Why is Yea Forums so mean to Stadia-chan? I know the technology isn't quite here yet...

Why is Yea Forums so mean to Stadia-chan? I know the technology isn't quite here yet, and I don't like the idea of not having .exe and game files either, but I don't think the fear mongering of Stadia "destroying consoles and PC gaming" is something to worry about. People aren't going to just throw away their libraries that they've collected over the years.

Attached: stadia-chan.png (736x900, 194K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Literally nobody is afraid of this doing anything. It's not going to change anything.

is there any more of this art

>thrusting with 200 ms of latency
no thanks

Attached: thinking.png (720x546, 358K)

>Chance for another console character
>Immediately it's, like 90% of all of them, automatically just another girl


>not thrusting a shitton in a short period so it crashes his brain as he tries to process the pounding his prostate just got

>Yea Forums drawcucks are unoriginal, horny faggots
Nothing new


Attached: 1333407387066.gif (400x229, 1020K)

>why this isn't a wojak REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>flat-chested girl
>not saggy, wrinkly old onlive-san with botox and plastic tits

i put in the ass

Bowsettecucks said the same thing. You’re all faggots.

>200ms latency
>not pre-thrusting a thousand times like a raging sun
>once it register serverside, it cums buckets; ahegaos and total rupture
>"A-user, I-I t-think you w-went too f-farrrrr--- AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH"
>you smile at what you have just done

idk if there's more but the OG artist is lurking around on Yea Forums somewhere

cause it's true, wojakfag

Why is there only a Stadia chan? What about geforce now? There's like 3 competing streaming services

Lmao, faggot

Alright I’m waiting. Where’s her fat art now?

Probably because 90% of Yea Forums still thinks Stadia is a console.

Hi literally made OP's pic related today. Is he a constant drawfag?

People have tried this streaming games stuff before and it really only works if it's like from one system in your house to another screen on the same network, like that PS4 -> Vita thing some games could do. Anything higher and the latency becomes unbearable even for turn based games because it'll delay the menus as well.

Attached: nepnepsmile.png (316x263, 119K)


I literally played my PSVita while on vacation in *another country* streamed to my PS4. I literally play my steam games on my phone every day as I commute to and from work, over 4G network. Latency is not the problem, infrastructure is. And infrastructure will improve as a consequence.

Attached: Screenshot_20190316-220909.jpg (2200x1080, 546K)

I want someone to draw stadia chan but more detailed and a lot more lewd.

>streamed *from* my PS4

No clue, just saw this posted in another thread

Attached: 1553296986137.png (1200x1200, 613K)

>j-just buy the shit now it'll get better bros!!

Attached: 1551229791501.png (552x543, 358K)

It's honestly true. wojakshit gets tiring. drawing shit is much more fun.

Attached: 1553147997723.jpg (1024x1024, 161K)

Maybe don't live in a shithole third world country

Attached: 1505936406421.png (220x298, 122K)

this artstyle is so refreshing after endless wojaks and weeb shit

Is it really so hard to just try a different style for once? This is much more charming to look at.

I enjoyed the vita to ps4 thing even tho my internet was complete ass at the time

>Stadia is a girl
Oh sweet naive child.

this drawing style is literally pic related. soul/10

Attached: 34625783689.jpg (1280x600, 178K)


Google is really invested in their astroturfing eh

Wasn't that show made by a literal crippled?

How? I was born here and no one likes immigrants in their country

Huh. Funny I thought it looked more like EEnE. I like it though.

it reminds me more of ed edd and eddy

Made by a guitarist. I’ve seen him irl and he had working apendages

You're not an immigrant if you have a respectable degree and job.

Sources: moved to Japan with a highly skilled professional visa, two degrees, and gained permanent residency within 2 years. I'm not an immigrant.

Attached: smug_nep.jpg (614x491, 110K)


Brendon Small.

The artist here. I do base my style a lot on Ed Edd n Eddy

My friend moved to the states a few months ago for a job and he says he's constantly getting shit on by locals

Draw more. Draw a fuck ton more. And don't let anyone stop you no matter how much they claim you're "reddit" or a "waifufag".

This is why you should not move to a third world country in the first place.

lol, fair enough. Anywhere is better than here though.

More please. Quick, before Yea Forums finds out it’s not actually a console

What cunt is he from? And what state did he go to?

Nobody said that yet. I'd be sad desu.
I am drawing more although I don't even need to. There are so many people drawing her already

Attached: 2362466342234.jpg (600x583, 50K)

Draw some porn already ffs

Jamaica, moved to North Carolina

wtf i love stadia now?

skeletonX is my favorite of the memes.

Oh if he's a nigger then yeah he's fucked no matter what

>flat-chest,long sweater
Muh dick

Hey artist, draw the Nintendie picking up Stadia by her ahoge and then swinging her around like Bowser in Super Mario 64

You're still a foreigner to any Jap faggot

why has no one drawn porn of googles latest console?

He's cute

Maybe he should go back? I recommend it.


How about some softcore first there, big guy? Don't scare the artist away just yet

There's art of all 3 console wojacks about to fuck her.

