Find. A. Single. Flaw

Find. A. Single. Flaw.

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Dumb name.

It's too dark.


It's not DMCV

its not bloodborne 2 on pc


Git gud.


Another 2 years for Dark Souls 4

Kill me pete

oooh, you got OP good

You can play as a girl so no desert sorceress outfit

It has the worst atmosphere of any of their games to date. Feels too close to Westernshit. Probably because of all of the enemy indicators and pop-ups everywhere.

Main character is kind of a dick.
There is no need to be rude

>Hitboxes on a ton of attacks
>AI telegraph attack into last second aim adjustment so they have an unfair advantage in close-up melee situations
>camera is still abysmal
>Presentation is low tier
>The game has a billion tech issues
Thats about it. I still like the game tho.

Grappling hook mechanic and stealth totally half assed

Retarded tracking and hitboxes on a lot of enemies

No invasions

No replayability whatsoever


>die to boss
>next three aeons taken up with throwing shurikens at individual mooks to lure them out while their friends completely ignore their calls for backup so you can fight the boss one-on-one again

How do you even make a game where the generic fights are so fun and the bosses are so trash?

sometimes the icon for the grappling hook appears on a spot too far away and you just jump to your death trying to reach it

Ogre’s tracking is kinda retarded, as is archers. It’s a great game though.

MC is a fucking weak pencilneck faggot that does exactly 3 damage
I want to play this game as one of those big dick samurai generals

- repetitive
- lack of replayability due to limited approaches for gameplay
- poor stealth

Made by red button nip monkeys in between two hour lunch breaks to hunt whale

Maybe it gets better but it kind of seems like they half-assed the fantasy elements of the setting which after Bloodborne's lovecraft kino is pretty disappointing.

By focusing your entire design on "Make a hard game". You can tell that that was the single thought running through the Devs minds as they made the game. They created an enemy and then went "Now how do we make this hard" rather than let the challenge evolve as the game is being created.

Are you talking about the drunkard? Just run in with the NPC guy, he takes all the aggro and you can clear out the mobs in like 30 seconds.

>he can't kill mobs unless it's a 1v1 fight
pahahahhahahaha literally get good

I'm too fucking scared to pirate it.

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No PS4 buttons on PC.
First flaw already found in the main menu, that was easy



Nowhere near as good or fun or as deep lore as dark souls. Not even hard either, it's mostly just annoying artificial difficulty boss battles. I Played too long for a refund so I might just drop it and do a playthrough of dark souls 3 again instead.

>walk into the area
>kill adds with spam click while the miniboss watches
>walk out
>walk back in to stealth hit the miniboss to take away half its hp
this shit is retarded af

>so they have an unfair
Literally git gud

When is Sony going to cu the bullshit and buy FROM? They clearly can't make a good game without daddy's wallet.

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Its bad game design. The enemy commits to an attack along a certain direction, only for the AI to be so shit at aiming that they have to correct the trajectory last second.

the jokes write themselves.

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...just to name a few

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I still can’t believe DMCV beat my expectations. I love Sekiro, DMCV is just AMAZING.

enemy tracking and unblockables

literally can't, the game is fucking amazing. I just wish the bosses were a bit harder and the English dubs didn't sound retarded as fuck.

this is a joke right? The game keeps giving you more and more customization avenues as the game progresses.

>writing this after 5 hours so basically still in tutorial mode
only makes it worse

The combat is bad

Dragonrot is just a really shit mechanic, that's all there is to it.

There's nothing in the game. It's an empty western PS3 game.

>die a lot
>NPCs start coughing until you spend a pretty common item to cure them
oh fuck game ruined

>5 hours
so once you adjust for inevitable internet exaggeration he's prob about 2 hours in at the most.

>the tutorial is 5 hours long

pretty obvious flaw there desu

doesn't make the mechanic any less shit

The game is advertised as being heavier on stealth, yet aside from Ubisoft enemy awareness markers and tall grass, there isn't actually any more depth or strategy to the stealth at all. In Souls you had the more options to both distract enemies and conceal yourself, with several spells being made with stealth in mind.

I cant tell if its bad or good design but every stupidly difficult enemy so far has one specific counter that makes it 100. Giant is a joke with the flame prosthetic, shinobi hunter can be easily assasinayedso he only has one health bar, drunk guy and bull become much easier with firecrackers. Its nice to be rewarded when you figure out an enemies weakness but going from literally impossible to kinda easy with just one iten makes the win feel cheap. like i just cheesed it and am not actually good.

My friend and I played it together and we fucking HATE how every single item you pickup has that damn popup message. Even if you've already picked it up before.

the game is too easy, and no I'm not some tryhard fag that can SSS dmc, but it's genuinely too easy, not too hard. Butterfly took me one try.

Not fun

Honestly yeah, this has just a been a great year for vidya in general. Hopefully good times ahead.

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I hear wishey muracca sounds instead of blood splatter

Like bloodborne it's just dark souls with more cool mechanics but lacking all the cool customization and replayability of souls. It's okay. Any criticism of it is deflected as git gud though so it's awful to discuss on this weeb board.

Bloodborne is 20 trillion times the game Sekiro is

Because it has multiplayer

>what is world tendancy
you shitter never played DeS and it really shows

>5 hours so basically still in tutorial mode
the game is 10 hours long you autistic fuck


No, because of the weapon variety, inspired setting, etc.


>he thinks the game is 10 hours long
imagine spending 10 hours on a 2 hour long game lmao, i've seen a speedrunner finishing it in literal seconds

World tendency was a shit mechanic too user

Node based grappling hook system in the current fucking year.
Slow as fuck and cumbersome ledge grabbing mechanic that is completely at odds with the fluidity and speed of everything else completely breaking the flow, same for the wall hugging mechanic. Both should have been scrapped or completely reworked early on in development.
Fucking horrid reliance on "lock on" that is an absolute clusterfuck when fighting groups as your attacks will just ghost through enemies you're not locked onto.
AI can hear you running a mile away, but can't hear you firing explosive projectiles right next to them.
Character doesn't remain crouched after performing a bunch of different actions, absolutely fucking terrible stealth gameplay design.
Shitty giant flashing icons over "eavesdropping" locations with button prompts that treat the player like an absolute ADHD tard.
Linear as fuck levels with fuck all exploration.
Absolutely no replay value due to no build variety, just a good/bad ending.
Regular enemies are way too fucking easy, bosses and mini bosses are completely fucking broken and have THE worst hit boxes of any bosses in a FROM game ever. If you don't use the "right" evasion mechanic you will 100% get hit, even if you've dodged a mile outside of their attack/range the game will either teleport you onto the end of the bosses weapon, the boss to you, or just ghost kill you.
Camera is way to close and completely fucking useless when crawling through AssCreed tier SNEAKY SHRUBBERY.
Stun locking low level enemies with hits is inconsistent, sometimes it'll interrupt their attacks, other times they just keep attacking anyway, it completely breaks the flow of combat and makes literally no fucking sense.

Game is a solid 7/10, but it's flaws are fucking plentiful and i'm honestly pretty fucking disappointed at how unpolished it is.

You do not feel satisfied in any of the fights you overcome because eventually you give up and just use the cheesiest method you can so that the suffering will fucking end.

Every boss has some sort of method in cheesing them, and its obvious this is a game where you are supposed to used X and Y to defeat them. But it feels shallow as fuck doing that.

Ogre for example, you can use stealth items to get next to him, stealth attack, then flame him and its over. Drunkard you can kill his guards then use the NPC. Butteryfly you can dodge attack spam. Horse guy is literally beatable by mashing parry. Armor dude gets kicked off a wall.

