Post pics of your switch
What are you playing right now?
What are you planning to get next?
Comfy Switch Thread
also recommend me some games
>what are you playing right now?
Nothing, because there are literally no games until Mario Maker 2
>what are you planning to get next?
Mario Maker 2
comfy is just a code word for boring desu
Fire Emblem Three Houses is a mistake of a game and I want it cancelled. Dumb otome shit artist.
That said, I'm playing Breath of the Wild and Smash Bros 5. I really like the Switch but right now I'm preoccupied with other games on other consoles. I even have a Switch online shared account for Smash and the competition online is full of retards or broken shit like Bayonetta and Isabelle.
where do you get white cons??????
I thought bayo was garbage in ultimate (compared to sm4sh)
show dick
Hows Turok 1? Is it a long game?
Post yours first.
>not liking Otome style
anything is better than the fates/awakening style, wish we got the Echos artist but oh well
my first run was like 5 hours. most of it was looking through level 4 for the 2 keys I missed
People who think comfy = boring are all autistic lifeless NEETs who can't appreciate just kind of doing nothing after a long day of work, and need to be constantly entertained like a fucking child
Prove me wrong
>What are you playing right now?
Splatoon 2, Rayman Legends.
>What are you planning to get next?
Yoshi's Crafted World next week, really excited for it.
Some indie games seem so incredibly overpriced when you have Blaster Master and Hollow Knight for $10~
Playing Fate. Surprised by how much they changed from Umbral Star.
Not planning in anything for a while. Ive amassed a big backlog and I need to start working on it.
This dumb motherfucker acting like Baba is You didn't just come out
I'm having a blast with ape escape. Looking forward to baba is you. I'm also excited about assassin's Creed and how well it will run. Also excited about Cup Head and I will get Unravel 2 but I think my GF will be too stupid for it. We are currently playing Pikuniku.
whats the appeal of this
Hoping so hard that the Castlevania Collection has The Adventure Rebirth
How are you able to buy Dead or Alive Scarlet?
Also rate m meager collection.
How is Furi on Switch. I kinda want to replay it, and I wouldn't mind having a switch copy.
And you're acting like it's not multiplat
Dang Nintendo NEEDS to release some official arctic white joycons
Nice faggy pokeyman switch
Nip eShop cards
Absolutely loving DOOM right now
> >not liking Otome style
>planning to get
Woolly World was 10/10 for me but Crafted does nothing for me
Playing Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon and Blaster Master Zero 2
Probably gonna pick up Labo VR when it comes out, the latest video that came out really sold me on it, tons of minigames and VR Garage should lend itself to replayability, unlike the piece of shit Robot Backpack that I haven't touched since it came out other than to show my young nephews who got bored of it within 15 minutes. I really enjoyed building it though.
>Be a FEfag
>Actually looking forward to FE3H
>Thinks the new artstyle is fine, same with Awakening/Fates
>Can't actually talk about FE because of either retarded Smashfags or other FEfags who hate everything in the franchise that isn't their particular group
I hate this
>What are you playing right now?
Playing Salmon Run right now, it's fun and just fairly chill. Playing through BMZ 2 as well which is great, I fucking loved the first game.
>What are you planning to get next?
Hopefully nothing till the summer when a bunch of things I want come out and just work on my backlog in the meantime, but if I do get anything it'll probably be Puyo Puyo Tetris, Dead Cells, or Blind Price. If I decide I wanna get Dragon Marked for Death I'll get that though.
That's a lot of fightan.
>Isaac and both BMZ
You my nigga.
Is Blaster Master Zero 2 better than the first game? I only played a demo of it
They're both good but BMZ2 feels more polished and adds a few new mechanics
Tales of Vesperia, Gal Metal, replaying XB2
>What are you planning to get next?
I'll be getting FF7 on Tuesday and maybe get Grim Fandango soon
>Gal Metal
What's up only other person on the board who has played Gal Metal?
Sup friend
the 2 south park games are good if you like south park
I want to play this because it's the closest thing I'll get to a Hisone game
It's worth it if you like drumming, it's not really a traditional rhythm game but more of a simple drumming simulator, which is good for what it is.
>What are you playing right now?
Pic related, Taiko and Golf Story
>What are you planning on getting next?
I've got a whole load of indie games on my wishlist in the eshop but am short on cash because of work related shit. Sucks.
he's too dumb to play it.
How is the deadcells switch port? Looks like a fun game but cant decide on a platform.
I wholeheartedly agree with you. It's fantastic to dit down after a hard day of work with a drink and a comfy game.
Its a real shame the online for this is dead.
Yo, any doa and vita fans here?
I want that doa extreme 3 scarlett but I own the vita version, I do want a visual upgrade however and if the switch when docked can out do the vita version I'll get that!
>what am I playing right now
Dunno, i got 30 games total and I cant bring myself to play any of them, not even bayonetta 2 which I was dying for
Plsy Bayo and get over it over with. I started it, put it aside but was so glad I continued it. I want news on 3, damn it.
I'm playing Detention and Dark Souls
Planning to play more Dark Souls and maybe try Cave Story next
I started Xenoblade 2 at the start of the month, shit's fucking long
the shill threads for Baba is you make me wanna try it out next
Sell me on your favorite Switch game, Yea Forums. I'm willing to play anything.
Turok holds up.
Monster hunter generations ultimate
>plenty to do, minimum play time for 100% is 300 hours
>you can beat the shit out of giant monsters with a big ass hammer
>you can play with others online
>you will git gud
Cunnybuster 2 is pretty good
Kind of wanted to buy one today. I think I'll just wait for Sword & Shield or Super Nep RPG.
>Buying a free mobile game
There are plenty of games to play in the meantime user, why not get one now to acquaint yourself with the console?
i can usually find matches
Not gonna lie user, those joycons are tight.
Probably getting Turok next, then Ace Attorney.
Get graceful explosion machine if you want something small and cheap
Really just felt too weird today to be bothered to go get one, but you've convinced me. I'll do it!
>What are you playing right now?
Finally got Taiko and the drums, so much fun.
>What are you planning to get next?
Mario Maker 2
Is Chocobo Mystery Dungeon good? It's still too expensive for me to buy right now but I'll probably pick it up on sale if it's decent.
How long does it take to take off the training wheels in Generations? Last MH I played was 3U and I remember it taking a while to really get going on your own.
Nonetheless, thanks for the recommendation. I honestly forgot GU came out in the states so I'll have to look into it.
I have no idea what game you're referring to with that fake title.
Just watched the trailer. Looks fun. Thanks!
MHGU, best ARPG of all time and you get to wreck giant monsters.
I've been playing Rune Factory 4 on my 3DS too, and frankly I'm going to get the Switch version and now immensely more hyped for RF5
I've been wanting something comfy like this, to stand next to Stardew Valley, and eventually AC
Fucking loving Splatoon 2.
Why didn't I get it earlier?
I'm playing it right now in handheld mode, it's pretty good. Worth it at full price for me, but it'll definitely go on sale eventually if you wanna wait.
Personally I'm waiting for the FFIX and VII to go on sale before buying them since I already own the physical copies. Having them on the Switch will be neat though.
>I have no idea what game you're referring to with that fake title.
I think he's referring to Gal Gun 2, which is actually really good
playing shitloads of diablo3 season. just finished mighty gunvolt burst. tossing up whether or not to get mega man 11. still have to finish second half of bayo2, final area of splat2+dlc, botw dlc, and torna.
favourite switch title so far is probably xeno2. hope torna is just as good. looking forward to fire emblem. and i never played cuphead so i'll probably grab that as long as it doesnt run at 30fps or 500p or something stupid.