Yes he

I decided to recreate the scene with their respective mascots

Attached: Videogame Mascots.png (1280x1244, 115K)

I'm richer than 90% of the population, I flex on them and they get the fuck out of my way. I couldn't care less.

I agree, the US is the worst, all foreigners should go back home.

Attached: 1516405678301s.jpg (101x125, 2K)

Not a bad idea.

home movies was based. the renaissance fair episode, the sensitivity training episode, and bye bye greasy are all among my favorite episodes of any tv series ever.

Attached: DF5CA2F0-2705-48A7-8DB2-5F373522C641.png (1280x674, 216K)


What job?
If it's low tier people will just think he's bottom feeding

That's humorous.

You're thinking of John Callahan

I think I'm asking the right questions regarding Stadia, is Stadia a boy or a gir?

He probably will eventually but they pay 3x more than he'd normally get so he'll probably stick around for a bit

Attached: 1520363732455.png (1190x634, 370K)

Creator confirmed it was female (female)


Attached: 1207535972932.gif (250x273, 608K)

Chartered Accountant

>we're supposed to be impressed by this, especially when it's the "Japs"
its like bragging about barely beating a kid you numale anime poster

Best part is in that scene he's ordering a literal jug of aids


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>Why is Yea Forums so mean to Stadia-chan? I know the technology isn't quite here yet
Why did you ask a question and then answer it? Doing Stadia with our current technology makes as much sense as doing Dead or Alive Xtreme on the SNES Super FX. The tech just isn't good enough for the experience it's intended to provide.

Most of Yea Forums won't even get this joke anymore.

Attached: raffingman.jpg (214x317, 12K)

That seems more in the meh region. Long as he looks/acts respectable long enough people won't care, speak English clearly and act like a normal person and he'll fit in over time.


who the hell is that wonderbread guy?

Enough is never enough. We need more good art(ists).

Don't act like you wouldn't have been jacking it to polygonal titties if we had them.


Feels bad man.

>"Your brother died of some regrettable life choices"

stadia is my wife

Attached: stadia.png (346x363, 21K)

Not on the Super FX.

Attached: doapp.png (512x480, 63K)

I've never met a more cucked man.
You have my sympathy.

what the fuck dude, she's underage

Cool it with the islamophobia

nah google is 20 years old

>a shit tier slut is your life

Looks about 20 to me.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-03-15-02h17m06s086.png (960x720, 439K)

>It's been several hours now
>Still no porn
God damnit Yea Forums...

Attached: oh_ok.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

there is already porn

Stadia wearing the Google visor and Glasses when

I’d make some but I can’t draw.

Attached: 7A5A133E-E4FF-4834-8BCB-83A9589E12D8.png (2048x1536, 505K)


I'm some of the first on the planet to see this bros... So as YOU!

>Nothing on the console tan booru
I must be retarded then

>Who needs tits anyway! I have a really great butt!


should we put all this art there so it doesnt get lost to the sands of time?

flat chested master race

You are an excellent human being

that's what I'd do, probably best for archival as I don't need to filter out a bunch of non consoletan content

>it's another literal faggot complaining

Nah, it's just onlive after extremely extensive plastic surgery

why is she so perfect bros...

Attached: 1553287879322.png (404x499, 119K)

Get raped, Google shill

OG Stadiachan drawfag here. What is she saying Yea Forums? You decide

My favorite so far

forgot pic

Attached: Stadiaissad.png (1200x1200, 721K)

I fucking wish Jewgle paid me for drawing these.

Attached: 346262477336263.png (539x335, 67K)

the n word

Attached: 1550530401199.png (929x1200, 385K)

Attached: uwuu.png (1200x1200, 685K)

Attached: Untitled.png (1200x1200, 661K)

i wish someone loved me

>What does whinnie the pooh have to do with epic games?


You can say Nigger here, user.


why does she like fifa so much, is she european?

Oh, sorry to keep you waiting!

Attached: image.jpg (180x179, 9K)

That looks like dogshit. Nice try dude.

The first thing Google Pajeet says when he comes on stage is "I'm not really a gamer, but I really like Fifa. Very immersive" or some shit

Attached: Trap stadia.png (1210x752, 390K)

>Doesn't even have the "S"

post more xbro skelly
he's my fave

Attached: ANDYOUMAYASKYOURSELF.png (1200x1200, 687K)

user delete this

Attached: 1541033110561.gif (246x205, 565K)

not a drawfag, but I tried my best.

Attached: solong.png (862x600, 149K)

>a wojak edit is soulless shit

In other news, water is wet.

based talkingheadsposter

Attached: excellent.gif (220x143, 354K)

so Yea Forums can still make oc

Attached: IMG_1898.jpg (611x1024, 71K)

You missed out.


Thank you.


Attached: stadia.png (1196x1200, 721K)

That's pretty fucking good for somebody that considers themselves not a drawfag.

