So what with this dude today? He says he's just a conversation but he's clearly pretty upset.
Goddamn gamers why you don't want to give me your money?
Other urls found in this thread:
He's just very opinonated and he made some good games back in the day so he thinks people care about his opinion.
But thats how twitter works, it cultivates that mentality to function
What's wrong with sitting in your pj's and playing snes games?
>twitter screencaps
The last paragraph is perfectly true though, he just doesn't seem to get how on point he is. We play because we remember our childhood, and we're all nostalgic, hoping to get the same feeling we had when we were kids. It's like a heroine addict, who keeps using it hoping to feel the thrill he felt for the first time.
>Hate X, Y, and Z all for completely different and valid reasons
>You just hate change
>Change is an inherent good
Why has this whole Epic vs Steam thing become such a shitstorm? I don't really see what difference it makes.
Oh, David fucking Jaffe.
Go take a seat alongside Cliffy and forget about making a game never again in your life
Because you should be playing PS2 games naked
That last line is true. The rest is shit though. I really would rather be playing snes games and eating trix in my pjs.
im sure chinks said that when the cultural revolution came around too.
There's nothing wrong with change.
There's everything wrong with accepting something horrible solely because it's change.
Epic store is using scummy exclusivity payments as a tactic for "Competition"
Stadia looks like it's going to suck dick
VR is great for porn and has some neat games, and is for an enthusiast audience, hence 70% of people playing games with a shoe string budget isn't going to be tempted to buy a peripheral that costs as much as a console for some cool perspective based stuff. Real VR (Read, not cardboard) was never EVER gonna get widespread appeal and people who think that it was or that that's what it was going for is retarded considering the price point.
Nosalgiacucks are cancer though.
Shouldn't a tech savvy person prefer the storefront with the widest array of features?
And wouldn't a forward-thinking person not trust their digital purchases to a company as capricious and profit-driven as Epic?
im just here to roll
Gaming journalists are mad at Steam for not bowing to them and immediately removing every game they don't like, even if Steam is removing several games arbitrarily and if they get enough bad press. So the gaming media is jumping on the chance to champion a different store and shit on Steam, while everyone actually pro-consumer is siding with Steam. It's basically another facet of the ongoing culture war.
>seems they'd prefer it if they were still sitting in their PJ's playing SNES and eating Trix
pretty much
Literally fucking who?
>they hate thing that takes away games and forces you to install spyware instead
>they hate thing that makes playing games worse and further removes ownership of games
>they hate thing that has no good games and is overpriced
Wow it's almost as if "gamers" don't like things that aren't good video games! Who could possibly have predicted that?!
sure, why not
>change is good, regardless what that change is
Thoughts like this are why The Last Jedi exists
Change is only good when it makes things better.
Shitty change is bad. Good change isn’t.
because hes a zoomer tranny who hates actual games.
>that last one
Yes, give it back.
David Jaffe sure changed.
From a Video Game developer to homeless twitter bum.
but none of those things are change?
all those 3 things have been tried before by other people and failed already and theyll fail again too
this should always be the first reply to epic thread
Part of forward thinking is the ability to recognize new shit that doesn't work as well as what's currently available sometimes isn't worth changing to or paying more for.
What autistic fuck is going to say with a straight face the shitty excuse we have for VR is anything more than a tech demo?
jerking off to my roll
Silly rabbit
>They hate CHANGE
Holy fuck, I bet if I kick this guy's balls for being an idiot he will bitch over me hating developers/epic store and not how oblivious he is
>Epic Store
Chink, woke, spyware, and plain bad except the great cut for devs
Input lag (NOT A PROBLEM WITH WESTCUNT GARBAGE SUCH AS GOD OF WAR I GUESS LMAO), no ownership, require internet and the service never going the way of google+ (LOL)
Expensive, could threaten the existence of 3rd person camera games, is too dangerously close to motion gaming, fuck over people with glasses
David Jaffe is fucking retarded if he doesn't think about the implications every ones of those has.