>love splatoon 2 gameplay
>hate when games rank me
>bored of turf wars
>want to play other modes
>dont want to get my shitty rank showed on in my face after every game
Casual ranked game modes when?
Imagine being this bitter
>Square is gonna sell FFXI for 50 rupees
This actually makes me angry
sure am bitter about no games. have fun with your comfy no games shitch
How to get the white?
Neon Blue and Pink are the comfiest official colours.
How do you got Scion already?
>>dont want to get my shitty rank showed on in my face after every game
>Casual ranked game modes when?
The game is casual af to begin with. I mean, it's a drag, but plodding through the C rank takes a couple of nights at most, if you're at least decent at the game.
I mean, I never consider myself good at shooters, but I win 90% of my matches.
But user I'm playing a game right now in handheld mode in between shitposting
>What are you playing right now?
Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion
>What are you planning to get next?
Final Fantasy VII
i was looking forward to ff12 because i never played it when it came out. check the eshop page
yeah no thanks
Switch seems peak comfy but it cost like half a year salary with shipping and customs fees in my shithole country, I hope someday I can get out and get neat stuff like this.
Have fun lads
what's the need to shout out to the world you're a homo ?
damn that does look comfy, too bad my OG joycons are kinda busted or I would do this too
Cyan and magenta go pretty well with eachother, good choice
t. Graphic designer
I brought it too
There’s a confirmed 3 of us
I need to get around to getting that one of these days.
currently playing smash mostly, also trying to get all the moon in odyssey. next games i am planning to get are botw, splatoon2, smm2, maybe yoshis crafted world
What country?
I'm from Mexico and I can afford it and some games
I'm this guy
>my brother bought these pro controllers for $100 total, new and sealed
I'm mad.
Its the Lulua demo.
On weekends, finding matches nearby isn’t too hard. On weekdays, I have to search everywhere.
The real shame is that I keep getting my ass kicked.
How do you get those without overpaying?
Been getting back into MH with some friends and got Nuclear Throne. Lot of people said it's better than Gungeon, but I think I still prefer gungeon.
>even got the splatoon one
Damn lucky. How did he get Pyra's butt controller though? It's like 200$.
Playing, nothing specifically.
Next game is Xenon Racer on Tuesday. Very eager.
I was thinking about buying a Switch but is it really worth it if emulation will do the same thing?
Nintendo should release a transparent/translucent version of the switch.
I recently bought both FF VII and IX, waiting for VII to drop on Tuesday so I can lose a month or two of my life playing it.
I'm waiting for Hollow Knight Silksong and Cuphead next.
You deserve to suffer nazi frog faggot
holy shit Yea Forums has recovered
no switch hate in this entire thread
you fucking jinxed it
I don't know. I just get'em from PlayAsia and I haven't been scammed for had my card info stolen...yet .
I feel you man. I also actually really liked Echos. I just want more FE regardless of how it's delivered too me.
Hell if I know. He claims eBay.
Been playing Disgaea 5. It's fun but so fucking overwhelming with all the stuff the game throws at you.
I'll probably get Okami and MHGU sometime soon though.
It's almost like consolewar faggotry is fucking stupid, and an outdated concept that needs to die
not him but he was just asking if there was a way to get them at regular price. play-asia charges you more than they're worth. they'll sell a 1,000 yen card for like $16 usd, for example.
anyway, is there actually anything new in scarlet? i have doax3 on vita, and it is an absolute joke of a game. the volleyball is shit and the minigames suck qte gigacock. did they make the game good or do people just enjoy it ironically?
Don't get Okami on Switch
Just fucking do not
You will regret it, I know I do
>What are you planning to get next?
>Mario kart
>Mario tenis
>Mario oddysey
>Mario maker
>That other mario, the one with the peach toaddete
>Bayo 1,2,3
>Chain chroniclreaction whatever platinum games
>rmx speed or whatever the wiiu port is called
>Unruly heroes
>Shantae pirate's curse and the half genie one
>Salt and sanctuary
>The one with the cat slug thing
>Hollow knight
>The new pokemon game, the good one
>Dragon's dogma
>Zelda, the open world and the chibi one
>Donkey kong
>Dragon quest builders
>Devil engine
>Debris infinite
>Wild guns
>Metal slug
>Worms wmd
>octopath (is it good?)
>Crash team racing
>Sega genesis classic collection
>The megaman collection
>Grim fandango
>Blaster master zero 2
>Katana zero
>Wyzard of legend
>Cadence of hyrule
Shells and back cover from aliexpress, both cost around $16 with coupons.
Why? I got it on PC and I had so much issues with the port. Is it also bad on the Switch?
Baba is you is good
It’s retard tier easy then goes to full SSS Fuck you hard
Bomberman user here, still quietly grinding. Don't want to make a big post until I have some significant progress. Moar stages and moar accessories.
>>octopath (is it good?)
Story is mediocre but the JRPG mechanics and music are top notch. A must play if you're a fan of the 16 bit JRPG era.
Yes, the camera is especially fucked
Oh, and one of this and the sf30 pro.
I'm playing Tetris 99, one more tryhard away from throwing my switch into the wall
but I'll be okay ^.^
might try FFIX
Nothing right now
>planning to get
Going on a trip soon so I'm looking for something short and sweet I can play during downtime, something metroidvania-ey probably. Are Owlboy and/or Iconoclasts any good? Also kinda looking at Blaster Master no meme responses pls
Trying to decide between Superbeat Xonic or Voez.
What about that "rpg maker"?
Some golf game ....
Boring (and dirty) Switch here.
Finishing up Chapter 4s in Octopath, and raging in Splatoon 2 as always.
Looking forward to Mario Maker.
What? It looks great on switch. I'm pretty sure the motion blur isn't as intense as other ports too.
>have doax3 on vita
Don't bother then. I hadn't played one since the PSP game and I hadn't made a purchase with my dick this month yet so I'm happy. Then again I'm the kind of person who would sit around playing Sexy Beach 3 for hours without laying a finger on my dick as I tan the girls in different ways and try on every last swimsuit/accessories combination.
Blaster Master is definetly the best of those. Owlboy is boring style over substance and Iconoclasts is almost nothing but door puzzles and useless upgrades with a terrible webcomic tier plot.
>Blaster Master
The first one is one of my favourite games of all time, the second is pretty great too. Play em. Pretty sure the first has a demo on the switch too.
I've admittedly heard mixed things but I'm a sucker for good pixelart. What about dandara?
That's a bummer. I don't think I read that in any of the reviews, which is why I thought about getting it
It’s literally cheaper to just take a plane ride to America
Buy it then smuggle it back into your own country
It’s a bitch in a half but fuck customs
Don't know anything about that one. As for Iconoclasts again I just also wanted to say I was super hyped for it years back when I played the demo and was extremely disappointed in it.
I got mine day 1
Gotta get it fixed though
I have the PS4 and Switch ports and honestly I have no clue what he means by the camera being fucked.
I'm surprised you guys make more than $300/year at all.
Should I start playing through the Blaster Master Zero games or the Gunvolt games next?
Touch screen makes it the best version in handheld imo
>What are you playing right now?
>What are you planning to get next?
