Is this unironically the worst stealth game of all time in terms of gameplay...

Is this unironically the worst stealth game of all time in terms of gameplay? Tried replaying it and I can't believe how bad it is.

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So, it is bad because you are shit? Nice...

Is that you DSP?

then use your tranq pistol faggot.
if you cant sneak around an NPC or hide in a locker youre just shit at stealth in general.

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MGS1 exist so no.

Nah, I think you're just trash at it.

Care to explain WHY you think it's the worst stealth game ever?

>mgs2 has bad stealth
>mgs2 also adds way more ways to sneak around
you just suck user, learn how to metal gear faggot.

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You’re just not very good, the AI was groundbreaking in 2001 and is still pretty good to this day.


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this but unironically. When i played MGS2 it was fucking insane. They do so much to improve upon MGS1's gameplay, stealth and otherwise. This game is one of the greatest stealth games of all time, maybe even the best. In just about any scenario there's numerous tactics you can perform and all of them are intuitive.

I like MGS2, but honestly I'd consider it (or 5, don't know) the worst in the series.

It sucks because it actually requires you to be stealthy unlike the first or fourth games.

>when i was driving home i saw an orange object in the sky, it was moving irregularly...suddenly there was an intense light all around me and when i came to, i was home
18 years later and i still wonder what the colonel mean by this

>walk in front of guard
>alert goes off
>just keep moving until you enter the next room
>alert stops and radar gradually comes back with no resistance because guards don't go through the loading zones

Only if you go fast enough that you get into the next loading zone before he raidos it in. If you run into the next loading zone with alert phase everyone rushes you and you get shotgunned to death.
At least, that's my experience playing on hard right now

4 is the absolute worst in the series, gameplay and story. almost the only uninterrupted chance to sneak is the opening streets.

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4 gets too much hate. I though it was 3rd best, behind 1, which is behind 3.

Name one part where stealth is legitimately required. Just one part where i can't kill the guards, run past, etc. Literally impossible, shit game.

You can find worse, but MGS2 wasn't that great.

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Like all MGS games its got way too much cutscenes to gameplay ratio. Even when it tries to get going you still get stopped every couple of rooms. Unless you are way into the stories and lore of MGS I can't see how anybody would ever like these games. If you play those VR missions the stealth can be fun though since it isn't broken up by cutscenes.

>unironically putting V in god tier

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The cutscenes are the best part of these games because kojima makes them way over the fucking top. The earlier games were a bit dry bar bar their finales but as the series progressed, shit got kino. Rising in particular is supremely based.

>putting the game with the most gameplay by far of the series in top tier
>in a series plagued with non-gameplay segments for like half the game in each of them

Yeah sounds right to me.

>retcons nearly everything, throws out the resolution to MGS2's cliffhanger mystery everyone had been waiting on super early and just goes "haha that was STUPID btw they're all just the fucking MGS3 codec crew"
>isn't fun to play outside of two segments at the end, gameplay is constantly cut into by the story in a way that's more intrusive than it was before and what gameplay there is is totally fucked
>couldn't be assed to get any real gun rights like previous games but they sure could get some more product placement in
>boss characters have story again but in an awful way that makes you wish they didn't

shit tier is correct, I guess that's what matters most.

>tfw can beat mgs1 in 45 minutes skipping cutscenes

>product placement
there's so much to dislike I forgot that part. even if Konami wanted to remaster and rerelease mgs4, how would you with licensing clusterfucks like this?

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>this but unironically. When i played MGS2 it was fucking insane. They do so much to improve upon MGS1's gameplay, stealth and otherwise. This game is one of the greatest stealth games of all time, maybe even the best. In just about any scenario there's numerous tactics you can perform and all of them are intuitive.

>guard can't see player 2 feet in front of him in a brightly lit hallway
>best stealth game ever

>game forces you into dozens of unavoidable combat setpieces and boss fights
>"stealth" game

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I kinda liked it seeing real world things in mgs now it definitely dates the game but at the time it seemed cool. I was mad as shit about all otacons computers being apple though.

You're not alone, user. I think we can all agree that, whatever its flaws, MGSV's core gameplay mechanics are very solid and fun.

