Mega Man Legends 3 will happen in our lifetimes, you just gotta believe!

Mega Man Legends 3 will happen in our lifetimes, you just gotta believe!

Also let's have a fun Mega Man thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I doubt it

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I can believe that if it does, it won't be good or worth the wait

At this point I just want the closure

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why didn't it work

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>the closure
Mega Man comes back. The Ancient System happens. Mega Man stops it. He decides he solved both the mystery of his past, found Roll's Parents, and technically discovered the Motherload in MML2. Fade out from implicit romantic bodylanguage with Roll.

I like Legends, and I like their characters but the actual plot, and most of the hijinks they get up to is just distracting window dressing.

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Because you're the OP.

I have never stopped waiting.

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I wonder what a Legends Remake would be like. Maybe a legends collection remake with both 1&2 in a whole new engine and everything with new but faithful models. Give people the option of using a newer modern control scheme or let them use the tank controls if they like. I still want 3 of course but this would be cool too.

I still have no idea who the pinkhaired bitch is supposed to be or why she and her gaggle of idiots muscled their way into the plot as supposed rivals to Megaman, other than the boy is supposed to be an aged-down Barrel or something. So this chick is Roll's great-aunt or something?

Why do you insists on hurting me.

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I don't want a remake unless it adds a shitload of content. Both Legends are actually pretty short. I think I'd rather just have a new game.

>Some user probably killed himself after mm3 got cancelled before he could see it get revived

I legitimately think that "officially cancelled game being revived by Nintendo" is MM3

Shit, you're right. I didn't even think about that. I just recently replayed 1 too and it didn't take me very long at all. I guess putting both 1 and 2 into the mix might fix that though. A new game is priority though.

That's a fan theory based on the similarities of their names. Honestly taking those same facts it's far more likely that in-universe Barrett just idolizes Barrel because he's a living legend of diggers.

I don't have reason to doubt the verbetim stated reason for Barrett's development that they're a sidestep to including actual final game concepts things in the devroom. So they could have content for the demo that played into the world without actually spoiling the game like Shu in MML2 by way of MML1's Artillery.

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Holy shit. Did Aero wave, not at the camera, but at the police station where her dad works?

bros.... that doesn't look great...

I still want it, but it looks pretty rough.

>Maybe a legends collection remake with both 1&2 in a whole new engine and everything with new but faithful models.
Don't forget about Misadventures.

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>Don't forget about Misadventures.
100% serious: the only actual reason to remake the Legends games is to add a "Misadventure mode" where the player gets Tron's Gustav and robots to rob everything not nailed down.

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Classic Roll>Legends Roll>Roll.exe

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that would actually be really sweet.

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Think they'd have to heavily remix the gameplay for a new entry.
Half convinced they'd just flat out turn it into a Third Person shooter or a Ratchet and Clank clone.

Roll's giggle is everything to me

If they can add the Jap only content from the PSP version that would be nice

Honestly Legends is a TPS, and I think making it acclimate to some kind of scheme that is more Crackdown than RE5 will do it good.

I'd call it an adventure game more than anything.

They'd have to add analog controls for one. How that wasn't in the 2nd game I don't understand.

well, it was a demo

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Yes, it's not a multiplayer tactical or arena shooter. But as a matter of interface it is a game where the camera presents your character in third person and your primary form of combat is to shoot things.

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>Death, Cancelled and buried non Nintendo game
This or Scalebound are the ones I think will appear on E3

Fair enough.

Just think that the gameplay might shift enough that beyond the characters the interface might almost be unrecognizable.
Figure if it comes back it has to be a low budget title.
Probably would be pretty short.

Shit taste for people that like pudge legs.

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>Legends 3 "bad end" where they give up on Mega Man

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Is that pic a crop? If so full version please

K, so, I've only played MM2, which MM games do I play for cute girls as in pic related?

>Give up on Megaman


>well, it was a demo
And probably a legitimate actual beta. Not the "Don't you want it? It' PREALPHPA" teasers that were all the rage the last decade. But THIS is what the build was looking like 4 months before they put that out.

A demo where the build from 3 months earlier was using placeholder models.

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You can really tell this looks unfinished but most of the problems seem to stem from playing as the ponytail fuck who I never, ever liked.

The Legends series, Battle Network and Starforce have a ton of cuties

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I for one appreciated that they clearly giving him a different moveset from what was familiar to Mega Man so he would be something other than a placeholder for the hero to return. More akin to Zero and less exactly like fucking Axl.

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>mayl's navel
That is way too fucking lewd for official art

IF Legends 3 is being revived I hope they scrap Barrel as a playable character and just give all of his moves to Volnutt.
I don't want the red guy to overshadow the blue guy again.

I want to kiss that belly

Pretty sure this art is by some guy who draws loli porn with Roll.

You haven't seen anything yet.

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Nope Higuchi.

oh ok

Doesn't look like Ishikawa's art to me. Also I don't think he ever did any art of BN/SF.

My three favorites, ordered left to right in order of how much I love them. This is the best image on the internet.

>drillhair higher than roll

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cute forever flat chest

I'd be fine with it, but there better be some damn way Barrel connects back to it. If the game is Barrel for 99% and Trigger shows up at the end as a boss or whatever, that'd be disappointing.

If It were up to me, I'd reboot Legends at this point only have the Bonnes pick up Rock, not Barret

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It was, but it was so poorly-implemented that most just didn't bother with it.

Make it a twin stick game like Gears, it'd be great.
Leave the decision for the special weapons to be either taking something godlike at combat or taking utilities for digging like the drill and the bombs. That's kind of the only strategy the original had, anyway.

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The analog controls in Legends 2 are excellent for a PS1 game.

