>tfw you lived long enough to see gamestop die
Why in the fuck would Sony pay money to ship digital codes to stores anyway?
You need a connection to download them regardless, if you're going to gamestop for digital codes you're a fucking moron.
legit surprised they survived this long. i went into one for the first time in almost a decade and it was 90% shitty shirts and merch and 10% console games
the point is that Sony is getting rid of all other retailers. the PS5 won't have a disk drive so the only way to buy playstation games in the future will be through the sony store
how do you even buy something phsyically digital
Unless you get a discount there's no point in buying a digital game from a brick and mortar shop.
more like gamestopped lmao
Why would you go to a store to buy a code anyway? Just download it.
It means no longer digital games at a discount, more money for Sony, everybody loses.
You get a game case with a code printed on a paper inside.
I think it was for people who don't have credit cards.
why the fuck would you go out to a store to buy a digital game
>sony ps5 wont have a disc drive
Only retards believe this.
Wait that was a thing??? Who the fuck goes to the local shop just to get a digital code?
PS5 is gonna use cartridges/SD cards.
[Citation needed]
I have from time to time using points I've saved at various stores.
women most likely
If you're an adult without a fucking debit card, then video games are the least of your worries.
If GameStop can barely move physical inventory what made Sony think selling digital inventory would be better? Was it the big hack from years ago?
I can't muster the energy to care
yeah just like google making a stream-only console and microsoft branching to nintendo/steam after making a no-sharing console amitrite
Not saying they're going to, I'd rathetr hope they don't. But let's not be naive here, publishers are all about finding new ways to control consumers no matter how retarded it gets.
Gaystop employee here. Nothing really changes because we mostly sold the physical cards anyway. I was even told to encourage people getting cards over direct download codes as customers are morons who might get the wrong thing and since it was their own choice it couldn't come back to us.
Based. It was irritating going to the store and seeing like a whole wall dedicated to that shit. Even worse than the merch in my opinion.
I dont want Sony to have my account info.
After they got big breached why wouldn't they offer an alternative?
How does this affect games where theres two games, one on disc and one as a code in a single box?
Tell me about it, how many times have they been hacked now?
I think its less about having a card, and more not wanting Sony to have their credit card info, since they got hacked a few years ago
>Buying digital games
I dont think they will since sony holds stake in blu ray.
I did it to keep my credit card data the fuck away from Sony, and even Steam for that matter.
Oh they will have a disc drive, but it will only play DVD/Blu-Ray/4K Ultra HD.
>tfw you lived long enough to see Blockbuster, Hollywood Video, EB Games, and Gamestop die
I learned last week that Gamefly is still alive, how the fuck.
>DVD/Blu-Ray/4K Ultra HD
Nobody buys that anymore it's all being streamed
>since they got hacked a few years ago
It's happened multiple times.
I run a place similar to this and we sell digital games. One advantage is that Sony, Steam, or whoever else goes maximum jew and pulls a game or a certain complete edition but I'm still able to sell it. It's also better to buy gift cards here since you can keep the code or stack them in case when we discount them.
As long as streaming compression exists people will buy physical.
'no' a quarter of users in 2013 watched Netflix on the Wii.
fuck off. everyone gets hacked. just change your credit card.
One time I got one because they were out of physical copies of the game.
the store cards are still there
and this is just Sony,
MS and Nintendo have the same thing
nothing about the walls in gamestop will change
You can't gift games on PSN. This was the way to do it.
This isn't that big a deal. They're only stopping the sale of specific game codes; not PSN top-up cards. I can't imagine too many people walk to a game store to buy a specific game digitally. PSN top-ups are probably more popular as at least they can serve as good gifts for people.
Out of curiosity I just checked Gametop stock value. It took a significant drop this week after the Google Stadia announcement. The total market share went down by $206 million.
