Halo died out for a reason.
Face it, it's dead on arrival
Other urls found in this thread:
Pretty sure it died because Halo 4 and 5 were complete shit. Good thing the MCC is Halo CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST, Halo Reach and Halo 4.
They should've quit after the third game.
But ODST is the best game in the series.
>Halo died out for a reason.
because 4 was so awful even consolefags weren't willing to slurp it up?
i'm buying 2 copies just so me and my wife can play through it together since shes only really played grand strategy and RTS up until most recently
5's MP and forge are good.
The MAINLINE numbered games should have ended at 3, but spinoffs should have kept going.
4 is the second highest selling game in the series
Yeah, and the reason was everyone grew up and didn't buy an xbone after the 360.
Because it was coming off the hype and success from Reach. Halo 4's playercount dipped so badly after release that they literally removed the counter and stopped tracking it. Halo 3 and Reach's playerbase actually increased afterwards.
Because it followed 3 and Reach dipshit, 3 being praised as one of the best video games ever made
Devil May Cry 2 sold better than Devil May Cry 3.
Guess why that happened?
Fucking loved ODST
Halo's music is bloody amazing
I didnt play Halo CE though I started at Halo 2 on the original Xbox and played up to Halo 4
Bro because everyone was hyped. And to top that off the game's player base dropped off at a month.
Your favorite game must be Tetris and your favorite movie must be Avatar or your argument is invalid.
Reach and ODST were god tier though.
>inb4 muh multiplayer
I thought it sucked on the same level as 4 and 5 personally.
>He never experienced booting up Halo CE for the first time in 2002 and getting blasted with this
Well Rookie is dead now so there prob wont be a sequel unless they make a sequel ending with him (you) getting killed
> Face it, it's dead on arrival because it will be on windows 10 only.
This is true OP
You wish Ching Chang Walla Walla Bing Bang
I'd be cool with some spinoff games but yeah, the chiefs story should have been done with 3.
>it died out for a reason
yeah, years passed and new, shitty games came out. It'll be huge on steam again
it's on W7
windows 7 support confirmed.
Fucking retard
the decline started with Reach, it's not all 4 and 5's fault
I liked some of the ads they had for CE.
Release date fucking when
I was like 4 in 2002
I was playing on a Megadrive2, PS1, PS2 + PC back then I still have a few memories of playing bomber man and operation flashpoint cold war crisis (think thats why I love military shit so much honestly)
Reach had a god tier campaign though, way better than that piece of shit 2.
big yikes
>Playing Operation Flashpoint
>4 years old
Seems legit
>hating 2's campaign
yeah, because it was console locked. this fixes that.
>2's campaign
>the best campaign is the worst
what did he mean by this
Give me one good reason why you haven't played Marathon yet. Especially you lorefags.
Shut the fuck Sony Jabrony, you not getting the game doesn’t mean you have to ruin it for everybody else
Go cry more especially after Cuphead
Cringe and bluepilled
I don’t even give a fuck about my xbone. Halo is going to be populated again.
Found the triggered bungielets.
One of my favourite levels in the whole series.
>mac emulation
no way fag
So have they alluded to any specific release date or rough time-frame?
Are you crazy. This would be a dream come true. Online pc halo gaming for halo 1 2 and 3 haaha omg yes. Id buy this. People have been trying to make this happen forever.
>haaha omg yes
PC mp for 1 and 2 AKA the best ones have been a thing for over a decade now, the only bonus for the new collection is that PC fags might be able to take the new forge shit and save the low dying concept of custom games
This. Halo 2's campaign is an unfinished mess with a mediocre weapon sandbox and terrible story.
They said they'll release it when they release it but it's coming sooner than you might think. So Summer most likely.
thats what I was hopping, thank you for the spoonfeed user
the Halo 1 pistol was shit too
>Halo died out for a reason.
Because today's spastic children lack the fine motor control to play it?
>Halo 2's campaign is an unfinished mess
I prefer the unfinished mess that just sort of ended randomly instead of the unfinished mess that was the original that should have ended like 3 hours before it actually did and was bloated with copy paste job levels and backtracking through those copy paste jobs
You're welcome. Now you better actually play that shit or Durandal will get you.
Well at least this way it won't release in an absolute sorry state like the Xbone version originally did.
I hope.
i loved da piano
those first few keys make me think of raindrops falling into a puddle
Why is this person bitching about online like Halo 1 even had online, not counting the PC version.
>console shooter
>console shooter that's 10+ years old
>console shooter that's 10+ years old and its multiplayer userbase will be split with like 5 other games in the same package so it's 100% guaranteed to be dead as fuck
Yeah, I'm thinking I'm buying this for sure!
The games are coming out one at a time starting with Reach so they won't have a clusterfuck of bugs to fix.
In what way am i a "triggered Bungielet", i've played a finished operation Flashpoint and there's no way a 4 year old is even making it past the first mission, let alone learning to issue orders, use the map correctly, etc.
>Complaining about melee and the sword
Ah, so this was made by a crybaby shitter.
>No dedicated servers
Like Regen health
Health was completely worthless even in CE. Why people obsess over this is beyond me.
Literally the only fault with the game was the price tag. It also my favorite because I had to put my cat down a day later and helped me through the griefing process
>Shitting on OFP
Fuck you
who could be behind OP's post?
Halo2 was never on pc you
>5's MP and forge are good
It took it too long to get there.
You bait or just retarded?
because the PC version of any shooter is the only part that matters
Based retard
I'm calling out that poster as a liar, not shitting on the game.
Utter cretin, it was a Vista exclusive on PC.
yep, that EXE that's sitting on my desktop is actually a carefully disguised ruse
so much retarded shit being spouted itt
Yea, fuck em. I bought an xbone just to play this shit online and online didn't work. Tried to return the console and game to the Microshit store and was told nah lol nigga you opened it, bye.
>never bought another MS product again.
I wasn't any good at it I cant even remember how I started gaming on the family PC but I remember watching my brother play for hours and I remember having those games that are supposed to teach you things like math and let you print off stuff.
I vividly remember a mission where you are running with a fair amount of troops at dusk then you get to a position with sandbags laid out and some vehicles and then the Russians would counter attack.
I think my brother let me have a go to be honest, I used to do the same with my nephew when he was the same age just handed him a controller.
I was going to send a pic of the game because I still have it but my phone wont let me transfer it to PC keeps saying the image file is 0bytes.
What the fuck is wrong with Yea Forums tonight
r e m i n d e r
>Halo died out for a reason.
It died out because it was a fad that appeals to nobody anymore.
Movement in Halo games is slow as molasses, weapon diversity and control is extremely narrow, rocket splash is so huge you only need to lead on vehicles, and the crosshair magnetism is way too heavy-handed and not in-line with advances in manual gamepad aiming since 2001. Things like the BR and removal of health packs took the game backwards after CE, and yet the fans still argue for a Halo 3 clone.
The thing is, Halo isn't just slow compared to arena FPS; it's slow compared to other console shooters. Everything from the movement speeds, to the physics, to the ultra-heavy crosshair magnetism, is all a relic of a by-gone era where no one knew how to make FPS control smoothly on gamepads. By the 360 era, things improved enough to support the much faster gameplay of later COD games, BF series, UT3, even some Quake 4 console tournaments in France, etc.
So yeah, you can call Halo whatever you want, whether it's "tactical arena FPS" or whatever, but it's really its own thing which bears limited appeal either to PC arena FPS players or even people used to the later console military shooters.
