>/pol/tards on Yea Forums are now trying to make me hate Brian Mitsoda, Chris Avellone and World of Darkness
How can we as a board have fallen this far? Will we ever reach a point where enough is enough and we can stop being this retarded?
/pol/tards on Yea Forums are now trying to make me hate Brian Mitsoda, Chris Avellone and World of Darkness
No. /pol/ is here forever because the chink refuses to do anything about it. Learn to point and laugh or leave while you're ahead.
Let it go
Ignore those kikes
This just confirms what I've been saying for years. If MGS 3 or GTA: San Andreas were released today, Yea Forums would shitpost it mercilessly because it's too SJW for them. Today was evidence of it. You're welcome. I warned you.
>Redditors/ResetEra on Yea Forums are still complaining about their /pol/ boogeyman
Now you know what /tg/ has been like for years
oneangrygamer threads need to fucking rot
If you didn't see this coming from miles away, you're a fool. hits the nail.
Yea Forums was literally never good. Also,
>muh /pol/ bogeyman
For the love of God, just die.
This is truly revolutionary.
If you were a part of the faGGotry, then this is just you getting what you asked for. Reactionary fuckhead
back to resetera, nigger
Please keep the relevant keywords (Bloodlines, VtMB) in the thread topic and/or the first ~150 characters of your post. Everyone who is not a tourist from various other sites or boards is already fed up with this bullshit.
Yes we know you redditera trannies are gaslighting
Kill yourself tranny.
You know that the libtard indoctrination goes way waaaayyyyy back before those games or even that time period or generation?
You first incel
Cool what if scenario.
Yeah, and libfags actually hate on all old games for their politics, all the time. So I don't get your point, should people bitch about old games too?
You also realize that San Andreas was shit on when it was revealed, but the game wasn't pandering muh racism garbage like people expected.
>Can no longer talk about vampire the masquerade without the thread being flooded with political shit
This truly the worst timeline.
You are allowed to have political opinions of the board dedicated to politics, this board is for games :)
Just go back to resetera where the /pol/ boogeymen can't get you.
Go to reddit where these no no thoughts are downvoted, sweetface
>/pol/ is trying to make me hate it
>By posting quotes from the devs or the official books
kill yourself tranny
Just go back to /pol/ where the resetera boogeymen can't get you.
Everyone’s getting tired of you.
Why do you anti white cucks want an SJW safespace on Yea Forums?
Thank the creators for making a press release patting themselves on the back for being partisan hacks
I don't get how you enlightened centrists types ignore the actual creators starting this shit to whine about the people reacting to them.
Just go back to /pol/ where the resetera boogeyman can't get you xDDD
If that were true, the chink would have done something by now. /pol/ is the new status quo.
Just ignore them, they’re just people who really want attention, as soon as you stop giving them attention, they leave. VtMB 2 should be great also.
>anti white cuck still crying for a safespace
The articles had like maybe 10% of them dedicated to identity politics. The board has been 95% identity politics.
This meme is older than Yea Forums...
>anti white propaganda
Why do you leftypol subhumans hate the white race?
Yeah, if it were nu-Yea Forums infested by /pol/tards, you'd just have the first panel rofl
>hey i dont want political rambling on my video game board
>People come to the video game board only to discuss politics and not the actual game
Politics-related video game discussion belongs on /pol/. Why not talk about it there, unless the point is to make people mad? And if that's the case, why not just pretend to be a lefty on /pol/ and reap ten times the (You)s for even less effort?
the IP you love was sold to the highest bidder and its corpse is being whored out for profit
None of thw original devs are in, theres no sign that this will be even comparable to vtmb.
Accept this instwad of looking for a scapegoat
I don't care if SJWs post here, you're the ones who are butthurt that people with different political views post here and apparently need a safe space from them.
>VtMB 2 should be great also.
Very far from a certain thing there. I'd elaborate but we can't have a level-headed discussion about the actual possible merits and flaws of the game right now so why bother.
It is the devs fault pandering to sjws, libtards, and commies. The people of 2004 were still pretty bluepilled, but now that the internet has matured and is the last beacon of free speech and open information people are starting to open their eyes to how corrupt the government and the people are.
Also the nation was still majority White demography and culturally.
those games would be attacked for not being woke enough
because /pol/niggers made white people look embarrassing and pathetic
>responding to yourself
Remember folks, “/pol/“ without jew paranoia isn’t /pol/
the irony of this post
Brian Mitsoda is in. Not only that, but the original lead developers, Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky, are working on The Outer Worlds, and that game is getting shit on by /pol/tards too.
I get that you want /pol/ out of Yea Forums. But the game developers bring /pol/ to games. Either way we lose.
No, you want to discuss your anti white politics in a safespace. Why do you hate the white race?
it's an insidious plot
If that was the case you wouldn’t have to have coordinated discord raids.
I don’t care about racial stuff, I like black people, white people, asian people, hispanic people, so long as they ain’t assholes. I don’t take pride in being white, I’m okay with it but it doesn’t make me special or anything.
>hey dude maybe dont be so racist
>still doesn't get it
I want NO political opinions here retard, fuck off with your garbage
must be hard getting dumped by mueller
What if... they're putting those things in the game, but making the player hate them and redpilling the player as well?
>Justifying outrage /pol/tard culture because the developers dare having opinions about politics
Why are you so cucked?
>have a leftist opinion on Yea Forums
>get autistic nazi screeching for the next 100 posts
yeah, nice diversity of opinions we have here
When has that ever happened?
Because phoneposters and Reddit crossposters from /pol/ keep the site alive through sheer volume.
Why do you care about the white race?
>all but one thread about VTMB2 is about politics and whining about SJWs
>out of like 6 active threads
>the one that's not is just about titty milf vampire and titcow posting
I fucking hate nu-Yea Forums. Fuck Yea Forums. Fuck /r9k/. Fuck /pol/. Fuck Yea Forums.
Those are literally your fucking buddies LARPing as /pol/. You create your own boogeyman, then show up to gaslight everyone about how big the problem you created is
It’s autistic as fuck
Deus Ex?
Women existing and non-whites existing is a personal attack against me, the oppressed white male who can't get laid because of white genocide.
>crying about Yea Forums users
Yea Forums users are retards, so are you, so am I.
Learn to live with it , or just fucking leave. Your post is a good bait, good on you. I dont care how toxic sjws are on social media they can go suck a feminine dick, its worse when they ruin a game and franchise, lots of franchises got ruined because of their retardation, its so fucking bad. They are just unprofessional, opinions are like dicks, keep them in your pants when at work, outside you can show them all you want i dont fucking care
>Justifying outrage reseteratard culture because the developers dare having opinions about politics
Why are you so cucked?
Because fuck wh*toids. KARA BOGA is out to get you.
Why do you leftists advocate for white genocide?
The outer world looks bland as fuck. How can anyone care about the umpteenth dirty spaghetti western scifi IP
You can fix this by going out and shooting any Yuros and MAGAs you find
>Those are literally your fucking buddies LARPing as /pol/. You create your own boogeyman, then show up to gaslight everyone about how big the problem you created is
So kind of like those few fags making fake Discord screenshots about trannies scheming to control Yea Forums and posting them?
Moot should've deleted /pol/ when they started digging into his personal life and told the faGGots to fuck off to eight chan.
What does that even mean?
If you think those guys are trannies LARPing as /pol/tards, you should hate them as much as I do. If so, why can't we collectively agree they should be banned?
