Was it THAT bad?

Attached: 220px-DMC2FrontCover[1].jpg (220x311, 26K)

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yes, wall running was cool although

Infested Tanks and Helicopters.



It was great, best atmosphere in the series.

No only Yea Forumsirgins think the best dmc game was bad


not inherently a bad thing
they copied it straight from Shinobi 2002, which did it better

this is legitimately one of the few games that Yea Forums (generally) isn't contrarian about. even the Yea Forums DMC fans think its terrible.

Still abetter story than 5

The game's biggest sin is being boring. Everything else is forgivable but being boring, tedious, sleep inducing. Those are things that a game shouldn't be and if wasn't that people would say 'yeah, but...'

You can beat any boss including the final boss by just mashing Square. In some boss fights you can stand still and not get hit. Dante's characterization is awful. Little to no weapon variety. 3/10.

The combat is still alright, but it lacks all the style of the original. It turns out DMC without the style just isn't all that interesting.

It was just kind of boring. I think it blown out of proportion but I can't say that I'd play it over any other action game.

You never played dmc5

It was just incredibly dull and boring.

real gamers don't skip DM2

Yeah, I've only ever met one person who liked the game. I'm not even kidding. The fact that Yea Forums isn't even contrarian about it (when they're contrarian about everything) shows how hated the game is. And I am a DIE HARD fan of DMC but I hate 2 with a passion.

2019 You literally have the whole catalogue of ps2 games for free to emulate with dozens of masterpieces
>Now its not bad its CANCER
2003,New DMC2 game has just come out, turns out its worse than the first,meh nothing special atleast it has good music and character design, average ps2 game
>2003 literally your average game

So if you want to take a trip to the past to see how the quality of the average ps2 game was, it is perfect for you

In 2003 there were much better games, like LoZ: WW, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, Star Wars KOTOR, and Jak 2. Even in its time I HATED 2.

>Best Dante design

Attached: dante-dmc2.jpg (1400x1400, 208K)

One of the few things the game got right.

>One of the few things the game got right.

Attached: DanteDevilMayCry2.png (766x768, 460K)

Hits, which is not saying much.
+cool enemy aesthetic design, especially in boss fights
+atmosphere is, sometimes, enjoyable
+dedicated button to switch guns

Flaws. like 90% of the game.
>Only one sword with two variants
>4 combos
>There are no new attack moves to learn/unlock/buy in the whole game
>Guns are overpowered. You can beat every enemy with just spamming square button
>Amulets are gimmick shit
>Stage design is shit
>Grafically is a huge step back
>Plot is fucking boring and cringe. Shadow-the-hedgehog-Dante is even more cringe than Ninja-turtle-Dante
>All the enemies in the game are braindead like DMC2 shillers
>Enemy design and AI are probably one of the worst ever created in a videogame
>I insist. Enemy AI is so flawed that almost every enemy has multiple blind spots and absurd interactions.

There might be more flaws but I'm too lazy to remember them all.
There is ONLY ONE part in the game that is a little bit challenging it is not saying much, anyway and it's the final boss, but only in the highest difficulty. Here youtube.com/watch?v=cuBBXknA_-E&t=148s

The rest of the game is shit. 3/10

Pleyed it just last week and it was awful. Way worse than DmC.

This video apparently sums it up.

I heard that this game being so stupidly easy was due to complaints about the first games difficulty, did something similar happen with Dante's personality? people just thought it was cheesy and dumb so they made he edgy and aloof?

Is it true that this design was done by Kaneko, the SMT artist? Because it reminds me a lot of his artstyle.

Worse than DmC
At least DmC was a game that functioned

DMC2 is the one game that everyone was right about. they told me it was shit but i had to see for myself. god awful.

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pfff go play DmC

No, he did the devil trigger design in 3.

playing through all the games now
I've played 1 and 3 before
currently on 2 for the first time
so far it seems too easy
doesnt have sword combos
dante's lost his personality
who the fuck is this brown girl?
what even is the plot?
lock on kinda sucks

I'm gonna finish it but, so far not loving it

and the quality remains that way all the way through

Ah, I probably just think its him because the 2 design is the one used in SMT3.

Also Dante's theme in SMT3 was great.

I like Dante's design and character the most in 1.