It just goes on and on where you try and fight properly using parring and dodges then you give up and just abuse the mechanics to win.

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>Game is a solid 7/10
So the same as Bloodborne?

>dude on a horse
>bull with fire on its head
literally impossible unless you cheese it

Doesn't help that it can fucking two shot you.

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It wasn't this refined

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Has anybody finished the quest, Surgeons Blodoy Letter? I don't know if I want to send Jinzaemon Kumano to him but I have no idea what the reward might be if I do. Has anyone done it? or should I just say fuck it and do it myself and post what happens.

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tell me how I know you never played the game and only watched it on twitch

>figuring out the intended way to fight a boss is cheese

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>game finally clicks with me on my 5th lady butterfly attempt
>bum rush her in the second phase
>beat that phase with no damage because she couldn't summon and I never gave her an opportunity to spam projectiles
I love the back and forth with enemies. You need to be very aggressive but still be watching out for the counters.

Yea Forums getting assblasted by sekiro is great

Why do people say the prosthetic arm is basically useless? I see that a lot in peoples negatives reviews. I absolutely adore using the Upgraded Shuriken or the spear that I can use to pull people, it feels great and also does a shit ton of damage, the axe is great too just for raw posture breaking and clean damage.

4th because im stupid and cant count

You realize none of these are bosses, right?

The combat reminds me of QTEs and I'm not too fond of it. I'll get used to it eventually, I guess. Also it wants me to disconnect my second screen, or it plays at 20FPS.

It's a rhythm game

Does anyone else have an issue where you press L3 and sometimes your character will just block or dash/jump instead?

entire game is shit.
>bad graphics for 2019
>artificial difficulty
>shit music
>bland setting
>story is fucking shit and cringe tier
>enemies repeated 1000s of times over
>movement is clunky
>prosthetics are clunky
>no co op
>no pvp
>no character customisation

i was looking forward to this game but dont buy it guys its shit

You're a moron.

Except this is too much. It isnt just figuring out a better way to play or understanding patterns, it is literally just "Use this item or method and you win" and its blatantly obvious how to do it once you know. There is no skill in this game its trial and error on items and abilities until you find the pattern that trivializes the enemy.

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No primary weapon variation. You're stuck with first weapon. No armor/armor sets that you can choose from. Stuck with boxcover apparel. Those are my only flaws. Other than that, I'm having a blast.

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They might as well be. If you exclude them then there are only like 7 bosses.

I think your controller is fuaaackt

>T. shill on full damage control
I heard your paycheck gets reduced for every 1000 copies sold, is that true?

Dont be obtuse you know they are just as much bosses as the main bosses.

Can't do a nonlethal run.

Two of the """bosses""" you listed the game specifically tells you to do the things you're calling cheese and one not only tells you to do it but is literally unbeatable without doing it, you absolute retard

Cover art sucks compared to the japanese release

Are there illusory walls in this game?

>do parry attack
>camera does a cool cinematic 180
>get stabbed in the back

They're definitely not, I killed Ogre in one try after killing butterfly and didn't even use the fire prosthetic. Dunkard the second try with the use of the NPC that takes ALL the aggro, they're far from bosses.

>trial and error
then why did I eavesdrop that ogres don't like fire right before fighting it?

Does something seem off to you?

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No DS4 icons/prompts on the PC version.
This irritating as fuck because the DS4 is the patrician pad and i'd rather not use the XBONE pleb pad.

user I have some bad news for you
they are called elite mobs and there are lots of them all around the world, best part is you cant escape from most of them

>not using an Elite Controller

I'd rather they made a new Armored Core.

the fact that you attacked the boss thus pushing yourself right into his hitbox right as the attack landed?

I'd say Bloodborne is better, both are good, but I feel like Sekiro's mechanics (stealth/increased mobility vs combat) are really at odds with each other and weaken the overall experience and there's absolutely a "right" way to play Sekiro and beat everything and when you discover that "right" way, it isn't a sense of joy, just a "oh, well that's shit".

>Two of the """bosses""" you listed the game specifically tells you to do the things you're calling cheese
Yes and that makes them boring shit fights.

>and one not only tells you to do it but is literally unbeatable without doing it
Wow so fucking get good firstly because you dont need to flame ogre to beat him. But its still shit game design.

You're literally saying BB would be better if certain bosses just died instantly to certain weapons. Or in Souls if certain bosses died instantly if you used pyromancy.

Its shit game design, end of discussion.

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No. Seems accurate actually.

Looks like AOE to me ya ditz

its a good sekiro game but its not a good shadow dies twice game

Skidrow has a torrent up. They've never failed me and i haven't found any trojan's or malware in the files. I would say youre good

You're literally inside his fucking body you moron, why'd you attack?

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Based retard.

>firstly because you dont need to flame ogre to beat him
That isn't the boss I was talking about you colossal mongoloid, sure is weird how you don't know which of the ones you listed is actually impossible without doing something specific huh?

>walk into the hitbox
>why am I getting hit?

worthless stealth mechanics that you pretty much just ignore the entire game.

enemies don't even notice their dead comrades on patrol routes for fuck sake

they could probably have spent the time they took implementing the stealth elements in making the good things even better.

I have an Elite controller, it sucks compared ot even the regular XBONE pleb pad. Like i said as far as pads go the DS4 is the only patrician one of the current gen.

>pushing yourself
Not the other user, but Sekiro loves to vacuum you into boss attacks if you haven't used the correct "evade" button and that's exactly what you're seeing there.

The players move set isn't what's moving them into the bosses hitbox, it's the magnetic pull of the "cinematic counter camera" setup and if you don't use the correctly prompted counter, because you don't think you need to because you're well outside of the bosses perceived attack range, you're fucked.

>they could probably have spent the time they took implementing the stealth elements in making the good things even better.
This so fucking much.
The stealth is half assed.
The combat is half assed.
They spread themselves too thin and wound up with a game that does neither well.

this game makes me want to play a proper Tenchu game

and also a proper samurai action game with the posture/parry mechanics

>tfw you spend the whole time wishing you were playing Tenchu or Nioh.

He walked into the boss after he finished his attack (that huge katana is deeply burred into the ground at that point).

This is literally "shockwaves" level of apologism.

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>sekiro love to vacuum you
>he literally attacks into the boss right
>wolf takes a step forward when he attacks thus putting him right into the model of the enemy blade
what part of that didnt you get? its not your so called vacuuming, its just autism for attacking the miniboss mid attack

You can literally see he has 5 hours retard

Can i pirate this game in USA is it illegal here?

Welcome to video games, you don't get to decide when the animation ends, the devs do and the devs said "We're not like user, >retarded< we think the attack should end with impact and blow out a poof of smoke, it's not our fault if he attacks and gets hit!"


>If you don't use the "right" evasion mechanic you will 100% get hit, even if you've dodged a mile outside of their attack/range the game will either teleport you onto the end of the bosses weapon,

Yeah, just spent 2hrs to kill the blazing bull and I know exactly what you mean by this.

Very much ruined any positive opinion i have about the game so far.

Too much of this "use the right dodge" rather than watching enemies and making your own judgement.

Also "normal" areas are laughably easy, the fact I can stealth kill a mob run away then let the mobs reset and repeat again is just silly. Enemies should stay alerted.

what's happening here is because you got lock on it will direct attacks to his front due to his size thus putting you into its hitbox.

what you need to do is always attack from behind if you are using lockon (you will need to know this for future bosses)

Also if you stealth around kill a mob, run behind the house again and repeat you can eventually get a stealth opener on juzo taking off 1 bar of hp.

