What timeline is this?

Attached: 15D32F33-0048-417A-9579-3278352A5AD3.jpg (750x974, 123K)

Other urls found in this thread:


the best one, user

sekino time

the worst kind.

fucking disgusting
murder everyone in that picture

I seriously doubt he has time to play video games. Stop giving this phony attention.

It worst one

ps2 games are the only remaining island of sanity

fucking epic dude

>it's real
Wait, what?

Wish he would put his time into creating video games instead of this space shit.

>an actual Tenchu revival died for this game

Attached: 1447012340082.gif (386x172, 1.01M)

This hurts so fucking much.

Ok, now this is Epicâ„¢

From is gonna make soulsborne games until they go bankrupt and you're gonna love every second of it.


I mean he's dating pic.

Attached: grimes.jpg (1000x1409, 182K)

"the boss fight"
this tells you right away he doesnt play games.

Someone post the image of a crab lasering a brand please.

They broke up a long time ago.

I haven't played a Souls game since Demons, and I hated that game to begin with. Eat shit and die

Grimes is such a fucking retard.

...well shit

how do I get a gf like this?


Bruh, the only shit eater here has got to be you.


lmao le epic timeline best timeline ftw

>anime poster
>is a fucking redditor
Well well well, what a "surprise"

Can't imagine that a chick like this is stable enough to raise children without divorce.

What did he mean by this??

Attached: 1534939191348.png (1246x866, 681K)

>this guy doesn't follow the brainless hivemind, he must be a shit eater!
I hope your mom literally dies in her sleep tonight. No joke. I am sending that wish out into the ether where I pray it will take hold and sap the life from your ugly cunt of a mother.

Attached: 1549544461557.jpg (720x397, 35K)

Who's Niche Gamer again?

gf doesnt mean kids or wife, pal

wtf I love Grimes now

>Not recognizing Samurai Jack


>Niche gamer
>Samurai Jack
So this Is the IQ...of a numale weeb...woah..

Is the musk twit about Alitas mars technocracy real?

You know this place is fagbook city when most of the replies are "cringing" at this.

Too bad Musk is going to jail for SEC violations


Every soulsborne game is a improvement from the next. Can't dismiss them all just because you disliked the worst one.


2 was absolute dogshit compared to 1

Sorry, I don' play games with the core mechanic being difficulty for the sake of difficulty and e cred bragging rights. Also, these games have no story, barely anything interesting apart from the "PREPARE TO DIE xD"

Attached: 1550438644738.jpg (699x491, 59K)

The character from the image posted that has her whole body barren black is Ashi from Samurai Jack.

Attached: ashi.jpg (350x183, 20K)


Attached: 1416852570019.png (680x623, 246K)



Your falling for marketing buzzwords user

How does Elon Musk even have time for more than like 30 minutes of video games a month?

we're at the "popular game BAD" stage already?

oh no no no no no

Attached: katy-perry-grimes-concert-rihanna-01.jpg (1222x945, 355K)


Attached: 4e6.jpg (512x512, 97K)

And you're moving the goalposts/deflecting

>ad populum fallacy
Are you at stage 4 cancer already?

Attached: 8yvcqurvzun11.jpg (490x586, 19K)

>it's real
what the fuck

Attached: .png (512x512, 332K)

At least she can do it, newboy.

Still the most broken one. But moments like that remind you to keep riding it until the crash. It'll be fun all the way down.

>anime girl avatar twitter user posts reddit link and gets answered by the king of normalfaggotry with some unoriginal shit that was probably stolen from somebody in said reddit link
spray pepper in my eyes please I beg of you