Just lower the cut from 30% to something more competitive and put an end to the horror.
Why can't they just lower the cut?
Other urls found in this thread:
They'll wait until Epic becomes competitive or overextended enough then they'll think about it. They have nothing to gain by doing this for now.
Because Gaben needs another billion.
Sorry, but gaben doesn't negotiate with the Chinese
>an end to the horror
stop making these threads then
none of us are videogame developers else we wouldn't even be on this board, so this 30% cut means nothing at all
I would think they should start investing in indie companies like epic is doing with the developers of satisfactory. That is really the only thing that epic has over steam at this point, good indie titles.
Publisher don't choose to sell games exclusively in Epic Games Store for the cut.
>Be game publisher
>Approach Epic to get game on their store
>"We'll give you 2 million for a year exclusive"
>Well ok then
Epic would buy exclusives even if Steam gave a 90% cut.
It's hard coded into Steam and Valve doesn't know how to do things anymore
It's a really fun game. Stop being a faggot.
Except if Steam had a decent userbase like Steam drones hype up, then 90% going to the devs would easily entice them.
Hell I'd say even 15% would be good enough
>Valve lowers the cut
>Epic keeps paying publishers to make games exclusive to the Epic Game Store
Wow user you really solved the problem there!
no dev would ever take a 90% cut over multiple million dollars of guaranteed sales
Gaben literally doesn't care
How long ago was this?
God damn, he's gettin old
30% is the industry standard. Pretty much every digital distribution store such as the AppStore uses it. Brick and mortar is even worse with something like 60% or so. But then suddenly Valve is the greedy company for some reason.
>But then suddenly Valve is the greedy company for some reason.
Because it's a good PR blurb to try and get dumb normalfags to parrot
They would if there was guarantee of money
It's almost like the Steam marketplace is toxic to developers...
>#NintendoSwitch community is a blessing! #BlossomTales is now a turnaround story: Humble indie dev @castlepixel can stay in business and continue making games. Love y’all! 3 months #Switch revenues surpass #Steam lifetime revenues 20 times!
yeah, there's a reason it's all sweeney can say
>muh thirtypercent
GDC 2015, so four years ago.
I can't believe I lived long enough to see people being on the side of publishers being even more greedy rather than consumers getting more choices...
Devs wouldn't be happy, they want to shut down reviews and refunds.
>They would if there was guarantee of money
yes exactly like I said, no dev would take a 90% over guaranteed sales
I'm glad you understood. Now do you see how good this ''competition'' is?
you dont negotiate with terrorists
How come everytime an Epic shill makes a thread, you can see in the archive that's been posted plenty of times?
Can you imagine spending ridiculous amounts of hours laboring over a game, finally get to release date, and then it's instantly removed from top of the new releases by all the asset flips and VNs that get shoveled onto steam on the daily?
How maddening that would be.
Buckle up buckeroo. This is just the beginning of clownworld.
games are cheaper on EGS
how's that for greedy?
I meant a guarantee of people willing to buy the game on Steam like on Switch
>The Switch though has seen a number of ports sell better than anticipated. Despite already being out for over three years, the Switch version of Shovel Knight sold better than any of the other versions at launch according to its developer, Yacht Club Games. Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap, Forma.8, and other games have seen similar success. SMG Studios noted in September that Death Squared sold more on the Switch in the first three days than all other platforms it released on combined, while the same thing happened to the Zelda-like exploration game Oceanhorn. And then there was SteamWorld Dig 2, Immage & Form’s action platformer that sold 10 times more on Switch than on Steam.
Epics cut is not sustainable. The only reason they are doing so it is that they are making an aggressive push into the market while Fortnite is still bringing in billions of dollars to bankroll it.
It keeps happening!
You do know you are replying to a marketeer, right?
Why am I not allowed to reference a relevant link?
No matter what the cut is, it doesn't do a thing about the initial payoff Epic offers. 30% or 12% matters less than audience size, but both matter less than "here's a few millions if your game is exclusive for us".
