games.
Is she playable in the first Blaster Master Zero or should i just skip to the second ?
Is she even playable at all ?
One artist said he’d do Kanna with feet:
at least this shit has human features
Floor tiles have literally nothing human about it
Shut the fuck up faggot, You Griefed Risk of Rain hosts just for fun.
Oh fuck breast expansion via watering is imminent
There was literally only one drawfag that pushed it from the Doodle or Die threads, used to go by vidyasocks or something. Sucks cause I can't actually find anything of his from google search
I have saved so many and the imgur album also shows the majority is her giving a peace sign or her hand is up. It's getting difficult to sort through them without looking closely at them
she is a tit-centric but I agree.
>sex doesn't sell
on one hand, all these artists pushing out more art is great so I can collect as much of it as possible.
on the other, I keep worrying that I might miss an art piece and I also worry for that user that's keeping the imbur album alive
if you're reading this album guy then you are a godsend
These are the four corner stones of advertisement. Anyone who does not slap a character or model with a stonking huge set of massive tits in their game or commercial because they are afraid it will hurt their image is a fucking fool.
>All these nigs that didn't even know what blaster master was.
>Tiddy plant gets the pervs interested.
>More people talk about it as they find out the game itself is actually pretty good for 10 dollars.
>DLC is apparently coming.
I didn't even play the first one and now I love this shit. Fuck fall damage though.
Kanna will probably stay a regular in the series.
I want to suck Sonic's fat tits
when a game is good, tiddies are just an extra.
In the interest of fairness I was interested since Zero came out. I didn't buy it at the time because college lol and then I forgot till now.
>Humanity develops plant genetically engineering and plant manipulation to perfect level.
>One of the biggest company working on genetically engineered plants announces their newest creation a "Saranga Plant", plant what is supposed to imitate female human and be a best companion man can have.
>First you have "Saranga Plant" seed, you plant it in flowerpot, give fertilizer and water regularly.
>First of all it looks like a normal plant but everyday it grows it starts getting a humanoid shape.
>Once the plants matures, it no longer needs a flowerpot so basically leaves flowerpot it and can now walk. But because this plant knows you were taking care of it "Saranga Plant" will have positive affection towards you.
>"Saranga Plant" at any form can perform photosynthesis(but it can get energy or from sunlight or from human heat) but also it can water itself (for example by drinking water from bottle), and she gets nutrients it needs from outside sources (but mostly from human sweat and semen).
My man if you're worrying about me dont worry.
Only fapped once today.
My will is iron.
No art of G-Sophia but there is for Sophia III
OC for something an user posted several hours ago
godspeed you bastards
Alright. You're a life saver.
Based but wouldn't it be juice?
cringe and faggot pilled
I love this thread. I love you all. Melons for life.
Damn, now I gotta try some.
For all that sssonic2 is into some stupid shit, he comes through when he's really needed.
Damn that expression is nice as fuck
But what kind of plant is she?
I feel like I've seen that character on deviantart 5-10 years ago but with bigger breasts
i love clicking on an image and it just completely fills the screen. It gives it that sense of scale
A potted plant
user please
Ass fanart when?
Those aren't melons, those are torpedoes.
jesus fucking christ
Some boobs are like torpedoes. Torpedo tits are kino.
Danbooru is better than Gelbooru and Sankaku, but a lot of art I consider "good enough" doesn't make it there. They may be kind of snobbish but they do keep the average quality very high. And Danbooru has the most consistent, enthusiastic taggers. So you'll easily find all relevant results.
Any Japanese artists yet?
I'll say this fag needs to put his stuff in higher resolution so I can fap to that rubber suit more comfortably
Chad would fuck them both and they'd both fall in love with his cock.
The point of her top is her boobs are supposed to look like melons. That's the joke. If you change the shape it kind of misses the point.
Watermelons come in different shapes.
check pixiv
Find me a torpedo watermelon. Do it.
workin on it
I like a torpedo from time to time. Usually if its constrained, otherwise it seems weird but I'm not too picky for them
>found out about this game yesterday
>already have a 13MB folder of plant girl pics
my absolute fucking dick
Oh no..the symmetry..
you definitely know what you're doing. cheers
Her breasts look like those very oval watermelons
Are there any unlockable characters or do we have to wait for a bunch of dlc?
