Anybody else trying out Splatoon 2's demo? I don't really play multiplayer games but the squids are cute so I tried it on a whim and it's actually pretty fun. Don't know if I'll actually end up buying it in the end though.
Anybody else trying out Splatoon 2's demo...
buy it. it is the best game on the Switch.
yes, even better than Smash Ultimate.
a bit more subtle than usual
you are still a fag though
The stage roulette is gay
The ranked mode roulette is gay (it literally locks 3/5 of the game at all times, that's super gay)
The salmon run opening roulette is gay
The randomised clothing perks is gay
It has too many anti-player things in it for me to want to buy it. I'll wait until splatoon 3.
3 will be more of the same
Games kinda boring to me, got burnt out in like 2 days. Earning equipment, and going up in rank dosn't interest me in the slightest, and I hear the story is extremly short.
I don't mind the random elements except for the weapon swapping in Salmon Run.
I'm kind of worried about burning out too. Even though I really like it now I dunno just how long it'll last for me. I don't have any interest in ranked mode either but I do like unlocking new stuff.
Well it takes a while to get to level 10 which is when ranked mode unlocks. There's Octopath expansion and splat fest weekends too
I want to lovingly fuck an inkling boy while a flat inkling girl watches and fingers herself
Been playing it since monday, and gotta admit pretty fucking hooked to this shit. I don't understand why I didn't already get the original years ago, since I've had a Wii-U along the Switch.
I wish Nintendo learned to do UIs correctly and implement actually customizable settings in their first party games, but what can you do.
There's so many little things I'd like to tinker with and adjust, such as audio levels and have an actual respectable commenting/voice line/chat system, but I know that's never gonna happen. I particularly am not a fan of the stage roulette shit either.
Also, why isn't Turf War a ranked game mode??
With all that said, I haven't had this much fun with a shooter or an original IP since probably Titanfall 2.
I'm usually just stealth killing kids with a brush and it's satisfying af.
Probably gonna get the game eventually, if I find a physical copy somewhere cheap.
I play as Amivi[FIN], in case you happen to run by.
>Also, why isn't Turf War a ranked game mode??
The ranked modes are intended to be less luck based. The winner of turf war is simply who ever did the best during the last part of a game. They would need to change the rules to make it work. Gaining points by getting above a certain percentage threshold seems reasonable.
>The winner of turf war is simply who ever did the best during the last part of a game.
They could simply drop points based on area relative to time, like Splat Zone is.
I am a boomer and Splatoon is my favorite Nintendo IP. I quit buying new games because it's all I play. Imagine if Nintendo had functional online infrastructure. Backfill is needed. I cant tell you how many drink tickets have been wasted because someone disconnects.
I'm gonna find you and splat you
You can try òwó
Can you play ranked in the demo? That's where the actual game is.
Splatfests, the way to keep the masses fighting among themselves over trivial stuff instead of the real common foe.
Octo daughter best daughter
Damn, this really says a lot about our society...
I've been playing since monday. Seems pretty fun so far.
I am considering buying the full game as I often find myself just wanting to follow that mysterious kimono squid girl down into the sewers but I'm locked out of the content. I find myself more interested with the world than the actual multiplayer turf war. Not that it's bad or anything, I just want to know more about this weird alternate futuristic neo-Tokyo squid world.
Splatoon 2 is 20% off until the end of next week if purchased online. Should I buy it digitally or should I wait until E3 to see if it is discounted any further for the inevitable promotions to come?
20% is as deep as it will go. You will get your money's worth. High replayability.
Are you the guy who posts Agent 8 at the beginning of every /vg/ thread?
Full game is totally worth it but you probably won't get that much out of the base game's single player if you didn't play the first game. There's some history there, plus some pre-launch materials you can only find online. That being said, it's a decent tutorial and the collectibles are pure lore. Octo Expansion has shitloads of lore AND great gameplay so that should be a priority.
I don't go to the cesspool that is /vg/.
It ain't that bad...for the most part.
Should I watch the story mode cutscenes (?) of the first game or is it more of a nice to know thing instead of important?
/ink/ is pretty shit but it's still better than Yea Forumss splatoon threads where it's just horny idiots image dumping lewds most of the time
Buy the Octo Expansion for a real story
I just don't trust the place at all. Even if Yea Forums's threads are just dumps half the time I'd still rather increase my folder's content marginally than hear about some circlejerk.
There's not really that many cutscenes to speak of in regards to story. You could probably see the whole thing in about 5 minutes on Youtube. The story in 2 is something of a continuation of both 1's story and the results of 1's last splatfest. None of it is essential, but for the people who were around for that entire ordeal it was something they really wanted to get to. Emotional investment and whatnot, we wanted to know what happened to our girls from the first game.
Reminder to use motion controls if you want to be anywhere near decent.
There's not a big story going on. I say play it blind first, then look up the sea scrolls and shit from the first game. Most of the lore doesn't happen in game
Is that place still the fan character flooded shithole that I remember?
>fan character
if you mean the OCs, yes that faggotry has ceased for the most part. sometimes they show up but not often.
It's big enough to be noticeable but it's not the majority of posts
I'm having a blast with it.
>Retards laughing about how they're gonna go ham on newcomers for "sniper practice"
>I've won 90% of the matches I've played
While you're being ironic. People still haven't gotten over Cats vs Dogs.
>People still haven't gotten over Cats vs Dogs.
Even if dogs hadn't won, that still sounds ridiculous.
it's not like there's a lot of smurfs
the majority of the people you're playing with are new