Anime is inherently right wing. Leftists shouldn't be allowed to save anime images left alone watch anime. Please leave
Vampires aren’t human anyway so why does anyone give a shit? /pol/ is the new sjws i swear, offended by every little damn thing.
No one would be discussing the politics of the devs if they didn't use their fucking announcement panel to tell us about how political their game is
why do you whites advocate for genocide?
where were you when Nintendo went woke and then went broke?
Imagine letting others dictate your opinions.
Be cautious of what devs are saying. Form your own opinion based on facts and writing quality, not whatever you read here.
Play video games rather than bitching.
And if you don't want to spend money on something you fear you will not stand, pirate it. Then buy if you agree, do not if you don't.
Or you could remain a bitch and complain about a boogeyman. Your choice really.
I'm committing white genocide every day fucking my asian gf.
>Live on the tail end of a dying civilization with extreme political polarization where even video games are being politicized
>Expecting the internet to be free of political opinions
Not gonna happen, sorry.
Do you think it will stop with whites? Do you really think any form of folk or ethnic culture won’t be cleansed to further the monopoly of corporate, pop-culture? Why are you so short-sighted? I actually know why, because you are filled with hatred.
You severely underestimate how braindead the average Yea Forums user is. The person who spams those is not being an ebin memer. They're a real person who believes that.
The developers literally said nothing wrong, though.
Because people can breed with whoever they want.
>softcore porn is inherently right wing
what did he mean by this
These discords were literally a mafia on /r9k/. Get out of your bubble
Yea Forums is a left wing board faggot
>if your not an anti white SJW like me that means you are an SJW
I dunno if Yea Forums is left wing, but one thing I do know is that they actually curb /pol/tard shitposting over there. I wish Yea Forums was like that.
>passive aggressive loser millennial
You crave death
This, they’re not ideologues promoting this, they’re sociopaths, they’ll exploit any race, not just whites. The problem isn’t jews, niggers, mexicans etc. It’s sociopaths who can’t comprehend empathy.
wow he must have a lot of friends to have the entirety of /pol/ filled with """ironically""" retarded LARPing threads 24/7
>because the developers dare having opinions about politics
Like the /pol/ posters. If you dont want the politics dont talk about the games that focus on politics.
The titty vampire thread has the right idea.
Yea Forums has been compromised by women for years. It's not anime board and hasn't been for a long time
>and told the faGGots to fuck off to eight chan
To be fair, he did do this part.
>These discords were literally a mafia on /r9k/. Get out of your bubble
I'm not talking about the two screencaps of the /r9k/ tranny discord.
I'm talking about the 20+ that followed of single posts that always just happened to say exactly what you fags need to continue justifying shitting up Yea Forums. But I forget that fake news and kike tricks are LE FUCKING BAAAAAASED when it's you fags doing it.
it's because Yea Forums audience is generally older and we fucking murder zoomer shit and just want to jack off to the girl of the season
>not a single mention of Jews
That is literally all they talk about, 24/7 every day of the week.
If I’m white but don’t promote white identity or care about being a white person, am I anti white?
>white women having sex with black men is now genocide
Moot did do things. He deleted /news/ because it was getting too political, then brought it back after some time as /pol/. Then he gave up on /pol/, and finally left the site entirely. He banned discussion of Gamergate because he knew it would be for Yea Forums for what Scientology was for Yea Forums (a "cause" that ended up turning the place into a magnet for people want to try and "do something", ultimately encroaching on the actual board culture).
Hiro doesn't fucking care and doesn't understand the site culture, certainly not in the same way moot did, so has done little to nothing to try and combat this stuff.
/pol/ is the new status quo because political types are always overzealous assholes, and will inevitably shit up any public forum, regardless of what their actual opinion is. The only way to keep them in check is what moot did, to straight up tell them to fuck off. But then he left.
>he’s now admitting to be a leftist moral crusader
Glad we got that over with. Keep up the LARP my good man
Vampires aren’t human, so why does /pol/ care?
Fuck off. Its threads like this that killed Yea Forums in the first place. Also you are so fucking weak that you can't take another person opinion about a fucking video game.
Why do you leftypol subhumans want an anti white safespace?
>no argument
Why do you support white genocide?
Yes you are a race traitor
since this is a /pol/ thread
what do we think of President Trump winning a 2nd term?
>i like x
>i don't and you should neither
wooow things sure changed a lot since all these people form pol moved here, never been like this
/pol/ is hiros money pig
he sells data on the posters there to different governments
>>Red Pill
>>from a film about discovering yourself, coming out and finding your identity
>>From the Wachowskis
Now I'm picturing every person who says they are Red Pilled as being LGBTTQQIAAP but they don't even realize.
>retard can't refute so he has to strawman
>underdeveloped toddler brain that can only see in US VS THEM YOU HAVE TO BE TRANNY THERE'S NO OTHER WAY
>asian gf
Lowtest as fuck
/pol/ gets butthurt about everything and pass it of as righteous anger when it's all flippant bitterness. they do everything they can to puff up as cool and masculin
e.g. "i'm not afraid of gay people... i just want to kill them!"
You only support moot because you want an anti white sjw safespace on Yea Forums
/pol/ likes to whine about things.
you will never have sex with a white women lmao
take the blackpill and fuck off already
Cool, I don’t really care if I’m a race traitor or not. I just live my life trying to make my local community better and don’t worry about racial stuff.
Yuros at least sperg out among national lines. Only americans are retarted enough to think that a frenchman, a german, a pole and a russian are the same thing.
Because white women are the most boring flavour in the world with most of those I've dated being total bitches; without my black gf I probably wouldn't've known what the fuck was Devil May Cry
You have an resetera account.
>muh race
Are you, by any chance, an american?
you have never had sex
You just admitted it. Take your medicine. Your life is pretending to be something you hate, in hopes of spreading more hatred in the world.
You realize you have a pro white safe space right where anything leftist is automatically called a kike shill right?
>can't take another person opinion
If they weren't flooding the board with numerous simultaneous threads and flooding every thread they didn't create to silence any OTHER opinions no one would give a fuck.
just wait until netflix actually start pushing their shit into the anime industry
no u
Take YOUR meds, you fucking schizo.
It's true.
>anti white shill still crying for a safespace
>worshipping non whites
>improving the community
Why do you leftypol subhumans support white genocide?
>you now realize that the Matrix is woke as shit
>all the White guys are either villains or beta
>all the non Whites are the heroes
>Neo is Jesus and Jesus is a kike
>Main city of the humans is Zion
>Kenau Reeves is a hapa
the right projects everything they accuse the left of, those tranny discords? they don't exist, but /pol/ has raid discords
Why does /pol/ care about this? Vampires see all humans as little more than cattle and Vampires are prejudiced by clan and not skin color.
>Chris Avellone
Hated him long before pol came after your faggy game.
>implying you leftypol subhumans don't worship Jews
You don’t have to be like this, good luck trying to live this way
Nigger have you ever went to /pol/? theres literally a fucking yang general in there
Call me when resetera gets a trump thread
>Talks about "dem trannies" and pushes kangz memes
>Same faggots post black tranny porn on their containment thread
Man, its just like my days in the military
Don't listen to the voices, user. They sometimes lie.
don't know what you think anime is but we've already had a lot of shows dealing with gay people, trannies, etc.
You have a board dedicated to politics, with a userbase who are receptive to the things you want to talk about. You know that posting these topics on /pol/ would be a better experience for people who both agree and disagree with you, but you refuse to do so to spite people you think disagree with you.
