Fan festival thread
we laugh at bunny fags edition
Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't wait for you baracatfags to be eternally btfo
>tfw they announce female-only big tiddy catwomen
Can't wait for you shota fags to be eternally btfo
let's settle this
When does this shit begin?
Fucking adjust you stupid healers
I'm going to marry Y'shtola!
Im just placing the linking and what was said user, why are you so mad? Someone asked for the link so I gave it, now no one can take that out of context.
>"Yes the folded ears will definitely be available and there is a variation that they sort of look like a young elezen, oh wait no.."
If you want to clip a larger part to prove a point more power to you but as far as the conversation goes it looks like Yoshida and Ayumi realized the slip and even the translator realized too late on what she had transated.
I have no horse in this race as I wont be changing races anyways
Is in 30 minutes or 90 minutes
I want g'raha to come back and put his crystal tower inside me
Agreed. Worthless cunts need to keep us topped out more and use Rescue less.
heres your DRK for ShB
post your fan fest food
Soon friend
So you don't lose it. Please translate.
Good luck, user. I'm going to marry Yugiri!
There aren't enough options for this. It's clear a lot of people are going to get btfo but then pretend like it never happened.
>Actually pretty even so far
what the fug
Time for some more lore.
>left and right's ears are clearly bending back
>middle's is bending forward
starts in 30
keynote (where the info is announced) in 90
can someone report this faggot?
Can you guys justify paying $15 a month for a game like this?
What's even the point of adding the Ley Lines and BLM symbols? The hat, AOE marker, and Ley Lines make it obvious what's going on, not to mention the Enochian.
mods please sticky this
why aren't you reporting the drawthread?
oh god its already 1am here and I am getting reall tired
>The pleasure of being cummed inside.
No, which is why I pay $13 a month via an entry account.
>report this faggot
Why? He's just placing some decent non-shitpost material that is very well appreciated in a game where the one thing people care about over gameplay is "The Story"
Hang in there, only 85 minutes left.
I legitimately don't understand why people play male characters. Its like you enjoy being the inferior gender or something?
>Them ever giving FFXIV a sticky
But user, archived threads are those that hit bump limit.
Homewards bound in togetherness. A journey shared amongst comrades in arms is but moments away.
*nods head*
*pounds fist*
Good thing they clipped out the whole conversation.
Plot twist: Yoshi reveals that Viera are actually part of a general animal race, and there are 2-3 subraces per gender. With males getting lions and wolves, and females getting buns and sheep/goats.
Well? You gonna answer me?
>DRK not using Darkside
Does he think half of his kit is supoosed to not work or something? I don't understand how someone this retarded got far enough into the game to even unlock DRK
>like this
Like what? But yeah, its fun to log in and play. 15 dollars a month when i want to resub isn't skin off my bacm
Because you retards have a general, whereas the drawthread is Yea Forums related
There really needs to be a way to lock controller players out of PFs and a way to queue DF that avoids controller players. Hopefully the shad expansion will address this.
Really it's time we just face facts: they are using an objectively worse, obsolete control scheme in an MMO. Don't even try to defend them here, that's completely asinine. The way crossbars work you have to click 4 different buttons to reach a skill that doesn't happen to be one of the few available on the bar you are using. Even worse if its on the pet bar. And you still have to switch back when necessary, more button presses. They end up spending three to four times as much presses to do what a M+KB is doing. And then the targetting! Fuck, a controller player has to scroll through EVERY. SINGLE. TARGET. To get what they want. With a mouse you just click, and done. Like .5 secs if you have fat hands. Plus mouseover macros, another amazing tool out of the reach of controllerfags.
>b-but controllers clear all content
No one has ever sourced this. Personally I don't believe it actually happens.
>b-but you can put pet actions on your bar
And no one ever does, irrelevant.
>b-but expanded crossbars
No one actually uses them, irrelevant.
>b-but target filters
Again, no one actually uses them, irrelevant.
What do you think SE should do about this, Yea Forums?
based discord tranny making barafags completely embarrass themselves
>Like what?
A skinnerbox with microtransactions.
Thanks user you too!
Does anyone recall if these saints are ever mentioned ingame?
Anyone got the one with the girl saying 'When the whole world tells you to move"? Been looking for it for a while
Larping as a janny? LOL
What the fuck was the "wrong sect"?
How would you guys react if G'Raha is the hooded guy on the poster?
Pretty much anyone who doesn't play Miqo F is a brainlet and a greyparser. Just ignore them.
How am I going to enjoy all these cat and lizard sluts if I'm not a guy in there to ERP them?
man the og allagan set was fucking great. what the hell happened?
people cleared ultimates on controller while you complain about casual content
embarassing retard
Tranny has nothing on blupilled fever
It's the only money I spend on vidya most months
You mean this? I got a few BLM memes.
is there a link up for the english commentary stream?