There's no fucking way that this is official art. NO. FUCKING. WAY.

This image bugs me because Sonia is the Roll of her respective series.

She's a very close second, but I like Luna's slender legs and pantyhose a lot.

That she did

All the more reason I want to happen.
Picture it, but it's part of the main game and you get upgrade parts for doing it.

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But Luna's got the name pun. Unless Lyra has some mythological connection to Earth or stone that I'm unaware of: the Earth and Moon are pretty strongly connected.

You do know Ishikawa draws loli porn, right? Which technically makes this official art, too.

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According to the Japanese naming, Geo is Subaru and Sonia is Misora. Stars and Skies. So there's that.

Didn't he get fired for that?

I want cunnyfags to stop ruining Mega Man threads

Meant for

I'm confused. You want Tron's game mode specifically to happen in a "What if" darker timeline?

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No, he still does work with them sometimes. The Mega Man Zero artist was also a loli artist, but he did loli futanari art. Capcom even let him draw Roll's panties in official art here and there.

>which technically makes this official art, too
No it doesn't, you absolute retard. That's not how it works.

He was freelance, he didn't get picked up by Capcom for like 8 years. But I have no idea if that coincided with the public revelation of that or not.

No, but it would be a great excuse to bring it back as a gameplay mechanic.
IMO I would just like a reboot at this point. I like the old controls but let's be honest, they are archaic as hell.

also I don't really see how that's really 'darker'.

to be fair, most of everything Nakayama draws is great

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is 2 better than 1?

The system already exists. If the rumors were true, then the TPS system in Ex Troopers was meant for a Legends game.

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So did volnutt have a "human" body under his suit or is he just obviously a robot? Seems like characters would have made that distinction if he was clearly just a robot.

Nice try Tronfag. Playing the Gustav is fun but Rock belongs to Roll.

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He's a Carbon, they're bio-organic androids. THey eat, sleep, shit, grow old, and die like normal humans, but can be reprogrammed, and have their body parts replaced with mechanical prosthetics at will. Volnutt uses that aspect for his combat suit and his subweapons, but all Carbons can do that too.

I don't think any of the carbons have human bodies. Their bodies are "Human" in that they obviously have organic parts, but it seems like things like bone and maybe even skin are some kind of strange hybrid like humans were at the end of ZX.
The Master was special because he was the LAST human. Which means everything from then on out was probably metal to some extent, including Trigger. Trigger was so bullshit strong because he has a little bit of The Master in him.

>I don't really see how that's really 'darker'.
First it would deprive the Casketts of Megaman and make their broken home all the more broken. Either giving up on digging or keeping it on with Roll's septuagenarian grandfather in harms way to make a living, unless of course she takes the whole enterprise herself. None there are exactly heartwarming thoughts.

Also the Bonnes would presumably be several measures more successful if Trigger was working for them, so more stuff stolen, more scuffed up police, and probably a larger better fleet of pirates to boot.

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Maybe it should play as Barrel then, idk.
I'm still not really sold on how he was going to fit into Legends 3, anyway.

It seems like you're conflating Barrett with Barrel.

I wish I was a servbot so Tron would sit on my face.

>Also the Bonnes would presumably be several measures more successful if Trigger was working for them, so more stuff stolen, more scuffed up police, and probably a larger better fleet of pirates to boot.
Sounds like fun

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Barrel is the red-haired ponytail kid, right? I think I got the right kid.
Still didn't really see how he would fit unless it's the story of him accidentally stumbling onto how to get Trigger off the moon.

Ok, cool. I thought I remembered them saying they found him as a baby but I couldn't remember if Data contradicted that later.

I guess that means all the characters in legend were the same species? Seems odd that megaman was a purifier on another planet but now he's a carbon. I know Zero and Zx indicated reploids and human became indistinguishable, but those series came years after mmo and mml2 that I find it hard to reconcile

Barrell is gramps, Barrett is the new kid.

Absofuckinglutely true.

No Barrel is Roll's grandfather who found Megaman as a baby.

Barret is the prototype's playable character. From the prototype rundown he was just going to run missions for Roll so she and Tron could get what they need to complete the rocket. Not find a "Land the Elysium" button in the ruins.

>Ok, cool. I thought I remembered them saying they found him as a baby but I couldn't remember if Data contradicted that later.
They did, he got reset after Sera got her teeth kicked in the first time.
Data came with him in the pod as his 'memories'.

If Trigger is the same species as the carbon is a big question mark. Trigger is a purifier unit (He's literally called 'Irregular Hunter' in the Japanese game, so he shares the same role that X did). Carbons are just carbons.

I kind of wish the development lab thing worked out.

So give it to me straight gentlemen. What are the actual odds of this game happening with Capcom's recent streak and the game downright being an unfinished Nintendo title? Megaman has been doing pretty well lately so I'm hopeful, but I don't want to get on the hype train just to be hurt. I played through BN, SF, Zero, ZX, X1-4 and the Legends titles just recently and out of all of them I really enjoyed the adventure aspect of Legends. 3D Megaman was fun.

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You have to remember, Mega Man Legends and ZX were Inafune's baby. The only reason those games were getting sequels at all during that time is because he was CEO and he could start development on anything he wanted.
That isn't to say they're not good, I certainly was looking forward to Legends 3. That said, I don't think we're going to be seeing sequels in those formats anytime, ever. Legends 3 will probably always be a dead project and ZXA will probably never get a sequel

Lost Planet is another. Which is a shame because I think there was real potential there.

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Not with Conman gone. All you can hope for is Mighty No.9 Legends (Red Ash)

It was a great idea but they released nothing open-source. No engine code. No enemy behavior. Nothing.
It's like being asked to redesign a friend's house, but he never lets you inside. Instead occasionally showing you a picture of what the inside looks like every three months or so.