>First major enemy that involves grabbing
>Grabs outright suck you in even after dodging

Now that's the From quality I know

>every unique enemy two-shots you
I'm having fun, suddenly one of these guys appears, and the game becomes a fucking slog until I can beat it. This is usually compounded by having to clear a billion thugs so you can have a one on one with the unique enemy that murders you almost instantly.

nothing is illegal

Because you need to dodge at the "right" time, doesn't matter if you are really far away the game script dictates when you can dodge, and you're going to have to get used to this because it repeats over and over and over.

Yeah and that's fucking retarded

It's not though, the players location is being dictated not by his moves, nor by the bosses, but rather he's being PULLED towards the boss as the game attempts to setup up the cinematic counter camera.

And that's the problem with cinematic moves of any kind, the players/enemies have to be pushed/pulled into the correct position for the animation and in the case of Sekiro it results in some very fucky gameplay.

It's not the clearest example in that video, but it's exactly what's happening, his grab is even worse in that respect.

ok, i just beat Genichiro and found jichan, where the fuck do i go?

bitches don't know about firecrackers vs beasts

Seems like a Dark Souls ripoff tbqh

>get through most of beginning parts dying maybe 4 times max
>get to ogre
>get utterly and completely fucking cucked
>realize I'm being fucking retarded, use oil + flame gun
>finally beat him
>too flustered to even deal with the general and the loads of guards just after
>decide to finish up the estate
>get to the drunken asshole
>repeatedly get fucking mopped
>have dragonrot for characters I havent even fucking found yet

Christ, this game is fucking ruthless dude.

Anybody actually found any regular use for the prosthetic arm?

Other than the axe for the shield mobs and fire mod for the ogre feels like im just not using this as much as I should be.

>movement is clunky
i'll let you meme all you want, but the character movement is perfect.

>read all this bitching about dodging and grabs
>get to the big ape boss with his huge grabs
>oh boy here we go
>you can dodge backwards, dodge right, grapple away, or actually jump left over his hand by the skin of your teeth

They should have made dragonrot only if you use revives.
Just dying in general is absolutely stupid

I'm at the horse and only have the shuriken, how many prosthetics have I missed? Usually im pretty thorough with collecting items

Retard enemy AI. I guess walking past their dead buddy that was standing next to them seconds ago seem to be the norm in feudal Japan. Even 2016's Metal Gear Phantom Pain had more of an overly obsessive "dead body discovered" system than this 2019 Ninja Souls game.

Other than that, so far so good. I just defeated the first tutorial boss. The multi death blows system is a good challenge. I wish the game just focused on human enemies but I just know that I'm gonna encounter some full retard monster enemies soon. I guess the human enemies are the Green Hill Zone of enemies before shit hits the fan.

It's too hard

Do you guys use default controls? I never played a souls but love this, just attacking with r1 feels not as natural

I think he's scared of getting caught for pirating, not malware.

>Because you need to dodge at the "right" time
Well maybe the visuals should match the actual hitbox/dodge timing then

Once the ogre breaks free you can run away, then come back and get a stealth opener on the ogre taking off 1 bar of hp.

you can do this on multiple "miniboss" type mobs including juzo/generals/shinobi hunter etc

combat sucks literal dick

>grab animations were broken in DS1
>grab animations were completely broken in DS2
>grab animations were broken in BB
>grab animations were broken in DS3
In every single game you get teleported or sucked in. Why do they even include those attacks if it's so hard for them to program them correctly?


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I'll be completely real - I agree. I was breezing through up until the Ogre / Drunkard. I haven't beaten either. I've been playing about 7 hours now. I've died easily almost 25+ times trying different strategies, and have rot on 3 characters I've not yet even fucking found. At this rate, they'll likely be corpses by the time I even find them.

It's ruthlessly difficult in some aspects. Dragonrot is just kicking you when you're down.

The shurikens one hit dogs, so there's that, but despite all it's attachments, it's really not that versatile outside of the occasions you "have" to use it, like shields etc

It's pretty endemic of Sekiro's overall design really, square block goes in the square hole etc

Everything except the combat.
It has no atmosphere, it's insane. This game made me realize how fucking amazing Bloodborne is. I underestimated it because I don't fucking play videogames, the only games I've played this whole decade (over and over actually) are Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1, Nier Automata, and a couple of indies that don't fucking count except Hollow Knight which has amazing atmosphere and level design, and at the time I felt that Bloodborne was "subpar" compared to the others in terms of atmosphere, but Jesus Christ, it completely obliterates Sekiro.

And of course, the music is forgettable, the characters are these bumbling clichés (the main character is atrocious), the dialogs are drawn out and soporific, the world is completely uninteresting, the level design is almost non-existent (they sometimes try, but nowhere is it ever nearly as good as Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne).

So even though the combat system is top notch, I just don't care for the fights because I don't care about who I'm fighting (fucking noname samurais with no backstory and nothing original, when you get invaded by NPCs in Dark Souls 1 you can tell their story with their design and their gear, but here they're just noname samurais) and I don't care when I am and where I wanna go.

Personally I'm disappointed.

When I got my first Dragonrot message I didn't even know what it was or what was going on.

go to the room with the sculptor, and pray to the buddha if you have the bell the crazy woman gave you. the flame vent is in a fire in that area surrounded by drunk japs. the shinobi firecracker is purchased from a vendor on top of tall rock, in front of the cannoneer with bandages.

Found another flaw. Pressing the Options button on PS4 skips cutscenes. I just wanted to pause real quick so I could take a piss. Fuck.

This, the game feels shallow as fuck, feels like I'm playing DaS 2 sometimes

Should've asked for hints instead of a full spoon feeding, but thank you

It doesn't make sense too.
They could have had a very interesting choice for players deciding if you want to revive and risk dragonrot or retry over and not do so.

With this situation, there's no player interaction, it's just slapping something on top of already dying.

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Nice job linking your own shitty video

I wish we had Sekiro's gameplay but with Nioh's designs/characters/etc.

Game seems way too fucking unapologetic so far. Dragonrot accumulates too easy, and for certain bosses you just get to a point where you're slowly learning, like an IWTBTG, but the game gives you a penalty for dying continuously. Biggest one for me was madam butterfly and the faggot in the underground dungeon entrance. I died so much to them that I just ended up cheesing (dodge spam lady, and use the jump up and down to chip away at the long sword samurai).

I'm probably just awful at the game but jesus these bosses chip my poise away and then I'm dead. I try to time the parries but it doesn't seem to do much and leaves as much as gap and reward as just cheese methods so why would I even bother parrying. Feels like there's not much reward for fighting aggressively most of the time.

I find playing this on a controller infinitely less frustrating than keyboard + mouse. Holy fuck. My margin of error and habit of fucking up jumps and grabs reduced significantly.

Difficulty isn't the problem. Just how hard it fucking punishes you. Combat is way better than dark souls; muh weapon variety when dark souls weapon variety didn't matter besides 2. It also can be a little unresponsive with jumping but that's about it. Glad fromsoft got away from retard souls games that pseudo intellectuals pretended were hard and had deep shitty lore that was left incomplete and vague because the devs were lazy

reuses a lot of animations from DKS even though it shouldn't.

>Yeah, just spent 2hrs to kill the blazing bull and I know exactly what you mean by this.
The bull didn't have any unblockables did it? I just dodged and deflected that entire fight and didn't have any trouble. Would have been even easier if I had ammo for the firecracker.

Agreed. I'm fine with dying 10+ times to a boss, just don't punish me for trying by making NPCs deadly sick.

Sekiro: Players Cry Twice

Yea I’m not saying it’s bad, I’d just rather play some more dmc5

>he thinks there is a story is the Soulbourne games
Kek, it's mostly made up "lore" that autist are convinced is true, and the only thing it has going for is it's atmosphere, which means almost nothing in a videogame

Wait what, I thought Dragonrot only got worse when you used the revive?