Steam should just ride it out until the Fortnite fad passes, afterwards they won't be able to afford that shit anymore.
What a surprise.
How come Epic needs to spend billions on shills, when not even EA needed it?
Is it because your bosses know you are complete cancer and you need to subvert and lie in order to try to convince someone?
Why do you keep spamming several different threads shilling Epic?
Oh wait, I remember you, you are the one who actually, unironically said that you want Steam to bribe devs for exclusives.
Why do you want that?
Is it because you are an obese Epic shill who doesn't want Epic to look like the bad guy alone here, since they are the only ones cancerous enough to bring exclusivity deals to PC?
>games are cheaper on EGS
I can bet I could have gotten games cheaper than that (and not exclusively cheaper in Burgerland) from Green Man Gaming, a site I can't use to buy games on the Epic Game Store because Epic doesn't do free key generation for publishers
I want Steam to do fucking ANYTHING to stop devs from taking the Epic Store deal
Why does Epic shill so damn hard?
Why do they need to bribe devs to even release games in their platform?
Why are they completely unable to compete legitimately?
actually, Epic is bringing exclusive Sony games to PC
NOT exclusivity deals
>guarantee of people willing to buy the game on Steam like on Switch
there is no such guarantee.
>You do know you are replying to a marketeer, right?
Yeah, just wanted to see what completely retarded arguments he'll try to bring up for this one.
I honestly can't say if he's being serious with these. You'd have to have like 60 IQ to believe in his arguments unironically
No, that was Quantic Dream who already mentioned they wanted to go multiplatform.
And in fact, they already said that they would release those games on Steam a year later, which means they were coming to PC anyway.
Notice how they do not bring any actual first parties, only third parties with, probably, limited contracts.
Calm down, you imbecile. The excusivity is timed. All the games epic is bragging about will come on steam a year later, so its more of a headstart by pushing everyone else back. Thats why everybody hates epic
No you don't, you are just another shill who spams threads in an attempt to convince someone to fall for your Tencent botnet.
You can't fool anyone at this point.
Epic will end up like Origin and Uplay.
Hating Epic who is willing to pay devs, and hating devs accepting the deal is just retarded though
>Epic will end up like Origin and Uplay.
Neither of those actually, seriously tried to compete with Steam
I'm a consumer, why would I give a single fuck about what money the devs get?
It doesn't affect me.
It's a fact that Epic is a company lead by people who have no idea about PC gaming, which is why they are the first ones to bring in exclusivity deals despite the myriad of other launchers there are out there.
Epic is, unironically, more cancerous than EA.
>actually, Epic is bringing exclusive Sony games to PC
>He actually believes this
Quantic Dream is partially owned by NetEase and outright said their games don't have to be exclusive to Sony platforms
>“Our objective is to be present on all platforms where there is an audience that can enjoy our experiences,” he wrote. “We will, of course, continue developing on PlayStation, a platform that we know very well after having worked with Sony for 12 years, but we will also be present on all other relevant platforms.”
Especially uplay, which is just ubisoft taking its ball and leaving.
And Epic is?
Unlike Uplay and Origin they don't even have their own exclusives beyond Fornite.
All they are doing is paying out of the ass to third parties to even release games on their launchers, and they are not even permanent exclusives.
They just started and they are already struggling more than Uplay and Origin ever did.
Those two are a bigger threat to Steam than Epic.
Oh boy, thank you Epic for bringing garbage movie games to PC, what would I do without the autistic ramblings of western Hideo Kojima.
>It's a fact that Epic is a company lead by people who have no idea about PC gaming
Unreal Engine 4 is one of the most popular engines ever - pretty sure they do
>And Epic is?
Yes, it's the first time I've ever seen Steam drones in genuine fear of competition.
valve hasn't done anything good since orange box just let it die
Fortnite kids
>Unreal Engine 4 is one of the most popular engines ever
They still brought in exclusivity deals to PC, and now they are paying out the ass for obvious shilling because literally everyone hates them.
>fear of competition.