Epic being anti-consumer
Stadia not being sustainable under current American internet infrastructure
VR isn't actually that bad but its currently still a gimmick device
I mean he's not wrong about the wanting to sit about in pajamas playing viddy games
Jesus Christ, i always get the fucking loli.
I still dont know how this retard could be behind the original GOW.
Yeah Jaffe, when your last good game came out almost 15 years ago then we can safely say that change is bad sometimes
i'm amazed that jaffe thinks people give a shit about his opinions anymore.
>no red twintail
shit list, but rolling for sweden girl next to the dyke because I wonder how cavernous she is after being raped by hundreds of mohammeds.
Rollin rollin rollin rollin
You need to add references on who these people are, not everyone is going to know every single one
Please no loli shit, rolling for wholesome waifu
>use best available program
>and not the at times vvastly inferior alternatives
>somehow that's not forward thinking
Good to know that I can still be suprised at how fucking dumb some npcs are.
Define gamer.
>Epic is literally chinese spyware
>Steam is significantly less spyware
>Steam flipflops about quality and censorship
>Epic takes half the cut of Steam
>Steam provides better services for their cut
Faggot needs to get off Twitter and convince Sony to let him make a new Twisted Metal.
I mean seriously can you believe that a series that ALWAYS was about Battle Royale isn't getting a new sequel when Battle Royale is the hottest shit?
pokégirl please
to be fair it's the Soi of War director.
Could have kept his list going including Microtransactions, Season Passes, Lootboxes, Early Access just to further prove how out of touch he is.
>Seems they'd prefer it if they were still sitting in their PJ's, playing SNES, and eating Trix.
cute one please
Roll my heart out
Epic is paying out the ass for exclusives and for shills. You won't find anyone in person that'll actually cheer on Epic the way people do on forums.
Gotta roll
jaffe likes to run his mouth first and read up second, he does this all the time
>Don't want shitty streamer consoles because they will fucking suck
>Don't want chink botnet
Wow who would have thought
Rollan pls
Here I go.
Instead of flooding the thread with nearly-identical roll posts, next time you can just find the last you made elsewhere, and use those numbers! A cleaner browsing experience for everyone!
Someone with big titties please.
Stealing your game idea.
rollin noaw
Change is often bad for games, VERY bad. Change brought us broken games with parts stripped out we have to pay extra for. It took away our basic ownership of the copies of games we've purchased. It killed genres, dumbed down others and brought in tons of shitty faggots to further poison the industry. Change isn't something you accept without a whole lot of skepticism.
man jaffe is a fucking joke these days
Everybody sounds like a mindless bigot if you point out all the things they hate without addressing any of the reasons they hate those things.
rollan boys
We like VIDEOGAMES not technology
a cat is fine too
old tech good new tech bad
Tits or I'm out
Meh, Jaffe is still pretty based. He doesn't think before he speaks which usually leads to some stupid ass hottakes but also because of that alot of what he says comes from the heart and he's very honest/doesn't bullshit.
You should watch his streams on twitch, dude rants about politics half the time, rants about the vidya industry the other half, and then takes calls from literally ANYONE to just shoot the shit.
lotta incel rage in this thread
why would anyone think that le gamers are smart tech savy people instead of mouthbreathing manchildren with low inhibitions?
>Epic store
Because just paying for exclusives to dry up the rival store is just a dick move and most people can see it.
1. Google will be mandating propaganda, and i am sure we want more games about the "struggles" of trannys.
2.It will be another android box and will die in about a year because they have 0 brand recognition.
Was and still is a gimick like 3D was. It could have been something if the tech was given to a real studio. But all we got was "ironic" walking simulators and more shit indie games that utterly crush your faith that indie devs can't do more than 8 bit shit.
i do hate "change" when this is what "change" looks like.
hate Tencent Game Store because it's all bullshit
doubt Stadia can work, hate the presumed subscription payment model.
love VR
hate faggots posting twitter screencaps on Yea Forums
shit thread rollan
Let's go
I'm not rolling.
