Overwatch, like pretty much all competitive games, still has its fair share of toxicity—or as Blizzard calls it...

>Overwatch, like pretty much all competitive games, still has its fair share of toxicity—or as Blizzard calls it, “disruptive behavior”—but during a talk at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, Blizzard research developer Natasha Miller said it’s down a whopping 40 percent since last year’s addition of two new social features. First, there’s the endorsement system, which lets players reward each other for communicating effectively, playing respectfully, and calling shots. Then there’s Looking For Group, which lets players hunt for others of certain endorsement ranks, hero roles, or communication styles.

Based Blizzard.

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If only we could reduce /pol/shit here by 40%

Cool, how much has the player base gone down?

Is playercount down 40% too?


I'd wager more considering most people quit the game.

I quit the game and I am a part of the 40%

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>disruptive behaviour
kek, AKA real people playing the game - let them fill the servers with 100% bots, they'll have their perfectly harmonious game community

I'm guessing that means the player base is actually down instead, fucking based!

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>40 percent
are they insulting their own audience?

all the trolls got bored and left the game.

Overwatch made over $2 billion dollars and is the most successful esport. Stay mad


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>and is the most successful esport

Hi Tigole.

That is what happens when 40% of the player base leaves

Can still find many full cs 1.6 servers and that's not counting 1.5. Haha burn in hell blizzard and valve. Hahaha

From peak when it released? More like 95% down. The game is on life support right now, even the artificially inflated OWL stream numbers are down, soon that’s gonna be nothing but bots/background streams.

is overwatch gonna be the next WoW, where for over a decade the majority claim it's DEAD but somehow still know and played almost every single update

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how the fuck do you even measure that? Isn't what is considered toxic subjective? Like do you just go through all comments and check how many bad words were said? How many reports per game? WTF WOULD YOU EVEN MEASURE TO SAY BULLSHIT LIKE THIS?

And here I thought "toxic" was just a blanket term for idiots for "things I don't like." Who knew it was a legitimate measurable metric?

It's some good advertisement if it's true, but still is a f2p game being sold for money, so no

It’s PR hot air, Blizzard does this shit all the time.

Probably by measuring the number of reports filed, dingbat. That's how crime statistics are gathered IRL.

What ? Everyone hate eachover, the game has never been more toxic

Yeah, and player base is at least 70% down.
Who are these retards trying to fool? The game is fucking boring.

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>people unironically watch OWL
With the new boop changes it's gonna be like watching bumper cars

How does one qualify "toxicity"? How does one get to the point in their life where they're so concerned about it that they need to qualify it in the first place?

Chatting and communicating of any kind is way down because people are afraid of saying anything that will get them reported. You can play 10 games in a row without a word from anyone these days.

obligatory "playercount is down 90 percent" joke

Yeah there's less toxicity because there is less players

So 40 percent of it's player base is gone?

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i wonder if it's someone's full-time job just to spread irritating buzzwords over the internet through repetition. the english language feels so hopelessly hijacked now.

How does one measure toxicity as a number? What nonsense is this?

>In other news, Overwatch player count down 40%.

>made over $2 billion dollars and is the most successful esport

>the most successful esport
Yeah, when we ignore the pedo and sexual harrasment accusations

It’s not a joke, it really is. Like the HotS kind of dying too where the seevers will genuinely close, not the WoW kind where they have an endless stream of retards that come back for every expansion.

Toxic is a word for faggots who get their feelings hurt in video games

Are you a woman? Because you didn't answer the question.

How much has the player base gone down?

Don't worry. We're getting events! and Lootboxes! And 1 new hero every 4 months! Overwatch is alive and good!

Okay gamers, you can escape the real world for your fantasy world, but NO fun allowed. Follow real life rules in the fantasy world.

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40% obviously.

You should legally be allowd to kill anyone who uses the word toxic, if it's not referring to a poisonous substance or the Britney Spears song.

Anyone thinking what i am thinking?

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If only we could get rid of 40% of the mentally ill like you.

40% of the playerbase also left within this time period?