I fear the PC space getting ruined because Valve, EA and Ubisoft start doing the same retarded moves Epic is doing and start securing their own timed exclusives that they had no hand in developing, and through that having a stranglehold on the price you have to pay for the game because no third-party sellers. Fuck that shit
>Yes, it's the first time I've ever seen Steam drones in genuine fear of competition.
Probably because of the dangerous precedent Epic is bringing with their bribes.
Exclusivity deals used to be a console thing.
Why did Epic bring them to PC?
Because they have no idea about how PC gaming works.
>I'm a consumer, why would I give a single fuck about what money the devs get?
then just pirate?
Epic's practice is greatly reducing access to those who want to play the game. Games release on multiple launchers so you pick one and play them. For the most part, its steam for being less shit than the alternatives. Besides, notice how epic needs to pay publishers up front? What happens when they dont rake in those profits? Epic will suffer. This is just a pointlessly stupid gamble that pisses off the consumerbase, not achieving anything significant in the long run and setting up huge goals that absolutely have to be met. Its bullshit
If it was so good, then why do you need to shill so hard, marketeer?
Please, stop ignoring these pics that prove obvious shilling.
>genuine fear of competition.
They're removing choice.
Play this game here and only here or else fuck off for at least a year.
Also welcome to botnet, comrade.
Oh I will from now on.
Thank god Denuvo is on it's deathbed.
>Probably because of the dangerous precedent Epic is bringing with their bribes.
Do you honestly think bribes have never happened in gaming before, ever?
>Epic's practice is greatly reducing access to those who want to play the game.
Those actually interested will still buy the game - the people that actually matter - not the Johnny Comelatelies who buy the game in a Steam sale
Bought exclusivity of third-party titles on storefronts was never a thing on PC, and I'd like to avoid the space becoming more like consoles
I dont remember any third party game being bought and forced to be exclusive to one platform. Can you give some examples?
This shit is so obvious. I don't care if it's autistic shitposting for (You)s or if they're getting paid for it. These threads have been clogging up Yea Forums for weeks.
Do not quote things I haven't said.
On PC these barely happened.
Epic will ensure that they become a normal thing because Epic is a terrible company that will not develop anything more than F2P garbage and they can't build a library out of that, so they need to bribe devs in order to have something filling their store.
Then why are you complaining here like a bitch?
Oh wait, because you are an obvious marketeer.
Or they'll pirate. Or they realize they weren't THAT interested in the game, at leat not more than the other dozen interesting games that they don't have to pick up Epic cancer for.
One of us is
>doesn't negotiate with the chinese
>dota2 completely propped up by the chinese, constantly caters to them
>Epic shill gets new script >anons pick up on the same thread repeating 7-10 times >Epic shill gets new script
It's all so tiresome
>Retard who's never seen game sale charts and how they peak during sale time
>Thinking those who want to play the game would be willing to put up with chink botnet spyware
I think Epic is afraid and desperate because they have spent too much money on this and if it fails it'll hit them hard.
>Or they'll pirate.
Yes, pirates pirate. You can't reach these people
Lowering the cut won't change anything, as epic will still keep buying exclusivity.
Epic is really hoping that valve will turn and start buying exclusivity so that they can stop taking all the heat for that crap.
> With that in mind, we’ve created new revenue share tiers for games that hit certain revenue levels. Starting from October 1, 2018 (i.e. revenues prior to that date are not included), when a game makes over $10 million on Steam, the revenue share for that application will adjust to 75%/25% on earnings beyond $10M. At $50 million, the revenue share will adjust to 80%/20% on earnings beyond $50M. Revenue includes game packages, DLC, in-game sales, and Community Marketplace game fees. Our hope is this change will reward the positive network effects generated by developers of big games, further aligning their interests with Steam and the community.
Piracy is a service problem. Steam reached them. Piracy dropped a ton.
Pirates pirate when the pirated alternative is a better option - not just financially, but also in convenience and support - than spending money.
You can, but you will certainly not if you give them reasons to pirate.
