Yea Forums plays Fire Emblem: Order of the Crimson Arm

>It's been a while. I've dealt with a busted computer and some shit in life, but your favourite FE player is back!
>I'm going to try once again to FINISH order of the crimson arm(tacthack)

currently, I'm on chapter 5. Let's see if I can progress with minimal casualties - but you all know who I am.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Lets go crazy.

>The fuck is Order of the crimson arm?
it's a ROMhack made by a lot of talented people who know what makes FE good. Top tier writing, top tier music, top tier character designs

The game is finished, stage-wise, but they're still writing supports.
>Who are you?
Your friendly neighborhood Nigger. I've played most non-SNES fire emblem games and several hacks. I'm the best FE player you've ever seen.

Yes, I lost Haar. Luck fucked me.

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You can do it!

any party changes? Kurtis was RNG screwed.

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looks good

alright, any boosters being used? Martel understandably has the lowest SKL thus far.
jesus christ, I hate default Yea Forums, but Yea Forums X seems to be fucking up.

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Give Sven the goddess icon, he's the only one who needs it right now


If you are using firefox, reinstall your Monkey/use ViolentMonkey and 4chanx, if Chrome, just reinstall 4chanX.

Gave sven the skill book too.

didn't work.

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Try from the website, not the Add-on place.

I literally just beat this after almost 2 months of restarting this dumb hack trying to beat it
>who know what makes FE good.
If this is what makes FE "good" then I don't want more of it. Cortez is a shit map. The rest of it felt like it was just "haha this is hard so it's good!" challenge fag pandering.
>Top tier writing
The overall plot? No. The boss dialogues? Yes.
>top tier music
The music choices are but they don't sound too good on the GBA soundfont
>top tier character designs
Yeah, they were neat.
I even made a huge autistic summary of who I used, who sucked and how I won.
Never used Martel but the only way I could get Gerwulf to be good was to support him with Katarina and funnel a lot of EXP on him since RNG fucked me with him constantly. I dunno what affinity your strategist has but I paired him up with Aceline and she became a fantastic wall.

alright, I think I got it.

new unit, an anima mage. She needs to stay alive until later. Think I can do it?

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and our even more autistic raven!

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She's not actually necessary for that recruit anymore, algimas can do it just fine

I miss my old avatar.

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RIP old avatar
he got fucking bodied and didn't try again

>Crimson Arm
Not really, its pretty tame as far as romhacks go especially comparison to stuff like Staff of Ages that uses shit like Hexing Rods, Bolting and Brave weapons on you like candy.

fuck me I love this recruitment theme.

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Listen, I had to play it with no save states or anything. I just injected a CIA into my 3DS and every video I saw of this hack, people would just abuses save states and other shit to win. I forced myself to do it legit so I wouldn't feel like I suck at FE. I enjoyed the hack more than I did FE Last Promise at least.

aww yiss

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lurking in this thread


Attached: file.png (722x532, 58K) This is the original song

so reinforcements will be appearing inthetop left. Light mages, meanwhile, will function as bandits, so I need to kill them or visit the houses FAST.

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>makes FE good
Romhacks will never compare to official games. Even 4 has better gameplay than some losers off the street.

fuck me, BASED CAVS

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Agreed. Romhacks can't compare because they're made with what some random people think just inflating numbers and making it "harder" automatically means good. Or they're just never properly play tested or thought out.

rough dude, hang in there!

so this is the power of judaism.....impressive

>kill people near house on bot left
>Put Sven just slightly above the house but out of mage range
>Next turn, fly him to the house
>use left over mov to get him out of range again
>score easy Dracoshield

Oh shit nigger it's nigger, did you get rid of your gallstones?

Sven just visited the most dangerous house.

over a year ago. my computer just died. It's stll borken, but I have a mediocre replacemnt.

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i hope you are able to get your main rig fixed soon, im glad to hear your medical troubles were taken care of

yabba dabba DAAAAAAMN

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>inflating numbers
did you make Tacthack chapter 2 look like a fucking joke?

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who's dead so far?

2 bad growths
1 great one
and then this

looks like he's not replacing the axe fighters...

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looks like you might lose this run OP


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haylyn's been dong great.

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He looked worried that he hasn't gotten any Res

most of the hard stuff is done now.

