How would you react?

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Other urls found in this thread: Release_EN_FINAL_updated_tcm99-336564_tcm99-196733-32.pdf



If we were still doing the old school AC for formula I would be upset.
But the faux RPG bait of the nuAC couldn't die soon enough.

im glad its over.jpg

has got to be the videogame franchise most devoid of personality ever. literally no unique elements.

Any reaction is more than this series deserves, it's got to the point where it's just bad, typing this out is too much of a reaction than this series deserves

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its like putting down a dog that was kept alive by iv for 4 years


I'd think "finally, holy shit."
The last one I played was Rogue. The last one I truly enjoyed was III.

This will never happen because literally the opposite is happening OP. Release_EN_FINAL_updated_tcm99-336564_tcm99-196733-32.pdf

It started out with many when creed 1 came out in 2007

>has got to be the videogame franchise most devoid of personality ever.
Call of Duty and Uncharted comes to mind.

about time.

The series should of died after they killed of Desmond


Nah no way. Uncharted doesnt come out every fucking year.

Good riddance. Unless they go back and flesh out the Unity/Syndicate style. Assassin's Creed should be a rival to the Hitman series instead of open world RPG.

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The first one showed so much potential.

By the second one the franchise was already a casual shitfest.

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what? are you retarded? not even close
Assassins Creed is literally a mash up of everything that's popular in games nowadays.
>Map, quest and progression designed copied from Witcher 3
>Combat copied from Dark Souls, except with any impact to blows removed
>RNG Loot cancer from loot shooters
>Mercenaries system lifted straight from Shadow of War

It doesn’t help that they removed all the features unique to the original, mainly Social stealth.

>no assassains creed rome
they shouldn't discontinue it
>inb4 they make ac:rome but you play as a jew killing romans


He said "devoid of personality". Can you name any character from uncharted other than nathan drake?

Ubisoft is a trash company that makes trash games.

Remember when AC3 was suppoused to wrap everything up and explain shit?

>Odyssey above Revelations
>Odyssey not in Shit tier period
>Black Flag that high
>rogue that high
Wow, just kill yourself any time now senpai

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Haven't played since 4

now go wild with the tech
a new era is upon us

Haven't played any I enjoyed since Black Flag and/or Brotherhood. Just let the series die already.

>Odyssey not in Shit Tier
>Rogue and Unity not in Shit Tier

Opinion dropped.

would not care
has been boring gameplay wise form the start and the last 3 games have all been full of historical revisionism to pander to sjws and feminists

All 3 are SJW trash and need to die.

Sad honestly. So much potential.
I mean, if they were to continue making shitty RPG's like Odyssey, or even Origins which fucked up the lore and introduced that over the top shitty combat system, then good riddance. But if there was still hope of them making a game in the formula of 1-Black Flag I'd be fucking sad.

All I ask is it have a conclusion. The series was building to something in the earlier games but then they just killed off the protagonist and I don't even know how they frame it nowadays.

I look at it like this: AC1 through Revelations - masterpiece

AC Black Flag, Rogue - fun spinoff

Unity, Syndicate, Origins, Odyssey - Abstergo Entertainment products. Honestly, Unity was like playing a game inside of a game. I wanted to be immersed in that game's story and world, but it was too shallow, I almost felt like I was playing a game where my MC was playing a game. Same goes for the rest. And Odyssey... well, that ain't even AC anymore. Should just call it "Witcher 3 ripoff in AC world, but worse parkour than AC and worse story than Witcher". Bit of a mouthful, but yeah...

Why was Odyssey so bad? So far the only part I actually hate is the Animus bits
>went from learning the secrets of your ancestor's past to become a master assassin
>to finding weapons with super powers like a spear that controls time

Holy fuck that picture is autism
I don't even know if you're trolling, since a lot of bad games are up top but a lot of good games are up top too
kill yourself


Black Ops three let you play as a lesbian.

this is a fake article

I completely agree with this.

How could two people basically share the same shit taste?

Thank god

that's why the subject is
>how would you react?

>assassins what?
I only played through the first one when I was 13-14, didn't care for the parry every attack to win even then. Should have held off on the animus or whatever reveal until way later or towards the end.
>kill head of assassin clan
>reality distorts
>wake up to some nutemplars wrecking shit
>damn nigga I'm an actual assassin?
>roll credits

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The only game I was most tempted to play from this series was Black Flag but my interest plummeted since then.