If she in this art we'll be barefoot with green soles. You will be a hero user, a that kind of hero, every pantheon of gods will want to have alongside them.
I can't wait for a finished pic
What kind we talking? Pokemon? Floran?
Don't know how to navigate. Someone check pixiv!
Why settle with a torpedo when you could have heart or pyramid or the classic square.
Doesn't seem too far off from Eve's actual personality. She's a Good Girl
Click on the tags below the pic
She thicc in this pic in particular, ngl
To lure men. Her plant species requires human male cum for nutrients
Would Caulk.
>all this Kanna porn
>Still would rather know more about BMZ's history/lore
I can't help it Blaster Master is one of my all time favorite games
Can you guys please stop posting non-sexual reaction images in porn dump threads? I didn't come here to read posts or see anyone's reaction, I came to cum. It's very hard to do that even when I push F because there's a bunch of fucking epic reaction images in the way. You guys are ruining porn threads.
You people will fall for anything as long as it has curves.
No, because when I see suggestive Baba picks in the Baba Is You thread, I want to fucking throw a table.
Baba needs to be pure.
Is user who promised to draw kanna's feet is still here?
>there are lewds of baba.
And once again
Well designed waifus = profit
once the official blaster master site rleases those character profiles you can read to your heart's content
I actually can't wait for them to reveal more
r34 has no limits, some things take longer. Some things have an unwritten rule to stay off limits like baba
Commission it
How come I cant view this person’s art on Pixiv? Just gives something about publicity settings.
Have to have an account to be able to view it
Get an account and then turn of R-18 blocking. Or just use the Imgur, pretty much everything on pixiv is already there.
How do I reach PlantPenetrator? Need to introduce him to Kanna.
Why are characters named Kanna always such massive dickslayers jesus fuck
The first game is nice and all and a weird mishmash of MF and the WoP book but this one reaches more into the MF side of things. SOPHIA III is now being designated separately of the Metal Attackers but their number designations suggest Eve and her SOPHIA can't be all that old. God dammit I need a Switch
Such a cool boss that it even cameod in Cuphead. Chad is BASED.
Something tells me that gonna be a masterpiece
you're testing my patience user!!!
I think the vagoo was also the wonderful thing.
It did? Really?
was it the magic 8 ball?
You are weak
oh sweet lord yes
I’m scared that I won’t be able to go to sleep tonight without jerking it to kanna
Then jerk!
I may have to commission someone to draw this
To which pic of her though? Which ones are your favorite?
All of them!
I cant wait for it to be done.
I have an account, but i dont see the setting anywhere.
what is her game about?
>Blaster Master and Zero are pretty good games
>Zero 2 brings in a bunch of people simply by virtue of not being afraid to have what the people want - big titty waifus
Thank god for the japs at Inti Creates
It's labeled "restricted works" in the settings.
Now would be a great time for melons
Her feet are roots. How else could they fit in those "boots" she has?
End of discussion.
shut up faggot
>he thinks roots are rigid as stone
they could be like, heels
Thinking about eating some watermelon Jolly Rancher and pretending to suck Kanna's giant melon nips.
Don't do this user I have a nipple play fetish and you're fucking with me really hard here
>musclegirl thighs crushing Kannas melons
We need this fruit guro subset of fetishes drawn.
While at it, animu style melon splitting at the beach with Kanna looking scared as the blindfolded person approaches with the stick.
There's almost nothing BMZ related on there anyway, and the Kanna content is all from western creators and has already been posted here
Holy fuck. Thank you so much.
Sounds nice, though to really seal the deal you need to sip watermelon juice or milk while you do it
They're pretty clearly a clean unadorned cylinder. Though unlike what that user says, roots are not the only possible explanation. It's more likely that her feet are some rigid cylindrical structure, maybe like a tree trunk?
This is amazing! :D
>Get is a cursed image
What a time to be lurking
This thing looks retarded and you all are retarded tasteless incels.