No it didn't you fucking dummy. I have been playing H3 all day and I'm still finding games easily.
And yes, it is still really fun and comfy to play. Specially with friends.
I remember visiting a blockbuster and seeing two fucking full shelves of ODST used copies.
>ITT: Things that never happened
> Halo died
When? 4 and 5 sold better than the rest of the series combined, and 5's multiplayer is unironically top tier Halo MP. You people are ridiculous with your perspective of what reality is.
Yeah, well I saw the same shit with GTA IV. Plebs will be plebs.
>dead on arrival
>the most awaited and craved for series of videogames in years
lolno u retard
3 is the best Halo. If you actually think otherwise you have shit taste.
>When? 4 and 5 sold better than the rest of the series combined
Keep telling yourself that, 343.
The only faggots who don't like halo 3 are arena boomers
arenafags have always loved halo, it's just the zoomers larping as boomers who created the babysfirst narrative.
He made a ridiculous exaggeration but he's not wrong, H4 and 5 sold really well and those H5 numbers are from only a couple of months after release.
That's not how MS's return policy works. Did you even try when you made this shit up?
Now you've got me trying to remember lol. The only mission i can really remember anything about outside of the game mechanics was one where everything goes to shit and you're cut of from your forces and you've got to run for your life and hide in the woods with the enemy looking for you.
>Windytendy exclusive
I love Halo as much as the next guy but that's just not going to happen.
I don't like Halo 3 as much as 2 because the map quality dipped massively.
I mean the hardcore arenafags, the ones that would complain about a map being too open
>He made a ridiculous exaggeration but he's not wrong
Are your mathematical skills that bad? 4 alone didn't even outsell Reach, and nobody can track 5's sales numbers because Microsoft went full lockdown after release.
>Halo 3
>14.5 million sales
God damn. That game fucking delivered everything in spades. Also, the ARG and Remember shorts, plus all the cool stuff Microsoft did with the leadup to the game made every person who played Halo as a kid, by the time having reached adulthood, giddy like a little kid on Christmas morning.
I sent it to Google drive and did it that way
Sorry for shitty phone quality
Eh not really, Quake, UT, and Tribes players always viewed Halo as Arena for kids due to it being much slower, mainly a console game, etc.
and I'm saying that the people who grew up on quake and UT loved halo regardless of how contrarian this board is. halo was adored here even before Yea Forums got its own board.
They should have quit before the first game.
did something happen or you're just shitposting?
Yeah i've still got it knocking about somewhere as well, kino game. I still prefer it to stuff like ARMA.
Ps4 only fag here
Why does everyone else keep getting these games like MCC and cuphead but we get nothing?
Stop shitposting consolewar faggot
>on PC
if halo 3 was on pc originally you can bet your sweet ass it would still be fucking populated
online game communities last longest on pc
I posit that Halo (the original Bungie games: 1, 2, 3, Reach and ODST) legitimately had one of the most compelling stories for a straight-up FPS (without RPG mechanics) and that it's narrative of telling story in the traditional way (complete a level -> get exposition through cutscene) was far more compelling than Half Life 2 + Episodes approach.
I also assert that it's one of the few games where the expanded universe (primarily the early novels) are actually rather good and add to the existing story rather than filling in huge plot gaps that exist in the game (think Halo 4).
Bungie made reach you Muppet
>remembering anyone who was anyone played 3, going down your friends list and seeing all online and all on the same fucking game
Jesus Christ it was like a cult and we fucking loved it
Filled with shitty characters that lacked development, in campaign missions that were half-assed rewinds of earlier areas, and objectives that felt pointless to the whole struggle of reach falling apart. Only a few moments in campaign captured the idea that covenant can glass an entire planet in mere hours.
They already had a story following a spartan team on reach. They didn't need to make another one.
Halo died out cause it was trapped on a dying console.
If we follow your retarded logic then every game not called Halo 3 sold like shit.
i'm seeing one on that webm
Since we're discussing the campaign, Halo 2's storytelling was incredible though.
Take the intro. If you're not a zoomer, then you won't understand just how damn good this intro sequence was 15 years ago:
Halo 2's intro is one of the best video game intros ever made. The cinematography, art, music, voice acting, cutting, camera work etc are all god damn perfect.
And the campaign itself was fairly long, it took me a good 20ish hours to complete. It felt like a long slog, but in a rewarding way. All games with a middle of a trilogy have difficulties setting things up for the final part, but I felt 2 handled it really well.
I think I'm gonna play Reach's campaign with a girl Spartan this time.
Every single piece of media after halo 3 has retconned something in the lore, and it's only gotten worse.
>Not playing a female Spartan anyway
I do it because I'm a huge faggot, but they genuinely have some great asses.
When the fuck are people online? Whenever I play at my friend's house it's always something like 150 players online
Halo 3 was marketing done right. It built up a massive hype train that didn't oversell the game and tied into the plot without spoiling it or making the game itself difficult to understand without the aid of the ARGs etc.
do it and you'll notice a lot cutscene shots linger on her ass
Forge, sort of, since it wasn't there on launch, but once it came out it was the best forge in the series and ojnly got better. MP itself was good from day 1, though no splitscreen still means you shouldn't buy it
I'm a halofag but I agree. 5 does a lot to improve on this though, but people shit on it's gameplay for (mostly) unfair criticisms
For 2, I would agree. It's got some legimaately great writing and thematic elements, and ODST and Reach have moments of greatness as well. I have a ton of problems with 4's plot andf writing, but I don't really think it has plot holes or that the EU is used to patch them up?
The EU in general is sort of in a wierd spot now. On an indivual piece of media basis, the bpooks are the best they've been, and 343 is great at weaving plot points together between pieces of media, but they SUCK at moving the state of the universe foward in ways that aren't stupid
>dude what if there was a brand new galactic threat fore the 15th time in a year period of time in universe that they beat
>Filled with shitty characters that lacked development,
Reach's characters have more to them and more interplay then any set of characters in the games other then 2, ODST, and 4 as much as I hate 4's writing
> in campaign missions that were half-assed rewinds of earlier areas,
It does this less then CE
>and objectives that felt pointless to the whole struggle of reach falling apart.
>Only a few moments in campaign captured the idea that covenant can glass an entire planet in mere hours.
Agreed here though, it does a poor job of selling a truly hopeless to beat invasion. The unveil of the supercarrier, jorge's death, Exodus, New Alexandria, and the moment in the Pillar of Autumn when fucking scarabs and drop pods are falling out of the sky around you, and Lone Wolf are the only moments that do.
I remember watching that on my TV when I put the disc into my xbawks back in the day, and just being completely immersed from the get-go. I know Halo took a lot from Ringworld (and Starship Troopers and a dozen other sci-fi novels) but it's because of that that the aesthetics are so damn good. Remember when the forerunners felt genuinely alien and unknowable?
>Halo died out for a reason
343's games being shit?
Not sure how putting all the good ones on PC for the first time is going to bring the series down.
ODST and Reach were the beginning of the end; 4 and 5 are just expansions of the aforementioned styles of Halo. You may love them, but the numbers don't like. Every entry after Halo 3 was a dismal failure when it came to staying power in terms of player population. 2 and 3 managed to hold the #1 slot on their platform for what was essentially the lifespan of the console. ODST lacked content and really offered nothing to push the series forward unless you somehow never bought the Halo 3 DLCs. It was a non essential entry into the series and felt exactly like that.