>Epic is literally chinese spyware
>Steam is significantly less spyware
>Steam flipflops about quality and censorship
>Epic takes half the cut of Steam
>Steam provides better services for their cut
>implying that there's something wrong with playing SNES
At least those games were complete and didn't have content cut out to sell to me, you fucking faggot.
gimme that sweet 00
No, no it's not.
Bitch give me a nice bowl of raisin bran
>hate epic store
What the fuck is forward thinking about the epic store??? its just a less shitty origin, which is saying NOTHING
>hate VR
who the fuck actively hates VR, people just aren't into it because its still a fucking gimmick that isn't necessary to playing games
>hate stadia
Yeah fuck all those people who live in areas with shit internet who are some how not excited for this extremely non-inclusive product
Whats the last game this shitter made? GoW1? Oh right Drawn to Death, a true classic
>david jaffe
>zoomer tranny
He's not wrong.
Rollin for those sick digits
Giant companies are coming out with new platforms that take away consumer rights we already have (refunding), remove our ability to review and inform other people about our own experiences within the storefront, take away our ability to own or modify our games, spy on our computers without consent, forces invasive DRM, and straight up give us a worse deal on games.
Yet somehow it's the customers fault for "not wanting change".
Does being a washed up has-been game developer force you to become retarded?
rollin time
one more time
8 19 35 49 59 68 72 76 78 pls
No u
why no
Got the worst one...
He's right about VR at least
Don't think I've seen more seething poorfags than in a vr thread. Pretty sure some autist made a bot to spam "VR is a fad" every thread
They can't keep getting away with it!
also literally who?
Fuck twitter screencaps, show me which waifu I get to fuck instead.
Yeah, it's the God of War director
>Gamers hate VR
Since when?
Everyone I've seen who tried it loved it, but hates the costs involved.
Stadia and Epic Store are also demonstrable losses for consumer rights.
>change is always good!
fucking garbage mindset
please be good
>Epic Store
This doesn't represent change or forward thinking in any way, it is 100% regressive.
Just another iteration of years-old tech that has not progressed in any way since OnLive. If it did what it was supposed to do, far more people would be on board with it, but it obviously fucking doesn't.
Hardly anyone hates VR, it is plenty well-received, it's just still too expensive and inaccessible for widestream adoption. The biggest complaint I see from its adopters is that there isn't enough new or interesting software content, and the industry doesn't seem intent on resolving that issue.
Well, she pretty much nailed it. I really fucking hate change. If you think about it it makes sense too. When you play a game you're basically doing two things - first you study the rules, then you apply this knowledge to win. In fighting games it's the moveset, in FPS it's the maps and how much you should lead your target, in RPGs it's the character progression and various builds. A kind of person that enjoys using the rules he knows to achieve predictable results is gonna be pretty butthurt when the rules suddenly change. That's also the reason why gamers bitch about RNG so much, while you don't hear the same complaint from, say, gamblers, even though the two addictions are somewhat related.
ahoy spongebob
>buying a console or prebuilt makes you tech savvy
Besides that, Jaffe is right.
its not even a blue check mark literal who
better than the OP
Just want to mention that I got triple zeroes one time.
What a retard.
>David Hackie
I have no reason to care about VR when pixel graphics have not even reached their peak. Stadia is meaningless to mean in comparison to a modern Deus Ex worthy of the original. Ring me when that's on Google's agenda.
that's a bit harsh. It's ok to have an opinion desu
I'm posting for that post
>Opens up gaming to more people****
>***Who are paying a shit ton for decent internet, which probably means they have a good PC or gaming set up already
Give me a nice one
rolling but yea
Reroll. Loli is shit
woop woop
It's not about change, it's about centralization and their attempts to destroy the competition with underhanded bullshit.