Moero Chronicle H
>Want Okami, Mega Man 11 and Katamari
>unsure whether to get them digitally for cheaper or import them
Well, it's still Okami, it is playable, but the camera goes to shit on so many instances that it might give you an aneurysm. I know I was just about done and ready to drop the game after a while of that shit.
what bideo gams shud I pley
Is the caligula effect worth checking out? All the descriptions I've heard of it have been some variety of "good but flawed", but not a lot of clarification of what exactly the flaws are.
Fucked in the sense that it just seems to do whatever it wants to do on the smaller places and on some fights to where you have to CONSTANTLY correct it manually and it'll still not work properly
>imported Okami
>took two fucking months to get it
download donkey kong tropical freeze already!
Hollow Knight
Depends what you're in the mood for, Gunvolt 1 is probably shorter than the others which are probably about the same length if that helps you decide. They're all fucking excellent though.
Oh, fuck user, did you get the special edition from Japan?
If you did could you post pics? It was so adorable and it killed me that I couldn't buy it
A bit of a stretch to ask, but did anyone buy Nuclear Throne for the Switch? That's one of my favorite indies and I'd love to have it on my own Switch. Just wanted to know if it was a good port.
I did get the special edition but sorry guy, I don't have it on me.
You guys are a pretty cool bunch, Don't ever change!
>Cuphead next month
Ori is coming, right bros? Right?
i personally loved the game, but don't get it on switch. it's a shit port with serious framerate, resolution and graphical issues and it's nearly unplayable in handheld mode. get the pc or ps4 version instead.
>Bought Switch but soon after quit my job and became a shut-in
>it's now a Smash machine since I can't afford anything new
sucks, bros.
Oh no I’m an American and I make about 42,000 after taxes
(I just filed my taxes and was surprised I make that much)
I just like listening to all walks of life because I love traveling internationally
Yep. Halo MCC too apparently according to zell
This, is there a way to buy cards at market value than an upcharge?
but you STILL didn't explain what the flaws were
Are you the austist always kicking my shit in?
Playing Kingdom Battle right now and it is fantastic. I heard it was like the Xcom series? Maybe I'll give that a shot too.
I think I'll get the VR Labo kit next. Seems interesting. Not too fond of Yoshi so I'll skip it
>Halo 3 mutiplayer on switch
I don't know if I buy all that but damn, would that be something.
What are some switch games that a bored 24 yr old night receptionist find fun?
I usually just bring a laptop or study but feel like treating myself to a switch
Who am I going to have to sue at Capcom to get them to port Apollo Justice to Switch?
They already ported the Trilogy, give me Polly's game for fuck sake
I'm sorry if I am user.
My man, I felt like the only Apollo fan on here.
No proof, no case
Fuck you Godot
Go cry about your dead fucking waifu
>night receptionist
Sounds like a nice gig, I wouldn't mind a job like that for a while.
Did they ever fix that issue with 3rd party docks bricking switches? Not that i'd own one but it hasnt been mentioned since it started happening
what kind of games do you like?
Its incredibly nice and quiet but it feels fruitless and your body feels like shit, trying to manage the sleep schedule is 99% of the job
Right now I'm in that bad place of too tired to do anything but browse Yea Forums with Jerma in the background, and it's only 3am, relief doesn't arrive until 7
But yes it really is a perfect job for a lonesome loser, saving up for pic related atm
>joycon sticks started drifting
>compressed air only works temporarily, if ever
>DOOM gets janky but then Smash and Warframe work perfectly fine
I don't understand.
Is the Switch port of Rain World playable?
Loved hollow knight on pc, pokemon, dwarf fortress, cataclysmdda, not enjoying baba is you because I'm kind of not smart
Don't step to me with that shit
I'm not the one who's in a love triangle between their forgotten sibling and a yellow monkey
If you get the chance, you should trying Valkyria Chronicles too, which is also pretty great
I'm not posting a pic of my switch, too much effort
I'm thinking of buying some labo kits, might go for it if they are cheap, the VR kit looks nice too.
I had this happen on my pair of launch joycon, made playing Splatoon 2 very frustrating.
I just ended up buying a new pair, but at least now I have some sick neon pink/green joycon.
Im getting mario maker 2 and cuphead.
I'm also looking to get a second switch dock. Are there any third-party docks that work like the one that comes with the system?
not for nothing but it's really wallet wrenching to pay that much for a first-party dock
Weren't there cases of third party docks bricking the system?
>dark souls's audio quality was gutted so it could fit on a 4 GB cartridge
Fucking bamco, at least put out a high quality audio dlc. I thought it wouldn't be that bad, but I can't enjoy this
Pretty excellent
yes hence concern
It's also been what more than two years since the switch launched shouldn't there be a reliable 3rd party dock now
i can literally buy 5 switch from a 1 month salary where do you live wtf
So a multiplat game means it doesn't exist, no one can play it, and thus it isn't a game you can play?
What games would you like ported to Switch?
I really want the Arkham games
It's all that's keeping me from pulling the trigger. I thought people were exaggerating as per fucking usual but looking at some footage, it's bad. It's real bad.
Anyone else cautiously optimistic for this? I loved Woolly World, but with how this game’s turning out with completion being a slog and music not being as good as the previous entry, I’m worried it will turn out worse.
Please Nintendo, I don’t want this to be like New Island.
it really is. it could have been the definitive edition because it keeps the original's artstyle but alas, bamco was in charge. damn shame the PC version doesn't have mods to revert back to the original's artstyle.
i only mentioned how bad the switch port is because you were asking about it in a switch thread.
other than the quality of the switch port, the biggest flaw with caligula is that the much-hyped "trauma quests" with the hundreds of npc students you can recruit is actually a tedious, repetitive grind. it adds nothing to the game and suffers from copy-pasted dialogue and even translation errors. however, you can still beat the game without even touching that feature.
the other major flaw is that it makes a poor first impression by putting the most boring dungeon in the game at the very beginning. compare that to persona 5, which starts off strong with the kamoshida arc.
that being said, it's still a really good and severely underrated game.
I wish Good Feel ported WW to Switch so they could work on something else instead
its lierally a game for children, calm down
Are there any stealth games I should check out?
I was hella bored and tried some random games. Didn't like any of them but surprisingly one stuck: Chocobo Mystery dungeon. The new every buddy one.
It's actually pretty nice. I love all the FFVIII OST remixes. The dated graphics are pretty charming too.
>Post pics of your switch
>The image you are trying to post contains an embedded file.
It doesn't but okay.
My autism makes me mad I'm unable to have as clean of a desk as some other anons. Someday I'll probably just spend 10+ hours perfecting my cable management.
Also, bought a pro controller today, will give it a go later, after I'm done drawing commissions, see if there's any difference in Splatoon etc.
i'm playing chocobo right now too and i'm ashamed to say that the leviathan boss is whooping my ass consistently. i think i might just be underleveled though.
i think im almost to the end of ff9. Then gonna get back to baba puzzles and nuclear throne runs.
March has been a real good month for the switch
yep, past yoshu title was good
and I hope nintendo wouldn't fuck up the amazing month that has been march
Whatever you do, don't buy Let's Go. Anyway, here's some quality smaller games. I'm picky as fuck with indies and the like so you can trust me that these are quality.
>Sonic Mania
>Graceful Explosion Machine
>Specter Knight
>Okami HD
>Rayman Legends
>Ace Attorney trilogy is coming in April
>Tales of Vesperia
Bigger stuff I recommend.