Reach was when things went to shit as seen by how quickly the player count dropped. The majority of the community was gone within a year of its release. I had fun with the beta, but didn't get the same satisfaction a month into release and went back to 3. Halo 4 saw the same population drop as Reach, and has too many issues to list within the character limit. 5 doesn't even feel like Halo from my hour of experience at a friend's house.
>but I don't really think it has plot holes or that the EU is used to patch them up?
I wouldn't call them plot holes, but there are aspects of the post-covenant world-building that you simply don't really understand at all unless you've read EU stuff (Storm Covenant come to mind).
It's frustrating, because Reach still has the best AI in the series, but not a lot of good levels to see it play out. Neither Halo 4 or 5 has reused this AI properly.
Its was ok I wouldnt say the best. For me anyways. I sadly didnt get to play the last to one Xbox one.
You know were all going to sit here, argue which halo was the best, wither reach was good or not, but lets look at the facts.
We had a hell of a good fucking time playing reach.
>Halo 5's MP
You have to be 18 or older to post here.
i always tried my best to make sure this marine survived so that she would masturbate later to the thought of my spartans cock
Will Halo's return make me chatty again? I never talk in games ever anymore. With Halo I talked constantly.
Reach was the last Halo game and they blew it
If you're allowed to post then so is he.
yeah, cod killed halo
No I didnt
because CoD 4 came along and blew everyones socks off. Now that formula has grown beyond stale, and the game that should have been a natural successor absolutely flopped.
The only reason Yea Forums pretends to care about Halo is because the Epic Games store is getting bigger and bigger
Halo 3 was competing with CoD4, WaW, and MW2 and it still never left the top 3 most played for its entire lifespan.
Why do people even hate Halo 2's campaign? Cliffhanger ending aside, it was always going to happen.
No, the criticisms are entirely fair
Sprint is shit
Clamber is shit
The maps are shit
Warzone is shit
ADS is shit
Bullet magnetism turned way the fuck up due to thruster
AR is a headshot weapon
SMG was useful but is now shit
All BTB maps are bland Forge variants
And that's a small list of the many things wrong with the second worst MP in the series, only topped by Halo "dude custom loadouts and perks lmao" 4
>Good thing
Reach killed the playerbase. Halo 3 held populations of well over 100K 3 years after release. Reach couldn't even hold that for a third of a year. Reach caused the mass exodus of the playerbase, destroyed the competitive community, and started half the trends that made 4 suck even more, but all of the Reach babies here who got basedface over jet packs are the same ones who quit playing it after 3 months, yet still try to praise it. Anyway, if anyone would like me to list specific faults in Reach's game play mechanics, let me know, and the list will be quite long
have they said anything about fixing pic related?
Pretty sure you can disable it.
You do realise that Reach is the one out of all the Bungie Halos that's still doing the best in terms of player count, right?
These people didn't, because they're retard boomers incapable of feeling joy. That's fine though, when Reach launches on PC we can all enjoy it without them, and still enjoy the trilogy when it launches.
>1,000 players is "still doing the best"
based retard cod baby
Do you think I care if a few thousand zoomers are creating a little Reach revival? The game lost literally 90 something percent of its peak playercount well within one year of release. See
They should dump Halo 4. It is unecessary and ruins the package. 343 is shit.
>it's real in my mind
You clearly do care that people are the most excited about Reach coming to PC, otherwise it wouldn't enrage you as much as it clearly is.
How's it feel, to have stuck with Sony all these years and never gotten a single exclusive FPS worth playing?
And on top of it all, you can't afford a PC? Eesh.
>1,000 players is still doing "the best"
Reach killed Halo.
Halo 3
>well over 150K players consistently 3 years after launch
>couldn't even hold 100K players for 4 months, population continued to plummet at a rate never before witnessed in a Halo title, massive cuts to staple playlists to combat this, after 2 years game was about as popular as an indie title
ahhh you Reach babies are adorable. It's like you were never actually there to witness the Halo population exodus
>Halofags trying to call other people zoomers
I'm only hyped to see Reach's population die twice lol
There wasn't an Exodus. I just moved to PC gaming.
Reach is better than 3 go cry somewhere else
Halo: CE came out in 2001. That's nearly 2 decades ago dude. I'm 31 and I played it when I was 13. I can still remember getting my mom to run me to toys r us to get an xbox and Halo: CE bundle. Zoomers were literal toddlers when Halo: CE was released.
>That's nearly 2 decades ago dude
It's fucking bizarre to think that.
This guy gets it.
Nostalgia is all I have left. Let me cling to it. I ruined every relationship I had, unironically my happiest moment so far this year was an email from an ex I hadn't heard from in years.
>halo CE came out about 20 years ago
>I still dont have a gf
At least you had a relationship.
Halo 4 and 5 cost far more to make yet couldn't beat 2 and 3 in sells.
>Daily peak population dips from 300K+ to less than 50K in only a few months, and eventually drops to less than 20K, numbers never before seen in a Halo title
>There wasn't an exodus
343 worked on it too, believe it or not they were around by then.
baby got standbyed and couldn't noob combo
so don't play it you autist
they even come separate
Regardless of when you think the series was ruined, MCC contains the original trilogy which is objectively before the series was ruined.
but it has halo 4 in it though
>reach only
>no forge
>maybe not even TU settings
>no mods
>no servers
Yeah, it's fucked.
what was the best custom game and why was it halo on halo?
>tfw disabling friend's warthogs with the plasma pistol atthe start
Average Reachfag everyone
>he doesn't fap to interracial
I'm giving you another (you) cause I just installed it. Retarded cunt.
>fell out of Halo during 3 because "babby alien shooting game"
>moved on to Far Cry: Instincts, wanted friends to join, very few did
>tfw missed out on ODST, hearing its endless praise for the last 10 years
Maybe I can finally get into it on PC.
Bestiality's illegal where I'm from.
Halo never died. It just was Missing In Action.
That's what makes it hotter.
ODST was a cashgrab
>Halo died out for a reason.
You mean on PC or console?
nah man. i always liked playing halo with friends, but i absolutely hated having to play later releases on xbox with a gamepad. reach and skate 3 were the only reason i bought a 360 4gb when they were dumped for 99.
i'm shit at playing fps with a controller and i laugh at people who claim virtue in being good at fps with a controller.
They've been the shitholes that's been damaging the community for years, no one likes them.
If I was gonna kill myself Halo on PC would've delayed it.
Every Halo except CE on pc has been plagued by bullet magnetism and insane autoaim and their only saving grace is offline coop campaigns
CE has bullet magnetism on PC as well.
Yeah it sure did. Because Bungie left MS and they changed the games too much you fucking R-worded F-word.
>reach's story goal was to get you attached to characters that were destined to die
>halo 5 was built around co-op considerations
>both of these could've been realized in Halo Reach perfectly if they just followed the established lore
Halo has been on PC for like 18 years.
Do new Halos still get fuckhuge maps like Infinity and Gephyrophobia? I remember them having much smaller maps the few times I've played them.
Did you know mixed race children can't get organs donated by either parent because they're not genetically similar enough to either of them?
El Dewrito had some pretty big maps, and those were mostly Halo 3 maps.
Holy shit, how did so many people fall for this obvious bait? Good shit man, here’s your (You)
Cringe, Halo 2's campaign may have not been that great but it was light years better than Reach's.
Halo 4 is an insult to Halo. It even being included is disrespectful to the real franchise.
