>Classic team literally addressing all the faults announced at Blizzcon
It's almost getting too good to be true brehs
>Classic team literally addressing all the faults announced at Blizzcon
It's almost getting too good to be true brehs
Other urls found in this thread:
yeah fuck it, im not going back.
It will be. They will close the servers after 6 months due to low population. Cant raid 40 man raids with a server of 30 people
>Blizzard announces non-blizzlike changes
>everyone is happy for some reason
I don't understand.
If only every dev at Blizzard would address everything that went wrong at Blizzcon.
Classic will have a bigger population than retail. Granted that's not hard considering nobody plays WoW after BFA, but I can guarantee it.
you're delusional, my man
>Not just giving everyone identical loot that can be sold to vendors if they dont' want it
>Classic will have a bigger population than retail
Maybe for the first day. Starting zones without sharding will scare away 90% of players.
says the dude who thinks Blizzard would close a server after 6 months lmao
>the absolute state of retail babbys
doesnt the game have sharding?
kick thots
avoid streamers
classic is here to stay
should be fun to hunt down twitch streamers ingame and corpse camp them
Why do people think classic is going to have an effect on retail, or vice versa? People are going to play what they want, and even in it's current state there's still a strong community playing retail.
>min/max autsim will ruin most of the raids for you
>Spec this way or you do not raid user
You all know this will happen your "fun" specs will not be aloud in 40 mans. What ruined your "exploration" was data miners and number crunching.
Unless Blizz forces 0 addons DBM will be up in the first hour and don't think for one second it wont be mandatory to raid with.
As for the "community" faggots. /2 will be a ghost town just as it is in retail. Everyone including you will be walled off in a discord chat. don't try to lie to me about it, you are only lying to yourself.
>But i will talk
Saying "GO GO FASTER!" in a 5 man is not a "community"
Deny these truths all you want. But you know i am right.
we should make a twitch streamer ganking guild
I want to fuck that Ling
Someone once said that you can't go home again.
Well, the loot trading was a terrible idea. Drones trying to defend it were pretty fun, I wonder what they think now.
Ahem, ahem:
90% of whatever classic gets will still be more than the 0 playing BfA
I would like to take the time to point out the LH still has a higher active population on two realms for a server closing down shortly than pretty much any live servers.
And before ANY of you virgins try to argue, here's why.
Female orcs, 3:30 on:
Nice blessing of salvation you don't have there
>Drones trying to defend it were pretty fun, I wonder what they think now.
The only people defending it were probably modern WoWfags who never played vanilla. It's good to know they are listening. I can live with loot trading being in raids only though since the majority of raids drops will be master looted anyway and having trading there just makes it much less of an inconvenience if the wrong person is accidentally given gear.
>machinima with a >10 second long intro
>the same company that turned overwatch into a lootbox game with only gay characters
>the same company that announced a mobile diablo games "you guys dont have phones?!"
>the same company that has ruined current day WoW
>activision moneybaggers controlling every single decision made for any of the games
fact: nobody that played vanilla WoW is that interested in classic servers. It was a special once-in-a-lifetime period where nobody knew the meta, raid tactics, when addons didnt literally play the game for you(except for that one quest addon that got banned lel), that constant "holy shit" feeling of playing something like this with your buds for the first time.
Now it will be a "who can get to 60 fastest, gear up and clear molten core within the first week" game and then it will simply fizzle out.
nostalgia - a feeling of pleasure and also slight sadness when you think about things that happened in the past. NOTE: Can never be replicated.
>Me? I'm not 15 and edgy anymore, so I'll choose Alliance in Classic.
>he was too young to remember Oxhorn
You're a perfect example of what's wrong with current wow community, you can't just sit still for 10 seconds because you want your video NOW, you want your mount NOW, you want your epics NOW
>The only people defending it were probably modern WoWfags who never played vanilla
So, drones?
>since the majority of raids drops will be master looted anyway
Yeah, guess it could fuck over PuGs, but that wasn't a big part of vanilla (just MC, Ony, ZG, AQ). Again, I ain't part of these "no changes" idiots.
>Look, I posted it again
boring and cringe
>turned overwatch into a lootbox game with only gay characters
Are you seriously defending that shit?
Fuck off, you're the same moron who thinks making a point on the internet needs a 7 paragraph post with a 2 paragraph TL;DR at the bottom
Based gigachad chooses the wining side
Next up is the removal of any phasing.
>No respect for oxhorn
Get out of here you underaged cockgoblin, this is not a website for children
B-but it's not phasing!
I-it's sharding!
Not the same. Extra info is always nice to have and sometimes necessary in paragraphs. As for intro, it's something fun that a lot of WoW machina makers did, like their own personalized touch. I know reading can be hard but you seem to be doing well so far
Doesn't matter what it is, it's not going to happen.
I still have a lot of concerns, especially considering we're looking at a minimum of three classic servers (PvE and PvP were expected, and they've confirmed an RP server as well). We also have to worry about the number of retail tourists, which I estimate will make up at least half the population of each server. Yea Forums tends to downplay this a lot, or waves it off because they'll "get bored" or whatever, forgetting that Blizzdrones will doggedly play whatever Blizzard gives them, including classic. I'm also very worried about modern addons - they weren't an issue on private servers because addon creators didn't give a fuck about them, but we're in the age of Patreon now and they're going to want to get in on this. We'll have to contend with dungeon group addons, more sophisticated DBM addons (the ones we had at the time were far more primitive), raider.io nonsense, and probably other shit I'm not even thinking of. I'm not even sure how Blizzard can mitigate this.
Force your homosexuality on it
Based and not retarded. Being in college with no obligation is what I miss, vanilla won't bring me back to there.
The only group finder addon possible is something that lists the LFG chat
Can you even argue against the position that Horde has way better access to dungeons while leveling?
Is it wrong that I kinda liked the blizzcon demo's lighting and water effects?
new models can fuck off
>what is tranquil air
How to stop someone who is clueless about vanilla: Mentions salvation as something good.
Pretty even I think
Alliance: VC, Stocks, BFD, Gnomer, and Blackrock Mountain is between SW and IF if you needed a major city for whatever reason, closer than UC or zepp to STV and flying
>Tranq of windfury
Yeah just fuck my parse up man
How are the vietcong involved with the alliance?
Horde gets a teleporter to gnomeregan in booty bay while alliance just have to eat shit and run to SM
There's a horde flightpath right next to BFD
Black cock mountain takes a bit longer to get to but horde has a flight path near it as well
DM(VC) isn't that hard for hordies to reach honestly. You can zep to Grom'gol and then swim to DM
Its a totem that never gets used over Windfury
Paladins don't have to choose between less threat and more DPS
>Alliance BFD
Dude no way. The walk from Astranaar is hella annoying. Horde have a flight point right on the coast.
Also, Gnomer isn't that hard for Horde. You can fly to Ratchet, take the boat, then teleport in. It might even be faster than walking from IF.
Never played Alliance during vanilla, but I'll swear they don't have a FP near ST. Also Strat and Scholo are quick to reach from Horde cities.
no one clears gnomer anyway
People always go on about IF being next to BRM but horde get ez access for Scholo/Strat and DM.
Also Horde get a FP literally outside BFD, alliance have to walk from astranaar
Whoah more of the same fucking shit but with no multipliers or sense of community private servers have and a month sub to ensure your grindy skinnerbox milks you for every penny your stupid ass is worth until you play a game that respects your time and doesn't gear gate the content your skill as a player is challenged by.
Forgot about Zoram strand ;^)
but why alliance progress faster than horde most of the time? im a brainlet
>sense of community private servers have
i do just to make my group really fucking mad
but i'm the tank so i decide what happens now fuckers
Alliance quest zones are easier to progress through.
Kalimdor is a fuckin bullshit continent. Everything is so spread out.
in my opinion horde has easier leveling, with more zones to level in, a few extra blue quest rewards and easier access to a few dungeons
Alliance has easier endgame with somewhat easier AV, MC, BWL and UBRS right in their backyard and debatable paladins
So I think the consensus is:
Horde have easier dungeon access
Alliance have easier overall zones
What do you think about a July 16 release date? It's also a tuesday
I believe.
>still thinks classic is coming this year
you poor poor soul
June 21st, classic summer baby
perfect announcement. what are the other reservations that people still have about retail classic? sharding and a potential future cash shop?