Having to use a terrible launcher is a reason for that.
He's not changing goalposts, he's just a bot programmed to repeat the same lines over and over.
I do not buy post 2010 videogames, they are not worth money, and videogame developers do not deserve to make a living out of the terrible videogames they make.
Whenever a developer is fired and is unable to find a job, something good has happened in the world.
EGS is actually fantastic in one regard;
It's a near-perfect filter which lets people know which devs to avoid like the plague.
>I think Epic is afraid and desperate because they have spent too much money on this and if it fails it'll hit them hard.
Just when Valve drones predicted Apex would destroy Fortnite? Apex just got an update and it's floundering
>Epic is really hoping that valve will turn and start buying exclusivity so that they can stop taking all the heat for that crap.
>Valve too lazy to do anything so they stay the good guys in this mess
Can you imagine spending ridiculous amounts of hours laboring over a game and releasing it without doing any marketing first?
nobody would care if steam bought exclusivity. This is about being weened on steam and not wanting change.
>You can't reach these people
Strange how I stopped pirating for six years and just now started again with Metro Exodus because I couldn't buy it from GMG for the usual price I pay for new vidya
This, even the marketeer in this thread already showed his colors when he literally said he was hoping Steam started buying exclusives.
Epic has fucked it up, they made clowns out of themselves and are hoping Valve falls for the bait in order to not look so much like clowns.
This is honestly hilarious.
>Piracy is a service problem. Steam reached them. Piracy dropped a ton.
>You can, but you will certainly not if you give them reasons to pirate.
What. A fucking. Load. Of. Bullshit. Straight from the Steam drone asshole shaped mouths.
This game is on steam
It doesn't have DRM
It uses Steam features
Yet pirates still pirated the fuck out of the game.
I want to pirate because I cant afford it
Pirating a game also has disadvantages-your game build is fixed until another pirated version comes out, no bugfixes, risk of viruses from the uploader, etc. Steam made the whole thing easier and more affordable and people stopped pirating
I doubt that by now anyone would care if Valve starts with the same shit. hell, I expect them to at least add some nerw rule that, should you put your game on steam, you have to release it on the same date as on other storefronts. Buying games off Epic Store would be just fighting fire with fire tough it would be the worst outcome for the consumers.
I didn't say piracy disappeared. I said it dropped.
Backwards and negative change isn't good, and that's what epic store is.
Their approach actively harms the market by creating platform exclusivity within a platform.
No, Sekiro actually sold a fuckload.
Those who pirate these kind of games do so anyway, but Epic launcher games just give people a reason to pirate even if they were willing to buy them.
For example, I was going to buy Metro, but I pirated it when it was no longer on Steam. (And thank god I did, what a bore of a game)
Strange how people pirate Sekiro despite doing everything pirates want them to do
Shut the fuck up you mouthbreathing retards
>A game comes out
>It's pirated
That's the fucking norm you retard. The level of piracy is what you can solve by solving good services that are better or equal to piracy
Almost as if Gaben and simple common sense were riught all along. Hell, take Jobs into it as well since he realized it before with the music industry.
They won't buy exclusivity, but it would be fair that if people aren't going to release on steam that they be barred from having the game on steam for promotion.
So as I've proven, there's no pleasing piratefucks
>Oh I want it on Steam
>Oh I want it with no Denuvo
>Oh I... uhm... fuck you I'm pirating it anyway
>Shut the fuck up you mouthbreathing retards
So if one person pirated Sekiro you'd say it's the same as tens of thousands of people pirating it? Because that's the argument you're making here
>Piracy dropped a ton
Do you even know what that word means?
No, there are two kind of pirates, those who pirate shit anyway, and those who pirate for a reason.
I told you as much.
Releasing a game on the Epic launcher alone, for example, is an excellent reason to pirate games.
>not wanting change.
Yeah, going to a worse store is usually something people don't want to do. Shit has less features than Steam did even at its launch, let alone these days. Nobody but shills care about Epic either.