This came as quite a shock to me. I was never able to get far into MGS1-3 (I never played 4) because they have some of the clunkiest controls and camera systems I've experienced in all of gaming, to the point I find them essentially unplayable. This has nothing to do with how old the games are either. I've had no problems enjoying stealth games that released at the same time as MGS-1-3, such as the Splinter Cell and Thief games.

So my question is: How did Kojima make such a huge turnaround? Or is it not because of Kojima at all, but because of the employees at Konami?

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>clunky controls

>guard can't see player 2 feet in front of him in a brightly lit hallway

>guard shoots you with .556 rifle, aren't immediately incapacitated and bleed out

so fucking unrealistic, shit game

REX, Vamp and Liquid Ocelot are some of the series' best bosses. My main complaint about 2 was that you're Raiden, but you're Snake in 4, and Raiden grows a pair. I still think the story holds up much better than 5, whose story could've been skipped by just having any character say "Big Boss had a body double." Still, I don't hate 2, and if you hate 4 I guess that's just your opinion.

>there are people that actually play MG games for the gameplay
uhm...what? Isn't the whole point of these games being so easy that the gameplay isn't the focus? They're movie games. Might as well call the series Movie Gear Solid. That's all that really matters in the end, the story. What kind of absolute virgin gives a shit about the gameplay?

>couldn't be assed to get any real gun rights like previous games
Are you talking about 4 or V?

well it's not actually a stealth game it's an atypical action game with stealth mechanics. You're running around with a administering fast acting potentially fatal narcotics with a gun. You didn't think this was a serious stealth game did you?

>can't suck the guard's cock to avoid being killed
yeah this game is super unrealistic

v intentionally off branded the guns because kojima didn't want to glorify guns anymore. In 4 he went overboard with name brand everything from noodles to grenade launchers. It was probably his experience with that, that lead to him not branding anything in V

why is solid so high? genuinely shit game. stealth is clunky as fuck, bosses suck, cutscenes every 5 seconds to tell you how to play, nonsense story that piles everything in the last 30 minutes. It's the shining example of nostalgia making people think something is good

>kojima didn't want to glorify guns anymore
no, gun companies demand money for it now

>survive mid tier
what's the pachinko machine rated high?

>Not making concessions for the sake of reasonable gameplay

That's not The Last of Us, OP.


>stealth is clunky as fuck, bosses suck, cutscenes every 5 seconds to tell you how to play, nonsense story that piles everything in the last 30 minutes
so every metal gear game?

I'm just going by what he said. I don't really give a fuck if it's true or not. There's no telling anyways.

You are my nigga,

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Let me catch you in real life, kid. You'll lose your attitude as fast as you lose your fucking teeth. Stupid ass nigger, ought to have your skull stomped in till it's nothing but dust.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>Even when it tries to get going you still get stopped every couple of rooms. Unless you are way into the stories and lore of MGS I can't see how anybody would ever like these games.

The story, characters, style and aesthetics are great. I even tend to hate third person games but I'll make an exception for MGS. I don't even like consoles and controllers but will use them for MGS.

>bosses suck
Implying The Boss, Liquid Snake, and Liquid Ocelot aren't some of the best bosses ever


>btw they're all just the fucking MGS3 codec crew
4 is awful, but you can't criticize this without dragging 3 down too. The hints for Sigint and Zero were in Snake Eater.

>the hints were put in a game intended to be the last in the series


Don't do that too much. Your face could get stuck that way.

not him but I didnt mind 4s plot so much as how it was presented. The nitty gritty of nanomachine magic was bad to try to even explain it in a series that's sort of given to its own form of magical realism.

Why'd they include the bit about Sigint being partially responsible for ARPAnet? Why mention anything happening to Sigint at all if he was meant to be a one off character to describe easter eggs in the radio?

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'bosses' are cringe

Ever trying to explain Vamp's and the Cobra Unit's powers was an ass backwards mistake.

All bosses? Are you saying you didn't have fun fighting Vergil in DMC3?

4 > 3 > 2 > PW > 1

2 > 3 > 1 > PW > 4

1 > 3 > 2 > PW > 4

3 > 2 > PW > 4 > 1

>tfw haven't played MGS 5

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>itt:seething incels who fell for the kojimbo meme and haven't moved on
it's been 18 years now user time to let it go

The shitty level design of the Big Shell ruins the game.