I'm streaming, but can't link it because of advertising global rules.

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>all these stats on a flier
good shit

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why is beatrice so shit?

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she's a womanlet, that's why

It's shit like this that makes me want a growth list for everyone, this shit happens to beatrice too often.

COMPLETELY forgot the download link for this.

>al still has base STR

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he's just awful, i checked the avg stats and unless he gets blessed to hell and back he is always worse than both Fighters in like every single stat. literally only useful for the Berserker crit boost

and snagging the kill, gerwulf disappoints.

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gerwulf could use some skill, not the best but its something

I love the writing in this game. This right here is such a subtle touch that just makes this so much more immersive.

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>skill and luck
if I was playing Shadow Dragon, I'd be real fucking happy with that level

yeah, but this game isn't shit.

>your actions may be rash and of questionable tactical merits

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whats the fire emblem called exactly, i bet i can find you on twitch with a little digging

just search for the original fire emblem.

I can't wait to see how big your corpse pile gets this time through

I like that at this point, we're just support and hangers-on

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What do you think of Three Houses, nigger?

Any party changes?

mite b cool. I like yellow house guy

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>nigger likes the gay nigger
Of course.

Also Martel for Gerwulf

made one change.

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>gay nigger likes the gay nigger

I like black and yellow. It's why my drukhari are painted as they are and why the original Nigger was coloured as he was.

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Should I use this now or save it?

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inb4 she gets killed by Nigger the Waifu Slayer

Use it on Swoleslav

>Nigger Is alive
It's nice having you here again, you piece of shit.

>black and yellow Drukhari
Oh shit,you're a 40kfag too? do post em if you got some time, I wanna see em

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once the stream is done. They're on my main laptop which is currently turned off.

I also have Armageddon AM, thousand sons, GSC, Fallen, and nids.


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that feels like a waste

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give it to negu

It's never a waste when it's going to the PEAK MALE FORM

Did TactHack get fully finished? Supports and all?

supports aren't done. stages are. some bugtesting and proofreading is needed, as are supports.

y'let me down bro.

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How many Good Fe hacks are there? I'm new to this.


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Thanks OP, gonna give this a try now. Older Fire Emblem games is my childhood.
You also have any other romhacks to recommend? I already know about THAT famous romhack featuring the edgy guy so cross that out.

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He's just having a bad day,give him a chance!

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recommend? Not really. Most of the hacks I've played have been shit.

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>all those gains
>no speed

>can only kill a guy with 11 HP WITH A CRIT

you suck al.

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martel trying REAL HARD to stay usable.

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>How many Good Fe hacks are there?
I don't know because 90% of the promising hacks never get fucking finished

I love chiara.

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>nigger loves a nigger

and her first meh level, but def is always good on a healer..

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But where's the fucking SPEEDAYO?
the fucking bandit is 3 points off of her.

atleast now i can say you aren't the only retard that lost Haar.

So many good units in Tacthack
Shame that you never have room for all of them

Your computer was never busted
You’ve been watching fucking Toonami on Yea Forums for months

sven nearly got bopped by this fucking fighter.

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with several, constant reloads, on a trash laptop. fuck off, delphisage.

so a bunch of wyverns spawn in the fortresses onths stage, all in places unreachable unless you fly.

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Not him but rude

Or use Boleslav’s Iron Longbow.

>pleeeeeeeeeeease get str algimas

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Better get moving, Nigger. Remember what happened to Diet when he didn't move fast enough?

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martel's real good at choking points.

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You know, in Vilk’s LP, his Algi started off shit and his MU dang blessed, only for fortunes to turn once he obtained promotion items for the lords. Knowing FE, I’m guessing the same thing will end up happening to you.


last group left

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yabba dabba DIE

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Is this where the NTR starts?



>if this other wyvern had been 2 tiles closer, I'd hav ehad a game over

fuck that was close.

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>Playing as red

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big muscles mean big heals

>get behind me, faget

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I thought you would like this nigger

me eat wyverns fast.

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Personally I found more enjoyment out of the Sacred Chairs, even if it was horribly unbalanced and Nono fucking slaps

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did that ever get finished?

