Competes and kills your Steam library

>competes and kills your Steam library

Attached: depic.png (752x606, 341K)

Other urls found in this thread:

this is a prime example on why no one should have unlimited success

this is why i boycott popular things, hating things because they are popular is redpilled

>lies to you

Attached: Epic loves devs btw.jpg (697x809, 133K)

>Steals all your data and send to china.

>lies to you again

Attached: Epic Spy.png (1286x1112, 1.08M)

See lets face it, thats what the epic games hate is REALLY about. They have the wallets to fucking crush undercut steam forever and mustards are bricking one now because they just spent the last 10 years putting most of their eggs in one basket and the idea that their digital licences may not always be available, that steam is not forever, is a bit more real now.

so why would I do that again? - buy into another digital license marketplace?
I have Steam games, because it used to be the only option - now I pirate as well. There's no reason to put money into Epic with what we've all learned

does this include console players that had to make an account in order to play fortnite?

Or it could be that its anti consumer, lies to you and doesn't care about devs. Also you do realize even if Epic gets a large amount of success it will basically just be what Xbox and Sony are right? Oh wait you just love fear mongering and spreading lies so your just going to keep lying and lying until Epic stops paying you

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>it's okay when I do it! and if i just acknowledge it then it's even better!
quit posting your own work on this shit board retard

You sound nervous

How can I sound nervous when I'm typing dumbass?

... with dirty chink money.

You type nervous

>the absolute STATE of Steamcels

user you do realize that its only one year exclusivity right? Its not like they are going to stay on Epic store

At least he has the balls to say that gamers aren't the customers anymore. Investors are. We are just cattle to be milked for profit.

where's the chink money from?

Be sure to tell them “if they don’t like it, not to buy it” while you’re at it

>*Statistics may be from Chinese sources

What the fuck? George Miller isn't a bigot.

I've finally hit the point of not caring about the loss if it happens. Slowly getting that loss aversion shit. If it dies it dies, I'll move on to another hobby.

It's not, it's including console players who play Fortnite, so the statistic is meaningless.

don't ask questions just consume product

>needs 6 months to code a shopping cart


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>"...who we can buy out by using the CCP money from our industrial fraud chinese investors."

Wheres the joke

>it's okay
it is

>They have the wallets to fucking crush undercut steam forever

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This guy has beady little eyes, and they're set too far apart. Just looks untrustworthy.

Attached: Tim_Sweeney_01.0.jpg (1200x800, 103K)

And this is what an insect looks like which has to go off script since he has nothing at hand that could refute the truth.

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>They have the wallets to fucking crush undercut steam forever
Yeah underaged fags and thirdworld shits who only play Fortnite or other f2p spyware on Epic will totally crash Steam.

So this... Is the steam killer gentlemen
truly it is our darkest day

Attached: Epic Games compared to Steam.png (602x318, 136K)

I'd like to say that developers can't choose what consumers do, but given how utterly compliant most people are these days they probably can.

Mel Gibson sure is tho

And a shit ton of children that had to have they're parents make accounts for them.

Attached: symptom-chart-bg.gif (300x169, 1.88M)

he is vary ugly

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Forgot to compare shopping carts.

I mean, he's right in a way. Consumers are fickle and dumb. Voting with your wallet is meaningless against large corporations that brainwash every other retard to do what they want.

All the creators of the pop culture the fag in the red shirt enjoys were "bigots" as well.

Mel Gibson didn't "make" Mad Max, dipshit.

>storewarfags revealed to be npc bystore owner himself
>translates nicely to consolewarfags too

based fug poster

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Even ignoring all of that, the EGS doesn't have a shopping cart, a feature of literally every online store for at least 20 years.

why do we need game stores? This is the fucking internet

It includes. Console, Phone, and Pc players. Pc players being the small minorty.

That says literally nothing about them buying out games to "undnercut steam forever"
Do you fucktardseven read what you post or is it just from a general shill-link collection you have to pick one out no matter if it supports you or not?

Why do we need pirates? This is the first world.

If I where to guess what this means is that by developers deciding they will pay developers for exclusive access to games rather than let customers decide what platform to use out of their own interest.

Lovecraft is too problematic for SJWs. Like any time a nerd media outlet talks about Lovecraft, they HAVE to talk about his racism, even though it's easily one of the least interesting and least significant parts of his horror.

not even what I meant but that's even better

>less features
>still needs more memory
The spy-operations really take their toll.

Attached: 32.png (1127x955, 149K)

I actually forgot that Fortnite was available on mobile, so that just makes the statistic even more meaningless.

t. 500gb work laptop owner

>multiple stores phasing out p*orfags

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Classic Bethesda coding

How is that a (You) worthy comment? If 91.2% don't play Fortnite on PC, then asking "Do you use Steam?" is a meaningless question, since the answer to the question would effectively be the same as "Do you play games on PC?"

couldn't they fucking organize this stupid image?

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For real though what the fuck is Bethesda

Gamebryo can do everything. Even becoming a more or less functioning storefront.