There's a place named after Saint Daniffen and you should know about Saint Coinach but it seems to be 1.0 development data they dug up only recently.
How long until the stream?
The stream isn't exactly hidden user, you're more than welcome to go to the stream and make your own clip you know? I only provided the link cause I had it on hand when it was asked. Plus if a longer version furthers the conversation to keep more people informed the better, just stating "No this is what they meant you guys are retarded" without backing the point with some concrete evidence won't help your argument
how long until they start showing new stuff on the stream is it gonna be like a three hour stream?
>The way crossbars work you have to click 4 different buttons to reach a skill that doesn't happen to be one of the few available on the bar you are using.
>He doesn't use expanded crossbar, making all of bars two and three available with a double click.
>He doesn't effortlessly use the quick-select to jump to bar 4 or 8 (who the fuck even uses 5-7?).
If it's a whm yes because we need more things to do after they over simplified the job in 4.0
A few of them are. Saint Daniffen and Saint Reinette get mentioned a lot. Saint Mocianne also has a dungeon named after her, and the church in Drybone is named after Saint Adama Landama.
Yeah thx keep em comin if you can these are cracking me up
Dont know what you mean
Should I be upset about that? I already have glamours and mounts I love
Good to see roleplaying is alive and well in this day and age of casual MMO saturation.
>melee MCH abilities
>Eden after they showed IVth Legion
Yeah no, fake and homosexual
Yall homosexual yo
2 hours, but considering it's going to be JP only they might show us more than usual.
it's on the squareenix twitch channel
nice b8 m8 try harder next time
I got you.
Astro has two sects, basically stances except you can't switch in battle. One applies a regen to your heals, the other applies shields.
The regen sect is generally considered better as it's regens stack with WHM's regens while astro's shields will overwrite SCH's shields and vice versa.
At this point I'm pretty sure he is. His arms are ungoing whatever corruption screwed up Xande when he was in control of the tower.
Unless it's another shard's Xande
I just got to level 70 how should I gear up?
The arcane wards that protect the Steps of Faith are called Daniffen's Collar IIRC.
You got the Eustace one?
Yuhelmeric was in 1.0
Just because you don't know how to use a controller doesn't mean whatever fucktarded idea you have of it in your head is correct. git gud faggot.
When you're proven wrong with no announcement of it you're not going to apologize or even admit you were wrong. This is why people are doomed to keep making mistakes, you can't even think clearly about simple shit.
I know what sects are, I want to know what the DRK was complaining about. There's really no "wrong sect" to be running in fucking Aery desu.
Xande's body was screwed up by the experiments Amon did to revitalize his cells.
>Dont know what you mean
All MMO's are skinnerboxes with endless grinding. That's nothing new, but it's outdated.
>Should I be upset about that?
For a game you pay a monthly fee for, yes.
>all these shota bunny fags in twitch chat
Finish up your msq and get 375ilvl gear from ghimlyt dark dungeon and then armour from genesis tomes and 24man raid.
It's also worth noting that Nocturnal Sect vastly underheals compared to Diurnal Sect while still retaining the same mana cost.
So if you ever see an AST using shields who is either playing solo or on a team with a SCH, assume they're dead weight and retarded.
XIV doesn't have endless grinding tho. People have been sitting at item level cap for a long time now
So who is the voice gonna be in the end? I still think it sounds like Alphinaud.
Speaking of which, will he and alisaie get a growth spurt some time during the story? They are both like 17 yet shorter than like most miqotes
You almost done? i'll take the first panel translation at the least.
So people are paying $15 a month with nothing to do and have to pay another $40 for new content with more endgame?
You can play diurnal with WHM too. Diurnal is just that much better. You should only be playing Noct if the fight absolutely needs preshielding and then you're better off kicking the WHM shitter that won't pick up a book. Or switching to SCH. Noct is bad and I hope 5.0 removes sects entirely.
Elezen grow slower
Thanks. Also forgot to add I just got done killing Nidhogg so it may be a minute before I can unlock that stuff.
They're 16, but they're short because Elezen hit puberty a few years later than other races. By 18 they'll be giraffes but the ShB art still makes them look young.
What's going on here?
It’s because I’m a fujo.
Here you go, brother.
Yeah, you shouldn't worry about gearing up while you're not done with msq.
They could just buff noct. Dunno why you'd want to remove that flexibility.
People are paying 15 dollars a month because they feel like playing dude. Sometimes I play for fun, not grinding anything specific. What's your problem?
is the channel not streaming at 8 30 est?
>tfw no male viera
Shitty business practices are my problem.
