Now that the dust has settled, can we agree it was just an overhyped, shitty meme of a game...

Now that the dust has settled, can we agree it was just an overhyped, shitty meme of a game? I didn’t even care to finish the story

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Yeah. It had a great honeymoon period because it's world is pretty and hunting was fun, but at the end of the day it was honestly just an overhyped Ubishit title. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Odyssey has a higher player count at the moment than RDR2.

Also, why was there so few clothing and weapons options? Who makes 60 species of birds, but only 2 types of revolver?

I liked it a lot, other than the controls. Even if it's not quite as good as people said, I still enjoyed it. I liked RDR1 a little more though.

nah, it's literally the #2 greatest game of all time behind Nier Automata

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even after playing sekiro today, I can without the doubt confirm that rdr2 is still the best most important game that came out in the last decade. It's just feels so next gen in every aspect. So yeah, sorry, I guess it sucks being a pleb op.

No, we can't. Go back to playing BOTW.

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>Also, why was there so few clothing and weapons options? Who makes 60 species of birds, but only 2 types of revolver?
nice proof that you either didn't play it at all or rushed through it like an adhd ridden pleb. stick to dmc

when did R* games shooting become so lacklustre. Really felt meaty in gta 4.

The Cattleman and Schofield are the only revolvers

>gta iv is good
the most retarded general opinion on Yea Forums

They've been toning the physics down ever since.

>L3 to sprint (tapping X speed), and move the stick all the way to run (holding X speed) and move the stick a little to walk
>X to jump
>Square to reload
>Circle to crouch
>no R2 to cock the gun
Is how I'd fix it.

don't forget the double action. And also don't forget all those reskins of the guns we just listed off. (im joking reskins blow)

so what? you can customize the shit out of them to make them feel like your own. With how many revolvers would you be satisfied user? What's the magic number?

What more revolvers did you want?

Is there anything wrong with BOTW? You can like it and RDR2.

The gameplay hasn’t evolved as much as I would like, but it’s one of the most beautifully written games I’ve ever played and is still pretty fun.

Online sucks tho.

you are literally retarded.

No it's actually amazing

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>shooting in gta4 felt meaty
holy shit please kys
>>no R2 to cock the gun
please follow suit

So is Rockstar ever going to make more single player content?

>that one Ubisoft shill on Yea Forums

Its not gonna work

i said GTA 4 had meaty, heavy feeling shooting. Learn to read you dumbass.

Yeah but also the sound effects felt more realistic and the recoil looked stronger. GTA V and rdr 2 feel like im shooting a 22

Tapping x to run is better than just holding a button down

boring movie

What does R2 to cock the gun add to the gameplay?

>Customize the shit out of them
Did we play the same game? You have like 2 engravings, and some color swaps. Look at games like Ghost Recon or MGSV, they have a fuck ton of guns and a faaaar deeper customization system. The gun selection and customization in Red Dead is abysmal.

my dream is that they're making a rdr2 single player dlc where you're a part of a crew that runs a saloon, like Al in Deadwood. And I hope we don't get a meme zombie dlc.

Lemat. Colt Navy. Dragoon.

the shooting in GTA5 and RDR2 are miles apart you brainlet. GTA5 feels incredibly weak compared to RDR2.

makes single handed revolvers/lever action rifles much more visceral and satisfying to use.

Attached: rdr2_3.webm (1280x720, 1.94M)

so don't watch it on twitch and play it you retard.

Nope. And just like GTA, none of the online updates are coming over. They are adding the LeMat revolver next month to online.

Not that guy but if they'd just kept the LeMatt revolver in I'd have been happy. They could've just shoe horned a cartridge conversion in like the one Ed Harris has in Westworld to get around the cap and ball reloading issues. If they added the shotgun secondary shot I'd have called it GOTY.
Also Colt Walker, Dragoon, and Derringer pocket guns would've been nice.

You probably think the slow ass animation to pick up objects "adds immersion" too.

i never said anything about immersion
cool deflection

Different barrel lengths of the pre-existing ones would be nice. You could also have some of the more interesting Colt Peacemaker variants like the smaller cut down "shopkeepers model" or the gunslingers "bisley" or "bluntline" model. There's also cartridge conversions of all the older black power models which would have still been kicking around at that time. What else? The Colt Lighting/Thunderer double actions would be cool to see. Beleive it or not pic related (a european clone of the double action webley bulldog pattern revolver) was BY FAR the most common gun carried in the west. For the simple reason it was cheaper. They could have put plenty of guns instead of all those dumb reskins

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There's like seven or eight unique revolvers, probably more

And Borderlands 2 has 10000000000000 guns!

