Who is your favorite game developer?

Who is your favorite game developer?

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It was Ken Levine until Infinite. Now, is Lucas Pope.


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What does this guy expect? Does he think that the billions of dollars raked in by the millions of copies sold is just going to be refunded because he tweeted this screenshot?

I thought Notch was an SJW? Did something change?

Yoshiaki Koizumi

Commies just shoot up senate baseball games.
Just because Commies are bad at killing people doesn't mean they don't try!

Notch is the only one who kept his soul

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He's been based for a while.

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I used to think notch was a faggot for shilling his bad game on here but I gotta say this is based and epic

You can tell he’s extremely unhappy and lonely irl, I kind of feel bad

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>why not punch someone oin the far right


You know, now that I think about it I can't name a single atrocity committed by Communists. Can you think of one, Yea Forums?

Guy lives in his mansion all alone whining on the internet, guy is living the commie dream

i hope one day I have enough money to dunk on all the woke twitter retards without having to worry about losing my job

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and yet unlike you he's a billionaire, how extremely unhappy and lonely are you?

east timor

the thot he married literally divorced him 1 year after marriage and took half his shit thanks to sjw european law. then abunch of trannies tried to cyber bully him into being their sugar daddy and he told them to rightly fuck off. Notch went from vtard to redditorfag to richsjw to stillprettyrichcuckhold to a pissed off based doomer.

Based and, dare I say, redpilled.

Tim Schafer

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tfw no cute trannies to sugardaddy

As much bullshit as this nigga spews Peter Molonuex

she divorced him at the wrong moment, what a retard.

she got a few thousand maybe a hundo thousand tops, if she waited she would have reaped a solid billion.

Four Pest Campaign (and by extension the entirety of the Great Leap Forward)


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>gets charged day after he's done being president

It depends. Does it count if the victims were all insectoids?

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i enjoy watching notch crucify greedy little tranies

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why don't you start reading at the beginning of the Bolshevik Revolution and work your way through USSR's history in WW2

there really should be an abridged version of the Gulag Archipelago made for low attention span autists

they won't care about him anymore.

it isn't about justice, its about obstruction, he's an outsider to the Dem's and Repub's and he must be destroyed.


I don't know much about developers so most of my opinions probably come from the games they've worked on.

Shinji Mikami is godlike entirely because of Ace Attorney (though he was just a producer) but God Hand and RE were obviously also incredible.

Iwata iswas great too if all the stories I've heard about him are true. He also seems like a genuinely nice guy.

I like Sakurai, Nomura, and Kojima because of how much love they clearly put into their work, and I appreciate Kamiya for his passion even if he's not quite on the same level as the above 3.

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This stupid investigation was "concluding" for months now. Nothing ever happened.

are you fucking serious dude?
Slavs would probably give you free dental checkups for saying that.

Guy is literally your typical Yea Forums poster. One that is a billionnaire. No wonder fags here like him.


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commies are executing millions of people and harvesting their organs
who exactly is shooting mosques and synagogues though

Based fucking Notch holy shit

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this is retarded on Prey's part, Notch my be a one hit wonder, but his "one hit" was a cultural phenomena that blew AAA games out of the water in terms of impact/success.

I don't even like it anymore cause I'm not a sperg and its no longer interesting on a survival/exploration level anymore, but come on, to deny how important it was is retarded.

>They can't even touch him because he has fuck you money.

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Reminder that notch could have bought Yea Forums and make it the only website free of trannies in the entire internet, yet he chose not to. He isn't based, bros.

Is this person foreign? Empathy is noun (ie: a 'thing') but it sure as fuck isn't an object.

>Fuck off. Holy shit. Fuck you.

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Why do trannies think their shitty little fuckfest projects are "indie games"?

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>Notch makes a popular game and gets rich as fuck
>Sells the game to not have to deal with it anymore
>Still rich as fuck, but all alone
>No lover, no friends, no children
>No attention
>Starts saying "redpilled" shit on twitter for attention
>Not even anything groundbreaking, just obvious shit like "communism bad"
It might be entertaining, but I feel bad for him. Attention is the only thing money can't buy.

even better is that it takes him 4 minutes to decide he wants money

He doesn't owe us anything after how we treated him.


Jesus, that's one hell of a roast

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He might, he's an actual, honest to goodnest commie. His twitter is full of fellow communist kiddies posting guillotine gifs

It's like take the wrong corridor at school and ending up in the downs department.