You may as well be trying to talk about video game music on Yea Forums. That discussion belongs on Yea Forums, not Yea Forums, just like politics related to video games belong on /pol/.
Yea Forums isn't a bunch of separate sites with different cultures. People often post on multiple. That's why things need to be properly categorized, so that one tangentially-related topic doesn't suffocate multiple boards like politics does. No one cares if you say nigger or make a joke about race or politics.
And for a board that is staunchy anti-immigration, the parallels between /pol/ crossboarders and immigrants from the current crisis is eerily similar. Both insult you if you dare insist that maintaining a unique culture is important, both demand you accept them without any form of integration, and both refuse to reflect on the impact they have on other groups.
/pol/ is just what Yea Forums was in the old days or Yea Forums during gamer gate. It's the filter for Newfags
Discord Tranny is just the new reddit which was just the new 9fag etc
Lefties are now in the position that conservatives were in back when they tried to ban video games for being too violent and Yea Forums for being too edgy.
Why do you leftypol subhumans worship Jews? They see non jews as little more than cattle.
My community is about 85% white yet we treat our minorties well because most of us see people as people and don’t see people by colors.
>he says when /pol/ houses leftist general threads
Now that Yea Forums is all about hating Avellone, can we finally admit that Sawyer Was In The Right?
/pol/tard here, i don't care about the politics of the game im gonna buy it only for mommy christina.
I don't even think we /pol/bros should complain, they're giving us a videogame where we can kill vampire trannies and other fags.
>see all humans as little more than cattle
Sounds like what jews are doing. And /pol/ love jews.
I'm 99% certain that some retarded pink socialists have raid discords as well. The two cancer varieties have a lot in common.
Those generals are full of trump posters saying he’s a chink and kike shill and flood the thread with garbage. Nice try reddit.
but how many had ugly niggers?
no they dont
the trannies that go to Yea Forums just play video games and join video game discords
I know a few
Why do you want to become a minority within your community? Why do you want to be the slaves of non whites?
Leftists are the ones insisting that everything has always been political though, follow your own rules please.
Do threads made by companies count though?
It's anime you retard
the characters are drawn
if someones ugly they're supposed to be ugly
>this obsessed with leftypol
all these screeching /pol/cucks.
>deleting "tumblr" from the filename
Think about it for a moment.
Imagine if the game was right leaning? You know such as pro Capitalism, pro nationalism and heritage, pro family values and unit, no banks or (((them))), pro strength, none of that talking and understanding crap, pro science and facts and statistics, anti degeneracy, and anti welfare of any sort.
Everyone from the left no matter how far left they were would be RRRRREEEEEEEEE about the game.
Think how hypocritical that is?
>he thinks /pol/ supports trump
2016 newfangled spotted, it’s the trump threads being bombarded with “kike shill”
Yes they do, just look at this thread, you are part of an active anti white raid
For a brief moment, I thought that the wolf on the left was shoving it's entire leg up the middle wolf's butthole. I felt really silly when I realized upon opening the image that it was in fact the middle wolf's tail.
100% based
If Birth of the Nation was made into a video game, would /pol/ hate it since it’s political? Or would /pol/ like it because it’s pro white.
And the /pol/tards that are bitching about politics in vidya would instead be saying that's based and that this is what freedom of expression is all about.
Both sides suck. Yes, yes, centrist, whatever. Why are you supporting one or the other?
yes user, the Indian man I work with at the saw mill wants to enslave my friend who goes to school with his son and plays hockey with together
>pro Capitalism
>no banks
Wait, what?
so you wouldnt mind a series that was full of purposely ugly niggers because netflix wanted it, right?
Eh, it's anecdotal. But maybe the neocommie raiders are not mostly made up of trannies. I don't really give a fuck who they are, I just want them all to stop shitting up the few places OTI I'm still using.
isn't /ptg/ still the most active, boomer infested recurring thread on /pol/?
Why should I hate my own race just so that non whites can profit from it?
>anonymous should be the shit taster for topics on Yea Forums
>Guiz let's talk about Final Fantasy Tactics!
>Whoops can't talk about the game because it has religion and politics in it!
This thread is actually a falseflag by a /pol/tard to give them more "evidence" that SJWs invaded Yea Forums.
Well nobody would make a game like that since 70 year old men don’t play games.
>Only americans are retarted enough to think that a frenchman, a german, a pole and a russian are the same thing
burgers truly are neanderthal-tier
Half of your list can be applied to both sides you fucking mongo. Holy shit, your post is the epitome of retardation.
these banks would have no )))))))usury(((((((
That's the publicity that /pol/ get on other boards now. Enjoy.
Ok bro, now show me the Trump thread in resetera where you have both people supporting him and people hating him.
I will wait.
So I am out of the loop. What's going on?
not at all
who the fuck watches anime on netflix lmfao
this post is just sad
Straight White Males do who are still the video game demographic that still buys video games.
STOP just fucking stop. Stop feeding the damn trolls. I’m starting to think you all don’t want them gone and actually enjoy egging the trolls on. If people could just learn to ignore annoying people, the quality would be better.
Completely agree my ally. I can't understand how people can't just enjoy things these days when devs are so open-minded and talented.
Just as planned.
can you post more reisen and tewi please
Regarding Fallout, I’ll take him over Avellone everyday of the week.
How is that suppose to work?
Well, one side is supported by literally every big company in the globe
>pro science
>right leaning
Imagine being so easily influenced lmao
wtf is resetera
these zoomers keep spamming it
is it their gaia?
Yes, given the chance the no white would put you under their boot
And they would bitch on polygon, kotaku, resetera or some other site I never come across, instead of me having to deal with this kind of shit on Yea Forums.
Resetera isn’t anonymous so you can’t just post LE FUNNY garbage and has some standards unlike /pol/
Дa пoшёл ты нaхyй, пидop.
No it can't because the left is pro government. We wouldn't even be able to talk or even criticize this game because the government would shut us down before it even happened.
>Seething europoors because they can't shit this shit game
Go back to resertera then you dumb fucks, along with the emus.
Actually this thread is a falseflag of SJWS to give the impression that /pol/ is falseflagging that SJWS are invading Yea Forums, so nobody knows that SJWs are invading Yea Forums.
which 1
most of my rabbit images aren't sfw
because moon rabbits are made for breeding
Yeah in their 20s and early 30s. Most very conservative men are old as fuck and don’t buy games.
The military industrial complex
Why is the discord tranny boogeyman always /pol/? I see a recurring theme here in which discord trannies try to discredit something by calling it /pol/.... But it doesn't work that way because /pol/ is always right, so it just puts a spotlight on the resetera poster and discord tranny and proves we have a real problem here with faggots that want to turn Yea Forums into reddit.
nah I'll trust my coworker and friend over some insane person on Yea Forums
if you don't want to post both post tewi then
The mainstream left is pro gov and the mainstream left is garbage. Socialism is taboo as fuck in the US still and there is no anarchist movement of any significant size in the US.
>letting your mask fall that easily
Hes just upset that hes black.
I browse and post on both because I like to talk about vidya, is that a crime now?
I'm pretty sure I've seen threads about video game music on Yea Forums and I don't remember anyone complaining. It you don't want video game politics you can just not click on the thread, it's not like every thread is being derailed by politics just ones about a politized game. If sjw devs stopped politicizing their games it wouldn't be as much of a problem. Yea Forums has far less politics then a site like resetERA and a lot of other video game websites.