>easier zones for alliance
Depends on the zones but the human leveling areas will kick your fucking ass
>defias pillagers
>fucking Stitches
>fucking murlocs everywhere
>those elite orcs in redridge that will fuck your shit up
>those shadow gnolls with insane shadow resistances
>all the hordies ganking in redridge that might as well be NPC's at this point
That doesn't answer my question, what does Bolvar know about the communist insurgents in Indochina
Can someome explain how loot trading could be abused? By multiple people rolling need, to trade it to their friend?
Couldn't you just switch to Master Looter for exactly the same effect?
111-3 baby
>Is it wrong that I kinda liked the blizzcon demo's water effects?
The second you turn on master looter all your randoms will instantly bail
Why June 21st?
As much as I like the idea of it being earlier, I'll be busy through July 27th and would be ok with the July 16th release so I'm not left in the dust if it came June 21st
Who here playing the chad race/class combo
>mfw I missed the launch of wow classic
>mfw I was there for the launch of guild wars 2 and it was glorious
At least I got something.
How they handle battlegrounds (battlegroups or all servers mixed up), spell batching, sharding. I'm not sure if they talked about the WoW token, it's fine that you can get one in retail and pay for your classic sub, but it shouldn't be in classic itself obviously.
Becase it's summer.
>no fear ward
If you're not rolling a Dwarf Priest as Alliance in classic you're doing yourself and your raid a disservice.
Troll warrior
>coming this summer
>don't know what class or race to play
fuuuuck guys what do i do
No one would be able to afford a token on Classic. They are running for over 100k gold at all times on Live right now.
I suppose if they implemented it, they could have the token be one price on live and another on classic, but I doubt that's something they will be doing.
I've played a lot of horde/ally characters and and horde definitely get a more consistent flow of quests. alliance seem to get a real dry spot for quests at about 35-40 that horde never get. Horde get badlands and dustwallow marsh to cover the gap, both zones alliance get jack shit quests in. Horde also get an amazing quest hub in hinterlands, alliancevery little there. As a matter of fact, I can't think of a single zone 30+ that alliance get more quests than horde in, while horde get 4-5 with way more than alliance in.
Min maxers get out. Real Chads are not midgets who let 1 spell carry them to loot. They are true healers, who out heal and keep everyone alive and stand a head taller than the rest. Go on with your shitty beards, short stumpy legs and crying out, "But I have fear ward" as all the raids turn your shit numbers away. True chads play what they like whenever they like.
>Chad Chad vs virgin min/maxer
well what are you trying to decide between?
I play Orc Warrior and Undead Warlock
None of this is classic.
druid, warrior, priest i think are top3 but also considering mage and warlock
>tfw you got to experience the nostalrius launch
>tfw you felt like you were a part of something special
>tfw despite it crashes every 30-40 minutes it was still 5x better than other private servers at the time
>tfw it actually caused blizzard to remake classic
True chads don't gimp themselves on purpose.
But what's the point of summoning a succubus if your dick already rotted off years ago?
I'll laugh my ass off if they make Fear Ward universal and dwarf priests get Chastise like in TBC. I wouldn't even be mad if it ruins "muh perfect vanilla experience"
What about bro Yea Forums streamers such as myself?
okay now what do you want to do most? raid, pvp, etc
Raids cleared content fine without needing every priest being a dwarf. True Chads have fun and get invited because they're a cool guy, not because they're a minmaxing tryhard stroking their epeen over content old enough to be legal in Germany.
dwarf holy/prot paladin - main
gnome warlock - alt
dwarf hunter - alt
dwarf rogue - alt
dwarf warrior - alt
dwarf priest - alt
gnome mage - alt
nelf restokin - alt
all female
Rmember you can pre plan your classic character on wow head classic dressing room anons. Make sure your end game armor does not clip with your hair styles etc
>ywn experience vanilla for the first time again
I'm still looking forward to it but I know it won't be the same.
They've said they'll scrap the idea of loot trading in 5 mans, which was had everybody worried due to colluding with friends to get extra rolls. Loot trading in raids is a literal nothing, because it'll be on ML 99% of the time. It's only there in case some retard RL gives something to the wrong person, which happens very occasionally without needing a GM assistance because there won't be any.
This is basically the best outcome we could have hoped for, and is the 2nd of the 3 big complaints they've changed after community feedback. The only thing left is sharding, which will probably be the hardest to change their minds on.
You know the seduce spell is used on opponents and not yourself
>tfw you will never have an IRL succubus to seduce you and drag you into suffering while giving you pleasure at the same time
Raid content is cleared fine on private servers because the stats are wrong and everything is easy as fuck.
I wouldn't play warrior unless you're ready to put in the work to make it work. Tanking is expensive because of repair costs and almost always requires support from guild if doing raids. Same thing for warrior DPS, you will need to farm a lot of shit to make it work. They're easily the most time consuming class in the game.
Playing as a priest is a free invite to dungeons and raids but grinding money will be a bitch because healing gear won't boost your damage output, and switching specs will cost a lot of money. Same thing for druid healers but at least they can still do something in cat form.
>The only thing left is sharding, which will probably be the hardest to change their minds on.
And it's literally only in starting zones where shitloads of people are gonna be loading into on the opening weeks.
How many fear wards do you think you'll need? it only has a 30s cooldown. You don't need every priest to be a dwarf.
I want to play classic as druid tank/heal and I want to get atiesh when it comes.
What are my chances?
If you loot traded in a 5man, you would just get blacklisted by the server. Same as if you ninja'd.
Doesn't matter if you were solo or a group of four.
>having to explain why a QOL change will still be present in the game
Classicdrones are truly autistic, huh
Why are troll warriors so fucking aesthetic? I just don't get it, but they are
Son, people were clearing Molten Core in a time when no one understood gear optimization, playing on toasters, and a very good chance of dial-up internet. Also selecting spells manually by mouse click and moving with arrow keys.
Boss mechanics are also simple as fuck compared to retail. People will blow through raid content.
That was far from "all the faults" but its nice to see.
I love their animations. I'm glad they're not that popular so I can be a unique snowflake.
But you still need some of them to be priests. It's like wanting to be a shadow priest and not rolling undead
Only thing that bugs me is the lack of shoes.
From left to right: the 5,3,4,6,2,1,7.
>I play alliance
rolling for class
>speedrunning raids
>boss kills on private servers where bosses have 0 armour
so impressive
I do too, my main in real vanilla was a troll warrior, then again on Kronos, then a Tauren warrior on Nost and Elysium. I just can't level a warrior again it's taken a toll on my mental health
That too has always bothered me, but hasn't stopped me from troll hunters, shamans, and mages on retail and P-servers
>far right is highest rated
a female troll enhancement shaman. wtf
This was on Nostalrius where bosses actually had over 2k more armor than they were supposed to
Raid content was always easy as fuck, the difference is that this time around raid leaders won't tolerate half of the raid being afk and the other half keyboard turning while wearing gear worse than dungeon blues because the name is purple.
Yeah don't get me wrong, trolls were my favorite horde race. I always liked roleplaying a troll shaman who was a hermit who'd sit out in the wilderness and spam Far Sight to spy on people.
But you could still stack armour debuffs, unlike actual retail
>kill boss
>bow drops
>every Hunter in the raid gets to keep it
>rinse and repeat with different items and classes
>everyone gets fully equipped in a couple weeks
Doesn't seem like a good idea.
You guys are actually delusional if you think classic can't reach the same appeal as oldscape.
I think he means where armor reducing effects stacked additively, when nobody is really sure how it actually worked on vanilla, and when they coded pservers nobody knew how it was supposed to stack or if it had diminishing returns so they guessed.
They did fuck it up by going with the private server model of 1.12 talents and mechanics at launch.
early raids with later talents and mechanics but timegating certain items. p-lame imo. I want to get the hunter bow from mc asap but it might not even drop for 2-4 months after release now.
thats why you twist them retard
The only armor debuffs on the boss are Sunder x5, Faerie Fire, and CoR
>Playing the auction house on a private server for fun while I wait for Classic
>Trying to control the market for silver ore
>Natural scarcity limits supply, demand high due to high population leveling professions
>Some asshole who clearly has thousands of silver ore hoarded, listing them at 50% of the going price every day
>Can't buy him out completely because he has so much fucking silver ore
Why do people do this? If you're deep enough in a particular market, why would you shoot yourself in the foot by selling your shit at a fraction of the price it moves at? Is there a real reason?