Then at the end he throws a fit and screams "I GIVE UP, YOU'RE NOT HELPING ME AT ALL".

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People act like Legends 3 can't happen, solely because of Inafune's absence but it truthfully doesn't matter. Capcom can do whatever they want.

I'm still not convinced that it's still happening.

Purifier Unit was his role/job within the Master System, like Maverick Hunter is for X and Zero. He was tasked with searching for Aberrant Units and eliminating them. That's why his elimination of Juno in MML1 was a "legal" event within the Master System. Trigger was told by the Master to take the Master's genetic sample, which would be used by the Mother Units to clone a new race of humans after performing the Carbon Reinitialization Program, and flee with it, to stop the Carbon Reinitialization System from progressing and allowing the Carbons to retain control of Terra.

Sera wanted to follow the Master System though, and followed him from Elysium to Terra to take the Master's genetic sample back. Sera and Trigger fought, which ended in a stalemate. Yuna appeared and sealed Sera within the Forbidden Island, and Trigger within the Nino Island ruins. Trigger's body was totally scrapped by the end of the battle, so he induced a 'factory reset' to revert him back to a baby, transferring all his data files to a robot monkey he created, Data. Data is literally Trigger's backup memory, with ears and a tail, who can't cook pizza. Barrel Casket one day broke into the Nino Island ruins secretly, and discovered the sleeping Trigger and Data, and adopted Trigger as his grandson, renaming him Volnutt. Barrel's granddaughter Roll decided to name him "Megaman" after her favorite videogame character, or depending on your soures Barrel named him Rock to make a pun with Roll's name. This is the Megaman we know today.

Volnutt's memory as Trigger has since been restored by Yuna after Megaman took serious damage in his fight against Geetz and needed the backup memory to recover. Given how often he appears with organic limbs without his armor on the Flutter, he's likely a battle-oriented Carbon instead of a civilian Carbon like the Bonnes or the Caskets are.

would be a great time to start up the devroom thing again and just say "okay, here's the code to the beta, go nuts"
but this is Capcom and not some madman indie studio

While you're correct, there's also the fact that Legends 2 (and IIRC Legends 1) only happened because of Inafune. Capcom wasn't interested in persuing them at all.

That's true. The only reason I could see them being interested in reviving it now is because they want to cash in on Megaman's hype to the fullest. 11 and the X Collection did pretty damn well.

>You have to remember, Mega Man Legends and ZX were Inafune's baby
I have to say, in the strongest possible terms: it was not his 'baby' of any artistic expression that seems to imply. Well I don't know anything really in depth about Mega Man ZX but Zero was so far removed from Inafune's creative development he didn't even do any commentary in the OCW, I doubt he got more involved for ZX but that's just a feeling. To the point of Legends Inafune was indeed the only muscle on the side of the series from a production/bookkeeping side, and that's not nothing.

Inafune himself repeatedly stressed when questioned in interviews that he felt no more ownership of the Legends series than he did as a fan of the work. This in the years before he even considered announcing MML3, not just trying to spare the project after he decided to quit. The Legends Material Artbook contains none of his work if he did any concept art, and only had two comments attributed about the general conception pieces where his printed words say the same thing: he's amazed what the team did with all the freedom that was afforded to them and wishes to only see more of their vision.

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I wish. unfortunately capcom loves money and millenials are losing interest in the IP. zoomers never cared for megaman either

I was carrying the story that Capcom made a deal with Sony, known to demand 3D games. Which allowed them to release 2D Mega Man titles on the PS1 but with an assured 3 titles of 3D Mega Man. Then Capcom made the most of it by releasing fucking every other Mega Man game as an enhanced port in Japan.

Was that just bullshit?

I'll never understand the "but it was his baby and thus it's likely not happening" excuse. Like yeah he pushed it forward, but even without him it could still be produced if Capcom ever so chose to go through with its development. The main issue is the fact that there's not enough demand for the game. That's why Classic and X are the only things still relatively marketable MM wise.

It's never really said what the Master really did to make the Carbons. Other than destroying whole colonies to test iterations. But since no one in-universe can see any real difference between the System's Servator and Mother units and Carbons I think the lines that are drawn are a matter of features. Obviously carbons don't transform suddenly into giant mecha dragons. I also don't recall anyone specifically identifying Mega Man Volnutt as a Carbon. Juno who gives a quick glance identifies him as a Purifier Unit still, but the body modifications he does seem pretty similar to other diggers like Tiesel .

Yuna and Sera trade bodies with nanomachines and Yuna is able to permanently take over Matilda. Yuna uses them to heal people that wander onto forbidden island before moving them off the island. She also interfaces with Volnutt in a similar way to heal him and help him recover some of the memories Data was storing.

Which leads me to think line about all of them being generally the same species is right. They're the same general human analogue reploid or something like that, but Carbons had the biogenic development patches. Though to be clear that was not ever explicitly stated. Their abilities to interface with one another, and how no one notices Volnutt or Sera are Ken and Barbie dolls suggest they might appear for all measurable ways to be the same as Carbons. Down to the... uhh male and female connectors.

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I'd rather have them decide to screw the whole of the input process. Not just because Capcom said they planned to never do that kind of open development again in the one question they actually answered about the cancellation. But because I don't think the community can stand Capcom leading on this with a whiff of a promise. They failed to meet a deadline they set for themselves 4 weeks from the announcement of that release and tried to bury that under disingenuous slight of hand.

They'd be better off doing what the BBC did with the Enemy of the World and announce it the same day they release the thing. The game in this case. So the fanbase's zeitgeist can't turn a miracle into bitching about minutia of not specifically getting what they want

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Goddamnit OP, and I was about to go to sleep, why you gotta make a legends thread?