Got more of these? I love reading snotty players getting upset at being told to play better
my original theory was future alphinaud transmitting his voice through the echo from the future, but with all the g'raha stuff floating around i wouldn't be surprised if it ended up being him and telling us to open the crystal tower to unleash darkness
Cannot forget our resident healers mains in here. You guys are great. Keep up the great work.
Do you think we're going to get anything as fun as the pre-Stormblood memes tonight, or are we stuck with autistic shitflinging?
No, 9:30.
Can you fucking stop spamming the lore pages god dammit. All you're doing is speeding up us reaching bump limit. The second lore book have been available to download for months now. Fuck off
It's not really flexibility. SCH has both shields and regens (Whispering Dawn). Even WHM can do a single target shield. This "flexibility" stems from a dumb design decision to let AST fill in as both WHM and SCH. That's just not fair design. If they add a fourth healer this will be even more obvious. For starters, the entire shield vs regen dichotomy is terrible and is suffocating healer design just as much as overabundance of OGCDs. If you absolutely NEEDED to keep Nocturnal Stance, I'd turn it into a cooldown that you can use to cast shields once every once in a while.
This is the correct BLM trolley problem. it's not his party he needs to worry about, it's himself.
The American internet has poisoned people's minds by glorifying trolling and being a tough guy online. Now you can't go anywhere without meeting loonies like that who think they're doing good.
user please read my original post here I have no horse in this race and only provided the link and small transcript of what was said in that clip. You have every opportunity to clip the stream yourself, here I'll even help you with that:
Feel free to clip it to your hearts desire, I even timestamped it for you so it starts on the Viera or about there. Feel free to disprove or prove whatever theories you have.
good goy
Eh...most of us DRK's are not this retarded I apologize for the backwards born creature.
Like shit it's fine to use grit but you do need Darkside and dark arts for most attacks.
I need more
Translate the page.
What anime? The girl is pretty cute
I hope they rework how Monk's chakra works.
I think it would be cool if they added moves that only use some chakra. And make purification one of them, since 5 chakra for TP and agro reduction is pretty painful, especially since Sam's equivilent only costs one third eye.
Cry more you bitch faggot
He's just a typical Gilgamesh elitist shitter.
>Nocturnal Sect vastly underheals compared to Diurnal Sect
Nocturnal gives a 15% boost to heals compared to Dinural's 10%. Metatards seriously underestimate how handy an instant cast shield is when a boss winds up a tank buster/uses a targeted mechanic on a DPS.
we're like 1 bong and 9 bings away right?
Hi faggot, hows no friends ever treating you today?
>söy sauce baron
he's right though
These are pretty goddamn cute
Your underage is showing
Kyoukai no Kanata
>The American internet
The only internet. Also trolling and bants awards go to australia.
I want to lick her legs.
I haven't played the game in about 5 years whats going on?
how does something like this happen
how do you get this retarded
There better be a doomtrain primal fight where you're inside doomtrain doing shit.
Your bitchy faggyness is showing
Someone's getting btfo in an hour
Someone tell me how to play DRK
How do I manage my MP
The only thing I can possibly think of is that the healer was keeping regens up constantly, which will generate aggro outside of the tanks range which would be especially troublesome with a bad tank like that
JP fanfest with info on the expansion
Final fan fest before the new expansion. Basically it'll tell us the rest of the things we want to know before it drops. Full cinematic trailer, the next new job, etc etc.
put down the weed
I don't think I've been in Neverreap in years now, even with roulettes. Weird as fuck.
Thanks! Ill check it out.
You don't. It's the caster's job to give you theirs.
fuck Alwaysreap. the patch/patches where that was in roulette was the worst. made me unsub for like a half year
Why would there be a doom train primal one expansion after already fighting doom train?
Make sure to use blood weapon on cooldown. And use Delirium whenever it's up and blood weapon is active.
And if you aren't already, make the soul eater combo your primary combo. You should only ever use your agro combo when you actually need more agro.
this is what happens when you put a 2.5 second GCD in your game
You can't be a fujo if you have a dick. Transgenders aren't people
I've been in a dungeon with a DRK who didn't turn on Darkside either, but they just ignored me when I told them to turn it on. Like how do you get all the way to Bardam's without knowing how your class works on a basic level?
Keep dumping pages lore user! These are awesome. What lorebook do these come from?
I like how all of these lore snippets are written noncommitally like "Eh, it may be this. We don't know. It's just a game theory." Almost like they were made up on the spot
You're going to be proven wrong, and then what?
What's your justification going to be in the event you're proven wrong? Just a simple mistake? Maybe they meant something else so it's not your fault? They led you on?