Don't buy it then.
Nobody gives a fuck about Combat Evolved. Talking about Halo 3.
>60$ for old games that everybody but pc has played
>halo reach without the blur and bloom
well im sold
How is it bait? Halo 2 has cramped levels and the game varies from unfair to too easy it's not open and fair like Reach. Reach's campaign is the only sequel that gets Halo.
Halo 2 is the only Halo MP worth playing
Halo only "died out" because Halo 3 and Reach were played for tens of thousands of hours by everyone with an Xbox, then weren't ported to the Bone for a long time. The port of 3 was initially garbage too. Now a whole new dimension of PC players will have a chance to play and it will be a glorious resurgence the likes of which vidya games have never seen.
Threadly reminder that all Halo's after Reach and ODST aren't real Halo games so they aren't worth discussing.
based retard
Halo 3 > Halo 2
Good points. Also humanizing the Covenant was gay. Fuck Keith David.
This song is literally a musical orgasm. GOAT
Halo 2 is an ugly game. The ugliest by far.
Keith David is alright. Even if he was assimilated.
how can you say that? The only issue is that the face textures look like shit at modern resolutions and you only see them up close it cutscenes
African American sargents are the only black guys I like in anything.
Then say Halo 3 if you're talking about Halo 3 and not just plain old Halo, faggot.
>tfw get to play the peak dudebro/chad fps again
Microsoft cucking Xbox fanboys since the beginning
>just one question: what if you miss?
ODST was a shittier Halo 3 that people like simply because it was a slightly different feel from the other Halo games because you were a grunt instead of the Chief and the game was a bit slower.
I completely disagree with those people as ultimately Rookie was no different from playing as the Chief, except he was even more of a blank slate no character then even the Master Chief was. Which is kind of impressive.
This, the one thing 343 stayed true to was shitting on their core fans
funny,the ending is in the beginning indeed
Which of the Covenant dropships do you prefer? The Spirit or Phantom?
>Because the enemy AI is so advanced in Halo: Reach, many Phantoms have a whole area to patrol rather than a scripted path to follow.
>This has lead to Phantoms colliding with Pelicans in certain areas. This is seen often in the level New Alexandria where both aircraft fly around the entire level.
>A glitch can also occur when a Phantom collides with Keyes' Pelican in the level Pillar of Autumn causing the player to not be able to finish the level.
I'm partial to the Spirit, it doesnt see much use
A vague "When it's ready" is infinitely better than shoving it out the door to some long-set deadline, whether it's finished or not.
It shouldn't be praiseworthy to finish developing a game before publishing it (that should be standard), but that's the state of things nowadays.
but it wouldnt be a Halo game if it didnt ship half finished
Phantom is more practical but I like the Spirit more just because it is so different. Gives it a cool unique feel.
You sure will eat those words when even after the shit announcement and massive amount of free beta testing it still sucks, huh?
>but it wouldnt be a 343 game if it didnt ship half finished
Other way around, imho.
No, I'd just be disappointed.
>Halo 1 or 2
>not half finished
>Threadly reminder that all Halo's after Reach and ODST aren't real Halo games so they aren't worth discussing.
>after ODST and Reach
>not after Halo 3
Stop trying to fit in, you Reach babbies were never liked.
This, when it released, everyone hated it, many people still hate it today.
Fuck off Epic shill.
reach had the best forge and best armor customization. also while the abilities were controversial you cannot tell me extra modes like firefight and invasion weren't helpful.
the REAL reason why the playerbase dropped off is because call of duty took over. 4 BTFO halo 3 just a few months after it launched and Black Ops was pretty fucking huge when it came out. CoD really didn't start dropping until after the 2nd black ops. by then halo was already kinda dead.
>1 game that's good for its time
>a sequel only retards and/or people with retarded parents played because NO ONE owned the console/operating system
>a third game that's a rehash with boring multiplayer hit-melee-to-RNG-win
>a bunch of rehashes
I'll buy it to finally play H2 famalam
you could just used the fan patched version of the vista version to play H2
>not owning a HEUG to play Ninja Gaiden Black and Jet Set Radio
Will Reach run on my GTX 750 Ti i7 920?
>M$ making a deal with V*lvo
>M$ Croney: Alright we're thinking we're going to need a bigger slice than these other de-
>M$C: U-uh alright but here at Microsoft we've always supp-
>Volvo: Vistaaaaa lmao more like XP for two decades
>MC: How are these guys the biggest bloatware provider on this platfo-
>V: The Windows Store JAJAJAJ
>>a sequel only retards and/or people with retarded parents played because NO ONE owned the console/operating system
Underage nigger
>1 game that's good for its time
nigger FPS games have only gotten worse and worse since Halo 1 came out, how the fuck can something be "good for its time" in the era when FPS was actually good and then be bad compared to modern shitstains
>for a reason
343 Industries is a reason, pretty big one actually. Pretty much the only reason you need.
As yourself this, how many patches did Halo 5 need after release and how many did Halo 2 need?
>people are still torn on what the best bungie-era Halo game was
>meanwhile it's universally agreed that Halo 4 and 5 are awful and completely fucked up the series
343's failures were the reason why Halo died out.
Screen Cap this. Halo is coming to the Nintendo Switch.
>how many patches did Halo 5 need after release
I dont play FPS games on a gamepad so I have no idea
>how many did Halo 2 need
many but
a pretty big one to include an actually ending but last I checked it never got one
>last I checked it never got one
I think Halo 5 got something like 10-15 patches in its first two years
people like the different based on age mostly
I don't even want to know what they're doing with the series now. The trilogy, ODST, and Reach were perfection. Now 4 and 5, those are absolute crap. ODST provided the best atmosphere and setting (not to mention that OST) and Reach basically ended it full circle.
fucking google it retard
Never played it when it came out and I’m fucking stoked to finally give it a go.
Which Halo had the best soundtrack? Im feeling its between Reach, ODST and 3.
2 had the best everything.
Based Microsoft pissing off the chink shills
>Singlehandedly ruined the balance, multiplayer and added mechanics no one wanted
and that shit tier cliff hanger ending, fuck off.
because once you rent a game out, it's technically used and blockbuster was dying at that time so it had to liquidate.
the ending was shit. 3 existing makes you forget.
I'm about to start Halo Wars 2 what am I in for?
halo 2 is already on PC brainlet-kun.
C&C, halo edition. Its also uglier than the original for some reason
It handles and plays like dogshit, the gunplay in redneck rampage is better. Clicking a screen splashes the player with " wordswordswordswordswordswords " and a small mspaint/webcomic from the 90s.
I would like to see this list
xbox connect was a thing lurk more.
Fuck you, I'm gonna stick with reach for years as soon as it drops. I still pick up W@W to this day and hop on a server.
My friend worked on the porting of it, yes windows live was supposed to be crossplay.
A fun time.
NOPE, Call of duty Modern warfare ass fucked Halo 3's population hard. It didn't help many called it Halo 2.5
Why is Anderson no longer a qt azn
Will I need Windows 10 for this? I dont want to leave W7
Disappointment, the game is beautiful and the characters get more personality and its quite enjoyable but its still plagued by 343 syndrome.