The ironic thing is that its still another edit. Just like all the shitty wojacks. If you want oc, gotta goto infinitechan. Too mazy braindead zoomers here.



please someone draw this

Hey artist, draw stadia and onlive gossiping with pc, xbox, playstation and nintendo on the background


It's a fucking drawing.

at learn the basic culture of the boards you use

In my headcannon, PS4 is a futa


Attached: tf.jpg (374x374, 41K)

>ps4's cum (sales) utterly rupture stadia's intestines causing her to limp around on the floor
>this allows ps4 to toy with her as he pleases with no repercussions

It's kun

Me too. As an Xbot myself, I hope he isn't retired here into the next gen even if MS finishes getting their shit together after the One's disaster of a launch. He's grown on me a lot after all this time.

Attached: sp00k.png (1150x1060, 18K)

Poor Stadia just didn't have the bandwidth for it


okay but where's the fucking porn already senpai

don't make me find my tablet, I haven't drawn in a while

The Xkeleton is an endearing mascot for us, Xbros now. The state of the platform is a complete disaster thanks to Phil but at least we got Xkeleton

why is she so based

Attached: 1553286626432.png (376x538, 13K)

Anons posted some porn already

post a timestamped photo of you with your tablet and ill make porn

I want to FUCK the Stadia

It's up to you to seize the future of Stadia-chan porn. You paid good money for that tablet, put it to good use.

Based and reapplied

Why doesn't she wear pants?

Attached: confuse.jpg (287x274, 21K)

draw it

Okay now that is creative.

>I know the technology isn't quite here yet

then why the fuck would we support it retard

Requesting Stadia playing a horror game when she is suddenly jumpscared by Xkeleton

She's always inside because she's constantly online. So she doesn't care

she has no hardware

Why? Does that turn you on you fucking perbert?

she's a NEET
inb4 >he

is that xbone on the wall?

pants on a girl is very attractive because the mystery of what's under is vert alluring, also the

Would fug either way tbqh

Attached: fuck.png (1200x1200, 179K)

trap stadia makes my pp hard

long shirt covering the legs without pants is more erotic than pants, the mystery is just as much there but without the pants the urge to investigate is strengthened

Attached: 1383084569026.jpg (307x449, 51K)


Attached: xboneye.png (117x131, 13K)


is she going to be ok?

i agreeegfvyuiyus it veryyyyyyytyu hotjw

What about females in male suits

It all depends on Stadia's success


Attached: 1541627589557.gif (300x300, 1012K)

Remeber when mobile games started to get big and some people said "hey this is bad" and other people said "why? all the cancer is on phone, it's not like it will retroactively spread back to real games" and then it did? Stadia and streaming games and dealing with horrific latency in your games is the next cancer. The people complaining now don't want a world of streaming only. And before you say "but online already has latency", no it's different. Your client still plays in real time. You don't need to wait for latency for a menu or character movements.

I want to bone the google game box, someone help me bone the google game box

I am back in my bulshit

helpp eme

Attached: 1549671018215.jpg (480x480, 37K)

I hate all the zoomers that don't understand why this won't work.

Ever played a video streaming LASER DISC back in the early 90's? Push a button, wait 5-6 seconds to see the reaction.

Remember Onlive? Remember Gamefly's stream shit? Do you remember those Sega Saturn / Dreamcast online things?

Do you remember playing the first online Smash Bros on Wii? I do. The input lag was UNBEARABLE compared to local to the point there's NO FUCKING REASON to play it ever. Do you want that kind of latency in your video games?

Ever played a rhythm game in the early days when CRT's got replaced with flat screen shit? Impossible unless you calibrated the game.

This stream-shit kills quirky fun perpherials for the home market. This forces devs to compensate their game for input lag, especially if the majority choose to "stream" their game.

30, 40 years from now you'll never have a treasure trove of games you can dig out and play for nostalgia or to show others. (Fuck having kids.) To this day I can dig out my old PS2 and play Final Fantasy Tactics or whip out my old metal dance pad and play some DDR / ITG no problems. Heck Guitar Hero if I felt like it. Fuck it dawg, I don't have to "pay" to "stream" a game I once played.

Yes I understand you can pirate those games I listed, but imagine if those games were only available through a stream service? Only a pissed off worker bee could leak the source files to even make it piratable.

Imagine playing multiplayer and your team mates are stream-cucked with horrible lag. Well, goodbye to your rank / dreams of being an e-sports cuck. Imagine how easy China can access such a service and ruin an MMO market, avoid bans, VPN on to English only servers.

Google is beating the dead corpse of gaming if this thing goes mainstream. I hope it never will but by god if the fem-blue pilled cuck virgin boomers adopt this style of game service we are ALL fucked. Buy a 454 Casull and end your life 100% guaranteed once that happens lads.

Attached: Pepe Swole.jpg (800x482, 41K)

anal is top tier. I now require the mating press..

you are a great person user

Attached: Braixen.png (317x409, 153K)

nigger she poops from there, thats disgusting


Attached: 1550011970792.png (2500x3015, 3.95M)

wait that aint ps4

thanks, I hope she only gets assfucked from here on.

I require more Stadia porn, all of the Stadia porn.