I'm just saying none of those eventual excuses are valid. So what is your excuse going to be in the eventuality you're wrong?
Rather than try to force memes and sea lioning, stretching the faces and reinterpreting all the content everyone already has, just post what your conclusion will be when you're wrong. After all that's the only thing that matters, the other shit just gives you a platform to push your conspiracy theory.
can any autism experts decode this?
Mana Shift just misses if used on a Dark Knight with Darkside on
>one expansion after already fighting doom train?
What? Doomtrain already exists in XIV?
Now that the dust has settled, did you enjoy Lyse's expansion?
I had one not long ago that told me to use abyssal drain instead of unleash. In a dungeon that was too low level for it to be available.
Said it was a waste of MP when I was tanking a dozen+ trash mobs.
These dungeon ones come from the 2nd volume.
It should be pretty obvious unless you have autism.
fuck no
Every part that didn't involve her or the shithole Ala Mhigo yes.
Did...did you do the omegascape raids?
I would have enjoyed it more without her. Also that art is shit.
They're written that way because it's supposed to be treated as an in-universe text compiled by Sharlayan scholars who don't treat themselves as all-knowing.
>Like how do you get all the way to Bardam's without knowing how your class works on a basic level?
Getting carried by good dps players
You'd think it's the only internet sometimes. It easily absorbs and assimilates the rest of the internet. You can easily tell when non Americans in real life have been internet-Americanized.
Shit, I used to be a WHM that thought DRKs were all shitters because they were such a pain in the ass to heal. Then I bought a DRK jump potion on an alt and found out it's basically just a fucking PLD with slight differences and realized they're just shitting around, not using Dark Side/Arts and not using their self-heal skills often enough, let alone at all in some cases.
If I can fucking skip the class and put my PLD experience to nearly-instantly play DRK correctly, why the fuck can't these dumbfucks who levelled it?
Goddamn. It's almost as bad as that picture of the PLD that refused to wear a shield because "the stat gains were minor and it hurt his dps"
Lyse's expansion was pretty alright when Lyse wasn't involved at all.
But trannies play pretty female characters, don’t they?
thanks anons
>Someone's getting btfo in an hour
ff:rr shitposts are always pretty fun
>mana shift DRK
all the parts involving her were garbage you waifushitter
Manashift doesn't work on DRK's if darkside is on.
Which basically means manashift doesn't work on DRK.
No I just unlocked them actually.
Phantom Train isn't Doomtrain you fucking secondary. I bet you also think Omega and Omega Weapon are the same thing.
Did you tell him it was unavailable and he should shut his trap and aoe more
That's Phantomtrain.
It was mentioned in-game.
1 hour until every ffxiv website related implodes.
not really, SB was kind of shit, also Lyse is a fucking dreadful character
I don't think you realize that majority of PLDs are even WORSE.
How embarrassing!
Stream's up. Have we heard this song they're playing before?
either a pld or war grinding drk t b h
Holy shit user you really are dense arent you? Are you cherry picking the replies or something? There are 2 posts in that chain that say
>I have no horse in this race
Just post whatever proof you have to counter it and go from there, they even had the decency to give you the damn link. You Bara and Shota Fags are really fucking annoying.
I just remembered that the blue mage existed. Kinda funny.
Shit, you are right. Damn.
Sorry to get your hopes up.
Well, point still stands otherwise, I doubt they would do two train bosses in a row.
Fuck off.
>Phantom Train = Doomtrain
kindly eject yourself from the thread retard
No, I would’ve preferred if they focused totally on Doma rather than trying to half-assedly rush two liberations with one of them being the worst region with the worst characters (outside of design) in the entire game to date.
rdm player detected
WHM: "Get out of the aoe"
Yikes, retard
I did, said it wasn't available at that level and called him a smartass. He doubled down and said he was just giving a tip and then snippily said "okayyy, enjoy wasting mp on 50 potency"
Retard it may be fucking 50 potency but that's still ten times better than single target attacking on a group of 12+ trash mobs, that 50 potency aoe easily does more damage total.
Was the timer wrong? None of the streams are up.
One hour till lion boys. Are you ready?
YouTube stream is up
We still got an hour.
I started playing around a year ago and am pretty sad that I missed Heavensward, basically everything about stormblood feels worse especially the story. Being split between two regions resulted in my not caring at all about either, the steppe was the only enjoyable part
Also not really a fan of Alphascape, Delta and Sigma fights were much more fun
streams don't start until later
One hour till barafags get put on suicide watch. Are you ready?
I'm surprised Mistbear would hunt them instead of fucking them.
