holy shit wtf happened? how will Apex Legends ever recover?
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>overwatch 1 again
what is happening?
Wings of redemption is playing it
based fornite
fortnite is set to become like League of Legends and played by gamers for eons to come
people were playing trying to get gud for ranked. then ranked came and brought nothing new or any reason to keep playing.
>gta v roleplay is top streamed game
that shits so boring to watch wtf is wrong with people
uh oh, the stream shill money ran out
I remember when I was naive enough to think that getting paid to do something automatically made you a bad person.
That's most certainly not the point you neanderthal, most "apex fans" thought that "their game" will "kill" fortnite and other competition and they showed it through retarded twitch statistics. Good on Ninja for making the easiest ass money on the planet.
no one says that
its just that it was a bad strategy
>take screen when most of the big streamers are offline.
Nice try buddy. Primetime it's usually second or third.
imagine having an IQ this low
Reminder cringe Valve fanboys shilled it
what is this disgust sensation that creeps my soul me right now
I swear you people are worried about anything except playing fucking games, who the fuck spend his time looking at twitch views of all things just to shitpost, in what fucking world that determinates whether a game is alive or dead? Only literal zoomers spend their time watching other people play games last time i checked, and apex takes about 2 seconds to find a match, not counting the actual 50k people watching the damn thing, so how exactly is this game dead?
twitch is full of 16 year-old retards and bots that people use to inflate their stream count. it's far from an indication of a game's health.
overwatch league
what the fuck it's real.
>Awful map
>No solo mode
>Glitches and bugs out the ass that never get fixed
>Battle pass is a joke
>Hitboxes are intrinsically fucked
The only thing this game ever had was surprise and novelty.
Apex is , and always has been gay as fuck ... Same with twitch actually. Both are literal cancer.
Is anyone surprised the top streamers were paid a ton to advertise Apex Legends. It was incredibly obvious that they were suddenly all of them were playing the same game, one that wasn't really advertised much and by a studio that hadn't really managed to grab attention with their previous games(Titanfall 1&2).
Not long after the deal was over, multiple were talking about how Apex Legends isn't really fun to watch.
>apex fanboys thought battlepass will be their holy grail against the decline
the heartiest kek
It's really not that good. Aesthetics is shit. Brown shit. The ping system isn't revolutionary, they just took Battlefield's spotting mechanics and put it into a BR game.
Apparently it worked though. When Ninja sneezes, everyone else gets a cold.
A lot of streamers played the game, despite not being paid, solely because Ninja was doing it.
How should I feel about this? On the one hand, I want EA to get fucked. On the other hand, I want Epic to get fucked.
They made a few big mistakes in a row. This battle pass being the major one. Probably going to fall off harder now unless they do something exciting in the next month which I doubt.
>Shit's so boring
No it ain't.
do you know that titanfall 2 also uses the source engine right?
why do you guys care about this shit? Yea Forums is so pathetically gay and retarded that its amazing.