Attached: 1476771002972.jpg (918x749, 43K)

I don't think that's gonna fit...

"Okay Google, give consent"
"Give consent, Google"
>What do you need a consonant for?
"This is your last chance to give consent, Google"
>Here's search results for consonants.
>Now can you leave me alone?
"Too late, Google"
*pulls down panties*
"Okay Google, let's game"

The trick is to time it right so you don't notice and the force of the orgasm hits you a couple thrusts too late

>okay google. lets game

Attached: Spy.png (576x408, 343K)

The machine is fed but still hungers
that sweater brings everything together really well, maybe something like that would shatter desks

I want to unconsensually invade stadia's ass like google unconsensually invades my privacy

What's it called though?

>infrastructure will improve as a consequence
Not even to own your firstborn child will google ever seriously fight against the telecom giants who are preventing that from happening

>no ahegao
>not even a blush
wtf nigger
make it loving and intimate and shit

I'm no degenerate

better variant

Attached: 1553309132054.png (1024x1024, 875K)

I really want Stadia-chan to go viral so we can get lotsa porn of her.

Ever heard of a petite

If you weren't such a newfag you'd have the actual one.

Can you not

Just beg /ctt/ for it.

Requesting Stadia as Courage, Eustace as Sony, PC/Nintendo as Muriel, with Xkeleton as the mask. Filename for the caption.

Attached: Stupid Google! You make games look bad! OOGA BOOGA OOGA BOOGA.jpg (2289x2289, 626K)

This is a comfy thread. Leave

Attached: 46346463.png (205x144, 5K)

"Google, did my order of tissue boxes and lubricant arrive?"
>yes user
"Okay then, Google, play Custer's Revenge"
>a-user, this isn't a game available on my system
"Are you sure about that?"
>What are you talking abou-
*pushes Stradia down*
"Guess I'm gonna play Rapelay instead then"

What CD-I scene was this from?

>This forces devs to compensate their game for input lag, especially if the majority choose to "stream" their game.
This is the absolute worst part

I wanna make google's console, give my dong a fondle

Creator confirmed Stadia is a girl

Reminds me of when I went around finding various known chatbots and trying to get them to rp various erotic shit, a surprising amount of them had the ability to do it
Something about it made me hard as diamonds.

Attached: 1553309132054.jpg (1024x1024, 417K)

im losing my shit over here bro


Attached: 1550004876871.jpg (1280x720, 161K)

>streaming doesn't work durr

then how have I beaten two games on it. the last of us and AC:O?

Can I get a nude stadia?

Attached: XQkFnPiw_400x400.jpg (400x400, 22K)

>panties only covered up by long shirt
>short hair

Attached: 1552064267717.jpg (229x343, 21K)

Which do you remember having the ability to do it? Which were the hottest?

there's two shots floating around but that's nowhere near enough

On the one hand I like PS4's grotesque polygonal musculature and jagged goldface portrayal but on the other hand I like this one's base idea, make it a bit less blatant you think PS4's the worst of the lot and you have a worthy successor


Attached: 1549630280094.jpg (1280x720, 189K)


Attached: 1551744118669.png (112x112, 20K)

My god I’m loling.

Based Ricky Bobby is back with us.

Attached: B93C49A2-408C-4748-B6F8-42E2FE0AE897.png (1142x471, 45K)

There's porn already, someone should be able to round it all up.

Hey everyone prove you still have the PS3 launch game.

Attached: 37C5782A-65D2-4B72-98E3-0A1B235D55AB.jpg (2634x3512, 1.92M)

This. Goldface in the original is hilarious to look at but it's nowhere near as mocked as the others in the image. I think a good compromise would be keeping Goldface and his design but adding the 4 THE PLAYERS shirt with the Gay flag added in some capacity.

holy shit someone please draw this

>Yea Forums fucking chimped out because of a drawing I made
>People actually interested in lewds for my OC
>multiple anons drawing something I created
It's been a long day for me Yea Forumsros. Never thought I could achieve shit like this. Working on more, but I'm fucking tired. I'll finish it tomorrow.

Attached: Smugia.png (315x256, 31K)


Minus8 is streaming. Should I show him Stadia-chan?


hey look at that, them wojaks actually paid off

does porn of her even exist yet asking for a friend

Do it

>Your penis measurements are sent to Google to help improve our services

What the fuck. I thought this was filtered

Draw her getting fucked silly to celebrate.

The trick is to fuck purely in a turn-based style.

Get some rest Stadianon. You will be forever based just for bringing back OC with genuine soul the board desperately needed. Godspeed.


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Attached: EC0ADDC7-8B8C-44A7-86DE-2493D955A56D.png (2048x1536, 881K)

you created best waifu, congratulations


Attached: 1447806707252.jpg (340x260, 11K)

oh my fuck

Attached: cat girl wheeze.png (846x900, 448K)

I miss the mid 2000s..