>Breath of the Wild
>DK: Tropical Freeze
I haven't even gotten to the boss of the water dungeon yet, I've been having too much fun treasure hunting and optimizing my equipment
>encounter a den of monsters
>destroy them all and collect mass amounts of loot
>motherfucking TREASURE TALONS
I just started last night and spent my morning waking up all the towns people, so I haven't gotten to that boss yet.
I'm glad to hear you're getting your ass whooped though. Guess that means there will be more challenge along the way.
I got my pro controller just to have a second controller, but I've actually started using it recently, it's pretty nice just having my switch on the stand and using it sometimes. Seperated joy cons are still the best.
>half of the top selling eshop exclusive games in my country have physical versions in other countries
im pretty much going to spend 40 hours on a plane next week, any game recommendations? I only have the basics of switch games, Smash, Xenoblade 2, stuff like that. thinking of getting nuclear throne and minecraft anything else I should be getting?
i haven't gotten anything that good from any dens of monsters.
Judging by the pace Sega AGES is going at, we should be getting these by 2025.
>1,597 tabs open
>razer mouse
>frog badge
>smash keychain
>wacom tablet being operated by an entire fucking switch console
jesus christ
Will Mini Switch be small enough to fit in pocket?
Seeing that DS probably will be dead when it comes.
Am I supposed to be selling that one bejeweled accessory? There aren't any stat changes or descriptions for it.
I hope you never use those retarded excercising machines
Yeah it's purely for selling as far as I can tell
Mark of the Ninja
When does Undertale get good? I'm about an hour in and found the skull guy and kinda bored.
Hopefully I can find time to get BlasterMaster Zero2
Runs pretty well. It’s beyond cliche, but rougelikes are perfection on Switch
Nice. I was too scared to sell it. Thanks.
I randomly played Undertale last month and it was lowkey one of the greatest experiences of my life. Then a friend told me about Deltarune and I was even more hyped. I liked it straight from the beginning. If you're not enjoying it, you shouldn't force yourself.
>Dunno, i got 30 games total and I cant bring myself to play any of them
It’s the shittiest feeling in the world. I’m one of the insane people who carries a bag every day so I always have access to my Switch with a fuck ton of physical and digital games, yet I’ll often scroll through my library and not feel like playing anything
what sum top tier weeb shit
Anyone play Magic Scroll Tactics or Marenian Tavern Story
yoshi games lately are all artstyle no challenge games for little children
and that's fine because I have an 8 year old who is not good at video games and throws her controller down if she is not winning at any point
I hope she drops his attitude when it comes to putting her for Little League/spoiler]
Had the same issue, then I ended up purging everything except the handful of games that I really liked. Feels good.
Do you guys prefer digital or physical on Switch?
As a teacher in an elementary school, they do grow out of it. I feel like most kids get like that. It's annoying.
I took the digital pill for Switch and haven't looked back.
Having your entire library on the console at any given moment and not having to deal with the tiny carts is great.
Sure you can't display them on a shelf but nobody really cares about how many games you have so there's no reason to show off.
>Nazi frog forced meme post
Into the trash it goes
Using best girl in DOAX3 Since Mila isn't in it, kinda bullshit they put the HD rumble feature at level fucking 20. Also do you ever get to zoom in closer to the girls for photos? A lot of the relax scenes seem kinda distant.
Physical, I got a 400gb SD card and even though I'm buying everything physical when possible, I'm already down to 100gbs.
>dead cells
His washer and dryer are in his kitchen, his carpet, walls and curtains look like they're from the 80's, his curtains and furniture look like he got it from the salvation army. This guy probably lives in a cheap ass apartment or a trailer, he's definitely poor. The funny thing is that he buy useless junk like VR despite living in poverty.
I actually have about 15 tabs open, since I like to listen to stuff while drawing. Razer mouse is some mouse I got myself for cheap, same with the keyboard, and since I don't play much on PC, it wasn't like I cared at all - are razor mouses that bad?
Oh yeah, and nice of you to see the frog badge - it's not pepe per se, it's a bit of a smaller inside meme in my group, of a shitty drawing from 2+ years ago, my gf made some pins with it
I wish Yoshi games had good soundtracks still instead of this boring ass flute toot shit.
She can't even handle Mario Kart on easy mode where the game drives itself. Not being first and she gets all huffy and QUITS.
sometimes she even starts crying and we have to stop playing Mario Kart. It doesn't even matter if I let her win
I'm probably going to get Kirby star allies and coax her into more difficult games over time
Can only get so close before it starts getting jagged.
I'm upset we still haven't heard anything about Gain Ground and Alex Kidd.
>buying DOA on a handheld
Why don't you just get the PSVR or PC version?
Wow, there should be an option to just turn shadows off, wouldn't look that bad then.
wait wait wait
gekido is on fucking switch!?!?
how is lumines on switch? did they add any new shit to it? i heard the load times were pretty painful. gimme a rundown, broseph.
I ordered Yoshi purely because my neice saw it on the TV and said she wanted to so she can play it on my Switch. After trying the demo and seeing one Yoshi can ride another its going to be perfect when it gets too hard I can do the jump bits
I have a ps4 but my roommate uses it too and I'd rather not explain why the dashboard looks the way it does. My PC is trash.
Wizard of Legend
Not that user but I fucking love it. Load times are undeniably atrocious the first time you play it and pick your avatar, but after that, the only spotty load on start up. It runs smooth otherwise.
Here's a screenshot of the photo I tried to upload btw
Yeah... some kids arent competitive and need those smooth entry level kind of games. Id get yoshi but of the 2 demos we replay kirby more so thats what i'm getting. Yoshi will be down the line.
I would consider importing this, but both the fact they don't go full topless and it's full of micro transaction shit is a real deal breaker.
If you can insult my dick, or my wallet, just not both.
It just looks grainy like you are zooming in from across a room. are you a obese fuck and too lazy to get up?
The full game isn't exactly microtransaction-filled, it's just a grind to obtain a lot of the swimsuits and extra items. The real money cash shop doesn't even fully alleviate that grind, it's just for idiots.
Looks like a picture from 2007, but there's a Switch there.
It's amazing you managed to upload a photo from the 90s, but make it look like a Switch is there
The fact they included it still annoys me. But the fact it's all barbie dolls is the main reason I refuse to get it unless it's a bargain bin price.
Hell in an alternate reality, if the original games had nudity, I'd have defected to Microsoft.
Yes, bought it on sale for 5 bucks.
I mean, I only jerk it to Honoka so I got the free edition and just bought a few outfits for her that I use with PSVR. I don't really know why you would get this game if you didn't have VR.
I was physical until I was playing with my friends and we went to switch from smash to mario cart and everyone else was instantly ready and I had to stop switch carts, put carts in cases. ect.
any improvements or anything?
Pretty much what said
Having Lumines 1 and 2 on PSP I miss the number of licensed tracks those offered, but the game is the same.
There is a 2 player battle mode.
I still love it.
>I miss the number of licensed tracks those offered
Give me back Heavenly Star, damn it.
I need mods or custom models to get off to it. Asses on chests are not my cup of tea.
Currently playing everspace to death. fun game if you liked freespace 2
Added the original anime-ish cutscenes, very few options like original/remastered sounds and graphic options like antialiasing, tv modes and scaling.