>tfw you don't even own a console
low quality
Can't live off Minecraft swords i guess
Why the fuck over the past few days have opening up an image thumbnail and scrolling down then closing it causing my browser to scroll back up to where the image thumbnail is back at the bottom of the screen?
It's annoying the fuck out of me.
The Wii cannot play DVDs.
Because you use chrome
I did the math wrong; they "only" lost $50 million.
If you don't have a credit card, why not just buy some playstation store credit? That's what I did before I got a credit card
This means the those little cards you see in Walmart. Does Yea Forums even read the fucking images?
Everyone at Sony that is.
>the way
you can still buy just regular psn store cards and gift the codes
the link in OP only refers to the removal of title specific codes
What the fuck do you think we're talking about you moron?
I'm a Firefag
I know so right now you can't gift specific games anymore
Use 4chanX
18 year old here, I don’t have a credit card because I didn’t want to get one until after I finish up college so I know I can pay things off, I buy these codes because of that
>I can't imagine too many people walk to a game store to buy a specific game digitally.
I only did this twice to buy delisted games
a code for Plants Vs Zombies on the Vita
and the delisted Pirates of The Caribbean dlc for LittleBigPlanet, sadly they didn't have the Muppets dlc for LBP2
>buying physical download codes
for what purpose
Game stores themselves have sales good on them when they have to get rid of them that make PSN sales look like liquid shit.
Why not buy physical instead?
You don't need a credit card. You can use a debit card or a prepaid card bought with cash. These can be used for nearly all online purchases, including but not limited to Amazon, PS store, Steam, Newegg, almost anything. You're welcome.
I assume its because codes are cheaper later on.
>April 1st
C'mon guys
fucking niggers, I get game codes through amazon because they actually go on sale while psn has maybe 10% off twice a year
Playstation Store cards are still being sold at Gamestop, they aren't going anywhere
they serve the exact same function, just less redundant for retailers
this is non-news
It's theft by all the idiots in retail.
It's all because of this. No, seriously, go look up how much fraud there is with digital good codes nowadays.
>10% off twice a year
they literally have a sale on PSN every single week
stop over exaggerating you fucking retard
user, that only happens with third party online sellers and will still continue regardless.
>third party online sellers
gamestop is literally a third party online seller
these codes in OP could also be bought on gamestop's online store
If PSN $ cards are still available does this really matter?
If it was because of fraud Sony would have pulled the gift cards for PSN bux too. Those are far more likely to get stolen/scammed because they're more versatile.
I think these codes for specific games just aren't popular enough to justify selling them anymore.
the codes were only ever good for grabbing delisted games last minute
Get a student account now mang. Trust me, it's way easier to set-up while you're in college and they won't question you for the purposes of the account etc.
You know what I meant you cunt. Code sellers with obvious fake names like
arent they exactly the same?
What? You still need a Sony account to download the game, I don't get it.
Or are you one of those MAAAAAAAAAASSIVE retards who uses his real credit/debit card details online, instead of using temporary clones with limits through your bank's website/app?
It's for people who trade in shit for credit on trade 3 promotions who'd rather get the game they are getting digital I guess?
Store $$$ cards are still going to be sold, just not direct game codes (which I've never ever seen anyway)
At first but retailers need to actually shift the cards whereas physicals are easier to notice so they tend to do heavy price drops later on.
>yeah just like google making a stream-only console and microsoft branching to nintendo/steam after making a no-sharing console amitrite
yeah, just like sony not having learned that they can completely oust their competition by providing features, retardedly simply features, mind you, that others dont provide.
MS announcing that they dont want a disk drive will almost guarantee that the PS5 will have one.
So kinda like the ps4 with the addition of 4k?
>MS announcing that they dont want a disk drive will almost guarantee that the PS5 will have one
If anything that guarantees that the ps5 won't have one given Sony aren't trendsetters.
So are we just going to be forced into a digital only gaming future? I don't give any fuck about Gamestop but this fucking sucks shit. I don't want gaming to go digital only. Its going to give these publishers ungodly power over gaming and we are all going to be fucked hard here. You literally might as well just pirate games at that point.