Which would reduce the boss armour to effectively 0
>when nobody is really sure how it actually worked on vanilla
so why are so many people here so sure that it's wrong
>tfw no rppvp
he's just looking to troll you, armada
you might be buying from some chinks botting
nano the nost qa guy said himself they had no idea how much armor and resistances shit had so they had to guess
Because people in vanilla didn't hit that hard even when flasked up with HWL gear
No, the boss should have several hundred points of armor left, but on the Nostcore bosses all had hugely inflated armor values
Because fuck you, that's why.
>no fear ward
this is what happens when virgin chads pretend to be
The only thing we know for sure is armor values on bosses because the best guild on private servers who plays on Kronos reverse engineered all the boss armor.
trolls arguably make better shadow priests though.
Anyone who played during Vanilla knows 99% of people will not be hitting 60. It's not that people didn't want it back then, it's that it's an unbelievable time commitment.
For reference, it's 13 hours /played to hit 20 if you're reasonably fast.
Don't worry autist, there will be more than enough dwarfs to meet your Fear Ward quota. Horde could do raids fine, and they didn't have Fear Ward.
-maybe- in pvp. But devouring plague is good at pve, leveling and pvp
Horde has tremor totem, also fear is not a problem anyways so it doesn't matter. Horde is better than alliance.
>Playing the market
what sort of rank 14 autism is this, my days
We're talking about alliance priest choices here though
People unironically still play Retail, Classic will have a fanbase regardless of how butchered it becomes
It costs too much mana
>It's 13 hours /played to hit 20
If you take that long you're terrible, you can handily beat that even without mob tagging
Fear ward is actually insane, its equivalent of FREE TREMOR TOTEM
Not picking QT dwarf priest just says that you are an actual autist that likes to handicap yourself not only in real life unwillingly but in game willingly
you're a fucking shadow priest
Human, gnomes on horses look silly.
>alliance warlock
enjoy losing very pvp fight due to 90% horde being undead
Escape artist
God Azu showed us the way
Its a game where resources can be farmed infinitely, and most private servers have some absolutely fuckey spawn rates.
An economy doesnt work with that kind of shit
Female gnome warlock with pink pigtails and the cute blue eyed face
strike fear into your enemies' hearts and steal it at the same time
he wants to move it fast obviously.
he probably has loads of really expensive stuff to sell and doesnt want to spend all day relisting chump change auctions. as long as he gets better than vendor price hes golden. lmao
I think it was only the final boss of nax that had less armor, and supposedly bosses had varying armor values based on if they were 'clothies' or whatever
real chads go night elf for starshards and do meme disc dps builds
Cheers to the Alliance, and FUCK HORDIE NIGGERS!
fuck off staysafe
No Chads play alliance they all play horde.Only cucks that follow girl gamers or their blue pilled beta friends even roll alliance to begin with.
>implying SL/SL warlocks need to use fear
how long to hit level 6?
Yes, apparently I'm an autist because I play a race I enjoy, not because it offers a spell that offers an advantage that isn't mandatory like a hunter's tranq shot.
>Literally just reads quest dialogue
>Desperately wanted Fallout 76 to succeed so he could keep making bank off his lazy ass "content"
He's a talentless fucking faggot
I have a theory that everyone will roll alliance, kids mostly played ally and would be more nostalgic now...
its the only race and class i play
t. Desperately wants to be chad
Absolute Brad behavior right there
Just reminded me of my server (Draenor US) during late vanilla/TBC/wotlk
There was this human mage who sat at level 40 the entire time I played named Armani, who would do nothing but tailor shirts and bags and sell them on the auction house at ludicrous prices, like 30g for a black shirt. And people would buy them, just for the "made by armani" label. If you inspected anybody, they had a damn armani shirt. He used to come up with these little skit advertisements on trade chat too, everybody on the server knew he who he was. I miss shit like that.
I'm confused why the community had a problem with this? I thought the whole point of classic WoW was playing with friends and being social at the expense of randoms (who are villainized). And loot trading just gives friend groups the means to both do content with friends and be social AND fuck over randoms in the same breath?
I find it very strangely altruistic for anyone who isn't the 1 random in a group of 4 friends + 1 random to argue for the well being of the random.
>being THIS insecure about your faction
yeah bro, you're a chad...
aside from looks gnomes have int racial and escape artist, which beats spirit and perception if you ask me
the one you think looks better
It's literally Blizzard, how can you still call it non-blizzlike?
Oh? It's getting shared servers with phones?
>I find it very strangely altruistic for anyone who isn't the 1 random in a group of 4 friends + 1 random to argue for the well being of the random.
everyone self-inserts as the pug, and pugs deserve respect
.t Mandate of Heaven player
I didn't know you could get 52 talent points
When are they releasing a list of servers for classic? I wanna find other eurobros to PVP with on horde side. I'll more than likely be playing tauren resto sham
You have to be able to make friends while playing the game. Randoms are the people that can turn into friends.
I always hated when my friends would try to treat randoms like shit, never give them loot or just refer to them by class instead of player name
It's like my retarded friends never got the memo that reputation is important in vanilla.
You're right, but at the same time if he's moving so much that he's making thousands of gold off of it. But he could easily be making double what he's making because the only people that compete with him are players just listing the 1-4 chunks of silver they come across just playing the game. I'm not big dick enough yet to be trading the real stuff like epic gems and BoEs, although I invested in some already.
Server bans for botting, although there are bots.
>Not knowing the joy of running a gem cartel or being the sole dealer of Deadly Blunderbuss
I've never played WoW and I'm getting it.
You've got mental issues if you're getting this pissy about a 10 second intro.
Yes some bosses should have different armor values, and no it was not just Naxx bosses, it was every boss in the game. It's
But this is the only thing I could find on the armor values with a quick google
Chromaggus, for example has 1k more armor than he should based on the math used to calculate near exact armor values:
That's fucking brilliant. I might shamelessly steal that idea.
This shit better have region locking
While nost was cool it was absolutely destroyed by non-english speaking mongoloids
I never understood people who shit on retail. Every expansion has been retroactively shat on but once it's over people talk about how great it was. BfA is as bad as Legion but people say Legion was good, so I don't see how BfA is the worst thing ever.
you underestimate chinks and botting in a private server
remember even the server owners move gear and stuff around to favor some people
>That guy who would stand on top of the Org AH mailbox macro'ing memes in trade chat all day
Bfa is somehow worse than WoD and cataclysm
Legion was almost MoP levels of good.
how will i ever broom people to death
That's not true, and MoP was shat on for a major duration of it's existence.
Because every expac after Lich King is a fundementally different game.
Truly, there is value in every expansion, thats what we remember over the awful shit Except for Warlords of Draenor jesus fucking christ
not that I played legion but everyone seems to say Legion was the worst expansion until the 2nd half, at which point it was redeemed to be "not shitty"
what's hard to understand? You get fucking epics for breathing, it's casual bullshit
pandas are fucking gay
people shitting on MoP are just memelords that don't like pandas and chinese themes and have literally no valid complaints
>still haven't said anything about sharding
You got welfare epics in WotLK too. Legendaries were also given out like candy.
It's just weird how Blizzard has done this roller coaster quality approach for every expansion after Wrath.
>Cata: shit
>MoP: good
>WoD: shit
>Legion: good
>BfA: shit
Undead rogue is the only alpha male choice.
>PvP best class. Alphas PvP and only play to PvP / gank.
>Undead has the best racials. Only twerps refuse to min/max.
>Undead has cannibalize. A free bandage every 2 minutes, and a way to "teabag" those you kill. In vanilla you could macro stealth it.
>Rogues are associated with rock in roll / heavy metal, and make the most entertaining gank videos.
people shit on wrath too
they basically said if they're going to use it it'll only be in starting zones and likely just at launch
One of the biggest reasons I'm waiting for Classic, at least there will be some semblance of fairness with no microtransactions and crackdowns on both botting and multiboxing.
>Playing WG in 3.3.5 private server
>Alliance not only multiboxes the catapults but regularly queues with multiboxing Horde characters that they AFK with
>Shadowmourne can be bought for real money so you'll regularly run into three-shotting retadins wielding it with no other gear
I am semi interested in the concept of RP PVP but I'm afraid it'll just result in faggots dumping on you in the middle of RP sessions while you're wearing your 0 armor RP gear for immersion.