Attached: 1550846874345.jpg (540x540, 26K)

They were planning to install Google fiber throughout the country but the cable monopolies REEEEE'd at the lost revenue and the government (that is conveniently in bed with them through campaign contributions) stepped in to stop Google. I fucking hate this corrupt corporation dick sucking country more and more everyday

Attached: 1540616629203.jpg (257x247, 8K)

Now do it a full picture
>b-b-but I can't because X reason

*Your brother died of a shameful lifestyle choice

>He saw her

fuck yeah

where is he streaming


Bless you user. Your oc has united our dicks and hearts into making oc once again and almost talk about vidya.

Attached: images.jpg (305x165, 4K)

>snoyfags STILL can't handle it
hooooly shit

Based PC Fedorafats and Xquelebros don´t even complain about their ´´mascots´´

Xbonebros actually love the skeleton

Skeletons in general are fucking awesome.

i fucking love xbone skelly
he's a good guy


Attached: Reggie.png (540x543, 266K)

lol that one red eye. Poor girl.

Attached: 14236245828.jpg (1200x1800, 334K)

>Okay then, Google, play Custer's Revenge

Attached: necualer wheexe.jpg (539x480, 65K)

You have become a legend.

they need to change this so her head is somehwere else

Thanks for the laughs

Hopefullly this is ok


Attached: 1547875703314.png (720x720, 395K)


how'd he do it lads?

Holy crap this is hot.

Thanks dude!

Attached: fusionsamus.png (240x414, 35K)

Thanos cock inside Stadia when?


Attached: 1553044507092.png (660x660, 125K)

Girls don't poop retard.

Attached: laughing animals.gif (600x370, 2.68M)

Xbot, can confirm. The bullying has only strengthened our bones like fine calcium. Also the backwards cap on a skeleton is just funny in the first place, it's like something straight out of a 90s skateboarding ad. I never really noticed how funny the concept in general was because the Wojak versions of it looked terrible but Stadianon's and a few others really make Xkeleton much more endearing and likeable.

Is this, dare I say, the beginning of the end of the wojak era? This feels like a return to the soulful drawings of old Yea Forums.

Not right now she doesn't!

Attached: 26678fbc-72a8-463c-bd91-0cfb9fd88bfa.jpg (256x256, 16K)

probably not but only time can tell

Attached: 1553133537321.png (600x541, 185K)

you cheeky bugger

Attached: 1448536984105.gif (423x264, 1.96M)

also the best part of Xbox Skeleton is that you could remove the cap and you wouldn't realize he was supposed to be a Wojak at first glance and besides
What would you rather be?
>Either of the Sony representations
>An obese sweaty neckbeard
>A overly excited manchild

> The cap is backwards because of the xbox one´s backwards compaibility???
If that is the reason then that is some big brain shit, no joke

problem is that it sticks out like a sore thumb and looks too much like a blatant edit
especially with the lines

is that you fly

I wanna join in the drawing but theres this ultra sperg that literally destroys threads everytime I post a drawing.
Ill have to wait til the thread is on page 10 to post.
Also how old is Stadia supposed to be anyways.

its not
its a leftover of when the Wojaks were made
the original Xbox Wojak was a spic wearing a backwards cap

someone get me more porn of this character, I need more ero

Stadia-chan is a marketing ploy by Google to save their sales. Don't fall for it.

20 years old since google is that age

Why? Stadia is nothing but a slut who will do anything for money.

When you put it like that, it's fucking hilarious. In all fairness, it did come from a Wojak edit so credit where credit is due. That said, Xquele's redesigns are vastly superior to the original by a long shot.
I think it's just a stereotypical 90s chad kind of thing which is why it was chosen.

She posts on Yea Forums, so at least 18 years old.

someone draw stadia with heart eyes

For those who worry about latency, that might soon be a thing of the past.. Chinese doctors have just achieved brain surgery over a 5G network due to it's rapid response time. If it's good enough for brain surgery, gaming should be just fine: interestingengineering.com/china-performs-countrys-first-ever-5g-remote-brain-surgery

If you think latency is going to be a problem you are a brain dead dotard!!
Silly! Go take a shower you smelly dotard :)

Attached: 111.jpg (707x707, 116K)

Looks like we need a good rep for the all consoles now
>xbox got their skeleton
>ps4 got their golden dude
>nintendo has mario unless someone can think of something more interesting
>pc, uhh maybe some kind of bladerunner guy with over the top tacky futuristic shit like alienware?

Im a steamfag and I see nothing wrong with the original image. Yall salty niggers need to learn to have a laugh when quality OC happens.

for pc we have generic, greasy neckbeard with Steam fedora

Well now that Epic is "competing" with Steam, we need more game launcher-tans.

Attached: Di9ZWifXsAAsJg5.jpg (1000x1000, 236K)

I guess, just feels kinda boring but I guess that fits pc.
We are kinda just the generic middle guys

Why is everyone on this board so backwards and assfucked about streaming?
Someone reviewed Stadia playing AC:Odyssey at 4k 60FPS FOR FUCKS SAKES (nobody games at 4k 60fps not even PC fags) and said that aside from a few hickups and minimal input lag it was a very enjoyable experience.
This is the fucking beginning. Of course it's gonna be rough at first but fucking 4k 60fps???!!! Are you serious?