I can't help you anymore than I already have user, you're a lost cause. I already gave you the link and timestamp to ease your trouble of disproving the claim and even told you I don't belong to any camp of thought. If you're seeing red in regards to a XIV race maybe you should turn off your computer and do something else because the game is getting to you. If you get your Baras or Shotas or w/e you want then rejoice, if not then you keep your current character.
I hate that such a good artist wastes their time on gay futa shit.
Question, when leveling, do you want to do all the roulettes you can, or just leveling roulette?
>waste of time
put a bullet to your head homie
But, I love him because of that.
>cannot regen MP normally or through buffs while Darkside is on
Nigga please, at least try the class before you shitpost.
Read your skills. Do whatever you need to for aggro early on then spam your self-heal/mp-refill skills. It's pretty chimp-level simple, and if you don't have mp, use your mp regen skill, you're basically doing what a PLD would do with Riot Blade combos.
>implying he didn't do both
I don't know why this game players base can't understand basic shit like multiplication
There are people still fucking up in the lighthouse if someone doesn't hold their hand and explain prime numbers to them, thats elementary school shit
If the Lupin get confirmed, I'm changing my name to Yam Cha.
Fuck bunny boys long live wolf boys
>Hur dur im not gay for liking cocks its a magic girl cock!
Fuck off
Hey guys Yellowfever here, we're getting ivalice moogles called Hrothgar and new dps Chocobo Knight (COK) where you ride your chocobo during battle
the fuck is this panish shit?
Is delirium really worth the opportunity cost of not doing a bloodspiller?
You do have a horse you're claiming that something has to be interpreted in a specific way and it has to prove your theory. When your theory is proven false you now have two inconsistent statements. Instead of sea lioning like you are now for the next hour just skip to the end.
Just get on with it and skip to the part where you come up with an explanation of how you reconcile a belief opposed by reality. Or is your excuse now that you didn't really care and it wasn't important to you?
Pretty lame but predictable.
I bet you love to ride coks
Who the fuck is expecting Lupin?
do you even play this game? furries will never be playable, idiot
>focusing on the cock
>calls others gay
I wish.
So are they gonna stream on youtube, or just twitch?
Reminder Viera needs 2 clans/tribes and they will be the only new playable race.
Barafurries must live stream their suicide
>leveling a new class
>had to murder these fuckers again
>and again
>and again
Well I guess this IS an mmo after all, but shit if I'm not spoiled from all that free msq fetch quest exp and catch-up multipliers.
>Ivalice Moogles
no, the furries wanting bara cats are bad enough
Delusional furfags that have been whining for them since they were first seen
Someone want to give me a quick rundown on which degenerate groups will be on suicide watch if certain things are announced?
Trannys on suicide watch if:
No bunny boys
DAN is healer
Nierfags on suicide watch if the new raid is canon
If you didnt care about them why add them in the first place??
>Nothing about the fat cat inside the old one
niconico only.
I saw it in my dreams ;-;
Man I'm not even a fucking furry but I'd Fantasia my character right away to do some wolf fang fisting
Either you are baiting or you are just downright from a third world country with a bunch of retards.
so the actual stream is in one more hour?
A girl fucking a girl is hot you fucking faggot. Neck yourself.
You really need help yourself but it's pretty obvious now. You guys are just going to go tee hee it wasn't serious in the first place, who cares right. Sure then shut the fuck up with your arguments in the first place.
>twitch stream is 8 min late
nice job SE
The entire point of futa shit is the dick faggot, otherwise you'd just have a girl with no dick
lol holy fuck. why did they put this up early
It keeps bloodweapon up longer, which increases your skill speed and auto attack speed, which is an overall dps gain. Plus having blood weapon up means you get MP with every attack, meaning you got more Mp to spend on dark arts and other things.
Trannies are masters of all jobs so DCR being a healer won't affect them. No bunny boys is true though.
>Is delirium really worth the opportunity cost of not doing a bloodspiller?
Yes. Don't forget Bloodspiller is a GCD so when thinking about potency you have to consider how much using Bloodspiller is an upgrade over an average combo GCD. MP provided by Delirium and blood weapon extension is more than enough to cover for Bloodspiller gain.
A girl with a magic dick isnt a girl.
The stream isn't starting for an hour, retarded faggot.
I'm not, but honestly? It wouldn't surprise me. The models already exist as a seemingly-male only race, and it would be out of left field
Sounds pretty gay
you would also install the dog dick mod, not a furry though
Any hope of me finding people to run 50 content as a BLU with? I just got it to 50 and everytime I make a pf people leave when they realize I want to run synced and actually play the game
Kind user, where can I get these scans from?
Virus link
/xivg/ got links.
>It isn't a girl because I said so
Yikes, next thing you're going to tell me lolicon makes you a pedophile.