Also there's reason to be concerned about the competence level of RP PVPers. Clearly, RP is their main interest. PVPers could be worse on RP PVP servers because PVP isn't their main interest. Doesn't exactly wind up giving you exciting content.
Finally, RPers tend to wanna be left the fuck alone so they can just RP, so they'll just be playing on regular old RP servers. And PVPers really just wanna focus on PVPing. It's a rare breed indeed that'll bother with RP PVP. And that makes me think they're gonna be DOA. So why bother setting yourself up for a guaranteed server transfer fee?
There were only 2 legendaries in Wrath though. One was RNG drops, the other was a long epic questline that hand RNG drops at the end.
So this shit doesn't fucking matter and WoW has always been shit.
Pandaria was well recieved as the best Post-Cata Expac. The story was neat, the Raids were amazing, the world was fun and engaging (as engaging as a game where most of the quests are samey shit can be)
When has epic gear ever mattered besides vanilla
hey man, we're trying to have a discussion here. Do you mind just...stopping?
Then they'll also use it for raid content releases because the zones will be too congested, then they'll use it for world bosses because the zones will be too congested, etc
Basically, if you can't play at launch because there's "too many people" you're pretty much retarded because even on the recent 20k pop server openings of last year, it was fine.
starting with wrath, yes
In comparison to previous expansion and base game, that's still welfare shit.
Alliance zones were designed and produced before Horde zones so they were shown more love before the time crunch made Blizz team cut corners on Horde stuff
Just look at classic Barrens and how fuck heug it was Even tho it's the best classic zone
the fact that you're saying this is evidence there's a problem with how easy they are to get
>Legion was almost MoP levels of good.
Legion was held back by their decision to keep WoD gearing. Titanforging and the removal of reforging have turned retail into a gacha.
yes but wrath is when the problems in tbc came full circle
>WoWfag thinks he knows what a grind is
Yeah RPPVP was an experiment that worked for a little bit, then failed. Steamwheedle Cartel was pretty good in vanilla and BC, but it didn't last come Wrath. I really hope that there will be RP servers though. One thing that I disliked in retail is how RP slowly congregated to Moon Guard for Alliance, and Wyrmrest Accord for Horde. I missed the individual RP server cultures.
Also, hopefully RP servers mean that streamer fags and their zoomers crows won't crowd the place.
Would you be happier if the colours were made arbitrarily blue instead of purple? Epic quality doesn't mean dick. Source of loot/ilevel is what matters. Vanilla had loads of easy to get epics as well with crafting and AH use
can i play this on a shitty old mac
Well, then I guess it's a good thing classic isn't going to be TBC. Until they make TBC servers of course.
raid content release will not be nearly as congested as starting zones, and the sharding won't really help there either. They just don't want quests to be impossible to complete because every mob is dead
Atiesh was RNG drops to get the shards, with the base and head being guaranteed drops once you got the shaft. So Val'anyr is around that tier.
Man those were the days. Master looter was a power trip. Invite pugs into karazhan and give the loot to your buddies.
What's a good class to get into dungeons and raids often but can level well?
I tried Shadow Priest to respec at 60 healing but that was kind of a pain
Alliance only of course
Warrior w/ 2 handed axes till 60.
Yeah that's the unfortunate thing. You're basically guaranteed streamer fags will be doing EPIC WORLD RAIDS and getting their dicks sucked hard by 20 zoomer healers.
I remember playing TF2 and suddenly this guy named Notch joined and I swear this guy had like 8 medics around him at all times. Fuck streamers.
>be hunter in vanilla
>friends from school play wow and get me into it
>circle of friends also has friends of friends that I don't really know
>friends and these other people always pressuring me into rolling need on any item (aka every item that wasn't plate because lolhunters) just so the pug might not get it
>always put me in an awkward spot because I wasn't a dick but wanted to be "cool" with these new friends
the worst feel
Ignore the tripfaggot, user.
Warlock pvp is annoying, but because of that they're a little underpopulated so getting into raiding is a bit easier.
Pretty good leveling pace too
At least on RP servers you'll be able to report them if their name isn't lore friendly.
mage 100%
Too timid to get a name for yourself and start building friendships and a brand I see.
Sucks that most nu-males are too timid to make friends on this site anymore thanks to all the "scary news" about NZ shooters and what not.
Whatever, more for me, can't complain. Not worthy of a friendship if you're too timid anyway.
>watching some faggot stun lock someone for 30 seconds with a cold blood build is entertaining
nice joke. it's more interesting to watch hybrids and casters.
>TWITCH DOT TEE VEE DOT COM FORWARD SLASH DIXONCIDER being spammed in general chat by attention starved fags
stay mad retail fag
I love watching ret pallies and enhancement shamans
It's boring 90% of the time then some RNG magic happens and a nerd gets gibbed
>Grim Total Annihilation and World of Roguecraft had the best numbers for vanilla overall.
Big fan of druids that actually know how to PVP. It's like a cuhrazy mix of casting and melee dps.
>Classic will have a fanbase regardless of how butchered it becomes
So will retail. Sunken cost fallacy hits them hard.
>start in stealth
>pounce to stun
>switch to bear
>get enough rage to stun them again
>go to caster form and dot them up
Good times.
>streamers and zoomer crowds
Is anyone else really concerned of the implications people like this could have on realms? I'm worried streamers and their communities will essentially be able to have the server, its raiding community, and its economy all in its grip.
Streamers weren't really a thing in vanilla vanilla it was just the odd youtuber or wow video maker that had a reputation for some epic pvp video and they never really had a massive following like streamers do and the attention craved zoomers that orbit them. But I also don't know if classic will have enough servers with enough people to not be each run by stream cults that dictate how end game goes.
Did shamman have Chain Heal in vanilla? If not, I'm rolling a fucking priest
Roll my lord
You should have rolled need just by the virtue of being a hunter.
does anyone actually give a fuck about wow streamers?
They did but they got water shield in tbc. In vanilla they can barely sustain totem twisting.
Re roll
Yeah probably because rogue was the most popular class? The class is satisfying to people because it can make some fights extremely one sided and it can cut and run from most engagements if things aren't looking great. That doesn't make said cherry picked one sided engagements fun to watch though. Also it's unfair to mention Roguecraft considering it was explicitly made to showcase how broken Rogues were. Between that and the humorous element to it of course it's popular.
No, he's saying you buy them now or you buy them on an active bfa account when classic is out. It's the same sub, so if you have a 120, you buy the token and use it, and now you have sub time to play classic "Free".
He's not saying you'd use vanilla wow to make the gold. 100k sounds expensive but for most people who abused garrisons in WoD or the mission table in their class hall in Legion have literally millions of gold sitting there unused.
It'll be like EQ veterans coming to WoW and dominating a server, only infinitely worse. At EQ were dedicated genre fans and not just fotm faggots who just follow money and their underage b& following them around like philistines.
It'll probably be shit like people mailing gold to the streamer just to get 2 seconds of fame on stream. Yeah, you're probably gonna see streamers in 100% mounts rolling in gold.
Water shield is huge but at least there's still MP5 gear to rely on. Plus we do have mana stream and mana tide totems.
not sure why he's doing it but my best guess is he farms an instance that has silver nodes (he's not there for the silver specifically) and ends up with a fuckton, and he's just wanting to unload it. Silver ore is largely useless outside of smelting skillups, or if its tbc its probably good for prospecting (but i honestly forget the prospecting mechanics so i may be incorrect).
anyhow, that's my guess. it's not that he's hoarded it, it's you are interrupting his normal unloading and he wants his fucking bank space.
because some people just don't give a fuck and want the bagspace
I can imagine WoW Classic being the FOTM for atleast a month or two and you'll see a lot of streamers that normally don't even play MMOs chilling in wow classic just because it's the 'new thing' and they need to relentlessly stomp all over the top streamer page so they can get more zoomer bucks instead of potentially new streamers. You see it all the time.
Warrior was until Roguecraft 2 hit, then rogues were 52% pop for a few months till everyone went back to their mains.
feels bad knowing there will be loads of paladins and shamans using spirit gear instead of mp/5 because they don't know the difference
I remember a shaman in my guild that had the proper gear set for infinite mana as long as his tide totem was down.
Paladins can infinitely spam FoL with that broken as fuck offhand from unguro crater
Anyone got a prebis list for shamans
That gets patched when DM comes out
Shamans don't spec into mana tide, shitter confirmed.