Dude what lol, there are clothing options out the ass

Impressive game, not as fun as RDR1 though.

the world is nice, that's true

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and you probably like button mashing brainless crap games because you need constant gratification and affirmation you pathetic pleb.

I'd still be playing the game if it wasn't for the dumb, rehashed ending that completely deflated every desire to co

Double action

Online has a good selection. SP doesn't.

well borderlands doesn't have a whole fully fleshed out mission for every one of those guns, now has it plebbo?

It does, since most missions give you loot drops.

>rehashed ending

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Story was just fine, but the Epilogue is a drag. I don't care to follow John's story.

I didn't complain RDR2 didn't have enough missions. The length is fine. I complained about the lack of guns. Reskins don't count.

well I do believe that in your pee sized brain there is no difference between the two.

I never said I hate RDR2. I really like it. You're allowed to find flaws in a good game.

there's 3 revolvers and a bunch of reskins that don't feel different in any meaningful way at all. pretty shitty for a cowboy game.

The physics in 4 literally are better than in 5 and RDR

I really wish they didn't kill Arthur. I literally don't play the Epilogue because I liked Arthur so much more than John.

>can't read
>dislikes the game of the decade
makes sense

Wasn't trying to deflect, I honestly misinterpreted your point. Sorry.

If you don't see that it is rehashed, you're a brainlet.

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>The physics in 4 literally are better than in 5 and RDR
just go and look up a video of a horse running into a tree, or falling off a cliff, or running into another horse in rdr2, then come back here to suck my cock.

There isn't.
>Borderlands: Go to X and kill Y. Congrats, you got the Golden Reskin Pistol v2!
>RDR2' Go to X and kill Y. Congrats, you got the Golden Reskin Pistol v2!
No one gives a shit about reskins. There are plenty of other western revolvers famous from films or even that were present in the other Red Dead games that arent in RDR2.

They couldn't let Arthur live without retconning. So even though I liked Arthur, I'm okay with it.

>Game of the decade
It wasn't even GOTY.

I don't remember the part in RDR1 where 3 central male characters meet, with Dutch killing one and letting John and Sadie go.

Fair enough. The fact that the unique revolvers belong to particular individuals gave them more subjective value to me than some shitty generated guns but I also agree that mechanically it's lazy.
They should have kept the LeMat Revolver. I have no idea why they removed it, especially since the Civil War sees a lot more focus in this game than in RDR1.

>the game of the decade

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Any other ending would have been incredibly unsatisfying. He had to die. It's the way the story goes, these games are tragedies.



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Sure they could. John only needs to believe Arthurs dead. Just have Arthur survive a near death then
>Charles: What are you gonna do now Arthur? Go after Dutch?
>Arthur: Revenge is a fools game. I got a few things to handle around here first, then I reckon I'll head up north to Canada
Boom. You play as Arthur in epilogue, John believes him dead, and his absence from the first game is explained.

>press button to interact
yes, that is a definition of every game ever made. Good job.

And sorry they didn't go adding a bunch of guns to fan service mouthbreathers like you, hope someone makes a game you'll enjoy.

I do remember that the main character dies at the end, to hand over the reins to some jackass no one cares about. I remember the maudlin melodrama of it all. I remember the completely dumb and arbitrary way the protagonist died. I also remember You are a massive a faggot

Skyrim isn't even 2011 GOTY. Literally 6/10.

That would be so fucking stupid dude

I'm not talking about generated guns I'm talking about the inclusion of the wide range of actual models of revolvers that were around in western times. There were literally dozens of different types of revolvers to buy back then and they only bother to put 3 in and that makes me a mad user

>to hand over the reins to some jackass no one cares about.
funny, cause I remember plenty of people saying "I don't care about Arthur, he'll never surpass John. Let me play as John!" before the game released.

Not as stupid as forcing us to play as John, thus actively incentiving not finishing the game.

>would have been incredibly unsatisfying
oh fuck off right there nigger. I can think of at least five other ways off the top of my head that would have been equally, if not more, satisfying than the same tired out "protagonist dies at the end for a Phyrric victory trope"
>he had to die
absolutes are for cunts and faggots
>these games are tragedies
citation needed.

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You don't care about John, the protagonist of the first game? People love John
>some jackass no one cares about
Literally objectively wrong

No I play it everyday unironically

The Rockstar Fanboy Checklist:
>go back to Fortnite
>you have ADD/ADHD
>short attention span
>you're opinion doesn't matter
>I never had a problem/it's on you
>Rockstar sold x amount of copies
>the horses are better than RDR1
>the controls are better than RDR1
>it's only the beta
>Online review scores
>reddit spacing
>angry PC gamer
>muh realism
>muh immersion
>it's a single player game
>it's not a twitch shooter
>nobody complains about x
>regurgitated Dutch memes
And their personal favorite
>you didn't play the game
If you think you're arguing with a fanboy, simply resort to this checklist, call him a fanboy, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.