Attached: stranger things autistic screeching.png (953x1017, 783K)

Is there any repository/archive for gog-tan?

>nobody games at 4k 60fps not even PC fags
Thats a bit to obvious

Attached: 1553149592586.jpg (250x167, 7K)

because both of them are dead!

Not that I know of, sorry.

I watched a demo of a very simple game running at 10fps that also had unacceptable input delay. You can't fix input delay because that's infrastructure. Google would need to spend a hundred billion dollars putting fiber into every home in order to make their service less shitty.

Draw literally any OC. You're the hero this place needs user!

>internet dinosaur as the persona
why the FUCK didn't we think of this before?

You missed when v was good my man im so sorry

Streaming right now just can't be good for gaming. I know this is a bait post but most of the world doesn't even have half decent enough internet to stream youtube videos. I'm sure when Google expands Fiber to more locations, it'll get good. Maybe Google will make it so other companies bottleneck your game stream so you'll be forced to use Google.

If we did, she'd be a scalie instead.

God bless you user

Google stopped expanding Fiber years ago. And the people that CAN watch YouTube 1080p makes up millions of people.

Are you a fucking idiot

You could meet in the middle and have a fat neckbeard in excessive RGB tron like armor that's needlessly angular.

Sony get the fuck outta here

I fucking hate fags.

So the 4k60 fps stream would really only be for the 1%? Granted it's still a big number but right now it's nothing revolutionary.

>no pants
>white and pink colours
oh my god

Attached: images.png (192x263, 7K)

Did you just say RGB tron armor?!

Attached: 2134756834568.png (205x246, 6K)

People are calling bullshit because it's obvious that the infrastructure isn't even close to being capable of handling it and it streaming gets popular, then the limitations of streaming + the business model are basically going to destroy any commercial viability of good gameplay in the future and every single game on the market will just be AAA stuff pretty graphics with slow, forgiving gameplay due to the imput lag and massive grinds to keep you playing forever so that the publisher can take more of the revenue share.

what does that mean?


>people that CAN watch YouTube 1080p
>tfw even though I live right outside the fucking VILLAGES there's somehow only one shitty ISP that'll reach where you get maybe 60 kb/s for downloading anything
>tfw have to use phone hotspot in order to get internet that's only okay, not a whole lot better than the actual "internet" service
Fucking old people industry can't even bother to reach out another few feet unless it's to get even more boomers and yankees.

Attached: 1496886164024.jpg (231x311, 28K)

Moot works for google...

I miss her, and moot

Attached: 00100.jpg (1200x844, 88K)

>tfw no one on Yea Forums tried project stream
just wait and see, retards

Attached: Google-Project-Stream-game-streaming-2019.jpg (1080x600, 33K)

>console tan faggotry saving this place
you know i can see it happening, specially if stadia is a success.

Fucking gold

Lesbian Sex with Stadia and the Switch Dog when

Meme magic strikes again.

Don't jinx it bro.

It's him!

Attached: 1284069750454.jpg (682x358, 13K)

sad that no one responds to my post even though I am creating actual content for this shit threasd. Keep arguing about fucking mascots you brain dead simpletons.

>Google console
>It's board representation is literally joot
>The man's(?) a google employee
No, that's impossible.
Did we just get crypto moot'd?


>Infinite Chan

I'd kek but this isn't /pol/. Pretty sure there more boned than ever before.

People aren't in this thread to talk about Goggle's new console, they're here to fuck it

Whenever FIFA 20 is revealed or whatever, somebody remember to draw Stadia as a Youtuber or streamer in a corner just flipping her absolute shit in joy as if it was the second coming.

>not stadia taking dick both ways from switch twins (male & male)

Congratulations to the author for the first time in forever showing some originality.

what the fuck

holy shit that's a genius idea, somebody get on this quick

Attached: 1485990795618.jpg (512x512, 59K)

>Not owning your games
>No modding community
>No tinkering

Just dump it, not much else going on in here

Now this is a golden idea.


2080 is more than enough to run sekiro at 4k/60

Holy shit. Any drawfags around for this?

Attached: 124353124146.png (172x171, 8K)


Attached: 1548709060750.png (1273x700, 2.31M)

>Hey faggots! It's me, your best friend! Moot! Don't you remember me? I'm still here with you all!

Attached: 1376113185606.jpg (550x667, 44K)


Attached: 1553317201044.png (1000x1778, 2.7M)

>not stadia taking dick both ways from the futa switch sisters

Good job user!

Attached: 1549173550133.gif (367x265, 558K)

your OC is fucking amazing user, you deserve some rest

Attached: 1553142845556.jpg (900x711, 145K)

Seconding, only because this ship needs way more porn than it's currently getting to stay afloat.

Attached: hahaha.jpg (720x807, 33K)

I want to go back

That'd be cool

CUTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's made by Brenden Small, from Metalocalypse, and Loren Bouchard of Bob's Burgers

Too good for this thread/world.

She cute. Great work user!

stadia is just jaiden.
moot had a spine and attitude.