I want chemist as healer more than I want dancer
As someone who can't stand playing BLM past 30, I have to ask: Does your leyline buff get better the closer to center you are? Or is it the same no matter where inside you are?
even worse
The only people who join PF for ARR content is for WT. And nobody wants to carry a Blue Mage in those when you can just play an actual Job.
user its too generic and similar of a job.
Don't click this it creates mustard gas
>getting hyped over nothing
The chemist dream is dead. That was originally going to be the new healer in HW, but they couldn't make it work in a way that made them happy, so they took the gun aspect and made MCH and the buffs element and made AST
Gas all barafags, futafags, and footniggers
>just 1 hour till shota gets confirmed
I bet he ruins everything
guys I think we are on to something
Just 50 mins to go until shitfest of the century lads.
it's the same no matter where you are
>someone who can't stand playing BLM past 30
how the fuck are you real, BLM is painful until 34 and only gets better from there
It's the same so you can often bait aoes by standing on the edge
Are you triggered yet user?
>Adama Landama is the Saint of trickle down economics
Yup, the general should have it in their pastebin.
Just found it, thank you!
thanks faggot you just bricked my computer.
You won't even make a trip man, just shut the fuck up already.
if only
50 minutes until they announce ever race is being deleted except for hyur middie
Someone mind posting the link to youtube stream so can watch the autism unfold there, lads?
To be fair, BLM is painful until you hit 60. Until then its basically ice up then cast fire 1 til 3 procs. Enochian is basically just a free buff til F4 gives actual danger of losing it.
Any other tranny WAR/SCH/BRD mains here? I'm going to dilate during the keynote and would love someone to join me on Discord
Don't open this link, it makes mustard gas
>gets given link to whole conversation
>doesn't even make a clip
You need help buddy
Fug Alphinaud
The gaping wound that used to be your dick isn't a pussy
>this tranny is still posting pages from his 50 dollar book
I'll take anything other than Ion jerking himself off during Q&A assuring me everything's according to plan and there are no problems with WoW whatsoever.
What channel are you nigs watching?
I wish they had gone with the more beastial dragony au ra concept art that they had.
HEY. That was uncalled for I'm a real girl (female)
She wasnt dreadful she fit fine...but she was pushed too much in SB. Especially, when you had the stories involving Raubahn you wanted to toss her aside.
Honestly? I don't play DPS that much period. I barely have SMN and BRD in the 60s and SMN kinda bores me. I have maxed PLD/WHM and everything else is a scattered mess of levels.
I've been playing off and on since near launch. I just can't stand grinding for very long.
The Nald'thal religion is really fucking neat and it's a shame most of it got left behind in 1.0.
I wish they would look like this or the other chad artwork posted. My worst fear is they're just another lanky Elezen clone instead of more like a aesthetically pleasing Highlander.
What the hell is this monkeyshit
The pages have been online for the longest time now.
>we could have had a dwarf with beard-horns and klingon ridges
>we get angry emo edgelord auras instead
Is it worth getting into ff14 or will they offer better deals when the expansion comes out?
Make it better user, make the ability to make it Mogstation Exclusive while making them still require buying a Fantasia to make the switch
This thread is moving so fast no one will notice I like girls.
Havent played since Stormblood launch. When should I resub so I can catch up and be ready for Shadowbringers?
What are you bros eating for the stream? I picked up a family feast and a 2 liter Code Red
Orange Chicken, Broccoli Beef, Teriyaki Chicken of course
ff14 goes on sale often for 50%, theres also a trial up to level 35
Yeah, yeah, we all know you're all going to be mighty quiet once the keynote is over. That's because you're going to be on the official forums posting how betrayed you feel by the devs.
Oi mate
Last one, and just in time. Enjoy the stream, guys.
prove it faggot
Dont be a fucking idiot either when you're dealing with a franchise that brought us Ronso and fucking Bangaa.
If you wait until the expansion is out, you can buy it + the previous 2 for the same price you would pay for just the new one now
>You get 1 shot by MCHs if you play as this job
wtf yoshi
Shut up or make a trip. Literally nigger, at least i respect the baracat fag, he has the balls to make a trip.
Go away Fyce.
I too like futas
i just read somewhere that it's going for $19.99 on some site
Males, ingame and out, are trash. A girl will always outperform them when she applies herself.
There's a sever lack of cute and funny characters in XIV. We only have Khloe and that mikitten.
Why not just shave clean at that point
"Generic" doesn't stop jobs like PLD and BLM from existing. And I'm sure they could make !Mix into a mechanic that works in an MMO context, even if it's only the flavor of the original concept, like with RDM
I tried playing Lancer up to 35 and felt it was pretty boring, but then again that is the most basic class right?
That's great to know, thanks!