Has a relic hunter mode.
most big games i like physical, but got a big sd card for when smash came out and i've been really enjoying digital stuff.
its great for stuff that i want to play often and in small bits. So whenever animal crossing comes out i'll be able to play for like an hour or so every day
Will I like chocobo mystery dungeon if I like Pokemon mystery dungeon?
recently did this also, backlog is finally gone between my ps4/switch
Shit, is it worse than the PS3 then?
just finished playing smite, now just listening to XC2 music in the background. going to finish up BOTW once I move and then play FFX for the first time. very pumped.
You're not fooling anyone bro. Everyone on the planet is tired of your genuinely pathetic attempts at humblebragging in battle station threads and now you're doing this shit in completely unrelated threads? The only thing you have that's poor is your mental health and the only cure is a bullet to your frontal lobe.
How's XC2 handheld, I heard it had issues but I also heard someone say that got patched.
Also FFX is real nice, have fun dude.
Depends on the game. Indie titles - digital. First party games or titles I can get cheaper by buying a used cartridge - physical. I don't mind changing cartridges and like having a physical collection. YMMV.
yes. now that it has the buddy system, it's really similar to pmd.
the only performance stuff I'll complain about are that sometimes (and very rarely) it starts to chug when a dozen effects pop off in combat. and yeah sure it looks a little jagged when the camera is pulled back but i do enjoy the settings enough to not really mind.
So definitely very playable?
>indie pixel trash
Big yikes.
This is from January and outdated, but don't feel like making another image yet. I'll post the new games in a bit.
oh for sure!
Imagine dismissing one of the best puzzle games to come out recently due to "muh graphixs"
Been playing alot of smash bros, but want to get back on mhgu got burned on the series after playing world and mhgu to much
Imagine wasting money on flavor of the month trash.
Cool, I wanted to get to it someday but what I'd heard made it sound like I'd definitely want to be playing docked but I use it handheld a lot more, it'll still be a while before I get to it but that's more encouraging if I can play handheld.
OH WAIT ITS A TRY GET A A RANK WITH A USELESS CHARACTER MISSION, I take that back, Hyrule warriors is fun, only when it lets you have your freedom of character choice.
I need to shoot something and have no network for Splatoon.
Rico ok?
Turok can't be worth 19$...
What doooooooo!?
Get DOOM, it's a good rooty tooty shooty
Why did you quote me?
how is fitness boxing? i played a bit of the demo but dont want to drop 50 bucks on it if i can help it
I hope Cuphead runs fine. I figure it will since my ancient computer has little to no trouble with it.
Shikhondo - Soul Eater
Battle Chef Brigade
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
RXN - Raijin
Super Meat Boy
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
Dimension Drive
Disgaea 1 Complete
The Lair Princess and the Blind Prince
Snipperclips Plus
Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX
Save Me Mr. Tako
Antiquia Lost
Asdivine Hearts
DAEMON X MACHINA Prototype Missions
NEKO Para Vol 1
Romancing SaGa 2
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae
Blaster Master Zero 2
Chocobo'S Mystery Dungeon EVERY BUDDY!
I only played the demo as well, hated the dub (and I'm pretty lenient with dubs) and I stick mainly to handheld mode so it wasn't a good fit for me.
I'm gonna get FF7 when it releases on the switch. I'm playing through 6 as my first and so far I'm loving it. Hopefully I can beat it before it's launch.
How hard was it to swap the joy cons OP? I stripped 2 screws on the side rails when I changed my backplate. Nintendo used really cheap metal for the screws and I was rushing.
Currently playing Let's Go Evee and BOTW. Not planning on getting anything else right now, but that could change on a whim. I need to play these games and finish up some games in my 3DS library. If I get anything else it'll probably be Shining Resonance, Monster Hunter, or Xenoblade.
Damn, nice collection. What's the one at the bottom next to fitness boxing?
Playing Bayo 1 before 2.
Waiting for Super Robot Wars T to arrive at my home soonish.
Implosion, an eShop game.
im hoping it goes on sale at some point then.
I wouldn't mind having it for a little wake up warm up
How big is your SD card?
400GB, I'll need to upgrade soon since I've already burned through 300GBs, It makes me pine for the WiiWare days when devs had to keep their games below a certain size as opposed to today where it can be as bloated as they want.
>tfw you buy bayonetta 2 in korea and it doesnt come with bayo1 download code because there is literally no such thing as korean eshop
hahaha holy shit
I got WarGroove today thanks to my bf so I'll play that soonish. I've been meaning to play Starlink since I bought the Arwing starter pack like a week ago since it was $25. Just having the Arwing toy is cool, though!
Also been wondering if Rhythm Boxing is a nice entry-level fitness thing, like a wii fit game for Switch. is it? worth it?
>there is literally no such thing as korean eshop
If that's your switch and you still use it. Put scotch tape over it to keep the marker from slowly rubbing off.
And here I thought I was set with a 128gb one. I hope I don't buy as many games as you in the future.
>that shit splattered over the front cover
Clean that you slob.
I'll be honest, I just abuse sales like no other and a lot of the western games screw you by having you download a lot of the game. (Rockstar did the biggest middle finger by forcing you to download 13GB for LA Noire even with the cart.)
And some just have crazy bloat (The Senran Kagura Reflexions game is 7.3GBs)
Yeah it's mine. I got a dockable clear case, but without thinking I got one tinted black so it's actually kinda hard to see the writing. But just knowing its there makes me happy
doesn't exist, dude. a lot of people think korea is like japan because its so high tech and stuff, but console stuff is only a recent thing there. its the total opposite of most places: console players are the niche, the specialty, and all the casuals use pc to play fps and mobas.
not him but i only have a 64gb card (+the default internal, obviously) and ive still got like 40gb spare. i mostly buy physical, though.
No, I believed you, just fucking weird that it doesn't exist.
yeah, its pretty weird, but i guess the market just isnt there for it to be deemed profitable. they only just recently implemented korean language system language and there's still no option for korean input.
i was pretty bummed out when i got home and opened the case and realized there was no bayo1 code. the game cost me 97,000 won, as well, which is a veritable fuckload of money.
Are there any rumors about a "New" Switch on the horizon? Planning to get one for Splatoon and eventually Pokemon but if they'll release an updated ver then Id rather wait.
The fuck. Isn't there a Nintendo of Korea?
Or was I imagining that
Also anyone want a free nso 7 day trial from the Splatoon 2 event?
have a comfy evening broes. i'll be hanging out playing some wargroove
Oof, that is a lot, that sucks. I guess there just isn't the market as you said.
Zero. Even if they do you could always trade it in or sell it on eBay
Tell your bf to buy me Hollow Knight.
>All the people who mentioned Baba Is You
Thanks so much. Just pirated it and my gf loves it, as do I. Very clever game.
Gonna be playing this together all weekend. Wish I could buy it though but can't get online with the switch. Are there physical versions?
Has anyone gotten Earthlock? The demo was okay, but I want some input from people who played through it.
My general rule on indie games is that if the art looks like some faggot tumblr shit I don't touch it
That game looks like some faggot tumblr shit
Thanks, will be getting a switch soon then.
Are running alcohol wipes safe to clean joycons and switch with?
>if the art looks like some faggot tumblr shit I don't touch it
i have the exact same rule. i've enjoyed plenty of indie games, but if the characters look like they do in celeste, i dont even consider it.
Are you the same guy who's been around for the past decade? If so, hello again!
>What are you playing right now?
Smash Ultimate
>What are you planning to get next?