"We want the only option in the future" is only forward thinking for their corporate bottom line.
Ok, I"ll roll
everyone who shills for the Epic Games store is a chink marketer or an utter retard who can't see forward 1 year when Sweeny will start assfucking the whole industry with his monopoly cemented. In that case I would hope Windows goes full UWP just to fuck that slimy, hypocritical asshole Sweeny over. (meanwhile Gaben invested in Linux as future-proofing)
rolling desu
>Epic Game Store
>an online store that lacks a fucking shopping cart
>forward thinking
besides the obvious chinese botnet, epic isn't making their service better and proving as actual competition to steam
they are just buying out exclusives which is anti-competitive
Come on someone I recognize
Lol there are a lot of Heroine addicts in gaming today though, with all the female leads ;)
Literally who is #38?
>he doesn't know that the average gamer is a chink or thirdworld shithole poorfag
Haha, oh wow.
This better be something I can fap to tonight
In all fairness, gamers are highly skeptical of any changes made to their favorite games. Many just really want more content for the games they actually like, that being said. We hate Epic because they pulled off the miracle and actually managed to be worse than steam right off the bat. We hate VR because it mostly still feels like a tech demo, call me when they perfect the technology. We hate Stadia because we're tired of console bullshit, just port to PC already.
Hit me.
lucky guy
>service never going the way of google+ (LOL)
Why do people keep making this argument? Who the fuck actively used google+?
Let's go
Where the FUCK is Naoto?
hit em up style
Keep rollin rollin rollin rollin
Yeah, lots of people ITT getting their heroines right now ;)))
Change brought gamers nothing but pain and despair
We are very forward thinking. Right this minute I'm thinking about how Stadia will absolutely fail because of how poor net infrastructure is in 90% of the United States. I'm also thinking about how Epic Store will fail to provide the same basic functions as Steam and continue to throw their money into the exclusives basket until they're as irrelevant as Origin. Maybe we're just too forward thinking for Jaffe who hasn't made a fuckin hit game in 20 years.
Fucking Rollin
the creator of God of War
>Who the fuck actively used Stadia?
Here's your answer.
Epic is spending a lot of money making sure everyone thinks there's a "fight" going on between steam and them while steam doesn't give a single fuck.
It's like a kid yelling very loudly and trying to hit and adult while he keeps just reading the newspaper.
Why Rhajat instead of Tharja?
They should have stopped with the ps2 and just used those technological limitations as an excuse to push the boundaries of gameplay and storytelling.
Change my mind.
Is there any other industry that hates their customers more than Vidya? I swear you write that you don't want to have your steam account datamined with the evidence being easily reproduced and a bunch of fuckwads come out of the woodworks to call you entitled. Like, no shit, I'm not spending money to give you my login tokens from my localconfig dumbass.
Sure, why not.
>Why has this whole Epic vs Steam thing become such a shitstorm?
The Chinese have a lot of money to throw around.
I mentioned to my friend that I don't believe the Stadia will be free of input lag and that i don't believe it'll run well on your average internet service. He lost his shit. This same guy has been trying to talk me into buying VR like it'll make him feel better about his stupid purchase
There's no such thing as a post ending in 00
here's the real question, why are devs so out of touch with their customers?
People hate to be dictated what they can and can not use, go figure.
Post yfw you're sitting in your PJ's, playing SNES and eating Trix.
Because they want money not friends.
Proof these people literally have no clue about their source material. IF your knowledge on video games only extends to the past 3 years you can FUCK RIGHT OFF
He's right
Rolling for xx chromosomes
okay then
This fabricated outrage didn't happen with Origin, uPlay, Bethesda Launcher, you name it.
It is quite a comparable situation, in the sense that EA/Ubisoft/Beth all took away games that would normally have been on Steam. People were annoyed, but there wasn't a fucking heated online game store fight going on.
but i love stadia lewds
Rolling m8
Because devs are privy to future tech, so they know what is going to become the norm before the pleb masses.