>The Ancient System happens
So what IS the ancient system anyways? I don't remember seeing anything ressembling that in the ZX games.

Im ok with that

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Its almost megaman law that there has to be a red colored secondary character in the series; Protoman, zero, protoman.exe and then this chump.

It's a control system that controlled Elysium and Terra before the Master System was implemented over it. After Megaman defeats Sera and she relinquishes control of the Elysium, the Old/Ancient System comes online instead, sending the Reaverbots into a frenzy and opening up countless new ruins on Terra. It's much more dangerous than the Master System was, especially because neither Sera nor Yuna are in control of it. However, it also opens up the possibility that the Mother Lode is still out there somewhere, among the new ruins. So it's a good time to be a high-class Digger.

Remember, everyone in this world is half robot. Gramps has a fucking mechanical head with robot eyes and Tiesel bon looks like a reploid.
I just assume everyone thinks that's just how a normal "human" is supposed to look at this point.

So one thing that got me about the apparent plan the space station robots were supposed to carry out-- After they killed all the carbons on the planet were they supposed to reclone humanity or something? and if so, did they have all the human's minds uploaded/saved or something, or did they just plan to raise a bunch of baby humans to adulthood?

is low poly E rated content really bad for advertisers?

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This is why all of ZX attempting to allude to Legend fails.They can't actually explain anything about what the future does, because that spoils the potential bridge. For the game's purpose it did stuff that the Master system did and before that was implemented. Whatever the crap that was that required giant patrolling death robots. If the Elysium was a part of it it likely is much newer than anything seen in ZX.

But for the plot of Legends 3 it's important that the Carbons were created after the Master System was in control, and that they aren't a part of it: likely constitutes a threat to them. I mean who would program a global control system to recognize "unknown robots with a wife and kid just trying to make it through the day to eat a hot meal"?

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yeah my question is more "Where did this come from?" since there wasn't anything like that listed in ZX or zero series and if a massive cataclysm/war occured in ZX to flood the world I can't see them having time to create a giant master system for the world while everything was going to hell.

That's what I'm going on about.

That's where the archeology portion of the games come in. According to out of game documents The Mega Man Legends games are set -AT LEAST- in the year 8XXX and could be uncountedly farther. There's absolutely no accounting for the ludicrous passage of time what might be remnants of older civilizations, conflicts, or have been placed here because the Master thought it might be interesting to give the race he created a goal to accomplish.

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Said giant master system could have been some simple thing that was created to control a lot of robots at once to help rebuild the world.

True, but damn drill tsundere bunny had more screen time than Sonia did. So she might as well be the best supporting cast than Sonia will ever be.

Alright, the truly important question: Roll or Tronn.

Roll. Tron pissed me off to no end at Manda Island and instilled a grudge that lasted the rest of the game.

Hmm, thinking about it, it could actually be plausible that the carbons were made as a slave race by true humans to rebuild the world with reaver bots as slavemasters and the carbons rebelled.

That's the point of the keys and library in MML2. Sera wants to get at the humans DNA in the archives to clone them and repopulate the human race. They didn't have memory backups of the human race and nothing more than cold data to bring them back. That's, as far as I understand it the game's hard SciFi plot in a nutshell.

The humans raised in Elysium were able to access unlimited resources and were clinically immortal. They literally had to want to die to make it happen. And they all did because life became so sterile in that environment. The Master longed for the humanity they lost when achieving this Utopia and spent thousands of years engineering Carbons to develop, live, age, die, get sick, comfort one another, fall in love and have kids, and more to have that kind of connection. In doing so he got these robots to gain humanity, as he saw it.

Sera and the Elysium System however saw humans as a mechanical piece that it was their purpose to manage. They were concerned about recreating humans from their building blocks. In order to fulfill the goal of the Elysium to maintain and provide for Humans. They were willing to fight and die for the protection of humans as measured by their DNA and assumed it was that which would preserve the human race. In the same sterile environment by sterile robots to fill the function of being in charge of those robots. Even more emotionless of an environment that had the species die of ennui in the first place.

The Master pointedly DID NOT want the Elysium to raise people that way, even though it would mean the death of his entire race, and ordered Trigger to destroy the System and save the Carbons after he felt they were adequate human analogues to replace what had been lost.

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I don't know, she raises a good point about how much roll charges me out the ass for upgrades...

They were originally meant to be temporary occupants of the planet, to test its livability and ecosystem until humans retook the planet. That's why the Carbon Reinitialization System exists. It was the Master who decided to change his directive and instead not revive humanity, leaving the planet to the sub-race who toiled so hard to live on it instead.

True, but money is rarely a concern unless I'm doing the full Light Megaman > Dark Megaman > Light Megaman thing and wasting time. Also, Roll's upgrades are high-quality and won't break down, like Tron's uogrades and machinery do so often.

You think there's a single other person on Earth that can upgrade a Shining Laser to have infinite energy? She can charge those prices 'cause she's the only one that can do the job.

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>that feel when roll remembers that you shot at her

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It's not 'a point' at all, it's an insult, couched behind a lie, and based on conjecture. Which itself is not even good by my read since Roll's prices don't outpace the cost of the Junkstore in 1 with anything. Except by 30% twice when making Infinite Energy generators for the weapons she initially makes weapons out of whatever she had laying around, and literal garbage that Volnutt brings her. Which still, unmodified, tend to tear through Tron's robotic pirate vessels even without investing more into them.

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Roll sold all of Mega Man's stuff without asking. Tron had that annoying crab robot. The real answer is Matilda.

How right you are.
>Gorgeous women all around the seires
>The four middling teens are the only ones that get any fanart.