Why do you want to become a minority within your own community?
>tfw self hating spic
Wish I could have race pride. It would be fun to join in the shitposting
>left wing science
>If I say I'm female even though I'm biology born a male that makes me a female
We're talking about Yea Forums you fucking faggot kike, not other sites. Who gives a shit how some cunt on Resetera acts when the discussion is on how you fags always derail threads? When was the last time a leftist on Yea Forums made 30+ posts and made a game literally impossible to discuss?
I hate Jews, and I hate niggers, but at least they stay away from Yea Forums. You fags have never stopped being an enormous fucking annoyance who always cry about how you're being bullied by people who have NEVER been welcome here, nor established a notable presence, while screaming like children whenever people tell you to fuck off. You are literal Redditor faggots who care more about memes and epic trolling!!! than any actual policy, and have ruined this place.
Buy a rope and learn to tie a noose.
>replying to yourself
I don't know about your discord trannies, but when someone comes to a random thread screaming about racial stuff, gays and feminists it's most likely that he is from /pol/. And that's annoying as fuck.
You’re mentally ill dude, I’m bashing the /pol/ faggot
You're raiding Yea Forums with your anti white propaganda
SJW's have been in control of Yea Forums since gamergay. S()yb()y bugmen that enjoy being cucks have been the prime users of Yea Forums since Yea Forums banned gamergay discussion.
Why? The one black guy that I met was a pretty nice person.
Their brain chemistry is closer to a female, not their fault biology and evolution is flawed as hell.
And then you retards would clap and hoot and holler like a bunch of negroids, and buy it regardless of quality, because it's BASED AND REDPILLED.
You're just as bad, faggot. Deal with it.
>game promoted white genocide
>cried when someone who isn't an anti white sjw like him discuses the game
Really? because every time you tried to post your pathetic drama with western voice actors, campaigns about kancolle because its "unfortunate implications", articles about X scene or anime being problematic or the bbc journalist pushing the "gup has pedo design" idea you got cucked and your threads were disintegrated.
>you have opinions I don't like? you must be from some other board/site!
Is it really that baffling that someone might have political views but NOT frequent places where those views are circlejerked?
They are trying to claim the whole website as theirs. It's turning into a recruitement site, where they try to get angry teenager with bait and pull them into their bubble of lonely hatred.
They would love it. They only hate politics in anything, when it's telling them how dumb and embarassing their views are and then they throw a fit and claim it shouldn't include politics.
They can't deal with dissenting opinions and go to the republican handbook of doing something while claiming their enemies are doing the same thing and trying to shame them for it.
Damn, stonetoss is actually as dumb as people say. Oof...
utter shit
>nationalism and heritage
>family values and unit
who cares
>no banks
but didn't you want capitalism...?
>or (((them)))
fuck off
>pro strength
why do you need strength
>none of that talking and understanding crap
so no humanity in humanity
>pro science and facts and statistics
is that why right wingers deny climate change and evolution
>anti degeneracy
aka 'stop people from being gay because i dont like it'
>anti welfare
aka 'let poor people die because they prove the system doesnt work and the only acceptable solution i can think of is to just kill them'
right wingers need to hang from the lampposts, every single last one of them
every. single. last. one.
>admitting being a resetera poster
I'm sorry, but now I'll have to take you down.
Stand still.
Cool, I don’t care. So what games do you enjoy user?
>unproven psuedoscience
I have nothing against trannies but the push to legitimize it through questionable studies is dumb.
>Make a politically-based OP
>"wtf why was this moved to /pol/!!!"
>sex and gender are the same thing
Oh no, whatever will I do?
Go take your pills user, your schizo is showing.
Normies are waking up to the wokeness and are calling out the bullshit. It has nothing to do with /pol/. When your favorite IP or hobby gets destroyed by SJW's and social politics becomes the main focus of your favorite sci fi or video game, you can't blame /pol/ for the fans calling that shit out.
What the fuck is white genocide and why should I care?
>discuses the game
No, I like when people discuss games on game-discussing board. Games, not hair-color of devs or whatever other shit you are obsessed with.
wow are you some sort of pedo user
Mitsoda drank the woke-as-fuck Kool-Aid, Avellone hasn't done anything decent in years and WoD is now a part of #Resistence where anyone who remotely smells conservative ABSOLUTELY MUST NOT CANNOT PLAY BECAUSE CONSERVATIVES ARE EVIL AND SATANTIC AND MUST BE DESTROYED BY ALL THAT IS GOOD WOKE AND PURE OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD
These are facts.
We also know that insertion of personal politics into a media precludes any sense of moral ambiguity and nuance, which outright contradicts the themes of VtM
>anti white tranny literally has no arguments
Climate change wouldn't be an issue if your pet niggers disappeared
'White genocide' to /pol/tards is when a black person stands next to you on the subway. White people aren't being killed, or anything, no, it's literally just black people standing next to you on the subway.
guy has 2 kids
I don't live in a city
sorry your scare tactics have nothing to do with me
Normalfag leave. Saying normie immediately outs you as a election migrant.
You're replying to yourself. Stop that.
>devs are actual decent human beings and want to make their game inclusive for everyone while being sensitive about how they deal with messy issues like mental health
Reminder that if it wasnt for /pol/ scaring the normies away this place would have turned into r/gaming/ 2.0
Honestly what good is there in conservatism? I don’t like strict social structures and having to appease your supposed “betters”, so what good honestly is there?
/pol/ are the normies you idiot
Honestly, I'm non-white and I wish this board was mostly whites and asians.
Blacks and spices only talk about absolutely garbage subhuman genres like fighting games.
Only bad things that whites and asians talk about are tranny games like neptunia and FFXIV.
It's a real struggle
just ignore both lefty/pol/ and /pol/ shitposters. you're part of the problem, because you let it get to you before you go and post pathetic shit like this thread
grow some fucking skin and ignore them. and if you can't, use your goddamn filters you baby
retardera and /pol/tards lurk here and are here to stay because they upset people like (YOU)
Rent free hahaha
Vampires aren’t human anyway, /pol/ as usual is focusing on a popular target to attempt to “redpill” them.
why do you support white genocide?
Climate change also wouldn't be an issue if Capitalism didn't allow incredibly powerful gas and oil companies to lobby against green legislation and suppress/downplay studies that show that Climate change is bad.
That's not what your Jewish masters think, leftypol
>White people aren't being killed
>If MGS 3 or GTA: San Andreas were released today
If MGS 3 was released by a Western studio today, Boss would look like old Ocelot with blue hair and REX's jawline.
Maybe whites don’t deserve to survive if they can’t protect themselves
/pol/'s post count and the number of phoneposters on Yea Forums mysteriously spiked around the time screencaps and links were shared on r/thedonald during the 2016 elections.
>Third World invasion
Yeah, sounds like a credible source.
Are you really telling me that being left isnt the big mainstream thing now?
>Normalfag leave. Saying normie immediately outs you as a election migrant.
And you out yourself as a butthurt discord tranny. I hardly ever post on Yea Forums since gamergay because the tranny jannies censor discussion here.
VTMB2 has decided to take a political stance. It's fair game.
You will live and die by your own rules, liberal.
>an resetera
So we did win the Cold War after all, huh?
>president is right wing
>Oh no, Abdul will stand next to me on the subway now
What a genocide.
Oh so you’re an 8ch poster. Go back to your cheese pizza.