It gets worse no matter what?

>Find. A. Single. Flaw.
no ultrawide support, if you have multiple monitors you have to unplug all them before starting the game otherwise you can't get above 20fps. From Software is a joke

Yep, when you die, whether you choose to revive or not, it worsens the rot

I've got multi-monitors and had no problems with frame rate whatsoever.

what gpu?

>get to Drunkard
>finally actually start legit getting my ass kicked
>take a break from this fag and decide to progress through the other place
>get to Ogre
>die a few times, end up just tossing oil + flame gunning him down
>don't struggle too bad
>get slapped around by the general following the ogre, eventually sneak him to death
>find some headless fucker
>get gunned down twice by it's distance homing attack 3 times before deciding "yeah nah."
>go back to estate
>get wrekt some more
>Alt+F4 out and have a cig because I'm so god damn annoyed

It's fun, but it's fucking brutal my dudes.


Well shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, i've just been accepting death and taking a massive hit on xp/cash thinking I was avoiding making the rot situation worse.

Why the fuck wouldn't people just revive every time then.

Posture is not that interesting and the prior tutorials are misleading. It acts like deflecting is going to a be all end all of the game but you actually have to deal abit of damage to slow down posture regen while conserving yours. Some bosses don't even use the feature. You just whack them until their healthbar goes down.

Why would you even need multiple monitors for a game like this?

GTX 970

>Why the fuck wouldn't people just revive every time then.
That's exactly why the idea is so fucking stupid.
What were they thinking?

because i dont want to unplug my other two monitors every time i feel like playing?

You don't automatically grab ledges.

you sounded retarded so I wanted to help

guess youre lucky, somehow.

Ah shit, my bad. Yeah thats annoying.

It's not a matter of even using it for the game, it's the fact that if you HAVE multiple monitors, the mere act of having the second one plugged in gimps the performance just playing it on one monitor, I haven't had the issue with Sekiro personally, but i've come across others games that do and you have to physically unplug them to fix it because the devs were too lazy to put literally a single line of code in.

I won't spoil them but I've found one I'm tempted to use in stealth constantly, one that I want to use in every combat encounter, and one that feels like it makes every boss significantly easier.

you need an item to fight headless, it's the equivalent of transient curse from dark souls. you get at least 2 from the hirata estate area

I'm on Windows 7 which doesn't have the forced "faux" borderless of Windows 10, but proper fullscreen, so it just turns off the second monitor, are you on Windows 10 by any chance?

There isn't much depth

>waahhhh I can't R1 spam with poise

Is Juzou getting added to this image? who is
I never expected this game to be so hard. the enemies are easy enough but these bosses man holy shit. I think my problem is that im playing like its bloodborne and trying to abuse dodges

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yes im on windows 10 but it's still on fullscreen not borderless fullscreen.

This game just makes me want to play Tenchu Z or Ninja Gaiden

Fucking this.

cinematic kills got iframes

>having fun playing this blind
>take a break
>open youtube
>SEKRIO FINAL BOSS AND ENDING - Name of boss and non-generic thumbnail
fucking shirrako glad your faggot merch shilling asshole got cucked on the DMC5 wave

>hurr you shouldn't have been anywhere on the internet
yes I know I suck cocks

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where is my 21:9

I can't tell if the step dodge is awful, the hitboxes are awful, or both

Help with the second phase of Lady Butterfly. What the fuck do I do?

>fullscreen not borderless fullscreen.
No matter what you set in games etc Windows 10 doesn't do actual proper fullscreen and i'm guessing that's the problem with Sekiro, had similar issues before I rolled back to Windows 7.

Try experimenting with window/borderless mode and using something like WindowBorderlessGaming to make it fullscreen.

bum rush and keep pressuring her. if you keep it up she can't summon. get the back and forth rhythm down. counter the air grab with a shuriken and watch for the sweep because you can't cancel it.

Please enlighten me as to how you're supposed to cheese the bull. I bumped into him for the first time a few hours ago and after he wiped the floor with me in less than 5 seconds I decided I had enough bullshit for one day and quit the game.

fuck me i'm still pissed that it's the only tenchu game i can't try
and it even looks better than the ps2 one

>dude sightread every boss or we'll fuck up your game permanently

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leterly imposible

The stealth is honestly terribly implemented.

Metal Gear Solid 1 came out 21 years ago and it legitimately has a mechanically superior and more well thought out stealth system. It's almost as bad as Metal Gear Rising stealth.

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If you die enough, NPCs start to get killed.

jumping is unironically a better evasive maneuver than step dodging is, it has a shitton of iframes on startup and everything will literally phase through you while you're doing it

oh it's a DMC

ill take a look maybe. Probably will just wait to play since i pirated anyways (thankfully)

Having to hold a button to loot money

and? we knew about this a long time ago

Probably the Guardian Ape.

the framerate is trash. game looks nice but the specs needed to run it at a solid 60+ are too high


How is it bait? You have very few options for stealth. If you get caught, it's easy to just hide and wait it out, which is tedious.

yeah pretty much

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And it's fucking retarded. Same shitty game design as Dark Souls 2 except even worse.

No you just have a toaster. It even has dynamic res. You have no excuses

It's an action game m8, if you care so badly restart and git gud

Jumping doesn't have complete iframes like DMC. You can fucked over by a grab or a hige thrust. Jumping is just a bit better when an enemy is thrashing.

Does it actually kill them? I let it go for a long ass time before curing it and nothing happened.

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The great question:

>It's an action game m8
Yeah, and the punishment in action games is usually "start the level over" not "permanently ruin your game"

Apparently I'm a fucking casual
How do I defeat the Blazing Bull? I can't build up damage and he fucks me up in one hit sometimes. He's so unlike any other fight that I feel I'm doing something wrong

Or you just play through the game and then use those skills developed to beat it without anyone dying. Shit even if you're bad theres more than enough ways to cure people

Do we have a list of characters who can get dragonrot yet?

I'm horrible. I can't beat regular enemies with the 2 deathblow reqs. The spear fuck at end of estate is destroying me.

Are you all talking about the chained ogre in the beginning area? That’s what’s giving you trouble?

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setting is in gookland, which is boring

It's really not, my man. Enemies see you from 200 meters away with a side-glance. But that doesn't even matter because even if they catch you point blank you just grappled back through half the stage in like 2 seconds and there isn't shit enemies can do to stop you. At the very least you caused yourself a lot of problems for getting caught in MGS1.

Sekiro has the most basic bitch "crouch in bush or on roof" stealth gameplay we've seen from games since the PS1 era, with just as terrible detection mechanics as most of them, but with no threat to actually being caught because the enemies are completely helpless when it comes to stopping you from grappling.

Same here. I know the firecracker makes it easier but I'll be damned if I have to use a consumable to beat a boss

Block it and keep encircling to it's butt. You have a springt. Use it. Most beasts types in this game plays like Dark Souls.

>try to play the game like it's intended
>get smashed
>decide fuck it and abuse stealth instakills and the stupid shit ai tracking to escape and reset
>game becomes assassin creed levels of easy
holy shit

Am I shit for just face rolling mini bosses with oil and the flame thrower?

Oh man you need Tenchu Z in your life.

When it first released I was pretty disappointed as it has no real story, you don't play as a set character, just a custom character (decent amount of customization though), and then like 50 missions with 3 layouts each etc again with no real story, but it had co-op which was neat, but overall I really wasn't sure what to make of it, it was this weird mountain of Tenchu content.

