This board is actually mentally ill. All I'm seeing is either console war threads or pointless shill battles between Epic, Steam and Google. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
This board is actually mentally ill...
>What the fuck is wrong with you people?
autism and underagedness
we're frens desu
most popular board on nu-Yea Forums
Sonyfags and PCfags.
This is a pretty reasonable post, especially the console wars part. Console wars must be the dumbest thing ever.
its usually better when there's a pol bait thread or two.
It really is, I would love to have a Nintendo, Xbox, Metroid, or Halo thread without Sonyfags and PCfags always shitting it up.
Halo lore threads are usually pretty comfy.
.As dumb as console war are, I actually understand it. Idiots are trying to justify their purchase. Epic vs Steam is just plainly retarded, you can still play all the games, you can pirate 95% of the games
fuck off, your part of the problem dipshits.
Nintendofags and Xboxfags aren't innocent either. All 4 fanboy groups are annoying.
this board needs to lose like 70% of its userbase, we need stricter rules and moderators, permaban shitposters and hope that they are too retarded to avoid or have no means to do so
But i thought moderation and non-shitposting was for reddit. we 4channers value breaking away from the hivemind.
Nintendo fans and Xbox fans only invade threads when Sonyfags and PCfags shit up their threads for no reason because they want this place to be only PC and PlayStation.
They're the lesser evil of the 4.
watering this website down to fit retards is for reddit, nice try gookmoot
I can't wrap my head around people being so pissed that they will need to execute a different .exe , especially when this new
.exe is bringing new niche games from console to the platform
feel you, in the same situation as you OP
everyone on here is actually retarded fucking autists
everyone on here try to find a how to make crystals guide online and follow it, fucking faggot niggers
You're only pretending to hate console wars when you're trying to bait PCfags and Sonyfags into an argument so you can shill for Xbox and Nintendo. Like I said, you're part of the problem.
I'm not pretending shit you guys invade Nintendo and Xbox threads all the time which is why you're hated.
>Nintendo fans and Xbox fans only invade threads when Sonyfags and PCfags shit up their threads for no reason because they want this place to be only PC and PlayStation.
Sony game threads always get invaded no matter what. Cute attempt to justify invading Sony threads for flamewar purposes.
You guys are fucking stupid. The Valve vs Epic thing is just a meme, we're pretending to give a shit just to have some fun
The IQ levels on Yea Forums have really dropped as of late
There are retards on both sides boyo
No there aren't.
>one thread
>mentally ill
>Nintendo fans and Xbox fans only invade threads when Sonyfags and PCfags shit up their threads
Don't try and drag down Pcfags. It's only ever been sonyfags that invade the threads of others.
Console bros its time to unite
Right they're really just on the snoy side
now sit
Not all the time, most of the time it's endless shilling. Nintendo and Xbox threads are invaded nonstop.
It's called fun.
This really, i know Yea Forums suffers from autism but this is plain underage behavior. Don't you people like videogames? Then why the fucking console war faggotry? You are supposed to like Vidya in general
i'd like to have a sony thread without SNOY SNOY SNOY HAHA LE SNOY MOVIE GAMES, NO GAEMS *posts gay pride parade webm for the 300th time* SNOY!!!
it would also be nice to be able to criticize any nintendo game without the same response.
most people here will commit suicide when their parents die, ignore them; currently enjoying vidya while making a 400k salary
new to Internet, kid?
Because the only way to get discussion in this shit board is to make the exact same kind of bait threads you're bitching about, OP. Prove me wrong.
get back into your collar SNOY
what have I said about escaping your cage?
i'm an idort, retard. "snoy" has become a lazy crutch that people use as a substitute for an argument. it's the text equivalent of a wojak edit.
why are you here
bad snoy!
dont be disobedient!
>i'd like to have a sony thread without SNOY SNOY SNOY HAHA LE SNOY MOVIE GAMES, NO GAEMS *posts gay pride parade webm for the 300th time* SNOY
They happen all the time. The problem is you faggots think everything that isn't undying praise for the newest game is shitposting and blame it on some kind of boogeyman.
We can't even talk about older GoW or MJ games without you retards going "ASSMAD YOU HAVE NO GAMES HAHAHAHA" and posting a Wojak.
MH even
sony fans really are the bottom of the barrel
if they weren't so trigger happy and attacking PC, nintendo, and Xbone fans, they would probably get a little more respect from Yea Forums
but instead they are already considered the worst fanbase on Yea Forums
>They happen all the time.
It's like people are talking about video games or something.
they have no games to play
the movies are not games
pressing triangle is not playing a game
so they shitpost all day
Case in point.
What's going to be the name this time?
gotcha snoy boy ^.^
now follow me and go to your cage (˃ᆺ˂)
/pol/tards come here only to shitpost ironically, that's why this place is such a cesspool. They don't even play vidyia.
I have a one x and a switch that i enjoy gaming on. But any thread or posts thats not pro sony immediately gets shit on. Snoyggers shit up xbox and nintendo threads all the time and need to be banned. I dont post to much anymore, just search the catalog to see if a game i like is being talked about, lurk a bit, maybe a post or two, and then go back to playing
3rd worlders trying to justify their purchase. Idort masterrace members are above that nonsense.
Boomer here, I remember console wars between N64/PSX on fucking AOL messageboards, nevermind the whole Nintendo vs. Sega saga.
The console wars look especially retarded to me, especially since I'm old enough where I can afford more than one console + games. So in the end I think that's why we see so much of it here: kids with too little money and too much free time. I just don't know why they don't spend more of that free time actually playing what little games they have.
Honestly we should separate all the consoles to their own boards. Sony, nintendo and I guess pc and xbox can have the same board.
Ridiculous idea, for one that would only cause more shitposting on the Nintendo and PC boards.
based and redpilled