How many of you guys would be considered to be apart of that 40%

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>I can only have fun in vidya by being a toxic griefer

Grow up

Not my fault people get so assmad because I wont get off torb

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So basicly they lost 40% of their player base?

Have you considered the possibility that maybe the majority of people's fantasy worlds don't include someone spamming chat, purposefully failing and just actively being a little bitch?

i regret ever buying this pile of garbage

so how about increasing the enjoyment of the game?

toxic player detected. initiate ban


>but NO fun allowed.

>having to insult or be mean to people in order to have fun

don't care
only gave a shit about mercy porn

The majority of people's fantasy world aren't oppressive and restrictive

Send both your asses back to that containment board.

What a familiar statistic

Pissing off the enemy team to make them tilt is a strategy. Ow should take after tf2 where we get to call each other niggers.

>40% less people are playing overwatch

When are they going to out one of their characters as gay again?

Makes sense when this gets you silenced for 2 years.

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Whens the game gonna go f2p

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>Blizzard Says Overwatch Playerbase is Down 40 Percent

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Toxic is a zoomer term

Orisa is a Trans Am

Those are harmless. Jesus, might as well not use the chat at all.

How do you even determine that? do they survey people? that could all just be dishonesty.

well thats easy to do when nobody plays the game anymore

>playerbase down by 40%+

Asking you for basic manners and cooperation in a team based system is not oppressive and you're delusional if you think otherwise.

If your fantasy is to be a wild shitflinging cunt that's fine. A lot of people do have that fantasy and there are plenty of places to indulge it. You can pick up GTA and run down as many people as you want, it's specifically built for you to do this as an anarchy simulator.

But don't show up to a co-op game and get upset with people because they expected you to cooperate with them. Not every game is meant to indulge the same fantasy.

Just mute people if you don't like them

>Nobody plays anymore
>Means we're winning!

Public matchmaking was a mistake. It throws everyone in with everyone, meaning nobody is happy. And the solution thus far has been some CMs / forum admins being given the position of social engineers and moral police for hundreds of thousands of people. It's a sick experiment that failed.

Bring back private servers. You can have a consistent playerbase with established norms of behavior and gameplay, and modifications to maps and game modes that suit said playerbase.

I will pick waiting 10 minutes in queue to join a 24 person server over insta-queue endless agonizing experiences any day.

It's easy to say that when your game has been hemorrhaging players for the past two+ years.

Every time a journo talks about a game with any form of multiplayer the first or second thing they mention is how "nice" or "toxic" the playerbase is and it's just fucking gay as fuck to listen to.

Was going to mention this too.

Did Soldier 76 get much new porn when he was announced gay? Or was it just cringy LGBT fanart from Twitter/Tumblr virtue signalers?

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I just want to play KOTH. I hate the 2CP/payload maps. They're absolute garbage design-wise. It would be a simple change if I could just play 24/7 KOTH servers

imagine being forced to play a team game where you cannot criticize underperformers

imagine if youre playing some sport and a teammate hands the ball to the other team and you can only say "uh please dont"

>Fantasy World
Wow wtf am I reading...

>Yea Forumsirgin inches dangerously close to becoming self-aware.

>Blizzard employee1:JEFF SIR! we lost about 40% of our player base in the span of 2 patches!
>Blizzard employee2: maybe people don't like the game in the current state...maybe we should focus on listening our fans instead of virtue signaling
i fucking hate nu-blizzard

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>join a game
>play like shit on purpose
>wait for teammates to get mad at you
>report them for toxicity

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It's not the vocabulary, it's the behavior, like it or not they're kicking out little bitches.

Did someone say 40%?

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No, ironically they like imagining/forcing a non-gay or hitherto assumedly straight character to be gay, rather than gay characters themselves
That's why people still bitched about Tracer's ass even though she's a confirmed dyke, if anyone was consistent with their logic they'd support a homosexual expressing their body but since it was still an attractive female she gets burned on the pile with the rest of us

And player count is down 80%

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Yeah, but he didnt say the playerbase was reduced in 80%

>”Toxicity is Down 40 Percent”

Along with the playerbase...

Only good boys are allowed to play our game, no bad boys allowed !

how the fuck do you quantify toxicity? number of "niggers" said in chat per game?

