This game has zero forgiveness to the point that it isn’t fun. t. Someone who’s beaten each from game at least 3 times each

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Not to mention he dives at you and grabs you, sometimes turning 90 degrees mid-air to do so. This isn’t fun From Software.

Stop playing it like dark souls you dumb idiot, put some distance between him and you using jumps, bait out attacks and punish them, and stop trying to fucking dash dodge all his attacks. Jumps have some invincibility frames

just use fire on him, ezpz stunlock

Welcome to video games 30 years ago.

>getting stuck at the second miniboss
You should honestly refund it. You will never beat any later content if you can't get past this.

I got stuck early in other dark souls games too... still beat them all

some of these enemies are so relentless I end up completely forgetting all the combat mechanics in the heat of the moment.

I’ve been playing since this morning and I finally killed the shinobe hunter and thought I was in the clear only to get fucked up by some ninja and the drunk ogre dude.

This shits exhausting I feel like I need a full nights rest after this. Game is still kino as fuck aesthetically and I will see it through but the learning curve seems steep as hell.

Did you cry like a little bitch then too?

>get hit zero times
>do not get killed
what's the problem?

Did you beat the original Tenchu 1 and 2 you fucking casual poser?
Shadow Tower? King's Field?
Go fuck yourself you cancerous zoomer. Fuck off my goddamn board you and your modern gaming.

Can't refund a game for being shit at it, at least on ps4.

the ogre isnt even hard bro just dodge lol

Is chained ogre like the final boss or some shit. If you just google this game you'll get suggestions and searches on how to beat him. Do people suck this much at video games nowadays

enemies die in one hit, while you're not supposed to die at all, plus you can revive on the spot lol just git gud

>calling someone a poser
>while also implying the first 2 Tenchu Games are by FROM


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I don't get it

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A lot of the monster enemies are simple: back off, wait for them to run and grab then dodge, hit twice, and repeat

Human enemies are even easier if they're bosses/sub boss: wait for grab or sweep, dodge by dodging to side or jumping, two hits.

Basically the game is Dark Souls 1/3 all over again with the: wait for long enemy combo, hit once or twice, repeat

How can you expect the player to be a pro from the get go?
Mistime a dodge once and you will have to do the fight which is already lengthy enough all over again especially with that faggot ogre that throws you off a cliff.

I just hate the death penalty, you lose half of your sen, half of your exp and then on top of that you literally give npcs cancer. It makes me play way safer than I usually do in the souls games but that feels at odds with the gameplay

> be From
>make good but nothing special game because mediocre at designing
>make enemies unnecessarily difficult in order to pad out game length so it feels longer than it really is
>elitist neckbeards defend the game's unnecessary difficulty so they can feel good about themselves for having beaten it
90% of you only like the difficulty because it lets you feel superior to others, probably because you have very little other accomplishments to speak of. You know I'm right.

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i don't think he was necessarily implying they were by FROM, just that he's a fag and moving the goalposts to require OP to have beaten Tenchu before he cares.

Lol fucking rekt

its just kinda lame, but that's not surprising. Dark Souls 1 must have been a fluke.

goddamn phoneposter

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you can also follow the trail user, cryptic stuff

Fucking lame ass dark souls trend. I enjoyed that shit back when it was low key and not being shilled.

Now it's practically created an entire genre. Seeing this game it looks like literally nothing special. Doesn't even seem that difficult if you have 3 functioning brain cells

jump over

get good

a classic neckbeard response

>he hasn't done an SL1 run

this game is basically that but with more options. I love it.

you don't deserve anything better

thats why its padded with artifical difficulty. Casualfags dont know any better.

Exactly. People are doing soulsborne no-hit runs. Just do the same.

Nah I like it because the way weapons clash feels good and pulling off deflections, enemy steps and the other defensive maneuver skills all feel rewarding. The difficulty is icing on the cake because getting past a tough enemy is a huge burst of dopamine

>when you die npcs get cancer
Dont they only get cancer if you ressurect?

Can you deflect every attack in this game or just other humans

>>make enemies unnecessarily difficult
I wouldn't consider a game where you need competent reflexes to survive enemy attacks "unnecessarily difficult"

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After playing sekiro and baba is you im gonna need the most chill game ever, any suggestions?

