Chance to announce new games

>Epic uses conference to announce tons of exclusives
>Steam uses conference to... hype up its shitty new UI that isn't games.

And Steam drones defend this?

Attached: steam ui.jpg (860x831, 168K)

I'll bite. I'm not a fan of the new UI, but you know the "exclusives" are timed, right? So epic didn't really have anything in the long run.

they changed the library ui so it doesn't show gaming news anymore because all of them are shitting on valve and promoting epic.

Mirrors edge catalyst isn't on steam. What is this image?

Lol if true

So isn't Halo
oh wait it will be soon
I wonder what Mirrors Edge Catalyst is doing there then
Couldn't possibly be that its going to be released on Steam soon
just think for a moment man

ok steamdrone

>Epic conference gives advertising to the games they bought out that will only be on their shitty store that looks, runs and is navigated like shit
>Steam conference shows their attempts at improving the store interface, their actual role as a company, being a fucking store

Changing the store interface isn't inherently improving it - they've gone through several changes at this point and I don't see how this new one is better

get triggered you brain damaged retard

You're the only one who sounds triggered

Valve doesn't have to use their conference to announce games. Other companies take care of it.

This is the attitude killing Steam right now

GDC is not about customers, it's about investors and developers.
Epic reason to show games in the conference was to gain trust from other developers in an effort to draw them into the platform.
Valve shows the new UI to show they're working on improving discoverability and customer satisfaction.

It's probably an example that you can add non-steam games to the grid and set a thumbnail and shit

nothing is "killing steam" right now what are you on about

but it says in that section "your completed games -achievements earned".

>warframe's icon overshadows every other icon
What did steam mean by this?

Attached: 1471243706278.jpg (541x547, 42K)

this thread will be reposted at least 5 times word to word
i will proceed to quote this post then

Thank you for your contribution. We need you here at Yea Forums.

it says its the last game he played so it probably makes it bigger so if you want to play it again its easy to click on


Attached: space mom.gif (340x436, 3.58M)

>Epic uses conference to announce tons of exclusives
Nice, can't wait to pirate all of them. Based epic.

eh looks cool
hopefully they make it option to remove/hide or at least move the "widgets" around

Attached: 78935783.jpg (650x1172, 106K)

>steam already has thousands of games
>egs has like 3

Why would they replace an effective UI with that fucking awful mess?


Are they finally adding a way to hide the FUCKING USELESS VR CATEGORY

They are removing "gaming news" with anything.

>warframe just happened to be the game they used for their mock up
delet this

Attached: 1546070587119.jpg (1476x486, 263K)

I just want the steam client to be lightning responsive when opening and interacting with it.


Attached: 1552517617452.png (683x751, 136K)

Good point, not really hyped about EA games though

I don't understand what your trying to imply
his Steam is probably already updated to the new UI so he can test it out
he likes playing Warframe so he plays it a lot

I swear to god this better not make all my custom-made 460x215 game icon images from over the years useless.

Why does he have balloon boy's hat?

Attached: 16278436287.png (1280x1248, 1.14M)

>all the developers who aren't going to bother updating their game icons for the new UI
God it's going to look awful.

Honestly, they're just stores, not consoles. Go to the one with the best customer service and buy games there. Or go to the more convenient one. Whatever man. Not even PC is immune to console wars.

It's the best thing that Yea Forumsirgins can come up with to diss Epic games

>I don't understand what your trying to imply
So you say.