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Probably a correlation with playerbase decrease.

amount of praise pink haired women can receive with negative KDA and a playstation controller

I do, but if that person then proceeds to sit around and do nothing and turn a game into a 5 v 6 Because they're an asshole there's nothing you can do about that except hope you never run into them again UNLESS you avoid them or report them for being the worthless sack of shit they are and save someone else like you the pain of dealing with them in the future.

This is very simple user, there's no actually good defense for what you guys are whining about, just ways to pass the buck for your inability to function like a member of society. If you spam the chat or act like a cunt you're denying your team a teammate that they can communicate with normally and possibly making it harder for them to communicate until the point where they mute you.. If you're a piss baby who won't switch off an ineffective character when you're not getting kills or who just gives up entirely if they don't like the criticism you got you're actively stacking the fight against the people you were meant to be working with.

It's basic social contract. Blizzard marketed a co-op game and I bought a co-op game so if a significant part of the player base doesn't want to deal with you because you can't cooperate with others Blizzard has no reason to keep you around. You can argue how much is too much, what words should be allowed, the actual value of a on-trick etc. but the basic principle is sound.

I can confirm we've gone from approx. 1.2 NPG ("nigger"s per game) to 0.7. Lots of the data is skewed by people spamming the "nigger" word when they are frustrated or wish to disrupt the game, and this is being cracked down on.

u mad?

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shitty stun fest geam

what artists/animators do solos? No cocks please

turns out authoritarian fascism works

>t.just dropped outta masters

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cod and gta v earned more

>Implying I got money to pursue a Masters degree in the first place

Also not an argument.


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tbqh im at like 4.7 NPG famalam, i can do better as a fellow white man

Hey I'm sorry, what does toxicity define, the general edgy shit you'd find in Yea Forums and /pol/ and /r9k/?

Or it's the annual yearly tranny self-purge

When your players base is down 90 % so you can say toxicity is down and say we won but in the end it doesnt matter.Current state state of nu-blizzard is shameful.

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you mad?

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Your days are numbered, niggersayer.

dead game

>Player1: "Hey Player2, stop playing bad!"
>Player2 reports P1 for toxicity
>P1 is banned while P2 keeps shitting up the game while receiving a "well done good boy" message from Blizzard for reporting toxicity.

Yep, That's what I was afraid of. Fucking cesspool.

I think you actually hit upon a point. Who is playing right now? Fanboys. So they're not going to be 'toxic' because they know their account that they've invested thousands in will become worthless.

So the playerbase is down 40%?

If only newfags niggers would go back to resetera

So there's just 18 gorillion "agents" worldwide now?


i'll never stop laughing at this

>less people play than ever before
>toxicity goes down
WOW! it's as if Blizzard wasn't more obviously aware of the situation, rh guys?

The endorsement thing does absolutely nothing besides from labelling you as a 'kind player'. Literally anyone can and will endorse you for being a good teammate, even if you do absolutely nothing (Reference: me. a shitty player)

I don't know how LFG manages to lower toxic players, but it does filter them out if you don't want to deal with random assholes in every match i guess.

but then again, anyone can get a high endorsement if they play long enough, and that's really the crutch that makes up that 'filter'. So it's more or less the same either way.

and like many have said before, that 40 percent rate is their own fans leaving the game, so hooray for them for doing that?

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I don't even see much SFM porn for overwaifus being made anymore, Overwatch's overall population must be down by 80%

More like 95% down, the cool kids are playing Fortnite and Apex Legends now.