Get a fucking debit card dude
Get a credit card now, treat it like a debit card like any sane person. Now you have purchase protection, extended warranties, cashback and guaranteed returns. You also have the benefit of raising your credit score earlier. I wish I got one when I was 18
Are you talking about the vastly superior performance-to-image quality ratio of good checkerboard rendering?
Because that's a much better solution to actual 4K and I wish even PC devs used it more (most games don't have it in the first place, much less a good algorithm of it)
I was thinking about getting Skyrim on PS4 (I know) and saw that it was $20 digital on amazon vs $40 on PSN.
That's why codes for individual games are good.
>News is about Sony not giving DIGITAL CODES of games to stores
>You interpret that as the death of physical media
what the fuck?
Just buy used physical for like 15 bucks
>not knowing that Sony are trying to kill physical media to push their other sub based services
This is just eliminating one completely redundant and retarded form of already digital only, you fucking idiot.
One that just so happened to benefit consumers.
>digital download codes are the same thing as discs
you're forgetting two key differences:
first, sony already tried a digital-only console with the psp go. it flopped hard, and they publicly admitted that there was still more of an audience for physical games than they thought.
second, sony owns the blu-ray format and will keep using it because the playstation gives them a practical use for it.
You're waiting too long to get a credit card. You should get one now. Like just get a secured card with only a max of $200. Just use it for gas, bag of chips, etc. Keep it like at $5 and then pay it off the next month.
My credit was horse fucking shit and I can't believe getting a secured card and just using it maybe once a month would help me so much. I just used it for gas today. Just pay off enough that your usage isn't so high. And with a lower amount on the card you don't need to spend as much as say getting a $1000 limit.
1) Proof
2) How does this news affect that in any way, shape or form?
>and they publicly admitted that there was still more of an audience for physical games than they thought
That was a front for the failure because they didn't want to admit they put out the perfect piracy machine.
>1) Proof
Their constant push for various services and digital stores.
>2) How does this news affect that in any way, shape or form?
Are you being an idiot on purpose?
If someone buys a $50 code card that money doesn't all go back to Sony, it's split across retailers and whoever prints the cards.
If they buy it from Sony's store that's more money for them.
People bought digital codes for games at retail stores?
>disk drives are considered a new trend
don't let your hate for Sony make you retarded
Sony isn't ditching physical media just yet, they still make money off of blu-ray
Fucking this. I buy digital codes off amazon and redeem em on psn. Its a stupid work around, but i havent had my card info stolen since i started doing it. Same for ps+.
>Their constant push for various services and digital stores.
Relative to who? Nintendo are the only ones who don't have a feature complete online ecosystem and that only comes down to sheer incompetence, if they could do it they would.
MS pushes services 10x harder. And of course it goes without saying PC has been 100% digital for well over a decade now.
>If someone buys a $50 code card that money doesn't all go back to Sony, it's split across retailers and whoever prints the cards.
AGAIN, how is that related to physical media??
Wouldn't that just make physical purchases obligatory as your only option at the store?
Either option (buying card on a store or buying the game online through PSN) is not physical media already. Are you high on something?
this aint gamestop but at walmart easyshop and target you can oftentimes convince the electronics person to put digital codes on sale with a nice sob story about how physical is cheaper
I knew a guy who did that shit and flipped the codes on g2a.
as a gift
Just... buy the physical game as a gift?
This REALLY isn't a hard process, user.
maybe the person youre buying for prefers digital
then buy the standard psn store cards
Eh, it's no loss. I thought it was fucking stupid that GameStop was selling download codes anyway. Not just for Playstation but for Xbox and PC as well.
