Phantasy Star Thread

Just tried playing PSO for the first time (using Dolphin Emulator) since a lot of people seem to have very fond memories of that game. The game holds up well! This does not seem like a game that people are obsessed with purely out of nostalgia.
>Sharp and snappy movement
>Simple but fun combat
>Difficulty so far is just right
>Very nice aesthetics with top-tier character designs
>Goat OST
Rolled a Fonewearl (pic related) because I like high-damage spellcasters in every game I play. And because I like her funky hat. Just beat the first boss, the dragon, and now am moving forward to the caves. I know that private servers exists for PSO:BB on PC, but those have various tweaks and perks and I kinda wanna go full purist vanilla for my first walkthrough.

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A question though: can I share items with other characters I create? Is the bank a shared storage space or is character-specific?

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Play Blue Burst before you judge. You aren't even playing the best version.

i believe its character specific but you can just hit multiplayer and trade with yourself via that
im actually considering play pserver again because someone mentioned it the other day and i got the hunger

Problem with BB for a newbie is that it's really balanced for online play. You really can't appreciate the atmosphere of the game when you're being carried through TTF in mere minutes by a team of ridiculously overpowered twinks of guys who have been playing the game for more than a decade now.

>Problem with BB for a newbie is that it's really balanced for online play
This is true. I played the game with PSO:BB Ephinea and it felt like slog when solo, and felt trivial when in a team.

But Episode 1&2 Plus is the best version, especially for new players. Episode 4 is mostly powercreep shit with some meh sidestory (the actual ending is episode 3, anyway), and Blue Burst's online-only model ruined the single-player experience, especially because most of the revamped "story mode" experience in BB is either broken or unplayable alone (and nobody gives a shit about Government quests).

>I kinda wanna go full purist vanilla for my first walkthrough
Keep going, user. Vanilla PSO is a pretty great ride.

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Yeah I was surprised too on its quality. I'd heard of people still playing PSO online on Dreamcast using a raspberry pi and I wanted to know why people liked it so much so I joined in. Very fun although I haven't played in a while. I think I was on the level after the lab where I last left off don't remember the names

Alright thanks.

I will. Tempted to roll a HUcaseal after I'm done with this FOnewearl. I like the sound of her abilities (high evasion, high accuracy) and she looks cool.

She also have a few unique animations with specific weapon types (like double sabers), and access to androids' traps and a few exclusive items.
They can't use magic and a few "bio-only" items, and traps have limited stock (can be reloaded by going back to town, limit increases as you level up), but unlike spells their ice traps always have 100% chance to freeze all non-boss enemies.

If you tell me your next character after that will be a chocolate-skinned HUnewearl you're officially certified for patrician taste.

>unlike spells their ice traps always have 100% chance to freeze
Yeah, that's the one thing I was disappointed about the FOnewearl's ice spell. It doesn't freeze the enemy in the times I've used it.

If I remember correctly, spells' status chance is based on the spell's level (I believe it also can be improved with gear, but I don't remember the details). You only get new spell levels with disks (random drops), and only Rabarta have a decently high freeze chance.
But, unlike ice traps, barta-type spells can also be used to abuse enemies' elemental weakness and deal good damage.

Waiting for PSU Clementine and the PSP2I english patch. I have more hope for PSUC at this point and thats all with networking and shit. I played to much PSO and its boring now

Played about 300+ hours on GC back in the day and got my HUcast to level 150ish and never got to play online. I always dreamt of having a Tsumikiri J-Sword and never got it mainly because I was Purplenum. Also had a level 90ish FOmar which kicked ass and my faggot "friend" deleted him to make a character with which he played for a whole 15 minutes and lost interest.

Currently picked it back up and been playing on Ephinea with my bros and I LOVE how helpful and friendly the community is with PSO. It's like the mere fact that you like PSO is enough to make us friends automatically.

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>my faggot "friend" deleted him to make a character with which he played for a whole 15 minutes and lost interest.
Sounds painful.
>Currently picked it back up and been playing on Ephinea
I did play a bit of Ephinea the other day and was surprised at the number of Jap players, especially at night time (Japan time).

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God I love PS Portable. My most played Phantasy Star game ever.

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PSU is better

I first played PSO forever ago by playing some weird PC port of Blue Burst that was jury rigged to connect to a private server.
I got carried for a while by some friends who really wanted me into it but I couldn't get into it without knowing what the fuck was going on.
Am I ruined, Yea Forums?

Haha no, I liked the multiple planets, but it had a myriad of problems.

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>PSP2I english patch
I really don't wanna be that guy, but I just don't see that getting finished, it's been over 10 years. Maybe if the guy released what he had so far, but from past experience with "never ever tls", we won't see it unless someone starts from scratch.

Very soul pic

>Waiting for... the PSP2I english patch.
Uh oh

Phew, now that I slid in just in time to bump the thread...

I think that PSU Online is a better game and isn't talked about nearly as much as it should by people who like PSO.
Last week I finished playing through all of PSO's Government Quests and Hunter Quests and it was a decently fun time, although extremely tedious. The game shows its age though with stiff controls, dull level design, and the absolute tedium of the quests.

Playing PSU:O immediately after finishing PSO though made me appreciate PSU so much more.
It controls just objectively better, both with its ability for dual wielding, ease of weapon switching (And the addition of loadouts), and movement being far less stiff than it was in PSO.
Level design is less dull and the game allows you more variance in what playstyle you can pick, all while retaining the feel and soul of PSO.