Thank you
BLMs are badass though.
No you're not. Now post your bussy.
Did they upgrade Ralgers Reach every patch?
He's going for the middle aged D&D goober look
Well if you got twitch prime, now is the best time because you can get the base game free until may.
Otherwise, it's up to you. Unless you completely no life it, getting all the way to the end of Stormblood will probably take you a few months, so it's a matter of do you wanna get it all now try getting in on shadowbringers when its fresh, or do you mind being behind everyone else who is current for a few months?
The former option is more expensive as you'll have to buy stormblood(earlier expansions come with the most recent one) and then by shadowbringers, while the latter option you just buy shadowbringers but don't get heavensward and stormblood until ShB drops.
Go back fyce.
>yfw yoshi and koji enter the stage dancing
>kojicuck stream location is literally in a cuckshed
No, it stayed the same.
No, the upgrading got added (via clientside player contribution) to the Doman Enclave.
No. There was a weekly upgrade thing for the Doman enclave though.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates this obnoxious nigger.
why would trannies be on suicide watch for either of those? Trannies play cute girls, they would want smol bunny girls, not bunny boys. Gays are the ones who are on suicide watch of we don't get bunny boys.
and again trannies WANT dancer to be a healer.
Honestly, he would probably look worse if he did
i really hope i don't have to watch both streams at the same time
koji is stuck in a small room
>Trannies don't want male viera because muh snowflake woman only race
>Literal homos and fujos want vieras so they can masturbate
What the FUCK
Which stream to watch? cuckshed or japanese stream
>your sub costs half as much if you're a Blacker Mage
thanks AOC
beast men being shit is half the game story retard
Lancer is a one-way ticket to the failtown known as Dragoon. Monk is a bit faster/more energetic, Ninja can be interesting but is very ping-dependant. Try playing Whack a Mole as a healer, and if you do, remember that this game very much encourages you to DPS as a healer, if noone needs healing.
>A girl will always outperform them when she applies herself
>Fat man says JP players aren't as boisterous as NA players.
>Doman Enclave
But he's not wrong?
*dabs on shitty male characters*
Do you speak Japanase? If not its pretty obvious which you should watch.
Of course he's a Lalafell. Literally the worst players bar Au Ra.
To be honest, basically all the classes are pretty dull until level 50 or 60. The overhaul they did for Stormblood really made it so none of the classes really feel complete until then.
Man if only someone had been able to see this problem coming...
you mean the same reason hets wanted vieras?
Yes... the place that's literally in the launch SB storyline?
He's a notorious shitposter on the forums and shilled BLU to death, he and his shitter gang are probably the ones responsible for the discord leaks. They were the first ones to post it on the forums and have been trying to shutdown any conversation that goes against it.
He's such an annoying faggtron.
I like how Ilberd is in there too
>typo in the title
based japs
Keynote? More like Kinote am I rite lads? lol
Jap stream will almost certainly be slightly ahead, so things will get spoiled in this thread. Only seconds, but whatever
>A lalafell
>the worst players bar Au Ra.
What are male cats or human males?
16 is legal elezen age in Eorzea right? Suck it, Garlemald.
Is this an actual leaked model or just a mod/fanart?
Well hes right. They don't clap/cheer and holler like disrespectful baka gaijins.
Is that the cave area in Doma?
>yoshi says there are no more jobs, fuck you
>Matsuda himself enters from stage left in Bartz's Dancer outfit, with Translator-chan wearing Lenna's
I feel like there's no rush, I'd better take my time and try different classes and stuff. I was interested in healing I like the looks of scholar for the fairy. I don't have twitch prime so, would you recommend waiting until Shadowbringers?
It's BLESS, you dummy
>punished koji
it aint right
The place where Hien hangs out after liberating Doma.
Its Bless Online
Hets don't play female characters and they know that there are no girls on the internet.
That is statistically incorrect actually. Lalafell and Au Ra, specifically females are the best players in this game, sweetie.
It's from Bless Online, I don't blame you if you never heard of it.
>implying a shithole like Eorzea has age-of-consent laws
Nothing wrong with BLM. I just mean its not a good argument that they can't have a job that has an equivalent in other games
Not even the same game you absolute brainlet
>not watching glorious nip stream folded over a thousand times
based and redpilled
>Can't even spell Hyur
found the lizard
Never heard of that guy. Who are his "friends"?
>claims to be straight
>looks at man-ass when he plays
really makes me think
In Sharlayan it is. Eorzea probably doesn't have any age of consent because
>Ul'dah, literally anything is fucking legal if you have the money to pay for it. Even slavery as long as there's no kidnapping involved.
>Limsa is a pirate rapehole and only got actual laws 14 years ago.