But a decade later Tenchu Z is by far my most beloved and played Tenchu game, it's mechanically brilliant and has the most variety and content of any Tenchu game to date, i'll pick it up every few months and just play it non-stop for a week.

I've died so much I'm getting it for chars I've yet to meet so I'll give you a full list shortly.

Learn to deflect. Spear guy actually has pretty well telegraphed attacks for which attack he's going to use and which unblockable.

Get glasses mate.

>Kill that dude you meet in the past because he was robbing the house
>Turns out he becomes the merchant in the future and now I can't access him

Already restarted this game cause of the dragonrot too, no way am I doing it again, guess I'm putting this on the backburner for a year or two.

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But that's the way its intended

That's a miniboss

Staring at a jpeg for 14 mins, oof

Why did you kill him, retard? He was obviously an NPC.

Nah mate, i've already finished the game, i'm intimately familiar with it's bullshit.

Apparently you're not.

>killing NPCs in a From game
He doesn't even sell anything important you sperg



He was fucking robbing a house. How the fuck would I make the connection that he'd become a merchant three years later?

did something happen to people pirating this game??

does dragonrot come back if youve already cured it and you keep dying?

The spear guy in the dream is so awful, why do they put that stupid fucking flame archer there just to alert everyone so you don't just learn the spear guy but have to fight a billion guys at once. miss the dodge counter thing, oops theres 75% of your hp gone on any of his attacks. It's really REALLY bad design.

Not Epic store exclusive.

Using X360 controller I customized to:
A for jump
X for attack
Y for parry
B for roll
LB for heal
RB for interact
(To mimic Dead Cells for the most part since that's the muscle memory I was fighting)

It's...okay. Most fights are me killing myself since I'm just not good at these parry timings. But I might go back to KBM just because analog stick camera controls sicken me and get me killed.

No, people are just literal fucking retards in "babbies first pirate mode", if it wasn't so pathetic it'd be absolutely hilarious.

The game ain't that long and a ton of games permenently fuck you over, zoomer.
Restart and gid gud scrub

It's pretty great, this is the most fun I've had with a game in a while, although I have heard that it's on the shorter side, which is a bit of a bummer because I'm really enjoying it.

Use stealth you fucking moron. No one is alerted with a backstab

best place to farm gold? I need more shinobi magic for the lightning dude

How do I get past the giant snake? I’m supposed to hug the wall to proceed but he kills me if I do that

you just don't like japan

>tfw you start to get in the the flow and parry everything

Overall I think the game is fun but honestly sometimes it feels like Dark Souls 3 red eye mobs where I just run past everything because there is literally no reason to fight the mobs. I like the level design I think its the best From Software has ever done.

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>tfw cant beat any minibosses
My world will be infested with dragonrot. I've died 15 times and only got a notification for the sculptor though.

Who knows. It works on my machine.

>Kill first guy, archer sees.
>Kill archer, first guy sees
>Kill two guys up top, boss sees.

It's fucking awful how they dont give you a distraction or anything like that as a shinobi power or something.And that run to spear guy EVERY FUCKING TIME, you can't just run past the enemies because they all chase you there.

the animations are trash and the game feels like shit to play

>all these bosses that have been kicking my ass are turning out to be minibosses
there is no hope for me

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>no char customization
>no armor
>no multiple weapons
>prosthetic weapons are just for countering weaknesses
it's not that good

No.You get them for a reason.

well, aren't you fun, Your must be a rave at parties.

I just beat the blazing bull and I'm up to lady butterfly in the buddha thing, when does this game get fun?
So far it feels like a jankier bamham with harder bosses.

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First time I got a notification of any kind I got it for FOUR fucking characters, 3 of which I hadn't even met yet.

The confusion was real.

>tfw fat retards has lost all his friend
>tfw sent the fat retard away
bye bye you fat retard

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- Use douse item to lower fire damage and fire buildup
- Stay in front of his head
- When safe, poke his head with an R1
- When he attacks, block or deflect

Reason: Dodging beside him causes him to run around. That'll give his posture time to reset. Staying in front of his head makes sure you have enough throughput to raise his posture meter. Also, he staggers every now and then, allowing for free hits.

Guaranteed ways to kill yourself:
- Mash R1 instead of choosing good moments
- Pretend its Dark Souls and dodge his attacks instead of blocking or deflecting

AAAAA how do i even get time to hit long-arm centipede guy?

you're late but you have no fucking idea zoomer

And I'm intimately familiar with your mother. Check the webm again.

>the entire game is gonna have vacuum grabs
Glad I pirated this and uninstalled it after beating that golem. The game has the two worst things about Dark Souls 2, enemies that track you and vacuum grabs. I'll pass. I'm gonna go play Ninja Gaiden and wait for Bloody Palace.

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feel kind of bad for the big downies desu senpai

I honestly think that once the freshness wears off, it will be remember sort of like DS2, in more of a negative view by the majority of Yea Forums.

They do give distraction items. Also
>Kill guy right across the bridge
>Kill the archer, which gets the attention of both enemies, boss should be far enough away to not notice
>Kill one and grapple to the tower
>The last enemy will either go back and allow you to fight the boss without aggro or glitch out
>backstab boss and fight

do we get anything from sending him away?

better than any souls game so far

Have you not paid attention to his name?

What's up with the monks that are bolted to the floor who keep resurrecting? Aren't you supposed to kill them?

The fuck is this shit?

You know, the fact that he doesn't attack you, retard. Do you even understand video games?

I honestly think the same while Dark Souls 2 is good but Sekiro is just too hard and there is no replayability

really REALLY makes me think

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>beat every Souls game and Bloodborne easily

>gave up Nioh because it was too hard
>getting sick of Sekiro because it's too hard

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I already did and combined with my experience and knowledge of having actually played the game I explained exactly what happens in it.

Now go and actually play the game so you can contribute something other than ignorance to the discussion.

Runs like shit on my 2070, i7-8700k with 32GB of RAM

Sorry From, guess I'll stick with the pirated version

>every miniboss or boss after the first takes fucking 40 hits to break 1 hp balloon

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>too hard
stunlock - The game

be patient cunt.

Stop being a bitch and learn the mechanics. The only reason it's hard is because you want to rush through the game when From obvoiusly wants you to be patient. Use your posture as a resource and figure out an enemy. Learn which attacks would do what.

I got really fucking far into Nioh, like 40 hours in and I reached a boss fight that just broke me. I was so sick and tired of getting one-shot against damage sponges and I'm pretty sure I built my character terribly too. I'll probably go back one day but it was getting so tedious and frustrating

you ever heard of this npc called Lautrec?

>not shuriken spam: the game

Man I found Nioh easy as fuck once I got the hang of it, but I had to grind/cheese/tank my way through Dark Souls.

So far Sekiro is just kinda weird, it's only hard if you play wrong and try to actually do things on your own/experiment and not the exact way that was intended. Whereas with Souls/Nioh, it always felt like you could approach bosses and enemies in a bunch of different ways with different builds and it was rewarding, in Sekiro it's like you HAVE to use this special evade, even normally dodging a million miles away won't work etc It's basically quick time events and it fucking sucks.

Everybody is fugly and with Zero fashionista sense dammm

Nioh controlled about as smooth as my wrinkly fucking ballsack in a blizzard

Those aren't sentences OP

>Couldn't beat the shinobi hunter spear faggot to save my life
>Friend tells me to just buy the special thrust parry
>Kill him on the first try

>I don't fucking play videogames

Thanks for saving me the trouble bud

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>blazing bull
Is there a "proper" way to fight it? Running around and hitting once or twice ad infinitum was pretty dumb. Then again, maybe it's supposed to teach you that posture isn't everything and slowly whittling vitality away is a valid tactic as well?

stay behind him
at some point after you've done enough damage he enrages and when he gets tired you get a deathblow

Reminder that unlocking the thrust parry makes you a casual and you might as well start over, because you're not REALLY completing the game if you're cheating.