>Steam needs the competition!
I have seen this statement over and over and have to see anyone come up with a reasonable argument for why this is. I'm no shill for Steam or the absolute monkeyshit that is current Valve but why exactly does Steam need competitors?
>the most convenient way to play and purchase PC games old and new (though GoG has Steam beat in the former department)
>constant sales and discounts that lighten the deal for a customer
>ease of access in terms of cloud saves, mods, communication, etc
>overall easy to use interface that even a braindead normie can navigate
And whenever anyone cries "muh censorship" it only ever seems to regard garbage trash that no one gives a fuck about getting removed so I don't consider that a point against Steam
It also feels like it was completely forgot how everyone agreed on Origins and Uplay being absolute dogshit despite serving the same purpose the Epic store does yet no one cared
So again I must ask why exactly does Steam need the competition? It seems like any issues they have get completely blown over anyway and not a single person can argue why Epic is a better alternative yet you'll still get shills and industry whores singing it's high praises despite it being undeserved as well as conveniently ignoring it being Chinese spyware
>Updated to remove duplicates
Nice. Hoping for a short-haired qt
roll and fuck op
To be fair those storefronts also developed those games so it seems like bullshit than what Epic's doing
And if Netflix or whoever keeps their shit exclusive they are not owed a right to my business.Thus the business model becomes flawed.
Right to not buy and to express opinions. What is his problem?
>change for the sake of change is inherently good
What a fucking knuckle dragging faggot retard.
rolling for cunny
its a bad comparison, the only reason netflix did well initially was cause people wanted on demand TV and watch what they wanted without ads constantly
it was a move from a bad customer product to a better customer product
the gaming movement right now is a move from a good customer service (although not perfect) to an worse customer service
Where's the flaw there?
Steam is absolutely the reason PC gaming has stagnated for the past decade. PC has not had a single actual exclusive since Crysis, and it's because Steam has made it because it's the sole PC market, strangling any attempt to create any game that's not a multiplat.
rolling because fuck op and his literal whos
He's not wrong. I fucking hate change. Hell, I'm a Computer Science major as well, so I'm part of the tech field to boot. Also that description sounds comfy as fuck.
Because game "journalists" have been declaring gamers to be un-persons at least since gamergate.
Gamers are good for having wallets to milk but everything else that comes out of them is toxic bullshit and should be ignored.
Hibari pleaaase
I just don't want to put my credit card information anywhere near the EGS. They have already shown to have absolute shit security.
Because I just pirate the content or never bother with it. If they want to make money they then have to be more leanient and let other people access the content.
Because those "changes" are gay and shit. Rolling for and then leaving this shit thread.
give me a 62 PLS.
>the 'it's her turn' of the game industry
Ah yes. Maybe they should stop smelling eachother's farts sometimes.
It's that one "don't think just consume and get excited"picture in the form of a twitter post.
it's also why arcades failed here, it was a bad customer product, people didn't own it and felt the cost outweighed the benefit of owning a console and games
rolling for 2b
henshin a go go baby
>does not compute
Holy shit I'm magic
Eating Trix in my pjs while playing Mega Man X sounds like way more fun than anything offered today.
You already do that with steam and it's doing fine.
>seems they'd Prefer it if they were still sitting in their pJ’s, playing SNES,and eating Trix
If it ain’t broke...
it's almost like gamers are in no way unified and mostly all want different things. who'd a thunk it.
Jammies, SNES games and junk food sounds fucking amazing.
>one off from Chie
I ain’t even mad, SS Zelda is great too.
>the "I have no argument so I'll resort to a /pol/ buzzword"
You are too mentally stunted to have an actual discussion with.
Why is this saying that I need to reformat my shit before it'll post?
why are loli fags so lucky?
