Other urls found in this thread:
liberals are the real racists.
Ok, this is based.
you're welcome to look at history
it'll tell you who black people's oppressors were
i cant believe this is real
also,whenever i click a twitter link, the page is in japanese. is this the doing of the person that made the link, or what? is it people doing it because they think the writing looks cool? i dont get it. i dont use twitter, by the way, so i have no real idea how its supposed to work
I don't want to be singled out and put on a pedestal just because of the color of my skin, that's just patronizing.
Race of this poster: white
Race of this poster: Black
ben pls
The group is literally called "Blacks at Xbox". What's the big fucking deal
political ideology of this poster: liberal.
Black people came up with that title and that initiative. What seems to be the problem?
wtf that link is so racist lol
>the blacks
fucking liberals treat everyone whos not white like ornaments
>I have a great relationship with the blacks
They probably are liberals, but they're black liberals. What's the big deal?
exactly, is cartoony racist
Why do you need 5 threads just to talk about a dead console? Because they support racial equality? Because you don't want to admit that racism against Blacks is worse than racism against Whites so that means Blacks need more compensation? Just admit it.
They should be more inclusive
>No GTA in "community faves"
This is a crock of shit, GTA is blacks' favorite game
I think it just sounds funny. Like someone who a tedious grasp of english tried to make a title.
I get that it's funny, but actually pretending it's racist when the people behind this are black makes no sense
>”We wanted to create a community to support each other and uplift the black community within the gaming industry.”
They’re pretty much admitting they not only racially segregated themselves in the workplace, but they probably employ forms of cronyism that you often see with unions in jobs (where anyone who’s not “one of them” gets bullied and targeted for being fired, while everyone else shares in legal protection while they do jack shit at work). If you don’t see a problem with this, then congratulations; you are just as racist as these hilariously out of touch people are.
is that the for the same reasoning as whites liking The Sims? Makes sense to me
It's called internalized racism, sweetie.
Conservative slave owners?
Should have called it the 'XBlacks'
I stole this
I think we all know why blacks love GTA
Bait, don't reply.
>”We wanted to create a community to support each other and uplift the black community within the gaming industry.
I don't fucking get this. It's just fucking video games holy fuck.
if this is microsoft's idea of virtue signalling they're doing it horribly wrong
Picture being so obsessed with a crappy internet war that you drag your hobby into it.
Now, picture being so obsessed with how other people see you in your crappy internet war that you want to drag other people's hobby into it.
That's about the mindset we're looking at and why the internet has become such shit. We can't just enjoy something on its merits, everything is political and a political statement.
Video games? Who cares. What matters is that I am black and I PLAY video games. I'm the real story here, not the games. Give me attention!
What incredible brainlet thinking.
This is why you shouldn't try.
Let papa smurf tell ya.
This is to get ahead of some controversy that will come out in the following weeks, e.g. some expose of racist hiring practices at xbox HQ
Please explain, does this mean Black people have poor taste, or is it just that these games are the best Xbox One has to offer?
>probably employ forms of cronyism
Righto, mate. Thanks for the convincing argument.
Unironically this. They will never ever be happy, so why even care?
>tedious grasp of english
fucking perfect. it's 'tenuous grasp,' you dipshit.
I'm gonna go with poor taste
Sponsored by...
adjective: tedious
too long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous.
"a tedious journey"
synonyms: boring, monotonous, dull, deadly dull, uninteresting, unexciting, unvaried, unvarying, lacking variety, mind-numbing, mindless, soul-destroying, soulless, humdrum, dreary, ho-hum, mundane, wearisome, wearying, tiresome, soporific, dry, as dry as dust, arid, lifeless, colorless, monochrome, uninspired, uninspiring, flat, plodding, slow, banal, vapid, insipid, bland, lackluster, prosaic, run-of-the-mill, pedestrian, jejune, leaden, heavy; More
long-drawn-out, overlong, long-winded, prolix, laborious, ponderous, endless, interminable;
mechanical, routine;
informaldeadly, draggy;
"the work was tedious and physically demanding"
antonyms: exciting, interesting
late Middle English: from Old French tedieus or late Latin taediosus, from Latin taedium (see tedium).
Translate tedious to
Use over time for: tedious
tl;dr: It's used both ways.
Must be an issue on your end.
Tekken 7 is good
just admit you used the wrong word in that very common phrase, you faggot. abso-fucking-lutely NO ONE says "you have a tedious grasp of the english language." no one. everyone says "tenuous grasp." that's the phrase. an entire fucking dictionary entry copy pasted and you're completely wrong.
what a cataclysmic faggot you must be.
Milhouse will never be a meme
No need to get mad, bro. You've just never heard it used this way before.
This is a common phrasing in the midwest.
you know this is a myth made up by black israelis right?