Turns out he doesn't want to subsidize millions of foreigners

Fuck that last one got me good

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t. Dunked on mad tranny


(that's Zoe Quinn)

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Wow Notch is so based said the brainlet

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T-this billionnaire must be totally miserable!

Quiet, nigger.

Holy shit based block man

>Attention is the only thing money can't buy.
It absolutely can.

People totally missed the point of that punch a commie tweet that he made, didn't they?

He was one hit because he didnt need another. How many indies have got more than one hit anyway?

He should run for president

>Money can't buy attention
What the fuck am I reading?

He made the most reddit game of all time, he knows he deserved all the shit he got.

"tech & science"

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I don't know who Q is but everyone should be at least skeptical of journalists.

Edmund is my favourite, he's the real deal and in it for the right reasons. Although Notch shitposting on twitter is pretty great aswell

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Wow what a perfect summary.

No joke, I'll be amazed if he hasn't killed himself within the next couple decades. He has legitimate depression and isn't treating it.

>Don't you hate those nightmares where you can barely move and monsters are chasing you and it turns out you're recording for polygon
Oh god

Oh shit, the fire started up again? They've shut down the schools over there all week, some people will be getting a three week Spring Break lel.

Who here has "They gave niggers the right to vote" from way back.

Someone is a bit triggered here. Hit a little too close to home huh?

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Pick one

Notch please buy 4channel


I mean he literally is a poster from Yea Forums did you guys forget already?


based and redpilled

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Can't wait for a bunch of tangential crimes like ''lying to FBI'' then a big wet sloppy crying party from the resistance when nothing actually bad happened. Leftards have been hyping it up for years, and they'll be stuck with nothing in a few days

Where does Notch live? If he's in california he can get arrested for that

>Trying to spin becoming a successful billionaire as a negative cause notch won't fund your "game"
Fuck off, tranny.

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Sounds scientific enough for me.

seething tranny

t. Hiro

>Make one badly programmed game in Java that is just a stolen idea
>Retire at 30 and never have to work again because of royalties from the game
>Spend all your time being miserable on twitter

Notch is a great example of how success should not be earned


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Absolutely based

He's just back to his old self before being rich. He went sjw to try and fit in with his peers, got mad lonely cause these peers were insufferable cunts (probally even more so if he didnt agree with them on a lot) and went back to what he used to do. Does he post about being sad and lonely anymore?

If I was a billionaire, i wouldnt give a flying fuck about anything either

And just because somebody has a blue check doesnt mean their opinion is worth a SHIT, Rob, fuck off

Drunk and Danmakupilled.

>success should not be earned

Cope, tranny.

t. commie

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>Let me tell you about how the white race is dying...

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>when you're so rich that no leftie jew can affect your livelyhood

truly living the dream.

they created communism

>Insult someone and then demand free money from them

Fucking genius, this also goes to show that the only power these people have (social pressure) is completely impotent to the self-made

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Quiet, nigger.

he has fuck you amounts of money and doesn't care what anyone thinks about him.
kind of like how most of us would act if we didn't face the looming prospect of losing our wagie cagie and being further socially ostracized over some dumb shit we said on the kid tested, mother approved normie internet

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Why would a retired billionaire live in a shithole like California?


And they can't even #metoo him. They'd have to dig some pedo post made decades ago, if he ever made one.

I mean Notch anonymously still posts here. At least he doesn't tripfag, the guy is just returning to his shitposting roots.

That dumbfuck redditard summed it up niceley
Remember FLAOT? I remember.

Fuck I love notch.

It's amazing that all these years later this guy is seriously the embodiment of Yea Forums

Notch doesn't even exist. I've never seen him in spite of how fat he is and any photograph could be a good photoshop. Even most of his name is just 'not' as a clue to his true state of being.

>this also goes to show that the only power these people have (social pressure) is completely impotent to the self-made
Holy shit there are actually well-spoken people on here.

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Gotta love fictional narratives from people opposing the views on the one they talk about

just to flex on people like jay-z and beyonce

Why did Notch delete that tweet?

china starved millions because they thought it was a good idea to kill some birds

so you can only say that brainlet?

im actually one of those early pre-orderers from Yea Forums, around 10 years ago now (holy shit) and can confirm this is pretty much how it went down

>communists organise street gangs, bash innocent civilians and vandalise communities
>wErE tHe GoOd GuYs