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He looks more like the protoman of legends. Protoman didn't exactly get top billing.

Also you are ignoring the fact Volnutt is on the fucking moon. If they want to segue into his portion of the game later I think that makes a lot of sense.

>Mysterious tower-like Reaverbots wander the wastelands
>Attack one and it turns into a zombie Reaverbot and starts rushing you
Scared the shit out of me when I was younger

You'll get your Megmaan 12 and you're gonna like it.

>Don't know where to progress
>Everyone says talk to Roll
>But Roll's in the shower and she likes to take long showers
>Nothing else will progress
>Know you're gonna get hit
>But you have to walk in on her to get things moving again
>Roll notes how weird it was that you walked in on her showering, like you did once before on Kattelox Island when she was getting dressed

I remember trying to grab her ass and getting slapped around.

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>bought a 3DS the day after MM3 announced
>literally never opened it just sitting in my basement
>gathering dust in the dark and the cold like my dreams and hopes

It was then. Exactly that moment of cancellation that I ceased to be a child. Ceased to have faith. Ceased to belief in a world where good things happen. That is the moment I joined /k/ and /pol/ and began to hate everything.

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I mean yeah, I still would.

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Yes, but I still want MML3.

I remember that differently

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This. Come on Roll, I'm not trying to play grab-ass, just let me move you to a place outside combat so I can kill the murderous robots trying to kill you without you getting hurt.

The grab-ass can come later

I want to hate her but I cannot.

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Human thots have nothing on her. No wonder Megaman wanted to destroy the system.

I'm not a rocket surgeon.

What is the probability of randomly answer every question correctly?

100 question, 4 possible answer each, every failure sets you back to start.

Attached: 1536896532719.jpg (480x480, 29K)

There is a point where hope starts to be unhealthy if its let out to rot




>have the freedom to program hundreds of people on thousands of islands with unique twists on themes, historical memories, and status quos
>One of them is run by a woman that acts like she's on a quiz show for 1960s-1990s rock music.
Who can stop this madman?

Attached: Master Sera Data Napo.png (600x800, 581K)

>she is quite literally the Jojo's reference of his creation

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Hope's pretty cool too I guess.

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I don't think I'll live long enough for technology to advance to the point where travel to alternate dimensions is possible, but I'd still like to dream.

If they keep doing these collections then new games (based on rumors) I think it's important to understand the pecking order. Here's the ladder of importance of the series as I see it. This follows the same general order based on several criteria: -the length the series was active in overall years, -total number of releases, -relative sales.

Mega Man Classic
Mega Man X
Mega Man Battle Network
Mega Man Zero
Mega Man Star Force
Mega Man Legends
Mega Man ZX

I'd probably even rank the Classic spinoffs above Legends. Rockboard, Battle and Chase, Power Battle, and so on. It's been almost 10 years since Zero so I imagine we might get a Battle Network, Zero, and Star Force collection before Legends has a turn up at bat. Then maybe they can extrapolate interest to see if going ahead with Legends 3 is an idea worth considering. Which I don't imagine will be before 2022

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It won't happen. MML was the only series in the franchise that was 100% Inafune. It was his baby. They probably want to leave it to rest forever.

Wait did they finally admit that the dude is a time-shifted Barrel Caskett?

No that guy's just confused.

I have no idea what people like you base this on. Legends was the first series Inafune didn't provide art on, he did not provide creative direction of his own admission beyond initial conceptual development, and he didn't lead development of any of the games.

Having passion for it doesn't make it his alone. The series is a developer favorite because the teams loved working on it and a reason they keep referencing it in other games they are actually making.

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The only way I'd get a Zero collection is if it came with ZX and ZX Advent. Otherwise, I'm fine with the DS collection.

He's not red though. The only proto-manish thing about him are the googles.

Attached: MML3-Barrett.jpg (1152x2670, 734K)

grasses on
>red hair
Red helmet
>white shirt
White shirt to contrast red

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His motorbike, the childish ne'er-do-well style gang member's extension of himself is though.

Attached: Barrett and Aero.jpg (800x1000, 72K)

Wait EX Troopers got patched?

I assume he's supposed to be an edgier realisation of the scrapped digger character who was supposed to be looking into the ruins at the same time you are. Despite being scrapped he made it into the game he's the blonde guy in the junk shop. I actually don;t really see the "blatant Zero stand in" vibe people seem to get from Barret.

I love this cutting room floor stuff.

What about that? I love this guy. He wasn't scrapped: he was all over that game. He spends his time doing research about the runes from the surface because the mayor didn't give him the pass Megaman got. He helps Barrel uncover secrets about the Main Gate by sharing his notes in the library with him.

Attached: Art.jpg (426x412, 31K)

I feel like they're wasted on ML3 and would be better suited to their own game.

Going to see Megaran live soon. Do you think it is appropriate to wear a Protomen Protoman motorcycle helmet?

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I feel like all those answers are somewhat correct.

Yeah but he was apparently supposed to be more rival-y even going after Roll's affections but ultimately his role was pretty much toned down to just an NPC with a unique model.

A Megaman-style helmet might be more appropriate, given the context.

They won't let you into the place if you go in with a full face mask on.

Why does she stand like that?

Because Dr Lights a creep.

Was going for Mc Frontalot. Looked at the scheduling and saw Megaran behind him and nearly lost my nut. That Splashwoman song just fucking does it for me.

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Can I go open face and ID and put it on after? Don't go to many concerts.

It can't be helped.

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Giving them their own game? I feel like that's less likely to attach as a good idea. We really didn't get to know much about Barrett because all the prefab focus was on Aero. Which I feel was a point to smokescreen the developers to have something to say and update on without giving the developing game away.