Okay, that may be true, but it doesn't really negate my point or even have much relevance to what my point even is. My argument stands

I cared about him in RDR 1. And then he died. And then I moved on from John. WOW, so hard to figure out!

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A game can be a tragedy without killing the protag. How about an Arthur/Sadie romance, then have her get killed?

John is a faggot in this game.

mfw adding a range of REVOLVERS to a COWBOY game is somehow ludicrous fanservice...

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first part is true. second part is just another tired out trope that's been abused way too much in video games recently.

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>this what obsitiots do when they're in between playing new vegas for the 4000x

I will note that I haven't played this game as a preface. As you say, the shooting does look quite impactful, but I personally really value models and animations, and Rockstar has always been weak in this department. The guns in RDR2 are really bad looking and all their animations are terrible. It's confusing to me how they put such detail into so many facets of the world but then the gun models look last gen and all the reloads are way too fast and sometimes even nonsensical.

>Reskins GOOD
>New models BAD

>I'm not talking about generated guns
I was replying to the Borderlands reference
I agree with you otherwise honestly
See you keep on saying "us" when this pretty much a minority opinion that I've only really seen you espouse
no you can't

You have no point though. The over-arching plot is rehashed, but the actual game events are completely different. If you seriously believe RDR2 is a rehash of RDR1 plot-wise then you're a brainlet who didn't pay any attention to anything. Dutch alone sees massive character developments that weren't in RDR1. Same for John and Abigail. And John's tragic fate is given a complete new spin and perspective to somehow make it even sadder.

>using romance as the main way to force a tragedy
this is literally the most used trope in videogames. it's shit too - 90% of the time it means the writers can't write believable characters for shit and have to use romance - a thing every brainlet can relate to - to leverage some emotion out of the audience.

>Minority opinion
You realize the game is currently a ghost town, right? The officials forums are dead. The only posts on the reddit are like a dozen people complaining about lack of content and downgrades. The main story was good, but R* fucked up hard on both SP endgame and RDO.

Dude you just got attached to the character. Arthur dying is the best narrative choice.

an event in two narratives don't have to be the literal exact same for one to be a rehash of another. This is literally writing 101. Fuck off

How does any of that have anything to do with playing as John? Lmao

m8, what. gun animations in RDR2 are some of the best you'll find outside of tripwire shit

Attached: 1547503928472.webm (1280x720, 2.27M)

The fuck does NV have to do with any of this

ah ok fair enough. Here's have a colt Bisley. (named for the Bisley shooting range in England) Note the unusual grip angle and the flattened hammer (for fanning). A real gunslingers gunslinging gun

Attached: 9994056_1_x.jpg (512x294, 13K)

>implying you have ever taken any classes in narrative structure or character writing
keking atm. dumbass brainlet, keep viewing the world in black & white, that'll do you good.

Its a good narrative choice for a book, film or game with a definite. Its an absolutely dogshit choice for a game meant to have a post-game.

You really missed out not finishing the story, man. It's really damn good.

>best narrative choice
Okay, well, that opinion which you just digged out of your anus may be true FOR YOU, but not for people with actual taste. Stop projecting your opinions onto facts

Okay, well, the burden of proof is still on you to determine that I indeed don't know anything about writing and that RDR 2 isn't just a soulless rehash of RDR 1. Your presumptions matter little.

instead of thinking that R* is either lazy or incompetent to make fucking countless models and animate them, maybe you should think about why they didn't implement it. you might learn something for a change and finally be on your way out of the pleb critic club.

What are you talking about this is one of the best post games in any game ever

God damn some of the death animations in this game are so fucking grisly. I got a slo mo one yesterday where I hit this guy through the teeth from the left with a rifle shot. It was horrific.

>press X to build home
Nah, you're a cunt and your mother sucks cock every night from a different man each time

are you seriously looking at that recoil and thinking that that is ok? Watch gun grandpa pop off a few from his Colt Peacemakers and note recoil and the noise (oh god they never even seem to try with firearm sound design)

chronic bad taste buddy

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Lmao stick to fortnite

Nice rooty tooty

That's not the post game ya mong

1) those arent colts
2) i thought you were talking about gun animations, not gun mechanics such as recoil, so nevermind.