Reminder that a VERY significant portion of /pol/ is black/gay/tranny/combination etc. and that lefties will do everything in their power to make it seem like they don't exist. Reminder that the OVERWHEMING majority of SJWs are straight, white AND male.
S-shut up, its okay w-when they do it.
I live a 95% white town. Almost all of them are obese, and addicted to opioids. They deserve to be bred out.
>God it's hard to not post more. I'm so happy for my spouse but also all of @PdxInteractive, @HardsuitLabs - so many AMAZING people on this.
Imagine calling your husband a "spouse", holy shit.
Trump is literally president lmao
Why do you alt-babies ALWAYS insist on being seen as victims?
Nuclear energy is the the only solution, but you anti white cucks don't want that
>they don't celebrate white genocide so it's not a legitimate source
Why do you leftypol subhumans hate the white race?
>Yeah, if it were nu-Yea Forums infested by /pol/tards, you'd just have the first panel rofl
The context of the game is important. You anti-White faggots want negros in Medieval Europe where they make no sense. For you it's all about anti-White propaganda. Nobody has a problem with non-Whites in settings where they belong.
I am very clearly someone apathetic to politics who doesn't give a shit what some retard on Yea Forums has to say. I have my own set of morals that can't be changed by someone shoving graphs and buzzwords in my face, and I treat people in my life how they deserve to be treated according to those beliefs.
You are a nigger. Your skin is dark, your nose is wide, and your IQ is 20 points below average.
I don't go to /pol/ ever, but that image is retarded. The election has nothing to do with phoneposting. Phoneposting increased because everyone has a phone with internet now.
I know you really want to strawman, but it doesn't work here.
He’s not conservative, he’s a anti white kike plant.
imagine actually trying to pretend that being against tranny shit in gaming is /pol/
Who is white by the way?
Trump is not a conservative at all. He supports the kikes and hasn’t repealed the 14th amendment. The fact he supports nigger rights is ridiculous.
Yea Forums here, fuck niggers
>Mueller failed
>Now throwing fits with their last recluse is a shitty game
Oh no...
What tranny shit in gaming? is there a game where I get a cute tranny gf?
Are you genuinely saying that the world is mostly following right-wing ideas right now? Where the fuck did you even get that?
none of those games tried to normalize trannies
none of those games talked about how they will no longer "pander to masculinity" either
the new game will
so stop false flagging
>He supports the kikes
Who isn't? I thought that all american politicians support Israel.
I’m not French, why would I care?
Oil companies literally lobby to have nuclear power killed. Almost every hippie from the 70s has recanted their original beliefs and swapped to being pro-nuclear.
The reactors the TVA planned to have put online in 2010 - 2014 were axed under suspicious circumstances that had nothing to do with popular opinion or cost.
>trusting the people advocating climate change and green new deal to actual do anything about "climate change"
>the same people who are riding around in private jets and cars polluting the earth
So you're saying propaganda works? Yeah that's why we keep doing it.
>Nuclear energy is the the only solution, but you anti white cucks don't want that
The oil and gas lobbies work against that too, smoothbrain.
As for your image - they're "replacing" the -dead- population, which is desperately needed in order to sustain Capitalist democracy. If you want less brownos, overthrow Capitalism or have children instead of beating your fingers against electronics all day.
So does the manlet in ruskieland, but to /pol/ its okay when he does it, strange.
>we fucking murder zoomer shit
I'd believe you if it weren't for all the shitty FotM trash, moe-blobs, and Dragon Ball shitting up the catalog.
>Are you genuinely saying that the world is mostly following right-wing ideas right now?
I hope not.
So that means that they might actually have to live the life that millions of poc have experienced in the past? Oh no the horror
The US is the most right-wing country in the world, nigger. Even the far-left are still right of center for places like Britain or Germany. Only their social policies are similar.
How can vampires be trannies? I know toreador sometimes crossdress out of boredom but you can't get the surgery as a vamp because you would heal and you can't do HRT because vampires aren't affected by most human signaling hormones unless their humanity stat was really high. The tabletop even mentions this with stuff like adrenal injections
Good for you being incorrigible but VtmB2 has taken a political stance. Discussing its politics is vidya related because the devs have expressed as much.
If this was just a twitter post by a game dev or celebrity or some such by itself, you would have a point, but it's vidya.
Sit down, be humble.
That's because pol doesn't know shit about Russia. I wonder if they actually know about anything.
You were literally shilling for the green new deal earlier which is explicitly anti nuclear
I once tried to make a thread asking for games that were considered SJW but you liked anyways.
The thread was deleted within half an hour.
Yet threads bitching about politics being pushed always go over 500 replies
It doesn't seem fair to me is all I'm saying, although I'm surprised this thread made it this far
I know you're retarded, but the image doesn't imply anything about phoneposters increasing due to trump
there's plenty of muslim countries and that's about as right-wing as you can possibly get
Nah black dudes are cool, desu just trying to troll the /pol/ tard.
>supports nigger rights
See this shit is why nobody takes you seriously. A lot of people have friends that are black and I personally don’t want to see mine harmed.
>Ctrl+F /pol/
>75 matches
LMAO so obsessed
>2016 election depicted, with Drumpf's face
you don't have to play stupid; you're already an idiot
They don't support homosexuals spreading propaganda in children's books, or George Soros.
two wins in my book.
That's why he said "If it were released today", numbnuts
>spaghetti western sci-fi ip
Senpai I'm for a violent, armed revolution and the ritual beheading of shareholders and ceos of the oil and gas lobbies, but good luck finding any modicum of anticapitalist sentiment in America. No, Americans will continue to defend Capitalism well past the point that it's proven to be incredibly dangerous for the future of humanity. It will take until the Earth heats 4 degrees before people will start thinking that maybe something isn't working, by which point it will already be far, far too late.
Most oil and gas companies are still proceeding as if nothing's wrong, offering only the consolation of a few dollars towards (nonexistent) climate-engineering technologies.
Why do you leftypol subhumans support white genocide?
So this was the discord trannies move. Do you do it for free?
Why are you implying that I live in murica?
Kill yourself Resetera faggot.
ahahah you still don't understand the fucking graph
I was not specifically referring to this game that I couldn't care less about. I was answering some retard who claimed that the left does the same thing here, but worse, as if those devs come onto Yea Forums and argue.
Please stop replying to yourself. It's pathetic.
Different people you fucking nig.
I feel like most of of these people who bitch about white replacement are europeans. Americans generally don’t care about this shit unless they’re rural southerners.
We have plenty of other things in our books, but I guess that you only care about gays, right?
Exept that nobody here actually plays games anymore, exept for a handfull or pirates and underages.
I'm pretty sure muslim countries don't account for the entire world, atleast by now
I always love when people say kill yourself or something, it’s like that will suddenly influence me to commit suicide or something. Make me do it then with your mystical nordic aryan powers o great chalk man.
actually Yea Forums here
fuck whitey
Yuros are asleep, user. This is all America.
Whites have destroyed countless cultures and it’s time they felt what they’ve done for nearly 1000 years. The age of the white is ending.
I don't think you do, because that graph has been displayed far more often than today and it was done so as "evidence" of what I was describing.
Go ahead and play it off as me not understanding. Don't kill yourself on that irony. Please imagine a smug anime avatar to the left, if that helps you understand how wrong you are.
>giving westernshit the benefit of doubt in this day and age
>based on something created 20 years ago
>nobody from 20 years ago involved
>Obsidian rejects are involved
>published by Paradox
At this point you're just feigning outrage, no fucking shit it's bad.