>Long-arm Centipede Giraffe
what was more stupid, this name or this fight?

>50 attempts on genichiro
>take 2 minutes to farm up the mats for some flamethrower
>destroy him next attempt
trying to poster kill somebody full HP is not fun

They were spouting "U get a grappling hook!!!1" before this came out having us think that you get to go on a grappling hook extravaganza like in Monstet Hunter World. But it's only for "certain highlighted areas" in this game. Which is mediocre. Ehh.

literally run around him while attacking once or twice at points

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>Not even a day and these faggots are already at it

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They're never making another dark souls game faggot

Literally just stand at his side and block, then punish. His posture is pretty low to go down too

Not trying to be an edgelord but its hard to believe anyone could finish the Bloodborne, DS3 dlc bosses and then go on to struggle against fucking Chained Ogre.

fuck around until he charges into a wall and knocks himself out

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>let the challenge evolve as the game is being created
Thas sum ambiguous shit right there, my bud.

I literally had him in a posture lock before, the only difference I made is I stun locked him with the flamethrower in phase 2/3 which made the overall fight like 2 minutes long

>and the only thing it has going for is it's atmosphere, which means almost nothing in a videogame
Fuck off, Dwarf Fortress autist.

But the hook barely does anything in World.

How about you contribute something that isn't retarded? Your vacuuming claim isn't existent and the webm clearly shows Wolf attacking Juzou and heading further into his hitbox.

Wtf are you talking about, atmosphere directly affects your experience, story only does this indirectly.

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Even worse is that there is no digital version to download on the market place. I was stupid and traded it in with a bunch of other old games. It was great making your own OC dōnatsu Hagane ninja and go on assassination missions with a decent quantity of tools and unlockable moves. Wish they brought it back or make something similar.

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oh fuck my sides, i wasn't ready for this

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If Sudoku's tracking is DaS2 tier misleading garbage as I've been reading, it's understandable.



Bloodborne and DS3 have working dodges.

Should I focus on anything for the bull besides parrying?

I found a generic purple swordsman in the starting pit and the talk prompt came up right as I sneak attacked him. Did I miss anything good.

Keep deflecting his moves and dodge his unblockables. You deal posture damage when you deflect it. I didn't even have to hit him when I fought it. He broke his posture by constantly attacking me. Use your own posture wisely.

There are many games that are not like this?

It literally doesn't track, it was just a weird hitbox animation glitch.
Actually the kick and body slam do a little bit, but no one fucking mentioned that because they haven't played the game

Name a bigger casual filter.

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Because you revive at 1/2 health and if you get slapped again well that's double the dragonrot :^)

>i can't just walk in circles and stand behind every boss or between their legs
what what a fucking stupid broken game what were they thinking

sprint after him, when he reaches a corner attack attack side dodge side dodge, repeat infinite

I'm sorry but the combat is just really annoying versus bosses. Every fight takes 1000000000 years because you do shit damage and you can't string together attacks because the enemy goes full parry autism the second you try to land 2 hits in a row.

This shit is WAY too slow and the fact you can't try and find better gear to speed up fights is really flawed.

Sprint behind it. Pretty much what I did. Beasts types pretty much play like Dark Souls bosses.

The difference is that those games actually feel good to control with tight and pretty well crafted animations and don't have enemies with as exaggerated movesets and such punishing damage as Sekiro.

DS1 is to DS2 like Bloodborne is to Sekiro.
Bloodborne got a reputation for being hard and more combat focused so Sekiro was designed specifically with that as a goal and the entire game feels like a fuck you you like hardcore hard games right? Here's all this overly punishing bullshit you like that don't you you little slut.

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>two hour lunch breaks to hunt whale

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>Reviving doesn't stop dragonrot
Oh fuq

he said a flaw

>Put in a mechanic that gives you a second chance.
>Except not really because you'd have to be fucking stupid to not just immediately run back to the bonfire.

I wish I could say the Shinobi Hunter is the worst offender, but he's just the tip of the iceberg.

And that's my biggest gripe with Sekiro, you don't unlock abilities that have a wide variety of uses and give you just another tool in your arsenal, you unlock a button you need to complete a particular enemies quick time event.

Plz sause

get good nigger, just parry him 20 times or attack him 30 times to get his blood spot

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You are fucking retarded. Health is pretty much just for posture. You bring down health to affect the posture which leads to doing the actual damage.

>posts his easiest phase

Well if you can't safely run away (which is pretty rare), then obviously you're not going to risk getting double killed.

But in my entire play through I can think of maybe 1 occasion where I didn't just revive and run away.


i fucking hate parrying in any game i just want to dodge

Sekiro feels just as good if not better than both of those games though. It's responsive as fuck
>overly punishing bullshit
Like what

Does fucking nothing but raise my own posture bar
which fucking one? they all suck fucking shit on bosses. I'm on butterfly whore which one do I fucking use

>Bloodborne got a reputation for being hard
Nigga, Bloodborne is the easiest Souls game. You literally get health back for attacking.

What the fuck the level design is terrible, linear as fuck, extremely repetitive and barely any shortcuts.
It's a pain in the ass to get through some level sometimes feels like they weren't designed with the climbing mechanics in mind

I can do that in DaS2. In fact, it's the easiest game to do that due to the garbage movesets of that abominable pile of low quality unfinished assets mashed together. I just want the tracking to be consistent enough so I don't have to question myself on every encounter whether long windup attacks will let go of me when they make sense to or if they're gonna last up to the very last frames.

>linear as fuck
Confirmed for not playing the game.

I don't really like the level design that much. It's missing recognizable landmarks. Also, the novelty of deathblow animations wore off quickly. I wish there was a way to mix them up a bit.

I know it's day one and everyone is sucking the game's dick but come on
>Like what
Like every boss and mini-boss that hits you for 50 to 80% of your health with one swing.

>you unlock a button you need to complete a particular enemies quick time event.
Literally get fucking good. I had just unlocked that when I first reached him, but could barely pull it off because I didn't quite get how it worked. I still beat him. Just because you somehow got it into your little tiny sized brain that you MUST have the special QTE button skill to beat an enemy type doesn't mean you actually do. I bet you also think you NEED the axe for the shield guys. Christ. Literally acquire skill.

Try the one that knocks airborne enemies down to the ground maybe?

>Parry does nothing
You wanna know how I know your bad

Stealth mechanics are comically barebones
Regular enemies are really boring
Prosthetic arms vary from being almost busted against their intended targets to being damn near useless against anything else (except for firecrackers)
Level design is DaS3-tier but with more verticality
Being able to equip only one combat art really limits your moveset in an unfun way
Combat for the most part boils down to parrying and whacking for nearly everything that doesn't have a sweep or a grab

6/10 pirate or buy at deep discount

I think my game glitches or something I’ve been dying frequently but I haven’t gotten dragonrot since the beginning of the game


you missed my sarcasm bar up top, can't help you there

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Bosses and mini bosses are the only interesting thing in this game. Every single mook enemy might as well not exist.

the attack animations are so shit and vague that they have to put a big neon sign above your head so you actually know a big attack is coming

>like what overly punishing bullshit
Gee I dunno how about the insane amounts of damage even just normal enemies can do, let alone bosses that straight up one shot you, coupled with the extremely small amount of gourds you get.

The game is severely flawed but I'm tired of writing all of them all over again

Have you tried not getting hit?

I tried the ninja stars and didn't do jack shit even when she was in the air

This, and they have working healing systems beyond 1 hit and youre on 2 hp or dead.