>american dullards speaking their own language wrong
imagine my chagrin
Say anything you want, doesn't change the fact that you've simply never heard it before so you just assumed it was wrong. That's on you, not me.
Post more simpsons pictures, please.
>you've never heard it this way
it's just wrong. it's not what the word means.
>you have an annoying grasp of the english language
when you're trying to tell someone that they dont speak english well. 'tenuous grasp' means that they're barely hanging onto it.
like i said, if that phrase is common where you're from, you should leave.
I'll take that advice to heart after we have another ten posts sperging out over two words in a post I made thirty minutes ago.
Frankly, arguments like this are tiring because they're a diamond dozen.
>Hey blacks, we feel bad that you'll never be as good as us, so we got you this community award
Such is the brainwashing cult of race politics.
>negros play on Xbone
Hardly anyone plays on that shit kek
no fucking way
Sexuality of this poster: faggot
Kys xnigger
>its real
>"Only black people like Xbox exclusives"
Isn't this kind of an insult?
We already knew this.
Thats all Xbone has to offer aside from more multiplats.
>Xbox exclusives
thats like racists
Can i get one of the deals without even a the blacks how would Xbox even know if i'm a the black or not?
Democrats started the KKK, dude.
Shut the fuck up?
What's the problem?
Blacks don't like being called blacks now? I can't keep up with this shit.
The Democrats used to be the conservative party, and the Republicans the liberal. Ever hear of the Southern Strategy? The Democratic party had been going left as far back as FDR, and after World War II, the Republican party decided a great way to get more votes was by switching to more conservative policies, many of which discriminated against black people, which would attract white males living in the south. Barry Goldwater was largely responsible for this.
I'm simplifying it a bit, but it's still not complicated.
Your local is set to Japanese so you can play your Japanese porn games. Unfortunately this also causes some things to default to Japanese.
We like being called black, we hate being called People of Color but why the hell do black people at a company need praising? I hate that kind of shit.
revisionist history
It's literally pic related but with a big company.
there's no such thing as "the real" racists, only racists and their variety of flavors
Maybe they should stop asking for gibs and learn to be responsible with money and family if they want to be treated like adults.
Why is everything about race to Americans?
It's the only culture America has.
Some of the woke crowd think that "person of color" is racist because it's too vague, and you should specifically say black.
>Playstation supports the gays
>Xbox supports the blacks
which one is worse?
this is why I unironically liked Get Out
The simultaneous cringe, smug look, and forced smile from the girl on the right is perfect.
Man, is this racist.
PlayStation still, one may be racist but the other is supporting the mentally ill, trannies need to be purged.
The africans who enslaved them?
The jews who transported them?
The democrats who bought them?
Is it appropriate to use the term "Xnigger" now?
Why are americans obsessed with race?
>liberals are the real racists.
This is true. It was a democrat who invented the KKK, after all.
At least the mentally ill can be gassed.
Blacks are a menace to society and rape women and children by comparison.
Wow, aside from Tekken 7 these are all trash.
This almost makes me ashamed to be black.
Blaxbox 360™
Come full circle with us.
Just gangs and thugs, those fuckers need to be killed off, they give us a bad name.
Black people have better taste in video games than Yea Forums.
Killer instinct is good too you nigger
Any big tech company will have affinity groups for every type of person.
Tribe@ (Jews)
Any company. Microsoft, Google, Sony, Airbnb, EA.
For example
Here’s B@ND, “Black at Nintendo Dialog”
Reminder that if you hate anyone for their race, gender, sexual orientation, you’re a faggot
I hate you specifically. fuck off
Enough gaming industry, it's time for the gaming N-dustry namsane
>diversity and inclusion
>by separating everyone into groups with special interests
I guess it's at least a good thing that I'm not a consolefag.
This shit's on them.
Huh....didn't know Yea Forums was invested by negroes lately.
The entire point of the movie Get Out
I see you don't spend much time on Yea Forums.
Literally full of us, and generally always has been.
You'll just never know, because it's usually irrelevant.
I'm only gonna warn you once, delet this
>diversity and inclusion
>separates people by their ethnicity
They learned from Europe.
The point of Get Out is that every white is racist and fuck liberals for thinking racism is over just because Obama was in office, even people who are nice to you are racist.
I do not endorse these views but Jordan Peele literally said that was the point on the commentary. He also said that blacks are genetically superior, word for word, on that very same commentary.
Why do black people make up 13% of the population but commit the majority of the murders?
Why do men commit 85 percent of all crime?
Because of 'hoood' culture.
I've always been here.
It's funny that they put Halo 5 in there, I could care less if Locke was black just as much as I gave two fucks about that bitch Palmer being a woman, I want to play as Master Chief, not their shitty OC donut steels.
Play Infinite then.