Americans are obsessed with race. Have you ever seen amerimutt memes?
Fuck white people
We’re really not, at least not where I am, people are too busy working to care about that. Typical lazy europeans
They account for a good chunk of it. All the eastern nations and the african christians tend to be fairly conservative as well.
man you're such a fucking retard its funny
the graph is showing general usage on the site exploding
so this is your brain on /pol/...
yeah and they added to the overall amount of users
They’re all dumps too. Why do people want conservatism again? The only thing I agree with right wingers on is being anti islam since they treat women and the lgbt community like shit.
Borderlands, serenity, rimworld, apex, starcraft 2, star citizen, FTL, endless dungeon
>Full of pedos and trannies
thats why we're pushing you nigger faggots off this website.
last (you), done talking to what I hope is just bait and not actual sub-100 IQ ignorance
hey stonetoss, I'm a huge fan! Thought I'd take a crack at making a comic just like you!
Moving non-Whites into White spaces hurts White reproductive strategies. I'd argue that Whites are far more sensitive to their environment then non-Whites are. If the current/future environment is unsafe/unclear, Whites will postpone reproduction for a later time. Non-Whites tend to make environments less safe and suck up tax dollars (making them an overall expense). Whereas non-Whites will reproduce regardless of their situation.
What caused people to become obsessed with race to begin with in these past few years? On both the right and left I mean?
Because leftists have destroyed all my hobbies via lack of quality control. I am not a fan.
I'll side with anyone who doesn't mess with my hobbies and leftists destroyed tabletop gaming beyond recognition
the only think your pushing is your heartrate
pedos ran this site in 2005 and we'll run this site when your retarded ass dies at 30 from getting angry over the internet every day
the crying wojack pretending to be a happy poster with a MAGA hat encompasses your kind
Why are the people obsessed with white genocide always the weakest, most pathetic examples of the white race? Why aren't there any attractive, rich, or successful whites who think this is a real problem?
The vast majority really fucking aren't. It's really just our damn media and politicians trying to hammer race at us every goddamn second of every goddamn day.
>/pol/ isn't normies
>actually they're a bunch of smelly normies that showed up in 2016
ok retard
everyone can see what happened here :)
luckily right-wing regimes aren't known for censorship
Did they fuck up the gameplay?
Reminder that this post is so irrefutably true that leftist's brains would implode if they even cosidered trying to debunk it. Why so nervous, bay bay? Afraid of the truth? Remember when someone bitched about Mario wearing a sombrero in Odyssey and was promptly torn a new asshole by real, passionate Mexicans? Of yourse you don't remember, you brainwashed npcs.
So why exactly are you guys so obssessed with this dude?
This shit makes Yea Forums obssession with Dobson tame as fuck
Hey OP. I'm willing to give this shit a shot, but I've seen what happened to fucking Team Rainbow. I think it's perfectly reasonable to see the shit that's being said about the Malkavians and be a little nervous.
Now THAT would be a conspiracy worthy of white wolf.
>words words words
without fail
>Why are the people obsessed with white genocide always the weakest, most pathetic examples of the white race? Why aren't there any attractive, rich, or successful whites who think this is a real problem?
I'm a black SJW
what now whitey
/pol/ discorders will take everything from you
Yeah, the fact that a huge portion of the /pol/tards bitching about white genocide are in fact complete and utter mutts only makes me hate them even more. I guess I'm racist like that.
Yes. Literally every new game that comes out is a watered down mess because leftists dont think brown people and women are capable of thoughts
Imagine if TF2 came out today and they showed concept art showing that demoman was white once
post hog
I'm a hard pro-establishment contrarian shill, and I've been saying that /pol/ is full of self-hating degenerates for years.
Can we go back to the mid 2000s when nobody cared about race? Why did this become such a problem and make almost everyone in existence butthurt? One thinks they have no representation despite many minority characters and the other thinks that they’re being replaced despite white males being the protagonist more often than not. It’s like everyone caught the retard.
You like Chris Avellone...?
Jesus Christ. We'd never hear the end of it.
imagine demoman coming out today, not even him being white once
Can't say I'm surprised.
because if anyone were to admit that they think it's a real issue, then the rainbow-hair soi brigade would immediately make their lives a living hell. Remember what happened when Elon Musk mocked the mainstream media.
(((They're))) not even trying anymore
I feel like I’m the only sane person on this board anymore.
Based /pol/ derailing this shit thread
user confirmed for not knowing what the fuck he's talking about
>bait thread
>372 replies
>not saged and reported
Newfags I swear
By "everyone" you mean yourself and your other 3 personalities
The mods encourage it
you're all the fucking same
Does anyone else reply to themselves in threads like these to make other people bad and/or stupid?
talking about discord trannies should be an automatic ban. I don't want every board on this website to be full of schizoids accusing posts they don't like of being whatever the newest bogeyman is
Only cucks sage
Only because it draws in newfags too stupid to use addblocks.
demographics are a spook, nothing abstract has a greater purpose than the individual.
Why does anyone care about the so-called 'SJW' things in a game. If something as much as mentioning of transgenderism irks you the wrong way, then why let it bother you? A group of people want to convey their creative message across in a form of a vampire game. I do not think it is so much of a big deal. I find it similar to the way how people got mad at Wolfenstein 2. There were a few political sayings but not enough to even care about. It's just a way for other people to enjoy games if they want to feel the inclusivity of it. I think some people are looking too much into it in that every character will want collectivism of the society in a type of Democratic or National Socialism, or they will be a transgender individual. Let a group of people make their game the way they want to. It is not going to be overblown. SoD had one sentence of it, and did not change the narrative of the game. Without that one sentence, the game would not have been any better or worse. Just enjoy the game that it is trying to bring VtMB into a new game. It can hopefully be that simple. I hope that people can read this even-mindedly and if they have any concerns please reply civil and I will try to clear up anything I have said. We can also have a nice dialogue about it. Thanks.
>but its ok when people scream /pol/ at everything
This is why people are getting tired of you guys. You simply cant play fair.
im sorry l we should have listened to you
Just stop all the bitching in general, it’s gotten very very old and isn’t funny anymore. People saying SJWS, or /pol/, or chinks, or trannies, or niggers. It’s not even fun anymore. If people would stop bitching about things that aren’t gameplay, maybe discussion would improve.
Dude did you even read that shit? Its just a guy doing a rant against some dude who makes comics that has an opinion he doesnt like
>nothing abstract has a greater purpose than the individual
go see the world outside America/Europe and say that demographics don't matter
'lol lefties do this thing all the time'
So you're worse than the people you pretend to be superior to?
I'll second the 'buy a rope and learn to tie a noose' comment
imagine believing this with no data just because someone said so. just imagine who would actually do that, its crazy.
Have sex.
where did it all go so wrong
its weird isn't it
the same guy would say "we're mostly black/trannies/etc" while he and a group of white dudes beat a nig to death
A loud minority of posters falseflag pretending to be outraged and reply to themselves in order to create discussion. see sage and report them
go shoot up a mosque faggot
>where did it all go so wrong
It's right there in the pic:
It's the electionfag equivalent of le trollface.
>85% white
yeah they won't feel the same way when you're the minority
the world outside of myself is a spook, the individual you is the greatest cause there is.