I feel like their whole shtick is pretty much "What if Jim's gang from MML1 actually could do something", and fits the kind of setting that Legends has. I mean there's plenty of random odd looking characters in the other games with only short side plots or none at all that just kind of serve to show other things happen around the city/cities.

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Probably not. Something about masked people in croweded spaces makes people uneasy.

Also it's fucking hot. It gets hot at concerts. You won't want to wear it after like 5 minutes.

Both Lost Planet and Dead Rising were built with a potential DASH/Legends sequel in mind. It's really apparent with LP. It's pretty much a DASH/Legends games with mechs.

>toned down to just an NPC with a unique model.
I get you're saying he wasn't competing with the player in ruins and trying to woo Roll. But I'm pretty sure for the main plot of the game. Which to be clear is not in focus most of the time with the Bonnes around: but rather the gates and subcities and the history of Kattleox. For that he's the single greatest source of information before Megaman just trips Juno's wakeup alarm. Even then he gives more than any other character with voiced dialog. You just have to find him.

Attached: Legends 3 giving.jpg (1200x783, 259K)

If you go complete monster her dairy gets pretty fucking bleak. Like she mentions getting hit but if you really go after her she outright says it felt like you were aiming for her.

I played Lost Planet and it didn't remind me of MML at all. I still don't buy that EX Troopers related to Legends 3 at all since only PRINT ARTISTS overlap in the staff between the two games.

>want to wear it
Sacrifice is the eternal truth. It is written into the very fabric of the universe. You cannot gain something without giving something in return. I will sacrifice some comfort to bring my experience to another level and heighten the experience of those around me seeing a Protoman helmet among them. In return I sacrifice head heat comfort and brain cells for the drugs and liquor I will consume. Which in turn sacrifice money and long term organ health. Ect ect ect.

I want to fucking jam out, with a heighten drug fueled experience for a night, and I'm willing to pay that cost.

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I apparently missed a whole dialogue chain where he's with Barrel despite meeting him at the library and on the plains a few times. And I'd honestly thought I'd scoped out most of the games quests too (Even that little girl who hangs out in the otherwise abandoned Cardon Forest).

I really liked the Zetasabre that her broken Z-Saber is made into. I-frames on attack, final upgrade has infinite energy, and it's a melee weapon. It was my favorite subweapon, I even used it on the Sera fights.

Goddamnit, I missed out on the Megaman thread because I was too busy playing Megaman.

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MML2 should be a long, grating, depressing series of events if you look at it from Roll's POV.

Her Grampa goes to team up with some other digger to try to get the Mother Lode
She thinks she sees her mom just as she sees grampa get maroon on Forbidden Island, where her parents were lost.
But Data forces an emergency landing on a nearby island.
On this island Roll finds plans her dad made and the man with them, Joe, refuses to tell her where he got them. This man is Roll's dad but he has amnesia and a new wife and family.
Roll then sends the last significant person in her life to try to rescue her grandfather in an experimental ship based on the design her parents used, but were lost in.
Mega Man actually started the search for the Mother Lode, or so she thinks, and they peruse it.
Assuming all goes well after that she next comes back in contact with Joe. Where we see he remembers Roll but now actively chooses not to let her know he remembers her.
However when they collect all that the ancients asked for; they attack and put all their lives at risk, and Mega Man dies for a little while. After that Roll's mother comes in and explains she's actually a robot posessing her mother, and mentions that everything everyone knows about their own race is a lie programmed into their culture and that they're all artificial creations serving at the whims of allpowerful angels that now want to kill all of them.
She then begs Mega Man to stand up and go save everyone's life. And that's the last she's seen of him. Only Data made it back explaining how he got trapped after saving her.

That's without Tron being catty, or the player making Megaman willingly not just be a dick to her, but actively try to harm her

Attached: MML2 Breakfast.jpg (600x450, 82K)

Some of the NPC models are obviously recycled from it.

Kattelox Island was such a kino setting. I like the areas in the 2nd game, but they aren't as fun.


I'd say it's at least 50/50. Capcom did just give us MM11, which shows they aren't abandoning the series, and we've got both the original and X series all in two big collections. They'll probably port the Zero series at some point, and maybe the Battle Network games. Of course, I'm curious if they'll continue X at some point since that left on a huge cliffhanger.

did that really happen? wow...

the plot THICCNESS

Designs are reused but not copied. That's a key detail.

Designs for NPCs were clearly reused from Mega Man Legends when making the Battle Network sprites. That doesn't really prove anything more than the art (again the only credited connection in this case) was referenced, not that MMBN runs on MML assets.

I believe doing that gives a huge boost to Roll's affection meter, and it's a mandatory event too.

I want to calibrate Roll's Rolls.

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I just feel like that they're doomed to be immediately overshadowed by the proper cast and it's a shame because Aero is cute. Cuter than Roll and Tron

Yosyonke (Or However you pronounce it because Roll only mentions the name in like one cutscene) is max comfy.

Just wish it was a tiny bit bigger.

>worked as a mechanic at one point
>know how fucking insanely hard it is to get grease and oil off the body
>the eternal lube of motor oil
Stop making me masturbate you fucks. It smells and is lube in name alone better then nothing but it chaffs like a fucker if you're about it.

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I swear the guildmaster of Nino Island is a crazed lunatic. The dude has his finger on the self-destruct switch the moment Glyde's forces show up and unless you haul ass he will kill everyone with that button the moment a single birdbot enters the facility. The Nino Ruins are not worth killing an entire island of innocents over protecting, moreover because the Nino Ruins do a damn good job of defending themselves as is.