Has Blizz said anything about tweaking the honor system to alleviate the no life requirement? Dropping below your highest earned rank feelsbad
Hmm doesn't MP5 persist through combat and spirit only comes into play and effects mana regeneration after the 5 second rule?
Shame. Gotta use mana oil without it
Druid became my favorite class in BC and main, but I never really played it in vanilla and only heard stories from people. But I really want to play druid this time around with an emphasis on resto. How much of this stuff is true?
>leveling is the worst of any class
>you can't real heal dungeons because not having an ooc rez makes you unwanted until 60
>while you actually are a jack of all trades, you are shit at everything until well into the game (like 40+)
Fury Warrior or Warlock?
Everything else seems boring
Rogue or mage for vanilla.
I'd do warrior like I did on retail but leveling is suffering and so is just life in general. The trade off was the cool tier sets but I don't think ill repeat it for classic server.
And why is that?
>I remember a shaman in my guild that had the proper gear set for infinite mana as long as his tide totem was down.
elaborate you retard.
you can stack a ton of mp5 but you cant reach infinite. mana tide does not give you infinite mana.5 piece t1 gives you mana back on healing wave - which still isn't infinite and doesn't help chain heal spamming.
That's the one. That's why druids and priests use spirit instead, they get special talents for it too
Because there are much better talents to get.
2h fury
learn to use slam properly and become a dps god
Even if every single person who replied RPPVP to this poll was 75% of the server’s population that would still be enough to justify it as a server and that’s a very low estimate. Without server transfers you can’t get people “coming in to shit on rpers” at any decent level because RPers who are twice as dedicated are going to be grouped up for RP and shit on them in return. The magic of RPPVP servers is the ability for the community to come together and organize conflict. If the servers aren’t there at launch then the community won’t be there, which will make its failure a self fulfilling prophecy due to asinine and pigheaded decisionmaking. It would be a tragedy to lose something so dependent on community when classic is finally going to bring community back.
And that comes out with ZG. But Paladins are pretty much mana gods, just stack some crit and you'll be fine for the most part.
Spell crit is better on paladins if they bother getting potions, runes or world buffs.
Is there any recognition in or allure to being a "good healer" in classic?
In more recent wow expansions content was a bit more mechanically demanding and having someone who is a legitimately skilled healer is noticeable. I was always parsing really well in my guilds and people were always asking me to heal for them and it was a great feeling. I want to do this in classic as well but with 40 man raids having basically no real skill requirements and healing being spamming decurse and playing whack a mole I question whether or not its even possible to stand out as like a "holy shit this guy is a good healer, I need him for all my raids" type. Like does classic have the skill disparity for a healer to even stand out?
Otherwise I'd probably just play dps.
Not him but some shamans do. It can be very helpful if undergeared and during progression. The catch is its very deep in resto and going that deep gimps you for anything else in the game, so you'd be looking at big respec fees.
It's also not that great, but with good gear you can forego gearing for mp5 and go pretty much full +heal and rotate mana pots, demonic runes, and mana tide.
A lot of that stuff is from private servers with low respec fees, so grain of salt.
(and usually better to go with a healthy mix of mp5 and +heal, depending on your personal stat weights if you care that much - fast fights mean the mp5 is largely useless so better to swap out pieces depending)
>tfw just switched from three 12 hour shifts a week to five 8 hour shifts a week
Not going to have the extra time I want to spend on this bros
Yes. Shit healers run out of mana quickly, overheal too much or just let people die.
I dunno I don't play cuck roles / classes but I know he had a darkmoon card to do it.
no, and i doubt they will change it
Shamans don't spec mana tide because it's complete trash. Also the only set shamans use is 8/8 tier 1. You don't go oom because shit dies quickly and you pot/rune on cd.
While I like this change I have to wonder about those mounts and really rare items that drop in 5 mans.
Will those be rolled for or will people just be able to take them?
warlock, there will be less of them so you won't have as hard a time finding groups. also they're pretty op in pvp
False, false, and false.
It's the third easiest class for leveling and can any hybrid can heal until 50.
All shaman talents are shit and you use t2 as well
>she sees you reading that baloon and pops it with a needle
I'm so lonely bros.
No, shamans have extremely good talents. You never use t2, ever. You use full tier 1 until Naxx.
lol look at the shaman talent tree
You really should take a look, yeah.
Thinking of going with either of these two for a spec I can PVP and PVE in.
Rogue seems kinda fun too
Here you go, show me your raiding talents buddy
Never subbed to wow here but played a few vanilla servers. What could keep players engaged after the 12 months or so of progressive patches up to 1.12? I don't see how it can last more than a couple of years unless it goes the way of Old-school RuneScape by adding retail content but with a vanilla veil.
I leveled a Druid as resto during retail vanilla and feral last year on a private server and it was perfectly fine. In-fact, I almost never had to stop since you'd just pop out of cat, regrowth/rejuv and keep going. Leveling as resto is slow as motherfuck, but you'll almost never die and naturally feral is pretty slow until you get cat form but then it's solid.
As far as dungeons go, it's the same story as any group. If you get a shit group, the run will be shit. If you get a good group, it'll be good. Druid healers are perfectly competent and if you're in a decent group you shouldn't even have to worry about death all that often anyway, so the "no ooc res" will be negligible. Most of the time groups will be simply happy to have found a healer, and it doesn't matter shit what class is healing in dungeons so long as the healer is wearing int gear and not a sped.
Dude why are cringy faggots posting literal Yea Forums post on twitter
You should be shot for doing this out of a cannon.
>unless it goes the way of Old-school RuneScape by adding retail content but with a vanilla veil.
I feel like this is what most people are hoping for. We can only hope blizzard continues to listen.
You get into a discussion about shaman with zero knowledge, why exactly if I may ask? Isn't it better to shut the fuck up if you don't know what you are talking about?
He has ONE follower
Who the FUCK is he posting this to?? His mother???
Is it possible to follow yourself on Twitter? Wouldn't be shocked. After all, he's following one person...
Undead (or orc)
So, how good is Shamman in vanilla? Is is capable of anything that is not healing? And why is Mana Tide Totem not recommended?
Gonna remake my old ud warrior named "Lumbar" and tear shit up as a fury warrior
feels good man
That shit reminds me of the dudes that would start a Youtube page and make bots to watch and post on there video
He's so trash he can't even fake viewers
Nice, a shitposter, I like it. You should post Unbreakable instead and try to get shamans to roll enhance. God enhancement shamans are scum.
Why wouldn'y ou use the three piece t2?
You think that's what people want? I'm in the same boat, I'd love to see how Vanilla progresses separate from Retail. There's a lot of QOL stuff I think would really benefit vanilla but again I've never been that into wow so maybe I'm just a filthy casual.
what's the optimal comp for 40m raiding?
group 1
warrior MT
disc priest
feral druid
group 2
warrior OT
disc priest
shadow priest
groups 3~8
max number of DoTfags = 4?
Holy shit that is sad.
Leveling is relatively easy. You get interrupts, self heals and adequate sustain but are pretty squishy
Elemental in pvp is hidden OP (only with gear)
Enhancement is a meme specc in pvp but really fun
Best class on horde. You drop totem and heal, that's your job. In pvp you play elemental and enjoy having the highest burst in the game.
Shamans heal in PvE and play elemental in PvP, neither spec has mana tide.
Because tier 1 is better
I know it's what I want. This is Blizzard's chance to redeem themselves and build lore and gameplay that isn't terrible. If they go down the same road people are just going to naturally dip out again. I can imagine people staying for as late as WOTLK again though assuming we just went legacy tbc -> legacy wotlk.
>feral druid
Based, but don’t they go in the most stacked melee group for muh crit
Based but same
Why make butt physics if it's going to be weirdly smashed together and only jiggle at the very tip
What I find hilarious is all you people who think that you'll be able to go home again and this will be the answer to your prayers solely because it doesn't have whatever personally offended you in one of the later patches/expansions.
2 fury tanks, 23 fury warriors, 6 shamans, two hunter, a druid, 2 priest, 1 mage, 3 rogues. After AQ you can drop some warriors for casters
Why not? Other people post their shit on twitter.
How do you expect to get followers if you don't post?
Once classic hits I'll get viewers easily. I was a 300k sub channel back in the day I can do it again.