>Gridania, all the laws are about not pissing off Elementals and they don't give a damn about kids.
Ishgard actually probably has them, but you get to ignore that if you're a priest.
Post yfw we see Yoshi die on stage, before being resurrected and turning into a lich of sorts to reveal Necromancer as new job.
yw honey
Oh, I remember.
Who was this magnificent bastard?
>Hets don't play female characters
Not true
>not playing in first person all the time
>Literally the worst players
Lalafell are statistically the best, cope harder faggot
so where is everyone watching the keynote? Twitch?
>Focusing on rear ends instead of the task at hand
its from a shitty f2p game that failed
you mean normal people you fucking freaks? only faggots play male character in anime styled MMOs by the way unless they play a stronghuge motherfucker clearly know how to play it well. First you cast thunder, then depending on the situation fire 1 to proc fire 3 on a single target or fire 2 for multiple mobs. Stop playing like shit and trashing jobs when you dont play them well.
Once again, it's really up to you. You either pay more and get to start playing now, or pay less but don't get to play any of the expansions til the end of june/beginning of july.
Either way, you could just get the base game for now and see how long that holds you. Only downside to that is you can't be an Au Ra and you won't be able to use red mage and samurai once you hit 50 until you get the expansions.
the masketta man
I wanna watch it on youtube for less lag, but need link to it.
>not being at fanfest
I'm here senpai. It smells like roses and salty milk and coins
>Knowing how much her little mouse loved to drink pee
>mommy needs to pee. Drink it all up like the good little whore you are
The Masked Fox
>No Male Viera
>G'raha Tia
>Crystal Tower
>The 13 Shards, 1st shard is lit up with a checkmark.
> DNC Ranged DPS
> MCH gets some Edgar shit
> SMN get Phoenix
> Frey somewhere?
> Some fat fuck
> Varis Sol Allsmiles
> Solus being a cunt
> Strippers
> Mr. Happy is retarded
Man that was hard.
Stop sucking off Mr. Happy then.
how easy is it to learn to use controller, lads? Mouse isn't really working out for me after I switched to my laptop.
Anyone got the collector's edition? Is the 30% noticeable?
only brainlets cant into controller
Probably an alt. The guy spent a solid 2 weeks trying to defend BLU as being good and not advertised as a solo job.
He got btfo'd so hard he stopped coming to BLU threads.
Uglies absolutely BTFO
no one does this
too bad most people that play male characters are literally the biggest cock sucking unironic flaming faggots I've ever run into in this game. if I see one more roe in pink underwear i swear to hydaelyn none of you are safe in ul'dah tomorrow.
Clearly because I removed one step from the basic rotation, I don't know how to play the class at all. It was a generalization.
And of course there's a different rotation for multiple enemies, but it's even more braindead than the single target rotation until you get B4.
playing as a female character is the gayest thing you can do online
now go back playing dress up and acting like an anime girl
koji's in a small room because the JP audience doesn't need an English translator
No, expansions add almost nothing for you until you reach that expansion in the Main Story Quest. EVERYTHING, and nigga I mean every. goddamn. THING. in the game is gated behind the MSQ. You won't even be able to go to HW/SB/ShB areas normally until you catch up.
There's no shortcut to skipping all of these other than paying, and while the first 40 levels of MSQ suck ass, it gets good after that and I don't recommend buying the jump potions before that, so you'll be taking at least a month or two to get up there depending on how much you play and min/max.
Levelling SCH is fine - keep in mind 2 things: 1) You get SMN for free at the same lvl as your SCH because they share a levelling "base class". 2) You will have to micro-manage your Fairy at higher levels if you want to heal well.
>1% of the total playerbase if even.
And for every clear there is at least a hundred shitters.
DNC was already long confirmed healer though
t. fagboy
Purge it regardless.
alternative twitch player homie
This lala is fucking adorable
why the fuck do people keep saying it's starting.. on twitch I still jsut have music playing.. please link me to the actual stream
ERPing is the gayest thing you can do online, you're literally text-fucking another man
>Hyur male is bottom percent
>Hyur is also the default race, thus chosen by bots and WoWfugees
Lalas look like shit desu.
Now THESE are real potatoes.
>Here's my facebook
>"Um... any... comments?"
When has SE ever broken the mold? Do you really expect SE not to have Male/Female Viera and two clans?
It's not a man if they pretend to be a girl.
They showed a small conversation between Koji and the other guy on the squeenix twitch. Then it went to music.
The show doesn't start for half an hour
Bots have been making Miq'manlets recently
so like a 2 out of 10 on the easiness scale?
>t, tranny that believes to be a woman with his tranny avatar
>that S Rank ERP twitch chat post that got instant deleted
30 minutes lads