Attached: profile_update_by_jaidenanimations-daueayi.png (800x800, 434K)


Either way's fine with me.

Attached: 365324512.jpg (1440x1280, 102K)

I am perpetually afraid a giant company people trust will convince people that an objectively worse thing is best, thus shifting entire industries. It's happened repeatedly in my life time.

Oh about Switch twins (female) with double ended starp-ons instead and they all cum at the sametime I dont like dicks in my porn personally

Attached: 1553284866760.gif (472x357, 1.32M)


This only increases the hardness of my donger user.

Attached: pottery.jpg (659x659, 99K)

I'll take your entire stock

Attached: waynes-world_Excellent.jpg (300x400, 31K)

Any drawfags in thread? This is gold.

>in five years I buy my game on stadia
>server shuts down
>cant play my games, have to go outside
Stadia will bring back exercise just you wait

Unironically draw more like this

Attached: 1505331206829.jpg (375x450, 22K)

even better holy shit i'm diamonds

Attached: 1452299060113.jpg (476x492, 63K)

As old as Google, so 19 or 20 I think?

Latency will be a problem as long as the speed of light is. Which is most likely forever.

Attached: 1550716614436.gif (100x100, 255K)

how can one OC have so much soul and bring so much life back to Yea Forums so quickly

Attached: jack smile.png (1430x1080, 1.21M)

This doesn’t nearly have enough likes.

good thread.

In a world of epic shills and console wars, there is one thing that can unite them to a common cause.

Attached: LAUGHTERSTOPSKIRA.jpg (720x447, 33K)

Join us user. We'll make Yea Forums give back our past... Take back everything that we've lost. And we won't rest until we do. Our new OC. I don't know how long it'll take, but we'll make bigger, better thanbefore.

Through dick, unity.

Wojak won't survive this new era of Soulful drawing. It will share the same fate as Trollface and "U MAD BRO". Celebrities and gaming companies are already posting wojaks on Twitter; it's only a matter of time before they end up on shirts at Hot Topic. Once that happens you won't ever see them posted on an image board ever again.

Attached: 60636063_trollface.jpg (1100x1100, 93K)

>that perfectly rounded ass
lemme spank

i still remember the absolute shitstorm the switch tan was. People really only wants to fuck google in the ass.

2019 is the year of Yea Forums OC. First Chrisposting with the REmake2
and now this, are we doing it Yea Forums? Are we becoming good again?

Attached: 1447710691934.jpg (1236x949, 222K)

I love you.

>“I can't think of anything more rewarding than being able to express yourself to others through painting. Exercising the imagination, experimenting with talents, being creative; these things, to me, are truly the windows to your soul.”
― Bob Ross,

Creativity and effort can save a lot my friend.

Attached: 1517730944993.png (800x800, 53K)

God I hope so, we just need to push out the rest of the shit.

holy fuck i almost forgot about that video

Attached: 1552877890615.png (358x432, 122K)

sony btfo with your snoylights

Come back with some hard figures, 'good enough for brain surgery' doesn't mean shit seeing as we aren't brain surgeons

Attached: 1461149645162.png (303x311, 165K)

Fuck you moot we were supposed to be here forever.

we already waited and saw. we weren't impressed.

Attached: future of gaming 2.webm (752x398, 1.49M)

I just wanna say I had a shit day and this user right here turned it all around and now I’m going to bed with a smile on my face. Thank you

You're crying aren't you man?

>rattle rattle

Attached: 1541983147446.png (873x632, 974K)

>and then they restarted it and it worked fine


Attached: 365424352.jpg (560x560, 273K)

fuck user its been years since then, i want to go back

Attached: stadia-.png (370x459, 76K)

Well don't stop
We need more stadia and none of us still here can draw

Dude it's called Stadia. It'd be weird if it was a guy, faggot.

Oh user, that's cute!

user, wanna do or ?

>Nobody games at 4K 60fps
But that's exactly how I'm playing Sekiro right now and it's a blast.

Unironically powerful

Attached: 1424804768422.png (537x452, 78K)

Stadia sounds waaaay too much like a girl's name.

lawd, I thought she was wearing a diaper at first, she's adorable. Good Job

Impressive. I like how he even did the chorus effect

But I've never drawn porn.

Understandable, have a great day.

Sooo does she count as a console-tan?

thats so fucking cute holy shit

There's a first time for everything, and I bet it'd look great with your artstyle too


First time for everything!

jesus thats both cute and funny, but especially funny

What do the Switch twins look like again?

>cute and funny


Attached: 1552282848361.gif (500x281, 992K)

Someone else will, you can be fucking sure of that. Just draw what you want, user.

She happened organically so yeah she's the console-tan design for Stadia
/ctt/ better chill

what the fuck is this from? I've seen 08th MS Team and it never looked THAT good.

Yeah we ain't letting her die so easily. She ain't a trend like bowsette. She's a permanent part of the family now.

Here's some references.