I haven't been making content worth watching, why is it sad?
>Because tier 1 is better
You already said that, can you elaborate please?
Chain heal is used often as resto and the t2 bonus is very good.
T1 8/8 healing wave bounce isn't very high - it is bugged on a private server to give mana back on each bounce but that is a bug.
Most shaman use t2 3 piece and offset pieces until AQ. Can you explain to me why 8/8 T1 is superior without repeating "because its better"?
The effort to (you) ratio for these trolls has got to be abysmal.
10-12 healers depending on the dungeon
1 warlock
1 mage
0-5 rogues depending on the dungeon
fill the rest with fury warriors
OOMkin is trash. Leader of the Pack is decent. Chuck it in alongside a shaman in a melee group yes.
Is the mage just there to provide water, int and decurse? I like it.
Sheeps and water, mainly, but yeah
How do I know you're samefagging in those replies? because they specifically refer to you by your name instead of just "some fag"
Look at tier 1 set bonuses
Look at tier 2 set bonuses
Healing wave is much more effective than spamming chain heal.
>someone said something I don't like, they are troll!
You really think you'll be happy in Classic, going up to 60, beating Kel'thuzad, and having nothing else to do after?
I had tormented their MC server for weeks.
>no argument
Post comfy tracks
wait... their buffs aren't raid-wide?
oh god
>everquest fag still mad his game never became world-renown like WoW
>Healing wave is much more effective than spamming chain heal.
Not for healing the raid it isn't. It is more effective for tank healing or single target healing, yes.
The bounces reduce the heal by 80%. Even with an assload of +heal (which you don't have since you're going 8/8 T1) it's reduced considerably to where the bounces are practically nothing.
I know the set bonuses, instead of telling me to look at them, can you tell me why its better?
Blizzard isn't Blizzard anymore, it's Activision.
See also: Bioware and EA
How are you guys getting through the wait?
I'm bored af, retail wow blows ass, and I don't want to get started on a private server if I'll just lose all the progress when classic hits anyways.
Nah you gotta stack the right classes in the right group
Raid leading took a lot of fucking set up with 40 people and buffing like that. Competitive matchmaking except when you fuck up some bulgarian tranny playing a female night elf rogue will get upset because his group has doesn't have the feral druid and his rival, the finnish autist fury warrior does have one in his group making the rogue lose in the dps charts.
So what addons do you guys want to be revived for classic?
What is that one that made the game even better but never got updated?
playing a private server right now, having lots of fun doing content I wont see on classic for about 2 years
>put on all this shitty gear so you can turn healing wave into a shittier chain heal
no thanks
>half the fury warriors are in BiS the other half are still wearing level 50 greens
By playing other games
It's "good", as in it wasn't as bad as this current version of the game. I may look back at MoP with fondness now, but I'd still trade it for TBC or Wotlk in a heartbeat.
Just do it for practice. Once I wrap up Path of Exile's league, maybe grind a bit on DK Online (Free Korean MMO on Steam) I'll be doing a private server to train.
Right now just doing the motions as survivor on Dead By Daylight w/ the gf.
Pirated Sekio or whatever it's called, might give that a try, also pirated Darkest Dungeon, but after the first encounter it looked terribly boring.
>crown from raggy finally drops
>everyone goes collectively apeshit
I always loved how a fucking mail item is BiS for ages
Give good number!!
Wait a second I think I know that bulgarian rogue and finnish warrior. Nostalrius alliance right?
It's more effective for healing both the raid and tanks. The mana gain only happening once was changed in 1.12 so it's a non factor. It's better because it's more efficient due to using less mana, healing for more and having better coefficient.
No encounter until Naxx requires more than one shaman going for chain heal.
>Tier 1
3 pieces: The radius of your totems that affect friendly targets is increased to 30 yd.
5 pieces: After casting your Healing Wave or Lesser Healing Wave spell, gives you a 25% chance to gain Mana equal to 35% of the base cost of the spell.
8 pieces: Your Healing Wave will now jump to additional nearby targets. Each jump reduces the effectiveness of the heal by 80%, and the spell will jump to up to two additional targets.
>Tier 2
3 pieces: Increases the amount healed by Chain Heal to targets beyond the first by 30%.
5 pieces: Improves your chance to get a critical strike with Nature spells by 3%.
8 pieces: When you cast a Healing Wave or Lesser Healing Wave, there is a 25% chance the target also receives a free Lightning Shield that causes 50 Nature damage to attacker on hit.
I can imagine 5/8 T1 3/8 T2 but I suppose it really depends on just how much you're casting chain heal.
>8 pieces: Your Healing Wave will now jump to additional nearby targets. Each jump reduces the effectiveness of the heal by 80%, and the spell will jump to up to two additional targets.
80% cut and then another 80% cut on top of that cripples the healing output hard and I'm not actually sure if things such as Healing Way and Ancestral Healing effect the players that the Healing Wave jumps to. Even so, it looks like 80% cut still comes out ahead of Chain Heal considering that cuts by 50% but has drastically lower healing amount. Like 1/3rd.
I'm not sure how the 30% extra healing affects the chain heal spell. Whether it means it now only cuts by 20% per jump or what.
Why the fuck can't the retail team be this good?
Did all the people with any sort of passion just shift to the classic team?
Who the fuck even wants Crown of Destruction besides a shaman maybe
To be honest, I wish that addons were not available at all.
This may surprise you but the best and most fun parts of mmo's isn't scripted content.
I look forward to smashing faces with a might of menethil and all sorts of player shenanigans.
Nah I made those up but every group is a ragtag bunch of retards usually and that's why I love this game
Sharding is the main one. My other personal reservations is that blizzard will find some way to fuck this up, but I don't know how yet.
Also what will I get
>I don't know anything about shamans but I still comment on it
Based retard.
Blame your guild for not having a proper loot council set up.
You don't use chain heal at all as shaman. Why? It's ineffective. It costs more mana while having a lower coefficient. Shamans using 8/8 tier 1 and healing wave does more than fine, no encounter until Naxx requires any chain heal spamming.
better not get a zero
That shit is hype for warriors and (lol) ret paladins
While I kinda feel that way, there where a few in Vanilla that took the bullshit out certain classes.
>crown of destruction when lionheart helmet exists
true but things like decurse and auto totem kill macros are fukn cancer.
>arguing over which shitty tier set has the better 8 set bonuses
Who gives a shit, your bis is will have maybe 3 pieces of those at the most.
Warriors have either t1/2 helm or lionheart depending on which they wanna use
Warriors always have lionheart up until t2.5
With r10 sometimes, depending on other gear of course I might add
>no encounter until Naxx requires any chain heal spamming.
And will 5/8 T1 and 3/8 T2 then be effective?
>mfw retards in nostalrius instructed me to just be spamming chain heal 1 in the early boss fights in MC
We never cleared past like the first two bosses obviously.
>tfw using Hand of Reckoning which is off the GCD in wrath to destroy grounding totems
I can't believe they let this shit fly.
alliance is far better than anything the mudhut faction can put together
>auto totem kill macros
These fucking exist?
Lionheart wasn't introduced until a later patch. IIRC it was the bwl patch
Besides doesn't change the fact crown of destruction is good
>added in WoTLK
>its in classic
the absolute state of classic players accepting this shit
classic will be the first time i've ever playing wow
I wanna be a troll warrior, they look cool
Blizzard literally said summer 2019 retard
It's only there in raids which is master looter 99% of the time. pretty helpful for when the master looter inevitably fucks up and gives someone the wrong thing, needing a fucking GM ticket to fix normally.
>i might have 400 less +healing and 50 less mp5 but my healing wave heals 2 extra people for 300 health, which is what really matters
Did you even read it? They're not going to implement it in classic (except in raids for some reason).
The automatic ones did exist but will not work with the new API.
The ones you have to keep tapping have existed since forever and will always work.
Yeah I'm kinda thinking he doesn't know what he's talking about. It seems really meh. Like why wouldn't you just go with 5/8 and 3/8 t2
Just keep in mind that warrior can be a tough first character to have, they have the hardest leveling and are very populated.