Most of us werent as lucky and had a lot of shitty games , so this game was actually pretty ok

>they told me it was shit but i had to see for myself
i do this all the time
play shitty games just to see HOW bad they are for myself

its why I have the order, and knack, and reservoir dogs on ps2

Dante had fun mechanics with an incredibly shitty game built around them.

I don't even know if I'd consider 2 or the reboot worse. I guess I'd rather play 2, given the choice, out of respect for Capcom, if that makes any sense. Gameplay wise, the reboot is better, but the plot and characters are even worse than 2 (which I didn't think was possible) and they totally disrespected the canon.

oh well at least it's short
wouldnt have got it if it werent in the hd collection

this is ALL false.

Unironically no. It was bad don't get me wrong, but as always people meme up the game based on what their favourite e-celeb says instead of trying it for themselves and forming up their own opinion.
The worst part about the game is not that it's "bad"; but that it's boring as all hell. There were some good ideas here and there, Dante looked cool, it brought new things to the franchise normally attributed to 3 like Rebellion, Rain Storm, the ability to switch weapons...

I'm glad 5's prequel novel brought back a lot of 2 lore like Lucia or Uroboros

Attached: Dante_dmc2.png (2000x2861, 2.33M)

so, what are you /supposed/ to do with the infested helicopter?
do you really just shoot it for 10 minutes?

>Grafically is a huge step back
>Shadow-the-hedgehog-Dante is even more cringe than Ninja-turtle-Dante
>All the enemies in the game are braindead like DMC2 shillers
You lost any credential your post might've had

>All the enemies in the game are braindead like DMC2 shillers
I was right.

how are the points wrong then

Its sad there is so few people like you but at the same time normal , DMC 2 is memed to be a trash game but as I said before its your typical ps2 game, and no your average game wasnt rachet and clank, gta san andreas, etc ,there were thousands of ps2 games but people only talk about the top 10%

>doesnt have sword combos
It does, but they're mapped to the joystick believe it or not, and they're all unlocked from the get go, Even then there's only like 3 or 4 combos
>who the fuck is this brown girl?
You'll learn it in the game
>what even is the plot?
Sparda visited the island long ago. New demon fucks things over there. Old grandma calls you over to help

You're weird

Buckle up faggot, you're about to meet your second. I won't try to pretend it wasn't shit though, the only thing that was even semi interesting was that weird pendant system, even if there were only like 3 variants

wouldn't mind if they brought back Lucia full time
and you could still style on shit in 2 if you cared enough, basically, is right

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Are you expecting a real argument?

not really though

>Grafically is a huge step back
This is straight up false. The game's uninspiring garbage, but textures and especiallt character models look better than in 1 by a mile
>Shadow-the-hedgehog-Dante is even more cringe than Ninja-turtle-Dante.
DMC2 Dante has a lot wrong going on from him, but if the only word that comes to mind is "cringe" then it becomes obvious you're being disingenious and don't actually care about the actual plethora of problems the game has
>All the enemies in the game are braindead like DMC2 shillers
Same as above. Could've left it at "Enemies are fucking braindead", but the shill part as if someone unironically thought DMC2 is a good game makes me thing he doesn't care about good discussion and is just memeing for (You)s

Problem is it was the sequel to Devil may Cry, which was a fucking great game. The history of DMC2's development is just sad all around

>fag says
>literally seconds later
user BTFO

>4 months left
>they only had one dude working on stinger and literally nothing else

Best dante design, best atmosphere, best girl

wacky controls, interesting but not so welle developed game mechanics, silly story

not a bad game, but pales compared to other: the thing is, DMC series is very, very well done

also, DMC3 fucking destroyed its legacy

Attached: 1553096088259.png (500x675, 298K)

Oh my god the game just stopped being garbage
thanks user, you saved DMC2

>This is straight up false. The game's uninspiring garbage, but textures and especiallt character models look better than in 1 by a mile
did we play the same game?

It's not great, but I find it far less tedious than DMC4

It really makes me wonder how they were able to cobble all the maps together in a kinda cohesive way, "design" the boss fights hurr durr mash Square, do all cutscenes, have three playable characters with their own moveset and everything else in 4 months.