>Pirated Metro: Exodus because I couldn't buy it for cheap on GMG
>Did buy Sekiro because I could buy it for cheaper on GMG
Fuck off Chang, you have no power here.
>Bigger than DMC5
Something good must be happening for the Epic marketeer to be seething this much.
Oh no no no.
>he really doesn't know what dropped means
All those wasted english lessons...
What is the horror?
If tencet america edition allows that retard on their platform they would lose the 1(one) thing they have going for them, no shovelware that outnumbers worthwhile games 100-1.
That would actually be a hilarious outcome now that I think about it.
>Murder still happens
>This is okay because it doesn't happen AS MUCH
Epic being seen as the only devil bringing exclusivity into the pc market. By now even they must realize that it isn't sustainable in the long run when their biggest success are 100k sold units of Metro Exodus.
Are you implying people wouldn't be happy if murder rates were going down?
>piracy only started after the Epic Chink Launcher started its anti-consumer practices
haha :)
>10,000 people getting shot at a square is a bad as one guy shooting somebody else!
Seethe harder, epicshill
>gets called out
>doubles down on it
>thinking any company is happy with 30% gross margin
>killing 1 person and killing 10k are the same
Is that why you don't care that much about what happened in Tiananmen Square?
At least get it right. Fuck man.
Why don't you Epic shills apply that logic to source games?
Why are these always green but my screen is blue?
exclusivity would be nice next gen. Imagine if most games on all consoles and pc were exclusive? Gaming would be fun again. Maybe more games would actualy have splitscreen or local multiplayer since a lot of people wouldn't buy all consoles and have a gaming pc. It would also force kids to socialize. Remember having a playstation, and going to your friends house to play n64? Those were the days.
That's a non sequitur if I've ever heard one. Get lost, retard.
>Chink reminiscing about a childhood that didnt even fucking exist
The fact that games have to go multiplat to max their profits will tell you why your idea is total horseshit
Don't use words you don't know kid.
>Exclusivity was mentioned
>Followed up with how great that would be.
I think it's passed your bedtime.
i have no dog in this fight but i would like to say that measuring games by how many people are watching other people play them instead of, you know, just how many people are playing them is kind of retarded.
>there's a whole category for the sfw twitch camwhores
You should follow your own advice because it's obvious you didn't understand a word that was said, including your own.
it's from the archive
Because if there's still any pirates at all out there, then that means you can't reach pirates at all, doesn't matter if a ton of them stopped. All pirates are essentially the same person and just hate paying over anything else.
they tried to negotiate with him but he just ate them all and gave everybody else free hats and somehow became the ruler of china
If epic was offering what steam does they'd be taking 50%
I know that will never happen. This is why I will be pirating everything next gen an buy whatever I can't on a console only when needed. The state of gaming is shameful and I will have no part in supporting it. I'll probably just end up deleting most of the games anyway they're so shitty nowadays.
>All pirates are essentially the same person and just hate paying over anything else
Or you should google the word you attempted to use for future reference. Just a tip.
Lowering the cut means jackshit since ebin is straight up paying devs for guaranteed sales.
Luckily, the trend seems to go in the other direction. Microsoft has been getting cosy with Nintendo and started putting more games on Steam. Sony allows cross-platform play in some games and recently made exclusives available for PC, even though you have to dig them out of a toilet (Epic Games Store). If Sony and Nintendo can get their heads out of their asses, we may live to see a single platform with participation by all three of them. No more console wars, no more exclusive wankery, and hopefully more money going into the games themselves.
is it true Steam doesn't get the cut if a code if sold outside of steam e.g. physical or third party store?
Oh look, I used it correctly. You can now close the tab in shame.
A more important question is why haven't the jannies started deleting them on site, even a retard will be able to recognize this shilling pattern
A theory has been that Epic made a deal with Hiro allowing them to shill here shamelessly without constraints. Maybe they realized the fag would simply use a VPN and try again, so mods don't bother.
