So did you guys finally give up defending this utter shit game?

So did you guys finally give up defending this utter shit game?
Show yourselves.

Attached: final-fantasy-xv-135201.71.jpg (1500x1500, 361K)

so much potential tho

Never played it, what went wrong?

>You guys
It was literally just one autist.

Let's not kid ourselves.
There were still a lot of people on Yea Forums defending this game 1 year after release.

Fetch quests out the ass, rushed second half, second zone that is built up lasts 2-3 hours before you’re forced into the ending missions.

No I liked it. Can't compete with the games up to X but I'd take XV over XII or the XIII games any day.

The only person who still defends FF XV is Barry.

The adventures of Butch, Geek, Emo, and Fag

Only if we can do the same with admitting 3 was a rushed, disappointing mess.

I liked XIII more than XV.
It has a lot to do with me being younger though.

I played this recently. It was so cool driving around and checking out the epic landscape, but it ended so a ruptly holy shit. I never even got to modify the car beyond it being a monster truck for a bit... I didn't even get to gather all the Mcguffin weapons. What the fuck?

XII >>>>>>>>> XIII > XV

XIII Wins by default because of best girl.

Attached: queenlightning.jpg (960x540, 73K)

I;ve been calling the game shit since the demos

XIII didn't feel dated on release like XV.


I'll always maintain that it's just kinda average and not really "utter shit".
Its shortcomings are many, but it has its ups to go with its downs, and all just sorta balances out to a slimy 6/10.

Attached: THE PRINCE OF PAIN.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

you sound like a real intelligent person

Not being able to die is an insult to both Japanese and International gamers. WTF is this shit Enix? (Square is dead btw, "Square Enix" is actually just Enix senile execs piggy backing on Square's legacy)

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Ehh.. idk dude, the game overall is fine, the only aspect that royally sucked was the plot and its execution imo. Well, and that one time where you had to fight inside a cave or one such place and the camera angle shits the bed.

>barry bait thread
pls delete
and kh3 GOTY

Lol no, Square is trash on all fronts. Just give up on them.

>The entire story is only a first act with a conclusion
>Story also gutted to hell with a major story important thing that happens the first hour in being turned into a movie, character development between the main four had to be shown in an anime, important developments for the 3 party members had to be added through dlc, a certain characters death was only actually shown in a post launch patch and the members of the games main enemy faction only actually get to do anything in these mentioned additions with no inclusion in the main game
>Even with all this added stuff the story is still confusing
>Boring Ubisoft open world filled with fetch quests
>Embarrassingly bad "stealth" missions with just involve standing behind crates
>Instead of being turned based it's a strange action rpg system which is somehow extremely simple and confusing
>Summons are rng and you can go through most the game without it actually letting you use them
>All dungeons are just boring hallways
>Magic is basically elemental grenades which you can't use without lighting your retarded party members on fire
The music and character interactions are pretty good though


>All dungeons are just boring hallways
I liked Pitioss.

>this bait

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The game was mediocre at best but simultaneously uplifted and brought down by how much potential it had to be a masterpiece. You can literally see how much better the game could have been if it wasn't stuck in development hell and mismanaged for a decade and that realization stings hard.

It's similar to MGSV except Kojima put all the best parts in the trailers but promised more. With XV, you could see the jank coming right up to the release of the game.