World of Darkness has been going downhill since the early 2010s.
but Stonetoss I like your comics! I'm a genuine fan! I just tried to make a comic with the same kind of nuances and subtlety as you is all...
no you don't understand, it has things that daddy Trump says are wrong so I have to hate it
He was a false flagger, nice try
only your side makes fake news libturd
>everyone who disagrees with me is a strawman
go take your pills schizo
female really, but there definitely are males
>tfw liberal so get to enjoy the sequel to my favorite game
Life is kinda cool sometimes
Yeah, I recognize that dude. As I said, he's mentally ill or a false-flagger.
Yeah, but you can't enjoy the discussion here :^)
Shouldn’t you be arguing IN ALL CAPS on facebook grandpa?
>posting only one side
>not a series of strawman comics
can you believe this nigger?
Absolutely based
Perhaps he doesn't want retards sperging out about muh horseshoe theory or something to that effect. Because apparently the only way to disagree with "both" "sides" is to fit 1:1 into a strawman (cowardice/fencesitting/pseudointellectualism/etc.)
/pol/ users don't exist in a vacuum. /pol/ users like things. When they go to discuss the things they like, on a board dedicated to the things they like, they do not shed their political opinions at the door.
So when they're in a thread and some other poster brings up politics and a /pol/ user gives his two cents and you see this, you get butthurt. After making a couple of posts that add nothing to the discussion other than when you go to /qa/ and whine for hirohito to delete /pol/, you're not asking him to delete /pol/. You're asking him to ban opinions you don't agree with.
You see that's the thing with leftism, it can only exist in a highly moderated space. It cannot hold its own with total free speech. That is precisely why /pol/ belongs on Yea Forums and you don't.
/pol/ users can kiss my ass. This board would be so much better if they were banned on sight. I know this is pasta btw.
smash threads should have their own board but of course things don't go your way friend
Why do you want to shutdown any opinion against yours so hard? Seriously, why?
Fine, at least ban political derailing on threads that aren't about politics. A thread that wants to talk about a game getting derailed to talk about white genocide should be an instant ban. And I have a good reason for that one! It's OFF-TOPIC!
Well, boy do I have news for you. They're banned literally anywhere else on the internet. Literally ANYWHERE. Pick a direction and start walking, we'll all be happier for it.
kys nigger, I ain't fucking leaving. Been here since 07 and I'm too stubborn to let you immigrants displace me from my main website.
Now I agree with you.
With that said, this is a fucking rule already so I dunno wtf are mods doing
/pol/ is just a self-righteous Yea Forums.
>Unproven pseudo science is bad except when I claim blacks are somehow genetically linked to crime
Really? Yea Forums seems fairly apolitical, apart from the nigger and tranny hate, but that seems customary for any Yea Forums board
>against free speech
lol commies
Remember: Poltards do this shit with movies too
'Logan is promoting white genocide!'
Ignore poltards and let them return to their containment board. Remember that not even Yea Forums wants them.
>admits to being a newfag
>calls others immigrants
Everyone declaring open season on whites then getting really butthurt when whites fire back is bound to create some tension.
>They're banned literally anywhere else on the internet.
Reddit, 8gag, end chan to name a few. Pretty much every imageboard is infested by your kind. Nurture your equivalent of fursecution complex all you want but you do the same to us what you suffer from mainstream media.
>imageboards that get blacklisted by ISPs from time to time and specific sub-reddits that don't stay up too long before getting deleted somehow are as much of a big thing as facebook and twitter
Are you fucking retarded?
Nigger, who gives a fuck about facebook or twitter? Fuck. Is this really all it would take? If I somehow manage Facebook to become a den for your faggotry, you'll leave Yea Forums alone?
San Andreas would get crucified by games media for depicting black people as gangbangers.
>nigger who gives a fuck about two of the biggest social networking websites
You were saying that alt-right people werent being banned pretty much everywhere else in the internet, however they fucking obviously are so you are full of shit.
Regularly purges any wrongthink for years now and is the only sizable community you listed. If a legitimate /pol/ colony gains traction they're shut down in less than a month because faggots like you play tattletale. Violent extremist leftists are left alone, of course.
>but muh t_d
Is /pol/ a bunch of evil nazi racists that need to be removed from everywhere or cringy ineffectual t_d zionist boomers? You clowns really need to keep your story straight.
>you do the same to us what you suffer from mainstream media
Absolutely fucking not. The worst you're forced to do is tolerate the existence of other opinions. The people you hate are literally not allowed to speak without eventually being silenced, it's not anywhere near the same and you damn well know it. Your school of thought is the default, any rightwinger needs to watch their mouth on any real platform and even still someone will eventually catch a whiff of free thought and have them banned anyway no matter how carefully they walk on eggshells. People are fucking tired of it and have one sizable place they can congregate without fear, you hate that and want it to disappear. Be honest with yourself.
No, I wasn't, I'm not I'm If Facebook banning you is what causes you cunts to overflow on Yea Forums, then I curse Facebook almost as much as I curse you
Well you should curse the entire mainstream left that fucking loves censorship, shit wouldnt be this fucked if they werent like this
I just wish your place to congregate was the exact same place as mine. Shit, is Stormfront not accepting new users or something?
>I just wish your place to congregate was the exact same place as mine
I love you too user
You could always go back to ResetEra, where you came from.
>You could always go back to ResetEra
Classic response. Lacks originality. Not believable.
>where you came from
Yeah, we read you the first time, buddy. Getting redundant here.
>>imageboards that get blacklisted by ISPs from time to time
And Yea Forums gets blacklisted in Australia from time to time as well now, doesn't seem to be stopping you. I guess moot was right at least about one thing, after all.
>Absolutely fucking not. The worst you're forced to do is tolerate the existence of other opinions.
No, the worst is having actual discussions drowned out by autistic screeching, threads derailed and flooded until they hit bump limit in a few minutes and any semblance of actual discussion thrown out the fucking window.
>The people you hate are literally not allowed to speak without eventually being silenced
So you turn around and silence those who don't have a vested interest in your retarded IRL shit. Nice.
>and you damn well know it
Thinking everything is a conspiracy and that everyone knows everything about things you are obsessed with makes you look like a mentally ill person. I don't know even though you faggots keep trying to push your shit down my throat. Does this remind you of anyone, by chance?
>Your school of thought is the default
No, my "school of thought" is the minority among minorities with the neocommie craze you imbeciles are fueling by justifying their existence.
>People are fucking tired of it
And we are fucking tired of you and your pinko buttfriends.
>Be honest with yourself.
No, YOU be honest with yourself because you are completely fucking oblivious to how you're a caricature of what you think you are and of how much in common you've gained with those you are fighting against.
>The amount of newfag revisionism in this pic and thread
I bet none of you dipshit newfags remember /new/ or old Yea Forums at all.
>electionfag pretending to be an oldfag
Today I will remind them
Nah, been here since chanology
>people with an opinion outnumbering the ammount of people with another opinion is the same thing as banning people with one type of opinion
Also, /pol/shit only spreads when people let it spread. See: DMC threads.
>pretending to be me
I've been here since 2014, you fucking libturd.
Everyone is getting tired you you and your gay pals
Honestly /pol/ should just be deleted. Suffer the backlash for a while and then be done with it. The /pol/ newfags would migrate away.
>>people with an opinion outnumbering the ammount of people with another opinion is the same thing as banning people with one type of opinion
When 95% of the outnumbering group only comes as part of a raid when they are linked to a """problematic""" thread and outnumber the fraction of actual userbase who genuinely care about the topic (which in case of the less popular games/genres might be fairly small) it is effectively the same. There's little difference between setting a painting on fire and launching it into deep space, even though in the second case it is """technically""" not destroyed and will exist in some form for hundreds if not thousands of years.