This, the level design is not great and is painfully linear.

It's amazing how inconsistent and downright shitty the ledge grabbing is as well with regards to the level design.

The game would have been way fucking better with no grappling hook/ledge grabbing. What little level design is there would have been a lot tighter and more interesting and resulted in general mob enemies actually being challenging rather than a chore that you just farm.

As soon as I got the bell, I went to the Estate level. I just beat Juzou the Drunkard.
I haven't even seen the chained ogre yet.

Am i going in the wrong order?

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DS3 is by far the easiest game FROM has ever made.

Have you tried picking up a dictionary?

Whole game is a flaw

You can literally parry for 500 feet away risk free too. Sony niggers actually think that's good combat.

I mean that's not bullshit though, it's just hard.
Bullshit is DS2 where enemies are placed in ways where its intended to gank you with no way around.

If she is just standing on the wires she will parry it but if you catch her in a jump animation she will fall to the ground and you can get a hit or two in.

>they have to put a big neon sign above your head so you actually know a big attack is coming
And they still messed it up because you have no idea if it's rock, paper, or scissors and if you guess wrong you're fucked.

Nah sorry user, after having already endured 12 hours of that shit and completing the game, I can assure it just gets worse.

It isn't skill, you might cheese your way through a fight, but later on if you don't use the correct evade, you're 100% dead.

>kill mini boss
>here's your single bead bro only 3 more bosses :^)

they fucked up, should be exp for health and posture and beads are skill points

This is my biggest complaint and I don't know how people can tolerate them. They're like if every attack was a DS3 hunter art and that was one of the worst parts of that game.

The game wanted to be NG but fell into the same trap as MGR, as in the devs were too lazy to animate more than one animation for each enemy (if even that) and made it something you have to do as opposed something you choose to do.

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Why is she so perfect, Yea Forumsros?

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Ogre is just a few feet forward from the bell.

lmao yeah, sure thing buddy sure thing

If this game was a boss rush the game would improve thats how bad things really are

She's cute. I swear if she also dies in the good ending, I'm going to lose it.

only thing making me rage in this game is how subpar ledge grabbing is F UCKING NIGGER

The spider sense was put there because they knew they fanbase is comprised entirely of retards. The attacks are super telegraphed.

She only dies in the bad ending, where she's a boss.

How long is the game and how does it play on the One X? No multiplayer right?

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Call me when you've actually fought a boss.

>game forces you to be a parryfag

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Nigger, you kinda have to abuse the fuck out of those on master ninja. Practically impossible to survive bomb shuriken spamming niggers in II without abusing iframe QTE finishers.

30-50 hours.

>only thing making me rage in this game is how subpar ledge grabbing is F UCKING NIGGER
The traversal as a whole is so fucking bad, the double jump, the ledge grab, the collision boxes on walls/ledges.

It's hard to believe this game was actually designed with the ability to climb on things in mind.

dexfags, you face emma just before the last boss

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worse, you have to be a parryfag but randomly they sent out an attack you cant parry so get fucked

The music is kind of bad

Sure thing buddy. I just got to the section after the shuriken spamming enemies on those rooftops and past the little monkey dudes. Already completed all of the Estate. Stopped playing for now though.

Block the exe with your firewall and you'll be fine. Be grateful there's no multiplayer

>which fucking one? they all suck fucking shit on bosses
flamethrower makes all bosses a joke, flamethrower into charged attack into flamethrower stunlocks every boss in the game

Cool story bro.

vanilla 2 is not the entirety of NG, they got rid of projectile spam for a reason. Also you don't have to use them, they are just useful, there is a difference. In fact in 2 regardless of version there is even an extra incentive not to use them depending on situations as OT enemies will always drop essence and not health or ninpo.

In any case the argument is not whether you should use them or not, it's whether they are satisfying to use, that was one weapon, on one enemy type and it doesn't even show all of the animations.

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DragonRot is a retarded system

piss filter
asscreed parkour in a linear game
visceral based """"combat""""
only one weapon

Yeah it is cool. What's the issue exactly? The tools are a perfectly fine addition to my arsenal. Doesn't feel like I NEED them to dodge or deal with any attacks. Love the axe, shurikens, the flame one, and firecrackers. Got the raven as well but haven't used it yet.

How did the narrative go from 'it's casualized Souls' to 'it's harder than any Souls game and artificial difficulty'?

You have to know Japanese to dodge the red attacks.
Mobs in boss arenas.

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>asscreed parkour in a linear game
God I wish.
Sekiro's parkour is literally PS1 tier garbage (only you know, Tenchu 1 still did it better) with shitty node based grapples and woeful ledge grabbing.

I read somewhere that there are multiple passages in levels that eventually all lead to the same place. I guess to give the game replayability.

Doesn't matter where you go. You get to the goal post either way.

Kinda boring

>remember some dude asking me to kill some tengu
>go back and talk to him
>gives me an item that opens up a new skill tree
really makes you think...

Music is kinda forgettable.
Other than that, it's great.

Also learn what QTE means retard. OTs in NG are context sensitive throw move, you connect them with a melee move which then transitions into the animation, it can be dodged, missed, or hit at an angle that does not transition into the animation, in which case the link move retains it's own properties, you can literally use it as a regular attack. I'm of seeing dumbos call context sensitive actions QTEs and it goes for this game as well.

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Should I get Dark Souls: Remastered if I already have Prepare to Die on the PC? I got it from humble bundle aeons ago and I never got around playing it.

the jumping up on buildings feel like you entered a cheat code in a game not designed for it and it ruins the game

People actually had to adapt to the new system and bosses can be really gimmicky. They also deal alot of damage with their gimmicks. Some bosses you have to beat with posture while others need to be whacked to death. Kinda reminds me of Demon Souls in that regard that every boss fight had a gimmick you can take advantage off.

Miyazaki straight up said he'd like to go back to Dark Souls before he retired in an interview

don't pay for this shit, it didn't go anywhere

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>generic japanese flute plays in the background
Also the environments are copypasted all over the place. Gameplaywise it's fine, a little bit punishing but once you get the hang of it it's ok.

this is a huge problem and probably the worst design choice altogether. I'd rather get rot and penalized when im killed, better than die, res, and run back to the bonfire to get the spare res back, clear whatever i was doing up to that point and try again. It's tedious and unnecessary. Also, I'm fairly confident dying does NOT add to rot as in my second playthrough I avoided the second death as much as i could and i havent even encountered the rot cutscene yet.

PTD is better than Remastered

Its to easy and short

>you can literally use it as a regular attack. I'm of seeing dumbos call context sensitive actions QTEs and it goes for this game as well.
I really only called it that because dumb niggers were doing it for Sekiro. Figured I could trigger them by doing it to NG. Just sayin.


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This, fuck Shirrako, I remember him posting spoilers of dmcV the day before it came out. Devs and publishers shouldn't allow him to do that.

The game plays similar to Tenchu, which I like a lot. The more optional stealth, the better. Head to head fights are good occassionally. But I love being a sneaky motherfucker and sticking my sword in the orifices and body parts of unsuspecting enemies where it does not belong, if you catch my drift.

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where'd the fucking doctor go at the shrine? I just beat thundercunt and I wanna spend my seed

So just add the DSFix and play it?

That man who gave you the mission is the tengu
And you probably already killed the 3 short monsters, they are hard to avoid


Lack of replayability and customization. People will not give a fuck about this game in a month or two unlike the lasting power that Souls/Bloodborne has.

Actually a good point, it sucks

I haven't played Tenchu, but if by "plays similar" you mean "stealth kill, run away for a minute, repeat until you're allowed to have fun" then I'm not about to start.