About 2 weeks ago, yeah.
Yknow where to look for it

Has anyone tried SRPG studio? I know it's on steam and that Kaga made vestaria saga with it, but is it actually any good, or would it just be better to make a romhack?

Just look at that unbalance

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i was asking because for the life of me i couldn't remember mangs actually finishing his lp of it.

>algimas weaker than fucking NEGU, who was doing 5 damage per hit

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>when your lord is so shit he needs to be fed


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Algimas is a horribly balanced lord, I could barely use him in the beginning and he just fell off from there.
It didnt help that the game was so fucking boring with the whole "Bait every unit one by one because they all have complete weapon triangle mastery" bullshit


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Is his lance a really good weapon that hides his shit performance a la Roy?

>haylyn is stronger than al at this point

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it's a lance-rapier, so...kinda?

Isn't he supposed to have like a 60% Str growth?

The tactician is grossly overpowered, so I can see Why Algimas is intentionally shit

>can't even hurt the boss with his PRF weapon


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Alg is now the dedicated stat booster dumping ground

But not our LORD

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Why did they use FE7 as the base
Isnt that awfully inferior to FE8 as a base game

Crack when

so since al CANT, who should kill the boss?

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Its called Tacthack you doofus

If you mean for Vestaria Saga the jap version is actually free, and the translated version hasn't been finished yet but it will cost money since Kaga's paying a team to translate it.

As for SRPG studio itself I have no idea if it's cracked

maybe the fucking mages, you nigger

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Are we using Ernst long-term? I hope we are.
If not, give it to Chiara.

>still no speed


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Is vestaria saga any good?havent played TRS Either since im not sure if PS1 emulation is all that good on Mobile
This is considered OP in this game, god damn. Devs dont really get whats fun about FE.

To be fair, you've played this romhack like fucking 4 times.

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>magnus the red



>he thinks my onscreen plays are my only plays

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I haven't played it but I heard it's pretty decent but has all of that Kaga jank.

Also the FE5 artist did some art for it and they died a few months ago

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>Magnus the Red (Wind)

Kind of sad to see all that old fashioned, 90's fire emblem slowly die. I understand the grandpas, even if I find value in Modern FE still

>Nigger confesses to being a Magnus apologist

faggot, I play thousand sons.

who the fuck said that was OP?

Can It, and play the vidya,nerd boy!

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is this you?

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>When kaga himself said he wanted to fix the maps in Gaiden in a remake
>So Nintendo gets some guy who loves the original gaiden so much that he refuses to change the maps to direct its remake
I really wish he never left.

Last time you capped this, you just said "Delphisage.png"

Al is basically FE9 Ike with a better weapon type, right down to having a similar growth spread. They start off meh, get solid around promotion and then end up great at the end once they get their final prf.

Its like 50%. Above average for gba standards but he starts off with Lord tradition of 5 Str. Nigger's Al should have about 7-8 strength by now.

And that'll do it for the day. I MIGHT be back tomorrow, might not.

tune in around 8-9 EST.

if you stick around, I'll post my 40k armies in a few minutes.

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>Its like 50%
And yet here he is being as strength-cursed as Silas from FE14 is speed-cursed.

Oddly enough, in between Diet Nigger and this, I became a fan of TTS.

goodnight Nigger. Do you have any plans for future Yea Forums plays? The Last Promise 2 is in the works, along with Vestaria Saga's english translation.


It's basically Warhammer 40k Abridged, except since /tg/ is the audience, people don't act offended by its existence like they do with DBZA.

Text To speech, or more specifically,What if the emperor had text-to-speech. It's a serie ran by some guy on youtube that exremly vulgarises 40k lore in a funny manner.

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I love TTS
It's a parody Warhammer40k 40,000 series that explains the lore while roasting the shit out of it. Entirely self aware while laughing at stupid old lore, goofy models, and exploiting old 40k memes

Also, fuck tons of jojo references.

>I love TTS
Well, that was easy to tell, given you're the guy who indirectly got me to start watching DBZA.

Christ, I wish someone would start up a new XCom playthrough. It's been half a year since Cato Sicarius fucked up the last one.

Takahata101 voices Santodes
He's also one of the main writers of DBZA, and voices vegetables, cell, alucard, and a LOT of other characters.