Symmetra version 7.0
Looking at life
Through the eyes of a tire ult

Throwing games as a pastime activity
The toxicity of our shitty, of our shitty

What do you own the medals?
How are you plat gold border, gold border
Somewhere between the sr boosters
Sr boosters and sheep
Between the sr boosters and sheep
Disorder, disorder, disorder

More charge for their zaryas
bad reapers
Flashbang while he's
CC'd already by hog

Throwing games as a pastime activity
The toxicity of our shitty, of our shitty

What do you own the medals?
How are you plat gold border, gold border
Somewhere between the sr boosters
Sr boosters and sheep
Between the sr boosters and sheep
Disorder, disorder, disorder

What do you own the medals?
How are you plat gold border, gold border
Somewhere between the sr boosters
Sr boosters and sheep
Between the sr boosters and sheep
Disorder, disorder, disorder

When the game became unfun
I threw comp until we bronze
When the game became unfun
I threw comp until we bronze

i think you're mostly right but it should be noted that most of the toxicity is directly caused by blizzard's game design. dota 2 and CS GO have their occasional thrower, but they havenowhere near the same problem with their communities as overwatch does. i played solo ranked in dota 2 for like 4 years, then started playing overwatch, and I STILL managed to get unbelievably mad with people in overwatch. the reason isn't because people are naturally shittier in overwatch, it's more that:

>you can't "carry" as easily in overwatch as in other team games due to larger team counts and higher reliance on teamwork
>roles are incredibly rigid. if you aren't playing the perfect meta comp, often comprised of 6-8 heroes, you are at a massive disadvantage. it's rare that everyone gets to play what they want to play, which leads to massive amounts of frustration
>healers and tanks generally just aren't fun to play for most people, but you need 4/6 of your team's players playing them usually
>fights are utter clusterfucks because of tons of particle effects, random instakill abilities and ultimates flying everywhere. also, game is in first person so you can't realize what's going on
>map design sucks, ults cause snowballing, shields are obnoxious, healing is also obnoxious, most hero designs are shit, and other problems that the dev teams are too conceited to recognize instead of combatting "toxicity"

really, the problem has always been that overwatch just isn't that fun of a game when you start getting into it seriously, and that shit causes people to get mad and later burn out and quit. there's no other real explanation to it. dota 2, LoL and CS are still popular after 10+ years, yet overwatch has almost completely run out of gas in 3.

yes because their playerbase is down by 50%

You're not from here and never will.

mate the last chorus should be you, what do you own the medals. 5/10 for effort

Rent free.

>toxicity—or as Blizzard calls it, “disruptive behavior”
toxicity is such a gay term

>join a game
>don't have a good performance
>people report me for "trolling"
made me drop the game.


Jesus isn't it though? I thought it was an in joke when people first started using it but nope they were totally serious. Sounds like the type of term that could only come from tumblr or reddit

Not shown: game population down 65%

>Toxicity is down 40%
How do you even measure such a thing? I'm guessing it's based off number of reports of a certain category.

toxicity may be down 40% but faggotry is up 200%

go figure

Did they mistake "toxicity" for "active players" again?

Damn I didn't know Aretha was stacked like that

"Toxicity" was one of Overwatch's goals they were forced to meet by Communist China


i get shot caller endorsements constantly and i never speak. the system is a joke and worthless

You don't have to do anything for that, they do it themselves.

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Based Xi, raping America! God damn, how does it feel to be owned by a chink bull?

Its 50xp per endorsement given. 150xp per game, just a half an inch closer to the next lootbox.

so the player count went down 40% then?

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Well Overwatch and by extension Activision is nearing bankruptcy so not too bad I guess.

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God I miss 2007, current era zoomers would probably defend Jack Thompson

>apex legends comes out
>large chunk of playerbase quits

>blizzard pats themselves oin the back thinking their policies has reduced toxicity

I mean Apex is already dead, so it just goes to show how "successful" these games really are.

Yeah? In 1975 I walked Bob Dylan up on stage. Who the fuck are you?

so the TOXICITY went DOWN?

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Honestly I've really found myself enjoying the game more with the endorsement system in place and I think anyone who thinks people being assholes online is funny or a good thing is exactly the kind of person I'm glad I don't have to deal with.

No, WoW became an entire lifestyle for a lot of people, that's why despite the game becoming a parody of itself many people kept playing it.
In the case of Overwatch players are just jumping to Apex or Fornite.


You assumed its gender, reported shitlord.

>mfw I was a kid I remember being offended when an ESPN announcer went on an autistic rant about how he'd quit the day that they show esports on ESPN
>mfw as an adult I understand his frustration

That said sports are arguably just as childish as video games in its own way

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junkrat's the most fun hero to play

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