Dragon’s Dogma port
Yep...don't post nearly as often though.
I enjoy how shitch threads are 99% anons going "please tell me what to play I spent so much money on this piece of shit and now it just gathers dust. I'll still defent it with my life tho".
But they don't suffer from stuffy red nose.
The important part is the smug sense of superiority gained from hating something you haven't played, don't ruin it.
Still looks hella gay though my dude
Sell me on MHGU, I'm a world fag and got a lot of hours out of that but GU just looks like a clear step back but with a ton of monsters. What are some of the most FUN weapon/styles?
>taking my time to explore every nook and cranny
>only got to the horse guy
>already 3.5 hours have gone by
This seems too long for just the first boss
is anyone else planning on playing thru all the final fantasy ports that are coming this month and next?
Its gonna be a wild time.
I really wish they would add VIII into the mix
A lot of the 'quality of life' things you get will be gone and most monsters will bust your balls into paste if you think you can do even a 10th of the bullshit you do in World.
Only get it if you're a man.
I'm waiting for a sale on IX and VII just because I've already bought them multiple times but I'll definitely be jumping on the XII release.
its gonna be fun playing XII for the first time in like 12 years. Gonna get crazy into gambit optimizing
Currently playing Yoku's Island Express. It's okay but I'm a bit loss on what to do now. I have two of the three dudes I'm supposed to fetch and got the black balls for the dude on the snow peak and he told me something about using a leash I had already found but I mashed through his text and now I don't know where to go. I'm still missing the skill that let me do something with the purple flowers.
No point to get a Switch since I have a big Vita/psp backlog to finish. Maybe in 2-3 years I'll check out the switch.
vinyl skins or joycon shell swap? if a swap was it hard?
If we can't get a sequel, I'd at least want a Kid Icarus Uprising port, if only to revive the online.
Downloaded PSO2 with an account I set to Japan but I keep lagging out in the menu. Anyone have any luck playing PSO2 in the states?
>It just looks grainy like you are zooming in from across a room
>are you a obese fuck and too lazy to get up?
I am one of those, yes.
Why the heck aren't there more and better joycon color options? I'd snap up some white ones like in OP's pic in a heartbeat
this isn't even half my library
and all of this is stored natively on a 400gb sd card, only labo has the cartridges
How's Diablo 3 on the Switch?
Lil nigward man
Monster Boy is one of the best games released this decade but of course Yea Forums is sleeping on it...
>challenge? difficulty levels?
>sorry I don't have time to beat games I'm busy hunting for my collection
I've been seeing people shill Baba Is You recently and I will admit the concept seems pretty interesting. Is it actually fun, or did I get baited by viral marketing? And is it one of those indie games that you complete in an hour or two and never play again?
it's smooth.
60fps of mindless, no skill required, item farming.
Whether it's fun or not depends on your enjoyment of logic puzzles and pushing block puzzles. At the very least there's 200+ levels and I got 30 hours out of it.
I have Bayonetta 2, DKC: TF, Smash, Mario Kart, Mario Odyssey, Sonic Mania, Kirby & Tetris. What else should I get? I'm not interested in 3rd party stuff, and i'm not interested in Zelda/Splatoon because I hate exploration/shooters
Post discord
the sad part is that you're actually correct
i got a fair amount of games on my system like skyrim, doom and yooka-laylee that i haven't even touched yet
you make them. shells sold on aliexpress and amazon.
joy the crowd, my dude.
what does it feel like when your dad looks at you with utter shame and disgust
What are some good Japan only releases or games that only got a physical release there? I know Langrisser remake will release soon and that Mega Man 11 and the X collection have physical Japan releases. Anything else of note that is already out or that will be available in the next months?
Can't say anything about the former game as I haven't played it but HK isn't worth more than that.
fuck right off
Should I bother with MK8 if I already 100%'d MK7 and I don't have any local friends? I feel like it'd just be more of the same.
Yeah, Mario Karts are all pretty much interchangeable, except maybe for Double Dash. MK8 features a few good new gimmicks linked to the gravity shifts and has great tracks but at the end of the day it's still Mario Kart and if you're burned out on 7 I'd advise waiting a while before getting 8. It's got pretty good online modes if you're into that, though myself I mostly just play it in couch co-op with my 10 years old nephew
>Discount the Splat2 and Splat2 bundled with a year's online
>don't discount the Splat2 bundled with Octo expansion
okay guys, I got a switch. Got Odyssey and Super Mario Bros to play with the gf, but now I need a good solo game.
Was considering doing either LA Noire or Gris. Is Wolfenstein good on switch ? I also like VN
aaand my nofapstreak is gone
I'll recommend it on every platform Ys is available on. So please, play Ys VIII.
Thinking of getting back to Mighty Gunvolt Burst even though it's been rendered obsolete by MM11. Are any of the DLC characters in particular fun to play? I think I only got the Gal Gun character and there's seven of them.
Does anyone know if I can ask for a refund for eshop games in EU? I bought Morphies Law but it has 0 online players
What are the best joycons color and why is it yellow?
Playin snake pass, pretty cute game, with some collectables that are catchy to get. Next hollow knight and bloodstained
>LA Noire
Oh god no, do yourself a faver and don't pay for that game, it's not too bad but it's one of the most dissapointing experiences I ever had, maybe I just expected too much from it.
Fuck, forgot pic
Any stardew valley tips ?
Dont buy LA Noire. Even the physical copy needs like an additional 20GB download.
>not owning a D-pad switch
Absolutely disgusting.
I have friends so keeping the default joycon is fine with me. I should probably pick up Hori's d-pad joycon though for personal use.
playing Doom on nightmare
planning on picking up Super Mario Maker 2, if the physical version of cuphead doesn't come out sooner.
[Banned from online in my Path]
Inb4 "i-i-i don't even care" kek
Does anyone use his switch as a music player? I tried pPlay and Retroarch music but I'm too birdbrained to get it to work. The douches at /hbg/ didn't help.
okay, why didn't my image post before?
Phoenix Wright Trilogy. Gonna install these joycon shells but waiting for tools to arrive from China.
>buy weeb version
>play in English
Absolutely disgusting. The pony joycons aren't much better.
their really great, used them to grind the tiger tiger minigame in XB2 and made all the difference.
My nigger, i just got one of these because my nes30 pro 1 was starting to crap out. I like the old nes print better though.
This one works amazingly with my switch, surface and phone, it's pretty much the only controller i ever need.
I rarely use it over the joycons though desu.
How is Diablo on the Switch?
Got thousands of hours on PC and would love to play it on the go but the ability controls and the menus look awful
Celeste is fantastic and totally doesn't look like faggot tumblr shit though. Not like that one you're referring to anyway.
Bros what do i do if my left joycon is not very responsive and the input is delayed? It made playing games like Hollow Knight impossible.
Be caureful taking out the joycon screws, haven't done it myself but they use really soft metal apparently, and after a couple of times they get completely fucked.
>>Be caureful taking out the joycon screws
Only the ones on the back are shit, and the main reason they're "shit" is because 99% of people use the wrong bit for them, or a bit that's far too soft. I made my own by matching the true profile and carving down a triwing to match with a file, and I had no issues with stripping. My shell came with replacement phillips screws for the back, too, which was great.
Should buy salt and sanctuary? Yes or no?
I don't know, all the weapons are kinda fun. But some styles work for some weapon and not for others. For instance, I can't get used to the new trick of having a big clumsy guard point on Lance's shield when using Adept, so prefer Guild style with Lance. But Adept hammer > Guild hammer. Just need to experiment.