Do I get faster sword attack’s later on? I struggled at first but once you get the rhythm of enemy attacks it’s easy. It just gets boring how slow he swings a sword.

When has there ever been a slow ninja?

>that purple shinobi guarding the Mist Raven Feathers
What the fuck IS that? No boss has been giving me trouble like this motherfucker. I only got the feathers by leading him away, snatching the item and running like a bitch.

>No boss has been giving me trouble like this motherfucker.
Wait until you get to this guy.

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image search you lazy fucks

Go in the little hut thing


Tenchu is a stealth game so naturally it is all about getting stealth kills and fighting your way out if you get caught. Tenchu actually has stealth mechanics and AI though so it's not comparable to this game at all.

He was tough as fuck, but actually kinda predictable after a while. Dodging > counterattack is incredible, dude. Fuck people saying parrying is all you've got.

can you deflect lady butterfly's kick? I always get fucked in posture by it, never seem to be able to deflect it..

time is in the steam review

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>12 main bosses
>21 mini bosses
>every area is massive
how are people saying this game is short? are they rushing through it without exploring everything?

got the review copy, theres no reason to dodge, just L1 or jump 95% of the times

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Tenchu plays differently and is imo a must play.
The prequel game Birth of The Stealth Assassins was my favourite.

How many healing charges should I have by Lady Butterfly/Flaming Bull? I only have one

Will do, thanks.

>hurr you shouldn't have been anywhere on the internet
It's fine user, I forgive you. Youtube algorithms are pretty much against you if you watched some sekiro videos now that it came out with all the e-celebs getting promoted and whatnot.

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>you must be fun at parties bro

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>just a reworked Souls game, hasn't evolved and doesn't push any envelopes
>same slow, unresponsive combat despite being an agile shinobi
>isolate target, parry, deathblow, repeat
>have to fight crowds of auto-alerted enemies but you can't crowd control for shit
>can only use grappling hook on specific points
>can rarely multitask, e.g. can't hurl shuriken while jumping
>barely any animation variety, enemies have identical skins
>doesn't outshine any of its peers: worse traversal than Ass Creed, worse stealth than MGS, worse combat and dueling than DMC
>not even the best shinobi themed game out there
>another From Software game that doesn't understand QOL stuff like pausing cutscenes

All it has going for it is Miyazaki's great sense for art, atmosphere and slow burn pace. Shoot me down Yea Forums.

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Jump down the hole and he will follow you, then jump in the river and swim away until he de-aggro, then come back and 1 shot him from behind.

for the guy asking for a pure white lily, do you give him the white pinwheel?

I think he's a reference to Onikage from Tenchu, which is actually pretty cool. He looks a lot like he did in Tenchu 2 and the fighting style is practically the same.

Fucking yikes dude, stop running past the tough baddies. I think I had 3.

Imagine if these faggots actually learned the mechanics of Sekiro instead of trying to play it like das

Thanks, I'll try. Does he de-spawn?

>just a reworked Souls game

You can cheese a lot of dark souls. For this game there is only really one way to do things.

Fuck shinobi hunters. They're absolute ass to fight against

it's not dark souls at all
in fact thinking like that will get you killed repeatedly if you try the game

>the boss literally teleports

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I never came back so idk.

>I think he's a reference to Onikage from Tenchu
Had the same thought as soon as I saw his kicks.

game is literally too hard for Yea Forums

No good magic build

I like DS1 and BB is my all time favorite game. I like stealth too, do I snag this?

I'm starting to think that 90% of complaints are from Soulsshitters trying to brute force the game like it's a Souls game.

lol just mash l1
actually works on this guy

I wish Sekiro had music like this

>that feel when you have to remind yourself attacking and dodging doesn't cost stamina

i have like 4 and have yet to fight flaming bull or beat butterfly

>poof of smoke
OH so the poof of smoke took off more than half his health bar y'know at first I thought the game needed a patch but now I know its just shit

So exactly what happens when you keep dying too much? I hate resurrecting in any game and rather start the stage over entirely

Yes, it's more Miyazakikino. The absolute madman is the first person to direct three masterpieces in the span of a decade since Mikami.

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True but dark souls allows you to play without cheese without it being tedious or becoming artificially difficult (except shitty DaS2).

The 'you need dis skillz to beat dis dood' is boring.

You will probably like it. There are some pure combat sections, but stealthing and picking off guards one by one is super effective in Sekiro. Stealth mechanics are pretty solid for a stealth/action hybrid.

>doesn't matter if you are really far away the game script dictates when you can dodge
so it punishes you for knowing how the enemy works and taking preemptive measures to not be near him you have to dodge on the games comand

Snag for the One X or Pro? How long is it? I am assuming NG+ is a thing

It's pretty generic yeah but the music that plays when you fight one of the final bosses, the one that jump kicks you lets say, actually had some hints of Tenchu in it, it sounded familiar.

>miyazaki managed to create the ultimate casual and souls-shitter filter
is there a man more based then miyazaki?

30-50 hours.
You should check the Digital Foundry video, but I'd imagine that it runs better on the One X.
NG+ is a thing.

PC, it runs and looks like shit even on X and Pro, Pro is especially bad, sup 30fps and chugging galore.

Digital Foundry said it runs better on the PS4 surprisingly, but personally I'd get it on PC and use a pad. Can't say anything about NG+, I'm not that far in yet.

That ogre that does the Kevin Nash powerbomb been blowing my back out

I've fought literally everyone

finally beat Butterfly with 10% hp left. thank god. realizing you can just one shot the clones from distance with the shuriken saved me some hp. the spear guys always came up on my blind spot.

i keep dying ;__;

Hopefully dark souls 4 never because its fated to be another fanservice meme wank like 3.

>Fans beg for more rehashed Souls games
>Miyazaki creates a game that alienates all the Soulscucks
Extremely based.

never played a fromsoft game before sekiro and the only "lol git gud" game that i've played is nioh. they seem about the same in difficulty except you have way less options in sekiro. why is everyone complaining about the difficulty now? have you fags not played nioh?

I live in such a small fucking studio apartment I do not have the space for a desk and PC so console is all I have.
Damn, no shit I should check out the DF video.

>tfw didn't close the game quick enough after dying and now some npc is infested with dragon aids and I have to start a new game

this game activates my ocd in the worst ways.

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wut? I have 3 monitors and solid 60 FPS. Maybe it's because I haven't updated my drivers in months.

I'm not playing right now, but don't you have to get 4 items to get a new flask? I've upgraded my health once but nothing on the flasks

Yeaahhh..... I'm just now catching on. I thought the grappling was gonna cost stamina too. And standing idle and accidentally farting in game. Thank goodness From Soft decided to try something new for once.

>Game is a solid 7/10
Why do people like you give unfiitting high scores after listing severe flaws like that? It doesn't make sense and nobody is going to believe it's an above-average game because of what you wrote before the score.

I can't, you're right

He's holding the same kind of sword as well, i0m pretty convinced it's a legit reference.

Just buy the dragon thing near the horse boss, it costs like 190 gold

Get in here, lads.

Haven't even beaten the ogre yet because I've had to restart 4 times now.

It communicates its core gameplay poorly, jumping is shit, and its sink-or-swim approach to learning the game takes the fair out of the tough-but-fair that Soulsborne games are known for when you can't earn back what was lost and failure punishments only increase. It was stupid in DS2 and it's worse here.

That being said; 1) I have had a shitty day and I'm not in the mood for this shit and 2) I was similarly dissapointed with Bloodborne for the first few hours and now it's my favorite one.

I'm going to bed. Hopefully I feel differently tomorrow.

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Good Night user