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Joe is the only really rough part. Even back in the day when the game released I thought it was going to be fucking awkward when Yuna finally gives up control of Matilda's body. The dissolution of a family and dealing with the aftermath is really heavy stuff for a goofy funtimes animu harem comedy game. As for the rest, once he wakes up with Trigger's restored memories but reaffirms that he's still her same old Volnutt it's a done deal. Tron's a nice girl but you can't beat that kind of bond.

>Now that Volnutt is fully his own person I've always secretly wanted Data to upload himself into a spare Purifier body to show us what he was really like at the height of his abilities

Assertive Roll Caskett should be illegal

It's her final relationship-related event I think. After that entry I think you get the "I love Megaman/What happened to my sweet boy" final entries. Also Data's doing this shit on purpose because he's a fucking bro and ships them

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A part of me still believes, but the rest is still hurt by what happened.

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Nothing would would bring me greater joy Do not feel arousal from the thing I've done it is like saying a Mario player should live pipes when in reality it is like scrubbing the nasty filthy scum and ball sweat and old makeup and hair or an old pipe.

Pick one to delete forever

Attached: __kalinka_cossack_ciel_shirogane_luna_hibiki_misora_sakurai_meiru_and_etc_ryuusei_no_rockman_and_etc (1260x788, 971K)

Attached: 2628142_-_Mega_Man_Mega_Man_Legends_Roll_Caskett_edit_konno_tohiro.png (823x1100, 411K)

All that blood flushing to your penis is really doing a number on your brain

I don't even know who anyone is past Kalinka, Caskett and Tron. You should probably make this more difficult

While my memory sucks, the MML3 cancellation is the oldest thing that I remember actually being on Yea Forums for, because I remember how mad everyone on Yea Forums got about it. I remember playing the PS1 games on an emulator a few years later, though I never got round to finishing MML2.

Well nobody said you had to get hard watching lugnuts being tightened or oil being replaced.

Attached: Keira worked up a sweat.png (1624x1500, 670K)

2011 was pretty depressing for a lot of people since you had a lot of games canceled and dreams dashed.

Misadventures is quite underrated desu. But that's fair since it's a pretty short game, but I like how it doesn't force you to do any of the missions you like the least so long as you can get the money for the debtors.

I remember how I got stuck on the battle with Glyde near the end because I wasn't aware of how to switch the mech's parts and he was quite tough.

I'd have like to see how they handled Yuna/Sera's bodyswap deal. It'd've been tough to just stick with Sera in Yuna. I'd imagine they would try to reverse that ASAP

Was that because of that Japanese tsunami that happened that year?

Fine, you can only save one, the rest are replaced by bland, faceless NPCs in their games. Same goes for any art they have.

I mean it's a minigame collection with a plot that lasts 1 hour. I really wish there was just a free play mode.

I recognize
>Roll Caskett
>Tron Bonne
>Mayl Sakurai
>Sonia Strumm
>Luna Platz

Yep. While Capcom never cited it for their cancelation of Legends 3, there were quite a few other games that got the axe from the disaster like pic related.

Attached: Bumpy Trot 2.jpg (685x513, 132K)

Post the full version.

>we got VTMB2 before another MML games

it's not fucking fair bros. I want my childhood back too

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I think I heard about that game, though I never played it. Wasn't it called Steambot Chronicles or something?

Why is she so perfect?

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Original game was, yea.

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>Roll: MegaMan walked in on me while I was in the bath... We haven't talked much to each other since then... I'm sure it was just an accident, but he did something like that last year too, now that I think about it. What if he's doing it on purpose? I don't know what I would do if he is...

I assumed they would immediately go get her a new body. Elysium is now "good" and the old shit that it was built to guard against is what's waking up, so there's no reason they don't have control over damn near everything off and on-planet. Hell, I don't even see why Gatz couldn't be brought back up online either considering Elysium tech seems capable of wireless, instantaneous backup given what Juno says. I'd assume the opening of 3 would have some exposition explaining that shit was getting mildly crazy on-planet, like new islands cropping up with ruins full of shit like nothing the Digouters/Diggers had ever seen before, but that the "old" ruins and Reaverbots were also waking up en masse but now seemed to be friendly to humans, trying to keep the crazier, older shit at bay.

>that one entry that talks about how she loves Mega Man that you can read before leaving to Elysium
>remember that you'll never EVER see her again

Attached: 1552350145678.jpg (960x720, 79K)

Remember that Juno specifically organized his backup, and Data killed him for good by rerouting Eden's command control to Trigger, and requesting the deletion of Juno's backup data. Sera is the Mother Unit of Elysium, so her deleting Gatz was likely without a backup being made, to spite Yuna. The guy was just a program when Sera killed him.

Thanks for reminding me man.

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I guess so considering Sera was taking shit pretty fucking personal for a supposedly emotionless perfect mommybot, but it also doesn't really make sense that Data would still have so much control over a system that should be utterly hostile to anything coming from Trigger. It should have set alarms off everywhere and woke Elysium the fuck up, which I guess it did given 2's story, but still.

That's actually a misconception. The bathroom scene is a bonus scene you get if Roll's affection is high enough.

>>Favorable (>= 16384):
>Roll sounds nice to MegaMan when talking to him
>10% discount for upgrading Special Weapons
>Roll's bathroom event unlocked (only once in game)
>Roll will write she loves Megaman in her diary at the end

>>Normal: The status when the game begins. Nothing special happens (-16383~16383)

>>Unfavorable (Roll sounds cold to MegaMan when talking to him
>10% price increase for upgrading Special Weapons
>Roll's bedroom depression event unlocked (only once in game)
>Roll will write about how she hopes the kind Megaman she once knew will come back soon

And for increasing her affection:
>Repair the Flutter: +3000
>Give Roll the Stuffed Doll: +3000
>Give Roll the Cushion +3000
>Give Roll the Model Ship: +5000
>Purchase the Toilet Cleaner: +1000
>Purchase the Vase: +1000
>Purchase the Houseplant: +1000
>Purchase the Comic Book: +1000
>Purchase the Painting: +1000
>Purchase the Wallpaper: +1000
>Purchase the Game Cartridge: +1000
>Donate 10,000z to the Church: +10
>Donate 50,000z to the Church: +100
>Donate 300,000z to the Church: +1000
>Donate 1,000,000z to the Church: +10000
>Comfort Roll when speaking with her during the bedroom event when affection level is "unfavorable": +10000

>if you're a monster she instead writes about how awful Volnutt's been and that she doesn't know how he turned out that way and how upset it makes her

It's because the system recognized the legal transfer of ownership through Trigger slaying Juno.