I'd say 3 had the best story, but mostly respectable opinions though.

Fuck you


That JAV in the top right corner caught me off guard the first time I played this game, damn kojima trying to raise my boner before fighting off 30 shogun.

DMC is ulta-cringe

Move over, nitwit.
3 > 2 = 1 > 4
3 = 2 > 1 > 4
3 = 1 > 4 > 2
3 > the rest

Peace Walker and V are not comparable to the first 4, especially gameplay.


I disagree about DMC, but that's not important. Do you really think there are no good boss fights in all of cideo games?

Ground Zeroes was peak MGS. I played that one level and side missions a stupid amount of times.

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>4's gameplay that low

reconsider the on rail shooter section never happened

Why is twin snakes disliked so much? Isn’t it supposed to be an upgrade from the PlayStation version? I played it on the PlayStation and it hurt my eyes

>2's story is the best
extreme cringe

>he doesn't appreaciate matrix-esque kino

So just to be clear
>Boss fights bad :(

Also, there’s ONE section I recall where you are forced into an ALERT phase and must fight a swarm of enemies. Dunno about the other dozen you are talking about

It's pretty shit. The stealth elements are shallow and the 45 minute codec conversations every 20 minutes is not a reward at all, then the over-the-top devil may cry action sequences are simply gay.

Kojima peaked with mgs1 but even it was anime/comic bullshit but at least you felt like you were hiding most of the time.

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Twin Snakes adds nothing of value because the gameplay changes are on a game not intended to have them and the cutscene changes are just retarded. The only appeal of it would be from the graphics/sound but that's superficial. Overall just a mediocre "upgrade" and considering that 1 was already not that good, it's a pretty bad game.

>reconsider the on rail shooter section never happened
4 had an on-rail section. also the gameplay was trash. searching for this image I was remember how dated it felt at release. also, fucking endless cutscenes.

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Is Raiden really that?

>stealth game
>fixed top down camera
>don't have minimap most of the time
>can be spotted by enemies that aren't even in frame
wtf were they thinking?

yes he's an albino liberian. His kid is also albino

They were thinking that the game would sell based on its narrative and not its gameplay, which it did.

Nah, I know it's the widespread opinion that 4's gameplay is some of the best in the series, but I just finished the first 4 games again in the last 3 weeks, and I'm saying, hand to God, that 4's gameplay is anti-fun. And I will blogpost why.
>Act 1
The course of the Middle East map is extremely linear. The fact that you're sneaking through an active warzone discourages exploration because you'll never be able to neutralize all enemy combatants. You're mostly encouraged to sneak from point A to B as fast as possible, and there is an optimal route, so you'll play through the level almost the exact same way everytime.
>Act 2
Better than Act 1, much more open, but also empty. The same issue posed by the active warzone applies here too. It became clear to me here that Drebin's Shop kills the idea of exploration. In 3, you could go out of your way to find new pieces of camo or the most important item in the game, suppressors[/spoilers]. You were encouraged to look for these things because they were scarce. Drebin's Shop means you'll never have to look for anything except the infinitely respawning guns from the infinitely respawning soldiers. Like, in Act 2, there are some buildings off the beaten path that I could explore, but why would I want to?
>Act 3
Is Act 3
>Act 4
The nostalgia of Shadow Moses really loses its luster after you leave the Heliport and The Best Is Yet To Come stops. Then it's just a race from point A to B again. The REX vs RAY fight was the first time in this last playthrough that I was having fun.
>Act 5
A to B. Tranq headshots. Annoying gekkos stuck directly in my path. I was really getting sick of it. Final boss is eternal kino.

I'll say that the one Act per day method is great. Turning the game on to watch 20-30 minutes of mission briefings was actually pretty comfy.

Wow I screwed that pooch.

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Does that make Raiden a ... nigger?

>mfw I find out there are people who actually prefer the Big Shell environment over Shadow Moses or Russian Wilderness.

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People don't actually think that, do they?

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>one Act per day.
I think that was how MGS4 was supposed to be played, as each act roughly takes place a day apart from each other

I liked it more in terms of how easy and quick it was to get back and forth but that's it.

MGS4 had great gameplay but poor level design.

It's just so fucking boring and samey to me. Makes the Plant section feel slower than it actually is.