Uh oh Yea Forums! Joker is headed to your location and is about to romance you!
The last Vidya character you played is going to try to stop him, how does it turn out?
Uh oh Yea Forums! Joker is headed to your location and is about to romance you!
The last Vidya character you played is going to try to stop him, how does it turn out?
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I’m good
But he's already stolen my heart.
Can we just like go to a fun fair instead of them fighting?
Joker's gonna stop Joker?
Dante would annihilate Joker-sama
Good thing he is a fucking faggot and can't romance men then.
why contain it
Why would I stop him?
Last character I played was D.Va so he'll just romance her instead.
>last game I played was Persona 5.
Dear lord. There's two of them now!
Joker is Stop
>stop him
I would let him ravage me all night.
Majima? What an stylish fight.
>Halo CE SPv3
So Master Chief then.
Either Joker's gonna get a metal green fist up his ass or Chief dies from debuff abuse.
she's doomed. a dork like her has no defense at all against something like Joker's chadwaves. she'll be romanced in less than a minute, my only hope is her being tsundere about it buying me enough time to escape.
>Tetris 99
I’m interested in seeing this
Thank god im sa
>realize I played as hitomi in doa6
Hayate gets cucked, maybe he’ll forget about me while motorboating her
The Joker!?
Gamers...IT'S TIME TO RISE UP!!!
>My pilot from Titanfall 2
If any generic multiplayer grunt could do it, he could.
>Match has to end with him in first and you in second for him to succeed.
>Match is also rigged against you.
guess jokers not gonna be looking cool much longer
>attempts to use curse attacks
>gets a super shotgun shoved up his ass
>Joker summons Arsene
First mistake. Last mistake.
>one dagger and one gun vs two gun daggers
His head is getting punched off.
>The last Vidya character you played is going to try to stop him
>been playing Persona 5 all day.
oh no
Monolith from stalker, I don't think that Joker could tank a gauss rifle to the face.
What would the Joker wish to the Wish Granter, though?
I don't
I'd say Joker's pretty screwed
I'd ask Jensen to stand down though
for the world to be free from corruption or someshit?
it will probably end with 2 jokers fucking each other
>My arisen
He's gonna be kidnapped by the dragon
HA cuck
Just like these Smash fanfics!
It's gonna end in lewd sex isn't it?
Does my playermodel in Garry's Mod truly count as a "character"?
I think I'm good.
>Kaiser Karl I of Austria
I have no fucking idea.
I think i'm good