The thing I think World people would have difficulty with is armor skills/deco/charm system as it completely changed in World.
>playing right now
Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon.
Legit comfy.
>planning to get next
Super Robot Wars T and Atelier Lulua on its way. Should arrive by the time I'm finished with Chocobo.
I don't have my Switch at the moment, but is it true that FF9 is available on the eShop?
I hope the inevitable Blaster Master Zero II dlc uses the different tanks and gives them different abilities.
I had forgotten how bullshit getting the lewd costumes on characters can be. Luckily I'm pretty sure I can savescum with the cloud data.
Pierre is closed on wednesday's.
Go mining on rainy days.
Get those community center rewards they'll help you move on.
Use the stardew valley wiki.
>What are you playing right now?
Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon since my copy arrived earlier than expected.
>What are you planning to get next?
Going by games with confirmed release dates, Cuphead, Our World is Ended, Kotodama, Atelier Lulua, maybe Yoshi's Crafted World depending on people's impressions. I also consider double dipping on Ys VIII because I loved playing it on my Vita.
Currently have Chocobo's Dungeon, Dark Souls sorcery run and Baba Is You on the go. Next games i'm getting are FFVII, X/X-2, XII and Cuphead. Next big game i'm waiting on is Astral Chain, i guess? I like the idea of Mario Maker, but i rarely played it in Wii U, and i'm torn on Fire Emblem. Also, waiting on my boy Joker to drop in Smash.
Valor Gunlance
>quick reload + guard point
>can fill valor gauge stupidly fast
>quick reload 2, 3, or 4 shells at once in valor mode
>rapid fire shells in valor with accumulating power
>rocket dash skill to fly across the area and slap the monster
>slapping the monster also got you a mount
send it to Nintendo if your warranty is not expired.
Yes, go to fucking Japan idiot.
>baaaawwww why won't someone do me a favor and sell this shit without any markup whatsoever
I bought Phantasy Star 1 on Switch today. It's one of those series I've been looking to get into since forever so this seems like a good time to do so.
Also bought Tangledeep. I have heard good things about it and that it has tons of content.
Honestly considering buying the VR kit because of how dumb it looks. I can only imagine the heart attack my roommate would have if he bummed into next at night while wearing pix related
Hold off on starting Tangledeep until the 1.3 patch is up or risk your save getting corrupted. Shouldn't be too long.
>What are you playing right now?
Baba is You and Tales of Vesperia
>What are you planning to get next?
I already have a bunch of unopened games, but I really want to try Yooka-Lailee, Moonlighter and Wandersong. Also, Boxboy comes out next month.
Did you get SRW on eshop? Or physical? Do you recommend it?
clearly it's physical man. use your eyes.
>What are you playing right now?
>What are you planning to get next?
Fire Emblem. Since I don't buy multiplats on Switch, they're cheaper on PC.
Interesting. I'm unironically curious about what makes BMZ your favorite game of all time. I just beat it a few hours ago and while fun it seemed unpolished in places. A few hours into the sequel seems to be an improvement in everyway
There is no physical English version faggot
>What are you playing right now?
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle. The only thing I need to do is finish Ultimate Challenge #4
>What are you planning to get next?
I have no idea, but I'll find something.
>all the buyfags itt
>not unlocking the true power of the switch
>What are you playing right now?
Mostly Splatoon 2. Due to the current demo it's nice to have some scrubs playing again and not only freaks with several thousand hours of playtime.
>What are you planning to get next?
I don't know yet if I get Yoshi, but I definitely will buy Super Mario Maker 2.
Are you playing online?
Blaster Master Zero 2 is unironically great, just completed it
Enjoy missing out on Splatoon 2 and Super Mario Maker 2 my dude
I'm not hacking my Switch until I can get a spare one for online games
Animal Crossing Switch when?
December 2019, but we'll get to see it during this year's Nintendo Treehouse Live in a few months is my guess
Nope, don't even want to tbqh. Never liked online games, mostly because I get salty when I lose against turboautists with 10x my skill because they get paid to play shit 12 hours a day on twitch or yt.
I heard Splatoon 2 is still fun in single player. I will pirate it soon. As for Mario Maker, I had it on Wii U, it was fun at first but then every level devolved into one of these memes
>0.001% kaizo shit
>"don't move and let me show you how I spent 20 hours being autistic as fuck" level
>random shit: the level
>simply epin youtuber bait troll level
>Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon
Nice. I'm buying that next.
It's like 19 cents and if you buy games regularly you get a few cents gold to buy it for free anyways
>Nope, don't even want to tbqh.
Okay. I might hack mine, but not before it's 100% certain I won't get banned for playing online with my legit copies.
>I heard Splatoon 2 is still fun in single player.
Oh it is, more specifically the Octo Expansion if you can get that. But online is where the real meat of the game lies, I can't imagine playing without it.
And the true fun of Super Mario Maker 2 is making and sharing your own levels, I guess you could still do that locally, but you'll miss out on the Yea Forums level sharing threads.
>"I-I-I don't even c-c-care about online"
Hahahahahaha. Implying you don't wish you could jump onto Tetris 99 or Smash. Hahahaha
With the Chinese paid custom firmware you can play your legit copies online 100% safe.
Do you faggots really always find the need to do this shit? It's not even funny anymore.
I'm a homo and I don't do this. Stop seeking attention and go outside.
Why do gays hate trannies?
Switch without online play LOL
Has anyone tried chocobo mystery dungeon? How’s the co op aspect?
I for one don't like playing online. It's so artificial, also I may be a casual but I actually hate losing, especially if the guy is tourneyfag tier and rapes my shit or if he uses some cheap trick I can't counter. I end up just getting salty as fuck and it ruins my day, so I just avoid playing online completely. The only game I played online was TLOU on the PS3, and even then it was mostly because I played with my bro most of the time (I have 2 PS3s). I can play Smash or MK or other multiplayer games locally with my siblings.
So yeah, I really, really don't give two shits about online. I never even connected my switch to wifi once so I'm technically not banned if I ever want to stop pirating (not likely).
>Pokemon quest
How about some Disney tsum tsums for your ULTRA CASUAL TASTES you filthy pleb just kidding, why not try Wizard of Legend?
It's really good, but I just fired up co-op mode to try it out for this post and it replaces the music in dungeons with an annoying song for some dumb reason. But otherwise it seems viable, player 2 can move around freely and attack once per turn, turns don't count until player 1 either moves or attacks.
What the fuck the normal music is great I don't understand why they'd override the music for that.
>Razer mouse
it's a corsair mouse but ok
Probably because more guys want to fuck trannies instead of gays, even though you are still gay if you fuck trannies.
>What are you playing right now?
Smash, hollow knight, botw
>What are you planning to get next?
Castle crashers, smm2, lethal league, windjammers 2, cuphead, astral chain, pokemon sword, bayo 3, animal crossing, daemon x machina
Everyone hates trannies, they're the equivalent of furries if furries had tens of millions of dollars n backing from various organizations.
just beat SteamWorld Dig 1+2. both amazing. also got Heist but not as into it. difficulty is super uneven.
Baba Is You. holy shit. also trying to 100% DKC-TF and eventually get all the endings in HK.
FFXII-ZA. so glad I waited for it to come on switch. probably Cuphead too.