>Data: "Interrupt command! Priority command rerouted to Purifier First Class Megaman 'Trigger'. Under suspicion of malfunction, Bureaucratic Unit Third Class 'Juno' has been deactivated by Megaman Trigger, as per Ordinance 103. Megaman Trigger hereby requests the indefinite postponement of the previous Reinitialization order and the deletion of Bureaucratic Model Juno's backup data. Trigger hereby assumes all bureaucratic authority for the district, and will petition Mother for guidance at a future date."

A Purifier Unit terminated an aberrant Bureaucratic Unit, and assumed its administrative duties. Eden acknowledged this transfer of ownership as legit.

>"Megaman! Megaman! Are you okay?"

ML Roll had the cutest voice ever.

What's the depression event

Attached: awawawawa.png (1914x1052, 1.55M)

And for decreasing affection:
>Sell a Picnic Lunch: -5000
>Fail the Intro Stage (Data gets burnt to a crisp): -5000
>Attack Roll in the Calinca Tundra: -100
>Attack Roll in the Calinca Tundra until she falls to her knees: -1000
>Shoot down the Flutter in the Nino Island mission: -10000
>Further depress Roll when speaking with her during the bedroom event when affection level is "unfavorable": -5000

The bedroom scene replaces the bathroom scene if Roll is currently in the "Unfavorable" category. Cheer her up to get a boost, be an ass to make her affection drop even lower. But the bathroom scene itself doesn't change her affection any, it's just a reward for having her affection be in the "favorable" category by then.

Instead of take a shower, Roll will go to her bedroom and lie on her bed depressed. Talk to her and she'll ask you a question. Either answer will progress the plot and make her go back to the bridge, but you can either be nice and increase her affection, or be an asshole and decrease it further.

I know the script, but that Trigger unit is Public Enemy #1. He's literally solely responsible for the modern Carbon world that Elysium seems to barely tolerate, and suddenly after however many years he shows up fucking with a local watchdog bot? The correct answer would have been to nuke the island immediately unless the Master gave Trigger access/control that even Sera couldn't countermand

2 sort of raises more questions than answers in this regard.

See Data accesses the system after Juno blows Trigger off as just a purifier unit and takes direct command. The problem is that in the context of Megaman Legends 2 trigger IS just a purifier unit and nothing more and really shouldn't have been able to do shit on Kattlelox under Juno's direct command. The only explanation that would work is that Juno was actually insane and didn't realise that he gone abhorrent (aka Legends Maverick) so didn't think that Trigger would have the authority to kill him for seemingly doing his job making the whole things sort of a horrible misunderstanding. The second game explains it's biggest mystery by not actually explaining it.

And the protoype anthro units who lived undergorund. Welp.

Don't forget that Sera wasn't in control of Elysium during the events of MML1, she was imprisoned on the Forbidden Island by Yuna. Elysium was acting on autopilot, and it was possible Eden was operating on its own subsystem too.

Attached: Roll's ass.jpg (1200x1474, 318K)

According tot the story Yuna gave no fucks about Megaman and had jurisdiction over Earth shit.

>she was imprisoned on the Forbidden Island by Yuna
Now this I forgot, as in they had their final fight on-planet and that Yuna has been keeping Sera on standby this whole time, and I think Yuna's exposition all came at the dead end of the game. Damn I need to go back and play 2 again.

I made this in Blender!

Attached: blender_SB2EhPSsnf.png (870x870, 685K)

Its cute user, good job!

Attached: 1551328593703.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

Looks good!

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Is he gonna save us bros?

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Could you forgive her after this?

Attached: IMG_20190323_015001.jpg (240x340, 26K)

After a small punishment, sure.

Attached: Roll butt.png (520x584, 23K)

Just wear the helmet until it grows back

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What was so great about mml? All i remember is strafing and holding the shoot button on every encounter


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Bleh. I hate the helmet in Legends. It looks awful

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I agree, but what else can you do when Roll fucks up and shaves off a huge chunk of your hair?

Built for anal.

You give her some headpats and tell her it's okay and shave the rest off because she's a good girl. He can probably just make his spacefuture body grow new hair immediately anyway

Tell me more about this image. What am I looking at here
Where did this come from?

A lot of Capcom girls are

Attached: Tron earth shattering kaboom.png (700x900, 945K)

All the Legends girls in particular have really cute, tight butts though. Denise up there is hitting all kinds of fetish staples

True, but it seems like a lot of girls in the Mega Man franchise were designed to be butt sluts.

Attached: Maylu with cat tail.jpg (640x480, 111K)

*suplexes your big-ass robot*

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god bless the user who made roll in KK

Attached: Roll wink.png (599x699, 219K)

>this can kill him
He really is the weakest Mega Man

Based Roll saves another thread

I want to hug based Roll!!

Very cute and funny

Attached: rollc.png (969x1241, 1.08M)

Pass the full version bro

Attached: 70623210_p0.png (1240x1754, 1.42M)

I think the helmet looks fine in 2.