I can't wait for PSU Clementine to get finished, though i'm not super optimistic it ever will be.

Like what problems?
I know some don't like the fact that you crafted rares in PSU, but I hated grinding for rare weapon drops on Ultimate in PSO anyways, that's not fun, especially since at that time you're on your 4th run through the game on just one character, and unlike PSU you can't switch classes on one character.
Most changes they made were for the better IMO.

Play the game doing solo quests if you ever want to retry it.
My first time playing years ago I also got carried by friends, and upon playing it recently doing nothing but solo quests it made me realize how much of a disservice is done onto you if your friends just carry you through with their level up characters and barely let you experience the game yourself.

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fuck no

I give it to 2021. Wish that asshole would put it on github so some mega autist could stroll in and fix any issues it has in 5 minutes


PS Zero was fun, but I felt the Force class in that game were shafted. The fact that some spells required a very long charge-up (like 2 seconds or so) made things very un-fun. Also spells didn't look as flashy as in PSO or PSU.

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Now i want to play PSO
but i got my fill of the singleplayer and I'm haven'tbeen itching for any multiplayer recently

I liked the world in PSU.

>Dolphin Emulato

if i remember correct there is a pc version of this

You'd be repeating the same missions over and over again to level up anyways. Though I'm talking as someone who played when it was released in the US with some friends. PA leveling was dumb. Bullets were such a why bother. PSU actually brought in the cancerous korean-tier equipment grind breaking. AoTI brought in some fixes. PSPortable 2 brought in more changes, which some like, some don't.

I mean, I like PSU, even with its flaws. It was nice to have more of a story than before. Watching those early trailers got me pumped. Sadl,y the game wouldn't be as grand as I hoped (like the whole flying through the city).

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Yeah that's PSO:BB.

>Like what problems?
everything to do with the item system. going from pso variety to korea mmo enchantment garbage

Game does not hold up well actually. PSO3 when?

I wanna play the single-player story mode of PSU. Anyone know a good download source that has both PSU and its expansion 'Ambition of the Illuminus'? The Clementine client does not include the story mode, and the torrents on Pirate Bay seem dead.

isn't there a pc version of this too?

>That one event in PSU where you go to the PSO world
I think it was VR or something? I barely remember the plot, but that shit was kino.

PSO2 already has a 10-year plan in motion. SEGA specifically stated this. PSO2 will last until at least the year 2022.

I don't care, PSO2 power creep has gotten too high. I still play it but waiting for a refresh with PSO3.

Maybe that one will actually get a western localization.

Take me back, bros. It was supposed to be the one.

The level grind isn't as bad as it is in PSO though, and being underleveled for an area isn't nearly as punishing in PSU since your controls are a hell of a lot smoother and if you're decent enough you can actually manage to overcome being decently underleveled. In PSO it's almost all about your level and your equipment, the latter of which was reliant completely on luck.

>I think it was VR or something? I barely remember the plot, but that shit was kino.
I never got to do that, wasn't that a Japanese event only?
I've seen videos of it on the internet, and it looks really cool that they actually let you play a handful of the PSO levels in PSU.

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Nah man, it was in NA too. It was really cool. I remember playing it. Wish I could remember what the event was called. I remember the story being that something was floating in space and it had VR data or some shit of Ragol.

but this is exactly what PSO2 used to be. you could have had this for years

PSO is literally the best video game ever made, prove me wrong

Monster Hunter succeeded it.

Nah, not really. Nothing in MH comes close to the thrill of red box drops, and with a team of vets PSO is the most chill grind that exists. No pressure, just burning mobs and collecting loot.

That's only in Blue Burst, not the original Episode I and II.

If that sort of gameplay excites you, give me your address and maybe once in awhile I'll give you a 1$ bill. And maybe 0.1% of the time it'll be a $75 dollar one. But only if your name is a certain combination of letters else you aren't eligible for the money.

>(using Dolphin Emulator)
Well, have fun playing a multiplayer focused game in single player mode, I guess. Ephinea has a purist mode, you know. If you were to dilberatly avoid using a widescreen resolution and use all the oldschool rules it'd be as classic as it gets.

Now you're getting it user. Maximum skinner box.

If you have a 360 its easiest to play it there. Then you can pirate AOTI pc and play the episode 2 story. Episode 3 was online only and may not come back with clementine, but theres a whole playthrough of it on youtube. PSU actually has a very good story in comparison to PSO

It has One Person mode as well, which has the same slower monsters and lower stats from single player versions.

But we can never have it again.

blue burst has aged well I'm glad people are still into it.

I'm just talking about pre-release hype. Watching these trailers for PSU and PSO2 at the time instilled a sense of wonder in me back then. I don't know if I can feel something like that again for an eventual PSO3.

Me and my friends have characters on Ultima right now, but I heard Ephinea was the best server. How difficult is it to transfer characters and is it worth it?

They're both solid. Ultima is great if you're short on time, already played the shit out of PSO, and/or don't like the grind. Epinea has the purist experience with some nice quality of life tweaks. Do your thing.

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I don't remember if that's how it was in the original and schthack too, but at least in Ephinea One Person mode only lets you play some guild counter quests, no government/story quests at all