Nice. First time a roll worked in my favor.
not that user but it seems blindly optimistic to assume that having exclusivity on a service means it'll instantaneously create true exclusive PC games
plus like all of the games on the Epic store right now (except Fortnite) are gonna get put on Steam in a year anyway so it loses its purpose
>Seems they'd prefer it if they were still sitting in their PJ's, playing SNES,and eating Trix.
if only
what does that have to do when talking about Steam as a service?
Then just fucking do it and stop bitching that games made 20 years after it aren't the same anymore.
>GAMERS!Who are supposed to be tech savvy and forward thinking.
How the fuck are "gamers" supposed to be any of those things? Enjoying video games doesn't require any of those things.
84 GET
who? sounds like a tranny
Enjoy your OnLive 2, bro. Those pre-recorded gameplay videos on different devices at GDC sure convinced me.
twitter was a fucking mistake.
fuck u
Why "tech savvy" people would use spyware? And who's that guy? Is he retarded?
>unironically using the word "gamer"
Never mind.
ooh yes rolling
Rolling staaaaaart
Take me fucking back.
He's just another has-been dev resting on his laurels.
I hate ecelebs
why not let's give it a try
>they have VR
Everyone on Twitter is butthurt
Gamers hate things that arent good games
ie. gimmick technology instead of making better video games
I hope mine doesn't have a smelly butt
give me a cute girl
>Literally NEW GOOD, OLD BAD: The Twitter Post
Just because you're a tech-illiterate moron who thinks NEW SMART OLD DUMB doesn't mean you're right or that anyone is obligated to agree with you.
Progressive faggots co-opted video games and claimed them as their own and are for some reason still shocked and appalled that some of them are just normal people who want to play a video game without a bunch of red tape and still like to call people niggers from time to time.
Gimmie a cute girl to draw.
roll, cunt.
Literally no one is bitching except the fag in the OP image crying because his irrelevant "forward-thinking tech" isn't popular. Go be "tech-savvy" elsewhere, moron.
David Jaffe is a man in his 40s who is most well know for having directed the original God of War and God of War II, and designed and directed most of the Twisted Metal series. He's been making games since the early 90s though.
Based derail poster
Get the feeling Jaffe seems to think any new tech is good without really thinking things through properly
he's right on that instance because it's so black and white but he's completely ignoring the dozens of comments that already destroyed each of his arguments and now is moving to selective reading and only responding to the cherrypicked low hanging fruit.
>he's ignoring the comments talking about the Kickstarter game that was supposed to be on Steam but later on made exclusive to the Epic Store despite the wishes of the backers. Isn't that just being scum?
>what about Metro having huge pre-order numbers on Steam and then made exclusive to Epic Store just mere days before its release?
If shit like this happened in the TV or Movie industries someone would be getting their ass sued to bankruptcy.
>ignoring the comments about internet infrastructure and limit caps in relation to Stadia.
> ignoring comments about how VR make people nauseous, how VR is not viable for playing longer than half an hour, how consoles don't have the necessary resources to pull off nice looking games and decent frame-rate, etc. PS VR felts more like Sony having us pay to beta test an unfinished product.
Jaffe is just being a huge douche pretending he's on top of the argument.
Being against streaming and games as a service is literally forward thinking though. You can only get into that shit if you see vidya as a momentary distraction. When I hear about shit like Stadia my first thought is "what about when the servers go down?" Its such a sad state of things when games from 30 years ago are perfectly easy to find and games from 5 years ago are literally impossible to obtain legally because one got a physical release and the other was digital only.
People who don't understand why Stadia and VR are disliked probably have their heads up their asses anyway. ESPECIALLY VR, which has been around for a while and still has nothing to show for it.
For pic related I pick 18 year old, full kitchen, and library
>Netflix will still allow you to go purchase a movie somewhere else
>except when they don't
Holy shit how are people capable of being this retarded.
rolling for cynthia
gimme sumtin good nigga
I usually shop GoG first, steam after, but as a former Richmond fag if you think for even one second I'm going to give my money to the chinese you can get fucked