>5-6 hour story
>4 Cinematics
>exposition out the ass
>$20 for the flood expansion which should have been part of the game in the first place
>awful voice acting
>small unit cap
>preselected areas for bases
>bad balance
>a stupid moba gamemode no one plays
they said it would work on Win7
You can have Win7
Have you sat down and actually listened to the OST? it was fucking bad, outside of the remade last spartan it was god awful.
when the FUCK is the beta/release date
You shouldn't even if you didn't it wouldn't be hard to get that shit running on 7 since that was the new toy microsoft made at the time.
weak bait
Is MCC the most hype thing all decade?
Cops and robbers on Far Cry Predator was fucking amazing. Probably one of the best console experiences in my vidya career.
>zoom zoom zoom
not an argument
neither is "hurr it's shit, muh words"
These are fps games with gunplay that took massive fucking dog shits on marathon.
>collection of all the games but better
>AR is a headshot weapon
>AR is finally good
What is objectively wrong with this?
>died out for a reason
Yea because 343 ruined it by making another generic unoriginally call of duty wannabe shooter.
lol you fucking wish
>system shock
is a completely different game
this one I'll give you, Duke and Quake were the first games that made me jealous enough to want to switch to PC
Killzone 2 was better. Very underrated game.
and for all the 3 cucks crying. reach still has a higher pop in multiplayer.
I don't know what your damage is, but dissing doom at all is a ticket to exile, go lurk for a while faggot.
With 4, yeah. 5 wasn’t CoD
>muh sacred doom
you need to stop trying so hard to fit in
yea 5 was ultimate shit
How is SPV3? I saw it and was impressed at first but after seeing its released build I am not too impressed anymore by it. It seems to be too cluttered with shit just for the sake of it and its still on those same old maps I have beaten countless times in CE anyways.
For what reasons, user?
Reach, 4, and 5 all have cheap CoD features tacked on, from gameplay to raw aesthetic. Halo fell out of style because the developers lost faith in their vision.
Firefight was way better and more fun in ODST. It fucking sucked major ass in Reach.
haah waaw 1 had a T rating too you goober
Reach and 4*
I used to hate Reach until I thought about it in hindsight, especially in comparison to everything that came after it.
how far do you have to lead your shot in halo 3? i cant get kills
*4 and 5
Actually Reach had regular threads and only got shit on retroactively once Redditors like you came to Yea Forums
And Reach
I’m the opposite, I used to like Reach until I looked at the whole picture and compared it to the other titles
Reach has more meaningful CoD elements than 5
A great emperor is not one who benefits from an age of peace, it's an emperor who works towards it.
Just because Halo 4 reaped the continued success of Halo, doesn't mean it helped Halo stay that successful.
Damn. That's actually a crazy feel knowing you and I have a polar opposite experience with the game.
5 is the best selling title and blew 4s first week sales out of the water
no sadly halo 5 map design is awful generally, there are good maps for team BRs but there are no good big team maps, technically the warzone maps are pretty huge but they are just clusterfucks around huge objectives and are also in warzone, which sucks.
halo is shakespeare compared to gears of war, that's the real chad dude game.
just get an xbox one and gamepass, goy. gears 3 runs at a silky smooth framerate and if you have an xbox one x it's in 4k. they really should just bring 2 and 3 to PC though.
Fuck off nigger,
Killzone 2 was fun, but it's aiming always felt weird to me.
This. Fuck me 343i is inept. They ruined an entire franchise in what should have been a free slam dunk.
>everyone i hate is reddit
it'll be dead at arrival because at arrival it's only going to have reach. Which most people didn't play.
It doesn't have aim assist is why.
all the reach kiddies grew up and thats what reddit wanted first so thats what we get
People fucking loved Reach, what?
It's the only game still on the list after it's successor released.
They are releasing in chronological order though
Even 343 said the only reason they're wasting time on Reach is because r/Halo begged for it.
Learn to read faggot
I don't post on reddit but one of the most satisfying things I've seen on the site is them downvoting the shit out of Reachfags, even they know Reachfgs need to be gassed. I knew the only reason Yea Forums likes that terrible game was because some contrarian shit to be different from reddit.
Why are nudevelopers so soulless, I haven't seen a passionate studio in fucking years. Makes me feel ashamed for being born a millennial.
(you) nigger i had a physical retail copy
The Xbox huge CE maps suck. That map in particular he posted is way too large for how few players are going to be on it. Gephyrophobia is okay but I would rather have had something like Boarding Action in MCC instead.
Never played Reach but what I remember most about Halo 2's campaign was dying to jackal snipers on legendary. Fuck that shit. I think I liked Halo 1's campaign better, even for all its problems . H1 goes downhill after the flood comes out but it was a joy before that; the AI in it was and is still very good
Gephyrophobia was not on the xboxhuge version
So there is no release date? Do you guys expect it out by the summer you think or what?
No, but it is Xbox huge, which is the problem.
Doesn't MCC have all the maps though?
how comes this was not announce during E3?
Reach was hated when it first came out just as Halo was for casualizing shooters
because they need testers, announcing at E3 would probably be too late for whatever date they're aiming for
or maybe they don't want the focus to be taken away from other announcements Microsoft have for E3
Better than Halo 1?
I've never played Reach
So they announced. Makes sense, since it uses the PC port of CE.
never played halo and preferred crysis in the past but i am honestly pumped
wouldn't be more exciting if that happen? They still might show up during E3.
I never owned a 360 or XBone so I'm kind of just looking forward to picking up where the story left off (for me) 15 years ago or whenever I finished Halo 2.
>Face it, it's dead on arrival
>multiple Halo threads on Yea Forums right now
It's pretty much copy/pasted from CE but it has more enemies active at once, more horsepower
It's the worst game in the series.
>best armor customization
>best UI design period
>best theater mode
>best sound design
>most customizable Firefight
>best armor customization
Halo 3
>best UI design period
Halo 3
>best theater mode
Halo 3
>best sound design
Halo: Combat Evolved
>most customizable Firefight
ODST had a better Firefight
Reach had objectively the best Campaign and Multiplayer in the series, what the hell are you smoking?
This is true.
This is bait and I'm pretty sure you're this faggot .
>best armor customization
>Halo 3
In the sheer amount of options (so basically horsepower in a drag race) Reach pulls ahead, and some of Halo 3's armor requirements were fucking bullshit.
But to each their own.
>best UI design period
>Halo 3
You knew upon posting this that it was wrong and posted it anyway. It's just Halo 2's with some extra menus and piss poor performance. Not exceptional in any regard.
Meanwhile Halo Reach's UI can seamlessly transition from the Lobby, to the Armory, to your Party, or to your Settings with a touch of the d-pad and zero loading screens inbetween any of the former, or the remaining menus, and the framerate is stable the entire time. It's one of the most functional and stable UI designs ever put in a game and I urge you to try it out for yourself.
>best sound design
>Halo: Combat Evolved
I'll give you this one. Raw atmosphere is one thing, but Reach definitely has the best impact noises and explosions. The meatiest the guns and grenades have ever sounded.
I genuinely love the shit out of Reach and had the most play time in it out of any Halo game. I honestly do not understand the hate for Reach. Also, I'm not that faggot.
Epic shills coping
You must be smoking something if you honestly believe Halo 3 had better armor customization than Reach that had the most variety and in depth customization.
>some of Halo 3's armor requirements were fucking bullshit
Get good, Reach babby
>You knew upon posting this that it was wrong and posted it anyway. It's just Halo 2's with some extra menus
And that's why it's better
>The meatiest the guns and grenades have ever sounded.
Too bad they're weak as shit when it comes to killing.
Halo 3 was a better game overall than Reach, but Halo 2 was also better than Reach along with Halo CE.