>new xcom play through
Commander, is that you?

If tlp 2 is legit I’d be very i terested in trying it someday.

Fucking phone.
Meant vegeta

I might do TLP 2

Its fine. Al much like Ike has excellent promotion bonuses and chances are will more than make up for it in the end.

What are some good ways to get into FE romhacking?

So a few of you were curious about my 40k armies.

gimme a minute, most of the images are too big to post on Yea Forums.

my first ever army.

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play some, play randomizers, dick around in nightmare

Vegeta is Lanipator

It's okay, I'm spending my Friday night alone like a pathetic being anyway.

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I expect closeups so we can make fun of your paintjobs

holy shit its nigger I haven't see you since the por playthrough its good to have you back

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my guard

whoops. well, taka voices a lot of it piccolo he voices? I know he voices krillin, possibly roshi.

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s'il vous insiste.

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All those are Lanipator

Taka voices Nappa, Bardock, Super Kami Guru, Guldo, Dende, and Porunga.

Pretty sure Lani voices all those characters.

>dem Taloses
>dem Reavers
Good shit,you nigger.
God bless those who go the painful road of painting their stuff yellow.

this is unironically my favorite GBA FE in terms of gameplay
are there other hacks / fangames on this level?

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I feel even stupider

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my Sons

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There's always Kaga's other games but don't ever expect balance from a Kaga game.

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magnus still isn't done

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>I feel even stupider, says man who LOST HAAR

>didn't individually paint every stitch in his cloak
you can do better

my Fallen. kinda rush painted these to fuck with a local Dangels player

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>Thousand Sons and Dark Eldar main

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10/10 banners

you seem upset. Have you considered gitting gud?

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>maybe you're Fallen
Okay, that's fucking great.

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currently still working on these guys with all the new models.

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excuse the camera quality here

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If I made a shitty romhack/SRPG studio game filled with shitty Yea Forums memes like gheb emblem but actually tried making decent maps would you guys play it?

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final pic. It's the stuff I've painted this month. I'm currently building two more carnifexes.


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Sure why not. If the maps are good, no reason not to.

Speaking of SRPG studio, have you tried the Vestaria Saga demo Nigger?

>srpg studio
That’s hard because it runs really oddly

nope. Haven't been playing much vidya recently.

The Vestaria Saga demo ran fine for me, does it have performance problems normally?

Si vous insistez

I don't speak garbage mouth.

Its choppy in battles.

I think that's just the shitty animation rather than it actually preforming badly.

Finally, a good thread in the sea of shit that Yea Forums's lately.

When's the next X-com run, commander?

It’s literally the second language of gour entire country, you goddamn Newfie.

and only one goddamn province in the country speaks it, and they're the redneck texans of canada.

The only reason french is considered our second language is to shut the fucking frogs up.

Prove that you’re 2ndcommander.

I’m starting to wonder what other games could be LP’d on Yea Forums. Final Fantasy’s had a few occasions in the sun, with Dawn of Souls and Tactics. There’s Advance Wars, which is probably pretty easy to do and has all those Famicon games that nobody’s played. Metal Gear Acid, what with being a turn-based card/party game hybrid...

What do you think, people?

I tried doing tactics and FFV. Neither really worked. I personally didn't enjoy advance wars or shining force so I dropped them.

I had a lot of fun LPing soul nomad though(a fantastic SRPG by atlus)

Nigger did a Yea Forums plays of Soul Nomad which was fun. He also tried Advance Wars but stopped because it doesn't really allow for Yea Forums to input on how to play.

how about 3ds games

We already tried doing FE14. We all agreed it was a terrible idea.

3DS emulation isn't really there yet.

The salty fatesfaggots trying to derail the threads with porn didn't really help either. Maybe with Berwick Saga's translation is finished someone can play that.

Unfortunately, my hard drive died once again, but this time it took everything I had, including every screenshot of my last failure and also of our last victory. To make things worse, I never used a trip, so I can only prove to you all by doing a new run.
Probably tomorrow, at 1 p.m. pacific time. If the last victory was erased, it's time to just win again.

Kk. Hope to see you then. I have a bunch of new names I’d like to use.

thats the best proof of all

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It is though. Echoes is even playable now despite crashing excessively when I tried it last November.

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