Come up with better bait

Criticism of this game has just devolved to nitpicking lmao

they managed to fit in an abundance of early experimental semi automatic pistols and rifles (even if it doesn't make much sense them being there for the setting) What were they two busy tweaking the throttling on the online mode to animate a few more guns in their sprawling hugely detailed western epic?

Holy cringe lmao

this guy is literally helpless, just ignore him like everyone else in his life probably does.

No, they really aren't. Even in the webm you just posted you can see that the firing animation looks terrible. The guns just sort of jerk up and down, it almost looks like a glitch. They should be recoiling a lot more, and there should be a sharp turn upwards after firing and then a smooth movement down to return the hands on target. However the issue is mainly with the reload animations, which look terrible, most of them look like he's just rubbing the gun rather than actually loading it.

Fucking niggers

I can just smell you pathetic dogs.

What the fuck is a "bluntline"

they're colt double actions.....

Attached: Colt1.jpg (750x428, 295K)

it always was, its a shame because there are legitimate issues the game has but any legitimate discussion is overrun by Yea Forums's autism

they aren't, play the game

still waiting for that argument on how RDR 2 isn't a rehash of RDR 1's.

I mean you could google it but basically its for when you got pop a nigger who's reeeeaaaaallly far away.

Attached: Buntline.jpg (1721x596, 66K)

>guys you are complaining about the wrong thing, so I'm going to just disregard any detractors period because that Rockstar penis is just too tasty to pass up.

yeah we're literally talking about different things
and do you honestly, unironically, expect 30 second reload times?

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The map is like 3x as large for starters. Sharing motifs between stories doesn't make them rehashed

the game explicitly states those double actions revolvers, which are identical to colt double actions, are not colt double actions?

damn you are butthurt lmao

That's nice faggot.

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Literally proving his point.

it's literally right on the wiki for the game they're based on the colt double action you posted:

t. Quantic Dream employee

the fact that you can't see the difference between those two types of games just proves how much of a shallow simpleton pleb you are. stick to dmc fag.

When's the best time to save before the story starts to ramp up? I want to do a lot of the side content as Arthur.

somewhere in chapter 3

this except it's #2 behind RDR1

It was a good game in general but I dropped it about half way through and the online was a flop.

It's a joke, you're butthurt. Of course I recognize the difference between RDR and QD shit, idiot. I like RDR2, but I don't think it's flawless. Though DMC is one of the best game series ever to me, I can still enjoy RDR.

Good news, it's coming to RDR2. The bad news, is that it's stuck in the shitty Online.

it's a bad game

ignoring obvious nitpicky stuff like the terrible aiming etc, it doesn't work as an immersive coyboy game because there's so much immersion obliterating shit in it and it's not a fun messing around open world game compared to GTA. it's half realistic and half gamey in the worst ways of both

you can't get immersed in the world and think about it like a real place because it's got typical gta gamey stuff like infinite spawning cops, the absurdly contrived bounty system etc and it picks and chooses what to apply realism to (for instance when you hunt you can only bring back 1 animal carcass, but you can carry 20 rifles 5 sets of clothes and enough food to feed an entire town for a week). it's also got stuff like the way animals and events obviously spawn in a radius around your character; sometimes tracking things in the snow will cause their footprint trail to just stop, this is honestly more immersion breaking than if the game had just crashed. there's also the way rules are arbitrarily applied like not being able to draw a gun in a store

rockstar have always had this weird structure where they have an open world but the only times interesting stuff actually happens is during missions. compare going to a saloon in the open world with the early missions in valentine with the bar brawl and LENNEH, it makes you wonder why the open world part is even an option since it's so shallow and worthless by comparison

everyone who praises this game always seems to bring up the story so if you're someone who genuinely likes this game then imagine what your impression of it would be if the story didn't click with you because that was my experience and it was one of the most relentlessly unremarkable and mediocre games i've ever played

The hunting was the best part of the game. Makes me wish we got a full blown hunting/camping sim

>bringing new guns and features to multiplayer ONLY
the game's only real, true sin. fuck rockstar.

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I love it, i only wish rockstar would add more guns into the single player

Id love to have dual derringers

The story was good and so was the world, unfortunately Rockstar still dont know how to make modern games and they skimped on the guns and RDO is a mess

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I finally finished the main story yesterday and am on to the epilogues.
Chapters 3 and 4 so far are the high points for me, particularly the end of 3.
Then Guarma happened and I felt like it killed the pacing, it also felt like nothing really mattered since Arthur got TB and I knew the end would be coming.
Still pretty hype final couple missions and kino death.

You can't smell shit you're just OBSESSED