>And that's why it's better
It ran like absolute shit.
>I honestly do not understand the hate for Reach
I honestly do not understand why Reach babbies like you keep asking this question, you're as bad as retards that ask why Other M gets hate, look it up I'm tired of explaining it. You should know.
Reach ran like absolute shit.
I was talking about armor customization, not which is the better game you tard. It doesn't matter which is the better game, it's factual that Reach had the most diverse character customization of any Halo game.
No, I don't fucking know. As someone who has played every single Halo game, I fucking love Reach and think it anlongside Halo 3 are the two best Halo games.
Ignore him he's a fucking retard that comes into every thread and has to derail it with Reach deflections to avoid admitting that 343's games are worse.
Look it up, I'm not breastfeeding your ass when you hear why everyone hated the game every fucking week.
We hear why YOU hated the game every fucking week.
Reach is shit and if you defend you might as well defend Halo 4 and 5 because those games build off this shit. Reach is the reason Halo 4 and 5 suck. You Reach babbies can take your 343shill buddies and get the fuck out of the community already.
Literally every complaint about Reach is really dumb small nitpicking shit.
>Reach is the reason Halo 4 and 5 suck
No shit, it's still a better game.
Enjoy your delusions
You hear me and other anons on why we hated that piece of shit every week, you need get over yourself and realized that it was a shit Halo game that plague everything after it.
You need to get over yourself and admit it's still a good game.
Yet you defend Reach, get the fuck out of here. The only real Halo games are Halo CE, Halo 2, and Halo 3, the rest don't apply.
So this is what Reach babbies tell themselves.
As a Reach lover, fuck you and stop spreading that bullshit. I hate Halo 4 and Halo 5, they are nothing like Reach AT ALL. You're delusional as fuck.
It was a bad game and I will always see it as such, it makes me sick that it gets any praise here.
They're all the cancer that came from Reach, you're the problem, you're the reason Halo went to shit.
>it makes me sick that it gets any praise here
>it makes me sick that people like thing
Because you're a fucking aspie, clearly
343 copied Reach because they were fucking incompetent and had no unique ideas of their own when designing their own Halo games.
But Reach was a fucking spinoff. Not the game's fault.
Halo went to shit because 343 doesn't know what the fuck they're doing. Stop being stubborn.
This Reach boogeyman is getting stale.
Anyone who hates on Reach objectively has shit taste and you can't convince me otherwise.
Yeah, Reach was such a spin-off that the hack, Marcus Lehto, wanted to keep this gameplay if Bungie ever made a Halo 4 and called it an evolution of Halo's gameplay so basically what we got from Halo 4 and 5 wasn't far. Reach was garbage that damaged Halo.
Halo went to shit past Halo 3 when Bungie were on contract duty.
Beta when?
>the actual amount of retards in this thread who never beat 2's campaign on legendary but think they might get Yea Forumstard contrarian points if they default to everything about 2 as the best Halo
Master Chief is weaker than a marine in H2 and has no hp pool.
Enemies fire faster than physically possible with their plasma weapons, instant reaction and better tracking.
Elite melees can now one shot from full.
Sniper Jackal aimbot.
CE, H3, and ODST are all widely considered better campaigns. Even Reach is marginally better even though the writing is more retarded, simply from weapon/enemy sandbox variety.
Anyone who likes Reach should shoot themselves.
Wheres a download for CE?
The games are getting released in chronological order, so it's going to be Reach, CE, 2, ODST, 3, and then 4. The only release info we have is that they'll release it when it's ready. The problem is, they made it sound like they haven't even touched any game after CE, so who knows how long that'll take.
>5 is the best selling title
False. Halo 3 is STILL the best selling and fastest halo.
What PC gamer would actually buy this?
reachniggers eternally in denial.
They're the equivalent Xenophiles from tumblr that praise Halo 2's campaign because they want Elite dick.
>be Reach
>excellent ui
>diverse and visually pleasing assortment of all kinds of armor
>fully fleshed out armory with great sounds and effects
>smooth and responsive movement
>multiplayer (all of em had great multiplayer desu)
>pretty much only loses in campaign quality
>only decried by insufferable faggots
Reach is the best Halo game; prove me wrong.
>you cant
if you disliked halo 2's campaign but liked halo 3's campaign which was 80% vehicle combat you're a pleb
It died because Halo 3 finished the fight. There was a bit of room for prequels and side stories, but the events of the original trilogy didn't really leave much room for a halo 4 so 343 had to come up with some bullshit about an ancient space dracula awakening.
this guy loves it.
odst is a retarded game
>odst are cheap knockoff spartan
>its story is the most bland of the series
>its protag is a silent bland character like every cod protag
>false advertisment
>odst can use XBOX HUGH hammer without snapping their spine
I'm just not contrarian faggot like you, I don't want to fit in with the crowd to be cool.
Because why dedicate your time and effort into making something good when theres enough mongoloid creaturas out there who will splash out on any old tripe regardless of quality?
Leaked Halo 3 campaign on PC (It's a Halo Online mod)
No need, Reach was shit, worst in the series due to campaign, levels, story, characters, multiplayer, and gameplay all being shit.
Reach is not the best Halo, but it does have the best campaign
Anyone calling Halo 2, ODST, or Reach the best, they're contrarians, discard their opinions.
lol, thanks for (you) faggot
top kek, that's not what keeps an fps game alive. Reach absolutely has the best gameplay and multiplayer.
Dead on arrival cause you can already play Halo 3 campaign on PC for free lololol
This. Everyone seems to forget Cod4 and Mw2 came out at the same time reach did. This is the real reason the playerbase evaporated.
I can't wait to play halo with my friends
>i-i-it was Call of Duty's fault
Reach just sucked.
I thought this was a cradle at first, what the fuck.
To you
Fuck off, retard. It's obvious that there's crossover between the Halo and CoD fanbases, (you) would have to be a shiteater to not realize CoD took over Halo's spot as THE game to play.
>that nigger on the top right
eldewrito is cool and all but i want official support
also ms killed eldewrito
dead on arrival is now a meme term used by faggots who can't admit they love getting raped by dominant women.
I hope they keep the armor lock glitch in forge, that was great.
I don't care what you 4/5 niggers say. You can be segregated on your low pop servers when mcc comes out.
I'm going home.
Reach should have been about the invasion, not small scale skirmishes, it should have been about fighting an overwhelming force.
It did not feel that way at all.
Also the night "stealth level" they don't give you any silenced weapon.
Yeah and both Bungie and Microsoft fucked up Halo's gameplay to followsuit.
*follow suit
cuck no shilling!
cuck no shilling!
cuck no shilling!
user I...
Holy shit i cant believe HALO is on computer
Reach had the best campaign.
Huh? It's a completely different feeling playing the rookie. You're noticeably weaker. Hence why you have to run and hide around New Mombasa.
>High Charity Suite
Yeah Reach was a prequel for a reason.
Halo story was over and other games did the multiplayer better.
>i have never met a human ever
99% of people who arent fags came in their pants for halo 1-3 story
halo 3 legendary ending too
so obviously after a long afk period halo 4 is announced, a direct continuation of halo 3
of course the sales are going to shoot up, buying a game isn't hard user
But Halo 4 had a ridiculous amount of hype and sold well, even Halo 5 sold well and people are hyped as shit for Infinite.