>literally using the same "discord raid" excuse that /pol/ uses when people with an opinion different from them shows up
user pls
/pol/ fags are the reason I only browse Yea Forums and maybe /int/ sometimes on this site. Everything else is dogshit.
It wasn't done in discord back when I knew where those things were organized. It just wasn't the entire 2000 of them at the time, at most 150.
>is fine if you do it too
Wow you really showed him
Yeah I don't get it either
>set in Cold War
>has a female soldier literally called the Legendary Soldier and the Mother of Special Forces
>invented CQC
>regularly bodied Snake
>was able to take down a 6'7 giant in seconds with ease
>literally gave birth in the middle of the battlefield with bullets whizzing by
>nobody cares
>woman shows up briefly in a 2 minute trailer (alongside a Brit with a katana)
>everyone whines about how unrealistic it is, muh womyn power, this is disrespectful to WW2, etc.
Notch only turned anti-SJW after his wife left him
Because the Boss is cool and it fits with the universe and setting. The battlefield shit is trying to use it as a marketing gimick, "look we like all gamers" "women are stronk and independent and smarter" "also this is a serious historical wwii shooter, if you dont like what we are doing you are a nazi"
Not that I cared, I didnt buy it and never planned to. But its a manipulative shitty transparent marketing gimmick retard normies fall for and fight over to the death.
Do you guys even know the concept of falseflagging? Moot even said that ironic shitposting would be the maker of all boogeymans since you can just pretend.
On top of that, I always double check between Yea Forums and /pol/ whenever something about SJWs or alt-right happens to see if they actually invade and its always Yea Forums having 50 threads about it while there's 2 on /pol/. I know that they could be actually here cause they sometimes spam stats and usual lingo but this kind of shit can be taken advantage of. It's also how the NPC wojak was made, because it was fucking ironic to the user and everyone replying to it
tl;dr STOP FEEDING THE TROLLS YOU DUMBASSES. We've been over this since 2006 and you still haven't learned
But the woman in the battlefield shit barely even showed up, it was literally just a 2 minute trailer. Everyone got butthurt for the mere fact that she just existed
And Battlefield is also the same series where you can bazooka your feet to leap across the map, jump off a plane mid-flight, headshot someone then land back in the plane, flip the plane over mid-flight, hop on the belly of the plane and bazooka another plane, etc. It was never "realistic"
I am not that concerned about the game. Though I don't use twitter and he might've just gone full retard in the past decade, he was pretty proud of his work. It seems like with their promises they're hammering down on the issues which really brought down the first game like superfluous skills such as intimidation or how guns and stealth became significantly weaker than melee. A good first person slasher in the vein of Dark Messiah with a good engine and budget would be perfect. rockpapershotgun.com
Im talking about the marketing you neanderthal. Obviously we know battlefield is a retarded cartoon shooter now since bad company. They throw wamen in there to virtue signal, show how inclusive it is, and get people to promote it and tantrum about it.
Its all calculated. Juxtapose realistic recreations of german uniforms, maps, weaponry, than throw black women in to piss the people off whk are into that and get the politic people who dont play games to go promote their game for free.
Holy shit this thread has been comedic gold. /po/'s autistic rage towards Non-Whites will always be the funniest shit. Stay scared of white genocide, faggots.
It's a shit argument. The fact that you can flip a plane and fuck around with the in game mechanics doesn't mean they start adding rail guns and combine,
>This game's threads will now always be shit
>"If SJWs want to change the industry so much they should make their own games instead of whining to the devs to change theirs"
Uhh, no, sweaty, this is like old news and stuff, now it's problematic and "leftists shouldn't be allowed to make games".
shit thread
worse, it would be a fucking stonetoss comic.
>Going to an echochamber of contrarian neckbeards who are currently making a trend out of radical conservatism
>Expecting them not to endlessly pick fights with opposing views
Shut the fuck up you dumb discord tranny bitch. You know exactly what the problem is, faggot. These soi commies are infiltrating everything that we love, I refuse to support even my favorite game of all time if these libcucks have their filthy fucking soi numale hands all over it. Stop playing coy. The world learned of our anger last week. I don’t think they should push us any further.
Another successful bait thread. Feels good to be king.
This image is bluepilled as fuck and subversive. Fuck that game for pozzing a generation of white men
Awful bait
>>Going to an echochamber of contrarian neckbeards who are currently making a trend out of radical conservatism
But I didn't go anywhere. It's they who came into the usually slow VtMB/WoD threads. And most either outright admitted that they didn't play the original and don't really care about it or the setting, or pretended to have played it but made laughable mistakes when pulling pics or quotes from web searches.
>But I didn't go anywhere
What website are you on?
1488 1776
#America #Freedom #Liberty
Our World. Our Time. Our Future.
A Holy American Empire to rule the world for 1000 years.
America, the Heartland. Jesus Country. Western Nations as satellite states. Maintaining individuality and autonomy. Retaining history. Australians stay Australian, but with American Freedoms and Liberties. British stay British, the French, French, etc.
Full Freedom and Liberty.
The biggest baddest empire this humanity has ever seen. Waiting for Jesus Christ to save us. With Holy Spirits help. God protects us from Jewry and any form of oppression.
This is so the European(white) male can live well. That's all its about. So we can start families and continue the works of our Father.
Retain our history, thousands of years in the making. A global effort by the commoner. For our greater good. We craft our future.
Remove Kike. Remove Foreigner.
One last War. Our World Forever After
S H A D I L A Y ~ B R O T H E R S
>What website are you on?
International Autism Association Containment Zone, apparently.
>/pol/ will never stop being mad zoomers
I don't get it
How fucking new are you?
>Will we ever reach a point where enough is enough and we can stop being this retarded?
well, not making threads like this would be a good start
I'm really tired of /pol/tard shitposting. It's utterly humorless and they've been using the same goddamn material for the past four years.
Welcome to shinchan. The election killed the internet.
>Don't want /pol/ on Yea Forums
>Its fine with political correctness wokeness in vidya
Literally FUCKING WHO?
go to reddit if you want a safe space retard, where was the /pol/tard when DMC5 morrison becomes a nigger? stop the seething this is not a issue
>trannies think Yea Forums is left winged
based retards
How? All she did was show up in the trailer, she didn't say anything like "fuck men" or take down a 6'7 Russian by herself and triumphantly smile at the camera
Vidya trannies and soys do us a favor and kill yourself, how is it possible that you can always find shit to conplain about
stop trying to make forced inclusion a non issue, everyone can tell
>read the interview
>Mitsoda was happy about Bloodlines giving him creative freedom in being able to write mature things and not sanitize himself
>Only restrained himself if he felt he was being too immature
How is she forced inclusion, but the Boss isn't? The Boss does even more ridiculous bullshit than she does. Why did the Boss have to be a woman?
You must also hate Yea Forumss best fat boy jim sterling then, the past few videos of trying to push political correctness in video games has surely activated your almonds.
inb4 jim just goes full drag wresling
Who cares? Will it stop you from enjoying it? Yea Forums has always been super critical and /pol/ are fags but they're entitled to their opinions. I will make my own judgement of the game when I see more information. SJW shit by itself won't prevent me from enjoying something but bad gameplay will.
are you actually retarded? comparing that two games, dont go calling a game trying to be accurate and realistic before the forced trash