>hoping will be good
that pinball-inspired game: Creature in the Well (?). also hope Red Lantern is fun; mostly just looking for a comfy game about dogs to play with my gf
playing super mario nes games but not really i'm playing sekiro
excited for yoshi
I just picked up Blster Master zero 2.
I wanna hack my switch I've never read into it much I bought off craigslist has a low serial. Where do I look for the best guide? I already bought a second switch so I am comfortable not ever using it online again
Havent touched it in 3-4 weeks. Been playing Sekiro, dmc5 etc
imagine the smell
Seriously why does this piece of shit not have GC / N64 emulation. Literally the only thing holding it back from achieving greatness.
Mario Odyssey
Mario odyssey
Mario odyssey
Sintani goku
Fuckin based I'm gonna pick that up now
How is the single player?
I fucking love the demo but my internet is unstable so Im not buying a game i'll be able to play 40% of the time
>>How is the single player?
It's alright, I mostly play online, though. People told me the singleplayer add-on is absolutely worth it, so I bought it, but haven't played it yet. If I'm not wrong, the add-on is also quite a bit longer than the original singleplayer mode.
When does Castle Crashers come out lads?
Playing NES shit on the NSO app
Some of them are surprisingly addicting. Tecmo bowl was fun with a friend, and I'm having fun with ninja gaiden, excitebike and balloon fight
Tloz is shit though, no clue why it's so revered when it doesn't hold up nearly as well as stuff like Mario bros
>Tloz is shit though
I agree, Link to the Past is when Zelda became good. NES is some cryptic bullshit. Which I'm sure was fun at the time, when it was your only NES game and you didn't have the internet and had to rely on schoolyard rumors, but nowadays it's just too dated.
Haven't touched it in a while, I bought games for it when in Hong Kong but haven't had time to play them, too busy finishing P4G on my Vita TV and then Muramasa Rebirth, before I delve into Sekiro.
2018 was a fucking horrible year for the Switch, aside from Smash and Bayo 1+2 (didn't own a Wii U which helps), but the second half of 2019 looks promising.
>Astral Chain
>Daemon X Machina
Don't care for Pokemon, looks lazy as fuck, but I've never played an Animal Crossing so I'm really looking forward to it. Looks very comfy.
2019 is a fucking great year for idorts.
Why the fuck is Deemo and Voez £30 or some shit holy fuck, I can get them cheaper on my phone
So far the only games I have for my Switch are Travis, Gal Metal and Smash. I spend most time playing Tetris99 as I've completed Travis. Daemon Ex Machina when
Link's Awakening
how much could they improve with a new switch?
Is that really necessary, Paddy?
t. your big brother
>paying for online
imagine being this cucked
I just want Pikmin 4
Or Mario Galaxy 3
>not showing zetai ryuko
I'm going to rape your feet you fucking fag
It used to be possible at
I remember buying 5000 yen cards for 5000 yen.
But last I checked they disappeared.
Then I wanted to buy download codes for games on there directly, but they seem to be region locked now too and I can't buy them with my credit card.
Really sucks.
sauce on the gril in your background
Can't you just register a japanese nintendo account and buy straight from eshop?
No they only accept japanese credit cards, same on the PS store.
It worked on my imported 3ds though, because that was still region locked they didn't check the credit card location back then.
Buying japanese eshop gift cards wouldn't work?
Any tips on cleaning joycons? I spilled pineapplenjuice on my right controller and the buttons became mushy. Alcohol fixed the issue for the most part, but the joystick is still very stiff.
What do?
Switch is such a boring console so far if you've owned a Wii U and a PC for indies.
Hoping Animal Crossing gives me something to do besides replaying Metal Gear Solid and Gradius V.
That's the only way it works, but they are usually overpriced.
Did you even read who I was replying to initially?
The whole thing was about how to get them for marketvalue, which was possible for some time.
g2a has 1500yen cards for $15
Not sure if you can go lower than that
You people are all fucking retards.
Switch eshop lets you swap regions.
You DO NOT need a "japanese eshop account", you simply change your primary account region from the website, buy what you want, then change it back.
It will stay on your account and be redownloadable no matter what region you say you're currently in.
Literally just use paypal on your primary switch account and you can buy all the japanese content you want.
Can you also preload a game, switch your region to Australia and play it earlier?
Wait what? Can you just use a money code on the EU and make that money effectively usable on the US or South Africa, for example?
Yeah, but the game's seriously overpriced, 21 bucks.
haven't tried that but probably.
Basically if you add something from another region to your account, the title is permanently attached to that account and appears on your local eshop after that.
Part of the reason for this is because a lot of games have an ID that's the same for all regions, with the games shipping multilingually and then defaulting to the language of the switch console when you boot it.
There are a few exceptions, for example Splatoon 2 has different IDs for regions because that's how they divide the regions up for online play.
So if you buy American Splatoon 2 you won't have Japanese Splatoon 2.
But most are completely fine, for example you can get Ace Attorney Trilogy before the wider release and play it in English and it will be identical to the versions released later.
tl,dr Switch eshop is not PSN where you need a secondary account for the other region.
If you don't believe me, switch to Japan and download nico nico for free.
Then delete it and change your region to Australia or whatever.
You will be able to redownload nico nico from now on regardless.
I don't believe so.
When you change regions I'm pretty sure you lose the currency.
This is why you shouldn't use gift cards, literally just use paypal.
If it doesn't accept your region's paypal, make a fake japanese paypal and add your bank card to it.
It will just work with no left over funds.
Ah I see, I tried paypal before but it wouldn't accept it either unless it's in Japan.
Didn't know you can make fake paypal accounts without them catching wind of it.
fake paypals are very easy to make and work great.
I have an Australian, United States and Japanese paypal.
I use them for things outside of Switch and never had an issue.
If you do not trust a fake paypal with your real bank card you can even send paypal credit as a "gift" to your fake paypal.
Sending money this way usually doesn't incur fees, but I think you might have to pay $1 or so since it's classified as an international transaction.
Still, better than buying gift cards at a premium off G2A or whatever.
>have an extra pair of joycons fully charged
>leave them unused for several weeks
>finally use them and it says the batteries are low
someone explain
Literally having no other choice is more cucked. You're straight up denied.
only trannies get banned from online.
Chink-chads continue to spread goatse through Luigi's Balloon world.
Thanks I'll try that next time.
Is there any reason to play Warframe on switch over PC?
yes, 12fps handheld "comfy"
seriously if you play warframe on the switch you're going to be disappointed
>See people with custom joycons in this thread
>Nintendo STILL hasn't released a cheaper version without any of the bells and whistles, or ANY other colors.
What the actual fuck, bros?
dumb weeb
>See people with custom joycons in this thread
>Nintendo STILL hasn't released a cheaper version without any of the bells and whistles, or ANY other colors.
What the actual fuck, bros?
Castle Crashers when?
>nip eShop no longer accepts my leaf credit card
>try to make a jap paypal, but it doesn't accept my leaf credit card
I just want ace attorney man. What's a brainlet to do?
Playing Tales of Vesperia. Currently caught in what seems to be Sidequest-Hell just before going to Tarqaron(?) where I guess I'll confront Duke. Hope to finish it this weekend.
Looking forward to Grandia eventually, and CTR.
They just said "summer"
That's how all batteries ever made work. Voltage leaks, just at different rates based on the casing and internal medium.
I have a career, car, my own place, and a girlfriend and comfy is just a buzzword for casual boring games that have no sustenance.