Not him you mean the hype and success of Halo 3, Reach sold like shit.
are halo threads full of so much low tier shitposting because people are pretending to be underage/young, or is it the genuine underages/younglings?
>only avaiable on Steam or Microsoft store
Enjoy having a botnet collecting all your data on the computer.
It’s really your weapons that are weak rather than you the player, since they took out the BR for some asinine reason so you have to rely on the carbine and shitty automag.
2007 was a much simpler time.
>epic shills are visiting other threads
halo is their biggest threat and curveball that no one saw coming, of course they'd be here
Guys, do you think it will get split screen on PC? I want to play with my bro.
Don't bring Tetris into your bullshit argument.
The franchise died, not the old games. They're still worth replaying as much as yesterday.
>dont a single mention of Epic
>VaIvedrones think anyone that does not worship their DRM botnet platform must be a shill from somewhere
Best cast too.
>it's DOA
>yesterday the ElDewrito devs released stats and the game had over 500,000 unique players
ok bud
Will Reach have the DLC maps?
Never got to play them much but they were really cool from what I did get to play of them.
>Rue and Woe
>Pursuit of Truth
>Ghosts of Reach
>Earth City
>Heavy Price Paid
>In Amber Clad
The list of basically untouchable tracks goes on and on. Sounds like inoperable shit taste.
Objectively wrong.
>Halo 3 and Reach were played for tens of thousands of hours
>*Halo 3 was played for tens of thousands of hours and Reach was played for the first 3 months then completely dropped by 90% of the population and then quickly died down to the popularity of an indie title
Fixed that for you baby zoomer
Not yet.
le epic trol
>Far Cry: Halo
I'm really excited for a Halo game for the first time since 3.
Halo 2 multiplayer is the most fun I've had playing videogames.
The bad the Rookie died sometime after the events of the game.
>reach had the best forge and best armor customization
yet the core gameplay was objectively worse. If you would like to debate me on the game mechanics feel free, as you will lose
>also while the abilities were controversial you cannot tell me extra modes like firefight and invasion weren't helpful
Firefight was in ODST first, were you born in 2006 or something? I'm not an invasion fan but if you like it to each their own
>the REAL reason why the playerbase dropped off is because call of duty took over
CoD took over long before Reach came out. MW2 came out a full year before Reach, yet Halo 3 still managed to maintain a high population, even while 3 CoD games and Bad Company 2 were out at their peak popularity. Right before Reach launched Halo 3 easily had 150K+ players at any given time. So are you telling me that we lost 85% of our playerbase in 3-4 months because of CoD, even tho a game from 2007 competed with it no problem for 3 years? You would know all of these numbers if you actually played at that time, but you didn't because you are obviously a 14 year old that played Reach and 3 for the first time in 2017
>4 BTFO halo 3 just a few months after it launched
pic related baby zoomer. Halo 4's population plummeted even faster than Reach, the fact that you weren't even around in 2012 is obvious
>Black Ops was pretty fucking huge when it came out
so was MW1, and MW2, did either of those kill Halo 3? Anyway, this is an 18+ website. Please come back in 4 years, but preferably don't
It died out with Reach you zoomer. We lost 85% of the playerbase in just 4 months. Reach killed the playerbase but the babbies here don't remember because they were still shitting their pants at the time
No shit it ass fucked it, but even after an ass fucking it still stayed well above 100K. Something that no other Halo since can say
Honestly it died because they made the same mistake Capcom did, they tried chasing the CoD audience and fucked up the core mechanics because of this. Reach tried to downplay it into the armor abilities (which actually did pretty well far as I'm concerned) but 4 went into maximum overCoD and 5 didn't dial it back down enough. Hopefully Infinite goes back to the basics.
>"People fucking loved Reach, what?"
>this zoomer is too young to have played Reach when the playerbase completely abandoned it in the first few months
Actually let me narrate what happened:
>Bungie made game
>it was good
>minority of shitters complained about shit like bloom and armor lock
>majority was fine and enjoyed the game
>343 too over
>shitters swarmed the forums to complain even though they had stopped playing the game
>343 patched bloom, turning the Earth Ripper DMR that already dominated everything single gametype into a Destroyer of Worlds, and making armor lock plain useless
>shitters never returned to play the game even though it was patched
>the majority that was still playing it largely complained, said the game was good before
>"too late" said 343
>then Halo remasters hit, and 343 started to revamp all matchmaking playlists
>which is apparently a very, very, very long process
>some playlists, like Objective or Big Team Battle, were made unavailable for MONTHS
>most Firefight playlists outright disappared for almost a year
>they then created 50 or so playlists, depending on whether you wanted to play Reach style, Reach style without armor abilities, Classic style... and then dozens of variations depending on which map packs you had
>community was spread so fucking thin, not to mention so fed up with this bullshit, it died
Reach was a great thing, 343 fucking genocided its online mode. That's what happened.
>caring about campaign
>you will never play prime GTA 4 multiplayer again
$ for old games that everybody but pc has played
we already played them
we just want to go back
Played Combat Evolved and 2 on the Xbox as a kid but never kept up with them after that, will buy this to finally finish the fight.
>DMR was already the best gun in the game
>343 made it consistent so battles weren't a slot machine
>shitters cried that they couldn't hold forward on blood gulch anymore
Literally where is the problem?
>not caring about one entire half of the game which is so highly replayable, with skulls and friends on coop
Whoa whoa let's not get hasty here
>heck, buy two!
me and my friend still occasionally say this in person
Yes, they removed it
or maybe you can turn it off. But I think it's removed by default.
>buys SotC for the 10th time
That's just three times.
>unironically my happiest moment so far this year was an email from an ex I hadn't heard from in years.
Shit dude
The problem is people thought the DMR should be a rail gun that should be accurate at any distance no matter the rate of fire, even though the point was precisely to balance it. And once they "fixed" it, they made it a parameter that couldn't be changed in custom games.
The fact you're even defending this bullshit shows you never really played the game after the TU, otherwise you'd know the shitshow this was, and you'd understand why the community died- not because the game was bad, but because it was ruined.
>Nobody gives a fuck about Combat Evolved
Wrong, fag
>it was good
no it wasn't, and since someone asked me earlier in the thread, I will list just a fraction of the reasons why in my next post
>majority was fine and enjoyed the game
Then why did they stop playing it after 3 months? There is literally no argument against this. It is a fact that the population was decimated in a few months, yet you people keep trying to argue that everyone loved Reach, despite being the first Halo game to have a mass exodus
>shitters swarmed the forums to complain even though they had stopped playing the game
You mean people who actually understood Halo on a mechanical level? I was on Waypoint everyday during those times. It was all futile because normies didn't know WHY they loved Halo 2 and 3. We did. They clearly didn't like Reach nearly as much because they would have kept playing it if they did
>the majority that was still playing it largely complained, said the game was good before
You mean the population that was 20% the size of Halo 3's 3 years after release? By the time the updates came out Reach was on life support. All the points you made after this are completely irrelevant, because the game had already died while Bungie was in control. 343 took was handed a carcass
Is Halo 4's multi really that bad? Can it not be played in a "classic" like mode?
I would assume it has the best Forge mode of the MCC right, so that has to count for something?
Are you seriously saying no one had a xbox for halo 2 on release?