I still have my g15 which lets you make macros that are a lot more complex than WoW ones. Always wondered if those were bannable
i will play both will prob main classic until retail gets significantly better but since i am paying a sub might as well play both
Warrior is the shit when you have it as a 2nd character
>have some money to buy gear
>have friends to help you get a whirlwind weapon
>know guildies to run dungeons with
>skips all bwl because summoner portals dont combat pulse
irrelevant server and NOPE will blow Vanguard the fuck out on classic
F Human warlock
Y/N? Didn't play vanilla but I'd like to raid
>He never had to wait a fucking week for a drop to be re-assigned manually.
Only if you tell people what you're doing.
Use your G15 to macro your macros and that's the real secret to automatic gold farming.
Lionheart are ingame pretty much at launch. You can check based on the item ID.
Perhaps on some fights, but Naxx gear is too superior to not use.
It's a common thing to think chain heal is some godly ability in vanilla, it has it's places but it's niche.
You really don't understand shamans, do you? You have 6+ shamans using healing wave, chaining it to others, keeping up 3x healing way and providing 25% armor to the whole raid, which is 25+ melees. Your job as a shaman is not to spam heal trying to for highest HPS possible, your job is to boost melee damage, reduce their damage taken and focus on healing tanks, where the majority of the damage is done. Raid damage is very low overall and other classes can cover that just fine.
Ah. Alright I guess I can work towards it then. What's another character to start with
I thought about Warlock as well and maybe Priest
Don't worry, your one twitter follower won't tell anyone.
I think those are allowed.
The problem with the builtin automacros was that they could parse the combatlog to also do things like immediately dispel important buffs (BoF, lesser invulnerability, etc).
kek hello slip
>these no name trash guilds with nothing to show for will btfo everyone
That's a doubt from me. If you had anything to back that up, maybe I would consider it but no, your 45min BWLs or 60min AQ40s on a funserver nonetheless does not convince me or anyone else.
Warlock is a good choice, easy leveling and farming.
>want to get pvp ranks on my main character
>also want to level alts
>be anyone in a bg, wpvp or otherwise
>see priest on my team
>"good I can get healed and kill the men well"
>rogue blinds them
>"sorry couldn't heal was blinded lol"
I wish I could reveal my previous power level to you but it's not worth all the swatting.
F human is generic as fuck and mostly played by people with "qt" and "lol" at the end of their name
>actually believing that classic is going to be so radically different from private servers that the playing field will leveled
Honestly not a bad choice. Orcs have a passive that gives tham a 25% chance to resist stuns which can be great in PVP but their damage bonus racial ability cuts healing recieved in half. Which can really fuck over your healing buddy in PVP. Ain't an issue if you're solo but then again it's a poor decision to solo as a Warrior. Trolls on the other hand just get guaranteed haste based on how low their HP is. But it's like a minimum of 10% extra attack speed which is still nice regardless. Aside from that they also heal during combat and do an extra 5% damage to beasts which are plentiful. So it helps with PVE some.
take a look. Tauren Warrior is good too. Additional disable, more HP on a high HP class and a little extra nature's resistance doesn't go amiss. Cultivation is handy too in the case that you decide to go into herbalism and alchemy for making your own potions.
Oh ok, everyone here believes you.
>thinking some shit guilds will have anything to say about anything
Stay shit, stay irrelevant.
>people never know the joy of being a dwarf rogue and using stone form to get rid of rend so you can vanish against a warrior
feels so good
Does it actually bounce healing way and ancestral to the other targets though?
You'll be grateful there was a healer there even to begin with.
no name kronos shill at it again I see
It does, yes.
I wonder if Classic will use the old tauren hitboxes that were only changed in TBC because that was some grade A bullshit
How do you mean? The healer is obviously a non-factor in that situation because they were retarded and went anything other than dwarf.
>still seething his dead funserver with absolute garbage guilds is irrelevant yet again
cope harder
This is a decision you'd have to make on retail anyways. Just commit to what makes you happier.
I'll only be worried if they add LFG/LFR
personally i found raiding to be the least interesting part of classic, don't really care what they do with it
Well here's a question. Were female taurens susceptible to the same hitbox troubles as male taurens? It's also a two sided sword. It means you'll apply damage from further away also.
I look forward to leveling again but not to raiding mc
fuck me is that shit boring
kronos has always been a backwater russian shithole, sorry to say
Not just that, nice Blessings of Wisdom and Kings we don't have.
There's reasons Allies got called Easymoders back in the Vanilla era
Raiding in classic was truly awful, 40-man Raids were a mistake and thats why they were quickly abandoned
Idk what other race to pick though. I don't like gnomes. I'd play undead but I feel like warlocks will be more rare alliance side because everyone will want to roll ofc or undead for lock? Maybe not though
Well he's discussing how Vanguard gears their shamans, and it's a little unhelpful to say that all shaman should do this. They kill shit lightning fast and dont fuck up so there is very little damage going out.
In a progression full of people that may not be min-maxed, there will be more raid damage and you'll want shamans chain healing.
Viewing it through his prism it makes sense, however it wont apply if a guild isn't blazing through shit.
He's here to call you guys shit, basically, not explain the background or reasoning for it.
The redpill is you can do it his way or do it another way - beggars cant be choosers with gear and some shamans are going to have to use what they have and speed runs of MC don't necessarily equal how they're going to do things.
I'm unclear if the bounces provide healing way tho its not tough to keep that up on the tanks, they should proc the armor boost but so does chain heal. You can have the same effective outcome with shamans spamming chain heal but he's right about its not the job as shaman (or any healer) to go for high hps.
>this is how the 1% of players do it in ideal situations so everything else is trash
that's his thesis. Doesn't make it wrong but you have to see the background. And again he wants an opportunity to call everyone shit, not educate.
What way should they be twisted?
And chinks hope has always been a corrupt funserver filled to the brim with chinks and irrelevant shitty players and guilds. Forever seething you produced nothing of value after all those hours spent.
For a time male tauren had an 8 yard melee range and 8 yard range to be hit by melee
fairly early on their attack range was changed to 5 yards like everyone else but they could still be hit 8 yards away.
They changed it to 5 to hit, 5 to be hit by in TBC because people could melee male tauren through pillars in arenas.
Wisdom is trash, kings is a meager 400hp or so at best.
do expose armor and sunder still stack on lights hope? lol its been like 3 years
Orc warlocks are cool. Hell, just make a male human warlock if you want to be an alliance lock that isn't a gnome. They get some pretty decent grizzled faces and beards that suit locks well. The old male human model looked so much better than the new one, it's insane.
And what if I'm not interested in pvp?
Are Female Taurens on the same hitboxes as everyone else though? This pretty much decides my race/gender choices if so.
you sure do like that word, sub 500 pop server denizen
It's just too much bullshit to deal with. I like the idea of 10-15 man raids. But it's all 20s and 40s here. I suppose 20 ain't so bad.
the game is coming out with the final patch my dude
They haven't stacked since before Lightbringer. Can you still attack Ony with yellows during air phase and bosses through walls?
45 guilds + 10+ pugs clear 40man raids every week, math doesn't add up. Stay mad.
Modern day versions of the Ship of Theseus
The region lock will fragment both guilds into dozens. Both guilds would be better off remaining on their funservers where NA and EU can circlejerk themselves eternally.
I think they do, but they might change it for classic. I'm assuming they'll change this for classic.
You should google it if you want more details on how it works. It's sort of beneficial for melee classes and especially hunters.
why would I be mad about some memeshit russian funserver? it's so insignificant that its existence doesnt even enter my thoughts until I enter these threads and see how desperate you people are to bolster your server lol, stay small m8
Yeah orc and undead warlocks do look great. My original plan was to roll undead spriest but everyone says playing spriest is just a meme and you'll never raid or get gear and you oom just putting up PW : F lol. And lock is as close to spriest as I can get while still getting a raid slot hopefully
Yes, your corrupt chinese fun server really is irrelevant, we already know that.
I specifically remember being able to both melee and outrange Kaz'rogal's war stomp as late as Hyjal as a male tauren warrior so I'm calling bullshit. Could also melee through pillars in S3 without retaliation. Don't talk out of your ass.
it depends entirely on what the debuff limit will be if you get a slot as a shadow priest or not, warlock suffers from the same problem.
>""good"" guilds on lights hope
Surprised Nharz used ww in this vid actually, thats an improvement at least
You can raid as any spec, aside from prot pally and feral tank. You just need to become friends with officers. The raids of vanilla are not so anal retentive that the raid will fall apart because you took one more spriest instead of another shadow bolt machine.