The plot is more about Lucia, i just assumed Dante was there because he was hired. Corporate asshole playing with demonic rituals seems like the average Dante tier job

What weapons/guns should I focus on powering up?

I don't know, did we? Compare Dante's models, their outfit, face, hair... and try and tell me 1's better

Why the fuck did they give Trish the expected Dante moveset? I swear the game would've been better, even if only slightly if they gave Dante his normal moveset.

>dat tummy

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DMC2 was actually my first DMC game and I'd never really played anything like it before, and I honestly thought it was pretty ok since I didn't have anything else to compare it to at the time

In retrospect it's definitely the worst one in the series but I don't hate its guts like most people seem to

>I just assumed
That's literally how it is. Canonically it was just another gig and 10 years later Dante doesn't even remember Argosax' name because it was an average Tuesday for him

Attached: ArgosaxHD.jpg (500x312, 55K)

It's like a 6/10 at worst.
Series diehards hyperbolize the shit out of it as though it were the worst game to ever exist, however.

>tfw HD lucia midriff never

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Unironically the atmosphere in 2 wasn't that bad and it could've been great if it was a functional game

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It is a functional game it's just as deep as a puddle

dmc2 dante does look like something he'd design though tbf, maybe more toned down but there's a similar kind of look in the sleek lines and little accents, compared to other dantes. fitsi in very well next to other nocturne characters and raidou

i wish they kept his DT designs too desu

Attached: DanteRender.png (827x2001, 712K)

As someone who had dmc2 as their most favorite game until dmc5 came out. YES.

Attached: 1544142630973.gif (728x408, 2.56M)

Z>6 at worst
More like 4 at best. The game literally doesn't function. See

>collision boxes move Dante
>don't hurt him
Poor poor Itsuno.

Typo with the Z

You're an idiot. People have been saying DMC2 is terrible long before things like Twitch and Youtube even existed. A boring game is a bad game, since the whole point of a game is to have fun, which 2 is completely devoid of.

>The game literally doesn't function
You must've forgotten how much worse the PS2 library could be. Or maybe you just played the HD collection and have no actual point of reference.

nobody carez

I played it when it came out, on the PS2. That game is broken.

>the whole point of a videogame is to have fun
Objectively not true, although it depends on what you truly mean ie you could say people have fun suffering in a horror game

IMO its not that bad, as a dmc sequel yeah it pales to the other installments but there are plenty of qualtity of life changes that dmc2 brought that everyone ignores. Yeah dante barely talks and it does feel empty and they shouldve included more banter with dante and the bosses

t. Neil Druckmann

By modern standards, kind of.
But again that's nothing close to "broken" for fucking 2003. And unless you're goddamn 40 years old you were a kid when you played it and didn't mind or notice its inferiority at the time.

Isn't that the Naughy Dog jew?

Sure, it wasn't the most broken game ever to exist. Never said it was. But I still maintain that I didn't like it at release. That's all I'm gonna say.


Can't forget the great organ & guitar riff that played in the intro too.

>other games were bad before so it's okay for this one

You've done nothing but repeat this in various ways for the entire thread and I assure you you've convinced nobody. As a post you seem to have willfully ignored mentioned, DMC2 was a sequel to an excellent game, making its sins much less absolvable.

I said it was a 6/10 and defended this opinion twice. I don't give a shit. You're not convincing me to abandon logic and shit my pants in anger any time the game is mentioned like the average DMC autist.
Have fun.

It felt like a unfinished fanmade game.

>tfw you rented this as your first DMC game

Almost didn't finish it due to how boring it was.

Attached: g6jKK4V.jpg (720x720, 28K)

I feel bad for anyone who played DMC2 first. It'd be like if your first Star Wars movie was The Last Jedi.

My blockbuster didn't have the first dmc in stock.

And then when DMC3 came out there were a bunch of combo videos floating around in message boards which put my faith back into the series.

don't compare an installment that shits on 40 years of an existing IP to a disappointing first sequel

I played it a long time ago and just thought it was mediocre but maybe I'd misremember of how bad it was actually

Did you ever get to playing DMC1? It's my second favorite, behind 3.
It wasn't meant to be an exact analogy. The point is that DMC2 and TLJ aren't as good as the rest of the material (though for Star Wars that's less true because of the prequels) but anything more is just semantics.