Every attack except for sweep and grab attacks.

Dodonpachi Daioujou White Label


This game is harder than any souls game and it’s not even close

>Someone who’s beaten each from game at least 3 times each
you fucking liar. there's like a hundred ACs alone.
>implying beating Tenchu 1 & 2 was difficult

This is right, the game is literally damage sponge bosses and useless lower enemies that do nothing. It's trash and boring as fuck.

cause its a stealth game.. maybe dont kill everything...

>Died like 3 times to him but then stopped being retarded and learned his attack animations
>There's people saying that it took them 20 tries to kill him while saying the game is bad because of it

And I thought I was fucking terrible

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But muh completionist

I was once super close to killing him and somehow accidently aggroed some guy up on the cliff and he killed me

>Tfw make it through the entirety of the bell dream and butterfly woman before even seeing this guy
>Tfw it's painfully obvious that this was meant to be the earlier route taken, and every enemy seems like a chump now
Honestly I thought this game was pretty BS at first but after getting through all that with just 2 gourds and no prayer beads I can safely say you just need to get good.

>Attacks track mid swing
>Vacuum grabs
Most of the attacks will 2 shot in this game and the fact that they still have some of these bullshit is ridiculous. Plus all the cheap shots with barely any startup that deal 20% of your health so the moment you make a mistake against an unblockable, You're dead.

This Ogre boss is the such a glaring case of artificial difficulty. You are only allowed to backstab it once for damage, if you do two he just magically regains his health. What a joke. Not to mention his retarded, auto lock on grabs and attacks. This game is fucking pathetic.

*Ding, ding, ding*


>w can you expect the player to be a pro from the get go?

I don't, I expect peopels to stop bitching and use their brain to figure out their mistake and come up with a strategy to win

>it's a stealth game, don't kill everything
>it's a stealth game, don't play at all
>why are you launching it? uninstall! it's a stealth game!

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Are you an idiot? Most fights are encouraged since they give loot to upgrade the character. Mini bosses are surrounded by add ons so stealth is also encouraged. Some areas are also blocked by a fog wall so you have to fight.

You have at least four defensive options: move, dodge, jump, and block.

This seriously

Why are people having so much trouble with this? His grabs are highly telegraphed and a simple dodge is all thats needed to avoid 90% if his attacks if you time it properly. Also, the flame prosthetic fucks him up bad especially with oil and can be used like 5 or 6 times and will interrupt anything he does. Literally git gud. Once you do the combat feels great and overcoming actual challenging bosses becomes rewarding in of itself.

Because he has some bullshit moves that stops me from fighting him constantly in a honest fight. His grabs have vacuum, his dropkick have midair tracking and his kick attack shouldn't hit me while I'm behind him. Using the prosthetic feel cheap since it plays like a consumable item with how limited the number of times you can use it.

Heh, but user, you just need to GIT GUD! The game's not bad, YOU'RE bad, heh!


You sound fat.

>using the prosthetic feels cheap

stop being a Souls autist. The game was designed and balanced around said tools.

you sound furious as fuck

I am loving all the Soulsfags realizing their games weren't hard.


Say it with me now:


It's limiting though if the game forces me to use a tactic against a boss to triviliaze him. The boss shouldn't have flaws like that. You can have both. Be a good boss with good hitbox while being a boss that can be beaten by what the game encourages you to. For a game with simple combat, It's just limiting creativity further.

not as furious as you desperately trying to defend your own and only achievement in life

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I just don't like this game really. I knew before I even played it that I would hate it's dumb ruleset. I'd rather play Ninja Gaiden 2 because I could at least have fun with that.

you're just garbage who refuses (or is too stupid) to adapt.

>i don't like this game because i'd rather play something totally different
I'm getting flashbacks...

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>games shit
>"waah cry about it"
Can't save retards.

>"i'll portray myself as impossibly smart and the person I'm arguing with as impossibly dumb"
>"this is a good argument and not at all hyperbole"
fuck off faggot

based crybaby

keep crying bitch nigger

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the game is just boring. it's hard for the sake of being hard. It's just not fun to play. It's like nioh. not fun.