Do you have any fucking IDEA how many xboxs halo CE sold? The ignorance
so many kino moments in that game
>small skirmish happening
>guy starts shooting my beat up car
>catches on fire
>steer towards him
>jump out
>it slams him into a wall and blows up
>xXAnon54 fucked up Shitter69
The majority of Halo 3's MP maps are fucking garbage. It's like they were TRYING to make steaming shit with results like Rat's Next, Isolation, Blackout, Orbital, Ghost Town, Epitaph, Longshore and fuck knows what else I can't remember.
>Then why did they stop playing it after 3 months? There is literally no argument against this. It is a fact that the population was decimated in a few months, yet you people keep trying to argue that everyone loved Reach, despite being the first Halo game to have a mass exodus
Nice numbers fag.
Oh wait they're only in your head.
>The problem is people thought the DMR should be a rail gun that should be accurate at any distance no matter the rate of fire
Well, why shouldn't it be? Why should the so-called "Designated Marksman Rifle" be more effective the closer you are to a target?
Not reallty, it still fired slow and had low bloom expansion to begin with.
Yeah, it sucks the pistol didn't get a spread reduction. It would have made for a cool high-DPS alternative to the DMR, but it was just way too inaccurate even without bloom.
>The fact you're even defending this bullshit shows you never really played the game after the TU
I played plenty of it after the patch, possibly even more than before it. I had so many hundreds of hours in ZB customs playing on forge maps.
>You mean the population that was 20% the size of Halo 3's 3 years after release?
Nice way to completely miss the part where 343 fucked the balance so bad people just left.
The Renaissance is coming boys.
Are you implying that Reach was holding Halo 3 numbers, and they all dropped it because of a patch that was only in a few playlists?
Indisputable tier list.
>Well, why shouldn't it be? Why should the so-called "Designated Marksman Rifle" be more effective the closer you are to a target?
Because it's a video game. Because gameplay balance. It shouldn't be realistic, it should be fun. That is the thing this user tried to explain, but which you fail to understand. The DMR was a starting rifle for most loadouts, way too common, and way to versatile at any range. It rendered most guns useless. Removing bloom was stupid, I think the proper decision should have been to reduce its ammo capacity back to what it was in beta, not buff it.
It held decent numbers, actually playable. Once 343 turned the DMR into the only weapon worth using and added sixty million playlists (not a few), everybody that was left just ejected back to Halo 3.
Good job selectively replying and leaving out the parts that already answer your post. I think we're done, stay deluded, and enjoy that Halo 5.
So exactly how and why did halo become a console series when originally it was for the pc
I got it on release babyman
if the playerbase abandoned it that badly then you sure as hell couldn't tell
>Because gameplay balance.
It was already the best gun in the game, the only thing that changed was the game becoming more consistent. It unironically made the game take more skill, because pacing at anything but max range with the DMR was a fool's errand, you'd just get picked off by someone firing as fast as possible.
I will enjoy my guns that shoot straight. Enjoy your garbage that split the fanbase in two, and keep blaming outside forces for why people didn't like it.
The patch was global user, it reduced removed bloom, made armor lock useless, disabled energy sword block, nerfed active camo for no reason, and added bleedthrough. Only zero bloom was on some playlists, the rest was everywhere and affected everything, from campaign to firefight.
And those playlists are another reason it died: players were spread out over dozens of playlists, waiting queues went on forever. People eventually stopped playing. Bungie understood this, they'd rather have few playlists, so that players may not always get the gametype or the map they want, at least they're playing, and not waiting for special snowflakes to play some specific map and gametype.
343 had zero experience in handling nor interacting with a community, and it shows.
Anyway, Reach was a pile of shit, and here's just a few reasons why:
>Game played at a snails pace for a variety of reasons I will mention
>Bloom not only added unnecessary randomness to the game, killing the competitive community, but it slowed fights to a crawl
>movement speed, jump height, and strafing were nerfed (your spartan completely stopped before changing direction, making strafing much less effective), this meant that fights became more of a "who shot first". Good players could turn fights around while being 2 or 3 down by being good at mixing up their strafes, ghandi hops, crouches etc, now the capacity to do that is diminished, killing the depth in combat
>DMR killed BTB map movement as it was a cross mapping GOD. Less map movement means less dynamic gameplay, and more camping. Could have been fixed by making it a map pickup
>Vehicles aside from tanks were rendered useless against a competent team, as team DMR fire could take down a banshee, or any other vehicle in just a few seconds, and combined with the free vehicle kill spartan laser, their was no reason for a good player to use them when you could pick scrubs off with cross map DMR
>Armor lock was literally a pause button, completely stopping the game as you wait for the inevitable, and the occasional cool vehicle kill doesn't make up for this flaw
>Jet pack completely negates the concept of map control (good players used this broken ability, just because retards flew into the middle of the sky and got killed doesn't change this)
>Any supposed speed benefit of sprint is completely negated by the fact that maps were supersized to accommodate it. A "small" Reach map was the size of a medium-large map in 1-3. This meant that we had to endure pointless running sequences to get to the action, which ended up making the game feel even slower
>sprint was a get out of jail free card as you could just press a button instead of being punished for your poor positioning
I can go on
>The patch was global user
It literally was not specifically to pacify babies like you.
>pacing at anything but max range with the DMR was a fool's errand, you'd just get picked off by someone firing as fast as possible.
Yeah now everyone can spam the trigger at long range. What is it you don't understand about balance?
>I will enjoy my guns that shoot straight.
They shoot straight. Bloom is how the character absorbs recoil over time. Not that there is any need to go realistic, the point is this gun can't be a railgun, because it needs some balance.
>killing the competitive community
And this is bad how?
Is it really spamming if there's no punishment for it? Did you "spam" the BR when firing it at its max rate of fire?
>What is it you don't understand about balance
That it was never balanced in the first place, and greatly rewarded luck over actually being good at the game.
>the point is this gun can't be a railgun
Why not? Reach already had the slowest TTK of its time.
they had already left before 343 took over you fucking retard. The population died in the first 3-4 months. You babbies weren't there so stop talking as if you were
The only babbies were the ones crying about the game being bad and asking for a fix. Maybe you should read: halopedia.org
>It held decent numbers
30K people was not "good" numbers for a Halo game
>Once 343 turned the DMR into the only weapon worth using and added sixty million playlists (not a few), everybody that was left just ejected back to Halo 3.
>everybody that was left
>implying there was anyone left
>the update is unique in that it currently is gametype-based, and has not been directly applied to the full multiplayer game code.
Literally the first paragraph.
>the point is this gun can't be a railgun
>Why not?
Are you for real?
>if the playerbase abandoned it that badly then you sure as hell couldn't tell
>being so retarded you can't look at the population counter
This person is a retard. Most of his shit is just crybaby bullshit, but
>map packs presented by mountain dew
Is where he really goes full retard. Yeah, the way they did map packs split the community a bit, but by making them free after a few months bungie got paid and even poorfags got to enjoy all the content
Literally why not? Because it punished you for running out in the middle of Boneyard like a retard?
Great user, you're so good at reading. Please go on and reach the fifth paragraph at least.
>killing off a huge portion of your population that actually plays the game beyond the first 3 months isn't bad
Why would I look at the population counter?
I was too busy enjoying the game.
Because the whole point of balancing weapons is so that no gun is the best one in any situation, and if you make one weapon the best, then you just broke the entire fucking game.
Do you even understand what you're talking about?
The part where they don't mention anything about it being a game-wide change?
Or the part where you couldn't adapt?
So there was no change from the base game?
It wasn't the majority, it precisely stopped playing because "waaah bloom", and it's cancerous as fuck. Yeah, it isn't bad.