ITT unsung legends of gaming

ITT unsung legends of gaming

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there's a difference between a nignog and a respectable black gent

learn the difference before you badly meme newfag

Unironically yes, that is what I am saying

Why do we only get one month? Don't we deserve more than that?

I would like to know what genius used the word "nigger" for the first time in Xbox Live, back in the day

You're dumb. user wasn't shitting on Jerry, he's shitting on the potential reactions from dumb black people that post pics like this saying

This mean that digital games are racist toward blacks?

Us Arabs don't even get a history month

we wuz gamers

>one month
>shortest one

>this enrages the wh*tebois

Wasn't this confirmed false and that it wasn't just him but a small team of people that he wasn't even in charge of?

Just like fatherhood

> Around 2003, Lawson started having complications from diabetes, losing the use of one leg and sight from one eye.[5] On April 9, 2011, about one month after being honored by the IGDA, he died of complications from diabetes.

Niggas love their diabetes

Bill Gates

is black history month every month in murrica?


Where is Hispanic history month?

Glad I went all digital with the Switch :^)

RISE UP an shiet


>a nigger invented something stupid as cartridges

actually that checks out.

prime example of a black man


>there's a difference between a nignog and a respectable black gent


you'll learn kid

Contrarianism is unironically the biggest cancer in modern society

They have to make some history first :^)

It isn't.







No really, carts were fucking stupid.

You can combine it with black history month considering how you enslaved the fuckers for hundreds of years.

WTF I love digital games now!!!???

> he's shitting on the potential reactions from dumb black people that post pics like this saying
No one acts like this you dumb Cracker. It's exclusively /pol/ speak outside of the conspiracy theorists who spawned the meme.


How old are you? Did you think technology didn't start somewhere? You think what we have now came out of thin air? You fucking stupid kids

Hispanics are white.

Spanish maybe, southamericans no way jose

Every attempt to build their own culture or even educate themselves was stamped out for decades

Whites realized how awful an idea that was and are now trying to correct it, but it's simply too late. Black culture is now built around being lazy and uneducated because that's all black people were allowed to be for a longass time

You did the meme wrong

I know right? I FUCKING LOVE science!

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>Every attempt to build their own culture or even educate themselves was stamped out for decades

Guess nothing they did was very good then huh

>Whites realized how awful an idea that was and are now trying to correct it

lmao why? They were practicing human sacrifice.

It's like you people don't even think. You're like living spambots

why are you getting so mad pops?

Black people near completely dominated the mainstream entertainment sphere, funnily enough. Most current music is mostly inspired by Black music, and most sports teams are largely Black. Movies and TV have less black presence though.

African Americans can clearly shine and go high, but they're still too busy struggling with where they came from to get where they need to go. The resurgence of flat out racism becoming close to mainstream is not helping matters.

Yea Forums hasnt changed a bit since 9 years

>Guess nothing they did was very good then huh
They were stamped out because southern whites wanted to keep blacks poor so they could essentially act as serfs, and you can't rule over someone smarter or more accomplished than you

That's pretty rad, we're talking merely one year after the floppy disc had been invented. So proprietary hardware made exclusively to transport games is almost as old as mobile data storage period.

If it wasn't for video games, who knows if computers had ever really taken off


You will never be white, Paco.

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So did blacks though. Whites didn't go hunting in African jungles for their slaves like it says in cartoons, they bought slaves from rich African kingdoms. If anything whites just abolished slavery, but hey lets make whites take all the blame for all the slavery in all of history.



>9 years
Newfag leave

He died not too long ago didn't he?
I remember seeing the story on Yea Forums


was referring to US arabs, but okay.

US arabs haven't had anything done to them to deserve a month, and if you did you probably deserved it.

did this actually happen or is it fake news

fake and gay

he worked on the Fairchild Channel F which came out in 1976

the Magnavox Odyssey came out in 1972 and it used cartridges

Attached: magnavox_odyssey_cart-7.jpg (407x254, 17K)

Imagine the amount of söy that had to be consumed to make this comment.

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I thought you were talking about beaners, but same thing. Niggers were easily brought to heel for a reason.

get outside and take a look at the fucking world you shut-in


you can steal it any time you want

Didn't those all come with the machine though?
The cartridges he designed allowed for an expandable library of games.
I believe the Magnavox cards were kind of a halfways solution that didn't really contain any executable code, they simple activated different compartments in the console. Most of the game was in physical components, like the overlays.

No, a lot of the games were sold separately. The light gun + light gun games notably didn't come with the system.

The Channel F was the first to use ROM carts, but not the first to use carts in general

Attached: odyssey-shooting-gallery.jpg (1023x592, 165K)

He's right in that the FCF was the first rom based console, while the odyssey had circuit based carts.

i like how you have your strawmen ready even before anyone has even said anything

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Ralph Baer argues that he came up with the idea for "active carts" and might have had a case to sue everyone who used ROM carts but Magnavox wasn't interested in his idea and didn't patent it.

Attached: baer.png (752x1506, 322K)

I mean I can appreciate a well crafted joke even if it's racist but shouting something offensive in all caps just aint funny, man.

In the real world actual racism and bigotry is called out. Sorry if it's not like your cringey altright safe spaces :)