>implying Yea Forums has mods
Wow, can you even read? This is totally not helping you case. Just quit while you're ahead. Here's a dumbed down version for you since you obviously have no clue what all that means.
sounds counter productive, I remember a similar thing in politics when Clinton shills came in the 2016 election.
it didnt work out well for them, and there is a good chance tencent america edition will fail too.
How can people even trust the chinese? lmao
I guess you don't have to be smart to be a game dev, especially nowadays since game engines make everything for you.
>still trying to save face
You made a retarded post. Nobody will know it was you. A smarter person would take it as a lesson for the future.
>you either always pirate or you never do
Only an insect would have such a binary mindset.
I really don't care what you think, fact is, you totally used the term wrong and went out of your way to try and "save face" Now who should be taking their own advice?
Weird, that's a whole lot of posts for you not caring. Haha, who are you fooling, kiddo?
Every definition, including the one you posted, says I used the term correctly. Do you really feel like continuing? I've got food cooking. I'll be here for a while to set you straight.
what am I looking at?
>games are cheaper on EGS
Do you have any proof of this? From what I hear, they're actually MORE expensive for international buyers due to having processing fees or something.
Besides, I don't think getting a $60 for like $10 off is worth the loss of In-Home game streaming or third-party controller support, both of which I use a TON,
Please do. Someone mentioned exclusivity. I followed up on the mentioning of exclusivity. "non sequitur" definition - "a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement." My comment directly follows the mentioning of games being exclusive. So please, you get me curious.
Actually nobody believed in Apex Legends on Yea Forums. Everybody thought it will bomb because
>Muh "ugly dykes and niggers"
>Surprise announcement out the ass
Get fucked Chang. I don't have goldfish memory.
it's not like publishers see any worth in the Epic Store unless an exclusivity contract has been signed and payment changed hands; see: Microsoft releasing Halo on Steam, but not on Epic as well
Then you don't remember this
>thing happened before therefor it's okay that thing happens
the problem is not w/ the cut, but w/ open floodgate of supremely shit titles (30-30 per day) that utterly destroys visibility of newly arrived items
Have fun trying to figure that one out, I'm hitting the hay. I just hope this makes you post a little smarter. The internet is full of idiots as it is.
Yeah, and the incoherent nonsense that followed had nothing to do with the topic at hand. The amount of exclusives has nothing to do with the quality of games in general, how many of them have splitscreen or not. It would also not force players to socialize. It's just the nostalgiafagging of a balding has-been that's singling out an unrelated fact about previous gens why he can't enjoy vidya anymore.
Retreating already? Aww.
it also devalues each individual title after seeing and wasting time on hundreds of asset flips / lazy shit like picrelated, when browsing the store or recommended sections.
Dude hes gone. also you just called him a kid now youre calling him old. shut the fuck up already. maybe use a dictionary next time and do us all a favor.
>hes gone
probably because they have an army of paid shills and free drone shills to make about 15 slide threads a day saying shit like
like, imagine if this was any other industry someone was talking about. actually unfathomable
Damn right.
if epic wanted to be competitve they would release it on steam stroe and epic store but no one it their right mind would purchase it on epic store
Even if Epic Store had the best features in the world - steam drones wouldn't use Epic Store.
I'm pretty sure this is true. If you think about it it woulnd't make sense to sell your game on a site like GMG that takes a cut only to add Steam's cut on top. You'd make a profit of just 30% or less.
i would use epic but arent they spying a lot on you
I thought people didn't care? People actually use windows 10.
>Steam lowers cut
>Epic still moneyhats
>Other storefronts that sell Steam keys have less room to cut deals of their own
How is this in any way a good outcome?
It would put an end to the horror.
The fact that they haven't means they don't consider Epic a threat at this point. I find that interesting.
Not convinced.
It's a lot more complicated than that especially when you take into consideration of the flat structure that Valve operates under. Keep in mind, Gabe Newell was convinced Artifact was going to be the Half-Life 2 of Card games which is absolutely idiotic and goes to show out of touch Gabe is with the fanbase of Valve games.
>One thread
Post more you faggot
Because chinks are subhuman