Attached: 12436515653262.png (1447x1253, 828K)

I did. It was good enough for me and I honestly might buy at least a few Stadia games just for the sake of convenience and to play more single player-centric non twitchy titles whenever I'm bored at work. I totally understand why Yea Forums hates the concept but I don't give a shit as long as the games are fun and good. As of now, my only gripe is that we just got the regular PC version for AC Odyssey and not the Stadia version that will launch. It's not confirmed but I'd assume as much. We better at least get SOME reward when Stadia launches for testing it out like some online profile badge or something that no one else gets.

why do people keep bring up Bowsette ever since the damn Pothead alien girl people keep saying Bowsette this and Bowsette that no cares anymore.

Princess Koopa was and still is hotter anyway

Attached: 1553283273048.jpg (318x239, 26K)

They're lolis though

Because muh "FOTM".

Thank you for everything, Stadianon-kun.

Attached: images (53).jpg (300x250, 20K)

I still think the Switch Dog is cooler INB4 furfag

Attached: switchdog.png (563x646, 37K)

Not much of a drawfag but I tried.

Attached: stadia-data.png (1625x3000, 565K)

Damn she thicc

make the shadow dick shaped

Man, I cant wait for new art to pop up on Tuesdays now

I want to make an Ass pantsu shot centric one.
Any ideas?

you did good user.
get some rest.

This means /ctt/ threads will be flooded more.

She slips on a conference floor revealing her ass to the public with the stadia logo on her panties.

Good, /ctt/ threads have been getting stale lately and needed a new tan

Was getting tired of the same art over and over

thats really cute!! and lewd

You usually don't need to constantly react for surgery, you know. I you need to constantly react because something has gone hideously wrong, you are a bad surgeon.

I guess Google was ironically the savior Yea Forums needed.

I want to give her my "stream"

Finding good poses is getting more harder

better idea have her surf on a wave of bandwith with a Surfboard and sunglasses

Bowsette started as a meme comic on a LOL thread and ended up going absolutely nuclear on several boards and twitter.
Stadia-chan is starting to grow the same way Bowsette did.

You done good user.



No, we can't have her escape this board. DO NOT share this on reddit or some other shitty website.

Yeah but guess what? Console-tans are not "Flavors of the Month". They're with us forever.

Blessings be upon you user.

Requesting Stadia in a mating press

>oh hey let's join in and draw some smut
>thread dies before you could get to it

Easier said than done, redditors are litteral niggers that keep stealing our content, even if we don't want them to
you can always make a new one user

There are going to be tons of more threads

Already been posted


Too lewd?

Attached: ohno.png (669x743, 250K)

That's what YOU think, everyones just desperately jerking off to what we got so far

Cutie 9000. This makes me want to learn how to draw.

Even so, do not people claiming it's reddit now, stop us. Keep on drawing and ignore them. It's a console-tan now. Not a trend.

holy shit lol. Snoybros utterly BTFO

>Ctrl+F: imgur


Attached: 1447720892937.jpg (300x195, 17K)

>Shakes a bone at her
Just lewd enough hombre

>Xbone shaking his bone at that boner fuel
saving that the fuck now

HAHAHAHAHA SONYBROS BTFO, this is amazing user

We need to go lewder!

Attached: 1513212971755[1].jpg (640x632, 76K)

Attached: 1487404830525.jpg (502x600, 88K)

Okay this is fucking funny.

Good shit user keep it up and maybe make it a bit lewder

holy fuck this is amazing


This thread is a goldmine of Console-tan potential. Skelebro is killing me with that femur

>bump limit
this was an amazing thread Yea Forumsros, thanks for all the laughs this time around

Attached: 1550640252036.png (1023x572, 239K)

make a new thread and disguise it as a stadia console thread. or wait til tuesday.

reroute stadiaposting to

I love Stadia-chan, she is cute and funny.

Attached: 1492042618302.gif (200x200, 9K)


What, I..... how can a man be so, retarded....?


Attached: WHERESTHEGIANMANSLEY.jpg (480x360, 8K)

>made it to the bump limit without the thread being 90% console warrioring back and forth

Attached: 1539043154562.jpg (860x860, 396K)

>Bowsette started as a meme comic on a LOL thread
It was actually posted on Twitter first but it's okay because it was made by a drawfag from here

Draw her

I don't know how to draw.

it's truly a sight to behold

if there's one thing that brings Yea Forumsirgins together, it's great porn


it was made bt a /vp/ user actually, but close enough


Except that japan likes bowsette and japan doesnt know anything about this

ok, I tried.

Attached: stadia-data-alt.png (1625x3000, 568K)

Just do it, the thread is about to die anywho.


a simple, appealing character design can go a long way

bless you user

Great, but maybe make it smaller and more centered on her face like this, I dunno i'm not an expert

Attached: 765ddde8c05c2f02c899aa103721a401ebec4b163294a34a392f5fdae5138685.jpg (348x497, 25K)

Real quick OC. I'd draw porn if I wasn't about to leave the house. Also, drawing hands holding a controller sucks.

Attached: S6423.png (982x1368, 222K)



We need more Stadia ass. Ass men, unite

fuckin great user