With all the decisions sony is making I somehow have the feeling they're trying to get rid of their own hardware and pull some stupid shit like google.
maybe they have a specific game in mind and dont want to just give digital currency
Nah, they aren't as retarded as MS who is making the Xbox an irrelevant piece of hardware
I don't know if it's so retarded to drop another console. Shit's expensive to develope and they usually sell their boxes at a loss, at least at the start of the generation.
Seriously listen to this user I'm 25 now and getting fucked for not having any credit built up
you're going to need credit at some point dude even if you don't like it
who cares? they're finally dropping the pretensions and giving the people what they want. i don't really give a shit about the business angle.
I went to gamestop to pick up god of war and they declined my patronage because "I look like I could be under 17". Really, motherfucker? I'm twenty fucking six and I'm not getting any younger. And of course I have no ID because I ride a bicycle. They could have capitalized off of my ignorance that god of war is a shitty game at the time, but they didn't, and I'm cheering for their downfall.
fuck you, ignoramus
Common mistake thought I would let you know for future battles
>no ID because I ride a bicycle
youre 12 years old at heart. fucking manbaby.
>riding a bicycle to game stop
You should have been happy they thought you were 17 and not 12 lmao
>I learned last week that Gamefly is still alive, how the fuck.
No way, used to rent games through them all the time
Why the fuck do you think everyone wants a storefront or even better, aspire to be (or remain as) a Platform Holder despite of the difficult position? Because it's worth it.
MS are being smart by already killing the Xbox brand (well, "Xbox" is now only a storefront, but no longer hardware seeing that MS are abandoning their platform holder status) but it's only good for them because they lost the race. Just like Panasonic or Sega.
However if you are competent, becoming a Platform Holder is the highest achievement in the gaming world, with the highest possible profits.
Every single thing someone buys within your ecosystem gives you a cut. That includes any bit of DLC, microtransactions, and 3rd party games (and of course your own 1st party titles) Sony being the biggest platform holders means that each and every multiplat game gives them the biggest cut relative to any other platform or storefront - not to mention free money from paid online, IIRC the estimation for PS+ revenue last year alone was the equivalent of Sony selling 80 million copies of a $60 game.
At a muuuuch distant 2nd place in terms of profitability is having your store front, where the $$ from your own games and DLC go only to you, and then you also get 3rd parties (unless you are a publisher like Ubisoft, Bethesda, ActiBlizzard or EA, which only have storefronts for their own games).
At the bottom are publishers and devs without storefronts, which must distribute games always at a cut by using someone else's.
So no, it's not retarded to be a Platform Holder. It's by FAR the best position in the industry. All you need to do is not suck shit and at least maintain a critical mass generation over generation, preferably with some consistency, which to be fair is hard considering only Nintendo and Sony ever did it long-term while all other companies failed.
Yeah they are doing the best thing they could do in their position. Not blaming them.
You had money to buy the game...but no ID? Did you just have like some fucking rolls of coins in a fanny pack or some shit? Why didn't you have a wallet with your ID and other cards? You're a retard
That's not how it's spelled
I'm 6'2" and I have mutton chops. I was completely taken aback by that treatment. How tf does someone ugly as I do get mistaken for an underage? I'll literally never know, Since then I've only bought shit online
I didn't own a wallet at the time. And I have no ID unless you count my birth certificate and whatnot.
To be honest I take that as a compliment
>instead of using temporary clones with limits through your bank's website/app?
Doesn't work with mine.
>having a bank account
Why do people do this
I'm not getting a ps5 if it can't play physical game.
What's it like to glow in the dark?
Don't they still sell PSN cards? Just fucking buy those.
My name is auggie
I like to know I actually fucking own something. I dont want to rely on the servers staying up to play a game
If you're in the U.S. then you don't even own your own body
do they not take paypal?
uh huh sure more like if I was in europe maybe but here I still have my guns and will die in a firefight before I hand them over.
>He doesnt know
They literally sell PSN/XBox/Eshop digital game codes on a physical card
How about the fact that i dont trust snoy with my card? Their network including its security is garbage.