>Dragon Age
>No Witcher 3
Witcher confirmed weak ass shit for white boi's.
I will, Locke's sorry ass is getting dropped like is should have been in the first place. I had a feeling Palmer and Locke had something to do with diversity, this confirms it, now Microsoft can no longer force that shit into mainline Halo games because fans would rip them apart as we should do.
*it should
Why do men do most of the important labor?
men are most affected by poor nutrition
if men are mostly responsible, then it's really something like 7-8 percent
a fellow at the Nation of Islam actually did some of the research. Black Israelites must have got it from them
also Jews themselves admitted it
men are better than women at everything, including the bad things
what about children?
lack of them, soi bois are the ones with aggression issues. testosterone is needed for happiness and calmness in men.
>Like someone who a tedious grasp of english
I find that hard to believe. Can you provide proof or the full quote of what he says?
kids don't really do the same amount of crime as adults
>blacks shouldn't impregnate white gir...
Age of this poster: 17
Majority of people are racist tbqh but behind closed doors
i know a girl roofer, shes a dyke tho
A moderate amount of testosterone is what is required, too little turns a guy into a pussy whipped faggot and too much turns them gay (see /fit/) or into a aggressive idiot.
I hate that people now insist that we call anyone not white a POC. How is that any different to what we called them during the time we segregated them and called them "Coloreds"?
>People who identify as black or African descent
So if I'm a whiter than snow ginger from the scottish highlands I can "identify" as black to get a free ride at xbox?
Truly moronic
You must be a retard then.
Never played.
Never played but they ruined Cortana so shit.
Garbage that had potential.
Absolute horseshit.
Never played but if the first one is to go after then it's an aight game.
Pretty decent game.
Never heard of.
Never heard of.
Never heard of.
the difference is if you are malnourished or really fat but with blue hair and female you can say it
B-blacks are the real racists?
1st slaveowner was black
Kwanzaa is a madeup holiday
Fuck off
idpol is retarded.
I mean, it have fucking pol on it.
Nice strawman but no its actually jews
More testosterone. 30% more muscle mass.
>between episodes of countersignalling and disavowing actual conservatives, Charlie Kirk somehow finds the time to post on Yea Forums
Retarded soccer moms use the phrase "its a doggy dog world"
Doesn't make it not retarded
That is just some random user, you are going to extremes
Many people of dark skin are quite racist as fuck for basically reducing themselves as blacks and nothing else.
The concept of soul food was made up by a guy named Amiri Baraka in the 60s. It's actually just Southern food.
He probably meant in terms of physical attributes.
Those whiteys got to keep their brains but put them in a black body so they viewed them as potential property
Authorial intent does not matter. The real message is that if you assimilate into "white America" you lose your "blackness" or your 'soul'. I disagree with it but there it is.
>conservative white people riding around in nigger vessels
Oh no no no
At least we don't have gay parades.
just give it time
are jews white?
the point of that movie is that it’s dogshit
>nigger is racist
>negro is racist
>colored is racist
>black is racist
Will there ever be a name for them that isn’t racist?
when they want to be
but they aren't
So we can’t classify people by races anymore?
Unless you are joking, this is actually an illegal, and factually incorrect, opinion to have.
I just didn’t like how he was a total ass hole to the arbiter like bitch this dude help saved your planet you’d be fucking dead right now
And That's A Good Thing
I can believe it. 56%land is a curse upon the poor, the starving, and the needy that move to this cursed land. A land in which their descendants will radically differ from them and become corrupted beings that only know war and high fructose corn syrup as their only sweetener.
yes yes, we know
its all just evol white men hatin on black skin
You are incoherent and you talk like a fag.
It's almost 2:30AM what do you expect, and stop projecting your faggotry onto others you filthy fucking fruit.
sure looks like 7:30 to me
fucking lmao
what were they thinking?
Nice, user.
So do Asians not commit crimes?
>he's in the US
>waah wah I hate my own country baww
Then leave, retard. I just moved into the US and this shit is awesome.
thought it was going to be about the rugby team.
Fuck you nigger. A little bit of self depreciating humor doesn't hurt anyone except for the sensitive.
No fuck you. You wouldn't know the first thing about "poor, starving, and needy" you spoiled little faggot. Your poor people are fat here. It's nothing short of a miracle.
poor people all over the world are getting fat, even in africa. it's not calories that does it.
this thread is not vidya
fuck off to /pol/
>poor people all over the world are getting fat, even in africa
no they aren't
>it's not calories that does it
what does this even mean lol
Eat shit motherfucker. Your rage is but a fickle little candle that doesn't know when to shut up. I bet you had a roof over your head and an actual floor instead of living in a tin shack with the only floor being the sod itself. Now you get the freedom and luxury to come to the U.S. with the opportunities that were given to you and for once in your life you use your balls to shit talk on a Peruvian panflute crafting forum.