Troll Warlock because fuck Armin
Wait warlock is debuff slot dependent as well? Wtf I thought soulstone/health stones and summoning portal would get a raid slot at least. What are you ganna play?
Rolling for an alt character, already playing Gnome warlock
Fuck I forgot they couldnt be locks in vanilla
I have some questions for you.
Firstly does Totemic Mastery which increases friendly totem range to 30 yards stack with the 30 yard bonus from the T1 Shaman set? Will it become 40 yards or is it effectively a waste of a talent slot to have this once you have the T1 bonus?
Secondly do you know what the story is on the Female Tauren hitbox? Is it as bad as the Male Tauren one or is it in line with everything else?
Also do you happen to know how much better the armor situation gets for restos in PVP?
How important is my threat talent? I've been considering a build roughly like these for a PVE/PVP build which doesn't make use of the threat talent. Is this a significant detriment? Do you think my enhancing totems talent is pointless? Should I really be taking Totemic Mastery before T1? Is it a necessity? If you could suggest a better build even, it would be really appreciated. I want to become a great healer. Thank you.
Please not a healer
Raiding warlocks just had one lock put on Curse of Shadow, and then the other locks sat back and spammed shadowbolt for eternity.
I'm not talking out of my ass, they changed it during the wotlk patch which is still a part of tbc, depending on how you view it.
>no humans
the fuck you even talking about? meta was always there. no one needed a non-prot war, and everyone wanted a protwar for a tank over any other tank spec, just as the probably most shining example. raiding with random builds is not why people want classic and not what classic was like.
That's nice, Vanilla is still shit tier though.
lmao yes its group based thats why you only take one of the meme specs
Imagine playing horde in classic and not going orc for the retardedly OP stun resist passive when rogues out number almost every other class 2:1.
>Elemental Orc Shaman
Honestly not bad. But you bet your ass you'll be healing. They have really bad mana sustain.
>it stacks with arms warrior stun resist
>mfw as a paladin
>Classic will have a bigger population than retail.
>Need to be subbed to play
>The game will literally never get updated after Nax comes out
>No new updates either
Sure man, whatever you say lmao
I'll simply refuse to use discord while I'm in-game. How's that?
I can't wait to play WoW with all my friends and Streamers, Sodapopin going to kick everyone's assess!
Nothing in my life will ever be as grand as the moment I give activision blizzard my money for vanilla world of warcraft.
you're acting as if private servers don't have discord either
vanilla gameplay forces you to socialize ingame
Problem is that everyone else will. If you're a +1 in a group, then the group will be eerily silent for you, with one person acting as the designated voice sometimes.
>mfw I'm explicitly making an Orc Warrior to annoy rogues
Might just go PvP
I mean people had shit like Ventrilo back in the day too user. It's not like out of games comms only exists now. People still talk in-game in MMOs. The reason they don't in retail is because there's no connection to other players because it's all matchmaking.
If I see your sorry ass on an RP server with a name that isn't lore friendly, or talk in /s or /y in gamer speak, I'll report you.
God I hope there's an RP server.
Complete non-issue. All streamers will be on PVE servers
>resist cheap shot
>resist kidney right after that
>they blind you and restealth to try again
but have they addressed the issue ot WoW being an absolute shit game that ruined the entire genre?
>Giving Activision™ 15 bucks each month to play a 15 years old game.
I dont even get why you're so fucking smug. Classic subs will still count as WoWsubs and vice versa you're still going to be supporting retail.
unless you go full private server and you can bet your ass that blizzard will be going after those hard when Classic releases.
You need gear for elemental to be actually good.
You know what I just realised you're right. Streamers are easily upset pussies who will be susceptible to corpse camping if they dare enter a PVP server. Thanks for making my night user.
Don't even try user, all the people here wanting to play Classic is zoomers that has not play a single other MMO.
>You need gear for elemental to be actually good.
That's just part of the road to R14 shamy, it's a long ass road but it's my destiny to walk it, so sayth the digits
I've played tons of other MMO's and none of them have the satisfaction of ganking players as WoW does.
DK Online comes close but you lose exp / loot when you die and even de-level. I got zerged down by Koreans and de-leveled to the point I can't gank till I level back up again.
OSRS was dying out a year after its release. Only f2p servers (as the game had in 2007) brought it back to life, not to mention the countless content and QOL updates.
Classic wow will have to stray from the expansion model if blizz want to keep its population.
You also had to pay for a vent server back then I think. And someone had to have the knowledge and willingness to set one up.
And mics weren't as common back then.
Streamers will have R13 and 14 on total lockdown by always having access to a group to farm HKs and form premades around their popularity.
mics were pretty common then, shitty monitor attached mics were everywhere.
idk about that one my guy.. kings on tanks is a significant boost to survivability
I'm 23. I've played dozens of other MMOs and old school WoW is one of my favourites alongside Shadowbane and Anarchy Online.
I'm just saying you might want to consider playing a hybrid spec. Natural Swiftness is an instant cast ability in the resto tree. An instant cast is nice for a quick burst of healing or to blow someone the fuck out with two zaps and a shock. You'll still be able to heal pretty decent for the most part. You just won't be optimal and it may show. Hybrid build such as that is completely viable in PVP though.
>MFW stone forming out of blind and all other BS poisons.
Does it matter as much when it was kind of a given that R13 and R14 mafias would form? I think streamers are still cancer, but a mafia was going to form anyways.
Mics were fairly common in my experience. It was usually some weirdo that wasn't gonna stick around long anyway that didn't bother to get a mic. Vent wasn't a lot of money btw. I get what you're saying but people still gotta talk in game.
>I'm just saying you might want to consider playing a hybrid spec.
I'm fine healing and taking second hands and pass overs to get some level of gear.
You were 8 when WoW came out...of course you like it. It was created and catered towards kids like you playing it.
anyone else here just waiting for tbc "classic"
>implying blizzard won't step in and ban them for arranging shit like that
And I liked Shadowbane and Anarchy Online which sure as fuck weren't catered towards children. What's your point?
Yeah, they totally banned all the warlord parties who took turns passing around r14 in vanilla, right
I'll play TBC so long as it continues on from vanilla. KINDA hope they don't make flying mounts a thing.
gonna shut in so fucking hard for this. Fuck it, I'm going home.
I mean it's pretty obvious if they're streaming this shit happening. Of course action will be taken.
That you as a little child with no knowledge of most games obviously prefered the game created for kids with cartoony KR graphics.
>perfect announcement. what are the other reservations that people still have about retail classic? sharding and a potential future cash shop?
It really isn't.
>tfw the only clamped down on win-trading in arenas during BC is because they wanted that to become competitive
Blizzards "expansion" model is always to replace content and make things irrelevent. Or just plain take things away from the players. None of them have "expanded" the fucking game since WOTLK.
God, does overwatch have anything of value other than porn and fan art at this point?
>Cure Poison totem is out
It's impossible. You can't "take action" against someone who just logs onto an alt to give the next guy his rank up for the week.
So are you trying to make out there's gonna be people feeding kills repeatedly to get their ranks?
It never had anything of value aside from porn. The game has always been a hyper casual party game taken too seriously. Like TF2 and every MOBA in existence.
And I suppose despite going back and playing on Vanilla 1x rate servers since then and having a ball I've just 'got the nostalgia goggles on' right?
No. The honor system determines ranks by a percentage, no different than the old arena system. If rank 13 is 10,000 HKs for the week. The lead party simply farms 10,000 collectively and swaps out to farm another guy to 10,001. It's not kill-trading (although some might attempt it and be disappointed).
>Grouped with a dwarf pali on northdale
>Dude brought fucking pots for everyone
>Tank had a full bar of pots
>Played a healer even though we brought him for DPS without a single complaint because our druid didn't feel right healing without proper gear
>Kept everyone alive the whole run even after we double overpulled
>Actively managed buffs for the druid while he shifted to HOT the tank from time to time for max mana regen
>Didn't get a single piece of gear
>Was just happy to run DM with us
>Turned out he never healed before that run
You're a pretty cool dude grimgot, stay based
What I'd like to see in a perfect world is TBC at 60 tuned as a continuation of post naxx content
>Delegating developers to remaster a game, hiring GMs and hosting servers should all be done for nothing
They're a business. Why are you surprised? Also, people who are already subbed aren't paying any more for this.
This is the soul of a hybrid player.
A lot of classes get fixed in TBC. The issue with TBC was fucking flying mounts imo