Couldn't she just grow them into a normal foot shape since she's a plant? I mean she has functional hands despite possibly just being all roots
Why does this even matter anyway? People have drawn way less humanoid with fully human bodies for the sake of r34 before and no one seems to have cared
okay. you're the one that's mad though, sport. just ignore and move on
Mostly because I wanna see someone actually try and draw what's under there. See if they can do weird plant alien foot while still appeasing the footfags.
This has been argued over /trash/. How do you think Kanna would look like without her pot? A lot theorize that it might be not her actual head, but a mask.
I'm not up to date with vidya sluts. Who is this?
Go to 1:23
You apparently can't read, either.
That's being "humanized", we are talking about the face of a tailed alien-plant waifu with huge melons. Someone said something similar to a floran from starbound, except actually cute.
Working on a shoop before bed.
guys, dont make a new thread right away. give it a few hours at least. ill have more oc ready tomorrow! have a good night
>tfw you're not a retarded tripfag whi constantly keeps requesting oc's in draw threads despite it being forbidden by the rules
Feels good man
>Wholesome father/daughter MA combo completely forgotten about in the wake of Kannatiddies
>affable goatman bot also forgotten
Does the green guy even have a helperbot?
Pretty sure everyone has a support droid except for the edgy dude
butt netting too much?
Why not
Jesus. Is there a tag for this?
No one even noticed that Tesse is another Sunsoft callback. Hell even the whip weapon comes from Fester's Quest.
It's not even a good OC, it's literally the most generic fucking weebshit I've seen in my life.
We need art of this robomaid, stat. Fucking christ she's adorable in every way.
its getting better
She's almost the exact same character, just taller. I don't think Stein is meant to be Dandy J, but now I'm wondering if the other pilots are also callbacks
>they could have made a beastman MA pilot like Roomi or Arina
Larger, cleaner version:
Colored nipples:
What sunsoft game is she a reference to? Seeing as one of the others is a reference to Ikki
I just busted to thoughts of a potted plant giving head to the MC.
Good work, although I am personally not a fan of the pink nipples
I am: green-red combo reminds me of watermelons.
Are they hinting more Sunsoft reboots?
This has to be a psyop to get someone to fuck a plant. Why is this a thing
I don't know but I love IC for all this weird Sunsoft love. They made some good shit back in the day and if this gives their old games some new love I'm all for it
Would you have preferred greener nips?
Darker green would have been a good choice, yes. The default is just funny because no one seems to notice the inverted nipples
Just look up fishnet stockings bro
they're making a weird arcade hd version of mr gimmick, so who knows what else they're cooking up
It's the most genius marketing decision, of all time. All they did, was show a frame, a literal frame of this plant girl, and countless artists, jump on the bandwagon, medicore ones, good ones, all kinds, because they want to be part of that 'rush'
This only markets the game, for free. Sex truly does sell. It's like abuse of virgins. The scary thing is, it was ONE frame.
You got me thinking about so I just made it. Honestly I think she would look the same except without the pot "mask"
Oh hells yes you're a good man
i wanna fuck that plant
user, you better surrender an uncensored version
Maybe she’s a reference to the first fantasy zone boss
how's the game guys?
If you take out the pot from a potted plant, what you get is dirt. Maybe the pot is what keeps her head together.
An ass fanart, nice!
Well, assuming that her entire body is a plant, I don't think her head would be dirt.
Maybe her head is an amalgamation of roots then, and the dirt is kept moist for her to drink.
>see loli I forgot about
>little to no good images of her
I just wanted to see cunny
fucking phoneposters.
MFW this art will be finally completed.
How tall is Kanna? Is she tall enough to smother the average user with her breasts if she hugged them?
lolis are not for lewd
She's a plant so she could be
She already looks taller than Jason or Eve in her official art and she's bent over. She's a pretty big girl
Holy shit, good catch
You just gave her a more rounded face.
Not even changing her cute face at all.
I... I really like this... I think I can get behind this.... In more than one way.
Also this For all that is righteous, you must deliver those watermelons to quench this cursed thirst.
I want gentle femdom nursing handjob