Wrong board for victimhood olympics, faggot lmao
Seething little candle, crying over his impotent rage.
NPC response
>It's another episode of "we're so woke we come off as racist"
I feel like I see this rerun more and more everyday, left is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
You are literally the only person crying and throwing a fit toppest kek
>he had a tin shack
look at this spoiled little rich boi lel
>Blacks at Xbox | Community faves
>no NBA 2K games
That's how I know this is fake. There are no blacks at Xbox.
Upset little lad.
Sometimes people forget that this board used to have anons that can rage over useless shit and not just cry like a misfit. Try it some time, user, and let your rage flow.
Pizza tin shack party time.
What a shitty thing to do. Judge a whole people because of their skin color.
Resetera is already making sacrifices.
Hope we get “Yellows at Xbox” then, because that way we will see some actual worthwhile games that are timeless classics and expensive collectors items.
You are incoherent and you talk like a fag.
It's almost 2:30AM what do you expect, and stop projecting your faggotry onto others you filthy fucking fruit.
The popular opinion is that these numbers are skewed because the system is racist and lets whites off more often than blacks.
I was about to write something like that on Twitter and thought “Nope! I don’t really care about this that much”
Pfft, lol
How do these people function irl
american negro worship at its finest
>gays at Xbox
>Japs at Xbox
>whites at Xbox
It’s more than okay, it’s pretty great actually.
It's funny to this shit backfire.
That's not how this happened.
Sorry i play playstation
blacks are being racist against themselvea because uh, liberals and.... Hillary, and the Jews, and niggers, and I hate niggers I just don't want to admit it. Yes, I'll admit it, the name triggers me because niggers trigger me. Fuck the kikes, fuck the niggers, fuck ragheads, communists, faggots, zipperheads, all of them. I can't put up with this charade any longer it's killing me. Also, fuck cumdusters too.
based Xchads making niggers slaves again
This but unironically
>not one exclusive
>Blacks need more representation in vidya
>But the problem isn't with black people not making their own games, it's with white/japanese devs not filling their games with black people!
Forced representation is fucking retarded. Let the creator do what they want with their project
LMAO you just know Crackdown 3 is in there because the main characters is a nigger
>White people are evil and need to be killed, especially my racemixing whore mother
White people: HE IS SOOOOO RIGHT
*jews are the real racists
All non-jews are just animals for them, that includes blacks too
Although ironically all the black and chinese jews will take over, and kill all the white jews
Funny that slave niggers had a better life than the niggers back in africa.
Good this reads like a snuggly sarcastic Reddit post. Nobody has any problem admitting they don’t like niggers here you fucking retard
they need no compensation for perceived made up bullshit m8, nobody does. unless you can literally prove that as an individual you have been discriminated against, beyond any shadow of doubt, you deserve nothing
>nobody does
Reported for anti-semitism
>our blacks
>I don't understand how genetics work: the post
This and blacks fucking tom Clancy games.
>Blacks on Xbox
oh no no no no no
it all makes sense now
>Sea of Thieves
>Killer Instinct
Aggression 'issues' stem from single mother parenting. I've seen it happen. The child is raised their entire life with their mother being the only thing they see as 'stable' when she isn't. She's far from it. She cries herself to sleep at night and struggles to pay the bills, and gets crushed under the boot of society as an aging female quickly losing her attractiveness and marketability.
When the child grows into an adult male, there's one goal in his mind which is to supplant her, and show aggression and firmness in areas where the mother couldn't express hers, and where she was weak. Unfortunately, ALL these instances are received differently from an adult male, and especially a black one. It's sexual confusion on an entirely different level. The young man responds to harsh situations like a woman who is helpless without going to the extreme.
Only the father can instill in a child a calm attitude towards opposition, depression, and criticism, because these are things he provides for the mother as well.
Malcolm Xbox
those aren't kkk...
wait a minute..
Blackdown 3
Quantum Black
Ori and the Black Forest
Halo Slave Chief Collection
Spears of War
Isn't "blacks" racist?
Spencer loves taste of BBC
>at #GDC2019 our Blacks at Xbox
fucking lol
I wouldn't even say the majority, I'd say literally everybody is whether they know it or not.
mlk called himself a negro and used blacks extensively
if it's good enough for him it's good enough for you
>black people games
>no nba 2k on the list
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh xd
>Malcolm Xbox
Holy fuck that's racist..
They couldn't say "POC" they actually just paraded a bunch of innocent black people around to prove how multicultural they are.
blacks have a lot more genetic variance than whites, it's probably that which he didn't understand and used it for his black supremacy thing
It is racist in principle to forcably seperate people based on their race. Doesn't matter what skin color they have.
>Crackdown 3
warring rival tribes?
Is that why you contemplate suicide every now and then?