Post your attack

Attached: INFINITE DAKKA.gif (880x430, 537K)

Attached: SUPABEAM.png (670x329, 184K)

Attached: 1534823523528.gif (700x394, 1.86M)

Simple but effective

Attached: ultra.gif (480x270, 2.57M)

I cast quicksand

Attached: Casual Filter.webm (720x404, 279K)

Attached: My filename is Not Important.webm (853x480, 2.86M)

Attached: 1550899239186.gif (479x360, 3.46M)

Attached: roundhouse2.webm (800x450, 443K)

I cast "IRL Shitpost"

Attached: 1552697825883.jpg (718x718, 104K)

>Post your attack
give me a sec

Attached: buffs on v.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

Attached: 829.gif (600x450, 1011K)

Attached: 1541124416877.jpg (1418x1009, 309K)

Attached: Big Boss.gif (352x196, 1.64M)

Attached: jugando-bajo-agua.gif (372x279, 1.91M)

I seduce the enemy with a walk

Attached: 1542492932737.webm (1920x1080, 2.85M)

How can something be so horrifying and mesmerising at the same time

Attached: Joining a Pub server with Friends.webm (720x400, 2.96M)

Attached: Body as a Weapon.gif (480x270, 2.47M)

This fucking webm has always creeped me the hell out. damn I get that they're pigeons but what a cruel and horrible way to die

Attached: Gregor used Whirlwind.webm (640x360, 1.95M)

What Chinese cartoon is this

Attached: East Asia Servers.webm (670x360, 2.98M)

Music video directed by Miyazaki, like the Spirited Away oscar dude
called On Your Mark

>literally jumps in

Attached: 1438060798283.png (297x314, 104K)

Attached: 33% Chane to Hit.gif (500x281, 690K)

what is that cement?

It's in a russian grain silo
Apparently they come out the other side fine, it's why they know it's okay to chill there

Why don't they just all get on the tower?
If they moved while the bugs are still struggling to get in, they'd be totally safe, because there's no way the corpses will pile that high.


Attached: Video Game Movie Adaptation.webm (960x720, 1.72M)

Attached: 1548594316716.gif (360x270, 3.15M)

Attached: Hit it's weak point for massive damage.gif (320x180, 1.84M)


Attached: 1551278979562.gif (300x300, 1.28M)

Attached: Steam Friends Threads.webm (1280x720, 523K)

Attached: LILL' MAC BACK WITH A BRAND NEW TRACK.png (720x792, 305K)

you need help dude.

Attached: Zoo Tycoon.gif (480x360, 750K)

Attached: Doing what must be done.webm (1280x720, 2.23M)

Attached: tumblr_mig3bs9NW91qi3ygjo1_500.gif (500x281, 884K)

Justice League and Unlimited were so fucking good.

Attached: Combo Attacks.gif (500x281, 2.98M)

Attached: Anoying Companions can suffer permadeath.gif (480x320, 1.26M)

>clink clank clunk clink

Attached: 13249DD4-AAEA-4701-BAF2-BF87F93457E0.jpg (662x463, 180K)

slide kick, Train Form

Attached: 1551925345824.webm (800x450, 2.13M)


Attached: ice materia.webm (720x404, 979K)

Attached: 1497243855530.jpg (323x327, 31K)


Attached: WOOHOOHOO YEAH.webm (600x360, 2.87M)

When I saw sis fist, I thought it was going to be something else.

Attached: 54165.gif (480x320, 739K)


This is pretty funny

Attached: 654565665.gif (400x225, 1.33M)

Attached: 1550761644800.gif (266x242, 354K)

Oh, sorry about that, wasn't trying to mislead you.
This better?

Attached: Reviving a downed teammate - Koakuma Kanojo The Animation.webm (720x480, 389K)

>plunge yourself in front of the train so you can slide across the platform really quickly and make everyone trip
what an asshole

Attached: 87567585767.jpg (600x855, 232K)

Attached: 1520297186963.gif (280x189, 2M)

Fuck you for saving shit like that to your computer and posting it you literal idiots go back to Yea Forums.

Lemme guess, you're asshurt because you weren't trained to do a slide kick


Attached: 1549766364193.gif (417x306, 56K)

Hurr you made a pun but its funny because it hurts people's feelings.

Attached: Iron_clefts.png (236x114, 23K)

Four! Would've been five if the one guy hadn't picked up his feet. What a shot.

the person who drew this has never fired a gun

Attached: Far Cry2.gif (419x286, 1.47M)